Should Your Business Use Generative AI for Its Ad Images?

A smartphone laying on a table next to a tablet. Both screens display vague ads and app thumbnail images.

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. One emerging technology that’s making waves is generative AI. But whether your business should use generative AI for its ad images depends on various factors. Let’s explore how this technology can revolutionize your advertising strategy.

The Power of Personalization

One of the biggest advantages of using generative AI for ad images is the ability to personalize content at scale. Generative AI can analyze customer data and create tailored visuals that resonate with different audience segments. This level of customization can significantly boost engagement and conversion rates, giving your business a competitive edge.

Cost-Effective Creativity

Creating high-quality ad images can be time-consuming and expensive. Generative AI offers a cost-effective solution by automating the design process. Instead of hiring a team of graphic designers, businesses can leverage AI to produce visually stunning ads in a fraction of the time. The technology can generate multiple variations of an image, allowing you to quickly test and optimize different designs. This method not only saves money but also accelerates the creative process, enabling faster campaign launches.

Versatility Across Platforms

Generative AI is incredibly versatile and can play a role across various advertising platforms. Whether you’re running social media campaigns or using email marketing, AI can generate images that work for the product or service you have in mind. You can even use generative AI in digital signage.

This versatility stems from the technology’s ability to adapt to different formats and requirements. This flexibility makes generative AI an invaluable tool for businesses looking to maintain a cohesive visual identity across all channels.

Ethical Considerations and Quality Control

While the benefits of generative AI are compelling, it’s important to consider ethical implications and quality control. AI-generated images may sometimes produce results that are biased or inappropriate. It’s crucial to have experienced marketers and designers who can carefully prompt, review, and approve AI-generated content.

Additionally, businesses must ensure that their use of AI aligns with ethical standards and respects concerns about privacy and intellectual property rights. Properly managing these aspects will help maintain brand integrity and build trust with your audience.

Deciding whether your business should use generative AI for its ad images involves weighing the benefits against the challenges. As technology continues to evolve, embracing AI-driven solutions might be the key to staying ahead in the competitive digital landscape. Are you ready to take the plunge and revolutionize your advertising strategy with generative AI?

Why Every Remote Worker Needs an Ergonomic Keyboard

A remote worker at her desk working with multiple computer screens, a headset, and a notepad. She's also wearing blue light glasses.

Remote work is no longer a trend; it’s a lifestyle. For many young professionals, remote work offers the flexibility to juggle career and personal life seamlessly. But with this newfound freedom comes the need for a more comfortable and productive workspace.

An element often overlooked in creating a productive remote work environment is the keyboard and its role in ergonomics. Below, we’re talking about why every remote worker needs an ergonomic keyboard so that you can set yourself up for success in today’s new normal.

The Growing Trend of Remote Work

Remote work has become a significant part of our professional lives. More companies are offering flexible work arrangements and allowing employees to work from home. This shift means more time spent at our desks, making the need for ergonomic office equipment more critical than ever. An ergonomic keyboard is not just a great idea or a luxury but rather a necessity for maintaining your health and productivity.

The Importance of Ergonomics for Remote Workers

An ergonomic keyboard offers numerous health benefits. It reduces strain on your wrists and fingers and can prevent conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. Comfort plays a vital role in productivity. When you’re comfortable, you’re more likely to stay focused and get work done efficiently. Ergonomic keyboards align with the natural positioning of your hands and reduce the risk of typing-related injuries.

Ergonomic keyboards can significantly boost your comfort and productivity levels. With their unique design, these keyboards help you maintain better posture and reduce the likelihood of back and neck pain. Many remote-working people report fewer health issues after switching to an ergonomic keyboard, making it an essential tool for a healthy work-from-home setup.

Features To Look for in an Ergonomic Keyboard

When choosing an ergonomic keyboard, look for adjustable height and angle settings. These features allow you to customize the keyboard’s position for optimal comfort. A split keyboard design is another excellent feature to consider. It promotes natural hand positioning and reduces the strain on your wrists and fingers.

Soft key touch is another essential feature. It minimizes the effort required to press each key, further reducing the strain on your fingers and wrists. This feature is particularly beneficial for those who spend long hours typing. Investing in a keyboard with these features can make a significant difference in your remote work experience.

Boost Your Computer Experience

To complement your ergonomic keyboard, consider adding other ergonomic accessories to boost your computer experience. Items like ergonomic mouse pads and monitor stands can further enhance your workspace. These accessories work together to create a more comfortable and efficient work environment and make it easier to stay productive throughout the day.

Additionally, an adjustable chair can maintain proper posture. Monitor stands can reduce neck strain, and ergonomic mouse pads provide additional wrist support. Don’t stop at the keyboard and consider investing more thought into your workspace as a whole.

Investing in an ergonomic keyboard is a smart decision for young, remote working professionals. It offers long-term benefits, including improved comfort, better health, and increased productivity. Prioritize your health by considering ergonomic options and accessories to boost your computer experience. Your future self will thank you.

Everything You Need To Know about Thermal Foggers

A person in black casual wear is holding a thermal fogger outside while stepping through the thick billows of fog.

Are you dealing with a mosquito infestation? Maybe you’re trying to sanitize or deodorize a large area. A thermal fogger offers a versatile, easy, and effective solution. What exactly is this device, and how does it work? In this article, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about thermal foggers and why they’re indispensable for both residential and commercial uses.

What Is a Thermal Fogger and How Does It Work?

First, let’s get to the basics: a thermal fogger is an incredible machine that converts liquid solutions into tiny particles, creating a dense fog that can penetrate hard-to-reach areas. It works by heating a coil, much like an electric stovetop, which raises the temperature of the liquid solution in the tank.

Once the liquid passes through the heated coil, it vaporizes, forming a fine mist that disperses into the air. This fog can carry insecticides, disinfectants, or deodorants, making a fogger great for an array of applications.

Different Types of Thermal Foggers

We can break up thermal foggers into a few categories. Handheld thermal foggers are lightweight and perfect for small-to-medium-sized areas, as well as quick and targeted applications.

For large areas, such as farms or commercial spaces, truck-mounted thermal foggers offer a better solution. These units can cover extensive areas and are best for large-scale pest control or disinfection.

Stationary thermal foggers are best for areas that require regular treatment, like warehouses or greenhouses. Amazingly, users can set them up to operate at scheduled intervals, ensuring consistent coverage.

Benefits of Using Thermal Foggers

The most important things you need to know about thermal foggers are their benefits, the main one being their efficiency. Thermal foggers produce airborne particles that thoroughly cover the target area. This means you can address a mosquito problem in your garden or decontaminate a large warehouse more effectively than with traditional spraying methods.

Thermal foggers are easy to use. Whether you opt for a handheld model for your backyard or a truck-mounted unit for agricultural fields, the operation is straightforward and user-friendly.

Whether you hire the pros or do it yourself, thermal fogging is cost-effective in the long run. By providing consistent coverage, they reduce the frequency of treatments needed!

Applications of Thermal Foggers

You may have seen workers using thermal foggers to combat mosquito infestations. However, homeowners may call in the smell busters to remove smoke smells and other odors from a house.

On the commercial side, thermal foggers are indispensable in agriculture for controlling pests that damage crops. Farmers rely on these devices to cover large fields and apply insecticides that protect their plants from insects.

Even warehouses and storage facilities benefit from thermal foggers for disinfection, keeping products and surfaces clean and sanitary. Additionally, public health departments frequently deploy fogging during disease or illness outbreaks to disinfect public spaces like schools, parks, and transportation hubs.

When you weigh the benefits, it’s clear that investing in a thermal fogger is a smart choice for residential and commercial applications and beyond!

Things To Know Before Becoming a Certified Locksmith

A professional locksmith on a house call completing a lock change order for a residential front door.

Locksmithing is a unique and rewarding profession that plays a crucial role in society. Locksmiths ensure the security and safety of homes, businesses, and vehicles by providing essential services like lock installations, repairs, and emergency lockout assistance. If you’re considering becoming a certified locksmith, there are several important things to know before embarking on this career path.

Requirements and Qualifications for Locksmith Certification

To become a certified locksmith, you must meet specific educational and legal requirements. Most locales require aspiring locksmiths to complete a formal training program, often available through vocational schools or community colleges. Additionally, many locksmiths must undergo a background check and obtain a business license.

It’s important to complete a recognized apprenticeship program, which provides hands-on experience under the guidance of experienced professionals. This practical training and education are invaluable for mastering the skills needed in the field.

Essential Tools for Learning How to Pick Locks

Having the right tools is paramount when learning the craft of locksmithing. The quality of your tools can significantly impact your ability to pick locks efficiently and effectively. Some of the essential tools for learning how to pick locks include tension wrenches, pick sets, and key extractors.

Investing in high-quality tools ensures longevity and reliability, which are crucial for practice and professional use. Remember, having fewer, well-made tools is often better than amassing a large collection of subpar ones.

Tips for Success Throughout Your Locksmithing Career

Building a successful locksmithing career requires more than just technical skills. Establishing a strong customer base and maintaining professional standards are critical for long-term success. Providing excellent customer service, being punctual, and maintaining a trustworthy reputation will help you gain repeat clients and referrals.

Continuous learning is also vital—staying updated with industry trends and advancements in lock technology will keep you ahead of the curve. Additionally, joining professional associations provides networking opportunities and access to valuable resources. You can ensure success throughout your career with these tips alone.

The Future of Locksmithing Opportunities and Challenges

The locksmithing industry is evolving rapidly, with technology playing an increasingly significant role. Digital locks and smart security systems are becoming more prevalent and create new opportunities for locksmiths who adapt to these changes.

However, this technological shift also presents challenges, as locksmiths must stay informed about the latest developments and continuously update their skills. Despite these challenges, the demand for skilled locksmiths remains strong and offers ample opportunities for career growth and specialization in areas such as automotive locksmithing or electronic security.

Becoming a certified locksmith is a fulfilling and dynamic career choice. By understanding the requirements and qualifications, investing in essential lockpicking tools, and following a few tips for a successful career, you can build a fruitful and rewarding profession. The future of locksmithing holds exciting opportunities and challenges, making it an excellent field for those who are passionate about security and problem-solving.

What Kind of Equipment Should an IT Professional Have?

Two IT professionals working on a laptop together to resolve a technical problem for another co-worker.

When you have the right equipment as an IT professional, you can get jobs done. Efficiency, reliability, and awareness of new technology are big parts of this line of work. You may wonder what kind of equipment you need to be dependable. We’ve outlined some of the best items to include in your kit so you can provide the best service possible.

High-Performance Laptop or Desktop

A high-performance laptop or desktop computer with the latest specifications is non-negotiable. IT professionals need the best devices to navigate technical help tickets.

As you set yourself up for the day, perform diagnostics and remain knowledgeable on issues, such as common screen resolution problems with Windows 10. This OS might be a powerhouse, but it can play the trojan horse if you aren’t checking the processors, RAM, or graphic card malfunctions.

Multiple Monitors

Setting up multiple monitors can improve your productivity and multitasking abilities. This setup allows you to monitor systems, code, and communicate simultaneously, streamlining your workflow. Making multiple windows visible at once also minimizes the need to toggle between tasks.

Reliable Internet Connection

A reliable Internet connection, preferably with a backup option, is the backbone of any IT operation. Downtime is not an option, so having a fast and stable Internet connection keeps you linked to remote systems so you can provide support without interruptions.

External Hard Drives or Cloud Storage

Make sure your data stays secure, and enable backups like external hard drives or cloud storage. Regular backups to these storage mediums can save the day in the event of hardware failure, cyber-attacks, or accidental deletions.

Headset With a Good Microphone

Clear communication with peers and the people you’re assisting is vital when handling remote support or engaging in meetings. A quality headset with a good microphone ensures you and your co-workers or clients have crystal-clear conversations without misunderstandings.

Uninterruptible Power Supply

An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) powers your equipment during outages and surges. It also provides a buffer that can save your work and prevent damage to electronics in sudden power loss scenarios.

Network Testing Tools

A set of reliable network testing tools is indispensable for troubleshooting network issues. These tools help you diagnose connectivity problems, assess network performance, and secure data transfers.

Cable Management Tools

A cable management system keeps cables organized and secure in your office. It also simplifies troubleshooting and maintenance and reduces frustration.

Now that you know the equipment that IT professionals need, you can start investing in the latest and greatest. Equipping yourself with these tools helps you meet the demands of modern IT workspaces. Gear up so you can be more productive in your workspace and provide technical services to your co-workers or clients.

5 Advantages of Using Video Conferencing in Your Company

A man in a business suit presents an open laptop with an image of five professionally dressed people clapping on the screen.

Businesses must have a streamlined and effective chain of communication to remain competitive. Thanks to technological advancements, video conferencing can help your firm improve its communication and stay on step ahead of the competition. Read on to learn about five advantages of using video conferencing in your company.

Video Conferencing Helps Improve Efficiency

One of the most significant benefits of video conferencing is its ability to boost efficiency. By allowing employees to connect from anywhere, video conferencing can help save them valuable time that they would normally spend traveling to meetings. This can help your company make decisions faster and improve collaboration, allowing you to enjoy better business outcomes.

It Will Allow You to Cut Costs

Using video conferencing will also allow your company to enjoy significant cost savings. Traditional in-person meetings can involve expenses such as travel, lodging, and meals. But when you add video conferencing to your operations, you can reduce or eliminate these costs altogether. Doing this allows you to apply your savings to other areas of your business.

You Can Record and Review the Meeting Again

Another advantage of using video conferencing in your company is that you can record the meeting and review it afterwards. Video conferencing platforms often have recording capabilities, allowing you to capture and store meetings for future reference.

This feature is valuable for important discussions, training sessions, or presentations. By recording meetings, employees can revisit key points, share the content with colleagues who could not attend, and use the recordings for training.

Video Conferencing Allows Everyone to Attend a Meeting

In today’s global business environment, it’s not always possible for every team member to be physically present at a meeting. However, video conferencing solves this problem by enabling employees, clients, and partners who are at distant locations to participate in discussions and important decisions. This inclusivity fosters a sense of unity and ensures that everyone’s voice is heard, regardless of location.

It Can Help with Client Relationships

You can also use video conferencing to develop relationships with your clients. By hosting meetings online you can create a more personal and engaging experience, even when meeting face-to-face physically isn’t possible. This enhanced level of interaction can help build trust, improve communication, and ultimately lead to more successful business partnerships. As you search for a video conferencing system, make sure you review the questions to ask when choosing a commercial AV system so you can implement technology that is a perfect fit for your business.

As the business landscape evolves, don’t let your company fall behind. Take an innovative step forward with video conferencing so you can drive your firm forward with success and growth.

Tips for Ensuring Success Throughout Your Career

Tips for Ensuring Success Throughout Your Career

Success in one’s career is a pursuit that spans a lifetime. Whether you’re just starting out in the workforce, aiming for a promotion, or considering a pivot in your career path, there’s always a way to equip yourself for the next step. This post aims to provide a comprehensive guide with practical tips for ensuring success throughout your career. Read on for a master class in professional development.

Crafting Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is your professional essence—it’s what sets you apart in any job market. Just as marketing gurus develop and nurture a brand for a product, you should curate and maintain a strong identity that showcases your skills and reflects your values and work ethic. Ensure your resume is concise, tailored for the job you’re applying for, and highlights your most impactful career experiences. Be mindful of social media—what you post or share online can be just as revealing as an interview.

Continuous Skill Development

In today’s dynamic work environment, standing still means falling behind. Continuous skill development should be a mantra for every professional. Keep an ear out for industry trends, job market demands, and the specific software programs, languages, or methodologies that are becoming standard. Don’t be afraid to ask for the help or mentorship you need to be successful—it’s often the most direct way to fill a gap in your knowledge.

Maintaining Professional Attire

In the realm of professional development, maintaining a professional appearance is crucial for making a positive first impression, and it extends beyond merely dressing appropriately for your job. Different sectors have varying expectations for attire, from the creative leniency of tech startups to the structured formality of finance. A well-curated professional wardrobe should include versatile, quality pieces that can withstand daily wear and maintain their appearance. Understanding key information, such as whether your fire-resistant clothing is tax deductible, can help you save money over time.

Navigating the Job Market

The job market can be a complex and competitive space, and standing out from the crowd requires thoughtful strategy and execution. Research the company, understand the job requirements, and practice answering common interview questions. Once you’ve made it through the interview process and received an offer, don’t jump at the first number. Research the average salary and factor in the total benefits package, including health insurance, retirement contributions, and any bonuses or stock options.

Balancing Work and Life

Success isn’t just about the hours you put into your job. Remember to find balance—pursue hobbies, spend time with loved ones, and take care of your physical and mental health. Burnout can derail even the most promising careers, so ensure a sustainable work-life balance. A career development plan can help you stay focused and track your progress without becoming overwhelmed.

Write a Story of Triumph

Success in life demands intentional focus, strategic planning, and a commitment to continuous improvement. With these tips for ensuring success throughout your career, you can set yourself on a path toward professional excellence. Remember, your career is a story written with potential, opportunity, and triumph.

Different Career Paths in the Pipeline Industry

Different Career Paths in the Pipeline Industry

Every day, millions of oil barrels, cubic feet of natural gas, and other vital resources transport across continents through pipeline conduits. Deemed the backbone of infrastructure, pipeline engineers are in high demand, and the industry’s growth is a testament to its lucrative career opportunities. For those seeking a career herein, the path is rich with possibilities and professional development. Here, we explore the various career paths in the pipeline industry, from blue to white collars and everything in between.

The Inner Workings of Pipeline Engineering and Its Roles

Are you enticed by the idea of playing a part in the efficient and safe delivery of resources that run our world? Pipeline engineering might be your calling. Flush with technical roles ranging from designing complex pipeline networks to maintaining them with cutting-edge technology; the sector is searching for bright and innovative minds. Proficiency in project management, an understanding of material sciences, and a keen eye for detail are the core competencies required to excel in these roles, marking a dynamic career choice for engineers.

The Backhoe to Boardroom Advancement in Pipeline Careers

The pipeline industry is so much more than just laying pipes. There are distinct career trajectories within the sector that offer diverse experiences. At the onset, entry-level engineers often find themselves at construction sites, working with earth-moving equipment and the vast teams that commission these colossal projects.

Advancing pipeline operations, one eventually finds themselves contributing to safety and environmental compliance, pushing forward initiatives vital to the industry’s sustainable future—a sector evolving, not just in size, but in ethical engineering concerns.

Opening the Pipeline of Opportunity for Young Engineers

Fueled by the world’s constant demand for energy, the pipeline industry is a wellspring of opportunities for job seekers. But beyond the need for more hands on deck, employers today seek a balance of skills and passions that align with the industry’s future endeavors.

The convergence of pipeline engineering with predictive analytics, for instance, is a domain ripe for innovation and is indicative of the kind of forward-thinking the industry values. Job markets ebb and flow, yet as the energy sector powers ahead, pipeline engineering roles continue to proliferate.

Preparing for Pipeline Success: Education and Skillsets

The path to becoming a proficient pipeline engineer features rigorous education and strategic skill development. A solid academic background in engineering is just the beginning. Future pipeline engineers should consider exploring internships and co-op programs, where real-world application of their learning takes shape. Certifications and advanced degrees can also set professionals apart in this competitive field, where the intersection of know-how and hands-on experience is the key to unlocking career potential.

Stronger policies and a growing need for renewable energy will continue to shape the pipeline industry in the coming years, making it an exciting career path for engineers. For those with a clear eye on the horizon and a willingness to tap into the pulse of the sector, pipeline engineering promises a fulfilling and vital career.

Business Leadership: How To Overcome Communication Failures

Business Leadership: How To Overcome Communication Failures

Business leaders endure ample hardships. The digital age presents many opportunities as well as challenges in how teams discuss information, resolve conflict, and complete projects.

You have the power to overcome communication failures from the past. Learn how to positively improve the way you communicate in technological and emotional aspects.

Enhance Communication Tactics Through Technology

Technology should support office communication, not hinder it. Offices can tackle various communication barriers by implementing technology alongside various skillful approaches.

1. Establish Communication Protocols

A common complication that leaders and their team members face is a lack of communication structure. Technology can be a wonderful asset for encouraging thorough discussions and ensuring people don’t lose information in translation.

For example, establish that non-urgent issues are communicated through emails. Team members can discuss more timely matters through instant messaging or handheld radios. These protocols will streamline conversations for a more efficient office.

2. Organize Efficient Project Management Tools

Project management tools are a beacon of clarity; they empower teams to visualize their workloads, monitor task progress, and pinpoint interferences.

These platforms often feature integrated communication tools, enabling team members to discuss projects and provide feedback directly within tasks. They’re key for mitigating misunderstandings and inefficiencies. By harnessing the capabilities of project management tools, teams can enhance communication as well as increase collaboration productively.

3. Handheld Radios for Office-Wide Connectivity

Walkie-talkies may seem like an outlier when it comes to office communication. Nevertheless, It’s possible to increase business communication with radios because of their quick response times and expansive coverage.

You may not be at your desk at all hours. If you’re a leader who is constantly on the move and conducts interdepartmental conversations regularly, handheld radios are an asset to your role.

Master the Human Side of Communication

Technology failures aren’t the only challenges to conquer. There are many tactics to implement within conversations with team members so that you can improve relationships and clarity.

1. Emotional Intelligence

Understanding and effectively managing your own emotions while honing the ability to empathetically tune into the emotions of others can significantly enhance the quality of communication. This heightened emotional intelligence fosters deeper connections, cultivates empathy, and nurtures stronger, more meaningful relationships.

2. Active Listening

This skill goes beyond just hearing words; it involves absorbing information, grasping context, and empathizing with the speaker’s emotions and viewpoints. Concentrate deeply, ask questions to clarify, and dedicate time to reflect on and fully comprehend the speaker’s message to boost your active listening skills.

3. Conflict Resolution

Every team undergoes conflict at some point. The goal is to move forward and foster an environment of respect so that the group can grow from various issues rather than create more barriers.

Effective conflict resolution involves maintaining an open mind and an ability to compromise. As a leader, you must tackle the issue straight on, be willing to listen, and establish a solution for a forward-looking atmosphere.

Effective communication is the key to any successful business leader. Mistakes will come and go. When business leaders have the drive to constantly improve communication methods and overcome obstacles, success will find them.

Industries That Benefit From Nanotechnology

Industries That Benefit From Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is transforming the way we think about materials and innovation. The manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular level is opening doors to a myriad of applications across various industries, revolutionizing fields that previously seemed impervious to significant change. Understanding some of the industries that benefit from nanotechnology can provide a huge advantage for tech enthusiasts and industry professionals alike, and help you make informed decisions about the future.

Nanotechnology in Chemical Engineering

The application of nanotechnology in chemical engineering has the potential to change the way we produce essential materials. The impact is a big deal, from catalytic converters that make our vehicles more eco-friendly to cutting-edge drug delivery systems. Nanotechnology is significantly changing analytical lab testing and allowing for new and amazing discoveries.

Catalysts at the nanoscale can significantly improve the efficiency of chemical reactions, leading to higher yields and lower energy consumption. Nanostructured materials are also at the forefront of water purification, air pollution control, and even the development of self-repairing materials. Chemical engineering is a prime example of how nanotech is increasing the range of materials we can produce and their efficiency and resilience in challenging environments.

Nanotechnology in Cryptocurrency

Nanotechnology is enabling the creation of new materials that enhance security, performance, and conductive properties in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency. For example, we’re utilizing quantum dots for their potential to create safer QR codes and secure encrypted currency transactions. Beyond security, the creation of nanomaterials with enhanced conductive properties is a significant development for the hardware used in mining and transactions, potentially making cryptocurrency operations faster and more energy-efficient. These applications exemplify how nanotechnology could be a game-changer for this burgeoning field.

Nanotechnology in Energy

The energy sector is one of the most useful industries that benefit from nanotechnology. Solar energy stands to benefit from the increased efficiency and reduced costs that nanotech materials offer. Nanowire and quantum dot solar cells, for example, can capture a broader spectrum of light and convert it into electricity more effectively than traditional photovoltaic materials. These innovations suggest a future where energy production and storage are not only cleaner but also more powerful and reliable.

Nanotechnology in Electronics

We can see nanotechnology’s most apparent impact in the electronics industry, where miniaturization is becoming more important every year. Quantum dots and nanowires are transforming display technologies, leading to more vibrant colors and higher resolutions. The use of nanomaterials in computer chips is pushing the boundaries of Moore’s law, allowing for ever-smaller and more powerful devices. Beyond computer hardware, sensors, and detection systems are also benefiting from nanotechnology, with nanomaterials increasing sensitivity and accuracy. As a result, we’re witnessing the birth of a new generation of electronics that are smaller and better in every conceivable manner.

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