Data Sciences – Top 400 Open Datasets – Data Visualization – Data Analytics – Big Data – Data Lakes

What are some good datasets for Data Science and Machine Learning?

Data Sciences – Top 400 Open Datasets – Data Visualization – Data Analytics – Big Data – Data Lakes

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data, and apply knowledge and actionable insights from data across a broad range of application domains.

A dataset is a collection of data, usually presented in tabular form. Good datasets for Data Science and Machine Learning are typically those that are well-structured (easy to read and understand) and large enough to provide enough data points to train a model. The best datasets are often those that are open and freely available – such as the popular Iris dataset. However, there are also many commercial datasets available for purchase. In general, good datasets for Data Science and Machine Learning should be:

2023 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Practice Exams
2023 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Practice Exams
  • Well-structured
  • Large enough to provide enough data points
  • Open and freely available whenever possible

In this blog, we are going to provide popular open source and public data sets, data visualization, data analytics and data lakes.

Person climbing a staircase. Learn Data Science from Scratch: online program with 21 courses
AWS Data Analytics Specialty Practice Exam 2023
AWS Data Analytics Specialty Practice Exams

Population Distribution of the World by Continent

Population Distribution of the World by Continent
Population Distribution of the World by Continent


Fertility rates all over the world are steadily declining

Yes, fertility rates have been declining globally in recent decades. There are several factors that contribute to this trend, including increased access to education and employment opportunities for women, improved access to family planning and birth control, and changes in societal attitudes towards having children. However, the rate of decline varies significantly by country and region, with some countries experiencing more dramatic declines than others.


The most Daily Wikipedia Page Views in 2022

How Americans Spend Their Money by Generation

How Americans Spend Their Money by Generation
How Americans Spend Their Money by Generation


AWS Data Analytics Specialty Practice Exam 2023
AWS Data Analytics Specialty Practice Exams

Largest countries in the world (by area size)

Largest countries in the world (by area size)
Largest countries in the world (by area size)

The Highest Grossing Movies Of All Time

The Highest Grossing Movies Of All Time

We are still living mostly on gas, oil & coal – Global primary energy consumption by source (TWh)

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] We are still living mostly on gas, oil & coal - Global primary energy consumption by source (TWh)

Consumption vs production based CO2 emissions by country

Consumption vs production based CO2 emissions by country

Largest banks in the world by total assets

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Largest banks in the world by total assets

Inflation rate and nominal interest rate

Inflation rate and nominal interest rate
Inflation Rate 2022 – 2023 Inflation Reduction Act California Inflation Relief – Inflation Relief Checks

Police Killings per Capita v Homicide Rate per Capita for Select OECD Countries

r/dataisbeautiful - Police Killings per Capita v Homicide Rate per Capita for Select OECD Countries [OC]

Instagram Rich List 2022 – Which celebrity earns the most in the world in 2022?

Top human-caused threats to birds in the US

 Top human-caused threats to birds in the US
 Top human-caused threats to birds in the US

Trailblazing Scientists who Shaped our World

Trailblazing Scientists who Shaped our World
Trailblazing Scientists who Shaped our World

Suicide rate among countries with the highest Human Development Index

Percentage of Obesity in 2022

The United States is not the country with the highest obesity rates.
Percentage of Obesity in 2022


Tools: Datawrapper

3 largest global payment networks – measured by total payment volume each year ($B)

3 largest global payment networks - measured by total payment volume each year ($B)

Stocks Vs Bonds 2022

Most expensive football transfers

Most expensive football transfers

11 developing countries with higher life expectancy than the United States

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] 11 developing countries with higher life expectancy than the United States

Healthcare expenditure per capita vs life expectancy years

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Healthcare expenditure per capita vs life expectancy years

1.2% of adults own 47.8% of world’s wealth

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] 1.2% of adults own 47.8% of world's wealth

How to Mathematically Win at Rock  Paper  Scissors

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] How to Mathematically Win at Rock, Paper, Scissors

Researchers from IBM, MIT and Harvard Announced The Release Of DARPA “Common Sense AI” Dataset Along With Two Machine Learning Models At ICML 2021

Building machines that can make decisions based on common sense is no easy feat. A machine must be able to do more than merely find patterns in data; it also needs a way of interpreting the intentions and beliefs behind people’s choices.

At the 2021 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Researchers from IBM, MIT, and Harvard University have come together to release a DARPA “Common Sense AI” dataset for benchmarking AI intuition. They are also releasing two machine learning models that represent different approaches to the problem that relies on testing techniques psychologists use to study infants’ behavior to accelerate the development of AI exhibiting common sense. 

Source – Summary – Paper – IBM Blog

Largest healthcare services companies in the world

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Largest healthcare services companies in the world

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

Performance Of FAANG Stocks In 2022 (Apple, Amazon, Google, Meta, Netflix)

100 million protein structures Dataset by DeepMind

DeepMind creates ‘transformative’ map of human proteins drawn by AI. By the end of the year, DeepMind hopes to release predictions for 100 million protein structures, a dataset that will be “transformative for our understanding of how life works,

Here’s a good article about this topic

Google Dataset Search

Google Dataset Search

Malware traffic dataset

Comprises 1914081 records created from all malware traffic analysis .net PCAP files, from 2013 to 2021. The logs are generated using Suricata and Zeek.

Originator: ali_alwashali

2019 Crime statistics in the USA

Dataset with arrest in US by race and separate states. Download Excel here

Researchers from IBM, MIT and Harvard Announced The Release Of DARPA “Common Sense AI” Dataset Along With Two Machine Learning Models At ICML 2021

Building machines that can make decisions based on common sense is no easy feat. A machine must be able to do more than merely find patterns in data; it also needs a way of interpreting the intentions and beliefs behind people’s choices.

At the 2021 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Researchers from IBM, MIT, and Harvard University have come together to release a DARPA “Common Sense AI” dataset for benchmarking AI intuition. They are also releasing two machine learning models that represent different approaches to the problem that relies on testing techniques psychologists use to study infants’ behavior to accelerate the development of AI exhibiting common sense. 

Source – Summary – Paper – IBM Blog

100 million protein structures Dataset by DeepMind

DeepMind creates ‘transformative’ map of human proteins drawn by AI. By the end of the year, DeepMind hopes to release predictions for 100 million protein structures, a dataset that will be “transformative for our understanding of how life works,

Here’s a good article about this topic

Google Dataset Search

Google Dataset Search

Malware traffic dataset

Comprises 1914081 records created from all malware traffic analysis .net PCAP files, from 2013 to 2021. The logs are generated using Suricata and Zeek.

Originator: ali_alwashali

 CPOST dataset on suicide attacks over four decades

The University of Chicago Project on Security and Threats presents the updated and expanded Database on Suicide Attacks (DSAT), which now links to Uppsala Conflict Data Program data on armed conflicts and includes a new dataset measuring the alliance and rivalry relationships among militant groups with connections to suicide attack groups. Access it here.

Credit Card Dataset – Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) Combined Extract Data 1989-2019

 You can do a lot of aggregated analysis in a pretty straightforward way there.

Drone imagery with annotations for small object detection and tracking dataset

11 TB dataset of drone imagery with annotations for small object detection and tracking

Download and more information are available here

Dataset License: CDLA-Sharing-1.0

Helper scripts for accessing the dataset:

Dataset Exploration: Colab

NOAA High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Model

The HRRR is a NOAA real-time 3-km resolution, hourly updated, cloud-resolving, convection-allowing atmospheric model, initialized by 3km grids with 3km radar assimilation. Radar data is assimilated in the HRRR every 15 min over a 1-h period adding further detail to that provided by the hourly data assimilation from the 13km radar-enhanced Rapid Refresh.

When will computers replace humans?

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] When will computers replace humans?

Ace the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification Exam: Pass the Azure Fundamentals Exam with Ease

This chart is essentially measuring “How good is a human at a computers’ area of strength”.. meanwhile computers simply can not compete in human areas of strength.

The most popular car brands on Reddit

The most popular car brands on Reddit
The most popular car brands on Reddit

Fruit Efficient-C Analysis

Fruit Efficient-C Analysis
Fruit Efficient-C Analysis

Registry of Open Data on AWS

This registry exists to help people discover and share datasets that are available via AWS resources. Learn more about sharing data on AWS.

See all usage examples for datasets listed in this registry.

See datasets from Digital Earth AfricaFacebook Data for GoodNASA Space Act AgreementNIH STRIDESNOAA Big Data ProgramSpace Telescope Science Institute, and Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative.

Textbook Question Answering (TQA)

1,076 textbook lessons, 26,260 questions, 6229 images



Harmonized Cancer Datasets: Genomic Data Commons Data Portal

The GDC Data Portal is a robust data-driven platform that allows cancer
researchers and bioinformaticians to search and download cancer data for analysis.

Genomic Data Commons Data Portal
Genomic Data Commons Data Portal

The Cancer Genome Atlas

The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), a collaboration between the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), aims to generate comprehensive, multi-dimensional maps of the key genomic changes in major types and subtypes of cancer.

AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)

If you are looking for an all-in-one solution to help you prepare for the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam, look no further than this AWS Cloud Practitioner CCP CLF-C02 book

aws s3 ls s3://tcga-2-open/ --no-sign-request

Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments (TARGET)

The Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments (TARGET) program applies a comprehensive genomic approach to determine molecular changes that drive childhood cancers. The goal of the program is to use data to guide the development of effective, less toxic therapies. TARGET is organized into a collaborative network of disease-specific project teams.  TARGET projects provide comprehensive molecular characterization to determine the genetic changes that drive the initiation and progression of childhood cancers. The dataset contains open Clinical Supplement, Biospecimen Supplement, RNA-Seq Gene Expression Quantification, miRNA-Seq Isoform Expression Quantification, miRNA-Seq miRNA Expression Quantification data from Genomic Data Commons (GDC), and open data from GDC Legacy Archive. Access it here.

Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD)

The Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) is a resource developed by an international coalition of investigators that aggregates and harmonizes both exome and genome data from a wide range of large-scale human sequencing projects. The summary data provided here are released for the benefit of the wider scientific community without restriction on use. Downloads

SQuAD (Stanford Question Answering Dataset)

Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) is a reading comprehension dataset, consisting of questions posed by crowdworkers on a set of Wikipedia articles, where the answer to every question is a segment of text, or span, from the corresponding reading passage, or the question might be unanswerable. Access it here.

PubMed Diabetes Dataset

The Pubmed Diabetes dataset consists of 19717 scientific publications from PubMed database pertaining to diabetes classified into one of three classes. The citation network consists of 44338 links. Each publication in the dataset is described by a TF/IDF weighted word vector from a dictionary which consists of 500 unique words. The README file in the dataset provides more details.

Download Link

Drug-Target Interaction Dataset

This dataset contains interactions between drugs and targets collected from DrugBank, KEGG Drug, DCDB, and Matador. It was originally collected by Perlman et al. It contains 315 drugs, 250 targets, 1,306 drug-target interactions, 5 types of drug-drug similarities, and 3 types of target-target similarities. Drug-drug similarities include Chemical-based, Ligand-based, Expression-based, Side-effect-based, and Annotation-based similarities. Target-target similarities include Sequence-based, Protein-protein interaction network-based, and Gene Ontology-based similarities. The original task on the dataset is to predict new interactions between drugs and targets based on different types of similarities in the network. Download link

Pharmacogenomics Datasets

PharmGKB data and knowledge is available as downloads. It is often critical to check with their curators at before embarking on a large project using these data, to be sure that the files and data they make available are being interpreted correctly. PharmGKB generally does NOT need to be a co-author on such analyses; They just want to make sure that there is a correct understanding of our data before lots of resources are spent.

Pancreatic Cancer Organoid Profiling

The dataset contains open RNA-Seq Gene Expression Quantification data and controlled WGS/WXS/RNA-Seq Aligned Reads, WXS Annotated Somatic Mutation, WXS Raw Somatic Mutation, and RNA-Seq Splice Junction Quantification. Documentation

AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)

aws s3 ls s3://gdc-organoid-pancreatic-phs001611-2-open/ --no-sign-request

Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) Soil Chemistry

This dataset contains soil infrared spectral data and paired soil property reference measurements for georeferenced soil samples that were collected through the Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project, which lasted from 2009 through 2018. Documentation

AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)

aws s3 ls s3://afsis/ --no-sign-request

Dataset for Affective States in E-Environments

DAiSEE is the first multi-label video classification dataset comprising of 9068 video snippets captured from 112 users for recognizing the user affective states of boredom, confusion, engagement, and frustration “in the wild”. The dataset has four levels of labels namely – very low, low, high, and very high for each of the affective states, which are crowd annotated and correlated with a gold standard annotation created using a team of expert psychologists. Download it here.

NatureServe Explorer Dataset

NatureServe Explorer provides conservation status, taxonomy, distribution, and life history information for more than 95,000 plants and animals in the United States and Canada, and more than 10,000 vegetation communities and ecological systems in the Western Hemisphere.

The data available through NatureServe Explorer represents data managed in the NatureServe Central Databases. These databases are dynamic, being continually enhanced and refined through the input of hundreds of natural heritage program scientists and other collaborators. NatureServe Explorer is updated from these central databases to reflect information from new field surveys, the latest taxonomic treatments and other scientific publications, and new conservation status assessments. Explore Data here

Flight Records in the US

Airline On-Time Performance and Causes of Flight Delays – On_Time Data.

This database contains scheduled and actual departure and arrival times, reason of delay. reported by certified U.S. air carriers that account for at least one percent of domestic scheduled passenger revenues. The data is collected by the Office of Airline Information, Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). has data but you need to pay for a full dataset.

The anyflights package supplies a set of functions to generate air travel data (and data packages!) similar to nycflights13. With a user-defined year and airport, the anyflights function will grab data on:

  • flights: all flights that departed a given airport in a given year and month
  • weather: hourly meterological data for a given airport in a given year and month
  • airports: airport names, FAA codes, and locations
  • airlines: translation between two letter carrier (airline) codes and names
  • planes: construction information about each plane found in flights

Airline On-Time Statistics and Delay Causes

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) tracks the on-time performance of domestic flights operated by large air carriers. Summary information on the number of on-time, delayed, canceled and diverted flights appears in DOT’s monthly Air Travel Consumer Report, published about 30 days after the month’s end, as well as in summary tables posted on this website. BTS began collecting details on the causes of flight delays in June 2003. Summary statistics and raw data are made available to the public at the time the Air Travel Consumer Report is released. Access it here

Worldwide flight data

Open flights: As of January 2017, the OpenFlights Airports Database contains over 10,000 airports, train stations and ferry terminals spanning the globe

Download: airports.dat (Airports only, high quality)

Download: airports-extended.dat (Airports, train stations and ferry terminals, including user contributions)

Bureau of Transportation: seems to have a lot of good data for free. It has in-depth data on flights and doesn’t seem limited by date. I can’t speak on the validity of the data though. has lots of data, also historically, they might be willing to help you get it in a nice format.

2019 Crime statistics in the USA

Dataset with arrest in US by race and separate states. Download Excel here

Stack Exchange
Infographic: Where People Are Most Willing to Donate Blood  | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Researchers from IBM, MIT and Harvard Announced The Release Of DARPA “Common Sense AI” Dataset Along With Two Machine Learning Models At ICML 2021

Building machines that can make decisions based on common sense is no easy feat. A machine must be able to do more than merely find patterns in data; it also needs a way of interpreting the intentions and beliefs behind people’s choices.

At the 2021 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Researchers from IBM, MIT, and Harvard University have come together to release a DARPA “Common Sense AI” dataset for benchmarking AI intuition. They are also releasing two machine learning models that represent different approaches to the problem that relies on testing techniques psychologists use to study infants’ behavior to accelerate the development of AI exhibiting common sense. 

Source – Summary – Paper – IBM Blog

100 million protein structures Dataset by DeepMind

DeepMind creates ‘transformative’ map of human proteins drawn by AI. By the end of the year, DeepMind hopes to release predictions for 100 million protein structures, a dataset that will be “transformative for our understanding of how life works,

Here’s a good article about this topic

Google Dataset Search

Google Dataset Search

Malware traffic dataset

Comprises 1914081 records created from all malware traffic analysis .net PCAP files, from 2013 to 2021. The logs are generated using Suricata and Zeek.

Originator: ali_alwashali

Author: Here

 CPOST dataset on suicide attacks over four decades

The University of Chicago Project on Security and Threats presents the updated and expanded Database on Suicide Attacks (DSAT), which now links to Uppsala Conflict Data Program data on armed conflicts and includes a new dataset measuring the alliance and rivalry relationships among militant groups with connections to suicide attack groups. Access it here.

Credit Card Dataset – Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) Combined Extract Data 1989-2019

 You can do a lot of aggregated analysis in a pretty straightforward way there.

Drone imagery with annotations for small object detection and tracking dataset

11 TB dataset of drone imagery with annotations for small object detection and tracking

Download and more information are available here

Dataset License: CDLA-Sharing-1.0

Helper scripts for accessing the dataset:

Dataset Exploration: Colab

NOAA High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Model

The HRRR is a NOAA real-time 3-km resolution, hourly updated, cloud-resolving, convection-allowing atmospheric model, initialized by 3km grids with 3km radar assimilation. Radar data is assimilated in the HRRR every 15 min over a 1-h period adding further detail to that provided by the hourly data assimilation from the 13km radar-enhanced Rapid Refresh.

Registry of Open Data on AWS

This registry exists to help people discover and share datasets that are available via AWS resources. Learn more about sharing data on AWS.

See all usage examples for datasets listed in this registry.

See datasets from Digital Earth AfricaFacebook Data for GoodNASA Space Act AgreementNIH STRIDESNOAA Big Data ProgramSpace Telescope Science Institute, and Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative.

Textbook Question Answering (TQA)

1,076 textbook lessons, 26,260 questions, 6229 images



Harmonized Cancer Datasets: Genomic Data Commons Data Portal

The GDC Data Portal is a robust data-driven platform that allows cancer
researchers and bioinformaticians to search and download cancer data for analysis.

Genomic Data Commons Data Portal
Genomic Data Commons Data Portal

The Cancer Genome Atlas

The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), a collaboration between the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), aims to generate comprehensive, multi-dimensional maps of the key genomic changes in major types and subtypes of cancer.

AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)

aws s3 ls s3://tcga-2-open/ --no-sign-request

Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments (TARGET)

The Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments (TARGET) program applies a comprehensive genomic approach to determine molecular changes that drive childhood cancers. The goal of the program is to use data to guide the development of effective, less toxic therapies. TARGET is organized into a collaborative network of disease-specific project teams.  TARGET projects provide comprehensive molecular characterization to determine the genetic changes that drive the initiation and progression of childhood cancers. The dataset contains open Clinical Supplement, Biospecimen Supplement, RNA-Seq Gene Expression Quantification, miRNA-Seq Isoform Expression Quantification, miRNA-Seq miRNA Expression Quantification data from Genomic Data Commons (GDC), and open data from GDC Legacy Archive. Access it here.

Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD)

The Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) is a resource developed by an international coalition of investigators that aggregates and harmonizes both exome and genome data from a wide range of large-scale human sequencing projects. The summary data provided here are released for the benefit of the wider scientific community without restriction on use. Downloads

SQuAD (Stanford Question Answering Dataset)

Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) is a reading comprehension dataset, consisting of questions posed by crowdworkers on a set of Wikipedia articles, where the answer to every question is a segment of text, or span, from the corresponding reading passage, or the question might be unanswerable. Access it here.

PubMed Diabetes Dataset

The Pubmed Diabetes dataset consists of 19717 scientific publications from PubMed database pertaining to diabetes classified into one of three classes. The citation network consists of 44338 links. Each publication in the dataset is described by a TF/IDF weighted word vector from a dictionary which consists of 500 unique words. The README file in the dataset provides more details.

Download Link

Drug-Target Interaction Dataset

This dataset contains interactions between drugs and targets collected from DrugBank, KEGG Drug, DCDB, and Matador. It was originally collected by Perlman et al. It contains 315 drugs, 250 targets, 1,306 drug-target interactions, 5 types of drug-drug similarities, and 3 types of target-target similarities. Drug-drug similarities include Chemical-based, Ligand-based, Expression-based, Side-effect-based, and Annotation-based similarities. Target-target similarities include Sequence-based, Protein-protein interaction network-based, and Gene Ontology-based similarities. The original task on the dataset is to predict new interactions between drugs and targets based on different types of similarities in the network. Download link

Pharmacogenomics Datasets

PharmGKB data and knowledge is available as downloads. It is often critical to check with their curators at before embarking on a large project using these data, to be sure that the files and data they make available are being interpreted correctly. PharmGKB generally does NOT need to be a co-author on such analyses; They just want to make sure that there is a correct understanding of our data before lots of resources are spent.

Pancreatic Cancer Organoid Profiling

The dataset contains open RNA-Seq Gene Expression Quantification data and controlled WGS/WXS/RNA-Seq Aligned Reads, WXS Annotated Somatic Mutation, WXS Raw Somatic Mutation, and RNA-Seq Splice Junction Quantification. Documentation

AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)

aws s3 ls s3://gdc-organoid-pancreatic-phs001611-2-open/ --no-sign-request

Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) Soil Chemistry

This dataset contains soil infrared spectral data and paired soil property reference measurements for georeferenced soil samples that were collected through the Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project, which lasted from 2009 through 2018. Documentation

AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)

aws s3 ls s3://afsis/ --no-sign-request

Dataset for Affective States in E-Environments

DAiSEE is the first multi-label video classification dataset comprising of 9068 video snippets captured from 112 users for recognizing the user affective states of boredom, confusion, engagement, and frustration “in the wild”. The dataset has four levels of labels namely – very low, low, high, and very high for each of the affective states, which are crowd annotated and correlated with a gold standard annotation created using a team of expert psychologists. Download it here.

NatureServe Explorer Dataset

NatureServe Explorer provides conservation status, taxonomy, distribution, and life history information for more than 95,000 plants and animals in the United States and Canada, and more than 10,000 vegetation communities and ecological systems in the Western Hemisphere.

The data available through NatureServe Explorer represents data managed in the NatureServe Central Databases. These databases are dynamic, being continually enhanced and refined through the input of hundreds of natural heritage program scientists and other collaborators. NatureServe Explorer is updated from these central databases to reflect information from new field surveys, the latest taxonomic treatments and other scientific publications, and new conservation status assessments. Explore Data here

Flight Records in the US

Airline On-Time Performance and Causes of Flight Delays – On_Time Data.

This database contains scheduled and actual departure and arrival times, reason of delay. reported by certified U.S. air carriers that account for at least one percent of domestic scheduled passenger revenues. The data is collected by the Office of Airline Information, Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). has data but you need to pay for a full dataset.

The anyflights package supplies a set of functions to generate air travel data (and data packages!) similar to nycflights13. With a user-defined year and airport, the anyflights function will grab data on:

  • flights: all flights that departed a given airport in a given year and month
  • weather: hourly meterological data for a given airport in a given year and month
  • airports: airport names, FAA codes, and locations
  • airlines: translation between two letter carrier (airline) codes and names
  • planes: construction information about each plane found in flights

Airline On-Time Statistics and Delay Causes

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) tracks the on-time performance of domestic flights operated by large air carriers. Summary information on the number of on-time, delayed, canceled and diverted flights appears in DOT’s monthly Air Travel Consumer Report, published about 30 days after the month’s end, as well as in summary tables posted on this website. BTS began collecting details on the causes of flight delays in June 2003. Summary statistics and raw data are made available to the public at the time the Air Travel Consumer Report is released. Access it here

Worldwide flight data

Open flights: As of January 2017, the OpenFlights Airports Database contains over 10,000 airports, train stations and ferry terminals spanning the globe

Download: airports.dat (Airports only, high quality)

Download: airports-extended.dat (Airports, train stations and ferry terminals, including user contributions)

Bureau of Transportation: seems to have a lot of good data for free. It has in-depth data on flights and doesn’t seem limited by date. I can’t speak on the validity of the data though. has lots of data, also historically, they might be willing to help you get it in a nice format.

2019 Crime statistics in the USA

Dataset with arrest in US by race and separate states. Download Excel here

The largest repository of standardized and structured statistical data

Chess datasets

3.5 Million Chess Games

ML Dataset to practice methods of regression

Center for Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems

585 Data Sets


ManyTypes4Py: A benchmark Python Dataset for Machine Learning-Based Type Inference

  • The dataset is gathered on Sep. 17th 2020 from GitHub.
  • It has more than 5.2K Python repositories and 4.2M type annotations.
  • Use it to train  ML-based type inference model for Python
  • Access it here

Quadrature magnetoresistance in overdoped cuprates

Measurements of the normal (i.e. non-superconducting) state magnetoresistance (change in resistance with magnetic field) in several single crystalline samples of copper-oxide high-temperature superconductors. The measurements were performed predominantly at the High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML) in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and the Pulsed Magnetic Field Facility (LNCMI-T) in Toulouse, France. Complete Zip Download

The UMA-SAR Dataset: Multimodal data collection from a ground vehicle during outdoor disaster response training exercises

Collection of multimodal raw data captured from a manned all-terrain vehicle in the course of two realistic outdoor search and rescue (SAR) exercises for actual emergency responders conducted in Málaga (Spain) in 2018 and 2019: the UMA-SAR dataset. Full Dataset.

Child Mortality from Malaria

Child mortality numbers caused by malaria by country

Number of deaths of infants, neonatal, and children up to 4 years old caused by malaria by country from 2000 to 2015. Originator: World Health Organization


Quora Question Pairs at

The dataset  will give anyone the opportunity to train and test models of semantic equivalence, based on actual Quora data. 400,000 lines of potential question duplicate pairs. Each line contains IDs for each question in the pair, the full text for each question, and a binary value that indicates whether the line truly contains a duplicate pair. Access it here.

MIMIC Critical Care Database

MIMIC is an openly available dataset developed by the MIT Lab for Computational Physiology, comprising deidentified health data associated with ~60,000 intensive care unit admissions. It includes demographics, vital signs, laboratory tests, medications, and more. Access it here.

Data.Gov: The home of the U.S. Government’s open data

Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more. Search over 280000 Datasets.

Tidy Tuesday Dataset

TidyTuesday is built around open datasets that are found in the “wild” or submitted as Issues on our GitHub.

US Census Bureau: QuickFacts Dataset

QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more.

Classical Abstract Art Dataset

Art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect

5000+ classical abstract art here, real artists with annotation. You can download them in very high resolution,  however you would have to crawl them first  with this scraper.

Interactive map of indigenous people around the world is a website run by the nonprofit organization Native Land Digital. Access it here.

Data Visualization: A Wordcloud for each of the Six Largest Religions and their Religious Texts (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism)

Highest altitude humans have been each year since 1961

Worldwide prevalence of drug use

Data Sciences - Top 400 Open Datasets - Data Visualization - Data Analytics - Big Data - Data Lakes

From the author:

I took the data from IHME’s Global Burden of Disease 2019 study (2019 all-ages prevalence of drug use disorders among both men and women for all countries and territories) and plotted it using R.

Also, what is going on in the US exactly? 3.3% of the population there is addicted and it’s the worst rate in the world.

World Population and Energy Consumption: History and Projections

Data Sciences - Top 400 Open Datasets - Data Visualization - Data Analytics - Big Data - Data Lakes

From the author:

I am working on a presentation and I found a similar graph but couldn’t source it, so I found the data and remade this:


Population 2010-2019: US Census Bureau via Alexa

Population 2020-2050: World Population Prospects – Population Division – United Nations

File POP/1-1: Total population (both sexes combined) by region, subregion and country, annually for 1950-2100 (thousands)Medium fertility variant, 2020 – 2100

World Energy Consumption: Annual Energy Outlook 2021

Number of Operational Nuclear Reactors by Region over Time

Data from Power Reactor Information System maintained by IAEA.

Countries with reactors in each region:

ASIA-E: China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan

ASIA-S: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh (under construction)

EUROPE-E & ASIA-CTRL: Armenia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Czechia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Turkey (under construction)

EUROPE-N, S & W: Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, UK, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden

LATIN AMERICA: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico



USA & CANADA: Canada, USA (obviously)

Made with MATLAB

Edit: If it wasn’t clear, these are nuclear power stations only

source: r/dataisbeautiful

National Household Travel Survey (US)

Conducted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the NHTS is the authoritative source on the travel behavior of the American public. It is the only source of national data that allows one to analyze trends in personal and household travel. It includes daily non-commercial travel by all modes, including characteristics of the people traveling, their household, and their vehicles. Access it here.

National Travel Survey (UK)

Statistics and data about the National Travel Survey, based on a household survey to monitor trends in personal travel.

The survey collects information on how, why, when and where people travel as well as factors affecting travel (e.g. car availability and driving license holding).

National Travel Survey data tables UK
National Travel Survey data tables UK

National Travel Survey (NTS)[Canada]

Monthly Railway Carloadings: Interactive Dashboard
Monthly Railway Carloadings: Interactive Dashboard

ENTUR: NeTEx or GTFS datasets [Norway]

NeTEx is the official format for public transport data in Norway and is the most complete in terms of available data. GTFS is a downstream format with only a limited subset of the total data, but we generate datasets for it anyway since GTFS can be easier to use and has a wider distribution among international public transport solutions. GTFS sets come in “extended” and “basic” versions. Access here.

The Swedish National Forest Inventory

A subset of the field data collected on temporary NFI plots can be downloaded in Excel format from this web site. The file includes a Read_me sheet and a sheet with field data from temporary plots on forest land1 collected from 2007 to 2019. Note that plots located on boundaries (for example boundaries between forest stands, or different land use classes) are not included in the dataset. The dataset is primarily intended to be used as reference data and validation data in remote sensing applications. It cannot be used to derive estimates of totals or mean values for a geographic area of any size. Download the dataset here

Large data sets from finance and economics applicable in related fields studying the human condition

World Bank Data: Countries Data | Topics Data | Indicators Data | Catalog

US Federal Statistics

Boards of Governors of the Federal Reserve: Data Download Program

CIA: The world Factbook provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.

Human Development Report: United Nations Development Programme – Public Data Explorer

Consumer Price Index: The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Indexes are available for the U.S. and various geographic areas. Average price data for select utility, automotive fuel, and food items are also available. Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view Watch everyday life in hundreds of homes on all income levels across the world, to counteract the media’s skewed selection of images of other places.

Our world in Data: International Trade

Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems: 3139 charts across 297 topics, All free: open access and open source.

International Historical Statistics (by Brian Mitchell)

International Historical Statistics is a compendium of national and international socio-economic data from 1750 to 2010. Data are available in both Excel and PDF tabular formats. IHS is structured in three broad geographical divisions and ten themes: Africa / Asia / Oceania; The Americas and Europe. The database is structured in ten categories: Population and vital statistics; Labour force; Agriculture; Industry; External trade; Transport and communications; Finance; Commodity prices; Education and National accounts. Access here

World Input-Output Database

World Input-Output Tables and underlying data. World Input-Output Tables and underlying data, covering 43 countries, and a model for the rest of the world for the period 2000-2014. Data for 56 sectors are classified according to the International Standard Industrial Classification revision 4 (ISIC Rev. 4).

  • Data: Real and PPP-adjusted GDP in US millions of dollars, national accounts (household consumption, investment, government consumption, exports and imports), exchange rates and population figures.
  • Geographical coverage: Countries around the world
  • Time span: from 1950-2011 (version 8.1)
  • Available at: Online

Correlates of War Bilateral Trade

COW seeks to facilitate the collection, dissemination, and use of accurate and reliable quantitative data in international relations. Key principles of the project include a commitment to standard scientific principles of replication, data reliability, documentation, review, and the transparency of data collection procedures

  • Data: Total national trade and bilateral trade flows between states. Total imports and exports of each country in current US millions of dollars and bilateral flows in current US millions of dollars
  • Geographical coverage: Single countries around the world
  • Time span: from 1870-2009
  • Available at: Online here
  • This data set is hosted by Katherine Barbieri, University of South Carolina, and Omar Keshk, Ohio State University.

World Bank Open Data – World Development Indicators

Free and open access to global development data. Access it here.

World Trade Organization – WTO

The WTO provides quantitative information in relation to economic and trade policy issues. Its data-bases and publications provide access to data on trade flows, tariffs, non-tariff measures (NTMs) and trade in value added.

  • Data: Many series on tariffs and trade flows
  • Geographical coverage: Countries around the world
  • Time span: Since 1948 for some series
  • Available at: Online here
WTO - World Trade Organization
WTO – World Trade Organization

SMOKA Science Archive

The Subaru-Mitaka-Okayama-Kiso Archive, holds about 15 TB of astronomical data from facilities run by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. All data becomes publicly available after an embargo period of 12-24 months (to give the original observers time to publish their papers).

Graph Datasets

Multi-Domain Sentiment Dataset

The Multi-Domain Sentiment Dataset contains product reviews taken from from many product types (domains). Some domains (books and dvds) have hundreds of thousands of reviews. Others (musical instruments) have only a few hundred. Reviews contain star ratings (1 to 5 stars) that can be converted into binary labels if needed. Access it here.

A Global Database of Society

Supported by Google Jigsaw, the GDELT Project monitors the world’s broadcast, print, and web news from nearly every corner of every country in over 100 languages and identifies the people, locations, organizations, themes, sources, emotions, counts, quotes, images and events driving our global society every second of every day, creating a free open platform for computing on the entire world.

The Yahoo News Feed: Ratings and Classification Data

Dataset is 1.5 TB compressed, 13.5 TB uncompressed

Yahoo! Music User Ratings of Musical Artists, version 1.0 (423 MB)

This dataset represents a snapshot of the Yahoo! Music community’s preferences for various musical artists. The dataset contains over ten million ratings of musical artists given by Yahoo! Music users over the course of a one month period sometime prior to March 2004. Users are represented as meaningless anonymous numbers so that no identifying information is revealed. The dataset may be used by researchers to validate recommender systems or collaborative filtering algorithms. The dataset may serve as a testbed for matrix and graph algorithms including PCA and clustering algorithms. The size of this dataset is 423 MB.

Yahoo! Movies User Ratings and Descriptive Content Information, v.1.0 (23 MB)

This dataset contains a small sample of the Yahoo! Movies community’s preferences for various movies, rated on a scale from A+ to F. Users are represented as meaningless anonymous numbers so that no identifying information is revealed. The dataset also contains a large amount of descriptive information about many movies released prior to November 2003, including cast, crew, synopsis, genre, average ratings, awards, etc. The dataset may be used by researchers to validate recommender systems or collaborative filtering algorithms, including hybrid content and collaborative filtering algorithms. The dataset may serve as a testbed for relational learning and data mining algorithms as well as matrix and graph algorithms including PCA and clustering algorithms. The size of this dataset is 23 MB.

Yahoo News Video dataset, version 1.0 (645MB)

The dataset is a collection of 964 hours (22K videos) of news broadcast videos that appeared on Yahoo news website’s properties, e.g., World News, US News, Sports, Finance, and a mobile application during August 2017. The videos were either part of an article or displayed standalone in a news property. Many of the videos served in this platform lack important metadata, such as an exhaustive list of topics associated with the video. We label each of the videos in the dataset using a collection of 336 tags based on a news taxonomy designed by in-house editors. In the taxonomy, the closer the tag is to the root, the more generic (topically) it is.

Other Datasets

More than 1 TB

  • The 1000 Genomes project makes 260 TB of human genome data available
  • The Internet Archive is making an 80 TB web crawl available for research 
  • The TREC conference made the ClueWeb09 [3] dataset available a few years back. You’ll have to sign an agreement and pay a nontrivial fee (up to $610) to cover the sneakernet data transfer. The data is about 5 TB compressed.
  • ClueWeb12  is now available, as are the Freebase annotations, FACC1 
  • CNetS at Indiana University makes a 2.5 TB click dataset available 
  • ICWSM made a large corpus of blog posts available for their 2011 conference. You’ll have to register (an actual form, not an online form), but it’s free. It’s about 2.1 TB compressed. The dataset consists of over 386 million blog posts, news articles, classifieds, forum posts and social media content between January 13th and February 14th. It spans events such as the Tunisian revolution and the Egyptian protests (see for a more detailed list of events spanning the dataset’s time period). Access it here
  • The Yahoo News Feed dataset is 1.5 TB compressed, 13.5 TB uncompressed
  • The Proteome Commons makes several large datasets available. The largest, the Personal Genome Project , is 1.1 TB in size. There are several others over 100 GB in size.

More than 1 GB

Power and Energy Consumption Open Datasets

These data are intended to be used by researchers and other professionals working in power and energy related areas and requiring data for design, development, test, and validation purposes. These data should not be used for commercial purposes.

The Million Playlist Dataset (Spotify)

A dataset and open-ended challenge for music recommendation research ( RecSys Challenge 2018). Sampled from the over 4 billion public playlists on Spotify, this dataset of 1 million playlists consist of over 2 million unique tracks by nearly 300,000 artists, and represents the largest public dataset of music playlists in the world. Access it here

How much each of 20 most popular artists earns from Spotify.

How much each of 20 most popular artists earns from Spotify.
How much each of 20 most popular artists earns from Spotify.

Regression Analysis Cheat Sheet

Hotel Reviews Dataset from Yelp

20k+ Hotel Reviews from Yelp for 5 Star Hotels in Las Vegas.

This dataset can be used for the following applications and more:

Analyzing trends,  Sentiment Analysis / Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis / Opinion Mining, Competitor Analysis. Access it here.

A truncated version with 500 reviews is also available on Kaggle here

Motorcycle Crash data

1- Texas: Perform specific queries and analysis using Texas traffic crash data.

2- BTS: Motorcycle Rider Safety Data

3- National Transportation Safety Board: US Transportation Fatalities in 2019

4- Fatal single vehicle motorcycle crashes

5- Motorcycle crash causes and outcomes : pilot study

6- Motorcycle Crash Causation Study: Final Report

Download a collection of news articles relating to natural disasters over an eight-month period. Access it here.

World Population Data by Country and Age Group

1- WorldoMeter: Countries in the world by population (2021)

2- Worldometer: Current World Population Live

Top 10 richest billionaires from 1987-2021

Top 10 Richest People in the world

Source: Here

World’s Top 80 Wealthiest People by Country of Origin as of November 2021

Source: Here

From the author:

Needless to say, the United States absolutely dominates this list more than any other country. 9 of the top 10 are Americans, you’d have to combine the next 5 countries after the US to match their output of 33 among the top 80, and you’d have to combined every other country not named China on this graph to equal the USA.

To break things down based on region:

– The Americas has 34 individuals on this list with USA (33) and Mexico (1)

– Asia-Pacific has 28 individuals on this list with China (14), India (5), Hong Kong (4), Japan (3), and Australia (2)

– Europe has 18 individuals on this list with France (5), Russia (5), Germany (3), Italy (2), UK (1), Ireland (1), and Spain (1)

How Americans Spend Money on Halloween

How Americans Spend Money on Halloween

Source: here

How the Duration of an Average World Series Baseball Game Has Changed Over 118 Years

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] How the Duration of an Average World Series Baseball Game Has Changed Over 118 Years

Source: Here

Investment-Related Dataset with both Qualitative and Quantitative Variables

1-  Anonymized and feature normalized financial data which is interesting for machine learning applications. Download here

2- Snowflake Data Marketplace: Snowflake Data Marketplace gives data scientists, business intelligence and analytics professionals, and everyone who desires data-driven decision-making, access to more than 375 live and ready-to-query data sets from more than 125 third-party data providers and data service providers

3- Quandl: The premier source for financial, economic and alternative datasets, serving investment professionals.

National Obesity Monitor

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is conducted every two years by the National Center for Health Statistics and funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The survey measures obesity rates among people ages 2 and older. Find the latest national data and trends over time, including by age group, sex, and race. Data are available through 2017-2018, with the exception of obesity rates for children by race, which are available through 2015-2016. Access here

State of Childhood Obesity
State of Childhood Obesity

The World’s Nations by Fertility Rate 2021

The world nation 's fertility rates
The world’s nations fertility rates

Total number of deaths due to Covid19 vis-à-vis Population in million

Total number of deaths due to Covid19 vis-à-vis Population in million
Total number of deaths due to Covid19 vis-à-vis Population in million

 Unlike its successor (COVID), SARS only heavily impacted 5 countries.

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Unlike its successor (COVID), SARS only heavily impacted 5 countries.

USA Cigarettes Sold v. Lung Cancer Death Rates

r/dataisbeautiful - USA Cigarettes Sold v. Lung Cancer Death Rates [OC]

Google searches for different emotions during each hour of the day and night

Google searches for different emotions during each hour of the day and night
Google searches for different emotions during each hour of the day and night

Where do the world’s CO2 emissions come from? This map shows emissions during 2019. Darker areas indicate areas with higher emissions

Where do the world's CO2 emissions come from? This map shows emissions during 2019. Darker areas indicate areas with higher emissions
Where do the world’s CO2 emissions come from? This map shows emissions during 2019. Darker areas indicate areas with higher emissions

Global Linguistic Diversity

Global Linguistic Diversity
Global Linguistic Diversity

Where in the world are the densest forests? Darker areas represent higher density of trees.

Where in the world are the densest forests? Darker areas represent higher density of trees.
Where in the world are the densest forests? Darker areas represent higher density of trees.

Likes and Dislikes per movie genre

Like and Dislike per movie genre
Like and Dislike per movie genre

Global Historical Climatology Network-Monthly (GHCN-M) temperature dataset

NCEI first developed the Global Historical Climatology Network-Monthly (GHCN-M) temperature dataset in the early 1990s. Subsequent iterations include version 2 in 1997, version 3 in May 2011, and version 4 in October 2018.

Are there any places where the climate is recently getting colder?
Are there any places where the climate is recently getting colder?

Electric power consumption (kWh per capita)

The World’s Most Eco-Friendly Countries

Alternate Source from Wikipedia : List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita

List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita
List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita
Worldwide CO2 Emission
Worldwide CO2 Emission

Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths by State & County [US]

Alcohol Impaired Driving by State
Alcohol Impaired Driving by State

Alcohol Impaired driving by counties
Alcohol Impaired driving by county

% change in life expectancy from 2020 to 2021 across the globe

% change in life expectancy from 2020 to 2021 across the globe
% change in life expectancy from 2020 to 2021 across the globe

This is how life expectancy is calculated.

How Many Years Till the World’s Reserves Run Out of Oil?

How Many Years Till the World's Reserves Run Out of Oil?
How Many Years Till the World’s Reserves Run Out of Oil?

Data Source Here: Note that these values can change with time based on the discovery of new reserves, and changes in annual production.

Which energy source has the least disadvantages?

How many People Did Nuclear Energy Kill?

Here’s a paper on the wind fatalities

Human development index (HDI) by world subdivisions

Human development index (HDI) by world subdivisions
Human development index (HDI) by world subdivisions

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a statistic composite index of life expectancy, education (mean years of schooling completed and expected years of schooling upon entering the education system), and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development.

Data sourcesubnational human development index website 

US Streaming Services Market Share, 2020 vs 2021

US Streaming Services Market Share, 2020 vs 2021
US Streaming Services Market Share, 2020 vs 2021

Number of tweets deleted by month

Number of tweets deleted by month in 2020
Number of tweets deleted by month in 2020

Tweet Deleter

Average Career Length by Sports Profession

Source: r/dataisbeautiful

From the author:

Got these numbers from here

Numbers like these are a quick reminder that not every athlete is LeBron James or Roger Federer who can play their sport at such high levels for their entire young adulthood while becoming billionaires in the process. Many careers are short lived and end abruptly while the athlete is still very young and some don’t really have a plan B.

NFL being at the bottom here doesn’t surprise me though as most positions (with the exception of QB and kicker) in US Football is lowkey bodily suicide.

Football/Soccer Leagues with the fairest distributions of money have seen the most growth in long-term global interest.

Football Leagues with the fairest distributions of money have seen the most growth in long-term global interest.
Football Leagues with the fairest distributions of money have seen the most growth in long-term global interest.

How Much Does Your Favorite Fast Food Brand Spend on Ads?









Historical population count of Western Europe

Results from survey on how to best reduce your personal carbon footprint

Results from survey on how to best reduce your personal carbon footprint
Results from survey on how to best reduce your personal carbon footprint

Data from IpsosMori

Where does the world’s non-renewable energy come from? 

r/dataisbeautiful - Where does the world's non-renewable energy come from? Zoom in to see a point for each power plant! [OC]

The data comes from the Global Power Plant Database. The Global Power Plant Database is a comprehensive, open source database of power plants around the world. It centralizes power plant data to make it easier to navigate, compare and draw insights for one’s own analysis. The database covers approximately 30,000 power plants from 164 countries and includes thermal plants (e.g. coal, gas, oil, nuclear, biomass, waste, geothermal) and renewables (e.g. hydro, wind, solar). Each power plant is geolocated and entries contain information on plant capacity, generation, ownership, and fuel type. It will be continuously updated as data becomes available.

Recorded Music Industry Revenues from 1997 to 2020


US Trade Surpluses and Deficits by Country (2020)

Facebook Monthly Active Users

Facebook data is based on the end of year from 2004 to 2020

Facebook monthly active users


Heat map of the past 50,000 earthquakes pulled from USGS sorted by magnitude

Source:  USGS website

Where do the world’s methane (CH4)emissions come from?

Darker areas indicate areas with higher emissions.

Source: Data comes from EDGARv5.0 website and Crippa et al. (2019)

Earth Surface Albedo (1950 to 2020)

Data Source: ECMWF ERA5

Wealth of Forbes’ Top 100 Billionaires vs All Households in Africa
Forbes’ 35th Annual World’s Billionaires List
Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2020
United Nations World Population Prospects

Forbes Billionaires list

United nations world population prospects

Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2020

20 years of Apple sales in a minute
Source: Apple’s quarterly and annual financial filings with the SEC over the last 20 years

Source: Wikipedia

Racial Diversity of Each State (Based on US Census 2019 Estimates)

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Racial Diversity of Each State (Based on US Census 2019 Estimates)


Suppose your state is 60% orc, 30% undead, and 10% tauren. You chance in a random selection of two being of the same race is as follows:

  • 36% chance ((60%)2) of two orcs

  • 9% chance ((30%)2) of two undead

  • 1% chance ((10%)2) of two tauren

For a total of 46%. The diversity index would be 100% minus that, or 54%.

Race and Ethnicity in the US

A curated, daily feed of newly published datasets in machine learning

Machine Learning: CIFAR-10 Dataset

A curated, daily feed of newly published datasets in machine learning

The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60000 32×32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test images.

Machine Learning: ImageNet

The ImageNet dataset contains 14,197,122 annotated images according to the WordNet hierarchy. Since 2010 the dataset is used in the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC), a benchmark in image classification and object detection. The publicly released dataset contains a set of manually annotated training images.

Machine Learning: The MNIST Database of Handwritten Digits

The MNIST database of handwritten digits, available from this page, has a training set of 60,000 examples, and a test set of 10,000 examples. It is a subset of a larger set available from NIST. The digits have been size-normalized and centered in a fixed-size image.

It is a good database for people who want to try learning techniques and pattern recognition methods on real-world data while spending minimal efforts on preprocessing and formatting. Access it here.

The Massively Multilingual Image Dataset (MMID)

MMID is a large-scale, massively multilingual dataset of images paired with the words they represent collected at the University of Pennsylvania. The dataset is doubly parallel: for each language, words are stored parallel to images that represent the word, and parallel to the word’s translation into English (and corresponding images.) . Dcumentation.

AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)

aws s3 ls s3://mmid-pds/ --no-sign-request

AWS Azure Google Cloud Cloud Certification Exam Prep App
AWS Azure Google Cloud Cloud Certification Exam Prep App: AWS CCP Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01, AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA-C02, AWS Developer Associate DEV-C01, AWS DAS-C01, Azure Fundamentals AZ900, Azure Administrator AZ104, Google Associate Cloud Engineer, AWS Specialty Data Analytics DAS-C01, AWS and Google Professional Machine Learning Specialty MLS-C01

Capitol insurrection arrests per million people by state

How have cryptocurrencies done during the Pandemic?

Data Source: Downloaded performance data on these cryptocurrencies from which provides free historic data

Share of US Wealth by Generation

r/dataisbeautiful - Share of US Wealth by Generation [OC]

Source: US Federal Reserve

Top 100 Cryptocurrencies by Market Cap

Top 100 Cryptocurrencies by Market Cap

Data Source from

 Crypto race: DOGE vs BTC, last 365 days

Data sources: Coindesk BTC, Coindesk Dodge

 Yearly Performance of TOP 100 cryptocurrencies
Yearly Performance of TOP 100 cryptocurrencies

12,000 years of human population dynamics

Countries with a higher Human Development Index (HDI) than the European Union (EU)

HDI is calculated by the UN every year to measure a country’s development using average life expectancy, education level, and gross national income per capita (PPP). The EU has a collective HDI of 0.911.

Data Source: Here

Countries with a higher Human Development Index (HDI) than the United States (US)

Data source: Human Development Report 2020

Child marriage by country, by gender

Data on the percentage of children married before reaching adulthood (18 years).

Data source The State of the World’s Children 2019


Wars with greater than 25,000 deaths by year

Data Source : Wikipedia

Population Projection for China and India till 2050

Data Source: Here

Relative cumulative and per capita CO2 emissions 1751-2017


Relative cumulative and per capita CO2 emissions 1751-2017
Relative cumulative and per capita CO2 emissions 1751-2017

Dat Source:

Formula 1 Cumulative Wins by Team (1950-2021)

Data Source :

Countries with the most nuclear warheads. A couple of days ago I posted this with a logarithmic scale.

Data source: Wikipedia

Using machine learning methods to group NFL quarterbacks into archetypes

Using machine learning methods to group NFL quarterbacks into archetypes
Using machine learning methods to group NFL quarterbacks into archetypes

Data Source:

Data collected from a  series of rushing and passing statistics for NFL Quarterbacks from 2015-2020 and performed a machine learning algorithm called clustering, which automatically sorts observations into groups based on shared common characteristics using a mathematical “distance metric.”

The idea was to use machine learning to determine NFL Quarterback Archetype to agnostically determine which quarterbacks were truly “mobile” quarterbacks, and which were “pocket passers” that relied more on passing. I used a number of metrics in my actual clustering analysis, but they can be effectively summarized across two dimensions: passing and rushing, which can be further roughly summarized across two metrics: passer rating and rushing yards per year. Plotting the quarterbacks along these dimensions and plotting the groups chosen by the clustering methodology shows how cleanly the methodology selected the groups.

Read this blog article on the process for more information if you’re interested, or just check out this blog in general if you found this interesting!

Data: Collected from the ESPN API

2M rows of 1-min S&P bars (12 years of stock data) – 2008-2021

Intraday Stock Data (1 min) – S&P 500 – 2008-21: 12 years of 1 minute bars for data science / machine learning.

Granular stock bar data for research is difficult to find and expensive to buy. The author has compiled this library from a variety of sources and is making it available for free.

One compressed CSV file with 9 columns and 2.07 million rows worth of 1 minute SPY bars.  Access it here

A global database of COVID-19 vaccinations

Cumulative number of COVID-19 doses administered by country.
Cumulative number of COVID-19 doses administered by country.
COVID-19 vaccine doses administered per 100 people versus gross domestic product per capita.
COVID-19 vaccine doses administered per 100 people versus gross domestic product per capita.
Timeline of innovation in the development of vaccines.
Timeline of innovation in the development of vaccines.

Datasets: A live version of the vaccination dataset and documentation are available in a public GitHub repository here. These data can be downloaded in CSV and JSON formats. PDF.

 A list of available datasets for machine learning in manufacturing

Industrial ML Datasets: curated list of datasets, publicly available for machine learning researches in the area of manufacturing.

Predictive Maintenance and Condition Monitoring

NameYearFeature TypeFeature CountTarget VariableInstancesOfficial Train/Test SplitData SourceFormat
Diesel Engine Faults Features2020Signal84C (4)3.500 SyntheticMATLink

Process Monitoring

NameYearFeature TypeFeature CountTarget VariableInstancesOfficial Train/Test SplitData SourceFormat 
High Storage System Anomaly Detection2018Signal20C (2)91.000 SyntheticCSVLink

Predictive Quality and Quality Inspection

NameYearFeature TypeFeature CountTarget VariableInstancesOfficial Train/Test SplitData SourceFormat 
Casting Product Quality Inspection2020Image300×300
C (2)7.348✔️RealJPGLink

Process Parameter Optimization

NameYearFeature TypeFeature CountInstancesOfficial Train/Test SplitData SourceFormat 
Laser Welding2020Signal13361 RealXLSLink

Data Analytics Certification Questions and Answers Dumps

Datasets needed for Crop Disease Identification using image processing

Here is a collection of datasets with images of leaves

and more generic image datasets that include plant leaves

Plant Phenotyping

One hundreds plant species datasets


A Database of Leaf Images: Practice towards Plant Conservation with Plant Pathology

Survival Analysis datasets for machines

Download it here

English alphabet organized by each letter’s note in ABC

English alphabet organised by each letter's note in ABC
English alphabet organized by each letter’s note in ABC

Discover datasets hosted in thousands of repositories across the Web using

#dataset #search   @Google

Create, maintain, and contribute to a long-living dataset that will update itself automatically across projects.

Datasets should behave like git repositories.


Datasets should behave like git repositories
Datasets should behave like git repositories

Learn how to create, maintain, and contribute to a long-living dataset that will update itself automatically across projects, using git and DVC as versioning systems, and DAGsHub as a host for the datasets. 

Human Rights Measurement Initiative Datasets


World Wide Energy Production by Source 1860 – 2019

[OC] World Wide Energy Production by Source 1860 – 2019 from dataisbeautiful

Data source:

 Project Sunroof – Solar Electricity Generation Potential by Census Tract/Postal Code

 Courtesy of Google’s Project Sunroof: This dataset essentially describes the rooftop solar potential for different regions, based on Google’s analysis of Google Maps data to find rooftops where solar would work, and aggregate those into region-wide statistics.

It comes in a couple of aggregation flavors – by census tract , where the region name is the census tract id, and by postal code , where the name is the postal code. Each also contains latitude/longitude bounding boxes and averages, so that you can download based on that, and you should be able to do custom larger aggregations using those, if you’d like.

Carbon emission arithmetic + hard v. soft science

carbon emission arithmetic + hard v. soft science [oc] from dataisbeautiful

Data sources: Video From data-driven documentary The Fallen of World War II. Here and Here

Most popular Youtuber in every country 2021

What Does 1GB of Mobile Data Cost in Every Country?

What Does 1GB of Mobile Data Cost in Every Country?

Key Concepts of Data Science

A large dataset aimed at teaching AI to code, it consists of some 14M code samples and about 500M lines of code in more than 55 different programming languages, from modern ones like C++, Java, Python, and Go to legacy languages like COBOL, Pascal, and FORTRAN.

GitHub repo:

Download page

NSRDB: National Solar Radiation Database

 Download instructions are here

Cheat Sheet for Machine Learning, Data Science.

No photo description available.
Cheat Sheet for Machine Learning and Data Science

Emigrants from the UK by Destination


r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Emigrants from the UK by Destination

Data source: Originally at the location marked on the Sankey Flow but is now here


Direct link to the spreadsheet used

US Rivers and Streams Dataset

Data source:

Data visualization

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] US Rivers and Streams

Bubble Chart that compares the GDP of the G20 Countries

Data source:

Desktop OS Market Share 2003 – 2021

[OC] Desktop OS Market Share 2003 – 2021 from dataisbeautiful

Data source: w3school

National Parks of North America

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] National Parks of North America

Data Source: DataBayou,, and 


Inflation of Bitcoin and DogeCoin vs. Federal Reserve target

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Inflation of Bitcoin and DogeCoin vs. Federal Reserve target

Data source:

Percentage of women who experienced physical or sexual violence since the age of 15 in the EU

r/dataisbeautiful - Percentage of women who experienced physical or sexual violence since the age of 15 in the EU

Data Source from The Guardian: 

The whole report –  Questionnaire

Canadian Interprovincial Migration

Canadian Interprovincial Migration
Canadian Interprovincial Migration

Some context  here

Data  scraped from StatsCan


Covid-19 Vaccination Doses Administered per 100 in the G20

Data source: covid-vaccinations

What does per 100 mean?

When the whole country is double vaccinated, the value will be 200 doses per 100 population. At the moment the UK is like 85, which is because ~70% of the population has had at least one dose and ~15% of the population (which is a subset of that 70%) have had two. Hence ~30% are currently unprotected – myself included until Sunday.

Import/Export of Conventional Arms by Different Countries over past 2 decades

DataSource: SIPRI Arms Transfer Database

Aggregated disease comparison dataset – Ensemble de données agrégées de comparaison des maladies

Data Source: Here and Here

According to the author of the source data: “For the 1918 Spanish Flu, the data was collected by knowing that the total counts were 500M cases and 50M deaths, and then taking a fraction of that per day based on the area of this graph image:” – the graph is used is here:

Visualización y conjunto de datos de comparación de enfermedades agregadas

Trending Google Searches by State Between 2018 and 2020 – Tendances des recherches Google par État

Data source: Trending topics from 2010 to 2019 were taken from Google’s annual Year in Search summary 2010-2029

The full, ~11 minute video covering the whole 2010s decade is available here at

Google Trends provides weekly relative search interest for every search term, along with the interest by state. Using these two datasets for each term, we’re able to calculate the relative search interest for every state for a particular week. Linear interpolation was used to calculate the daily search interest.


Market capitalization in billion dollars of Top 20 Cryptocurrencies in 2021-05-20 – crypto-monnaies

Data source: CoinMarket from end of 2013 until present

Capitalisation boursière en milliards de dollars des 20 principales crypto-monnaies en 2021-05-20


Top Chess Players From 2000-2020, Meilleurs joueurs d’échecs,  Лучшие шахматисты с 2000 по 2020 год

Data source:

The y-axis is the world elo ratings (called FIDE ratings).

Comparing Emissions Sources – How to Shrink your Carbon Footprint More Effectively

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Comparing Emissions Sources - How to Shrink your Carbon Footprint More Effectively

 Data sources: Here

Source article: Here

Oil and gas-fired power plants in the world –

La dependencia de los combustibles fósiles – La dépendance aux énergies fossiles – 

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Oil and gas-fired power plants in the world

Data is from the Global Power Plant Database (World Resources Institute)

See map’s description here

Plantas de electricidad que funcionan con gas y petróleo

Top 100 Reddit posts of all time

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] I recently made a graph showing the Top 100 Reddit posts of all time. Some people said I should make a pie chart too, so here it is!

Source: r/all on Reddit

Tool used:

Fastest routes on land (and sometimes, boat) between all 990 pairs of European capitals

Las rutas más rápidas en tierra (y, a veces, en barco) entre los 990 pares de capitales europeas

Les itinéraires les plus rapides sur terre (et parfois en bateau) entre les 990 paires de capitales européennes

Source: Reddit

From the author: I started with data on roads from, which also includes some ferry lines. I then calculated the fastest routes (assuming a speed of 90 km/h on roads, and 35 km/h on boat) between each pair of 45 European capitals. The animation visualizes these routes, with brighter lines for roads that are more frequently “traveled”.

In reality these are of course not the most traveled roads, since people don’t go from all capitals to all other capitals in equal measure. But I thought it would be fun to visualize all the possible connections.

The model is also very simple, and does not take into account varying speed limits, road conditions, congestion, border checks and so on. It is just for fun!

In order to keep the file size manageable, the animation only shows every tenth frame.

Is Russia, Turkey or country X really part of Europe? That of course depends on the definition, but it was more fun to include them than to exclude them! The Vatican is however not included since it would just be the same as the Rome routes. And, unfortunately, Nicosia on Cyprus is not included to due an error on my behalf. It should be!

Link to final still image in high resolution on my twitter


Pokemon Dataset

  1. Dataset of all 825 Pokemon (this includes Alolan Forms). It would be preferable if there are at least 100 images of each individual Pokemon.

pokedex: This is a Python library slash pile of data containing a whole lot of data scraped from Pokémon games. It’s the primary guts of veekun.

2) This dataset comprises of more than 800 pokemons belonging up to 8 generations.

Using this dataset have been fun for me. I used it to create a mosaic of pokemons taking image as reference. You can find it here and it’s free to use: Couple Mosaic (powered by Pokemons)

Here is the data type information in the file:

  • Name: Pokemon Name
  • Type: Type of Pokemon like Grass / Fire / Water etc..,.
  • HP: Hit Points
  • Attack: Attack Points
  • Defense: Defence Points
  • Sp. Atk: Special Attack Points
  • Sp. Def: Special Defence Points
  • Speed: Speed Points
  • Total: Total Points
  • url: Pokemon web-page
  • icon: Pokemon Image

Data File: Pokemon-Data.csv

30×30 m Worldwide High-Resolution Population and Demographics Data

ETL pipeline for Facebook’s research project to provide detailed large-scale demographics data. It’s broken down in roughly 30×30 m grid cells and provides info on groups by age and gender.

Population Density Overview

Data Source and API for access

Article about Dataset at Medium

Gridded global datasets for Gross Domestic Product and Human Development Index over 1990–2015

Rasterized GDP dataset – basically a heat map of global economic activity.

Gap-filled multiannual datasets in gridded form for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Human Development Index (HDI)

Data source here:

Decrease in worldwide infant mortality from 1950 to 2020

Post image

Data Sources: United Nations, CIA World Factbook, IndexMundi.

Data Collectors

Data Unblockers

Countries of the world sorted by those that have warmed the most in the last 10 years, showing temperatures from 1890 to 2020 

r/dataisbeautiful - Countries of the world sorted by those that have warmed the most in the last 10 years, showing temperatures from 1890 to 2020 [OC]

Data source: Gistemp temperature data

The GISS Surface Temperature Analysis ver. 4 (GISTEMP v4) is an estimate of global surface temperature change. Graphs and tables are updated around the middle of every month using current data files from NOAA GHCN v4 (meteorological stations) and ERSST v5 (ocean areas), combined as described in our publications Hansen et al. (2010) and Lenssen et al. (2019).

Climate change concern vs personal spend to reduce climate change

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Climate change concern vs personal spend to reduce climate change

Data Source: Competitive Enterprise Institute (PDF)

 Less than 20 firms produce over a third of all carbon emissions

The Illusion of Choice in Consumer Brands

The Illusion of Choice in Consumer Brands

Buying a chocolate bar? There are seemingly hundreds to choose from, but its just the illusion of choice. They pretty much all come from Mars, Nestlé, or Mondelēz (which owns Cadbury).

Source: Visual Capitalist

Yearly Software Sales on PlayStation Consoles since 1994

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Yearly Software Sales on PlayStation Consoles since 1994

Some context for these numbers :

  • PS4 holds the record for being the console to have sold the most games in video game history (> 1.622B units)
    • Previous record holder was PS2 at 1.537B games sold
  • PS4 holds the record for having sold the most games in a single year (> 300M units in FY20)
  • FY20 marks the biggest yearly software sales in PlayStation ecosystem with more than 338M units
  • Since PS5 release, Sony starts combining PS4/PS5 software sales
  • In FY12, Sony combined PS2/PS3 and PSP/VITA software sales
  • Sony stopped disclosing software sales in FY13/14

Yearly Hardware Sales of PlayStation Consoles since 1994

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Yearly Hardware Sales of PlayStation Consoles since 1994

Sony combined PS2/PS3 hardware sales in FY12 and combined PSP/VITA sales in FY12/13/14

Cybertruck vs F150 Lightning pre-orders, by time since debut

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Cybertruck vs F150 Lightning pre-orders, by time since debut

Source: Ford exec tweeting about preorder numbers this week

Top 100 Most Populous City Proper in the world

r/dataisbeautiful - (Fixed once again) Top 100 Most Populous City Proper in the world. [OC]

The City with 32 million is Chongqing, Shan is Shanghai, Beijin is Beijing, and Guangzho is Guangzhou


Tax data for different countries

Dataset is here

What do Europeans feel most attached to – their region, their country, or Europe?

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] What do Europeans feel most attached to - their region, their country, or Europe?

Data source: Builds on data from the 2021 European Quality of Government Index. You can read more about the survey and download the data here

Cost of 1gb mobile data in every country

r/dataisbeautiful - Cost of 1gb mobile data in every country

r/dataisbeautiful - Cost of 1gb mobile data in every country

Dataset: Visual Capitalist

Frequency of all digrams in 18 languages, diacritics included 

r/dataisbeautiful - Langues germaniques

Dataset (according to author): Dictionaries are scattered on the internet and had to be borrowed from several sources: the Scrabble3d project, and Linux spellcheck dictionaries. The data can be found in the folder “Avec_diacritiques”.

Criteria for choosing a dictionary:
– No proper nouns
– “Official” source if available
– Inclusion of inflected forms
– Among two lists, the largest was fancied
– No or very rare abbreviations if possible- but hard to detect in unknown languages and across hundreds of thousands of words.

Mapped: The World’s Nuclear Reactor Landscape

r/dataisbeautiful - Mapped: The World’s Nuclear Reactor Landscape

Dataset: Visual Capitalist

Database of 999 chemicals based on liver-specific carcinogenicity

The author found this dataset in a more accessible format upon searching for the keyword “CDPB” (Carcinogenic Potency Database) in the National Library of Medicine Catalog. Check out this parent website for the data source and dataset description. The dataset referenced in OP’s post concerns liver specific carcinogens, which are marked by the “liv” keyword as described in the dataset description’s Tissue Codes section.

SMS Spam Collection Data Set

DownloadData FolderData Set Description

The SMS Spam Collection is a public set of SMS labeled messages that have been collected for mobile phone spam research

Open Datasets for Autonomous Driving

A2D2 DatasetApolloScape Dataset Argoverse Dataset Berkeley DeepDrive Dataset

CityScapes DatasetComma2k19 DatasetGoogle-Landmarks Dataset

KITTI Vision Benchmark SuiteLeddarTech PixSet Dataset Level 5 Open DatanuScenes Dataset

Oxford Radar RobotCar DatasetPandaSet Udacity Self Driving Car Dataset Waymo Open Dataset

Open Dataset people are looking for [Help if you can]

  1. Looking for Dataset on the outcomes of abstinence-only sex education.
  2. Funny Datasets for School Data Science Project [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  3. Need a dataset for English practicing chatbot. [1, 2 ]
  4. Creating a dataset for plant disease recognition [1, 2 ]
  5. Central Bank Speeches Dataset (Text data from 1997 to 2020 from 118 institutions) [1, 2]
  6. Cat Meow Classification dataset [1, 2]
  7. Looking for Raw Data: Camping / Outdoors Travel in United States trends, etc [1, 2 ]
  8. Looking for Data set of horse race results / lottery results any results related to gambling [1, 2, 3]
  9. Looking for Football (Soccer) Penalties Dataset [1, 2]
  10. Looking for public datasets on baseball [1, 2, 3]
  11. Looking for Datasets on edge computing for AI bandwidth usage, latency, memory, CPU/GPU resource usage? [1 ,2 ]
  12. Data set of people who died by suicide [1, 2 ]
  13. Supreme Court dataset with opinion text? [1, 2, 3, 4,]
  14. Dataset of employee attrition or turnover rate? [1, 2]
  15. Is there a Dataset for homophobic tweets? [1 ,2, 3, 4, ]
  16. Looking for a Machine condition Monitoring Dataset [1,2]
  17. Where to find data for credit risk analysis? [1, 2]
  18. Datasets on homicides anywhere in the world [1, 2]
  19. Looking for a dataset containing coronavirus self-test (if this is a thing globally) pictures for ML use
  20. Is there any transportation dataset with daily frequency? [1, 2]
  21. A Dataset of film Locations [1, 2 ]
  22. Looking for a classification dataset [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  23. Where can I search for macroeconomics data? [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
  24. Looking for Beam alignment 5G vehicular networks dataset
  25. Looking for tidy dataset for multivariate analysis (PCA, FA, canonical correlations, clustering)
  26. Indian all types of Fuel location datasets [1, 2,]
  27. Spotify Playlists Dataset [1, 2]
  28. World News Headline Dataset. With Sentiment Scores. Free download in JSON format. Updated often. [1, 2]
  29. Are there any free open source recipe datasets for commercial use [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  30. Curated social network datasets with summary statistics and background info
  31. Looking for textile crop disease datasets such as jute, flax, hemp
  32. Shopify App Store and Chrome Webstore Datasets
  33. Looking for dataset for university chatbot
  34. Collecting real life (dirty/ugly) datasets for data analysis
  35. In Need of Food Additive/Ingredient Definition Database
  36. Recent smart phone sensor Dataset – Android
  37. Cracked Mobile Screen Image Dataset for Detection
  38. Looking for Chiller fault data in a chiller plant
  39. Looking for dataset that contains the genetic sequences of native plasmids?
  40. Looking for a dataset containing fetus size measurements at various gestational ages.
  41. Looking for datasets about mental health since 2021
  42. Do you know where to find a dataset with Graphical User Interfaces defects of web applications? [1, 2, 3 ]
  43. Looking for most popular accounts on social medias like Twitter, Tik Tok, instagram, [1, 2, 3]
  44. GPS dataset of grocery stores
  45. What is the easiest way to bulk download all of the data from this epidemiology website? (~20,000 files)
  46. Looking for Dataset on Percentage of death by US state and Canadian province grouped by cause of death?
  47. Looking for Social engineering attack dataset in social media
  48. Steam Store Games (Clean dataset) by Nik Davis
  49. Dataset that lists all US major hospitals by county
  50. Another Data that list all US major hospitals by county
  51. Looking for open source data relating privacy behavior or related marketing sets about the trustworthiness of responders?
  52. Looking for a dataset that tracks median household income by country and year
  53. Dataset on the number of specific surgical procedures performed in the US (yearly)
  54. Looking for a dataset from reddit or twitter on top posts or tweets related to crypto currency
  55. Looking for Image and flora Dataset of All Known Plants, Trees and Shrubs
  56. US total fertility rates data one the state level
  57. Dataset of Net Worth of *World* Politicians
  58. Looking for water wells and borehole datasets
  59. Looking for Crop growth conditions dataset
  60. Dataset for translate machine JA-EG
  61. Looking for Electronic Health Record (EHR) record prices
  62. Looking for tax data for different countries
  63. Musicians Birthday Datasets and Associated groups
  64. Searching for dataset related to car dealerships [1]
  65. Looking for Credit Score Approval dataset
  66. Cyberbullying Dataset by demographics
  67. Datasets on financial trends for minors
  68. Data where I can find out about reading habits? [1, 2]
  69. Data sets for global technology adoption rates
  70. Looking for any and all cat / feline cancer datasets, for both detection and treatment
  71. ITSM dictionary/taxonomy datasets for topic modeling purposes
  72. Multistage Reliability Dataset
  73. Looking for dataset of ingredients for food[1]
  74. Looking for datasets with responses to psychological questionnaires[1,2,3]
  75. Data source for OEM automotive parts
  76. Looking for dataset about gene regulation
  77. Customer Segmentation Datasets (For LTV Models)
  78. Automobile dataset, years of ownership and repairs
  79. Historic Housing Prices Dataset for Individual Houses
  80. Looking for the data for all the tokens on the Uniswap graph
  81. Job applications emails datasets, either rejection, applications or interviews
  82. E-learning datasets for impact on e learning on school/university students
  83. Food delivery dataset (Uber Eats, Just Eat, …)
  84. Data Sets for NFL Quarterbacks since 1995
  85. Medicare Beneficiary Population Data
  86. Covid 19 infected Cancer Patients datasets
  87. Looking for  EV charging behavior dataset
  88. State park budget or expansionary spending dataset
  89.  Autonomous car driving deaths dataset
  90. FMCG Spending habits over the pandemic
  91. Looking for a Question Type Classification dataset
  92. 20 years of Manufacturer/Retail price of Men’s footwear
  93. Dataset of Global Technology Adoption Rates
  94. Looking For Real Meeting Transcripts Dataset
  95. Dataset For A Large Archive Of Lyrics  [1,2,3]
  96. Audio dataset with swearing words
  97. A global, georeferenced event dataset on electoral violence with lethal outcomes from 1989 to 2017. [1,]
  98. Looking for Jaundice Dataset for ML model
  99. Looking for social engineering attack detection dataset?
  100. Wound image datasets to train ML model [1]
  101. Seeking for resume and job post dataset
  102. Labelled dataset (sets of images or videos) of human emotions [1,2]
  103. Dataset of specialized phone call transcripts
  104. Looking for Emergency Response Plan Dataset for family Homes, condo buildings and Companies
  105. Looking for Birthday wishes datasets
  106. Desperately in need of national data for real estate [1,2,]
  107. NFL playoffs games stadium attendance dataset
  108. Datasets with original publication dates of novels [1,2]
  109. Annotated Documents with Images Data Dump
  110. Looking for  dataset for “Face Presentation Attack Detection”
  111. Electric vehicle range & performance dataset [1, 2]
  112. Dataset or API with valid postal codes for US, Mexico, and Canada with country, state/province, and city/town [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  113. Looking for Data sources regarding Online courses dropout rate, preferably by countries [1,2 ]
  114. Are there dataset for language learning [1, 2]
  115. Corporate Real Estate Data [1,2, 3]
  116. Looking for simple clinical trials datasets [1, 2]
  117. CO2 Emissions By Aircraft (or Aircraft Type) – Climate Analysis Dataset [1,2, 3, 4]
  118. Player Session/playtime dataset from games [1,2]
  119. Data sets that support Data Science (Technology, AI etc) being beneficial to sustainability [1,2]
  120. Datasets of a grocery store [1,2]
  121. Looking for mri breast cancer annotation datasets [1,2]
  122. Looking for free exportable data sets of companies by industry [1,2]
  123. Datasets on Coffee Production/Consumption [1,2]
  124. Video gaming industry datasets – release year, genre, games, titles, global data  [1,2]
  125. Looking for mobile speaker recognition dataset [1,2]
  126. Public DMV vehicle registration data [1,2]
  127. Looking for historical news articles based on industry sector [1,2]
  128. Looking for Historical state wide Divorce dataset [1,2]
  129. Public Big Datasets – with In-Database Analytics [1,2]
  130. Dataset for detecting Apple products (object detection) [1,2]
  131. Help needed to get the American Hospital Association (AHA) datasets (AHA Annual Survey, AHA Financial Database, and AHA IT Survey datasets)  [1, 2]
  132. Looking for help Getting College Football Betting Data [1,2]
  133. 2012-2020 US presidential election results by state/city dataset [1,2, 3]
  134. Looking for datasets of models and images captured using iphone’s LIDAR? [1,2]
  135. Finding Datasets to Age Texts (Newspapers, Books, Anything works) [1, 2, 3]
  136. Looking for cost of living index of some type for US [1,2]
  137. Looking for dataset that recorded historical NFT prices and their price increases, as well as timestamps. [1,2]
  138. Looking for datasets on park boundaries across the country [1, 2, 3]
  139. Looking for medical multimodal datasets [1, 2, 3]
  140. Looking for Scraped Parler Data [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
  141. Looking for Silicon Wafer Demand dataset [1, 2]
  142. Looking for a dataset with the values [Gender – Weight – Height – Health] [1, 2]
  143. Exam questions (mcqs and short answer) datasets? [1, 2]
  144. Canada Botanical Plants API/Database [1, 2, 3]
  145. Looking for a geospatial dataset of birds Migration path [1, 2, 3]
  146. WhatsApp messages dataset/archives [1, 2]
  147.  Dataset of GOOD probiotic microorganisms in the HUMAN gut [1, 2]
  148. Twitter competition to reduce bias in its image cropping [1,2]
  149. Dataset: US overseas military deployments, 1950–2020 [1,2]
  150. Dataset on human clicking on desktop [1,2]
  151. Covid-19 Cough Audio Classification Dataset [1, 2]
  152. 12,000+ known superconductors database [1, 2, 3]
  153. Looking for good dataset related to cyber security for prediction [1, 2]
  154. Where can I find face datasets to classify whether it is a real person or a picture of that person. For authentication purposes? [1,2]
  155. DataSet of Tokyo 2020 (2021) Olympics ( details about the Athletes, the countries they representing, details about events, coaches, genders participating in each event, etc.) [1, 2]
  156. What is your workflow for budget compute on datasets larger than 100GB? [1, 2, 3]
  157. Looking for a dataset that contains information about cryptocurrencies. [1, 2

  158. Looking for a depression dataset [1,2, 3]

  159. Looking for chocolate consumer demographic data [1,2, 3]
  160. Looking for thorough dataset of housing price/tax history [1, 2, 3]
  161. Wallstreetbets data scraping from 01/01/2020 to 01/06/2021 [1, 2]
  162. Retinal Disease Classification Dataset [1, 2]
  163. 400,000 years of CO2 and global temperature data [1, 2, 3]
  164. Looking for datasets on neurodegenerative diseases [1, 2, 3]
  165. Dataset for Job Interviews (either Phone, Online, or Physical) [1,2 ,3]
  166. Firm Cyber Breach Dataset with Firm Identifiers [1, 2, 3]
  167. Wondering how Stock market and Crypto website get the Data from [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  168. Looking for a dataset with US tourist injuries, attacks, and/or fatalities when traveling abroad [1, 2, 3]
  169. Looking for Wildfires Database for all countries by year and month? The quantity of wildfires happening, the acreage, things like that, etc.. [1, 2, 3, ]
  170. Looking for a pill vs fake pill image dataset [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Cars for sale in Germany from 2011 to 2021

Dataset obtained scraping AutoScout. In the file, you will find features describing 46405 vehicles: mileage, make, model, fuel, gear, offer type, price, horse power, registration year.

Dataset scraped from AutoScout24 with information about new and used cars.


Percentage of female students in higher education by subject area

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Percentage of female students in higher education by subject area

The data was obtained from the UK government website here , so unfortunately there are some things I’m unaware of regarding data and methodology.

All the passes: A visualization of ~1 million passes from 890 matches played in major football/soccer leagues/cups

  •  Champion League 1999
  • FA Women’s Super League 2018
  • FIFA World Cup 2018, La Liga 2004 – 2020
  • NWSL 2018
  • Premier League 2003 – 2004
  • Women’s World Cup 2019

Data Source: StatsBomb

Global “Urbanity” Dataset (using population mosaics, nighttime lights, & road networks

In this project, the authors  have designed a spatial model which is able to classify urbanity levels globally and with high granularity. As the target geographic support for our model we selected the quadkey grid in level 15, which has cells of approximately 1x1km at the equator.

Dataset:  Here 

Percentage of students with disabilities in higher education by subject area

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Percentage of students with disabilities in higher education by subject area

The author obtained the data from the UK Government website, so unfortunately don’t know the methodology or how they collected the data etc. 

The comparison to the general public is  a great idea – according to the Government site, 6% of children, 16% of working-age adults and 45% of Pension-age adults are disabled.

Dataset: here

Arrests for Hate Crimes in NYC by Category, 2017-2020

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Arrests for Hate Crimes in NYC by Category, 2017-2020

The Most Successful U.S. Sports Franchises

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] The Most Successful U.S. Sports Franchises

Data source:

Adult cognitive skills (PIAAC literacy and numeracy) by Percentile and by country

According to the author  , this animation depicts adult cognitive skills, as measured by the PIAAC study by OECD. Here, the numeracy and literacy skills have been combined into one. Each frame of the animation shows the xth percentile skill level of each individual country. Thus, you can see which countries have the highest and lowest scores among their bottom performers, median performers, and top performers. So for example, you can see that when the bottom 1st percentile of each country is ranked, Japan is at the top, Russia is second, etc. Looking at the 50th percentile (median) of each country, Japan is top, then Finland, etc.


 Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is a study by OECD to measure measured literacy, numeracy, and “problem-solving in technology-rich environments” skills for people ages 16 and up. For those of you who are familiar with the school-age children PISA study, this is essentially an adult version of it.

Dataset: PIAAC 

G7 Corporate Tax rate 1980 – 2020

r/dataisbeautiful - G7 Corporate Tax rate 1980 - 2020 [OC]

Dataset: Tax Foundation

 Euro 2020 (played in 2021) Group Stage Predictions Based of a Bayesian Linear Item Response Model

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Euro 2020 (played in 2021) Group Stage Predictions Based of a Bayesian Linear Item Response Model

Data Source: UEFA qualifying match data

The model was built in Stan and was inspired by Andrew Gelman’s World Cup model shown here. These plots show posterior probabilities that the team on the y axis will score more goals than the team on the x axis. There is some redundancy of information here (because if I know P(England beats Scotland) then I know P(Scotland beats England) )


Source: Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istituto Nazionale di Statistica)

The 15 most shared musicians on Reddit

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] The 15 most shared musicians on Reddit

Data source: The authors made a dataset of YouTube and Spotify shares on Reddit. More info available here

Spam vs. Legitimate Email, Average Global Emails per Day

r/dataisbeautiful - Spam vs. Legitimate Email, Average Global Emails per Day [OC]

Data Source: Here. The author  computed the average per day over the June 3 – June 9, 2021 period.

spam vs legitimate email 2021

Falling Fertility, 1800–2016

Data source: Here (go to the “Babies per woman,” “Income,” and “Population” links on that page).

Europe Covid-19 waves

r/dataisbeautiful - Europe Covid-19 waves [OC]

Data Source: Here

Who is going to win EURO 2020? Predicted probabilities pooled together from 18 sources

r/dataisbeautiful - Who is going to win EURO 2020? Predicted probabilities pooled together from 18 sources [OC]

Data source: Here

Population Density of Canada 2020

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Population Density of Canada 2020

DataSet:  Gathered from

The greater the length of each spike correlates to greater population density.


The portion of a country’s population that is fully vaccinated for COVID (as of June 2021) scales with GDP per capita.

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] The portion of a country's population that is fully vaccinated for COVID (as of June 2021) scales with GDP per capita.


Dataset of Chemical reaction equations


2- Kaggle chemistry section 

3- Reaction datasets 

4- Chemistry datasets

5- BiomedCentral 


Maths datasets

1111 2222 3333 Equation Learning 

Datasets for Stata Structural Equation Modeling

Mathematics Dataset


SQL Queries Dataset 

SEDE (Stack Exchange Data Explorer) is a dataset comprised of 12,023 complex and diverse SQL queries and their natural language titles and descriptions, written by real users of the Stack Exchange Data Explorer out of a natural interaction. These pairs contain a variety of real-world challenges which were rarely reflected so far in any other semantic parsing dataset. Access it here


Countries of the world, ranked by population, with the 100 largest cities in the world marked

According to the author:

Each map size is proportional to population, so China takes up about 18-19% of the map space.

Countries with very far-flung territories, such as France (or the USA) will have their maps shrunk to fit all territories. So it is the size of the map rectangle that is proportional to population, not the colored area. Made in R, using data from Maps drawn with the tmap package, and placed in the image with the gridExtra package. Map colors from the wesanderson package.

Data source: The Economist

What businesses in different countries search for when they look for a marketing agency – “creative” or “SEO”?

r/dataisbeautiful - What businesses in different countries search for when they look for a marketing agency - "creative" or "SEO"? [OC]

Data source: Google Trends

More maps, charts and written analysis on this topic here


Is the economic gap between new and old EU countries closing?

Post image

Data source:  Eurostat

Interactive version so you can click on those circles here


Reddit r/wallstreetbets posts and comments in real-time

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  • Beneath adds some useful features for shared data, like the ability to run SQL queries, sync changes in real-time, a Python integration, and monitoring. The monitoring is really useful as it lets you check out the write activity of the scraper (no surprise, WSB is most active when markets are open
  • The scraper (which uses Async PRAW) is open source here

Global NO2 pollution data visualization June 2021

Data Source: SILAM

Shopify App Store Report: 2021

Data source: Marketplace Apps

The Chrome Webstore Report: 2021

Data source: Marketplace Apps


Percentage of Adults with HIV/AIDS in Africa

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Percentage of Adults with HIV/AIDS in Africa

Dataset:  All the countries through the UN AIDS organization 


Recorded CDC deaths (2014 – June 16, 2021) from Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Recorded CDC deaths (2014 - June 16, 2021) from Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)

Data Source: combined CDC weekly death counts 2014 – 2019 and CDC weekly death counts 2020-2021

What are the long term gains on cryptocurrencies?

r/dataisbeautiful - What are the long term gains on cryptocurrencies? [OC]

Data Sources: and

The chart shows the average daily gain in $ if $100 were invested at a date on x-axis. Total gain was divided by the number of days between the day of investing and June 13, 2021. Gains were calculated on average 30-day prices.

Time range: from March 28, 2013, till June 13, 2021

Life Expectancy and Death Probability by Age and Gender

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Life Expectancy and Death Probability by Age and Gender

Data source: Here


Daily Coronavirus cases in Canada vs % of Population Vaccinated

r/dataisbeautiful - Daily Coronavirus cases in Canada vs % of Population Vaccinated [OC]

Data Source: Cases Vaccines

Google Playstore Apps with 2.3million app data on Kaggle

Google Playstore dataset is now available with double the data (2.3 Million) android application data and a new attribute stating the scraped date time in Kaggle.

Dataset: Get it here or here

African languages dataset

We have 3000 tribes or more in Africa and in that 3000 we have sub tribes.

1 Introduction to African Languages (Harvard)

2- Languages of the world at Ethnologue

3- Britannica: Nilo-Saharan Laguages

4- Britannica: Khoisan Languages

Daily Temperature of Major Cities Dataset

Daily average temperature values recorded in major cities of the world.

 The dataset is available as separate txt files for each city here. The data is available for research and non-commercial purposes only

 Do stricter gun laws reduce firearms homicides?

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Do stricter gun laws reduce firearms homicides?

Data Sources: Guns to CarryEFSGVCDC

According to the author: Looking at non-suicide firearms deaths by state (2019), and then grouping by the Guns to Carry rating (1-5 stars), it seems that stricter gun laws are correlated with fewer firearms homicides. Guns to Carry rates states based on “Gun friendliness” with 1 star being least friendly (California, for example), and 5 stars being most friendly (Wyoming, for example). The ratings aren’t perfect but they include considerations like: Permit required, Registration, Open carry, and Background checks to come up with a rating.

The numbers at the bottom are the average non-suicide deaths calculated within the rating group. Each bar shows the number for the individual state.

Interesting that DC is through the roof despite having strict laws. On the flip side, Maine is very friendly towards gun owners and has a very low homicide rate, despite having the highest ratio of suicides to homicides.

Obviously, lots of things to consider and this is merely a correlation at a basic level. This is a topic that interested me so I figured I’d share my findings. Not attempting to make a policy statement or anything.

Relative frequency of words in economics textbooks vs their frequency in mainstream English (the Google Books corpus)

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Relative frequency of words in economics textbooks vs their frequency in mainstream English (the Google Books corpus)


Data Source: Data for word frequency in the Google corpus is from the 2019 Ngram dataset. For details about how to work with this data, see Working With Google Ngrams: A Data-Wrangling Tale.

Data for word frequency in econ textbooks was compiled by myself by scraping words from 43 undergraduate economics textbooks. For details see Deconstructing Econospeak.

Hours per day spent on mobile devices by US adults

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Hours per day spent on mobile devices by US adults

Author: nava_7777

Data Source: from eMarketer, as quoted byJon Erlichman

Purpose according to the author: raw textual numbers (like in the original tweet) are hard to compare, particularly the acceleration or deceleration of a trend. Did for myself, but maybe is useful to somebody.

Environmental Impact of Coffee Brewing Methods

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Environmental Impact of Coffee Brewing Methods

Author: Coffee_Medley

Data Source: 1 2 3

More according to the author:

  • Measurements and calculations of NG and Electricity used to heat four cups of distilled water by Coffee Medley (6/14/2021)

  • Average coffee bag and pod weight by Coffee Medley (6/14/2021)

Murders in major U.S. Cities: 2019 vs. 2020

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Murders in major U.S. Cities: 2019 vs. 2020

Author: datacanbeuseful

Data source: NPR

New Harvard Data (Accidentally) Reveal How Lockdowns Crushed the Working Class While Leaving Elites Unscathed

Data source: Harvard

Support for same-sex marriage by religious group

r/dataisbeautiful - Support for same-sex marriage by religious group [OC]

Data source: PEW

More: Summary of religiously (un)affiliated people’s views on homosexuality, broken down into 18 countries

Daily chance of dying for Americans

r/dataisbeautiful - Daily chance of dying for Americans [OC]

Author: NortherSugarLoaf

Data source: SSA Actuarial Data

Processing: Yearly probability of death is converted to the daily probability and expressed in micromorts. Plotted versus age in years.


According to the author,

A few things to notice: It’s dangerous to be a newborn. The same mortality rates are reached again only in the fifties. However, mortality drops after birth very quickly and the safest age is about ten years old. After experiencing mortality jump in puberty – especially high for boys, mortality increases mostly exponentially with age. Every thirty years of life increase chances of dying about ten times. At 80, chance of dying in a year is about 5.8% for males and 4.3% for females. This mortality difference holds for all ages. The largest disparity is at about twenty three years old when males die at a rate about 2.7 times higher than females.

This data is from before COVID.

Here is the same graph but in linear Y axis scale

Here is the male to female mortality ratio

Mapping Global Carbon Emission Intensity (Dec 2020)

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Mapping Global Carbon Emission Intensity (Dec 2020)

Data Source: Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS)

Religions with the most Adherents from 1945 – 2010

Data source: Zeev Maoz and Errol A. Henderson. 2013. “The World Religion Dataset, 1945-2010: Logic, Estimates, and Trends.” International Interactions, 39: 265-291.

IPO Returns 2000-2020

IPO Returns 2000-2020


IPO Returns 2000-2020

IPO Returns 2000-2020


Data from:
From the author u/nobjos: The full article on the above analysis can be found here
I have sub r/market_sentiment where I do a comprehensive deep-dive on one investment strategy/topic every week! Some of the author popular articles are
a. Performance of Jim Cramer’s stock picks
b. Performance of buy and sell recommendations made by financial analysts in the last decade
c. Benchmarking performance of Motely fool against SP500
Funko IPO is considered to have the worst first-day return for an IPO in the last two decades.
Out of the top 10 list, only 3 Investment banks had below-average returns.
On average, IPOs did make money for the investor. But the amount is significantly different if you got allocated the IPO at offer price vs you get the IPO at market price. made a whopping 354% on its listing day. Another interesting observation is 6 out of 10 companies in the list were listed in 200 (just before the dot com crash)

Total number of streams per artist vs. number of Top 200 hits (Spotify Top 200 since 2017)

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Total number of streams per artist vs. number of Top 200 hits (Spotify Top 200 since 2017)

Author: blairfix

Data is from the Spotify Top 200 and covers the period from Jan. 1, 2017 to Jun. 9, 2021. You can download my dataset here.

For every artist that appears in the Top 200, I add up their total streams (for all songs) and the total number of songs in the dataset.

For a commentary on the data, see The Half Life of a Spotify Hit.

Number of Miss Americas by U.S. State

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Number of Miss Americas by U.S. State

Data Source: Wikipedia


The World’s Nuclear Warheads

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] The World's Nuclear Warheads

Author: academiadvice

Data Source: Federation of American Scientists – status-world-nuclear-forces/

Tools: Excel, Datawrapper,

Check out the FAS site for notes and caveats about their estimates. Governments don’t just print this stuff on their websites. These are evidence-based estimates of tightly-guarded national secrets.

Of particular note – Here’s what the FAS says about North Korea: “After six nuclear tests, including two of 10-20 kilotons and one of more than 150 kilotons, we estimate that North Korea might have produced sufficient fissile material for roughly 40-50 warheads. The number of assembled warheads is unknown, but lower. While we estimate North Korea might have a small number of assembled warheads for medium-range missiles, we have not yet seen evidence that it has developed a functioning warhead that can be delivered at ICBM range.”

The population of Las Vegas over time

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] The population of Las Vegas over time

Data Source: Wikipedia

 The Alpha to Omega of Wikipedia

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] The Alpha to Omega of Wikipedia

Author: feldesque

Data Source: The wikipediatrend package in R

Code published here

Glacial Inter-glacial cycles over the past 450000 years


Global temperature change from 1850-2020

r/dataisbeautiful - Global temperature change from 1850-2020

Worth noting these are largely driven by changes in the amount of solar radiation reaching us due to variations in earth’s orbit

Top Companies Contributing to Open Source – 2011/2021

Source and links

The author used several sources for this video and article. The first, for the video, is GitHub Archive & CodersRank. For the analysis of the OSCI index data, the author used

Crime Rates in the US: 1960-2021

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] Crime Rates in the US: 1960-2021

Data source: Here


2021 is straight projections, must be taken with a grain of salt. However, the assumption of continuous rise of murder rate is not a bad one based on recent news reports, such as: here

In a property crime, a victim’s property is stolen or destroyed, without the use or threat of force against the victim. Property crimes include burglary and theft as well as vandalism and arson.


A network visualization of privacy research (83k nodes, 462k edges)

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] A network visualisation of privacy research (83k nodes, 462k edges)

Author: FvDijk

This image was generated for my research mapping the privacy research field. The visual is a combination of network visualisation and manual adding of the labels.

The data was gathered from Scopus, a high-quality academic publication database, and the visualisation was created with Gephi. The initial dataset held ~120k publications and over 3 million references, from which we selected only the papers and references in the field.

The labels were assigned by manually identifying clusters and two independent raters assigning names from a random sample of publications, with a 94% match between raters.

The scripts used are available on Github

The full paper can be found on the author’s website:


GDP (at purchasing power parity) per capita in international dollars

r/dataisbeautiful - [OC] GDP (at purchasing power parity) per capita in international dollars

Author:  Simaniac

Data source: IMF

Phone Call Anxiety dataset for Millennials and Gen Z

r/dataisbeautiful - Phone Call Anxiety is a real thing for Millennials and Gen Z [OC]

Author: /u/CynicalScyntist

This is a randomized experiment the author  conducted with 450 people on Amazon MTurk. Each person was randomly assigned to one of three writing activities in which they either (a) described their phone, (b) described what they’d do if they received a call from someone they know, or (c) describe what they’d do if they received a call from an unknown number. Pictures of an iPhone with a corresponding call screen were displayed above the text box (blank, “Incoming Call,” or “Unknown”). Participants then rated their anxiety on a 1-4 scale.

Dataset: Here

Source Article


Hate Crime Statistics in New York State 2019-2021

Hate Crime Statistics NYC 2019-2021

Continue reading “Data Sciences – Top 400 Open Datasets – Data Visualization – Data Analytics – Big Data – Data Lakes”

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