Unlocking Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 exam

Unlocking Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 exam: Skills Measured, Top 10 Quizzes with detailed answers, Testimonials, Tips, and Key Resources to ace the exam and pass the certification

Unlocking Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 exam: Skills Measured, Top 10 Quizzes with detailed answers, Testimonials, Tips, and Key Resources to ace the exam and pass the certification.

Welcome to AI Unraveled, the podcast that demystifies frequently asked questions on artificial intelligence and keeps you up to date with the latest AI trends. Join us as we delve into groundbreaking research, innovative applications, and emerging technologies that are pushing the boundaries of AI. From the latest trends in ChatGPT and the recent merger of Google Brain and DeepMind, to the exciting developments in generative AI, we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive update on the ever-evolving AI landscape. In today’s episode, we’ll cover skills measured in Azure AI workloads, machine learning principles, computer vision, and Natural Language Processing, Azure AI Fundamentals Practice Quizzes on topics such as predictive models, computer vision, responsible AI, and machine learning methods, top tips for acing the Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 exam including understanding objectives, practice, engaging with the community, and staying updated, and the Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 Exam Prep PRO by Djamgatech available on Apple and Windows App Stores.

Unlocking Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 exam:  Skills Measured, Top 10 Quizzes with detailed answers, Testimonials, Tips, and Key Resources to ace the exam and pass the certification
Unlocking Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 exam: Skills Measured, Top 10 Quizzes with detailed answers, Testimonials, Tips, and Key Resources to ace the exam and pass the certification

In the Azure AI Fundamentals Exam, you’ll be putting your knowledge of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) concepts to the test, along with your familiarity with related Microsoft Azure services. The great thing about this exam is that you don’t necessarily need a technical background or experience in data science or software engineering. So, if you’ve been wanting to break into the AI field, this could be a great opportunity for you! That said, having some knowledge of cloud basics and client-server applications will definitely come in handy. It’s not a requirement, but it would give you an advantage. Keep in mind that passing the Azure AI Fundamentals Exam can actually open doors to other Azure role-based certifications, like Azure Data Scientist Associate or Azure AI Engineer Associate. This means that once you ace this exam, you’ll have a head start on your AI journey. During the exam, you can expect questions that cover various aspects of AI workloads on Azure. This includes understanding the fundamental principles of machine learning, as well as the features and considerations of computer vision workloads and Natural Language Processing (NLP) workloads on Azure. So, get ready to dive deep into the exciting world of AI and show off your knowledge on the Azure platform. Good luck!

Quiz 1: So, you want to create a model to predict ice cream sales based on historic data, including daily sales totals and weather measurements. Now, which Azure service should you use for this task?

Well, the answer is Azure Machine Learning. With Azure Machine Learning, you can train a predictive model using the existing data. It’s pretty cool, right?

Quiz 2: Alright, let’s move on to the next question. You’re working on an AI application that detects cracks in car windshields and notifies drivers when repairs or replacements are necessary. What AI workload does this describe?

The answer is Computer Vision. By using computer vision, you can analyze images of car windshields and classify them into different groups based on their condition. This way, you can easily spot those pesky cracks.

Quiz 3: Here’s another question for you. There’s a predictive app that provides audio output for visually impaired users. Nice, right?

Now, which principle of Responsible AI is reflected in this scenario? The answer is Inclusiveness. Inclusiveness is all about ensuring that AI benefits all parts of society, regardless of physical ability, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. It’s about making AI accessible to everyone. Good job!

Quiz 4: Let’s move on. Here’s a question about ChatGPT, OpenAI, and Azure OpenAI. How are they related?

Well, OpenAI is a research company that developed ChatGPT, a fancy chatbot that uses generative AI models. And Azure OpenAI? Well, it provides access to many of OpenAI’s awesome AI models. So, you can think of Azure OpenAI as the gateway to these cool AI creations.

Quiz 5: Time for another question! You want to summarize a paragraph of text. Which generative AI model family should you use for this task?

The answer is GPT. GPT, which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a powerful family of generative AI models. It’s great for tasks like text summarization, where you need to condense a lot of information into a concise summary. So, GPT is your go-to model family for text summarization.

Quiz 6: Now, let’s talk about ethical AI practices in Azure OpenAI. What’s one action that Microsoft takes to support these practices?

Well, Microsoft provides Transparency Notes that share how their technology is built and asks users to consider its implications. It’s all about being transparent and promoting responsible use of AI. Kudos to Microsoft for their efforts!

Quiz 7: Okay, here’s a question about machine learning methods. You need to forecast the sea level in meters for the next ten years. What machine learning method should you employ for this task?

The answer is Regression. Regression is a fundamental concept in machine learning that focuses on predicting continuous numeric values. By analyzing patterns and dependencies, regression models can estimate or forecast numerical outcomes. So, for forecasting the sea level, regression is the way to go.

Quiz 8: Time for another question! You’re analyzing user reviews for a new product using the Text Analytics service. Your goal is to determine the general mood or opinion from these reviews. Which type of natural language processing should you use?

The answer is Sentiment Analysis. Sentiment Analysis is designed to determine the emotional tone behind a series of words. It helps you understand the attitudes, opinions, and emotions expressed in a text. So, it’s perfect for determining the general mood or opinion from those user reviews.

Quiz 9: We’re almost there! You’re developing a system to analyze images from a wildlife park and identify specific animal species. You want to leverage a custom model for this task. Which Azure Cognitive Services service should you use?

The answer is Custom Vision. Azure’s Custom Vision service allows you to build custom image classifiers. In this case, you would train it to recognize specific species of animals. So, Custom Vision is the service you’ll need to bring those animal identifications to life.

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

Quiz 10: Last but not least! Your organization plans to deploy facial recognition technology for security purposes. But, you want to make sure it doesn’t unintentionally exclude certain demographics. So, which Microsoft guiding principle for responsible AI does this relate to?

It relates to the principle of Inclusiveness. Inclusiveness in AI means developing systems that respect and include all users. In the context of facial recognition technology, it’s essential to identify any potential impediments that might unintentionally exclude particular demographics from using the technology. So, inclusiveness is key in this scenario. And there you have it! You managed to answer all the quiz questions correctly. Nice work! Remember, Azure AI has a wide range of services and principles to help you tackle different AI tasks responsibly and ethically. Keep exploring and learning, and you’ll become an AI expert in no time!

Here are my top 10 tips and key resources to help you ace the Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 exam.

Firstly, make sure you understand the exam objectives. Familiarize yourself with what will be tested by reviewing Microsoft’s detailed outline of the exam. Next, get some hands-on experience. While the AI-900 exam is more conceptual, using the Azure portal to experiment with AI services will solidify your understanding. Take advantage of Microsoft Learn. They offer a free learning path specifically tailored for the AI-900 exam. This includes interactive lessons and quizzes to help you prepare. Don’t forget to take practice exams. Mock tests are a great way to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and assess your level of preparation. Engaging with the Azure AI community is also beneficial. Join forums and communities to participate in discussions and gain insights from real-world scenarios. Keep yourself updated with the latest advancements in AI and cloud technologies. The field evolves rapidly, so make sure you’re studying the most recent materials and are aware of any Azure AI updates. Take the time to review Microsoft’s official documentation. It’s a comprehensive resource that provides up-to-date information on each service related to Azure AI. Make sure you have a solid understanding of key AI concepts. Familiarize yourself with machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and conversational AI. Taking notes while studying is crucial, especially on topics that you find challenging. These notes will come in handy during revision. Lastly, don’t forget to relax before the exam. Avoid cramming the night before. Instead, review your notes, ensure you have a good grasp of the high-level concepts, and get a good night’s sleep. Now, let’s move on to the key resources that will aid your preparation for the AI-900 exam. Microsoft Learn’s AI-900 Learning Path is a great starting point. They offer free online training modules specifically tailored for the AI-900 exam. Microsoft’s official documentation is another valuable resource. They provide comprehensive documentation for Azure AI services, such as Azure Cognitive Services and Azure Machine Learning. To get a good approximation of the actual exam, try the Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 Official Practice Test. The Azure Portal is an excellent platform for getting hands-on experience with Azure services related to AI. If you prefer online courses, platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight offer dedicated courses for AI-900 exam preparation. Stay updated with the Azure AI Blog, where you’ll find articles on new features, best practices, and real-world use cases. GitHub repositories are another valuable resource. Many repositories provide samples, code snippets, and projects related to Azure AI, which can assist in hands-on practice. Joining study groups or engaging with peers who are studying for the same exam can be advantageous. You can share resources, discuss topics, and clarify doubts. There are also guidebooks available specifically tailored for the AI-900 exam. These can provide a comprehensive overview of the exam content. Lastly, check out YouTube. Many Azure experts and trainers post tutorial videos, webinars, and exam tips specifically focused on the AI-900 exam. Remember, consistent study, hands-on practice, and a clear understanding of the underlying principles behind each concept are key to acing the AI-900 exam. Good luck!

If you’re gearing up to take the Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 exam, then the Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 Exam Prep PRO by Djamgatech is a resource you won’t want to miss out on. This handy app is specifically designed to help you prepare for and pass the Azure AI-900 Fundamentals exam, and it’s conveniently available for download at both the Apple App Store and the Windows App Store. So, what exactly does the app have to offer? Well, let’s take a look at its impressive features. First and foremost, you’ll have access to a wide range of Azure AI-900 questions as well as detailed answers and references. This is a fantastic way to test your knowledge and ensure you’re fully prepared for each aspect of the exam. But that’s not all! The app also provides you with a selection of Machine Learning Basics questions and answers. These will give you a solid foundation in the fundamentals of machine learning, making it easier for you to tackle the exam questions with confidence. If you’re looking to take your understanding of machine learning to the next level, the app has you covered there as well. It offers Machine Learning Advanced questions and answers, which dive deeper into the subject matter and challenge you with more complex concepts. In addition to machine learning, the app also provides resources for NLP (Natural Language Processing) and Computer Vision. You’ll find a curated collection of questions and answers specifically tailored to these topics, helping you brush up on your knowledge and be better prepared for any exam questions related to NLP and Computer Vision. To keep track of your progress and stay motivated, the app includes a handy Scorecard feature. This allows you to see how well you’re doing and identify any areas that may need more attention. And to help you stay on track with your studying, there’s even a countdown timer that you can use to pace yourself effectively. For those who find cheat sheets helpful, the app offers Machine Learning Cheat Sheets. These concise and handy references provide quick reminders of key concepts and formulas, making them a valuable resource to have at your fingertips during the exam. And as if that wasn’t enough, the app also provides a collection of Machine Learning Interview Questions and Answers, which can come in handy when preparing for job interviews or discussing machine learning concepts with potential employers. Lastly, to ensure you stay up to date with the latest developments in the world of machine learning, the app includes a section dedicated to Machine Learning Latest News. This keeps you informed about new advancements, trends, and breakthroughs in the field. So, if you’re looking for a comprehensive and convenient study tool to help you prepare for the Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 exam, look no further than the Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 Exam Prep PRO by Djamgatech. With its array of features and resources, it’s the perfect companion to help you succeed in your exam endeavors.

In this episode we covered a range of topics including AI workloads, machine learning principles, computer vision, and Natural Language Processing in Azure; we explored Azure AI Fundamentals Practice Quizzes that cover predictive models, computer vision, responsible AI, and machine learning methods; we shared top tips for acing the Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 exam, highlighting the importance of understanding objectives, practicing, engaging with the community, and staying updated with key resources such as Microsoft Learn and online courses; and lastly, we introduced the Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 Exam Prep PRO by Djamgatech, a preparation tool available on Apple and Windows App Stores to help you pass the AI-900 exam. Join us next time on AI Unraveled as we continue to demystify frequently asked questions on artificial intelligence and bring you the latest trends in AI, including ChatGPT advancements and the exciting collaboration between Google Brain and DeepMind. Stay informed, stay curious, and don’t forget to subscribe for more!

Unlocking Azure Fundamentals AZ900 exam: Testimonials, Tips, and Key Resources to ace the exam and pass the certification

Unlocking Azure Fundamentals AZ900 exam: Testimonials, Tips, and Key Resources to ace the exam and pass the certification

Unlocking Azure Fundamentals AZ900 exam: Testimonials, Tips, and Key Resources to ace the exam and pass the certification.

Dive deep into the key strategies and insights to master the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam (AZ900). Hear from successful candidates, discover invaluable tips, and explore the best resources to guarantee your success.

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ900 GPT
Microsoft Azure Fundamentals GPT

Ace the Azure Fundamentals Certification Exam

Welcome to the “Djamgatech Education” podcast – your ultimate educational hub where we dive deep into an ocean of knowledge, covering a wide range of topics from cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence to fundamental subjects like Mathematics, History, and Science. But that’s not all – our platform is tailored for learners of all ages and stages, from child education to continuing education across a multitude of subjects. So join us on this enlightening journey as we break down complex topics into digestible, engaging conversations. Stay curious, stay informed, and stay tuned with Djamgatech Education! In today’s episode, we’ll cover the Azure Fundamentals certification and its validation of basic knowledge of cloud services, architecture, security, network, and cost management, as well as how various individuals used different resources to pass the Azure Fundamentals AZ900 exam, and the top 10 tips to ace the exam in 2023 including using Microsoft Learn, taking practice exams, diversifying resources, staying updated, doing hands-on labs, focusing on core topics, joining study groups, managing time, reviewing Azure Architecture Center, and staying calm and trusting your preparation.

Ace the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification Exam: Pass the Azure Fundamentals Exam with Ease: Master the AZ-900 Certification with this Comprehensive Exam Preparation Guide!
Ace the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification Exam: Pass the Azure Fundamentals Exam with Ease: Master the AZ-900 Certification with this Comprehensive Exam Preparation Guide!

The Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam is a great way for technology professionals to showcase their foundational knowledge of cloud concepts and Microsoft Azure. This certification validates your understanding of cloud services and how they are provided with Azure. So, let’s dive into the different areas that this certification covers.

First off, you need to have a good grasp of Cloud Concepts, which make up about 25-30% of the exam. This includes understanding the benefits of cloud computing, the different types of cloud services, and the deployment models for cloud computing.

Next, Core Azure Services make up 15-20% of the exam. This section focuses on essential services such as compute, networking, and storage. You should be able to describe these services and understand their functionality within the Azure ecosystem.

Moving on, Core Solutions and Management Tools on Azure constitute 10-15% of the exam. Here, you need to familiarize yourself with the various tools and solutions available on Azure to manage and monitor your resources effectively.

General Security and Network Security Features account for 10-15% of the exam. This section examines your understanding of Azure’s security features and how to protect your resources from potential threats.

Identity, governance, privacy, and compliance features make up 15-20% of the exam. You should have a good understanding of Azure Active Directory, role-based access control, and data protection mechanisms to ensure privacy and compliance with regulations.

Azure cost management and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) constitute 10-15% of the exam. You need to be familiar with Azure’s cost management tools, budgeting, and monitoring features. Additionally, understanding SLAs and their importance in providing service guarantees is also crucial.

Candidates for this exam are technology professionals with expertise in areas such as infrastructure management, database management, or software development. It’s important to have hands-on experience with Azure services to better understand the concepts and apply them effectively.

In conclusion, the Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam validates your essential knowledge of cloud services and how Microsoft Azure works. By demonstrating your understanding of cloud concepts, core services, security features, governance, and cost management, you can showcase your proficiency in this fundamental aspect of modern technology. Good luck with your exam preparation!

Testimonial 1: Hey, guess what? I wanted to share some great news with you. I came across this testimonial from someone who just passed the AZ-900 exam last Friday. It wasn’t easy for them, I tell you. They faced some tough questions that they weren’t familiar with, and the exam was pretty comprehensive. But you know what? They still managed to clear it! Pretty impressive, right? They shared their preparation strategy with us. They used resources from Microsoft Learn, Scott Duffy’s Udemy course, and John Savill’s crash course on YouTube. It seems like they got a good mix of study materials to help them succeed.

Testimonial 2: So, there’s another testimonial that caught my attention. This person found the exam to be more challenging than they expected. But you know what they say, tough times don’t last, tough people do. They passed! They studied for six days straight, covering a lot of material. But they felt like only 20% of what they studied appeared on the exam. Isn’t that crazy? The questions on the exam were designed to be particularly challenging, blending familiar and unfamiliar content. It seems like the exam really tests your knowledge in a comprehensive way. They used various resources during their preparation, like Whizlabs, Tutorialsdojo, Udemy courses, and Microsoft’s free learning path. It’s great to see that they tried different sources to get a well-rounded understanding of the material.

Testimonial 3: Here’s another success story for you. This person recently passed the AZ-900, and they’re attributing their success to a variety of resources. They mentioned using the ‘green book’, which I assume is some sort of study guide. They also found Reza Salehi’s instructional videos on Safari Online to be helpful. And of course, they didn’t forget to mention a Pearson practice test. It’s always a good idea to take practice tests to get a feel for the real thing. I’m glad they found these resources valuable in their preparation.

Testimonial 4: Last but definitely not least, we have an individual who successfully passed the Microsoft AZ-900 Fundamentals Certification. They give a lot of credit to Adam Marczak’s insightful videos on YouTube. Apparently, Adam’s videos are clear, precise, and full of passion for Azure. Sounds like a great combination, right? No wonder they found it to be an invaluable resource. But they didn’t stop there. They also took the “Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Exam Ready Practice Tests 2023” course on Udemy. These practice tests really helped them gauge their understanding and refine their knowledge. The tests offered detailed breakdowns for each query, which I’m sure made a big difference in their preparation.

By combining Adam Marczak’s YouTube videos with the Udemy practice tests, they were able to get a comprehensive grasp of Azure fundamentals. This approach really boosted their confidence going into the exam. What’s even better is that they want to share their experience and resources with others. They emphasize the importance of meticulous preparation and highlight the wealth of exceptional resources available for prospective candidates. So if anyone has any questions about their experience or the tools they used, they’re more than happy to help. Isn’t that amazing? They just want to pay it forward and help others succeed.

Isn’t it inspiring to hear these success stories? It just goes to show that with the right resources and a lot of dedication, anyone can pass the AZ-900 exam. So if you’re getting ready to take the exam, make sure to check out these resources and prepare thoroughly. Good luck!

So you’re looking to ace the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ900 certification exam in 2023? Well, you’ve come to the right place! I’ve got some great tips and tricks to help you prepare and increase your chances of success. Let’s dive right in!

First things first, start off by checking out the official Microsoft Learn’s learning path for AZ900. This is a fantastic resource that’s not only free but also frequently updated. It offers interactive modules that take a hands-on approach to help you grasp the fundamentals of Azure. It’s a great starting point for your preparation.

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

Now, taking practice exams is essential to gauge your readiness. Before you sit for the actual exam, make sure to try out several practice exams. Platforms like Whizlabs and Tutorialsdojo come highly recommended for their quality mock tests. These practice exams will not only help you get familiar with the exam format but also identify any areas where you may need to focus your studies.

While Microsoft Learn is a great resource, it’s always helpful to diversify your study materials. Consider utilizing courses from established instructors like Scott Duffy on Udemy or John Savill’s crash course on YouTube. Different perspectives can offer additional insights and help solidify your understanding of the Azure fundamentals.

Now, Azure services are constantly evolving, which means it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest information. Make sure you’re studying the most recent material and keep an eye on Azure’s official blog or updates page for any changes or announcements. Being aware of the latest updates will ensure you’re well-prepared for the exam.

Theory is essential, but don’t forget to get hands-on experience too! Make use of the Azure free tier or sandbox environments to practice and understand the core services. Hands-on labs are a great way to put your knowledge to the test and gain a deeper understanding of how Azure works in real-world scenarios.

While it’s important to have a broad understanding of all areas, make sure you focus heavily on the core topics that the exam emphasizes. These topics typically include Azure pricing, support plans, core services, and Azure’s global infrastructure. By dedicating more time and effort to these areas, you’ll be well-prepared for the exam.

Joining study groups can be extremely beneficial in your preparation. Platforms like Reddit, TechCommunity, and other online forums have dedicated groups for Azure certifications. Engaging in discussions, asking questions, and sharing resources with fellow learners can enhance your understanding and provide valuable insights.

Time management is key during the exam. The AZ900 exam is timed, so when you’re practicing, make sure you’re not only answering questions correctly but also doing so within a reasonable time frame. Practicing under timed conditions will help you manage your time effectively during the actual exam.

To gain a deeper understanding of Azure services and how they fit together in real-world scenarios, take the time to review the Azure Architecture Center. This resource provides best practices, architectural templates, and more. It’s a goldmine of information that will enhance your knowledge and help you succeed in the exam.

Last but not least, stay calm and trust your preparation. It’s common to come across a few unfamiliar questions in the exam, but don’t panic. Trust in the knowledge and skills you’ve built during your preparation. Use the process of elimination to narrow down your options and remember that you don’t need a perfect score to pass the exam. Stay confident and focused throughout the exam.

Preparing for the AZ900 exam is not just about passing a test. It’s about building a solid foundation in Azure. With the right resources and a strategic approach to studying, you’ll be well on your way to certification success! Best of luck on your journey to becoming an Azure expert!

In this episode, we explored Azure Fundamentals certification, heard success stories from those who passed the AZ900 exam, and discovered the top 10 tips to ace the exam in 2023. Thank you for joining us on the “Djamgatech Education” podcast, where we strive to ignite curiosity, foster lifelong learning, and keep you at the forefront of educational trends – so stay curious, stay informed, and stay tuned with Djamgatech Education!

Unveiling: “Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification Exam Preparation” by Etienne Noumen 

🌟Set your sights on acing the AZ-900 exam with a comprehensive guide curated by a seasoned expert. Authored by Etienne Noumen, a Calgary-based software engineer boasting 20+ years in the tech landscape, this book encapsulates wisdom from a veteran’s perspective.

📘 Key Features:

250+ Azure Fundamentals Quizzes & Practice Exams: Experience rigorous tests that mirror the actual exam. Detailed Answers & References: Dive deep into concepts with expert insights. Illustrations & Flashcards: Enhance retention with visual cues and handy memory aids. Real Testimonials: Let the success stories of others boost your confidence. Exclusive Tips & Tricks: Benefit from Etienne’s vast experience to navigate the intricacies of the exam.

🛍️ Choose Your Preferred Format:

Available in both print and digital on platforms like Amazon, Google, Apple, Shopify, and Barnes & Noble.Harness the power of Etienne Noumen’s expertise and equip yourself with an unparalleled AZ-900 exam preparation tool. Secure your copy today and embark on a triumphant Azure journey! 🚀 Get it at amazon at https://amzn.to/3RbK12X

AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals – Top 100 Questions and Answers Dumps

AWS Azure Google Cloud Certifications Testimonials and Dumps

Register to AI Driven Cloud Cert Prep Dumps

AWS Azure Google Cloud Certifications Testimonials and Dumps

Do you want to become a Professional DevOps Engineer, a cloud Solutions Architect, a Cloud Engineer or a modern Developer or IT Professional, a versatile Product Manager, a hip Project Manager? Therefore Cloud skills and certifications can be just the thing you need to make the move into cloud or to level up and advance your career.

85% of hiring managers say cloud certifications make a candidate more attractive.

Build the skills that’ll drive your career into six figures.

In this blog, we are going to feed you with AWS Azure and GCP Cloud Certification testimonials and Frequently Asked Questions and Answers Dumps.

AWS Azure Google Cloud Certifications Testimonials and Dumps
AWS Developer Associates DVA-C01 PRO


AWS Cloud Practitioner CCP CLF-C01 Certification Exam Prep

Went through the entire CloudAcademy course. Most of the info went out the other ear. Got a 67% on their final exam. Took the ExamPro free exam, got 69%.

Was going to take it last Saturday, but I bought TutorialDojo’s exams on Udemy. Did one Friday night, got a 50% and rescheduled it a week later to today Sunday.

Took 4 total TD exams. Got a 50%, 54%, 67%, and 64%. Even up until last night I hated the TD exams with a passion, I thought they were covering way too much stuff that didn’t even pop up in study guides I read. Their wording for some problems were also atrocious. But looking back, the bulk of my “studying” was going through their pretty well written explanations, and their links to the white papers allowed me to know what and where to read.

Not sure what score I got yet on the exam. As someone who always hated testing, I’m pretty proud of myself. I also had to take a dump really bad starting at around question 25. Thanks to TutorialsDojo Jon Bonso for completely destroying my confidence before the exam, forcing me to up my game. It’s better to walk in way over prepared than underprepared.

Just Passed My CCP exam today (within 2 weeks)

I would like to thank this community for recommendations about exam preparation. It was wayyyy easier than I expected (also way easier than TD practice exams scenario-based questions-a lot less wordy on real exam). I felt so unready before the exam that I rescheduled the exam twice. Quick tip: if you have limited time to prepare for this exam, I would recommend scheduling the exam beforehand so that you don’t procrastinate fully.


-Stephane’s course on Udemy (I have seen people saying to skip hands-on videos but I found them extremely helpful to understand most of the concepts-so try to not skip those hands-on)

-Tutorials Dojo practice exams (I did only 3.5 practice tests out of 5 and already got 8-10 EXACTLY worded questions on my real exam)

Previous Aws knowledge:

-Very little to no experience (deployed my group’s app to cloud via Elastic beanstalk in college-had 0 clue at the time about what I was doing-had clear guidelines)

Preparation duration: -2 weeks (honestly watched videos for 12 days and then went over summary and practice tests on the last two days)

Links to resources:



I used Stephane Maarek on Udemy. Purchased his course and the 6 Practice Exams. Also got Neal Davis’ 500 practice questions on Udemy. I took Stephane’s class over 2 days, then spent the next 2 weeks going over the tests (3~4 per day) till I was constantly getting over 80% – passed my exam with a 882.

Passed – CCP CLF-C01


What an adventure, I’ve never really gieven though to getting a cert until one day it just dawned on me that it’s one of the few resources that are globally accepted. So you can approach any company and basically prove you know what’s up on AWS 😀

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

Passed with two weeks of prep (after work and weekends)

Resources Used:

  • https://www.exampro.co/

    • This was just a nice structured presentation that also gives you the powerpoint slides plus cheatsheets and a nice overview of what is said in each video lecture.

  • Udemy – AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exams, created by Jon Bonso**, Tutorials Dojo**

    • These are some good prep exams, they ask the questions in a way that actually make you think about the related AWS Service. With only a few “Bullshit! That was asked in a confusing way” questions that popped up.

Pass AWS CCP. The score is beyond expected

I took CCP 2 days ago and got the pass notification right after submitting the answers. In about the next 3 hours I got an email from Credly for the badge. This morning I got an official email from AWS congratulating me on passing, the score is much higher than I expected. I took Stephane Maarek’s CCP course and his 6 demo exams, then Neal Davis’ 500 questions also. On all the demo exams, I took 1 fail and all passes with about 700-800. But in the real exam, I got 860. The questions in the real exam are kind of less verbose IMO, but I don’t truly agree with some people I see on this sub saying that they are easier.
Just a little bit of sharing, now I’ll find something to continue ^^

Good luck with your own exams.

Passed the exam! Spent 25 minutes answering all the questions. Another 10 to review. I might come back and update this post with my actual score.


– A year of experience working with AWS (e.g., EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, Route 53, and Amplify).

– Cloud development on AWS is not my strong suit. I just Google everything, so my knowledge is very spotty. Less so now since I studied for this exam.

Study stats

– Spent three weeks studying for the exam.

– Studied an hour to two every day.

– Solved 800-1000 practice questions.

– Took 450 screenshots of practice questions and technology/service descriptions as reference notes to quickly swift through on my phone and computer for review. Screenshots were of questions that I either didn’t know, knew but was iffy on, or those I believed I’d easily forget.

– Made 15-20 pages of notes. Chill. Nothing crazy. This is on A4 paper. Free-form note taking. With big diagrams. Around 60-80 words per page.

– I was getting low-to-mid 70%s on Neal Davis’s and Stephane Maarek’s practice exams. Highest score I got was an 80%.

– I got a 67(?)% on one of Stephane Maarek’s exams. The only sub-70% I ever got on any practice test. I got slightly anxious. But given how much harder Maarek’s exams are compared to the actual exam, the anxiety was undue.

– Finishing the practice exams on time was never a problem for me. I would finish all of them comfortably within 35 minutes.

Resources used

– AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials on the AWS Training and Certification Portal

– AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Tests (Book) by Neal Davis

– 6 Practice Exams | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 by Stephane Maarek*

– Certified Cloud Practitioner Course by Exam Pro (Paid Version)**

– One or two free practice exams found by a quick Google search

*Regarding Exam Pro: I went through about 40% of the video lectures. I went through all the videos in the first few sections but felt that watching the lectures was too slow and laborious even at 1.5-2x speed. (The creator, for the most part, reads off of the slides, adding brief comments here and there.) So, I decided to only watch the video lectures for sections I didn’t have a good grasp on. (I believe the video lectures provided in the course are just split versions of the full length course available for free on YouTube under the freeCodeCamp channel, here.) The online course provides five practice exams. I did not take any of them.

**Regarding Stephane Maarek: I only took his practice exams. I did not take his study guide course.


– My study regimen (i.e., an hour to two every day for three weeks) was overkill.

– The questions on the practice exams created by Neal Davis and Stephane Maarek were significantly harder than those on the actual exam. I believe I could’ve passed without touching any of these resources.

– I retook one or two practice exams out of the 10+ I’ve taken. I don’t think there’s a need to retake the exams as long as you are diligent about studying the questions and underlying concepts you got wrong. I reviewed all the questions I missed on every practice exam the day before.

Ace the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification Exam: Pass the Azure Fundamentals Exam with Ease

What would I do differently?

– Focus on practice tests only. No video lectures.

– Focus on the technologies domain. You can intuit your way through questions in the other domains.

– Chill

What are the Top 100 AWS jobs you can get with an AWS certification in 2022 plus AWS Interview Questions
AWS SAA-C02 SAA-C03 Exam Prep

Just passed SAA-C03, thoughts on it

  • Lots of the comments here about networking / VPC questions being prevalent are true. Also so many damn Aurora questions, it was like a presales chat.

  • The questions are actually quite detailed; as some had already mentioned. So pay close attention to the minute details Some questions you definitely have to flag for re-review.

  • It is by far harder than the Developer Associate exam, despite it having a broader scope. The DVA-C02 exam was like doing a speedrun but this felt like finishing off Sigrun on GoW. Ya gotta take your time.

I took the TJ practice exams. It somewhat helped, but having intimate knowledge of VPC and DB concepts would help more.

Passed SAA-C03 – Feedback

Just passed the SAA-C03 exam (864) and wanted to provide some feedback since that was helpful for me when I was browsing here before the exam.

I come from an IT background and have a strong knowledge in the VPC portion so that section was a breeze for me in the preparation process (I had never used AWS before this so everything else was new, but the concepts were somewhat familiar considering my background). I started my preparation about a month ago, and used the Mareek class on Udemy. Once I finished the class and reviewed my notes I moved to Mareek’s 6 practice exams (on Udemy). I wasn’t doing extremely well on the PEs (I passed on 4/6 of the exams with 70s grades) I reviewed the exam questions after each exam and moved on to the next. I also purchased Tutorial Dojo’s 6 exams set but only ended up taking one out of 6 (which I passed).

Overall the practice exams ended up being a lot harder than the real exam which had mostly the regular/base topics: a LOT of S3 stuff and storage in general, a decent amount of migration questions, only a couple questions on VPCs and no ML/AI stuff.

My Study Guide for passing the SAA-C03 exam

Sharing the study guide that I followed when I prepared for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 exam. I passed this test and thought of sharing a real exam experience in taking this challenging test.

First off: my background – I have 8 years of development.experience and been doing AWS for several project, both personally and at work. Studied for a total of 2 months. Focused on the official Exam Guide, and carefully studied the Task Statements and related AWS services.

SAA-C03 Exam Prep

For my exam prep, I bought the adrian cantrill video coursetutorialsdojo (TD) video course and practice exams. Adrian’s course is just right and highly educational but like others has said, the content is long and cover more than just the exam. Did all of the hands-on labs too and played around some machine learning services in my AWS account.

If you are looking for an all-in-one solution to help you prepare for the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam, look no further than this AWS Cloud Practitioner CCP CLF-C02 book

TD video course is short and a good overall summary of the topics items you’ve just learned. One TD lesson covers multiple topics so the content is highly concise. After I completed doing Adrian’s video course, I used TD’s video course as a refresher, did a couple of their hands-on labs then head on to their practice exams.

For the TD practice exams, I took the exam in chronologically and didn’t jumped back and forth until I completed all tests. I first tried all of the 7 timed-mode tests, and review every wrong ones I got on every attempt., then the 6 review-mode tests and the section/topic-based tests. I took the final-test mode roughly 3 times and this is by far one of the helpful feature of the website IMO. The final-test mode generates a unique set from all TD question bank, so every attempt is challenging for me. I also noticed that the course progress doesn’t move if I failed a specific test, so I used to retake the test that I failed.

The Actual SAA-C03 Exam

The actual AWS exam is almost the same with the ones in the TD tests where:

  • All of the questions are scenario-based

  • There are two (or more) valid solutions in the question, e.g:

    • Need SSL: options are ACM and self-signed URL

    • Need to store DB credentials: options are SSM Parameter Store and Secrets Manager

  • The scenarios are long-winded and asks for:

    • MOST Operationally efficient solution

    • MOST cost-effective

    • LEAST amount overhead

Overall, I enjoyed the exam and felt fully prepared while taking the test, thanks to Adrian and TD, but it doesn’t mean the whole darn thing is easy. You really need to put some elbow grease and keep your head lights on when preparing for this exam. Good luck to all and I hope my study guide helped out anyone who is struggling.

Another Passed SAA-C03?

Just another thread about passing the general exam? I passed SAA-C03 yesterday, would like to share my experience on how I earned the examination.


– graduate with networking background

– working experience on on-premise infrastructure automation, mainly using ansible, python, zabbix and etc.

– cloud experience, short period like 3-6 months with practice

– provisioned cloud application using terraform in azure and aws

Course that I used fully:

– AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate (SAA-C03) | learn.cantri (cantrill.io)

– AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam – SAA-C03 Study Path (tutorialsdojo.com)

Course that I used partially or little:

– Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA) | Udemy

– Practice Exams | AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate | Udemy

Lab that I used:

– Free tier account with cantrill instruction

– Acloudguru lab and sandbox

– Percepio lab

Comment on course:

cantrill course is depth and lot of practical knowledge, like email alias and etc.. check in to know more

tutorialdojo practice exam help me filter the answer and guide me on correct answer. If I am wrong in specific topic, I rewatch cantrill video. However, there is some topics that not covered by cantrill but the guideline/review in practice exam will provide pretty much detail. I did all the other mode before the timed-based, after that get average 850 in timed-based exam, while scoring the final practice exam with 63/65. However, real examination is harder compared to practice exam in my opinion.

udemy course and practice exam, I go through some of them but I think the practice exam is quite hard compared to tutorialdojo.

lab – just get hand dirty and they will make your knowledge deep dive in your brain, my advice is try not only to do copy and paste lab but really read the description for each parameter in aws portal


you need to know some general exam topics like how to:

– s3 private access

– ec2 availability

– kinesis product including firehose, data stream, blabla

– iam

My next target will be AWS SAP and CKA, still searching suitable material for AWS SAP but proposed mainly using acloudguru sandbox and homelab to learn the subject, practice with acantrill lab in github.

Good luck anyone!

Passed SAA

I wanted to give my personal experience. I have a background in IT, but I have never worked in AWS previous to 5 weeks ago. I got my Cloud Practitioner in a week and SAA after another 4 weeks of studying (2-4 hours a day). I used Cantril’s Course and Tutorials Dojo Practice Exams. I highly, highly recommend this combo. I don’t think I would have passed without the practice exams, as they are quite difficult. In my opinion, they are much more difficult than the actual exam. They really hit the mark on what kind of content you will see. I got a 777, and that’s with getting 70-80%’s on the practice exams. I probably could have done better, but I had a really rough night of sleep and I came down with a cold. I was really on the struggle bus halfway through the test.

I only had a couple of questions on ML / AI, so make sure you know the differences between them all. Lot’s of S3 and EC2. You really need to know these in and out.

My company is offering stipend’s for each certification, so I’m going straight to developer next.

Recently passed SAA-C03

Just passed my SAA-C03 yesterday with 961 points. My first time doing AWS certification. I used Cantrill’s course. Went through the course materials twice, and took around 6 months to study, but that’s mostly due to my busy schedule. I found his materials very detailed and probably go beyond what you’d need for the actual exam.

I also used Stephane’s practice exams on Udemy. I’d say it’s instrumental in my passing doing these to get used to the type of questions in the actual exams and review missing knowledge. Would not have passed otherwise.

Just a heads-up, there are a few things popped up that I did not see in the course materials or practice exams:

* Lake Formation: question about pooling data from RDS and S3, as well as controlling access.

* S3 Requester Pays: question about minimizing S3 data cost when sharing with a partner.

* Pinpoint journey: question about customer replying to SMS sent-out and then storing their feedback.

Not sure if they are graded or Amazon testing out new parts.


Another SAP-C01-Pass

Received my notification this morning that I passed 811.

Prep Time: 10 weeks 2hrs a day

Materials: Neil Davis videos/practice exam Jon Bonso practice exams White papers Misc YouTube videos Some hands on

Prof Experience: 4 years AWS using main services as architect


Thoughts: Exam was way more familiar to me than the Developer Exam. I use very little AWS developer tools but mainly use core AWS services. Neil’s videos were very straightforward, easy to digest, and on point. I was able to watch most of the videos on a plane flight to Vegas.

After video series I started to hit his section based exams, main exam, notes, and followed up with some hands on. I was getting destroyed on some of the exams early on and had to rewatch and research the topics, writing notes. There is a lot of nuance and fine details on the topics, you’ll see this when you take the practice exam. These little details matter.

Bonso’s exam were nothing less than awesome as per usual. Same difficulty and quality as Neil Davis. Followed the same routine with section based followed by final exam. I believe Neil said to aim for 80’s on his final exams to sit for the exam. I’d agree because that’s where I was hitting a week before the exam (mid 80’s). Both Neil and Jon exams were on par with exam difficulty if not a shade more difficult.

The exam itself was very straightforward. My experience is the questions were not overly verbose and were straight to the point as compared to the practice exams I took. I was able to quickly narrow down the questions and make a selection. Flagged 8 questions along the way and had 30min to review all my answers. Unlike some people, I didn’t feel like it was a brain melter and actually enjoyed the challenge. Maybe I’m a sadist who knows.

Advice: Follow Neil’s plan, bone up on weak areas and be confident. These questions have a pattern based upon the domain. Doing the practice exams enough will allow you to see the pattern and then research will confirm your suspicions. You can pass this exam!

Good luck to those preparing now and god speed.

AWS Developer Associate DVA-C01 Exam Prep

I Passed AWS Developer Associate Certification DVA-C01 Testimonials

AWS Developer and Deployment Theory: Facts and Summaries and Questions/Answers
AWS Developer Associate DVA-C01 Exam Prep

Passed DVA-C01

Passed the certified developer associate this week.

Primary study was Stephane Maarek’s course on Udemy.

I also used the Practice Exams by Stephane Maarek and Abhishek Singh.

I used Stephane’s course and practice exams for the Solutions Architect Associate as well, and find his course does a good job preparing you to pass the exams.

The practice exams were more challenging than the actual exam, so they are a good gauge to see if you are ready for the exam.

Haven’t decided if I’ll do another associate level certification next or try for the solutions architect professional.

Cleared AWS Certified Developer – Associate (DVA-C01)


I cleared Developer associate exam yesterday. I scored 873.
Actual Exam Exp: More questions were focused on mainly on Lambda, API, Dynamodb, cloudfront, cognito(must know proper difference between user pool and identity pool)
3 questions I found were just for redis vs memecached (so maybe you can focus more here also to know exact use case& difference.) other topic were cloudformation, beanstalk, sts, ec2. Exam was mix of too easy and too tough for me. some questions were one liner and somewhere too long.

Resources: The main resources I used was udemy. Course of Stéphane Maarek and practice exams of Neal Davis and Stéphane Maarek. These exams proved really good and they even helped me in focusing the area which I lacked. And they are up to the level to actual exam, I found 3-4 exact same questions in actual exam(This might be just luck ! ). so I feel, the course of stephane is more than sufficient and you can trust it. I have achieved solution architect associate previously so I knew basic things, so I took around 2 weeks for preparation and revised the Stephen’s course as much as possible. Parallelly I gave the mentioned exams as well, which guided me where to focus more.

Thanks to all of you and feel free to comment/DM me, if you think I can help you in anyway for achieving the same.

Another Passed Associate Developer Exam (DVA-C01)

Already had passed the Associate Architect Exam (SA-C03) 3 months ago, so I got much more relaxed to the exam, I did the exam with Pearson Vue at home with no problems. Used Adrian Cantrill for the course together with the TD exams.

Studied 2 weeks a 1-2 hours since there is a big overlap with the associate architect couse, even tho the exam has a different approach, more focused on the Serverless side of AWS. Lots of DynamoDB, Lambda, API Gateway, KMS, CloudFormation, SAM, SSO, Cognito (User Pool and Identity Pool), and IAM role/credentials best practices.

I do think in terms of difficulty it was a bit easier than the Associate Architect, maybe it is made up on my mind as it was my second exam so I went in a bit more relaxed.

Next step is going for the Associate Sys-Ops, I will use Adrian Cantrill and Stephane Mareek courses as it is been said that its the most difficult associate exam.

Passed the SCS-C01 Security Specialty 

Passed the SCS-C01 Security Specialty
Passed the SCS-C01 Security Specialty

Mixture of Tutorial Dojo practice exams, A Cloud Guru course, Neal Davis course & exams helped a lot. Some unexpected questions caught me off guard but with educated guessing, due to the material I studied I was able to overcome them. It’s important to understand:

  1. KMS Keys

    1. AWS Owned Keys

    2. AWS Managed KMS keys

    3. Customer Managed Keys

    4. asymmetrical

    5. symmetrical

    6. Imported key material

    7. What services can use AWS Managed Keys

  2. KMS Rotation Policies

    1. Depending on the key matters the rotation that can be applied (if possible)

  3. Key Policies

    1. Grants (temporary access)

    2. Cross-account grants

    3. Permanent Policys

    4. How permissions are distributed depending on the assigned principle

  4. IAM Policy format

    1. Principles (supported principles)

    2. Conditions

    3. Actions

    4. Allow to a service (ARN or public AWS URL)

    5. Roles

  5. Secrets Management

    1. Credential Rotation

    2. Secure String types

    3. Parameter Store

    4. AWS Secrets Manager

  6. Route 53

    1. DNSSEC

    2. DNS Logging

  7. Network

    1. AWS Network Firewall

    2. AWS WAF (some questions try to trick you into thinking AWS Shield is needed instead)

    3. AWS Shield

    4. Security Groups (Stateful)

    5. NACL (Stateless)

    6. Ephemeral Ports

    7. VPC FlowLogs

  8. AWS Config

    1. Rules

    2. Remediation (custom or AWS managed)

  9. AWS CloudTrail

    1. AWS Organization Trails

    2. Multi-Region Trails

    3. Centralized S3 Bucket for multi-account log aggregation

  10. AWS GuardDuty vs AWS Macie vs AWS Inspector vs AWS Detective vs AWS Security Hub

It gets more in depth, I’m willing to help anyone out that has questions. If you don’t mind joining my Discord to discuss amongst others to help each other out will be great. A study group community. Thanks. I had to repost because of a typo 🙁


Passed the Security Specialty

Passed Security Specialty yesterday.

Resources used were:

Adrian (for the labs), Jon (For the Test Bank),

Total time spent studying was about a week due to the overlap with the SA Pro I passed a couple weeks ago.

Now working on getting Networking Specialty before the year ends.

My longer term goal is to have all the certs by end of next year.


Advanced Networking - Specialty

Advanced Networking – Specialty

Passed AWS Certified advanced networking – Specialty ANS-C01 2 days ago


This was a tough exam.

Here’s what I used to get prepped:

Exam guide book by Kam Agahian and group of authors – this just got released and has all you need in a concise manual, it also included 3 practice exams, this is a must buy for future reference and covers ALL current exam topics including container networking, SD-WAN etc.

Stephane Maarek’s Udemy course – it is mostly up-to-date with the main exam topics including TGW, network firewall etc. To the point lectures with lots of hands-on demos which gives you just what you need, highly recommended as well!

Tutorial Dojos practice tests to drive it home – this helped me get an idea of the question wording, so I could train myself to read fast, pick out key words, compare similar answers and build confidence in my knowledge.

Crammed daily for 4 weeks (after work, I have a full time job + family) and went in and nailed it. I do have networking background (15+ years) and I am currently working as a cloud security engineer and I’m working with AWS daily, especially EKS, TGW, GWLB etc.

For those not from a networking background – it would definitely take longer to prep.

Good luck!

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Certification Exam Prep
Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Certification Exam Prep
#Azure #AzureFundamentals #AZ900 #AzureTraining #LeranAzure #Djamgatech


Passed AZ-900, SC-900, AI-900, and DP-900 within 6 weeks!

Achievement Celebration

What an exciting journey. I think AZ-900 is the hardest probably because it is my first Microsoft certification. Afterwards, the others are fair enough. AI-900 is the easiest.

I generally used Microsoft Virtual Training Day, Cloud Ready Skills, Measureup and John Savill’s videos. Having built a fundamental knowledge of the Cloud, I am planning to do AWS CCP next. Wish me luck!

Passed Azure Fundamentals

Learning Material

Hi all,

I passed my Azure fundamentals exam a couple of days ago, with a score of 900/1000. Been meaning to take the exam for a few months but I kept putting it off for various reasons. The exam was a lot easier than I thought and easier than the official Microsoft practice exams.

Study materials;

  • A Cloud Guru AZ-900 fundamentals course with practice exams

  • Official Microsoft practice exams

  • MS learning path

  • John Savill’s AZ-900 study cram, started this a day or two before my exam. (Highly Recommended) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQp1YkB2Tgs&t=4s

Will be taking my AZ-104 exam next.

Azure Administrator AZ104 Certification Exam Prep
Azure Administrator AZ104 Certification Exam Prep

Passed AZ-104 with about a 6 weeks prep

Learning Material

Resources =

John Savill’s AZ-104 Exam Cram + Master Class Tutorials Dojo Practice Exams

John’s content is the best out there right now for this exam IMHO. I watched the cram, then the entire master class, followed by the cram again.

The Tutorials Dojo practice exams are essential. Some questions on the actual exam where almost word-for-word what I saw on the exam.


What’s everyone using for the AZ-305? Obviously, already using John’s content, and from what I’ve read the 305 isn’t too bad.


Passed the AZ-140 today!!

Achievement Celebration

I passed the (updated?) AZ-140, AVD specialty exam today with an 844. First MS certification in the bag!

Edited to add: This video series from Azure Academy was a TON of help.


Passed DP-900

Achievement Celebration

I am pretty proud of this one. Databases are an area of IT where I haven’t spent a lot of time, and what time I have spent has been with SQL or MySQL with old school relational databases. NoSQL was kinda breaking my brain for a while.

Study Materials:

  1. Microsoft Virtual Training Day, got the voucher for the free exam. I know several people on here said that was enough for them to pass the test, but that most certainly was not enough for me.

  2. Exampro.co DP-900 course and practice test. They include virtual flashcards which I really liked.

  3. Whizlabs.com practice tests. I also used the course to fill in gaps in my testing.

Passed AI-900! Tips & Resources Included!!

Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 Exam Prep
Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 Exam Prep
Achievement Celebration

Huge thanks to this subreddit for helping me kick start my Azure journey. I have over 2 decades of experience in IT and this is my 3rd Azure certification as I already have AZ-900 and DP-900.

Here’s the order in which I passed my AWS and Azure certifications:


I have no plans to take this certification now but had to as the free voucher is expiring in a couple of days. So I started preparing on Friday and took the exam on Sunday. But give it more time if you can.

Here’s my study plan for AZ-900 and DP-900 exams:

  • finish a popular video course aimed at the cert

  • watch John Savill’s study/exam cram

  • take multiple practice exams scoring in 90s

This is what I used for AI-900:

  • Alan Rodrigues’ video course (includes 2 practice exams) 👌

  • John Savill’s study cram 💪

  • practice exams by Scott Duffy and in 28Minutes Official 👍

  • knowledge checks in AI modules from MS learn docs 🙌

I also found the below notes to be extremely useful as a refresher. It can be played multiple times throughout your preparation as the exam cram part is just around 20 minutes.

https://youtu.be/utknpvV40L0 👏

Just be clear on the topics explained by the above video and you’ll pass AI-900. I advise you to watch this video at the start, middle and end of your preparation. All the best in your exam

Just passed AZ-104

Achievement Celebration

I recommend to study networking as almost all of the questions are related to this topic. Also, AAD is a big one. Lots of load balancers, VNET, NSGs.

Received very little of this:

  • Containers

  • Storage

  • Monitoring

I passed with a 710 but a pass is a pass haha.

Used tutorial dojos but the closest questions I found where in the Udemy testing exams.


Passed GCP Professional Cloud Architect

Google Professional Cloud Architect Practice Exam 2022
Google Professional Cloud Architect Practice Exam 2022

First of all, I would like to start with the fact that I already have around 1 year of experience with GCP in depth, where I was working on GKE, IAM, storage and so on. I also obtained GCP Associate Cloud Engineer certification back in June as well, which helps with the preparation.

I started with Dan Sullivan’s Udemy course for Professional Cloud Architect and did some refresher on the topics I was not familiar with such as BigTable, BigQuery, DataFlow and all that. His videos on the case studies helps a lot to understand what each case study scenario requires for designing the best cost-effective architecture.

In order to understand the services in depth, I also went through the GCP documentation for each service at least once. It’s quite useful for knowing the syntax of the GCP commands and some miscellaneous information.

As for practice exam, I definitely recommend Whizlabs. It helped me prepare for the areas I was weak at and helped me grasp the topics a lot faster than reading through the documentation. It will also help you understand what kind of questions will appear for the exam.

I used TutorialsDojo (Jon Bonso) for preparation for Associate Cloud Engineer before and I can attest that Whizlabs is not that good. However, Whizlabs still helps a lot in tackling the tough questions that you will come across during the examination.

One thing to note is that, there wasn’t even a single question that was similar to the ones from Whizlabs practice tests. I am saying this from the perspective of the content of the questions. I got totally different scenarios for both case study and non case study questions. Many questions focused on App Engine, Data analytics and networking. There were some Kubernetes questions based on Anthos, and cluster networking. I got a tough question regarding storage as well.

I initially thought I would fail, but I pushed on and started tackling the multiple-choices based on process of elimination using the keywords in the questions. 50 questions in 2 hours is a tough one, especially due to the lengthy questions and multiple choices. I do not know how this compares to AWS Solutions Architect Professional exam in toughness. But some people do say GCP professional is tougher than AWS.

All in all, I still recommend this certification to people who are working with GCP. It’s a tough one to crack and could be useful for future prospects. It’s a bummer that it’s only valid for 2 years.

GCP Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Prep

Passed GCP: Cloud Digital Leader

Hi everyone,

First, thanks for all the posts people share. It helps me prep for my own exam. I passed the GCP: Cloud Digital Leader exam today and wanted to share a few things about my experience.


I have access to ACloudGuru (AGU)and Udemy through work. I started one of the Udemy courses first, but it was clear the course was going beyond the scope of the Cloud Digital Leader certification. I switched over AGU and enjoyed the content a lot more. The videos were short and the instructor hit all the topics on the Google exam requirements sheet.

AGU also has three – 50 question practices test. The practice tests are harder than the actual exam (and the practice tests aren’t that hard).

I don’t know if someone could pass the test if they just watched the videos on Google Cloud’s certification site, especially if you had no experience with GCP.

Overall, I would say I spent 20 hrs preparing for the exam. I have my CISSP and I’m working on my CCSP. After taking the test, I realized I way over prepared.

Exam Center

It was my first time at this testing center and I wasn’t happy with the experience. A few of the issues I had are:

– My personal items (phone, keys) were placed in an unlocked filing cabinet

– My desk are was dirty. There were eraser shreds (or something similar) and I had to move the keyboard and mouse and brush all the debris out of my work space

– The laminated sheet they gave me looked like someone had spilled Kool-Aid on it

– They only offered earplugs, instead of noise cancelling headphones


My recommendation for the exam is to know the Digital Transformation piece as well as you know all the GCP services and what they do.

I wish you all luck on your future exams. Onto GCP: Associate Cloud Engineer.

Passed the Google Cloud: Associate Cloud Engineer

Hey all, I was able to pass the Google Cloud: Associate Cloud Engineer exam in 27 days.

I studied about 3-5 hours every single day.

I created this note to share with the resources I used to pass the exam.

Happy studying!

GCP ACE Exam Aced

Hi folks,

I am glad to share with you that I have cleared by GCP ACE exam today and would like to share my preparation with you:

1)I completed these courses from Coursera:

1.1 Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals – Core Infrastructure

1.2 Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation

1.3 Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services

1.4 Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation

Post these courses, I did couple of QwikLab courses as listed in orderly manner:

2 Getting Started: Create and Manage Cloud Resources (Qwiklabs Quest)

   2.1 A Tour of Qwiklabs and Google Cloud

   2.2 Creating a Virtual Machine

   2.2 Compute Engine: Qwik Start – Windows

   2.3 Getting Started with Cloud Shell and gcloud

   2.4 Kubernetes Engine: Qwik Start

   2.5 Set Up Network and HTTP Load Balancers

   2.6 Create and Manage Cloud Resources: Challenge Lab

 3 Set up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud (Qwiklabs Quest)

   3.1 Cloud IAM: Qwik Start

   3.2 Introduction to SQL for BigQuery and Cloud SQL

   3.3 Multiple VPC Networks

   3.4 Cloud Monitoring: Qwik Start

   3.5 Deployment Manager – Full Production [ACE]

   3.6 Managing Deployments Using Kubernetes Engine

   3.7 Set Up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab

 4 Kubernetes in Google Cloud (Qwiklabs Quest)

   4.1 Introduction to Docker

   4.2 Kubernetes Engine: Qwik Start

   4.3 Orchestrating the Cloud with Kubernetes

   4.4 Managing Deployments Using Kubernetes Engine

   4.5 Continuous Delivery with Jenkins in Kubernetes Engine

Post these courses I did the following for mock exam preparation:

  1. Jon Bonso Tutorial Dojo -GCP ACE preparation

  2. Udemy course:


And yes folks this took me 3 months to prepare. So take your time and prepare it.

#djamgatech #aws #azure #gcp #ccp #az900 #saac02 #saac03 #az104 #azai #dasc01 #mlsc01 #scsc01 #azurefundamentals #awscloudpractitioner #solutionsarchitect #datascience #machinelearning #azuredevops #awsdevops #az305 #ai900 #DP900 #GCPACE

Comparison of AWS vs Azure vs Google

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way companies develop applications. Most of the modern applications are now cloud native. Undoubtedly, the cloud offers immense benefits like reduced infrastructure maintenance, increased availability, cost reduction, and many others.

However, which cloud vendor to choose, is a challenge in itself. If we look at the horizon of cloud computing, the three main providers that come to mind are AWS, Azure, and Google cloud. Today, we will compare the top three cloud giants and see how they differ. We will compare their services, specialty, and pros and cons. After reading this article, you will be able to decide which cloud vendor is best suited to your needs and why.

History and establishment


AWS is the oldest player in the market, operating since 2006. Here’s a brief history of AWS and how computing has changed. Being the first in the cloud industry, it has gained a particular advantage over its competitors. It offers more than 200+ services to its users. Some of its notable clients include:

  • Netflix
  • Expedia
  • Airbnb
  • Coursera
  • FDA
  • Coca Cola


Azure by Microsoft started in 2010. Although it started four years later than AWS, it is catching up quite fast. Azure is Microsoft’s public cloud platform which is why many companies prefer to use Azure for their Microsoft-based applications. It also offers more than 200 services and products. Some of its prominent clients include:

  • HP
  • Asus
  • Mitsubishi
  • 3M
  • Starbucks
  • CDC (Center of Disease Control) USA
  • National health service (NHS) UK


Google Cloud also started in 2010. Its arsenal of cloud services is relatively smaller compared to AWS or Azure. It offers around 100+ services. However, its services are robust, and many companies embrace Google cloud for its specialty services. Some of its noteworthy clients include:

  • PayPal
  • UPS
  • Toyota
  • Twitter
  • Spotify
  • Unilever

Market share & growth rate

If you look at the market share and growth chart below, you will notice that AWS has been leading for more than four years. Azure is also expanding fast, but it is still has a long way to go to catch up with AWS.

However, in terms of revenue, Azure is ahead of AWS. In Q1 2022, AWS revenue was $18.44 billion; Azure earned $23.4 billion, while Google cloud earned $5.8 billion.

Availability Zones (Data Centers)

When comparing cloud vendors, it is essential to see how many regions and availability zones are offered. Here is a quick comparison between all three cloud vendors in terms of regions and data centers:


AWS operates in 25 regions and 81 availability zones. It offers 218+ edge locations and 12 regional edge caches as well. You can utilize the edge location and edge caches in services like AWS Cloudfront and global accelerator, etc.


Azure has 66 regions worldwide and a minimum of three availability zones in each region. It also offers more than 116 edge locations.


Google has a presence in 27 regions and 82 availability zones. It also offers 146 edge locations.

Although all three cloud giants are continuously expanding. Both AWS and Azure offer data centers in China to specifically cater for Chinese consumers. At the same time, Azure seems to have broader coverage than its competitors.

Comparison of common cloud services

Let’s look at the standard cloud services offered by these vendors.


Amazon’s primary compute offering is EC2 instances, which are very easy to operate. Amazon also provides a low-cost option called “Amazon lightsail” which is a perfect fit for those who are new to computing and have a limited budget. AWS charges for EC2 instances only when you are using them. Azure’s compute offering is also based on virtual machines. Google is no different and offers virtual machines in Google’s data centers. Here’s a brief comparison of compute offerings of all three vendors:


All three vendors offer various forms of storage, including object-based storage, cold storage, file-based storage, and block-based storage. Here’s a brief comparison of all three:


All three vendors support managed services for databases. They also offer NoSQL as well as document-based databases. AWS also provides a proprietary RDBMS named “Aurora”, a highly scalable and fast database offering for both MySQL and PostGreSQL. Here’s a brief comparison of all three vendors:

Comparison of Specialized services

All three major cloud providers are competing with each other in the latest technologies. Some notable areas of competition include ML/AI, robotics, DevOps, IoT, VR/Gaming, etc. Here are some of the key specialties of all three vendors.


Being the first and only one in the cloud market has many benefits, and Amazon has certainly taken advantage of that. Amazon has advanced specifically in AI and machine learning related tools. AWS DeepLens is an AI-powered camera that you can use to develop and deploy machine learning algorithms. It helps you with OCR and image recognition. Similarly, Amazon has launched an open source library called “Gluon” which helps with deep learning and neural networks. You can use this library to learn how neural networks work, even if you lack any technical background. Another service that Amazon offers is SageMaker. You can use SageMaker to train and deploy your machine learning models. It contains the Lex conversational interface, which is the backbone of Alexa, Lambda, and Greengrass IoT messaging services.

Another unique (and recent) offering from AWS is IoT twinmaker. This service can create digital twins of real-world systems like factories, buildings, production lines, etc.

AWS is even providing a service for Quantum computing called AWS Braket.


Azure excels where you are already using some Microsoft products, especially on-premises Microsoft products. Organizations already using Microsoft products prefer to use Azure instead of other cloud vendors because Azure offers a better and more robust integration with Microsoft products.

Azure has excellent services related to ML/AI and cognitive services. Some notable services include Bing web search API, Face API, Computer vision API, text analytics API, etc.


Google is the current leader of all cloud providers regarding AI. This is because of their open-source Google library TensorFlow, the most popular library for developing machine learning applications. Vertex AI and BigQueryOmni are also beneficial services offered lately. Similarly, Google offers rich services for NLP, translation, speech, etc.

Pros and Cons

Let’s summarize the pros and cons for all three cloud vendors:



  • An extensive list of services
  • Huge market share
  • Support for large businesses
  • Global reach


  • Pricing model. Many companies struggle to understand the cost structure. Although AWS has improved the UX of its cost-related reporting in the AWS console, many companies still hesitate to use AWS because of a perceived lack of cost transparency



  • Excellent integration with Microsoft tools and software
  • Broader feature set
  • Support for open source


  • Geared towards enterprise customers



  • Strong integration with open source tools
  • Flexible contracts
  • Good DevOps services
  • The most cost-efficient
  • The preferred choice for startups
  • Good ML/AI-based services


  • A limited number of services as compared to AWS and Azure
  • Limited support for enterprise use cases

Career Prospects

Keen to learn which vendor’s cloud certification you should go for ? Here is a brief comparison of the top three cloud certifications and their related career prospects:


As mentioned earlier, AWS has the largest market share compared to other cloud vendors. That means more companies are using AWS, and there are more vacancies in the market for AWS-certified professionals. Here are main reasons why you would choose to learn AWS:


Azure is the second largest cloud service provider. It is ideal for companies that are already using Microsoft products. Here are the top reasons why you would choose to learn Azure:

  • Ideal for experienced user of Microsoft services
  • Azure certifications rank among the top paying IT certifications
  • If you’re applying for a company that primarily uses Microsoft Services


Although Google is considered an underdog in the cloud market, it is slowly catching up. Here’s why you may choose to learn GCP.

  • While there are fewer job postings, there is also less competition in the market
  • GCP certifications rank among the top paying IT certifications

Most valuable IT Certifications

Keen to learn about the top paying cloud certifications and jobs? If you look at the annual salary figures below, you can see the average salary for different cloud vendors and IT companies, no wonder AWS is on top. A GCP cloud architect is also one of the top five. The Azure architect comes at #9.

Which cloud certification to choose depends mainly on your career goals and what type of organization you want to work for. No cloud certification path is better than the other. What matters most is getting started and making progress towards your career goals. Even if you decide at a later point in time to switch to a different cloud provider, you’ll still benefit from what you previously learned.

Over time, you may decide to get certified in all three – so you can provide solutions that vary from one cloud service provider to the next.

Don’t get stuck in analysis-paralysis! If in doubt, simply get started with AWS certifications that are the most sought-after in the market – especially if you are at the very beginning of your cloud journey. The good news is that you can become an AWS expert when enrolling in our value-packed training.

Further Reading

You may also be interested in the following articles:




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  • MS Learn during exam
    by /u/Yak420 (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 26, 2024 at 9:21 pm

    I'm getting ready to take my AZ-700 cert on Monday and I'm feeling pretty good but some of the practice test questions have tripped me up. So, I was wondering how much does MS learn open book during the exam help for questions you might be confused on, and how easy is it to search for what I'm looking for? I'm not expecting it to give me the answers just give me a refresher of what something is or how it connects. Also are you allowed to search MS learn or is it just clicking around on the site, and you just need to know how to navigate to what you're looking for? submitted by /u/Yak420 [link] [comments]

  • Don't know if it's suitable in this sub
    by /u/Extension-Fox-7660 (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 26, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    How to deploy ML batch endpoint from docker image? Hi, I have my own deep learning task that requires 2-3 different ml models, I built the code and containerized it, i.e. the python env and code is in the docker image. I am running fastapi servers inside docker to run code. Deployed it in aws sagemaker async endpoint and it is working fine. Now, I need to deploy it to azure ml batch endpoint, but there's no documentation as such to deploy it using custom docker container. Can someone help me? submitted by /u/Extension-Fox-7660 [link] [comments]

  • Is the AZ-800 and AZ-801 worth for those wanting to become Windows Sys Admin?
    by /u/AlternativePhoto5962 (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 26, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    As the question states, Is the AZ-800 and AZ-801 worth for those wanting to become Windows Sys Admin? Is it worth the $300 price tag? Is there something more practical? Thanks. I’m currently a Tier 2 Help Desk Tech that has exposure to some AD/Azure work (I.e, resetting passwords, unlocking phones, etc). submitted by /u/AlternativePhoto5962 [link] [comments]

  • I just passed the az-104, no the best but 810 score. I would like to get some feedback.
    by /u/rauledev (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 26, 2024 at 4:36 pm

    I just passed the az-104, no the best but 810 score, I did the last month the az-204, i m thinking in 305 as the next step, how hard is 400 vs 305 do you think worth both or I would be fine with 305 I 'm approaching a DevOps Carrer, I did cka too last couple months. submitted by /u/rauledev [link] [comments]

  • AZ-900 Exam Terminated for Authorized Bathroom Break - Is This Normal?
    by /u/Walveee (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 26, 2024 at 1:51 pm

    Hi all, Took my AZ-900 today. Got permission from the proctor for a quick bathroom break before the exam started, was gone for less than a minute, and came back to find my exam terminated for violating rules. Opened a ticket with Pearson VUE, but I'm shocked and confused. This is my 5th cloud cert, and I'm sure I didn't break any rules. Has anyone else had this happen? Is this a common occurrence? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks! submitted by /u/Walveee [link] [comments]

  • Passed DP-900! Scored 880/1000. Thanks to you guys ❤️
    by /u/BJJ-Newbie (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 26, 2024 at 12:53 pm

    Hey everyone. I joined this subreddit about a week ago. I went through previous posts about study material and I’m glad to say that I’ve passed my DP-900 exam in my first attempt! My experience: Most of the questions were from the practice tests. I used Microsoft’s official practice assessment and https://github.com/learnclouddeveloper/DP900 to solve practice questions. For study, I used Eshant Garg’s Udemy course, however it wasn’t enough. The official Microsoft study material for DP-900 was a lot more helpful. Unfortunately I gave it a chance pretty late, just a day before the exam. Hence could only study 3/4 sections. If I had another day, I could’ve studied the NoSQL part from the official documentation too and I would’ve scored over 900 as most of my mistakes were from that section. I also watched John Savill’s study cram after the Udemy course which I found very helpful. Again, thanks everyone for your help 😄 submitted by /u/BJJ-Newbie [link] [comments]

  • DP-900 Azure Data Fundamentals
    by /u/tripl3_espresso (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 26, 2024 at 12:29 pm

    Hi guys, I really struggled to pass the DP-900 exam. I needed to pass the exam for work. I have a lot of experience with teaching database concepts, but not Azure services, so some of you may relate. My general database knowledge and SQL knowledge is good, however, I had no idea about the sheer number of Azure services and I found it all very overwhelming, having used none of these services. I created this little crib sheet to help me revise when I was sat on the train on the way to my test. Thankfully I passed! Hopefully some of you find it useful. submitted by /u/tripl3_espresso [link] [comments]

  • Questions about AZ900
    by /u/BigSadSamurai (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 26, 2024 at 11:37 am

    Hey all, I just finished Scott Duffys course on udemy, and im pretty sure that both the course and the reviews under it are kinda misleading. Id like to ask about your experience with it. Many of the reviews are saying that they easily passed the exam with only this course meanwhile the course doesnt even mention a lot of core details that can be asked in the exam. So im really wondering how did anyone pass it with this course only. I already have AWS Cloud Practitioner and AWS Developer Associate, so i have something to compare this to, and i can compare this course to Stephane Mareek and Andrew Brown AWS courses. For example Stephanes AWS CCP course is 2 times longer and contains 3 times more information that is actually fully sufficient for getting an 1000/1000 score, I can confirm. submitted by /u/BigSadSamurai [link] [comments]

  • Leverage AWS Training to enable your workforce to achieve digital transformation
    by Saurabh Sharma (AWS Training and Certification Blog) on July 26, 2024 at 12:05 am

    Developing cloud skills and expertise across the workforce is a critical first step as organizations continue their cloud journeys. While cloud maturity is an iterative process, effective training and enablement is crucial for the success of this transformative journey. This blog highlights how organizations can upskill their workforce across five key cloud initiatives - migration, modernization, generative AI and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML), security and resiliency, and cost optimization.

  • Does Microsft recalcuate azure exames?
    by /u/Weifenbach (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 25, 2024 at 8:57 pm

    Hi I failed the AZ-700 twice back in april/may. With 695 points and around 660-670 points. I have just recieved two emails from MS that i passed both. And the certification is on the learn page. Do they recalculate exams later and pass people that failed it earlier? Anyone ever tried this before? submitted by /u/Weifenbach [link] [comments]

  • Az 700 leads
    by /u/singhakki (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 25, 2024 at 6:03 pm

    Hi Everyone, I am looking to get the azure network engineer associate certificate so kindly guide me on how to prepare and where to focus. I am an azure devops engineer and manages the azure infra. I am open to all types of suggestions and guidelines for the certification and also in respect to the career. Thanks. submitted by /u/singhakki [link] [comments]

  • Just passed the ACE with ZERO experience
    by /u/Badwolf626 (Google Cloud Platform Certification) on July 25, 2024 at 4:52 pm

    Hi, I (37F) just passed my GCP ACE on Monday, with 5 months of study while working full time. I have zero experience in any tech position. My only experience with tech it that I know how the basics work. I set up my home network and that's about it. I currently work for a media/advertising company that makes trailers for video game. I use some coding and work with game developers but its not super technical and everything I need is just a quick document away. Just wanted to preface my real world experience for anyone who thinks they might not be able to get their ACE or the level of difficulty. If I can do it you can do it! I credit my success to my study plan. The cost of all my study materials was about $50-$60 usd. I watch this video on youtube from freeCodeCamp.org : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpno8FSqpc8&list=PLiGCTKCl_JhtCzHiNLhXmapkxVkCh2uyV&index=1 This 20 hour video took me about a month or 2 to finish (again working full time, no idea what any of the tech terms meant). Then I bought the ACE prep course on Udemy which was on sale for $20 usd: https://www.udemy.com/share/102mQG3@lMn70hCIot2QbQCvDhc6WSoLsbG_n5PUYo5L2el95s3ozUgDm65TtvsBsF2o4UDu/ And the extra practice tests on sale for $12-$15 usd: https://www.udemy.com/share/107RQQ3@h3QC4asNH4JgwAZbyT40OAnGEHjm135o4lbjP9OEofvfc3LnLn21bf0IsHR9eEY6/ Just wanted to throw this out there for anyone you is hesitant to get into this with very little to no tech experience. I know this will make getting a job difficult but I absolutely want to start in a junior position because I still have A LOT to learn. This was just my first step. AMA if you have any questions! submitted by /u/Badwolf626 [link] [comments]

  • Passed AZ900 score:731
    by /u/Kitchen_Tart_8658 (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 25, 2024 at 4:22 pm

    Woops posted this in the r/AZURE not the r/AzureCertification muh badd, Just finished my AZ 900 and super stoked to have passed, Score: 731 Now working towards my Az104 and a little CCNA Edit: Sorry Guys I was so tired after test I only had energy to post that I passed, I used the Scott Duffy course and practice tests on Udemy and did the whole learning path in Mircosoft learn. I knew I was ready after I took the MS assesment they have at the top of the learning path for AZ900. Passed the assesment with 76 so figured Id just go for it. submitted by /u/Kitchen_Tart_8658 [link] [comments]

  • Ai-102 simulation question
    by /u/noGoodAdviceSoldat (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 25, 2024 at 3:39 pm

    I did some googling and some sources claim that simulation questions are removed from ai-102 and aome said msft is putting more of those questions on the exam. Just need clarification submitted by /u/noGoodAdviceSoldat [link] [comments]

  • Do Azure Applied Skills help you in getting a job?
    by /u/JackWhiskers (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 25, 2024 at 2:31 pm

    Is it worth it going through the effort of doing applied skills and putting them on your resume and LinkedIn? I recently graduated and have 0 work experience will this increase the chances of my resume getting shortlisted? I already have the az900 cert but don't plan on doing the associate level certs since they seem too difficult and time consuming submitted by /u/JackWhiskers [link] [comments]

  • AI 102 Certification
    by /u/Shobhit04 (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 25, 2024 at 2:29 pm

    Hey everyone! I am a rising junior studying Computer Engineering, and I have 7 days to take my AI 102 exam. What would be the best way to approach the prep for the certification, and do you think I can pass the certification if I start today? submitted by /u/Shobhit04 [link] [comments]

  • Have to get 2 certificates before the end of next week
    by /u/Mainmancudi (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 25, 2024 at 2:22 pm

    So i will be outsourced through my current company to a company that requires DP 203 and PL 300 certification. They want me to start the week after next, having then both certifications while paying for them myself. I have been learning 203 for the last 2 days, but with the way things are questioned and the very high percentage of questions you need right, i am fearing for my wallet to actually plan the exam in. I really can not afford a retake. Shall i ring the bell at my current employer that is deploying me at the other company. Or would this be doable and if yes, any tips? submitted by /u/Mainmancudi [link] [comments]

  • Az-104 Cloud shell storage accounts
    by /u/Tiny-Ad-5391 (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 25, 2024 at 12:50 pm

    Hi guys, First sorry because my english is terrible I have to learn all the commands on power shell to create a resource group, a storage accounts, a SAS, etc? I know how yo do It in azure portal but there are a lot of commands with a lot of parameters It is neccesary for the exam? Or i only have to know the format of the commands submitted by /u/Tiny-Ad-5391 [link] [comments]

  • Which Microsoft cert impacted your career the most?
    by /u/TheMthwakazian (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 25, 2024 at 11:41 am

    I’m curious, if you were to pick only one. Which Microsoft cert impacted your career the most? Tell us your job role to give us context. submitted by /u/TheMthwakazian [link] [comments]

  • PearsonVue Payment Issue
    by /u/bhai-bid (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 25, 2024 at 11:36 am

    Anyone from Pakistan , who has recently given microsoft certification ,online through pearsonvue ? I want to know how to purchase exam voucher as I can't purchase voucher due to sanctions TIA submitted by /u/bhai-bid [link] [comments]

Top-paying Cloud certifications:

Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect — $175,761/year
AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate — $149,446/year
Azure/Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect – $141,748/yr
Google Cloud Associate Engineer – $145,769/yr
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner — $131,465/year
Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals — $126,653/year
Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate — $125,993/year

Top 100 AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification Exam Questions and Answers Dump SAA-C03

How do we know that the Top 3 Voice Recognition Devices like Siri Alexa and Ok Google are not spying on us?

Azure Solutions Architect Expert Certification Questions And Answers Dumps

Azure Solutions Architect Expert Exam Preparation

Azure Solutions Architect Expert Certification Questions And Answers Dumps

This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: design identity, governance, and monitoring solutions; design data storage solutions; design business continuity solutions; and design infrastructure solutions.

This blog covers the Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions.

Azure Solutions Architect Expert Certification Questions And Answers Dumps
Azure Solutions Architect Expert Certification Questions And Answers Dumps

A candidate for this certification should have advanced experience and knowledge of IT operations, including networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data platforms, and governance. A professional in this role should manage how decisions in each area affect an overall solution. In addition, they should have experience in Azure administration, Azure development, and DevOps processes.

Skills measured

  • Design identity, governance, and monitoring solutions (25-30%)
  • Design data storage solutions (25-30%)
  • Design business continuity solutions (10-15%)
  • Design infrastructure solutions (25-30%)

Below are the top 50 Questions and Answers for AZ303, AZ304 and AZ305 Certification Exam:

What is one reason to regularly review Azure role assignments?

A. ensure naming conventions are properly applied.

B. To reduce the risk associated with stale role assignments.

C. To eliminate extra distribution groups that are no longer used.

Answer: B:  You should regularly review access of privileged Azure resource roles to reduce the risk associated with stale role assignment

What is an access package?

A. An access package is a group of users with the access they need to work on a project or perform a task.

B. An access package is a bundle of all the resources with the access a user needs to work on a project or perform their task.

C. An access package is a used to create a transitive trust between B2B organizations.

Answer: B:  An access package is a bundle of all the resources with the access a user needs to work on a project or perform their task. For example, you may want to create an Access Package that includes all the applications that developers in your organization need, or all applications to which external users should have access.

How can Discovery and insights for privileged identity management help an organization?

A. Discovery and insights can find privileged role assignments across Azure AD, and then provide recommendations on how to secure them using Azure AD governance features like Privileged Identity Management (PIM).

B. Discovery and insights can find when guest’s access resources across Azure AD.

C. Discovery and insights can find security group assignments across Azure AD, and then provide recommendations on how to secure them using Azure AD governance features like Privileged Identity Management (PIM).

D. N/A

Answer: A – Discovery and insights can find privileged role assignments across Azure AD, and then provide recommendations on how to secure them using Azure AD governance features like Privileged Identity Management (PIM).

Whether to assign a role to a group instead of to individual users is a strategic decision. When planning, consider assigning a role to a group to manage role assignments when the desired outcome is to delegate assigning the role and what else?

A. You want to use Conditional Access policies.

B. Many Azure resources need to be managed.

C. Many users are assigned to a role.

D. N/A

Answer: C – Management of one group is much easier than management many individual users.

Which roles can only be assigned using Privileged Identity Management?

A. Permanently active roles.

B. Eligible roles.

C. Transient roles.

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

D. N/A

Answer: B. – Permanently active roles are the normal roles assigned through Azure Active Directory and Azure resources while eligible roles can only be assigned in Privileged Identity Management.

What is the purpose of the audit logs?

A. Azure AD audit logs provide a comparison of budgeted Azure usage compared to actual.

B. Azure AD audit logs provide records of system activities for compliance reporting.

C. Azure AD audit logs allow customer to monitor activity when provisioning new services within Azure.

D. N/A

Answer: B. – An audit log has a default list view that shows data, like the date and time of the occurrence, the service that logged the occurrence, the category and name of the activity (what), the status of the activity (success or failure), the target, and the initiator/actor (who) of an activity.

Can Azure export logging data to third-party SIEM tools?

A. Yes, Azure supports exporting log data to several common third-party SIEM tools.

B. No, Azure only supports the export to Azure Sentinel.

C. Yes, Splunk is the 3rd Party SIEM Azure can export to.

D. N/A

Answer: A. – Azure can export to many of the most popular SIEM tools. The most common are Splunk, IBM QRadar, and ArcSight.

A Solutions Architect wants to configure email notifications to be sent from Azure AD Domain Services when issues are detected. In Azure, where this would be configured?

A. Azure Microsoft Portal > Azure Active Directory > Monitoring > Notifications > Add email recipient.

B. Azure Microsoft Portal > Azure AD Domain Services > Notification settings > Add email recipient.

C. Azure Microsoft Portal > Notification Hubs > Azure Active Directory > Add email recipient.

D. N/A

Answer: B – The health of an Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS) managed domain is monitored by the Azure platform. The health status page in the Azure Microsoft Portal shows any alerts for the managed domain. To make sure issues are responded to in a timely manner, email notifications can be configured to report on health alerts as soon as they’re detected in the Azure AD DS managed domain.

You are architecting a web application that constantly reads and writes important medical imaging data in blob storage.

To ensure the web application is resilient, you have been asked to configure Azure Storage as follows:

  • Protect against a regional disaster.
  • Leverage synchronous replication of storage data across multiple data centers.

How would you configure Azure Storage to meet these requirements?

GZRS provides asynchronous replication to a single physical location in the secondary region. Additionally, this includes synchronous replication across three availability zones within the primary region (ZRS).

Video for reference: Storage Account Replication

You need to ensure your virtual machine boot and data volumes are encrypted. Your virtual machine is already deployed using an Azure marketplace Windows OS image and managed disks. Which  tasks should you complete to enable the required encryption?

Configure a Key Vault Access Policy: A Key Vault Access Policy will be required to allow Azure Disk Encryption for volume encryption.

Video for reference: Azure Disk Encryption

You have configured Azure multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your company. Some staff have reported they are receiving MFA verification requests, even when they didn’t initiate any authentication themselves. They believe this might be hackers.
Which feature would you enable to help protect against this type of security issue?

Fraud alert helps users to protect against MFA verification requests they did not initiate. It provides the ability to report fraudulent attempts, as well as the ability to automatically block users who report fraud.

Reference: Fraud Alert

You are configuring a new storage account using PowerShell. The storage account must support Queue storage. The PowerShell command you are using is as follows:

New-AzStorageAccount -name "tpcstore01" -ResourceGroupName "rg1" -location "auseast" -SkuName "standard_lrs"

Which two arguments could you use to complete the PowerShell command to meet the above requirements?

-Kind "Storage"

General Purpose v1 supports blob, file, queue, table, and disk.

-Kind "StorageV2"

General Purpose v2 supports blob, file, queue, table, disk, and data lake.

You need to ensure your virtual machine boot and data volumes are encrypted. Your virtual machine is already deployed using an Azure marketplace Linux OS image and managed disks.
Which  two commands would you use to enable the required encryption?


Ace the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification Exam: Pass the Azure Fundamentals Exam with Ease

Azure Disk Encryption leverages a Key Vault for the secure storage of cryptographic information.


Azure Disk Encryption leverages a VM extension to enable BitLocker (Windows) or DM-Crypt (Linux) to encrypt boot/OS/data volumes.

CompanyA is planning on making some significant changes to their governance solution. They have asked for your assistance with recommendations and questions. Here are the specific requirements.

– Consistency across subscriptions. It appears each subscription has different policies for the creation of virtual machines. The IT department would like to standardize the policies across the Azure subscriptions.

– Ensure critical storage is highly available. There are several critical applications that use storage. The IT department wants to ensure the storage is made highly available across regions.

– Identify R&D costs. The CTO wants to know how much a new project is costing. The costs are spread out across multiple departments.

– ISO compliance. CompanyA wants to certify that it complies with the ISO 27001 standard. The standard will require resources groups, policy assignments, and templates.

How can CompanyA to ensure policies are implemented across multiple subscriptions?

Create a management group and place all the relevant subscriptions in the new management group.
A management group could include all the subscriptions. Then a policy could be scoped to the management group and applied to all the subscriptions.

How can CompanyA ensure applications use geo-redundancy to create highly available storage applications?

Add an Azure policy that requires geo-redundant storage.
An Azure policy can enforce different rules over your resource configurations.

How can CompanyA report all the costs associated with a new product?

Add a resource tag to identify which resources are used for the new product.
Resource tagging provides extra information, or metadata, about your resources. You could then run a cost report on all resources with that tag.

Which governance tool should CompanyA use for the ISO 27001 requirements?

Azure blueprints.
Azure blueprints will deploy all the artifacts for ISO 27001 compliance.

You are configuring an Azure Automation runbook using the Azure sandbox.
For your runbook to work, you need to install a PowerShell module. You would like to minimize the administrative overhead for maintaining and operating your runbook.
Which option should you choose to install an additional PowerShell module?

Navigate to Shared Resources > Modules, and configure the additional module.
Additional PowerShell modules can be added to the sandbox environment for use by your runbooks.

If you are looking for an all-in-one solution to help you prepare for the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam, look no further than this AWS Cloud Practitioner CCP CLF-C02 book

CompanyA is planning on making some significant changes to their identity and access management solution. They have asked for your assistance on some recommendations and questions. Here are the specific requirements.

– Device access to company applications. The CTO has agreed to allow some level of device access. Employees at the company’s retail stores will now be able to access certain company applications. This access, however, should be restricted to only approved devices.

– Company reorganization. A company-wide reorganization has affected many employees. These employees are now in new roles. The IT team needs to ensure users have the correct access based on their new jobs.

– External developer accounts. A new development project requires external software developers to access company data files. The IT team needs to create user accounts for approximately five developers.

– User sign-in attempts. A recent audit of user sign-ins attempts revealed anonymous IP addresses and unusual locations. The IT team wants to require multifactor authentication for these attempted sign-ins.

How can CompanyA ensure that employees at the company’s retail stores can access company applications only from approved tablet devices?

Conditional access: Conditional Access enables you to require users to access your applications only from approved, or managed, devices.

What should CompanyA do to ensure employees have the correct permissions for their job role?

Require an access review: An access review would give managers an opportunity to validate the employees access.

What should CompanyA do to give access to the partner developers?

Invite the developers as guest users to their directory: In Business-to-Business scenarios guest user accounts are created. You can then apply the appropriate permissions

What solution would be best for the user sign-in attempts requirement?

Create a sign-in risk policy: That’s correct. A sign-in risk policy can identify anonymous IP and atypical locations. Secondary multifactor authentication can then be required.

You are working as a network administrator, managing the following virtual networks:


  • Location: Australia East

  • Resource groupRG1

  • Address space:


  • Location: Australia Southeast

  • Resource groupRG2

  • Address space:

You have been asked to connect VNET1 and VNET2, to allow private communication between resources in each virtual network. Do you need to modify either of the two virtual networks before virtual network peering is supported?

Yes: IP address ranges cannot overlap. One of the virtual networks must have their address space changed before VNet peering would be able to be configured.

You are architecting identity management for a hybrid environment, and you plan to use Azure AD Connect with password hash sync (PHS).
It is important that you design the solution to be highly available. How would you implement high availability for the synchronization service?

Configure an additional server with Azure AD Connect in staging mode.

Azure AD Connect can be configured in staging mode, which helps with high availability.

You are responsible for monitoring a major web application for your company. The application is implemented using Azure App Service Web Apps and Application Insights.
The chief marketing officer has asked you to provide information to help analyze user behavior based on a group of characteristics. To start with, it will be a simple query looking at all active users from Australia.
Which of the following would you use to provide this information?

Cohorts leverage analytics queries to analyze users, sessions, events, or operations that have something in common (e.g., location, event, etc.). Reference: App insights

You work for a company with multiple Active Directory domains: exampledomain1.com and test.lab.com. Your company would like to use Azure AD Connect to synchronize your on-premises Active Directory domain, exampledomain1.com, with Azure AD. You do not wish to synchronize test.lab.com.

Which tasks should you complete, requiring minimal administrative effort and causing the least disruption to the existing environment?

Run the Azure AD Connect wizard, and configure Domain and OU filtering.

You are architecting a mission-critical processing solution for your company. The solution will leverage virtual machines for the processing tier, and it is critical that high performance levels are maintained at all times.
You need to leverage a managed disk that guarantees up to 900 MB/s throughput and 2,000 IOPS — but also minimizes costs.
Which of the following would you use within your solution?

Premium SSD Managed Disks:  Premium SSDs provide high performance and low latency, and include guaranteed capacity, IOPS, and throughput.

CompanyA wants to reduce storage costs by reducing duplicate content and, whenever applicable, migrating it to the cloud. The company would like a solution that centralizes maintenance while still providing nation-wide access for customers. Customers should be able to browse and purchase items online even in a case of a failure affecting an entire Azure region. Here are some specific requirements.

  • Warranty document retention. The company’s risk and legal teams requires warranty documents be kept for three years.

  • New photos and videos. The company would like each product to have a photo or video to demonstrate the product features.

  • External vendor development. A vendor will create and develop some of the online ecommerce features. The developer will need access to the HTML files, but only during the development phase.

  • Product catalog updates. The product catalog is updated every few months. Older versions of the catalog aren’t viewed frequently but must be available immediately if accessed.

What is the best way for CompanyA to protect their warranty information?

Time-based retention policy: With a time-based retention policy, users can set policies to store data for a specified interval. When a time-based retention policy is in place, objects can be created and read, but not modified or deleted.

What type of storage should CompanyA use for their photos and videos?

Blob storage: That’s correct. Blob storage is best for their photos.

What is the best way to provide the developer access to the ecommerce HTML files?

Shared access signatures: That’s correct. Shared access signatures provide secure delegated access. This functionality can be used to define permissions and how long access is allowed.

Which access tier should be used for the older versions of the product catalog?

Cool access tier: That’s correct. The cool access tier is for content that wouldn’t be viewed frequently but must be available immediately if accessed.

What tool would you use to identify underutilized and idle Azure resources in order to help reduce overall spend?

Azure Advisor: Advisor helps you optimize and reduce your overall Azure spend by identifying idle and underutilized resources. Reference

You work as a network administrator for a company. You manage several virtual machines within the following virtual network:

  • NameVNET1
  • Address space:
  • SubnetSUBNET1 (

You need to configure DNS for a VM called VM1, that is located in SUBNET1. DNS should be set to All other VMs must keep their existing settings.

What should you do?

Navigate to the network interface of VM1, DNS Servers, and enable Custom DNS Servers and set to

Custom DNS can be set at the network interface level, so that the settings only apply for a specific virtual machine.

You are architecting a web application that constantly reads and writes important medical imaging data in blob storage. To ensure the web application is resilient, you have proposed the use of storage account failover. Management has asked you whether any data loss might occur for this solution, in the event of a failover. How would you respond?

There may be data loss, and the extent of data loss can be estimated using the Last Sync Time.

The Last Sync Time property provides an indication of how far the secondary is behind from the primary. This can be used to estimate the extent of data loss that may occur. 

What storage service should you implement for an application that streams video content?

Azure Blobs: Azure blobs are used for storing large amounts of unstructured data, such as documents, images, and video files. This service is best used for streaming audio and video, particularly over HTTP/S.

What storage service should you implement for an application that needs to access data using SMB?

Azure Files: Azure files allow you to create and maintain highly available file shares that are accessible anywhere. They can be considered as a replacement to traditional file servers. They provide SMB access.

You are architecting a mission-critical solution for your company using virtual machines.
The solution must qualify for a Microsoft service level agreement (SLA) of 99.95%.
You deploy your solution to a single virtual machine in an availability set. The virtual machine uses premium storage. Does this meet the required SLA?

No: The virtual machine does use premium storage; however, this only provides a 99.9% SLA.

You are implementing Azure Backup using the Microsoft Azure Backup Server.
Which of the following would you use to allow the server to register with your recovery services vault?

Vault Credentials: Vault Credentials are used by the Microsoft Azure Backup Server software to register with the vault.

You are developing a solution on a server hosted on-premises. The solution needs to access data within Azure Key Vault.
Which two options would you use to ensure the application has access to Azure Key Vault?

Register the application in Azure AD and use a client secret.
To allow an on-premises application to authenticate with Azure AD, it can be registered in Azure AD and given a client secret (or client certificate). If this application was hosted on a supported Azure service, it could have been possible to use a managed identity instead.

Configure an access policy in Azure Key Vault.
To allow access to Key Vault, any identity (application, user, etc.) must be provided permissions using an Access Policy.

You have a Windows virtual machine within Azure, which must be backed up.
You have the following requirements:
– Back up the virtual machine three times per day
– Include system state backups
You configure a backup to a recovery services vault using the Microsoft Azure Recovery Services (MARS) agent.
Does this fulfill the requirements above?

Yes: The Microsoft Azure Recovery Services (MARS) agent can perform backups of files, folders, and system states up to three times a day.

You are planning a migration of machines to Azure from your on-premises Hyper-V host.
You would like to estimate how much it will cost to migrate your operating machines to Azure. Which of the following two items would you include in your migration solution?
The effort required to estimate pricing, and then ultimately go on to perform a migration, should be minimized.

Azure Migrate Project: All migrations (both assessment and migration) require an Azure Migrate Project for the storage of related metadata.

You are implementing Azure Blueprints to help improve standards and compliance for your Azure environment.
You would like to ensure that when an Azure Blueprint is used, a user is assigned ‘owner’ permissions to a specific resource group defined in the blueprint.
Does Azure Blueprints provide this functionality?

Yes: Azure Blueprints includes several different artifacts, one of which is ‘Role Assignment’. This allows a user to be assigned permissions as part of the blueprint definition.

You are planning a migration from on-premises to Azure.
Your on-premises environment is made up of the following:
– VMware hosted virtual machines
– Hyper-V hosted virtual machines
– Physical servers
Will the Azure Migrate: Server Migration tool provided by Microsoft support your environment for migrations to Azure?

Yes, for VMware, Hyper-V, and physical machines. The Azure Migrate: Server Migration tool support migrating VMware VMs, Hyper-V VMs, and physical servers.

For a new container image you are developing, you need to ensure a local HTML file, index.html, is included in the image. Which command would you include in the Dockerfile?

COPY ./index.html /usr/share/nginx/html

The COPY command can be used within a Dockerfile to copy files and directories from source to destination.

You have developed a financial management application for your company.
It is currently hosted as an Azure App Service Web App within Azure.
To improve security, you need to ensure that the web application is only accessible when users connect from your head-office IP address of
Within the Azure Portal settings for your web app, which section would you use to configure this security?

Networking > Access Restrictions
Access Restrictions allows you to filter inbound connectivity to Azure App service, based on the IP address of the requesting user/service.
This meets the requirements of this scenario, as an Access Restriction could be configured for the Web App. To configure this, an ALLOW rule would be created for the web app (and the management interface, SCM, if needed). Adding the ALLOW rule for the IP address of would automatically create a DENY ALL rule, which will prevent any other network location from accessing this resource.

You are responsible for improving the availability of a web application. The web application has the following characteristics:
– Hosted using Azure App Service.
– Leverages an Azure SQL back-end.
You need to configure Azure SQL Database to meet the following needs:
Must be able to continue operations in the event of a region failure.
Must support automatic failover in the event of failure.
You must recommend a solution that requires the least amount of effort to implement, and can manage in the event of a failover. Which configuration do you recommend?

Azure SQL auto-failover group: Using Azure SQL auto-failover groups provides protection at a geographic scale. By using the read-write listener, an application will seamlessly point to the primary, even in the event of a failover. Azure SQL auto-failover groups simplify the deployment and management of geo-replicated databases. It supports replication, and failover, for one or more databases on Azure SQL Database, or Azure SQL Managed Instances. A key benefit of auto-failover groups, is the built-in management of DNS for read, and read-write listeners.

You have been asked to implement high availability for an Azure SQL Managed Instance.
The solution is critical, and data loss must be minimized. If the data platform fails you must wait 1 hour before automatic failover occurs.
You must determine: (1) How to configure replication. (2) How to configure the 1 hour delay.

Enable replication using Auto-Failover Groups. Enable the 1 hour delay using the Grace Period.
Auto-Failover Groups are supported by Azure SQL Managed Instances, and the Grace Period is used to define how many hours to wait before an automatic read/write failover occurs.

You are helping to architect a social media application.
The solution must ensure that all users read data in the order it has been completely written.
You propose the use of Cosmos DB. What else do you include in your proposal to meet the requirements?

Cosmos DB Strong Consistency: Strong consistency ensures that reads are guaranteed to return the most recent committed write. This is useful when order matters.

You need to configure high availability for Azure SQL Databases.
You would like the service to include the following:
– Automatic failover policy.
– Ability to manually failover.
– DNS management for primary read/write access.
You configure Azure SQL Active Geo-Replication. Does this meet the requirements?

No: Active Geo-Replication does not include DNS automatically managed for primary read/write access. This is a feature of auto-failover groups. The inclusion of DNS for both the primary read/write endpoint, and the secondary read endpoint, reduces the management overhead for ensuring applications are pointing to the correct resources in the event of a disaster.


Top 60 AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Tips

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Djamgatech is the ultimate Cloud Education Certification App. It is an EduFlix App for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Certification Prep, School Subjects, Python, Math, SAT, etc. [Android, iOS]

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The ability to tab on a button and learn the cloud fundamentals and take quizzes is a great opportunity to help our children and youth to boost their job prospects and be more productive at work.

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Djamgatech: Multilingual and Platform Independent Cloud Certification and Education App for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud
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The App covers the following Cloud Services, Framework and technologies:

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Google Cloud Platform: Compute Engine, App Engine, BigQuery, Bigtable, Pub/Sub, flow logs, CORS, CLI, pod, Firebase, Cloud Run, Cloud Firestore, Cloud CDN, Cloud Storage, Persistent Disk, Kubernetes engine, Container registry, Cloud Load Balancing, Cloud Dataflow, gsutils, Cloud SQL,

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Cloud Education Certification: Eduflix App for Cloud Education and Certification (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) [Android, iOS]

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Note and disclaimer: We are not affiliated with AWS, Azure, Microsoft or Google. The questions are put together based on the certification study guide and materials available online. The questions in this app should help you pass the exam but it is not guaranteed. We are not responsible for any exam you did not pass.

Important: To succeed with the real exam, do not memorize the answers in this app. It is very important that you understand why a question is right or wrong and the concepts behind it by carefully reading the reference documents in the answers.

AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals – Top 100 Questions and Answers Dumps

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep

AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals – Top 100 Questions and Answers Dumps

Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals Average Salary — $126,653/year

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Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Certification Exam Prep
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Azure  Fundamentals Practice Exam 2023
Azure Fundamentals Practice Exam 2023

AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals – Top 100 Questions and Answers Dumps

Amazon’s AWS and Microsoft’s Azure are the big boys of the cloud computing world, even though AWS is much bigger than Azure.

Revenue from Microsoft Azure grew 72% from 2018 from $7.56 billion to $13 billion. Azure contributed to almost 10.5% of Microsoft’s total revenue in 2019. It has also been noted that the US defense chose Azure in its tactical operations. The last quarter earnings of 2019 grew by 64%.

Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

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Azure Fundamentals exam is an opportunity to prove knowledge of:

Describing Cloud Concepts (20%),

Describing Azure services (20%),

Describing core solutions and management tools on Azure (10-15%),

Describing general security and network security features (10-15%),

Describing identity, governance, privacy, and compliance features (15-20%),

Describe Azure cost management and Service Level Agreements (10-15%)

This blog also includes Azure Services Cheat Sheet.

The exam is intended for candidates who are just beginning to work with cloud-based solutions and services or are new to Azure.
Candidates should be familiar with the general technology concepts, including concepts of
networking, storage, compute, application support, and application development.

Azure Fundamentals can be used to prepare for other Azure role-based or specialty
certifications, but it is not a prerequisite for any of them.

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2022 Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification Exam Preparation: 250+ Latest Azure Fundamentals Quizzes, Practice Exams, Detailed Answers and References, Tests Prep, Cheat Sheets, Illustrations, Flashcards

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Below are the top 100 AZ-900 Microsoft Azure fundamentals Certification exam questions and answers dumps.

I- AZ-900 Cloud Concepts – Azure Services

Question 1: Microsoft Office 365 is an example of which cloud deployment model?

A. PaaS

B. IaaS


D. SaaS




Software as a service (SaaS) allows users to connect to and use cloud-based apps over the internet. Common examples are email, calendar, and office tools, such as Microsoft Office 365.

Reference1: SAAS

Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

Question 2: You have an on-premises application that processes incoming Simple Message Submission Service (SMSS) queue messages and records the data to a log file. You migrate this application to an Azure function app. What kind of cloud service would this be considered?

A. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

B. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

C. Serverless

D. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)


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Serverless computing is the abstraction of servers, infrastructure, and operating systems. When you build serverless apps, you don’t need to provision and manage any servers, so you don’t have to worry about infrastructure. Serverless computing is driven by the reaction to events and triggers happening in near-real time in the cloud.

Reference2: Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Question 3: Define “economy of scale”.

A. Spending money on products or services now and being billed for them now. You can deduct this expense from your tax bill in the same year.

B. Spending money on physical infrastructure up front, and then deducting that expense from your tax bill over time.

C. Prices for individual resources and services are provided so you can predict how much you will spend in a given billing period based on your expected usage.

D. The ability to do things more efficiently or at a lower cost per unit when operating at a larger scale.

Answer 3:


Notes 3:

If you are looking for an all-in-one solution to help you prepare for the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam, look no further than this AWS Cloud Practitioner CCP CLF-C02 book

Cloud providers such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are large businesses that leverage the benefits of economies of scale and then pass the savings on to their customers.

Reference3: Cloud: Economies at scale

Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

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Question 4: Which of the following are characteristic of private clouds?

A. Lower costs

B. High scalability

C. Improved security

D. Limited flexibility

Answer 4:

B and C

Notes 4:

Private clouds still afford the scalability and efficiency of a public cloud. Resources are purchased and available to meet your business needs.

Video for reference: The Private Cloud Model

Because resources are not shared with others, private clouds provide higher levels of control and security.

Reference 4: The private cloud model

Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

Question 5: Which of the following Azure solutions allows you to geographically cache and distribute high-bandwidth content, such as streaming videos, to users in different parts of the world?

A. Content Delivery Network (CDN)

B. Load Balancer

C. Application Gateway

D. Virtual Network Gateway

Answer 5:


Notes 5:

Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) offers developers a global solution for rapidly delivering high-bandwidth content to users by caching their content at strategically placed physical nodes around the world. Azure CDN can also accelerate dynamic content, which cannot be cached, by leveraging various network optimizations using CDN POPs.

Reference 5: CDN

Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

Question 6: You are beginning to extend your on-premises data center into Azure. You have created a new Azure subscription and resource group called RG-One. You deploy two virtual machines into RG-One with the intent of promoting these to Active Directory domain controllers. What kind of cloud service would this be considered?

A. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

B. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

C. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

D. Hybrid-as-a-Service (HaaS)

Answer 6:


Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

Notes 6:

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is an instant computing infrastructure, provisioned and managed over the internet. Deploying virtual machines into an Azure subscription would be considered an IaaS service.

Reference 6: IAAS

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Azure Fundamentals Practice Exam 2023
Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

AZ900 Prep on iOs: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/azure-fundamentals-az900-pro/id1553636330

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on Udemy [50% OFF]

AZ900 Prep on android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.azurefundamentalspro.enoumen

AZ900 Prep on Windows 10/11: https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/p/azure-fundamentals-az-900-certification-exam-prep/9p1mh2vrq5h5

Az900 Prep on Web/PWA: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com
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Question 7: Select the concept that is defined as ensuring that servers are available if a single data center goes offline.

A. Scalability

B. Fault tolerance

C. Elasticity

D. Agility

Answer 7:


Notes 7:

Fault tolerance is the property that enables a system to continue operating properly in the event of the failure of one or more of its components. In Azure, it refers to ensuring that a portion of the production systems are available online (via a failover cluster, available set, or available zone) if a subset of the system components (or an entire data center) goes offline.

Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

Reference 7: Fault Tolerance

Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

Question 8: In regards to comparing Public Cloud and Private Cloud, which of these best describe the characteristics of a Public Cloud?

A. No-upfront costs

B. More control over the security

C. Less reliability

D. Less maintenance

Answer 8:

A and D

Notes 8

The public cloud provides a pay-as-you-go pricing model which can lead to lower costs than those in private cloud solutions where capital expenditures are high.

The public cloud provides agility to provision and de-provision resources quickly with far less maintenance than that of private cloud solutions.

Reference 8: Pay as you go

Question 9: Which of the following are considered capital expenditures (CapEx)?

A. Storage area network

B. Cloud-based virtual machine

C. Office 365 licenses

D. Hyper-V host server

Answer 9:

A and D

Notes 9:

Storage costs are typically considered CapEx and include storage hardware components and the cost of supporting them. Depending on the application and level of fault tolerance, centralized storage can be expensive.

Server costs are considered CapEx and include all server hardware components and the cost of supporting them. When purchasing servers, make sure to design for fault tolerance and redundancy (e.g., server clustering, redundant power supplies, and uninterruptible power supplies). When a server needs to be replaced or added to a data center, you need to pay for the computer. This can affect your immediate cash flow because you must pay for the server up front.

Reference 9: Storage area networkHyper-V host server

Question 10: You are in the process of migrating your existing on-premises SQL databases to Azure. You will migrate them to Azure SQL databases, as opposed to deploying SQL database servers in Azure. What kind of cloud service would this be considered?

A. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

B. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

C. Serverless

D. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

Answer 10:


Notes 10:

Platform as a service (PaaS) is a complete development and deployment environment in the cloud with resources that enable you to deliver everything from simple cloud-based apps to sophisticated, cloud-enabled enterprise applications. An Azure SQL instance would be considered a PaaS service.

Reference 10: PAAS

Question 11: Which of the following statements are true for IaaS cloud services?

A. The client is responsible for purchasing all Operating System (OS) host licensing.

B. Services can be scaled automatically to support system load.

C. The client has complete control over the host operating system.

D. The client is responsible for all guest OS and application updates.

Answer 11:

B and D

Notes 11:

IaaS host services are scaled automatically to combat increased system load and scaled back during periods of inactivity.

The cloud service provider performs all underlying hardware, OS, and middleware updates. The client performs all guest OS and application updates.

Question 12: Which of the following tools can be used to manage Azure resources on a Google Chromebook?

A. Azure portal

B. PowerShell

C. Azure Cloud Shell

D. Azure CLI

Answer 12:

A and C

Notes 12:

You can run the Azure portal on all modern desktop, tablet devices, and browsers.

Azure Cloud Shell is an interactive, browser-accessible shell for managing Azure resources. It provides the flexibility of choosing the shell experience that best suits the way you work. Linux users can opt for a Bash experience, while Windows users can opt for PowerShell.

Reference 12: Azure PortalAzure Cloud Shell

Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

Question 13: Which Azure service can provide big data analysis for machine learning?

A. Azure App Service

B. Azure WebJobs

C. Application Insights

D. Azure Databricks

Answer 13:


Notes 13:

Azure Databricks is an Apache Spark-based analytics platform optimized for the Microsoft Azure cloud services platform. Databricks enables collaboration between data scientists, data engineers, and business analysts.

Reference 13: Azure Databricks

Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

Question 14: You need to create an Azure storage solution that will store messages created by an Azure web role. The messages will then be processed by an Azure worker role. What type of storage solution should you create?

A. A Queue service in a storage account

B. A virtual machine data disk

C. A File service in a storage account

D. A Blob service in a storage account

Answer 14:


Notes 14:

Azure Queue storage is a service for storing large numbers of messages that can be accessed from anywhere in the world via authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS.

Reference: Azure Queue storage

Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

Question 15: You have an on-premises application that sends email notifications automatically based on a rule. You plan to migrate the application to Azure. You need to recommend a computing solution for the application that should minimize costs by incurring charges only when it is executed.

Which Azure solution is best for this type of application?

A. Logic App

B. A web app

C. Service Bus App

D. IaaS web server in Azure

Answer 15:


Notes 15:

Azure Logic Apps is a cloud service that helps you automate and orchestrate tasks, business processes, and workflows when you need to integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises or organizations. Logic Apps simplifies how you design and build scalable solutions for app integration, data integration, system integration, enterprise application integration (EAI), and business-to-business (B2B) communication, whether in the cloud, on-premises, or both.

For example, here are just a few workloads you can automate with logic apps:Process and route orders across on-premises systems and cloud services.

Send email notifications with Office 365 when events happen in various systems, apps, and services.

Move uploaded files from an SFTP or FTP server to Azure Storage.

Monitor tweets for a specific subject, analyze the sentiment, and create alerts or tasks for items that need review.

For new logic apps that run in the public or “global” Azure Logic Apps service, you pay only for what you use. These logic apps use a consumption-based plan and pricing model.

Reference 15: Logic App Logic App Pricing

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Question 16: You are the Systems Administrator for a local university. You are deploying several sets of systems that will be used for research and development teams. Each set of systems will be uniform in nature, containing the same number and type of Azure resources.

What should you recommend to automate the creation of these Azure resources?

A. Azure Resource Manager templates

B. Multiple Azure subscriptions

C. Management groups

D. Virtual machine scale sets

Answer 16:


Notes 16:

An Azure Resource Manager template is the framework by which resources are created. They can be used to define and automate the creation of similar resources.

Reference 16: ARM Templates

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Question 17: You are deploying a pair of Azure virtual machines. You want to ensure that the application will remain available in the event of a complete data center failure. What Azure technology will help most in this task?

A. Locally redundant storage

B. Zone Redundant Storage

C. Availability zone

D. Availability set

Answer 17:


Notes 17:

An Availability zone consists of two or more virtual machines in different physical locations within an Azure region. This configuration ensures that only a subset of the virtual machines in an availability zone will be affected in the event of hardware failure, OS update, or a complete data center outage. This configuration offers 99.99% SLA.

Question 18: Which of the following database solutions has the ability to add data concurrently from multiple regions simultaneously?

A. SQL managed instances

B. Cosmos DB

C. SQL Data Warehouses

D. Azure SQL Databases

Answer 18:


Notes 18:

Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft’s globally distributed, multi-model database service. Cosmos DB elastically and independently scales throughput and storage across any number of Azure regions worldwide.

Reference: Azure Cosmo DB

Question 19: Which Azure service can host your web apps without you having to manage underlying infrastructure?

A. Azure App Service

B. Azure WebJobs

C. Azure Databricks

D. Application Insights

Answer 19:


Notes 19:

Azure App Service enables you to build and host web apps, mobile back-ends, and RESTful APIs in the programming language of your choice without managing infrastructure.

Reference 19: Azure App Services

Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

Question 20: Which of the following components can be used to load balance traffic to web applications, such as Azure App Service web apps using layer 7 of the OSI model?

A. Virtual Network

B. Virtual Network Gateway

C. Route table

D. Load Balancer

E. Application Gateway

Answer 20:


Notes 20:

Azure Application Gateway is a web traffic load balancer that enables you to manage traffic to your web applications. Traditional load balancers operate at the transport layer (OSI layer 4 — TCP and UDP) and route traffic based on source IP address and port to a destination IP address and port.

Reference 20: Application Gateway

Az900 Practice Exam on Web: https://azurefundamentalsexamprep.com

Question 21: Which Azure service can help you collect, analyze, and act on telemetry from your cloud and on-premises environments?

A. Azure App Service

B. Azure Monitor

C. Azure Analyzer

D. Azure WebJobs

Answer 21:


Notes 21:

Azure Monitor is a service that can help you understand how your applications are performing and proactively identify issues affecting them and the resources they depend on.

Reference 21: Azure Monitor

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II- Azure workloads, Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Trust

Question 22: Which of the following components are required to establish communication between on-premises resources and resources in Azure?

A. Virtual Network

B. VNet peer

C. Route tables

D. Virtual network gateway

Answer 22:

A and D

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Notes 22:

Question 23: Which Azure service should you use to correlate metrics and logs from multiple resources into a centralized repository?
A. Azure Event Grid

B. Azure Event Hubs

C. Azure SQL Data Warehouse

D. Azure Monitor

Answer 23:


Notes 23:

Log data collected by Azure Monitor (formerly Azure Log Analytics) is stored in a Log Analytics workspace, which is based on Azure Data Explorer. It collects telemetry from a variety of sources and uses the Kusto query language used by Data Explorer to retrieve and analyze data.

Reference 23: Azure Monitor – Log Query Overview

Question 24: You are the Azure Administrator for Radio Gaga, LTD. You have a resource group named RG-RG and need to ensure no other administrators can create virtual networks in this resource group. What can you implement to accomplish this?

A. Access Control (IAM)

B. Azure policy

C. Locks

D. Properties

Answer 24:


Notes 24:

Azure Policy is a service in Azure used to create, assign, and manage policies. These policies enforce different rules and effects over your resources, so those resources stay compliant with your corporate standards and service level agreements.

For example, you can have the policy to allow only a certain SKU size of virtual machines in your environment. Once this policy is implemented, new and existing resources are evaluated for compliance. With the right type of policy, existing resources can be brought into compliance.

Reference 24: Azure Policy

Question 25: Which of the following is the organization that defines standards used by the United States government?





Answer 25:


Notes 25:

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) promotes and maintains measurement standards and guidance to help organizations assess risk. It defines the standards that are used by the United States government as well as the US Department of Defense (DoD).

Reference 25: NIST

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Question 26: You have an Azure virtual network named VNet in a resource group named Bob-RG. You assign an Azure policy specifying virtual networks are not an allowed resource type in Bob-RG. What happens to VNet once this policy is applied?

A. VNet is moved to a new resource group.

B. Bob-RG is deleted automatically

C. VNet continues to function normally, but no new subnets can be added.

D. VNet is deleted automatically.

Answer 26:


Notes 26:

Azure policies that determine the allowed types of resources can only prevent non-compliant resources from being created. Existing non-compliant resources are not affected. However, the policy is flagged as non-compliant so that the administrator can determine action (if any).

Reference: Here

Question 27: Which Azure tool allows you to view which user turned off a specific virtual machine during the last 14 days?

A. Azure Event Hubs

B. Azure Activity Log

C. Azure Service Health

D. Azure Monitor

Answer 27:


Notes 27:

The Azure Activity Log is a subscription log that provides insight into subscription-level events that have occurred in Azure. This includes a range of data, from Azure Resource Manager operational data to updates on Service Health events. Events such as starting and stopping of virtual machines can be found here.

Reference 27: Here

Question 28: What kind of information does Azure Information Protection protect?

A. Email messages

B. Office documents

C. Azure Blob Storage

D. Virtual hard disks

E. PDF documents

Answer 28:


Notes 28:

Azure Information Protection (sometimes referred to as AIP) is a cloud-based solution that helps an organization classify and, optionally, protect its documents and emails by applying labels. Labels can be applied automatically by administrators who define rules and conditions, manually by users, or a combination where users are given recommendations.

Azure Information Protection (sometimes referred to as AIP) is a cloud-based solution that helps an organization classify and, optionally, protect its documents and emails by applying labels. Labels can be applied automatically by administrators who define rules and conditions, manually by users, or a combination where users are given recommendations.

A collaboration between Microsoft and Adobe brings you a more simplified and consistent experience for PDF documents that have been classified and, optionally, protected. This collaboration provides support for Adobe Acrobat native integration with Microsoft Information Protection solutions, such as Azure Information Protection.

Question 29: Which of the following is true regarding HDInsight?

A. It is an on-demand analytics job service that simplifies big data. Instead of deploying, configuring, and tuning hardware, you write queries to transform your data and extract valuable insights.

B. It is a managed relational cloud database service.

C. It is a cloud-based service that is a limitless analytics service that brings together enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics.

D. It is an open-source framework for the distributed processing and analysis of big datasets in clusters.

Answer 29:


Notes 29:

Azure HDInsight is a managed, full-spectrum, open-source analytics service for enterprises. HDInsight is a cloud service that makes it easy, fast, and cost-effective to process massive amounts of data. HDInsight also supports a broad range of scenarios, like extract, transform, and load (ETL); data warehousing; machine learning; and IoT.

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Question 30: Which of the following website provides information on Azure product updates, roadmaps, and announcements?

A. https://preview.portal.azure.com/

B. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/

C. https://portal.azure.com/

D. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/updates/

Answer 30:


Notes 30:

Learn about important Azure product updates, roadmap, and announcements here

Questions 31: Azure virtual machines can be moved between which of the following Azure resources?

A. Subscriptions

B. Regions

C. Availability Sets

D. Resource Groups

E. Availability Zones

Answer 31:

A, B, D, E

Notes 31:

Azure virtual machines can be moved between subscriptions with either Azure PowerShell or the Azure portal. Using Azure Site Recovery, you can migrate Azure VMs to other regions. Azure virtual machines can be moved between resource groups with either Azure PowerShell or the Azure portal. Using Azure Site Recovery, you can migrate Azure VMs to other Availability Zones.

II- Azure Pricing and Support

Question 32: Which Azure support plans can open support cases?

A. Professional Direct

B. Basic

C. Standard

D. Developer

E. Premier

Answer 32:

A, C, D, E

Notes 32:

Question 33: For any Single Instance virtual machine using premium SSD or Ultra Disk for all Operating System Disks and Data Disks, what is the SLA guarantee for virtual machine connectivity?

A. 99.9%

B. 99.99

C. 99.95%

D. There is no SLA guarantee

Answer 33:


Notes 33:

Question 34: Which of the following Azure services is a cloud-based service that leverages massively parallel processing (MPP) to quickly run complex queries across petabytes of data in a relational database?

A. Azure SQL database

B. Azure HDInsight

C. Azure SQL Data Warehouse (Azure Synapse )

D. Azure Data Lake Analytics

Answer 34:


Notes 34:

Azure SQL Data Warehouse (Azure Synapse ) is a cloud-based service that leverages massively parallel processing (MPP) to quickly run complex queries across petabytes of data in a relational database.

Reference 34: Azure SQL Data Warehouse (Azure Synapse )

Question 35: You have an Azure subscription that contains the following unused resources:

nic0Network Interface10.0.0.6
pip1Public IPStatic
lb1Load BalancerStandard, 5 rules configured
VNet2Virtual Network10.1.0.0/16
VM3Virtual MachineStopped (Deallocated)

Based on this information, which of the following unused resources should you remove to lower cost?

A. lb1

B. VNet2

C. pip1

D. nic0

E. VM3

Answer 35:

A and C

Notes 35:

The pricing for Standard Load Balancer is based on the number of rules configured (load balancer rules and NAT rules) and data processed. However, there is no hourly charge for the Standard Load Balancer itself when no rules are configured. Since this load balancer contains rules, it should be removed to save money.

In ARM deployment model, there is no charge for dynamic public IP addresses when the associated virtual machine is “stopped-deallocated”. However, you’re charged for a static public IP address irrespective of the associated resource (unless it is part of the first five static ones in the region). This resource should be removed.

Reference 35: IP addresses

Question 36: Which of the following recommendations is provided by Azure Advisor?

A. Azure resource costs

B. Azure virtual machine IP configuration

C. Storage performance and reliability

D. Azure App Service security

Answer 36:


Notes 36:

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Question 37: You are planning on purchasing Azure AD Premium for your Azure subscription. What is the SLA for this product?

A. 99.99%

B. 99.9%

C. 99.95%

D. Azure AD products are not covered under an SLA.

Answer 37:


Notes 37:

Per the Azure documentation: We guarantee at least 99.9% availability of the Azure Active Directory Basic and Premium services. The services are considered available in the following scenarios:

Users are able to login to the service, log in to the Access Panel, access applications on the Access Panel and reset passwords. IT administrators are able to create, read, write and delete entries in the directory or provision or de-provision users to applications in the directory.

No SLA is provided for the Free tier of Azure Active Directory.

Question 38: Which of the following Azure support plans offer Severity “A” and “B” cases to be opened?

A. Premier

B. Standard

C. Developer

D. Professional Direct

E. Basic

Answer 38:


Notes 38:

Question 39: This question requires that you evaluate the underlined text to determine if it is correct.
When you are implementing a software as a service (SaaS) solution, you are responsible for configuring high availability.
Instructions: Review the underlined text. If it makes the statement correct, select “No change is needed”. If the statement is incorrect, select the answer choice that makes the statement correct.

A. No change is needed.

B. defining scalability rules

C. installing the SaaS solution

D. configuring the SaaS solution

Answer 39:


Notes 39:

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Question 40: You have an on-premises network that contains several servers.
You plan to migrate all the servers to Azure.
You need to recommend a solution to ensure that some of the servers are available if a single Azure data center goes offline for an extended period.
What should you include in the recommendation?

A. fault tolerance

B. elasticity

C. scalability

D. low latency

Answer 40:


Notes 40:

Question 41: This question requires that you evaluate the underlined text to determine if it is correct.
When planning to migrate a public website to Azure, you must plan to pay monthly usage costs.
Instructions: Review the underlined text. If it makes the statement correct, select “No change is needed”. If the statement is incorrect, select the answer choice that makes the statement correct.

A. No change is needed

B. Deploy a VPN

C. pay to transfer all the website data to Azure

D. reduce the number of connections to the website

Answer 41:


Notes 41:

No change is needed

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Question 42: You have an on-premises network that contains 100 servers.
You need to recommend a solution that provides additional resources to your users. The solution must minimize capital and operational expenditure costs.
What should you include in the recommendation?

A. a complete migration to the public cloud

B. an additional data center

C. a private cloud

D. a hybrid cloud

Answer 42:


Notes 42:

Question 43: Which Azure offering refers to a set of development, testing, and automation tools?

A. Azure Cognitive Services

B. Azure Boards

C. Azure DevOps

D. GitHub

Answer 43:


Notes: Azure DevOps Services provides development collaboration tools, including high-performance pipelines, free private Git repositories, configurable Kanban boards, and extensive automated and continuous testing capabilities.

Question 44: Which of the following are available in the Azure Marketplace?

A. Virtual machine images

B. SaaS applications

C. Solution templates

D. Sample application code

Answer 44:


Notes: Virtual machine images are available in the Azure Marketplace. Images are available for Windows and Linux. Stock operating system images, as well as custom images with pre-installed applications, are also available.

SaaS applications make up the majority of the Azure Marketplace. One click allows you to install and use many popular applications — such as Office365, Salesforce, Zoom, and others — seamlessly with your Azure subscription.

Solution templates allow you to deploy entire IaaS solutions with a simple click. Examples include complete SharePoint farms as well as SQL Always Available clusters.

Question 45: Which of the following regulates data privacy in the European Union (EU)?





Answer 45:


Notes: The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas. The GDPR aims primarily to give control to individuals over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU.

Question 46: You currently have two Azure Pay-As-You-Go subscriptions. You would like to transfer billing ownership of the subscriptions to another account while moving the subscriptions into the other accounts Azure AD tenant. How can you accomplish this?

A. Open a support ticket by contacting Microsoft Azure Support

B. In the Azure Portal, under Azure Subscriptions click Change Directory

C. Using Azure CLI, run the az account merge command

D. In the Azure Portal, under Cost Management + Billing under Azure Subscriptions

Answer 46:


Notes: It is here that we can transfer billing ownership by clicking on the context menu for the subscription. We then select “Transfer billing ownership” and as part of the process, we can provide the email associated with the other account, and can also choose to move the subscription into the Azure AD tenant of the other account. This will move the subscription into the default Azure AD tenant of the destination account.

Azure Documentation

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Question 47: Where can you open a new Azure support request?

A. Knowledge Center

B. support.microsoft.com

C. Azure Portal

D. Security Center

Answer 47:


Notes: A support request can only be opened via the Azure Portal.

Question 48: You attempt to create several managed disks in your Azure environment. In the Portal, you receive a message that you must increase your Azure subscription limits. What should you do to increase the limits?

A. Modify an Azure policy.

B. Use Azure PowerShell to create the new managed disks.

C. Create a new support request.

D. Upgrade your support plan.

Answer 48:

Question 49: A company wants to build a new voting kiosk for sales to governments around the world. Which IoT technologies should the company choose to ensure the highest degree of security?

A. IoT Hub

B. IoT Central

C. Azure Sphere

D. Azure IoT

Answer 49:


Notes: Azure Sphere provides the highest degree of security to ensure the device has not been tampered with.

Question 50:  This question requires that you evaluate the underlined text to determine if it is correct.
When you are implementing a software as a service (SaaS) solution, you are responsible for configuring high availability.
Instructions: Review the underlined text. If it makes the statement correct, select “No change is needed”. If the statement is incorrect, select the answer choice that makes the statement correct.

A. No change is needed.

B. defining scalability rules

C. installing the SaaS solution

D. configuring the SaaS solution

Answer 50:


Notes: configuring the SaaS solution

Question 51: A company wants to quickly manage its individual IoT devices by using a web-based user interface. Which IoT technology should it choose?

A. IoT Hub

B. IoT Central

C. Azure Sphere

D. Azure IoT

Answer: B – IoT Central quickly creates a web-based management portal to enable reporting and communication with IoT devices.

Question 52: You want to send messages from the IoT device to the cloud and vice versa. Which IoT technology can send and receive messages?

A. IoT Hub

B. IoT Central

C. Azure Sphere

D. Azure IoT

Answer: A – An IoT hub communicates to IoT devices by sending and receiving messages.

IV- Microsoft Azure Question and Answers

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What is Azure VM temporary storage?


In Azure, every VM – regardless if Linux or Windows – gets a temporary disk assigned automatically. This temporary disk is located on the physical server (the hypervisor) where the Azure VM is hosted and is non-persistent. Disks used by the operating system or additionally added data disks are persistent disks and stored in Azure Storage.

Azure VM’s can be moved from its current host to new host at any time due to maintenance, hardware failures or other reasons. In such an event, the data from the temporary storage will not preserve or moved to the new host. Apart from the hardware failures, there are many other reasons data from the temporary disk will be lost:

  • Resizing of the VM
  • Restarting of the VM
  • Moving from one host to another
  • Updating/upgrading of host

Really, the temporary disk should never be used for data that has to be persistent. To avoid misconfiguration, the disk also has the drive label “Temporary Storage” and includes a text file “DATALOSS_WARNING_README.txt”. Read more here…

Does Azure VM include a Windows license?

It depends on the virtual machine type we talk about. Some Azure virtual machines include a Windows operating system license in their price (some even include a SQL Server). Some do not, however, there is an “Azure Hybrid Use Benefit” in certain Microsoft licensing programs, where basically the customer can use its previously acquired software licenses on Azure virtual machines (“bring you own license”). Also, there are Azure virtual machines available with different Linux distributions (both commercial and community), Windows Server license is obviously not included in these. Continue reading here

Please consult the Windows virtual machine pricing guide of Azure for details: Pricing – Windows Virtual Machines | Microsoft Azure

Does Azure VM cost include an OS disk?

Hello. Yes They charge you for the disk usage too. So its Disk, Network, License (if Windows Server Instance) and Processor/RAM that are taken into consideration
Why don’t I see the N-Series (vga enabled) VMs in my Azure vm sizes list (I have Bizspark subscription)?
It has nothing to do with BizSpark. N series VMs are generally available since 1 December, 2016 (Azure N-Series: General availability on December 1 ), but only in select Azure datacenter regions. Please consult the Azure Products by Region | Microsoft Azure website for regional availability.

What is a data disk in Azure VM?


What are things to look out for when choosing a location for your Microsoft Azure VM?

The argument in placing a cloud vm would be performance. Performance in the cloud world means cost. The better performance you need the more its going to cost you. But the other side of that is the faster you can solve the problem you are trying to solve. The business problem to evaluate in placement of a VM is loosley these two things: Does increasing the performance of the application provide the overall answers required faster? Are there things you can do to your application that will allow it to better take advantage of cloud capabilities…


Please review Azure Monitor, the built-in monitoring service in Azure. Azure Monitor provides metrics and logs for many services in Azure including VMs. A quick overview : Product documentation: Get started with Azure Monitor Note: As of today (Apr ‘17) Cloud Services metrics are served using an older telemetry pipeline but that is the process of being migrated to Azure Monitor pipeline. You will soon be able to consume Cloud Service metrics via Azure Monitor, the same way you can for Azure VMs, Web Apps or Azure SQL DBs.
Azure Backup introduces a reinforcement expansion to the Azure VM specialist that is running on the VM. This expansion backs up the whole VM. You can back up explicit records and organizers on the Azure VM by running the MARS operator.
Make sure you have VMs in Availability set. Before selecting a VM collect below inputs either from Application or from Performance monitoring team 1. Maximum IOPS required. 2. Maximum size of DB in next 2 years at least. Based on these inputs select the VM size and required storage tier – Standard or Premium. For high performance, you can perform disk stripping if you require more than 5000 IOPS. Also you can configure Backup to URL.

Could I connect to a Linux Azure VM using SSH and private IP through Putty?

Absolutely. You can check your VM’s public IP address on the Azure Portal and SSH into it with the SSH client of your choice. A private IP allows Azure VMs to communicate with other resources in a virtual network or an on-premises network through a VPN or ExpressRoute. So you can SSH into an Azure VM using the private IP from the same virtual network or via VPN / ExpressRoute.
Azure portal ( Microsoft Azure ) now has a feature called Cloud Shell. This basically gets you a command line interface, in the browser, where you can make an authenticated access to Azure resources, including your virtual machines. Both Bash and PowerShell are available, and you can also save your frequently used scripts, etc for later re-use. More details here: Azure Cloud Shell – Browser-Based Command Line | Microsoft Azure
How to resize a Linux VM with the Azure CLI – Azure Linux Virtual Machines az vm resize –resource-group mygroup –name mytestvm –size Standard_D4s_v3 This call would trigger instance restart in the background if needed.
This document indicates how a Linux VM password can be reset Reset Linux VM password and SSH key from the CLI. There is also an option in the Azure portal (https://portal.azure.com). Go to the details of the virtual machine you wish to reset the password for and look for “reset password” at the bottom left:
Depending on what OS you are using lets say Linux. You could use properJavaRDP you will need a Java VM installed. I’ve used this with success the screen refresh was not great tho.

How do I monitor my Azure VM?

Monitor VM in Azure Management Portal.
  1. Step 1 − Login to Azure Management Portal.
  2. Step 2 − Go to Virtual Machine.
  3. Step 3 − Select the virtual machine you want to monitor.
  4. Step 4 − Select Monitor from the top menu as shown in following image.

How do we make an Azure VM accessible from outside?

Accessing Azure VM port from Outside of VM
  1. Open VM instance and run the server on port 80 and checked the localhost is running in the local browse,
  2. added port 80 in the inbound of Network security group,
  3. turned off all three types of firewall from the VM windows.

How do you see the memory usage of an Azure VM?

Steps For Existing Windows VMs:
  1. Click on a Windows VM.
  2. Select Diagnostics settings from the Azure UI blade.
  3. Under the Overview tab: Pick a Storage account: Select your storage account so that the metrics stats can be stored. Click on ‘Enable guest level monitoring‘ and wait for the process to complete.
1. From the Azure portal, on the left menu, select All services.
2. In the All services search box, enter disks and then select Disks to display the list of available disks.
3. Select the disk that you would like to use. 
4. In the Overview page, ensure that DISK STATE is listed as Unattached.
Configure App Service Certificate to Azure Virtual machines
1. Step 1: Create an Azure Virtual machine with IIS web server.
2. Step 2: Add a Custom Domain to your virtual machine.
3. Step 3: Place an SSL Certificate order.
4. Step 4 – Store the certificate in Azure Key Vault.
5. Step 5: Verify the domain ownership.
6. Step 6: Assign certificate to Virtual machine.

If I change the size of my Azure VM while running a script, will that stop the execution of the script? (Currently using a Linux VM).

Changing the size of an Azure VM (scaling up or down) is only possible with a reboot. That will most definitely stop the execution of your script.

How do I make an Azure VM snapshot?

1. On the Azure portal, select Create a resource. 2. Search for and select Snapshot. 3. In the Snapshot window, select Create. 4. Enter a Name for the snapshot. 5. Select an existing Resource group or enter the name of a new one. 6. Select an Azure datacenter Location.
  • On the Azure portal, select Create a resource.
  • Search for and select Snapshot.
  • In the Snapshot window, select Create. …
  • Enter a Name for the snapshot.
  • Select an existing Resource group or enter the name of a new one.
  • Select an Azure datacenter Location.

Can we restrict a developer (on Microsoft Azure VM) to not upload a source code on any website or email?

You can restrict a developer from uploading a source code on any website by following the below steps: 1. Go to the desired VM instance in the Azure portal 2. Select “Access control (IAM)” option from the left pane 3. Select Role Assignment option under +Add option 4. Now, you will be able to assign any one of the available pre-defined roles to a user 5. Give contributor level access to the respective developer, now he will not be able to access/upload a file to the website

Why there is a difference in the same VM prices among Azure regions?

AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals - Top 100 Questions and Answers Dumps: azure fundamentals az900 exam preparation pro
AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals – Top 100 Questions and Answers Dumps: azure fundamentals az900 exam preparation pro
The region prices are related to pricing conditions in particular region. In details it is about tenancy of physical area, prices of the hardware from vendors, the cost of man-hours in a particular region for IT specialists and other Azure datacenter workers, and so on. Unfortunately, I can’t find any reference for that information, I’m talking here personally as the person who works with Azure every day and have a contact with Microsoft teams.

Can we spin up a Windows Azure VM programmatically from a php page? We can assume that we have valid Microsoft Credentials.

The REST Management API is the one you want to go for. Authentication is certificate based. You’ll have to upload a management certificate using the Windows Azure portal in able for your PHP application to authenticate. A good starting point on how to use the Windows Azure REST APIs for management can be found here How to use Windows Azure service management APIs (PHP). Like Rahul suggested, once you have that up-and-running use the Operations on Virtual Machines API set to manipulate your Virtual Machine deployments.

How do you reduce the size of my Azure VM disk?

Hi, Below are some points that would be beneficial for you. 1. Pick the best possible disk size. 2. Compress the panel size in the VM. 3. Export the managed disk to a VHD. 4. Compress the exported VHD. 5. Make another new managed disk from the VHD. 6. Make another VM from the new recently created disk. 7. Alternatively, clean up all the old resources. Hope it helps.

Your company wants to use Azure to manage all of their IoT devices. They are going to create the infrastructure themselves, but need a backend in Azure to manage the flow of data, and to ensure security as well as ease of deployment of new devices. Which Azure product or solution would be suitable?

 Azure IoT Hub is a solution for providing managed services for large IoT projects. It provides secure and reliable communication from devices to the Azure backend. Azure IoT Central is a SaaS solution that provides both managed connections and security as well as the dashboards and applications to use the data. Event Grid is used to connect many Azure services. IoT Hub

Your company has a new Azure virtual network that needs to be secured. What is the best way to only allow specific kinds of outside traffic into this network?

Use an Azure Firewall attached to the virtual network.

Azure Firewall blocks any incoming or outgoing traffic that isn’t specifically allowed on a network. A Network Security Group manages the traffic to specific services, Azure DDoS Protection Service protects against attacks and a load balancer distributes traffic to specific VMs. Azure Firewall FAQ

How is authorization different from authentication?

Authentication is the process of proving that you are who you say you are. Authorization is the act of granting an authenticated party permission to do something.

Authentication is the process of proving that you are who you say you are. It’s sometimes shortened to AuthN. The Microsoft identity platform uses the OpenID Connect protocol for handling authentication. Authorization is the act of granting an authenticated party permission to do something. It specifies what data you’re allowed to access and what you can do with that data. Authorization is sometimes shortened to AuthZ. The Microsoft identity platform uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for handling authorization. Reference: Authentication vs. authorization

Which minimum costing support plan provides access to general guidance with architecture support?

 The Developer support plan provides access to technical support via email in business hours and is the most-effective. The Standard and

Azure Support Plans Comparison

You are looking to build and host your website on Azure without needing to manage the underlying infrastructure. Which type of Cloud service should you choose?

Platform as a service (PaaS) is a complete development and deployment environment in the cloud, with resources that enable you to deliver everything from simple cloud-based apps to sophisticated, cloud-enabled enterprise applications, all without you having to manage any of the underlying infrastructure or services. Reference: What is PaaS? Platform as a Service 

You are beginning to extend your on-premises data center into Azure. You have created a new Azure subscription and resource group called RG-One. You deploy two virtual machines into RG-One with the intent of promoting these to Active Directory domain controllers. What kind of cloud service would this be considered?

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is the use of on-demand computing infrastructure which is provisioned and managed over the internet. Deploying virtual machines into an Azure subscription would be considered an IaaS service. Reference: What is IaaS? Infrastructure as a Service

Define the concept of “dynamic elasticity.”

Dynamic elasticity is defined as a cloud service that both quickly scales up and also back down in order to serve your changing workload patterns for the lowest cost.

Which Azure service can host your web apps without you having to manage underlying infrastructure?

Azure App Service enables you to build and host web apps, mobile back-ends, and RESTful APIs in the programming language of your choice without managing infrastructure. Azure App Service documentation – Azure App Service

Which Azure service can you use to make sure your virtual machines are running smoothly and without problems?

Azure Monitor collects and analyzes telemetry data from your virtual machines to provide your with alerts and recommendations for how they are running.
Azure Monitor overview – Azure Monitor

Which Azure DevOps tool would you use to share applications and code libraries?

Azure Artifacts is a service in Azure DevOps, which can host code libraries and applications for you to share internally or externally. Azure Boards is for project managers. Azure Repos holds your source code. Azure Test Plans is used to create manual and automatic test scenarios for your application. Azure Pipelines is the process that builds and deploys your application. Azure DevOps Services

What are the main components of an Azure VPN Gateway setup?

The VPN Gateway must be attached to an Azure Virtual Network. 

An on-premises network with a complimentary gateway that can accept the encrypted data.

A secure connection, called a tunnel, which encrypts the traffic sent through it.

An Azure VPN Gateway consists of a Virtual Network, a secure connection called a tunnel, and an on-premises network and gateway. A storage account, a backend pool of VMs and a Load Balancer are not needed. About Azure VPN Gateway

Your company has a large amount of documents that are both sensitive and important to a large number of people. How would you secure these documents so you can still share them, but track where they are?

Use Azure Information Protection – Azure Information Protection (AIP) is a cloud-based solution that helps your organization to classify and protect its documents and emails by applying labels. What is Azure Information Protection?

Which Azure solution would you implement to embed a watermark into Office documents that contain social security numbers?

Azure Information Protection (sometimes referred to as AIP) is a cloud-based solution that helps an organization classify and, optionally, protect its documents and emails by applying labels. Labels can be applied automatically by administrators who define rules and conditions, manually by users, or a combination where users are given recommendations. Azure Active Directory. This includes access to resources in Azure AD, Azure resources, and other Microsoft Online Services, like Office 365 or Microsoft Intune. What is Azure Information Protection? – AIP

What are region pairs?

A region that is linked with another region in the same geography) – Azure has the concept of region pairs, these are two or more regions that are at least 300 miles apart within a single Geography. This enables the ability to replicate certain resources such as virtual machine storage across the geography providing protection against such events as natural disasters or civil unrest. Ensure business continuity & disaster recovery using Azure Paired Regions

Which Azure tool allows you to view which user turned off a specific virtual machine during the last 14 days?

The correct answer is the Azure Activity Log – it is a logging service that provides insight into subscription-level events that have occurred in Azure. This includes a range of data, from Azure Resource Manager operational data to updates on Service Health events. Events such as starting and stopping of virtual machines can be found here.
Overview of Azure platform logs – Azure Monitor

What does Azure Information Protection do?

Provides the ability to securely share sensitive data – Azure Information Protection helps control and secure information (including emails and documents) that is shared outside of your organization. Azure information protection

Which of the following can be used to manage governance across multiple Azure subscriptions? 

A. Azure initiatives

B. Management groups

C. Resource groups


Which of the following is a logical unit of Azure services that links to an Azure account?

A. Azure subscription

B. Management group

C. Resource group

D. Public cloud


Which of the following features does not apply to resource groups?

A. Resources can be in only one resource group.

B. Role-based access control can be applied to the resource group.

C. Resource groups can be nested. 


Which of the following statements is a valid statement about an Azure subscription?

A. Using Azure doesn’t require a subscription.

B. An Azure subscription is a logical unit of Azure services. 


You need to process messages from a queue, parse them by using some existing imperative logic written in Java, and then send them to a third-party API. Which serverless option should you choose?

Azure Functions: Azure Functions is the correct choice because you can use existing Java code with minimal modification.

You want to orchestrate a workflow by using APIs from several well-known services. Which is the best option for this scenario?

Azure Logic Apps: Azure Logic Apps makes it easy to create a workflow across well-known services with less effort than writing code and manually orchestrating all the steps yourself.

Your team has limited experience with writing custom code, but it sees tremendous value in automating several important business processes. Which of the following options is your team’s best option?

Azure Logic Apps is best suited for users who are more comfortable in a visual environment that allows them to automate their business processes. Logic Apps is the best option in this scenario.

You need to predict future behavior based on previous actions. Which product option should you select as a candidate?

A. Azure Machine Learning

B. Azure Bot Service

C. Azure Cognitive Services

Answer:   A. Azure Machine Learning enables you to build models to predict the likelihood of a future result. It should not be eliminated as a candidate.

You need to create a human-computer interface that uses natural language to answer customer questions. Which product option should you select as a candidate?

A. Azure Machine Learning

B. Azure Cognitive Services

C. Azure Bot Service

 Answer: Azure Bot Service creates virtual agent solutions that utilize natural language. It should not be eliminated as a candidate.

You need to identify the content of product images to automatically create alt tags for images formatted properly. Which product option is the best candidate?

A. Azure Machine Learning

B. Azure Cognitive Services

C. Azure Bot Service

Answer: Azure Cognitive Services includes Vision services that can identify the content of an image. Azure Cognitive Services is the best candidate.

Your development team is interested in writing Graph-based applications that take advantage of the Gremlin API. Which option would be ideal for that scenario?

A. Azure Cosmos DB

B. Azure SQL Database

C. Azure Databricks

D. Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Answer: Azure Cosmos DB supports SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Tables, and Gremlin APIs.

CompanyA uses the LAMP stack for several of its websites. Which option would be ideal for migration?

A. Azure Cosmos DB
B. Azure Database for MySQL
C. Azure Database for PostgreSQL
B: Answer: Azure Database for MySQL is the logical choice for existing LAMP stack applications.

CompanyA has millions of log entries that it wants to analyze. Which option would be ideal for analysis?

A. Azure Cosmos DB
B. Azure SQL Database
C. Azure Database for PostgreSQL
D. Azure Synapse Analytics
D: Azure Synapse Analytics is the logical choice for analyzing large volumes of data.

Which of the following options can you use to link virtual networks?

A. Network address translation
B. Multi-chassis link aggregation
C. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
D. Virtual network peering

D: Answer: Virtual network peering can be used to link virtual networks.

Which of the following options isn’t a benefit of ExpressRoute?

A. Redundant connectivity
B. Consistent network throughput
C. Encrypted network communication

D. Access to Microsoft cloud services

C: Answer: ExpressRoute does provide private connectivity, but it isn’t encrypted.

Testimonial: Passed my AZ-900 on the second attempt!

Wow, what a difference a couple of days and a different set of questions makes. I took the exam Monday and fell just short of passing (659), and I retook it today and scored 850! The questions on the first attempt were definitely harder, and I could tell from the first few questions I was going to have a rough time.

Today was totally different and I felt like I was getting all the “gimme” questions first and was able to coast through most questions confidently. I flagged exactly half the questions for review and at the end I had 20 minutes leftover after I was done reviewing. Total day and night difference between the two attempts.

For preparation I used:

– Microsoft Learn

– A Cloud Guru AZ-900 course + practice exam

– Tutorials Dojo practice exam

– and of course, John Savill’s YT channel

I bought the TD practice exams because of all the suggestions here, and I can attest they were well worth the price. This morning before the exam I went through all the TD section-based exams and took each one until I scored 90% on every section. I don’t always condone preparing for the exam on the day of but it was certainly a nice confidence booster to help me get mentally prepared.

Testimonial: Passed my AZ-900 on the first attempt!

Pleased to have passed this first time with a score of 775!

For any looking to sit this, I’ve had around 3 years of experience proving 2nd line technical support for an Azure environment. I used the following to prep for this exam:

Scotty Duffy’s Udemy Course – this was a bit of a waste of time and money in my eyes, nowhere near detailed enough. There are some reviews from people saying they passed the exam using this course alone with no experience using Azure but I really do not believe that.

Tim Warner’s YouTube series – this was great bearing in mind it was free. Way more worth the time than Scott’s, I wish I’d have started here.

Tutorials Dojo Practise Exams – I’d only recommend using these exams to test your knowledge and build some confidence, the questions in the exam were more difficult but the format and nature of these give you a good idea of what to expect.

Hope this advice helps some of you – onto the AZ-104!

Testimonial: AZ900 – Passed – some notes

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on Udemy – 50-% OFF

Just passed with a 970. I used a combination of:

1. ITProTV – good training overviews but useless practice tests. Utterly not even close to the exam.

2. Udemy and Whizlabs – VERY close to what is on the exam, highly recommend this.

3. TutorialsDojo – this was the closest to the actual test – if you can pass these tests you can pass the exam.

ANKI for terms and basic rules.

I studied way too much – make sure you know what each service does and how offerings differ

1. Availability Zones vs. Sets

2. Datacenters vs. Regions vs. Geographies

3. Where Compliance and Security information is done

4. Exactly what Azure Advisor can do, so you know what it can’t do.

5. The Difference between the DB offerings.

6. The difference between SaaS, IaaS and PaaS – really know this, multiple questions on it.

7. When you are charged for data transfer vs. when you are not.

Testimonial: Passed AZ104. Here is how i studied

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on Udemy – 50-% OFF

So guys im not going to bore you with all the blah-blah-blah. Here is how you pass AZ104.

My background: Only az900 fundamentals ( no IT previous experience)

Learning Path

Step 1) DO all the MS Learn modules.

( if you get stuck on any chapter or portion use this playlist of videos from John Savill … he is amazing at explaining this stuff)

Step 2) Complete all the labs on github for az104

Step 3) Watch this cram video which will cement in the concepts

Study Material

Use tutorials dojo practice tests and do them until you reach 90+% Passing on average, Every question you get wrong make sure to read the explanation as to why you are wrong.


Watch these YOutube follow alongs for 40 more practice questions with good explanations (parts 1-4)

Then you are ready to take the exam. Good luck everyone!

Azure Services Cheat Sheet

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Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Certification Exam Prep
Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Certification Exam Prep
#Azure #AzureFundamentals #AZ900 #AzureTraining #LeranAzure #Djamgatech

Azure Virtual Machine vs Azure Web App Cheat Sheet
Azure Virtual Machine vs Azure Web App

Azure Containers vs Azure Kubernetes Cheat Sheet
Azure Containers vs Azure Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

Azure Containers vs Azure Kubernetes Cheat Sheet
Azure Containers vs Azure Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

Use the following flowchart to select a candidate compute service.

Decision tree for Azure compute services


  • “Lift and shift” is a strategy for migrating a workload to the cloud without redesigning the application or making code changes. Also called rehosting. For more information, see Azure migration center.
  • Cloud optimized is a strategy for migrating to the cloud by refactoring an application to take advantage of cloud-native features and capabilities.
  • App Service. A managed service for hosting web apps, mobile app back ends, RESTful APIs, or automated business processes.
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). A managed Kubernetes service for running containerized applications.
  • Batch. A managed service for running large-scale parallel and high-performance computing (HPC) applications
  • Container Instances. The fastest and simplest way to run a container in Azure, without having to provision any virtual machines and without having to adopt a higher-level service.
  • Functions. A managed FaaS service.
  • Service Fabric. A distributed systems platform that can run in many environments, including Azure or on premises.
  • Virtual machines. Deploy and manage VMs inside an Azure virtual network.
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) lets you provision individual VMs along with the associated networking and storage components. Then you deploy whatever software and applications you want onto those VMs. This model is the closest to a traditional on-premises environment, except that Microsoft manages the infrastructure. You still manage the individual VMs.
  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provides a managed hosting environment, where you can deploy your application without needing to manage VMs or networking resources. Azure App Service is a PaaS service.
  • Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) goes even further in removing the need to worry about the hosting environment. In a FaaS model, you simply deploy your code and the service automatically runs it. Azure Functions are a FaaS service.

There is a spectrum from IaaS to pure PaaS. For example, Azure VMs can autoscale by using virtual machine scale sets. This automatic scaling capability isn’t strictly PaaS, but it’s the type of management feature found in PaaS services.

Azure Data Store:

Use the following flowchart to select a candidate data store.

Data store decision tree

Which of the following choices isn’t a cloud computing category: NAAS, PAAS, SAAS, IAAS, DAAS?
– Networking-as-a-Service (NaaS)

– NaaS isn’t a cloud computing category.

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Certification Exam Prep
Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Certification Exam Prep #Azure #AzureFundamentals #AZ900 #AzureTraining #LeranAzure #Djamgatech

Download Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Certification Exam Prep

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Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on iOs

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on android

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on Windows 10/11

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on Web/PWA

Djamgatech App store

Updates to AZ-900 Coming May 5th 2022

[AZ-900](Exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals – Learn)

Under skills measured section:

The English language version of this exam will be updated on May 5, 2022. Please download the exam skills outline below to see what’s changing.

[List of Changes]

To be honest seems like decent set of changes. In addition to reshuffling existing titles and task #s of several items, there is a redistribution of weight across objectives and removing of following sections:

3.1 Describe core solutions available in Azure

5.3 Describe privacy and compliance resources

6.2 Describe Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Top-paying Cloud certifications:

  1. Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect — $175,761/year
  2. AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate — $149,446/year
  3. Azure/Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect – $141,748/yr
  4. Google Cloud Associate Engineer – $145,769/yr
  5. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner — $131,465/year
  6. Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals — $126,653/year
  7. Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate — $125,993/year


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Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on android

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on Windows 10/11

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Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on Udemy – 50-% OFF

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on iOs

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on android

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Exam Prep on Windows 10/11

I passed Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Certification Testimonials

AZ-900 Passed today. Score of 835.

Achievement Celebration

Path I took:

  • Microsoft Learn course

  • John Savill Study Cram

  • SkillCertPro Practice Tests (were decent for what they were).

I found this somewhat simple and completed within 15 minutes. I do have some experience with Azure but don’t work in it every day. As always, John Savill’s knowledge was a great watch and the MS Learn course was quite good content wise. Exam was not hard but there were some gotcha questions around resource locks, SLAs, ExpressRoute and storage accounts.

Happy to answer any questions.

Passed AZ-900, SC-900, AI-900, and DP-900 within 6 weeks!

Achievement Celebration

What an exciting journey. I think AZ-900 is the hardest probably because it is my first Microsoft certification. Afterwards, the others are fair enough. AI-900 is the easiest.

I generally used Microsoft Virtual Training Day, Cloud Ready Skills, Measureup and John Savill’s videos. Having built a fundamental knowledge of the Cloud, I am planning to do AWS CCP next. Wish me luck!

Passed Azure Fundamentals

Learning Material

Hi all,

I passed my Azure fundamentals exam a couple of days ago, with a score of 900/1000. Been meaning to take the exam for a few months but I kept putting it off for various reasons. The exam was a lot easier than I thought and easier than the official Microsoft practice exams.

Study materials;

  • A Cloud Guru AZ-900 fundamentals course with practice exams

  • Official Microsoft practice exams

  • MS learning path

  • John Savill’s AZ-900 study cram, started this a day or two before my exam. (Highly Recommended) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQp1YkB2Tgs&t=4s

Will be taking my AZ-104 exam next

Passed AZ-900 🙂

Achievement Celebration

Found this sub on reddit, thought I’d share.

Literally just passed the exam an hour or so ago 🙂 Not full points but whatever, ~900 is enough.

Have 0 experience with any of it, actually just did it for fun because of the discounts on virtual training days and I thought why not, certification looks good.

Spent half of the virtual day course not listening but you have to log in for the exam discount. Around 4h or so in total watching John Savills content and some of the MS resource sites.

Exam questions were often not directly related to all the stuff talked in the courses so some kinda surprised me. Also I only spent like 25min in total going through them twice, much faster than I thought it was gonna be.

Savills content is gold though, a neat summary of the MS product system. MS resource sites are beneficial to go through as well.

Really doubt any of my future employers will actually take notice or care that much given I won’t go into the sysadmin industry but certification is certification right? And it was free 🙂

Now I just need to figure out how to actually get a pdf of the certificate/badge lol

I’m interested if Microsoft actually gives away discounts for the actual admin courses or if they just restrict it to fundamentals to promote their products? Did anyone do the admin exams with discounts?

Azure Certification Path 2022-2023

Popular: Az900 –> AZ104 –> AZ305 or AZ400 or AZ500 or AI900

Here’s a Microsoft certification for you, whether or not you’re thinking about what Microsoft Azure is and where to start, or where you should go next in your cloud job. There are around 16 Azure cloud assertions open. Here is an overview of current Microsoft Azure assertions.

Nuts and bolts Level Certifications

Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals

Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals

Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals

Accomplished Level Certifications

Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate

Microsoft Certified: Azure Database Administrator Associate

Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate

Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Scientist Associate

Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer Associate

Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Engineer Associate

Microsoft Certified: Azure Stack Hub Operator Associate

Expert Level Certifications

Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert

Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert

Specialty Certifications

Microsoft Certified: Azure IoT Developer Specialty

Microsoft Certified: Azure for SAP Workloads Specialty

Microsoft Certified: Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty

There are also two other Microsoft assertions that are Azure-related. While we won’t cautiously depict them in this post, dependent upon your master way and limit, they might justify researching.

For security engineers responsible for peril the leaders, checking, and response, the Microsoft Certified: Security Operations Analyst Associate confirmation is required. It requires completing the SC-200 appraisal.

Test SC-300 is required for the Microsoft Certified: Identity and Access Administrator Associate, which is for heads who use Azure AD to manage IAM.

What might be prudent for you to do first?

In particular, you should make certain with regards to what a Microsoft Azure confirmation is and isn’t. Is simply clear? Phenomenal! Then, at that point, we ought to explore three circumstances that can assist you with picking where to start.

“I’m new to development. I’m essentially uninformed in regards to this ‘cloud’ that is quite serious.”

You can sort out some way to cloud in the event that you’re the kind of person who counts “Microsoft Word” as a specific capacity on your resume. On the off chance that you’re just beginning started, a section level certification will outfit you with the language and understanding you’ll need to all the more promptly analyze your ensuing stages. The AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals accreditation is your first stop on the Azure road.

The cloud might be alarming, yet the capacities you’ll get as you seek after this accreditation will help you with understanding it in a way that even an all out beginner can understand — especially if you have the right getting ready. (Look at me as a hotshot, yet I think our Azure Fundamentals getting ready is astonishing.)

“I have a fundamental cognizance of the cloud.”

Perhaps you’ve worked in the IT field beforehand. Perhaps you’ve attempted various things with AWS, GCP, or Azure. Do you accept you’re ready to make a dive? Press the brakes. Start with the Azure Fundamentals affirmation, if you haven’t at this point. In the best circumstance, you’ll see it to be a breeze. Regardless, paying little heed to how far you advance in Azure, this accreditation will give the establishment to future accomplishment. The accompanying crosspiece on the ladder (Azure Administrator Associate) can be an inconvenient one to ascend. Before dealing with it, you’ll need all of the Fundamentals data notwithstanding a huge load of Azure included knowledge.

Here are different Azure Certifications (Microsoft Certified)


For beginners, this is the best Microsoft Azure accreditation. It’s an unprecedented spot to start on the off chance that you’re new to appropriated processing or Microsoft Azure. This one would be Azure 101 if test names appeared to be okay and acceptable.

Test AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals ($99 USD) is required.

There are no fundamentals.

For whom this is for?

In a general sense, everyone. Non-particular individuals with a cloud-related calling, similarly as new or cheerful designers or IT experts, could benefit from acknowledging what the cloud is and isn’t. Any person who needs to comprehend the Microsoft Azure environment should have the data expected to complete this evaluation.

Fundamentals DP-900 Microsoft Certified

For inescapable data focused cloud subject matter experts, this is a significant beginning advance assertion.

Test DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals ($99 USD) is required.

There are no fundamentals.

For whom this is for?

This helper is for informational collection draftsmen and data base administrators who are essentially starting with cloud data.

AI Fundamentals AI-900 Microsoft Certified

This Microsoft Azure affirmation exhibits that you appreciate the fundamentals of man-made mental ability (AI) and AI (ML) in Azure for amateurs with both particular and non-specific establishments.

Test AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals ($99 USD) is required.

There are no basics.

For whom this is for?

Reproduced insight Engineers, Data Scientists, Developers, and Solutions Architects with a working data on AL and ML, similarly as Azure organizations related with them. This affirmation, like the others in the Azure Fundamentals series, is normal for those with both specific and non-particular establishments. That proposes data science and PC programming experience aren’t required, but Microsoft recommends making them program data or experience.

Administrator Associate AZ-104 is a Microsoft attestation.

For the IT swarm, this is the rudiments of Azure organization. This takes you from a fundamental perception of the cloud to having the alternative to perform cloud tasks (and get repaid to do them).

Test AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator ($165 USD) is required.

For whom this is for?

This affirmation is for IT specialists and administrators who screen cloud assets and resources and direct cloud system. This test is (mistakenly) seen as an entry level test, yet you’ll need to know an immense heap of anticipated that information should pass and do whatever it takes not to have your AZ denied.

Unlocking Azure Fundamentals AZ900 exam: Testimonials, Tips, and Key Resources to ace the exam and pass the certification

Azure Fundamentals Breaking News 

  • MS Learn during exam
    by /u/Yak420 (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 26, 2024 at 9:21 pm

    I'm getting ready to take my AZ-700 cert on Monday and I'm feeling pretty good but some of the practice test questions have tripped me up. So, I was wondering how much does MS learn open book during the exam help for questions you might be confused on, and how easy is it to search for what I'm looking for? I'm not expecting it to give me the answers just give me a refresher of what something is or how it connects. Also are you allowed to search MS learn or is it just clicking around on the site, and you just need to know how to navigate to what you're looking for? submitted by /u/Yak420 [link] [comments]

  • Don't know if it's suitable in this sub
    by /u/Extension-Fox-7660 (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 26, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    How to deploy ML batch endpoint from docker image? Hi, I have my own deep learning task that requires 2-3 different ml models, I built the code and containerized it, i.e. the python env and code is in the docker image. I am running fastapi servers inside docker to run code. Deployed it in aws sagemaker async endpoint and it is working fine. Now, I need to deploy it to azure ml batch endpoint, but there's no documentation as such to deploy it using custom docker container. Can someone help me? submitted by /u/Extension-Fox-7660 [link] [comments]

  • Is the AZ-800 and AZ-801 worth for those wanting to become Windows Sys Admin?
    by /u/AlternativePhoto5962 (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 26, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    As the question states, Is the AZ-800 and AZ-801 worth for those wanting to become Windows Sys Admin? Is it worth the $300 price tag? Is there something more practical? Thanks. I’m currently a Tier 2 Help Desk Tech that has exposure to some AD/Azure work (I.e, resetting passwords, unlocking phones, etc). submitted by /u/AlternativePhoto5962 [link] [comments]

  • DevTest Labs restrict internet browsing
    by /u/zopiclone (Microsoft Azure) on July 26, 2024 at 5:59 pm

    I want to set up a lab for my students at a UK college. When they are on our corporate network their internet browsing is heavily filtered. Do I have any options for filtering their web traffic in Dev Labs to keep them off dodgy sites from a safeguarding perspective? I am a teacher not a tech so just investigating before I go back to my manager. submitted by /u/zopiclone [link] [comments]

  • Inquiry Regarding Student Discount for Azure Certification Exam
    by /u/Anxious_Morning7753 (Microsoft Azure) on July 26, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    I am currently enrolled as a student and am interested in registering for an Azure certification exam. However, I am seeking clarification on the process for utilizing the student discount associated with these exams. Could you please confirm if the student discount remains available and provide a detailed outline of the steps necessary to access this discount? Thank you for your assistance. submitted by /u/Anxious_Morning7753 [link] [comments]

  • Storage options and pricing for real time data ingestion
    by /u/laghav (Microsoft Azure) on July 26, 2024 at 4:58 pm

    I have an ETL pipeline that runs every minute to pull real time data and adds around 700 rows to an Azure SQL database each run. This data will be used for downstream ML tasks in the future. I am currently on the free tier for the SQL database, that provides 100,000 vCore seconds and 32 GB of storage free for every month. But after a day of running the pipeline I have run out of the free vCore seconds, while I have only used less than 100MB of the free storage. I am considering upgrading my subscription to a paid one, but am having trouble figuring out which plan to use and how much it would cost me. I would ideally like to use the cheapest possible option. I've read through this page but I am still a bit unclear. How much would this cost me to run per month? Also, are there any better (cheaper) alternatives that I can consider? I am very new to this, so appreciate any help. submitted by /u/laghav [link] [comments]

  • I just passed the az-104, no the best but 810 score. I would like to get some feedback.
    by /u/rauledev (Microsoft Azure Certifications) on July 26, 2024 at 4:36 pm

    I just passed the az-104, no the best but 810 score, I did the last month the az-204, i m thinking in 305 as the next step, how hard is 400 vs 305 do you think worth both or I would be fine with 305 I 'm approaching a DevOps Carrer, I did cka too last couple months. submitted by /u/rauledev [link] [comments]

  • Enabling MFA for Single Admin on Azure Pay-As-You-Go
    by /u/ItsMeVenz (Microsoft Azure) on July 26, 2024 at 4:28 pm

    I'm setting up an Azure Pay-As-You-Go account for study purposes and want to enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for a single admin user(myself) while logging into Azure portal. I keep finding information about security defaults and conditional access but can't find a straightforward way to enable MFA similar to what's available for Microsoft Outlook or Google account. Can anyone help with a method to achieve this? submitted by /u/ItsMeVenz [link] [comments]

  • Can't connect to Azure Arc Window Admin Center when on same network as Server.
    by /u/Kuipyr (Microsoft Azure) on July 26, 2024 at 4:01 pm

    Any ideas? It works just fine when off network. submitted by /u/Kuipyr [link] [comments]

  • Running code on azure without a Trigger
    by /u/OkCheek1557 (Microsoft Azure) on July 26, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    Hello, I would like to execute the following code on azure for testing purpose. import time for i in range(100): time.sleep(5) log = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) print(log) with open("/home/maparici/dev/apprentissage/azure-quickstart/log.txt", "a") as f: f.write(log + "\n") I tried azure function but they all rely on triggers like HTTP request. I do not wish to use this. Ideally I would like to be able to run the code from vscode or the terminal, and see the result when I come back after rebooting my laptop. A way to achieve that would be to use a VM, but there is several tradeoffs in this approach. First it will be more expansive and secondly it would be less convenient. I am wondering if there exist a middle ground between azure function and a VM. Is there any azure resource that tackles this problem ? Thank you for reading me, I hope that I have been clear enough. submitted by /u/OkCheek1557 [link] [comments]

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Top 60 AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Tips

2022 - 2023 AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification Practice Exam Questions and Answers SAA-C03

Top 60 AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Tips

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2022 - 2023 AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification Practice Exam Questions and Answers SAA-C03
Top 100 AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification Exam Questions and Answers Dump SAA-C03

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0 In a nutshell, below are the resources and apps that you need for SAA-C03 Exam Prep:

Read FAQs and learn more about the following topics in details: Load Balancing, DynamoDB, EBS, Multi-AZ RDS, Aurora, EFS, DynamoDB, NLB, ALB, Aurora, Auto Scalling, DynamoDB(latency), Aurora(performance), Multi-AZ RDS(high availability), Throughput Optimized EBS (highly sequential), Read the quizlet note cards about Cloudwatch, CloudTrail, KMS, ElasticBeanstalk, OpsWorks here. Read Dexter’s Barely passed AWS Cram Notes about RPO vs RTO, HA vs FT, Undifferentiated Heavy Lifting, Access Management Basics, Shared Responsibility Model, Cloud Service Models
AWS topics for SAA-CO1 and SAA-CO2


Know what instance types can be launched from which types of AMIs, and which instance types require an HVM AMI


Understand bastion hosts, and which subnet one might live on. Bastion hosts are instances that sit within your public subnet and are typically accessed using SSH or RDP. Once remote connectivity has been established with the bastion host, it then acts as a ‘jump’ server, allowing you to use SSH or RDP to login to other instances (within private subnets) deeper within your network. When properly configured through the use of security groups and Network ACLs, the bastion essentially acts as a bridge to your private instances via the Internet.”
Bastion Hosts


Know the difference between Directory Service’s AD Connector and Simple AD. Use Simple AD if you need an inexpensive Active Directory–compatible service with the common directory features. AD Connector lets you simply connect your existing on-premises Active Directory to AWS.
AD Connector and Simple AD


Know how to enable cross-account access with IAM: To delegate permission to access a resource, you create an IAM role that has two policies attached. The permissions policy grants the user of the role the needed permissions to carry out the desired tasks on the resource. The trust policy specifies which trusted accounts are allowed to grant its users permissions to assume the role. The trust policy on the role in the trusting account is one-half of the permissions. The other half is a permissions policy attached to the user in the trusted account that allows that user to switch to, or assume the role.
Enable cross-account access with IAM


Have a good understanding of how Route53 supports all of the different DNS record types, and when you would use certain ones over others.
Route 53 supports all of the different DNS record types


Know which services allow you to retain full admin privileges of the underlying EC2 instances
EC2 Full admin privilege


Know When Elastic IPs are free or not: If you associate additional EIPs with that instance, you will be charged for each additional EIP associated with that instance per hour on a pro rata basis. Additional EIPs are only available in Amazon VPC. To ensure efficient use of Elastic IP addresses, we impose a small hourly charge when these IP addresses are not associated with a running instance or when they are associated with a stopped instance or unattached network interface.
When are AWS Elastic IPs Free or not?


AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

Know what are the four high level categories of information Trusted Advisor supplies.
#AWS Trusted advisor


Know how to troubleshoot a connection time out error when trying to connect to an instance in your VPC. You need a security group rule that allows inbound traffic from your public IP address on the proper port, you need a route that sends all traffic destined outside the VPC ( to the Internet gateway for the VPC, the network ACLs must allow inbound and outbound traffic from your public IP address on the proper port, etc.
#AWS Connection time out error


Understand how you might set up consolidated billing and cross-account access such that individual divisions resources are isolated from each other, but corporate IT can oversee all of it.
#AWS Set up consolidated billing


Know how you would go about making changes to an Auto Scaling group, fully understanding what you can and can’t change. “You can only specify one launch configuration for an Auto Scaling group at a time, and you can’t modify a launch configuration after you’ve created it. Therefore, if you want to change the launch configuration for your Auto Scaling group, you must create a launch configuration and then update your Auto Scaling group with the new launch configuration. When you change the launch configuration for your Auto Scaling group, any new instances are launched using the new configuration parameters, but existing instances are not affected.
#AWS Make Change to Auto Scaling group


Know how you would go about making changes to an Auto Scaling group, fully understanding what you can and can’t change. “You can only specify one launch configuration for an Auto Scaling group at a time, and you can’t modify a launch configuration after you’ve created it. Therefore, if you want to change the launch configuration for your Auto Scaling group, you must create a launch configuration and then update your Auto Scaling group with the new launch configuration. When you change the launch configuration for your Auto Scaling group, any new instances are launched using the new configuration parameters, but existing instances are not affected.
#AWS Make Change to Auto Scaling group


Know which field you use to run a script upon launching your instance.
#AWS User data script


Know how DynamoDB (durable, and you can pay for strong consistency), Elasticache (great for speed, not so durable), and S3 (eventual consistency results in lower latency) compare to each other in terms of durability and low latency.
#AWS DynamoDB consistency


Know the difference between bucket policies, IAM policies, and ACLs for use with S3, and examples of when you would use each. “With IAM policies, companies can grant IAM users fine-grained control to their Amazon S3 bucket or objects while also retaining full control over everything the users do. With bucket policies, companies can define rules which apply broadly across all requests to their Amazon S3 resources, such as granting write privileges to a subset of Amazon S3 resources. Customers can also restrict access based on an aspect of the request, such as HTTP referrer and IP address. With ACLs, customers can grant specific permissions (i.e. READ, WRITE, FULL_CONTROL) to specific users for an individual bucket or object.
#AWS Difference between bucket policies


Know when and how you can encrypt snapshots.
#AWS EBS Encryption


Understand how you can use ELB cross-zone load balancing to ensure even distribution of traffic to EC2 instances in multiple AZs registered with a load balancer.
#AWS ELB cross-zone load balancing


How would you allow users to log into the AWS console using active directory integration. Here is a link to some good reference material.
#AWS og into the AWS console using active directory integration


Spot instances are good for cost optimization, even if it seems you might need to fall back to On-Demand instances if you wind up getting kicked off them and the timeline grows tighter. The primary (but still not only) factor seems to be whether you can gracefully handle instances that die on you–which is pretty much how you should always design everything, anyway!
#AWS Spot instances


The term “use case” is not the same as “function” or “capability”. A use case is something that your app/system will need to accomplish, not just behaviour that you will get from that service. In particular, a use case doesn’t require that the service be a 100% turnkey solution for that situation, just that the service plays a valuable role in enabling it.
#AWS use case


There might be extra, unnecessary information in some of the questions (red herrings), so try not to get thrown off by them. Understand what services can and can’t do, but don’t ignore “obvious”-but-still-correct answers in favour of super-tricky ones.
#AWS Exam Answers: Distractors

Ace the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification Exam: Pass the Azure Fundamentals Exam with Ease


If you don’t know what they’re trying to ask, in a question, just move on and come back to it later (by using the helpful “mark this question” feature in the exam tool). You could easily spend way more time than you should on a single confusing question if you don’t triage and move on.
#AWS Exa: Skip Questions that are vague and come back to them later


Some exam questions required you to understand features and use cases of: VPC peering, cross-account access, DirectConnect, snapshotting EBS RAID arrays, DynamoDB, spot instances, Glacier, AWS/user security responsibilities, etc.


The 30 Day constraint in the S3 Lifecycle Policy before transitioning to S3-IA and S3-One Zone IA storage classes
#AWS S3 lifecycle policy


Enabling Cross-region snapshot copy for an AWS KMS-encrypted cluster
Redis Auth / Amazon MQ / IAM DB Authentication

#AWS Cross-region snapshot copy for an AWS KMS-encrypted cluster


Know that FTP is using TCP and not UDP (Helpful for questions where you are asked to troubleshoot the network flow)


If you are looking for an all-in-one solution to help you prepare for the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam, look no further than this AWS Cloud Practitioner CCP CLF-C02 book

Know the Difference between S3, EBS and EFS
#AWS Difference between S3, EBS and EFS


Kinesis Sharding:
#AWS Kinesis Sharding


Handling SSL Certificates in ELB ( Wildcard certificate vs SNI )
#AWS Handling SSL Certificates in ELB ( Wildcard certificate vs SNI )


Difference between OAI, Signed URL (CloudFront) and Pre-signed URL (S3)
#AWS Difference between OAI, Signed URL (CloudFront) and Pre-signed URL (S3)


Different types of Aurora Endpoints
#AWS Different types of Aurora Endpoints


The Default Termination Policy for Auto Scaling Group (Oldest launch configuration vs Instance Protection)
#AWS Default Termination Policy for Auto Scaling Group


Watch Acloud Guru Videos Lectures while commuting / lunch break – Reschedule the exam if you are not yet ready
#AWS ACloud Guru


Watch Linux Academy Videos Lectures while commuting / lunch break – Reschedule the exam if you are not yet ready
#AWS Linux Academy


Watch Udemy Videos Lectures while commuting / lunch break – Reschedule the exam if you are not yet ready
#AWS Linux Academy


The Udemy practice test interface is good that it pinpoints your weak areas, so what I did was to re-watch all the videos that I got the wrong answers. Since I was able to gauge my exam readiness, I decided to reschedule my exam for 2 more weeks, to help me focus on completing the practice tests.
#AWS Udemy


Use AWS Cheatsheets – I also found the cheatsheets provided by Tutorials Dojo very helpful. In my opinion, it is better than Jayendrapatil Patil’s blog since it contains more updated information that complements your review notes.
#AWS Cheat Sheet


Watch this exam readiness 3hr video, it very recent webinar this provides what is expected in the exam.
#AWS Exam Prep Video


Start off watching Ryan’s videos. Try and completely focus on the hands on. Take your time to understand what you are trying to learn and achieve in those LAB Sessions.
#AWS Exam Prep Video


Do not rush into completing the videos. Take your time and hone the basics. Focus and spend a lot of time for the back bone of AWS infrastructure – Compute/EC2 section, Storage (S3/EBS/EFS), Networking (Route 53/Load Balancers), RDS, VPC, Route 3. These sections are vast, with lot of concepts to go over and have loads to learn. Trust me you will need to thoroughly understand each one of them to ensure you pass the certification comfortably.
#AWS Exam Prep Video


Make sure you go through resources section and also AWS documentation for each components. Go over FAQs. If you have a question, please post it in the community. Trust me, each answer here helps you understand more about AWS.
#AWS Faqs


Like any other product/service, each AWS offering has a different flavor. I will take an example of EC2 (Spot/Reserved/Dedicated/On Demand etc.). Make sure you understand what they are, what are the pros/cons of each of these flavors. Applies for all other offerings too.
#AWS Services


Ensure to attend all quizzes after each section. Please do not treat these quizzes as your practice exams. These quizzes are designed to mostly test your knowledge on the section you just finished. The exam itself is designed to test you with scenarios and questions, where in you will need to recall and apply your knowledge of different AWS technologies/services you learn over multiple lectures.
#AWS Services


I, personally, do not recommend to attempt a practice exam or simulator exam until you have done all of the above. It was a little overwhelming for me. I had thoroughly gone over the videos. And understood the concepts pretty well, but once I opened exam simulator I felt the questions were pretty difficult. I also had a feeling that videos do not cover lot of topics. But later I realized, given the vastness of AWS Services and offerings it is really difficult to encompass all these services and their details in the course content. The fact that these services keep changing so often, does not help
#AWS Services


Go back and make a note of all topics, that you felt were unfamiliar for you. Go through the resources section and fiund links to AWS documentation. After going over them, you shoud gain at least 5-10% more knowledge on AWS. Have expectations from the online courses as a way to get thorough understanding of basics and strong foundations for your AWS knowledge. But once you are done with videos. Make sure you spend a lot of time on AWS documentation and FAQs. There are many many topics/sub topics which may not be covered in the course and you would need to know, atleast their basic functionalities, to do well in the exam.
#AWS Services


Once you start taking practice exams, it may seem really difficult at the beginning. So, please do not panic if you find the questions complicated or difficult. IMO they are designed or put in a way to sound complicated but they are not. Be calm and read questions very carefully. In my observation, many questions have lot of information which sometimes is not relevant to the solution you are expected to provide. Read the question slowly and read it again until you understand what is expected out of it.
#AWS Services


With each practice exam you will come across topics that you may need to scale your knowledge on or learn them from scratch.
#AWS Services


With each test and the subsequent revision, you will surely feel more confident.
There are 130 mins for questions. 2 mins for each question which is plenty of time.
At least take 8-10 practice tests. The ones on udemy/tutorialdojo are really good. If you are a acloudguru member. The exam simulator is really good.
Manage your time well. Keep patience. I saw someone mention in one of the discussions that do not under estimate the mental focus/strength needed to sit through 130 mins solving these questions. And it is really true.
Do not give away or waste any of those precious 130 mins. While answering flag/mark questions you think you are not completely sure. My advice is, even if you finish early, spend your time reviewing the answers. I could review 40 of my answers at the end of test. And I at least rectified 3 of them (which is 4-5% of total score, I think)
So in short – Put a lot of focus on making your foundations strong. Make sure you go through AWS Documentation and FAQs. Try and envision how all of the AWS components can fit together and provide an optimal solution. Keep calm.
This video gives outline about exam, must watch before or after Ryan’s course. #AWS Services


Walking you through how to best prepare for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C02 exam in 5 steps:
1. Understand the exam blueprint
2. Learn about the new topics included in the SAA-C02 version of the exam
3. Use the many FREE resources available to gain and deepen your knowledge
4. Enroll in our hands-on video course to learn AWS in depth
5. Use practice tests to fully prepare yourself for the exam and assess your exam readiness


1. Know your different Amazon S3 storage tiers! You need to know the use cases, features and limitations, and relative costs; e.g. retrieval costs.
2. Amazon S3 lifecycle policies is also required knowledge — there are minimum storage times in certain tiers that you need to know.
3. For Glacier, you need to understand what it is, what it’s used for, and what the options are for retrieval times and fees.
4. For the Amazon Elastic File System (EFS), make sure you’re clear which operating systems you can use with it (just Linux).
5. For the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), make sure you know when to use the different tiers including instance stores; e.g. what would you use for a datastore that requires the highest IO and the data is distributed across multiple instances? (Good instance store use case)
6. Learn about Amazon FSx. You’ll need to know about FSx for Windows and Lustre.
7. Know how to improve Amazon S3 performance including using CloudFront, and byte-range fetches — check out this whitepaper.
8. Make sure you understand about Amazon S3 object deletion protection options including versioning and MFA delete.


1. You need to have a good understanding of the options for how to scale an Auto Scaling Group using metrics such as SQS queue depth, or numbers of SNS messages.
2. Know your different Auto Scaling policies including Target Tracking Policies.
3. Read up on High Performance Computing (HPC) with AWS. You’ll need to know about Amazon FSx with HPC use cases.
4. Know your placement groups. Make sure you can differentiate between spread, cluster and partition; e.g. what would you use for lowest latency? What about if you need to support an app that’s tightly coupled? Within an AZ or cross AZ?
5. Make sure you know the difference between Elastic Network Adapters (ENAs), Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) and Elastic Fabric Adapters (EFAs).
6. For the Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), make sure you understand how to assign IAM policies to ECS for providing S3 access. How can you decouple an ECS data processing process — Kinesis Firehose or SQS?
7. Make sure you’re clear on the different EC2 pricing models including Reserved Instances (RI) and the different RI options such as scheduled RIs.
8. Make sure you know the maximum execution time for AWS Lambda (it’s currently 900 seconds or 15 minutes).


1. Understand what AWS Global Accelerator is and its use cases.
2. Understand when to use CloudFront and when to use AWS Global Accelerator.
3. Make sure you understand the different types of VPC endpoint and which require an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) and which require a route table entry.
4. You need to know how to connect multiple accounts; e.g. should you use VPC peering or a VPC endpoint?
5. Know the difference between PrivateLink and ClassicLink.
6. Know the patterns for extending a secure on-premises environment into AWS.
7. Know how to encrypt AWS Direct Connect (you can use a Virtual Private Gateway / AWS VPN).
8. Understand when to use Direct Connect vs Snowball to migrate data — lead time can be an issue with Direct Connect if you’re in a hurry.
9. Know how to prevent circumvention of Amazon CloudFront; e.g. Origin Access Identity (OAI) or signed URLs / signed cookies.


1. Make sure you understand Amazon Aurora and Amazon Aurora Serverless.
2. Know which RDS databases can have Read Replicas and whether you can read from a Multi-AZ standby.
3. Know the options for encrypting an existing RDS database; e.g. only at creation time otherwise you must encrypt a snapshot and create a new instance from the snapshot.
4. Know which databases are key-value stores; e.g. Amazon DynamoDB.


Application Integration
1. Make sure you know the use cases for the Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), and Simple Notification Service (SNS).
2. Understand the differences between Amazon Kinesis Firehose and SQS and when you would use each service.
3. Know how to use Amazon S3 event notifications to publish events to SQS — here’s a good “How To” article.


Management and Governance
1. You’ll need to know about AWS Organizations; e.g. how to migrate an account between organizations.
2. For AWS Organizations, you also need to know how to restrict actions using service control policies attached to OUs.
3. Understand what AWS Resource Access Manager is.

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The AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Examination reparation and Readiness Quiz App (SAA-C01, SAA-C01, SAA) Prep App helps you prepare and train for the AWS Certification Solution Architect Associate Exam with various questions and answers dumps.

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The questions and Answers are divided in 4 categories:

  • Design High Performing Architectures,
  • Design Cost Optimized Architectures,
  • Design Secure Applications And Architectures,
  • Design Resilient Architecture,

The questions and answers cover the following topics: AWS VPC, S3, DynamoDB, EC2, ECS, Lambda, API Gateway, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, Code Pipeline, Code Deploy, TCO Calculator, AWS S3, AWS DynamoDB, CloudWatch , AWS SES, Amazon Lex, AWS EBS, AWS ELB, AWS Autoscaling , RDS, Aurora, Route 53, Amazon CodeGuru, Amazon Bracket, AWS Billing and Pricing, AWS Simply Monthly Calculator, AWS cost calculator, Ec2 pricing on-demand, AWS Pricing, AWS Pay As You Go, AWS No Upfront Cost, Cost Explorer, AWS Organizations, Consolidated billing, Instance Scheduler, on-demand instances, Reserved instances, Spot Instances, CloudFront, Web hosting on S3, S3 storage classes, AWS Regions, AWS Availability Zones, Trusted Advisor, Various architectural Questions and Answers about AWS, AWS SDK, AWS EBS Volumes, EC2, S3, Containers, KMS, AWS read replicas, Cloudfront, API Gateway, AWS Snapshots, Auto shutdown Ec2 instances, High Availability, RDS, DynamoDB, Elasticity, AWS Virtual Machines, AWS Caching, AWS Containers, AWS Architecture, AWS Ec2, AWS S3, AWS Security, AWS Lambda, Bastion Hosts, S3 lifecycle policy, kinesis sharing, AWS KMS, Design High Performing Architectures, Design Cost Optimized Architectures, Design Secure Applications And Architectures, Design Resilient Architecture, AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud, Resources, Questions, AWS, AWS SDK, AWS EBS Volumes, AWS read replicas, Cloudfront, API Gateway, AWS Snapshots, Auto shutdown Ec2 instances, High Availability, RDS, DynamoDB, Elasticity, AWS Virtual Machines, AWS Caching, AWS Containers, AWS Architecture, AWS Ec2, AWS S3, AWS Security, AWS Lambda, Load Balancing, DynamoDB, EBS, Multi-AZ RDS, Aurora, EFS, DynamoDB, NLB, ALB, Aurora, Auto Scaling, DynamoDB(latency), Aurora(performance), Multi-AZ RDS(high availability), Throughput Optimized EBS (highly sequential), SAA-CO1, SAA-CO2, Cloudwatch, CloudTrail, KMS, ElasticBeanstalk, OpsWorks, RPO vs RTO, HA vs FT, Undifferentiated Heavy Lifting, Access Management Basics, Shared Responsibility Model, Cloud Service Models, etc…

The resources sections cover the following areas: Certification, AWS training, Mock Exam Preparation Tips, Cloud Architect Training, Cloud Architect Knowledge, Cloud Technology, cloud certification, cloud exam preparation tips, cloud solution architect associate exam, certification practice exam, learn aws free, amazon cloud solution architect, question dumps, acloud guru links, tutorial dojo links, linuxacademy links, latest aws certification tweets, and post from reddit, quota, linkedin, medium, cloud exam preparation tips, aws cloud solution architect associate exam, aws certification practice exam, cloud exam questions, learn aws free, amazon cloud solution architect, amazon cloud certified solution architect associate exam questions, as certification dumps, google cloud, azure cloud, acloud, learn google cloud, learn azure cloud, cloud comparison, etc.

Abilities Validated by the Certification:

  • Effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies
  • Define a solution using architectural design principles based on customer requirements
  • Provide implementation guidance based on best practices to the organization throughout the life cycle of the project

Recommended Knowledge for the Certification:

  • One year of hands-on experience designing available, cost-effective, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS.
  • Hands-on experience using compute, networking, storage, and database AWS services.
  • Hands-on experience with AWS deployment and management services.
  • Ability to identify and define technical requirements for an AWS-based application.
  • bility to identify which AWS services meet a given technical requirement.
  • Knowledge of recommended best practices for building secure and reliable applications on the AWS platform.
  • An understanding of the basic architectural principles of building in the AWS Cloud.
  • An understanding of the AWS global infrastructure.
  • An understanding of network technologies as they relate to AWS.
  • An understanding of security features and tools that AWS provides and how they relate to traditional services.

Note and disclaimer: We are not affiliated with AWS or Amazon or Microsoft or Google. The questions are put together based on the certification study guide and materials available online. We also receive questions and answers from anonymous users and we vet to make sure they are legitimate. The questions in this app should help you pass the exam but it is not guaranteed. We are not responsible for any exam you did not pass.

Important: To succeed with the real exam, do not memorize the answers in this app. It is very important that you understand why a question is right or wrong and the concepts behind it by carefully reading the reference documents in the answers.


What is the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam?

This exam validates an examinee’s ability to effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies. It validates an examinee’s ability to:

  • Define a solution using architectural design principles based on customer requirements.
  • Multiple-response: Has two correct responses out of five options.

There are two types of questions on the examination:

  • Multiple-choice: Has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors).
  • Provide implementation guidance based on best practices to the organization throughout the lifecycle of the project.

Select one or more responses that best complete the statement or answer the question. Distractors, or incorrect answers, are response options that an examinee with incomplete knowledge or skill would likely choose. However, they are generally plausible responses that fit in the content area defined by the test objective. Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect; there is no penalty for guessing.

To succeed with the real exam, do not memorize the answers below. It is very important that you understand why a question is right or wrong and the concepts behind it by carefully reading the reference documents in the answers.


AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate info and details

The AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam is a multiple choice, multiple answer exam. Here is the Exam Overview:


Other AWS Facts and Summaries and Questions/Answers Dump


Additional Information for reference

Below are some useful reference links that would help you to learn about AWS Practitioner Exam.

Other Relevant and Recommended AWS Certifications

Top 60 AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Tips
AWS Certification Exams Roadmap

AWS Certification Exams Roadmap[/caption]

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Whitepapers:

AWS has provided whitepapers to help you understand the technical concepts. Below are the recommended whitepapers.


Online Training and Labs for AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam


AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Jobs

AWS Certification and Training Apps for all platforms:

AWS Cloud practitioner FREE version:

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner for the web:pwa

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for iOS

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Microsoft/Windows10

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Android (Google Play Store)

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Android (Amazon App Store)

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Android (Huawei App Gallery)

AWS Solution Architect FREE version:

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam Prep App for iOS: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/solution-architect-assoc-quiz/id1501225766

Solution Architect Associate for Android Google Play

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam Prep App for the eb: Pwa

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AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Windows 10

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep PRO App for Android (Huawei App Gallery) Coming soon

AWS Solution Architect PRO

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AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate PRO Exam Prep App for Windows10

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate PRO Exam Prep App for Amazon android

Huawei App Gallery: Coming soon

AWS Certified Developer Associates Free version:

AWS Certified Developer Associates for Android (Google Play)

AWS Certified Developer Associates Web/PWA

AWS Certified Developer Associates for iOs

AWS Certified Developer Associates for Android (Huawei App Gallery)

AWS Certified Developer Associates for windows 10 (Microsoft App store)

Amazon App Store: Coming soon

AWS Developer Associates PRO version

PRO version with mock exam for android (Google Play)

PRO version with mock exam ios

AWS Certified Developer Associates PRO for Android (Amazon App Store): Coming Soon

AWS Certified Developer Associates PRO for Android (Huawei App Gallery): Coming soon

What are the corresponding Azure and Google Cloud services for each of the AWS services?

Azure Administrator AZ-104 Exam Questions and Answers Dumps

What are the corresponding Azure and Google Cloud services for each of the AWS services?

What are unique distinctions and similarities between AWS, Azure and Google Cloud services? For each AWS service, what is the equivalent Azure and Google Cloud service? For each Azure service, what is the corresponding Google Service? AWS Services vs Azure vs Google Services? Side by side comparison between AWS, Google Cloud and Azure Service?

For a better experience, use the mobile app here.

AWS vs Azure vs Google
What are the corresponding  Azure and Google Cloud services for each of the AWS services?
AWS vs Azure vs Google Mobile App
Cloud Practitioner Exam Prep:  AWS vs Azure vs Google
Cloud Practitioner Exam Prep: AWS vs Azure vs Google


Category: Marketplace
Easy-to-deploy and automatically configured third-party applications, including single virtual machine or multiple virtual machine solutions.
[AWS]:AWS Marketplace
[Azure]:Azure Marketplace
[Google]:Google Cloud Marketplace
Tags: #AWSMarketplace, #AzureMarketPlace, #GoogleMarketplace
Differences: They are both digital catalog with thousands of software listings from independent software vendors that make it easy to find, test, buy, and deploy software that runs on their respective cloud platform.


Category: AI and machine learning
Build and connect intelligent bots that interact with your users using text/SMS, Skype, Teams, Slack, Office 365 mail, Twitter, and other popular services.
[AWS]:Alexa Skills Kit (enables a developer to build skills, also called conversational applications, on the Amazon Alexa artificial intelligence assistant.)
[Azure]:Microsoft Bot Framework (building enterprise-grade conversational AI experiences.)
[Google]:Google Assistant Actions ( developer platform that lets you create software to extend the functionality of the Google Assistant, Google’s virtual personal assistant,)

Tags: #AlexaSkillsKit, #MicrosoftBotFramework, #GoogleAssistant
Differences: One major advantage Google gets over Alexa is that Google Assistant is available to almost all Android devices.


Category: AI and machine learning
Description:API capable of converting speech to text, understanding intent, and converting text back to speech for natural responsiveness.
[AWS]:Amazon Lex (building conversational interfaces into any application using voice and text.)
[Azure]:Azure Speech Services(unification of speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and speech translation into a single Azure subscription)
[Google]:Google APi.ai, AI Hub (Hosted repo of plug-and-play AI component), AI building blocks(for developers to add sight, language, conversation, and structured data to their applications.), AI Platform(code-based data science development environment, lets ML developers and data scientists quickly take projects from ideation to deployment.), DialogFlow (Google-owned developer of human–computer interaction technologies based on natural language conversations. ), TensorFlow(Open Source Machine Learning platform)

Tags: #AmazonLex, #CogintiveServices, #AzureSpeech, #Api.ai, #DialogFlow, #Tensorflow
Differences: api.ai provides us with such a platform which is easy to learn and comprehensive to develop conversation actions. It is a good example of the simplistic approach to solving complex man to machine communication problem using natural language processing in proximity to machine learning. Api.ai supports context based conversations now, which reduces the overhead of handling user context in session parameters. On the other hand in Lex this has to be handled in session. Also, api.ai can be used for both voice and text based conversations (assistant actions can be easily created using api.ai).


Category: AI and machine learning
Description:Computer Vision: Extract information from images to categorize and process visual data.
[AWS]:Amazon Rekognition (based on the same proven, highly scalable, deep learning technology developed by Amazon’s computer vision scientists to analyze billions of images and videos daily. It requires no machine learning expertise to use.)
[Azure]:Cognitive Services(bring AI within reach of every developer—without requiring machine-learning expertise.)
[Google]:Google Vision (offers powerful pre-trained machine learning models through REST and RPC APIs.)
Tags: AmazonRekognition, #GoogleVision, #AzureSpeech
Differences: For now, only Google Cloud Vision supports batch processing. Videos are not natively supported by Google Cloud Vision or Amazon Rekognition. The Object Detection functionality of Google Cloud Vision and Amazon Rekognition is almost identical, both syntactically and semantically.
Google Cloud Vision and Amazon Rekognition offer a broad spectrum of solutions, some of which are comparable in terms of functional details, quality, performance, and costs.


Category: Big data and analytics: Data warehouse
Description:Cloud-based Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) that uses Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) to quickly run complex queries across petabytes of data.
[AWS]:AWS Redshift (scalable data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data across your data warehouse and data lake.), Amazon Redshift Data Lake Export (Save query results in an open format),Amazon Redshift Federated Query(Run queries n line transactional data), Amazon Redshift RA3(Optimize costs with up to 3x better performance), AQUA: AQUA: Advanced Query Accelerator for Amazon Redshift (Power analytics with a new hardware-accelerated cache), UltraWarm for Amazon Elasticsearch Service(Store logs at ~1/10th the cost of existing storage tiers )
[Azure]:Azure Synapse formerly SQL Data Warehouse (limitless analytics service that brings together enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics.)
[Google]:BigQuery (RESTful web service that enables interactive analysis of massive datasets working in conjunction with Google Storage. )
Tags:#AWSRedshift, #GoogleBigQuery, #AzureSynapseAnalytics
Differences: Loading data, Managing resources (and hence pricing), Ecosystem. Ecosystem is where Redshift is clearly ahead of BigQuery. While BigQuery is an affordable, performant alternative to Redshift, they are considered to be more up and coming


Category: Big data and analytics: Data warehouse
Description: Apache Spark-based analytics platform. Managed Hadoop service. Data orchestration, ETL, Analytics and visualization
[AWS]:EMR, Data Pipeline, Kinesis Stream, Kinesis Firehose, Glue, QuickSight, Athena, CloudSearch
[Azure]:Azure Databricks, Data Catalog Cortana Intelligence, HDInsight, Power BI, Azure Datafactory, Azure Search, Azure Data Lake Anlytics, Stream Analytics, Azure Machine Learning
[Google]:Cloud DataProc, Machine Learning, Cloud Datalab
Tags:#EMR, #DataPipeline, #Kinesis, #Cortana, AzureDatafactory, #AzureDataAnlytics, #CloudDataProc, #MachineLearning, #CloudDatalab
Differences: All three providers offer similar building blocks; data processing, data orchestration, streaming analytics, machine learning and visualisations. AWS certainly has all the bases covered with a solid set of products that will meet most needs. Azure offers a comprehensive and impressive suite of managed analytical products. They support open source big data solutions alongside new serverless analytical products such as Data Lake. Google provide their own twist to cloud analytics with their range of services. With Dataproc and Dataflow, Google have a strong core to their proposition. Tensorflow has been getting a lot of attention recently and there will be many who will be keen to see Machine Learning come out of preview.


Category: Virtual servers
Description:Virtual servers allow users to deploy, manage, and maintain OS and server software. Instance types provide combinations of CPU/RAM. Users pay for what they use with the flexibility to change sizes.
Batch: Run large-scale parallel and high-performance computing applications efficiently in the cloud.
[AWS]:Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Bracket(Explore and experiment with quantum computing), Amazon Ec2 M6g Instances (Achieve up to 40% better price performance), Amazon Ec2 Inf1 instancs (Deliver cost-effective ML inference), AWS Graviton2 Processors (Optimize price performance for cloud workloads), AWS Batch, AWS AutoScaling, VMware Cloud on AWS, AWS Local Zones (Run low latency applications at the edge), AWS Wavelength (Deliver ultra-low latency applications for 5G devices), AWS Nitro Enclaves (Further protect highly sensitive data), AWS Outposts (Run AWS infrastructure and services on-premises)
[Azure]:Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Batch, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, Azure VMware by CloudSimple
[Google]:Compute Engine, Preemptible Virtual Machines, Managed instance groups (MIGs), Google Cloud VMware Solution by CloudSimple
Tags: #AWSEC2, #AWSBatch, #AWSAutoscaling, #AzureVirtualMachine, #AzureBatch, #VirtualMachineScaleSets, #AzureVMWare, #ComputeEngine, #MIGS, #VMWare
Differences: There is very little to choose between the 3 providers when it comes to virtual servers. Amazon has some impressive high end kit, on the face of it this sound like it would make AWS a clear winner. However, if your only option is to choose the biggest box available you will need to make sure you have very deep pockets, and perhaps your money may be better spent re-architecting your apps for horizontal scale.Azure’s remains very strong in the PaaS space and now has a IaaS that can genuinely compete with AWS
Google offers a simple and very capable set of services that are easy to understand. However, with availability in only 5 regions it does not have the coverage of the other players.


AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

Category: Containers and container orchestrators
Description: A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another.
Container orchestration is all about managing the lifecycles of containers, especially in large, dynamic environments.
[AWS]:EC2 Container Service (ECS), Fargate(Run containers without anaging servers or clusters), EC2 Container Registry(managed AWS Docker registry service that is secure, scalable, and reliable.), Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS: runs the Kubernetes management infrastructure across multiple AWS Availability Zones), App Mesh( application-level networking to make it easy for your services to communicate with each other across multiple types of compute infrastructure)
[Azure]:Azure Container Instances, Azure Container Registry, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Service Fabric Mesh
[Google]:Google Container Engine, Container Registry, Kubernetes Engine
Tags:#ECS, #Fargate, #EKS, #AppMesh, #ContainerEngine, #ContainerRegistry, #AKS
Differences: Google Container Engine, AWS Container Services, and Azure Container Instances can be used to run docker containers. Google offers a simple and very capable set of services that are easy to understand. However, with availability in only 5 regions it does not have the coverage of the other players.


Category: Serverless
Description: Integrate systems and run backend processes in response to events or schedules without provisioning or managing servers.
[AWS]:AWS Lambda
[Azure]:Azure Functions
[Google]:Google Cloud Functions
Tags:#AWSLAmbda, #AzureFunctions, #GoogleCloudFunctions
Differences: Both AWS Lambda and Microsoft Azure Functions and Google Cloud Functions offer dynamic, configurable triggers that you can use to invoke your functions on their platforms. AWS Lambda, Azure and Google Cloud Functions support Node.js, Python, and C#. The beauty of serverless development is that, with minor changes, the code you write for one service should be portable to another with little effort – simply modify some interfaces, handle any input/output transforms, and an AWS Lambda Node.JS function is indistinguishable from a Microsoft Azure Node.js Function. AWS Lambda provides further support for Python and Java, while Azure Functions provides support for F# and PHP. AWS Lambda is built from the AMI, which runs on Linux, while Microsoft Azure Functions run in a Windows environment. AWS Lambda uses the AWS Machine architecture to reduce the scope of containerization, letting you spin up and tear down individual pieces of functionality in your application at will.


Category: Relational databases
Description: Managed relational database service where resiliency, scale, and maintenance are primarily handled by the platform.
[AWS]:AWS RDS(MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud,), Aurora(MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud)
[Azure]:SQL Database, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL
[Google]:Cloud SQL
Tags: #AWSRDS, #AWSAUrora, #AzureSQlDatabase, #AzureDatabaseforMySQL, #GoogleCloudSQL
Differences: All three providers boast impressive relational database offering. RDS supports an impressive range of managed relational stores while Azure SQL Database is probably the most advanced managed relational database available today. Azure also has the best out-of-the-box support for cross-region geo-replication across its database offerings.


Category: NoSQL, Document Databases
Description:A globally distributed, multi-model database that natively supports multiple data models: key-value, documents, graphs, and columnar.
[AWS]:DynamoDB (key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale.), SimpleDB ( a simple web services interface to create and store multiple data sets, query your data easily, and return the results.), Managed Cassandra Services(MCS)
[Azure]:Table Storage, DocumentDB, Azure Cosmos DB
[Google]:Cloud Datastore (handles sharding and replication in order to provide you with a highly available and consistent database. )
Tags:#AWSDynamoDB, #SimpleDB, #TableSTorage, #DocumentDB, AzureCosmosDB, #GoogleCloudDataStore
Differences:DynamoDB and Cloud Datastore are based on the document store database model and are therefore similar in nature to open-source solutions MongoDB and CouchDB. In other words, each database is fundamentally a key-value store. With more workloads moving to the cloud the need for NoSQL databases will become ever more important, and again all providers have a good range of options to satisfy most performance/cost requirements. Of all the NoSQL products on offer it’s hard not to be impressed by DocumentDB; Azure also has the best out-of-the-box support for cross-region geo-replication across its database offerings.


Description:An in-memory–based, distributed caching service that provides a high-performance store typically used to offload non transactional work from a database.
[AWS]:AWS ElastiCache (works as an in-memory data store and cache to support the most demanding applications requiring sub-millisecond response times.)
[Azure]:Azure Cache for Redis (based on the popular software Redis. It is typically used as a cache to improve the performance and scalability of systems that rely heavily on backend data-stores.)
[Google]:Memcache (In-memory key-value store, originally intended for caching)
Tags:#Redis, #Memcached
<Differences: They all support horizontal scaling via sharding.They all improve the performance of web applications by allowing you to retrive information from fast, in-memory caches, instead of relying on slower disk-based databases.”, “Differences”: “ElastiCache supports Memcached and Redis. Memcached Cloud provides various data persistence options as well as remote backups for disaster recovery purposes. Redis offers persistence to disk, Memcache does not. This can be very helpful if you cache lots of data, since you remove the slowness around having a fully cold cache. Redis also offers several extra data structures that Memcache doesn’t— Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, etc. Memcache only has Key/Value pairs. Memcache is multi-threaded. Redis is single-threaded and event driven. Redis is very fast, but it’ll never be multi-threaded. At hight scale, you can squeeze more connections and transactions out of Memcache. Memcache tends to be more memory efficient. This can make a big difference around the magnitude of 10s of millions or 100s of millions of keys. ElastiCache supports Memcached and Redis. Memcached Cloud provides various data persistence options as well as remote backups for disaster recovery purposes. Redis offers persistence to disk, Memcache does not. This can be very helpful if you cache lots of data, since you remove the slowness around having a fully cold cache. Redis also offers several extra data structures that Memcache doesn’t— Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, etc. Memcache only has Key/Value pairs. Memcache is multi-threaded. Redis is single-threaded and event driven. Redis is very fast, but it’ll never be multi-threaded. At hight scale, you can squeeze more connections and transactions out of Memcache. Memcache tends to be more memory efficient. This can make a big difference around the magnitude of 10s of millions or 100s of millions of keys.


Category: Security, identity, and access
Description:Authentication and authorization: Allows users to securely control access to services and resources while offering data security and protection. Create and manage users and groups, and use permissions to allow and deny access to resources.
[AWS]:Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Organizations, Multi-Factor Authentication, AWS Directory Service, Cognito(provides solutions to control access to backend resources from your app), Amazon Detective (Investigate potential security issues), AWS IAM Access Analyzer(Easily analyze resource accessibility)
[Azure]:Azure Active Directory, Azure Subscription Management + Azure RBAC, Multi-Factor Authentication, Azure Active Directory Domain Services, Azure Active Directory B2C, Azure Policy, Management Groups
[Google]:Cloud Identity, Identity Platform, Cloud IAM, Policy Intelligence, Cloud Resource Manager, Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy, Context-aware accessManaged Service for Microsoft Active Directory, Security key enforcement, Titan Security Key
Tags: #IAM, #AWSIAM, #AzureIAM, #GoogleIAM, #Multi-factorAuthentication
Differences: One unique thing about AWS IAM is that accounts created in the organization (not through federation) can only be used within that organization. This contrasts with Google and Microsoft. On the good side, every organization is self-contained. On the bad side, users can end up with multiple sets of credentials they need to manage to access different organizations. The second unique element is that every user can have a non-interactive account by creating and using access keys, an interactive account by enabling console access, or both. (Side note: To use the CLI, you need to have access keys generated.)


Category: Object Storage and Content delivery
Description:Object storage service, for use cases including cloud applications, content distribution, backup, archiving, disaster recovery, and big data analytics.
[AWS]:Simple Storage Services (S3), Import/Export(used to move large amounts of data into and out of the Amazon Web Services public cloud using portable storage devices for transport.), Snowball( petabyte-scale data transport solution that uses devices designed to be secure to transfer large amounts of data into and out of the AWS Cloud), CloudFront( content delivery network (CDN) is massively scaled and globally distributed), Elastic Block Store (EBS: high performance block storage service), Elastic File System(shared, elastic file storage system that grows and shrinks as you add and remove files.), S3 Infrequent Access (IA: is for data that is accessed less frequently, but requires rapid access when needed. ), S3 Glacier( long-term storage of data that is infrequently accessed and for which retrieval latency times of 3 to 5 hours are acceptable.), AWS Backup( makes it easy to centralize and automate the back up of data across AWS services in the cloud as well as on-premises using the AWS Storage Gateway.), Storage Gateway(hybrid cloud storage service that gives you on-premises access to virtually unlimited cloud storage), AWS Import/Export Disk(accelerates moving large amounts of data into and out of AWS using portable storage devices for transport)
Azure Blob storage, File Storage, Data Lake Store, Azure Backup, Azure managed disks, Azure Files, Azure Storage cool tier, Azure Storage archive access tier, Azure Backup, StorSimple, Import/Export
Cloud Storage, GlusterFS, CloudCDN
Tags:#S3, #AzureBlobStorage, #CloudStorage
Source: All providers have good object storage options and so storage alone is unlikely to be a deciding factor when choosing a cloud provider. The exception perhaps is for hybrid scenarios, in this case Azure and AWS clearly win. AWS and Google’s support for automatic versioning is a great feature that is currently missing from Azure; however Microsoft’s fully managed Data Lake Store offers an additional option that will appeal to organisations who are looking to run large scale analytical workloads. If you are prepared to wait 4 hours for your data and you have considerable amounts of the stuff then AWS Glacier storage might be a good option. If you use the common programming patterns for atomic updates and consistency, such as etags and the if-match family of headers, then you should be aware that AWS does not support them, though Google and Azure do. Azure also supports blob leasing, which can be used to provide a distributed lock.


Category:Internet of things (IoT)
Description:A cloud gateway for managing bidirectional communication with billions of IoT devices, securely and at scale. Deploy cloud intelligence directly on IoT devices to run in on-premises scenarios.
[AWS]:AWS IoT (Internet of Things), AWS Greengrass, Kinesis Firehose, Kinesis Streams, AWS IoT Things Graph
[Azure]:Azure IoT Hub, Azure IoT Edge, Event Hubs, Azure Digital Twins, Azure Sphere
[Google]:Google Cloud IoT Core, Firebase, Brillo, Weave, CLoud Pub/SUb, Stream Analysis, Big Query, Big Query Streaming API
Tags:#IoT, #InternetOfThings, #Firebase
Differences:AWS and Azure have a more coherent message with their products clearly integrated into their respective platforms, whereas Google Firebase feels like a distinctly separate product.


Category:Web Applications
Description:Managed hosting platform providing easy to use services for deploying and scaling web applications and services. API Gateway is a a turnkey solution for publishing APIs to external and internal consumers. Cloudfront is a global content delivery network that delivers audio, video, applications, images, and other files.
[AWS]:Elastic Beanstalk (for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go, and Docker on familiar servers such as Apache, Nginx, Passenger, and IIS), AWS Wavelength (for delivering ultra-low latency applications for 5G), API Gateway (makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale.), CloudFront (web service that speeds up distribution of your static and dynamic web content, such as .html, .css, .js, and image files, to your users. CloudFront delivers your content through a worldwide network of data centers called edge locations.),Global Accelerator ( improves the availability and performance of your applications with local or global users. It provides static IP addresses that act as a fixed entry point to your application endpoints in a single or multiple AWS Regions, such as your Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers or Amazon EC2 instances.)AWS AppSync (simplifies application development by letting you create a flexible API to securely access, manipulate, and combine data from one or more data sources: GraphQL service with real-time data synchronization and offline programming features. )
[Azure]:App Service, API Management, Azure Content Delivery Network, Azure Content Delivery Network
[Google]:App Engine, Cloud API, Cloud Enpoint, APIGee
Tags: #AWSElasticBeanstalk, #AzureAppService, #GoogleAppEngine, #CloudEnpoint, #CloudFront, #APIgee
Differences: With AWS Elastic Beanstalk, developers retain full control over the AWS resources powering their application. If developers decide they want to manage some (or all) of the elements of their infrastructure, they can do so seamlessly by using Elastic Beanstalk’s management capabilities. AWS Elastic Beanstalk integrates with more apps than Google App Engines (Datadog, Jenkins, Docker, Slack, Github, Eclipse, etc..). Google App Engine has more features than AWS Elastic BEanstalk (App Identity, Java runtime, Datastore, Blobstore, Images, Go Runtime, etc..). Developers describe Amazon API Gateway as “Create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale”. Amazon API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, authorization and access control, monitoring, and API version management. On the other hand, Google Cloud Endpoints is detailed as “Develop, deploy and manage APIs on any Google Cloud backend”. An NGINX-based proxy and distributed architecture give unparalleled performance and scalability. Using an Open API Specification or one of our API frameworks, Cloud Endpoints gives you the tools you need for every phase of API development and provides insight with Google Cloud Monitoring, Cloud Trace, Google Cloud Logging and Cloud Trace.


Description:Helps you protect and safeguard your data and meet your organizational security and compliance commitments.
[AWS]:Key Management Service AWS KMS, CloudHSM
[Azure]:Key Vault
[Google]:Encryption By Default at Rest, Cloud KMS
Tags:#AWSKMS, #Encryption, #CloudHSM, #EncryptionAtRest, #CloudKMS
Differences: AWS KMS, is an ideal solution for organizations that want to manage encryption keys in conjunction with other AWS services. In contrast to AWS CloudHSM, AWS KMS provides a complete set of tools to manage encryption keys, develop applications and integrate with other AWS services. Google and Azure offer 4096 RSA. AWS and Google offer 256 bit AES. With AWs, you can bring your own key


Category:Object Storage and Content delivery
Description: Object storage service, for use cases including cloud applications, content distribution, backup, archiving, disaster recovery, and big data analytics.
[AWS]:Simple Storage Services (S3), Import/Export Snowball, CloudFront, Elastic Block Store (EBS), Elastic File System, S3 Infrequent Access (IA), S3 Glacier, AWS Backup, Storage Gateway, AWS Import/Export Disk, Amazon S3 Access Points(Easily manage access for shared data)
[Azure]:Azure Blob storage, File Storage, Data Lake Store, Azure Backup, Azure managed disks, Azure Files, Azure Storage cool tier, Azure Storage archive access tier, Azure Backup, StorSimple, Import/Export
[Google]:Cloud Storage, GlusterFS, CloudCDN
Tags:#S3, #AzureBlobStorage, #CloudStorage
Differences:All providers have good object storage options and so storage alone is unlikely to be a deciding factor when choosing a cloud provider. The exception perhaps is for hybrid scenarios, in this case Azure and AWS clearly win. AWS and Google’s support for automatic versioning is a great feature that is currently missing from Azure; however Microsoft’s fully managed Data Lake Store offers an additional option that will appeal to organisations who are looking to run large scale analytical workloads. If you are prepared to wait 4 hours for your data and you have considerable amounts of the stuff then AWS Glacier storage might be a good option. If you use the common programming patterns for atomic updates and consistency, such as etags and the if-match family of headers, then you should be aware that AWS does not support them, though Google and Azure do. Azure also supports blob leasing, which can be used to provide a distributed lock.


Category: Backend process logic
Description: Cloud technology to build distributed applications using out-of-the-box connectors to reduce integration challenges. Connect apps, data and devices on-premises or in the cloud.
[AWS]:AWS Step Functions ( lets you build visual workflows that enable fast translation of business requirements into technical requirements. You can build applications in a matter of minutes, and when needs change, you can swap or reorganize components without customizing any code.)
[Azure]:Logic Apps (cloud service that helps you schedule, automate, and orchestrate tasks, business processes, and workflows when you need to integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises or organizations.)
[Google]:Dataflow ( fully managed service for executing Apache Beam pipelines within the Google Cloud Platform ecosystem.)
Tags:#AWSStepFunctions, #LogicApps, #Dataflow
Differences: AWS Step Functions makes it easy to coordinate the components of distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows. Building applications from individual components that each perform a discrete function lets you scale and change applications quickly. AWS Step Functions belongs to \”Cloud Task Management\” category of the tech stack, while Google Cloud Dataflow can be primarily classified under \”Real-time Data Processing\”. According to the StackShare community, Google Cloud Dataflow has a broader approval, being mentioned in 32 company stacks & 8 developers stacks; compared to AWS Step Functions, which is listed in 19 company stacks and 7 developer stacks.


Category: Enterprise application services
Description:Fully integrated Cloud service providing communications, email, document management in the cloud and available on a wide variety of devices.
[AWS]:Amazon WorkMail, Amazon WorkDocs, Amazon Kendra (Sync and Index)
[Azure]:Office 365
[Google]:G Suite
Tags: #AmazonWorkDocs, #Office365, #GoogleGSuite
Differences: G suite document processing applications like Google Docs are far behind Office 365 popular Word and Excel software, but G Suite User interface is intuite, simple and easy to navigate. Office 365 is too clunky. Get 20% off G-Suite Business Plan with Promo Code: PCQ49CJYK7EATNC


Category: Networking
Description: Provides an isolated, private environment in the cloud. Users have control over their virtual networking environment, including selection of their own IP address range, creation of subnets, and configuration of route tables and network gateways.
[AWS]:Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Cloud virtual networking, Subnets, Elastic Network Interface (ENI), Route Tables, Network ACL, Secutity Groups, Internet Gateway, NAT Gateway, AWS VPN Gateway, AWS Route 53, AWS Direct Connect, AWS Network Load Balancer, VPN CloudHub, AWS Local Zones, AWS Transit Gateway network manager (Centrally manage global networks)
[Azure]:Virtual Network(provide services for building networks within Azure.),Subnets (network resources can be grouped by subnet for organisation and security.), Network Interface (Each virtual machine can be assigned one or more network interfaces (NICs)), Network Security Groups (NSG: contains a set of prioritised ACL rules that explicitly grant or deny access), Azure VPN Gateway ( allows connectivity to on-premise networks), Azure DNS, Traffic Manager (DNS based traffic routing solution.), ExpressRoute (provides connections up to 10 Gbps to Azure services over a dedicated fibre connection), Azure Load Balancer, Network Peering, Azure Stack (Azure Stack allows organisations to use Azure services running in private data centers.), Azure Load Balancer , Azure Log Analytics, Azure DNS,
[Google]:Cloud Virtual Network, Subnets, Network Interface, Protocol fowarding, Cloud VPN, Cloud DNS, Virtual Private Network, Cloud Interconnect, CDN interconnect, Cloud DNS, Stackdriver, Google Cloud Load Balancing,
Tags:#VPC, #Subnets, #ACL, #VPNGateway, #CloudVPN, #NetworkInterface, #ENI, #RouteTables, #NSG, #NetworkACL, #InternetGateway, #NatGateway, #ExpressRoute, #CloudInterConnect, #StackDriver
Differences: Subnets group related resources, however, unlike AWS and Azure, Google do not constrain the private IP address ranges of subnets to the address space of the parent network. Like Azure, Google has a built in internet gateway that can be specified from routing rules.

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Category: Management
Description: A unified management console that simplifies building, deploying, and operating your cloud resources.
[AWS]: AWS Management Console, Trusted Advisor, AWS Usage and Billing Report, AWS Application Discovery Service, Amazon EC2 Systems Manager, AWS Personal Health Dashboard, AWS Compute Optimizer (Identify optimal AWS Compute resources)
[Azure]:Azure portal, Azure Advisor, Azure Billing API, Azure Migrate, Azure Monitor, Azure Resource Health
[Google]:Google CLoud Platform, Cost Management, Security Command Center, StackDriver
Tags: #AWSConsole, #AzurePortal, #GoogleCloudConsole, #TrustedAdvisor, #AzureMonitor, #SecurityCommandCenter
Differences: AWS Console categorizes its Infrastructure as a Service offerings into Compute, Storage and Content Delivery Network (CDN), Database, and Networking to help businesses and individuals grow. Azure excels in the Hybrid Cloud space allowing companies to integrate onsite servers with cloud offerings. Google has a strong offering in containers, since Google developed the Kubernetes standard that AWS and Azure now offer. GCP specializes in high compute offerings like Big Data, analytics and machine learning. It also offers considerable scale and load balancing – Google knows data centers and fast response time.


Category: DevOps and application monitoring
Description: Comprehensive solution for collecting, analyzing, and acting on telemetry from your cloud and on-premises environments; Cloud services for collaborating on code development; Collection of tools for building, debugging, deploying, diagnosing, and managing multiplatform scalable apps and services; Fully managed build service that supports continuous integration and deployment.
[AWS]:AWS CodePipeline(orchestrates workflow for continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment), AWS CloudWatch (monitor your AWS resources and the applications you run on AWS in real time. ), AWS X-Ray (application performance management service that enables a developer to analyze and debug applications in aws), AWS CodeDeploy (automates code deployments to Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and on-premises servers. ), AWS CodeCommit ( source code storage and version-control service), AWS Developer Tools, AWS CodeBuild (continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. ), AWS Command Line Interface (unified tool to manage your AWS services), AWS OpsWorks (Chef-based), AWS CloudFormation ( provides a common language for you to describe and provision all the infrastructure resources in your cloud environment.), Amazon CodeGuru (for automated code reviews and application performance recommendations)
[Azure]:Azure Monitor, Azure DevOps, Azure Developer Tools, Azure CLI Azure PowerShell, Azure Automation, Azure Resource Manager , VM extensions , Azure Automation
[Google]:DevOps Solutions (Infrastructure as code, Configuration management, Secrets management, Serverless computing, Continuous delivery, Continuous integration , Stackdriver (combines metrics, logs, and metadata from all of your cloud accounts and projects into a single comprehensive view of your environment)
Tags: #CloudWatch, #StackDriver, #AzureMonitor, #AWSXray, #AWSCodeDeploy, #AzureDevOps, #GoogleDevopsSolutions
Differences: CodeCommit eliminates the need to operate your own source control system or worry about scaling its infrastructure. Azure DevOps provides unlimited private Git hosting, cloud build for continuous integration, agile planning, and release management for continuous delivery to the cloud and on-premises. Includes broad IDE support.

SageMakerAzure Machine Learning Studio

A collaborative, drag-and-drop tool to build, test, and deploy predictive analytics solutions on your data.

Alexa Skills KitMicrosoft Bot Framework

Build and connect intelligent bots that interact with your users using text/SMS, Skype, Teams, Slack, Office 365 mail, Twitter, and other popular services.

Amazon LexSpeech Services

API capable of converting speech to text, understanding intent, and converting text back to speech for natural responsiveness.

Amazon LexLanguage Understanding (LUIS)

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Allows your applications to understand user commands contextually.

Amazon Polly, Amazon Transcribe | Azure Speech Services

Enables both Speech to Text, and Text into Speech capabilities.
The Speech Services are the unification of speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and speech-translation into a single Azure subscription. It’s easy to speech enable your applications, tools, and devices with the Speech SDK, Speech Devices SDK, or REST APIs.
Amazon Polly is a Text-to-Speech (TTS) service that uses advanced deep learning technologies to synthesize speech that sounds like a human voice. With dozens of lifelike voices across a variety of languages, you can select the ideal voice and build speech-enabled applications that work in many different countries.
Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for developers to add speech-to-text capability to their applications. Using the Amazon Transcribe API, you can analyze audio files stored in Amazon S3 and have the service return a text file of the transcribed speech.

Amazon RekognitionCognitive Services

Computer Vision: Extract information from images to categorize and process visual data.
Amazon Rekognition is a simple and easy to use API that can quickly analyze any image or video file stored in Amazon S3. Amazon Rekognition is always learning from new data, and we are continually adding new labels and facial recognition features to the service.

Face: Detect, identy, and analyze faces in photos.

Emotions: Recognize emotions in images.

Alexa Skill SetAzure Virtual Assistant

The Virtual Assistant Template brings together a number of best practices we’ve identified through the building of conversational experiences and automates integration of components that we’ve found to be highly beneficial to Bot Framework developers.

Big data and analytics

Data warehouse

AWS RedshiftSQL Data Warehouse

Cloud-based Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) that uses Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) to quickly run complex queries across petabytes of data.

Big data processing EMR | Azure Databricks
Apache Spark-based analytics platform.

EMR HDInsight

Managed Hadoop service. Deploy and manage Hadoop clusters in Azure.

Data orchestration / ETL

AWS Data Pipeline, AWS Glue | Data Factory

Processes and moves data between different compute and storage services, as well as on-premises data sources at specified intervals. Create, schedule, orchestrate, and manage data pipelines.

AWS GlueData Catalog

A fully managed service that serves as a system of registration and system of discovery for enterprise data sources

Analytics and visualization

AWS Kinesis Analytics | Stream Analytics

Data Lake Analytics | Data Lake Store

Storage and analysis platforms that create insights from large quantities of data, or data that originates from many sources.

QuickSightPower BI

Business intelligence tools that build visualizations, perform ad hoc analysis, and develop business insights from data.

CloudSearchAzure Search

Delivers full-text search and related search analytics and capabilities.

Amazon AthenaAzure Data Lake Analytics

Provides a serverless interactive query service that uses standard SQL for analyzing databases.


Virtual servers

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)Azure Virtual Machines

Virtual servers allow users to deploy, manage, and maintain OS and server software. Instance types provide combinations of CPU/RAM. Users pay for what they use with the flexibility to change sizes.

AWS BatchAzure Batch

Run large-scale parallel and high-performance computing applications efficiently in the cloud.

AWS Auto ScalingVirtual Machine Scale Sets

Allows you to automatically change the number of VM instances. You set defined metric and thresholds that determine if the platform adds or removes instances.

VMware Cloud on AWSAzure VMware by CloudSimple

Redeploy and extend your VMware-based enterprise workloads to Azure with Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple. Keep using the VMware tools you already know to manage workloads on Azure without disrupting network, security, or data protection policies.

Containers and container orchestrators

EC2 Container Service (ECS), FargateAzure Container Instances

Azure Container Instances is the fastest and simplest way to run a container in Azure, without having to provision any virtual machines or adopt a higher-level orchestration service.

EC2 Container RegistryAzure Container Registry

Allows customers to store Docker formatted images. Used to create all types of container deployments on Azure.

Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS)Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Deploy orchestrated containerized applications with Kubernetes. Simplify monitoring and cluster management through auto upgrades and a built-in operations console.

App MeshService Fabric Mesh

Fully managed service that enables developers to deploy microservices applications without managing virtual machines, storage, or networking.
AWS App Mesh is a service mesh that provides application-level networking to make it easy for your services to communicate with each other across multiple types of compute infrastructure. App Mesh standardizes how your services communicate, giving you end-to-end visibility and ensuring high-availability for your applications.


AWS Lambda | Azure Functions

Integrate systems and run backend processes in response to events or schedules without provisioning or managing servers.
AWS Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform provided by Amazon as a part of the Amazon Web Services. It is a computing service that runs code in response to events and automatically manages the computing resources required by that code


Relational database

AWS RDS | SQL Database Azure Database for MySQL Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Managed relational database service where resiliency, scale, and maintenance are primarily handled by the platform.
Amazon Relational Database Service is a distributed relational database service by Amazon Web Services. It is a web service running “in the cloud” designed to simplify the setup, operation, and scaling of a relational database for use in applications. Administration processes like patching the database software, backing up databases and enabling point-in-time recovery are managed automatically. Scaling storage and compute resources can be performed by a single API call as AWS does not offer an ssh connection to RDS instances.

NoSQL / Document

DynamoDB and SimpleDBAzure Cosmos DB

A globally distributed, multi-model database that natively supports multiple data models: key-value, documents, graphs, and columnar.


AWS ElastiCache | Azure Cache for Redis

An in-memory–based, distributed caching service that provides a high-performance store typically used to offload non transactional work from a database.
Amazon ElastiCache is a fully managed in-memory data store and cache service by Amazon Web Services. The service improves the performance of web applications by retrieving information from managed in-memory caches, instead of relying entirely on slower disk-based databases. ElastiCache supports two open-source in-memory caching engines: Memcached and Redis.

Database migration

AWS Database Migration ServiceAzure Database Migration Service

Migration of database schema and data from one database format to a specific database technology in the cloud.
AWS Database Migration Service helps you migrate databases to AWS quickly and securely. The source database remains fully operational during the migration, minimizing downtime to applications that rely on the database. The AWS Database Migration Service can migrate your data to and from most widely used commercial and open-source databases.

DevOps and application monitoring

AWS CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray | Azure Monitor

Comprehensive solution for collecting, analyzing, and acting on telemetry from your cloud and on-premises environments.
Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service built for DevOps engineers, developers, site reliability engineers (SREs), and IT managers. CloudWatch provides you with data and actionable insights to monitor your applications, respond to system-wide performance changes, optimize resource utilization, and get a unified view of operational health. CloudWatch collects monitoring and operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and events, providing you with a unified view of AWS resources, applications, and services that run on AWS and on-premises servers.
AWS X-Ray is an application performance management service that enables a developer to analyze and debug applications in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) public cloud. A developer can use AWS X-Ray to visualize how a distributed application is performing during development or production, and across multiple AWS regions and accounts.

AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline | Azure DevOps

A cloud service for collaborating on code development.
AWS CodeDeploy is a fully managed deployment service that automates software deployments to a variety of compute services such as Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda, and your on-premises servers. AWS CodeDeploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during application deployment, and handles the complexity of updating your applications.
AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates. CodePipeline automates the build, test, and deploy phases of your release process every time there is a code change, based on the release model you define.
AWS CodeCommit is a source code storage and version-control service for Amazon Web Services’ public cloud customers. CodeCommit was designed to help IT teams collaborate on software development, including continuous integration and application delivery.

AWS Developer ToolsAzure Developer Tools

Collection of tools for building, debugging, deploying, diagnosing, and managing multiplatform scalable apps and services.
The AWS Developer Tools are designed to help you build software like Amazon. They facilitate practices such as continuous delivery and infrastructure as code for serverless, containers, and Amazon EC2.

AWS CodeBuild | Azure DevOps

Fully managed build service that supports continuous integration and deployment.

AWS Command Line Interface | Azure CLI Azure PowerShell

Built on top of the native REST API across all cloud services, various programming language-specific wrappers provide easier ways to create solutions.
The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts.

AWS OpsWorks (Chef-based)Azure Automation

Configures and operates applications of all shapes and sizes, and provides templates to create and manage a collection of resources.
AWS OpsWorks is a configuration management service that provides managed instances of Chef and Puppet. Chef and Puppet are automation platforms that allow you to use code to automate the configurations of your servers.

AWS CloudFormation | Azure Resource Manager , VM extensions , Azure Automation

Provides a way for users to automate the manual, long-running, error-prone, and frequently repeated IT tasks.
AWS CloudFormation provides a common language for you to describe and provision all the infrastructure resources in your cloud environment. CloudFormation allows you to use a simple text file to model and provision, in an automated and secure manner, all the resources needed for your applications across all regions and accounts.



Cloud virtual networking, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) | Virtual Network

Provides an isolated, private environment in the cloud. Users have control over their virtual networking environment, including selection of their own IP address range, creation of subnets, and configuration of route tables and network gateways.

Cross-premises connectivity

AWS VPN Gateway | Azure VPN Gateway

Connects Azure virtual networks to other Azure virtual networks, or customer on-premises networks (Site To Site). Allows end users to connect to Azure services through VPN tunneling (Point To Site).

DNS management

AWS Route 53 | Azure DNS

Manage your DNS records using the same credentials and billing and support contract as your other Azure services

Route 53 | Traffic Manager

A service that hosts domain names, plus routes users to Internet applications, connects user requests to datacenters, manages traffic to apps, and improves app availability with automatic failover.

Dedicated network

AWS Direct Connect | ExpressRoute

Establishes a dedicated, private network connection from a location to the cloud provider (not over the Internet).

Load balancing

AWS Network Load Balancer | Azure Load Balancer

Azure Load Balancer load-balances traffic at layer 4 (TCP or UDP).

Application Load Balancer | Application Gateway

Application Gateway is a layer 7 load balancer. It supports SSL termination, cookie-based session affinity, and round robin for load-balancing traffic.

Internet of things (IoT)

AWS IoT | Azure IoT Hub

A cloud gateway for managing bidirectional communication with billions of IoT devices, securely and at scale.

AWS Greengrass | Azure IoT Edge

Deploy cloud intelligence directly on IoT devices to run in on-premises scenarios.

Kinesis Firehose, Kinesis Streams | Event Hubs

Services that allow the mass ingestion of small data inputs, typically from devices and sensors, to process and route the data.

AWS IoT Things Graph | Azure Digital Twins

Azure Digital Twins is an IoT service that helps you create comprehensive models of physical environments. Create spatial intelligence graphs to model the relationships and interactions between people, places, and devices. Query data from a physical space rather than disparate sensors.


Trusted Advisor | Azure Advisor

Provides analysis of cloud resource configuration and security so subscribers can ensure they’re making use of best practices and optimum configurations.

AWS Usage and Billing Report | Azure Billing API

Services to help generate, monitor, forecast, and share billing data for resource usage by time, organization, or product resources.

AWS Management Console | Azure portal

A unified management console that simplifies building, deploying, and operating your cloud resources.

AWS Application Discovery Service | Azure Migrate

Assesses on-premises workloads for migration to Azure, performs performance-based sizing, and provides cost estimations.

Amazon EC2 Systems Manager | Azure Monitor

Comprehensive solution for collecting, analyzing, and acting on telemetry from your cloud and on-premises environments.

AWS Personal Health Dashboard | Azure Resource Health

Provides detailed information about the health of resources as well as recommended actions for maintaining resource health.

Security, identity, and access

Authentication and authorization

Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Azure Active Directory

Allows users to securely control access to services and resources while offering data security and protection. Create and manage users and groups, and use permissions to allow and deny access to resources.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) | Azure Role Based Access Control

Role-based access control (RBAC) helps you manage who has access to Azure resources, what they can do with those resources, and what areas they have access to.

AWS Organizations | Azure Subscription Management + Azure RBAC

Security policy and role management for working with multiple accounts.

Multi-Factor Authentication | Multi-Factor Authentication

Safeguard access to data and applications while meeting user demand for a simple sign-in process.

AWS Directory Service | Azure Active Directory Domain Services

Provides managed domain services such as domain join, group policy, LDAP, and Kerberos/NTLM authentication that are fully compatible with Windows Server Active Directory.

Cognito | Azure Active Directory B2C

A highly available, global, identity management service for consumer-facing applications that scales to hundreds of millions of identities.

AWS Organizations | Azure Policy

Azure Policy is a service in Azure that you use to create, assign, and manage policies. These policies enforce different rules and effects over your resources, so those resources stay compliant with your corporate standards and service level agreements.

AWS Organizations | Management Groups

Azure management groups provide a level of scope above subscriptions. You organize subscriptions into containers called “management groups” and apply your governance conditions to the management groups. All subscriptions within a management group automatically inherit the conditions applied to the management group. Management groups give you enterprise-grade management at a large scale, no matter what type of subscriptions you have.


Server-side encryption with Amazon S3 Key Management Service | Azure Storage Service Encryption

Helps you protect and safeguard your data and meet your organizational security and compliance commitments.

Key Management Service AWS KMS, CloudHSM | Key Vault

Provides security solution and works with other services by providing a way to manage, create, and control encryption keys stored in hardware security modules (HSM).


Web Application Firewall | Application Gateway – Web Application Firewall

A firewall that protects web applications from common web exploits.

Web Application Firewall | Azure Firewall

Provides inbound protection for non-HTTP/S protocols, outbound network-level protection for all ports and protocols, and application-level protection for outbound HTTP/S.


Inspector | Security Center

An automated security assessment service that improves the security and compliance of applications. Automatically assess applications for vulnerabilities or deviations from best practices.

Certificate Manager | App Service Certificates available on the Portal

Service that allows customers to create, manage, and consume certificates seamlessly in the cloud.

GuardDuty | Azure Advanced Threat Protection

Detect and investigate advanced attacks on-premises and in the cloud.

AWS Artifact | Service Trust Portal

Provides access to audit reports, compliance guides, and trust documents from across cloud services.

AWS Shield | Azure DDos Protection Service

Provides cloud services with protection from distributed denial of services (DDoS) attacks.


Object storage

Simple Storage Services (S3) | Azure Blob storage

Object storage service, for use cases including cloud applications, content distribution, backup, archiving, disaster recovery, and big data analytics.

Virtual server disks

Elastic Block Store (EBS) | Azure managed disks

SSD storage optimized for I/O intensive read/write operations. For use as high-performance Azure virtual machine storage.

Shared files

Elastic File System | Azure Files

Provides a simple interface to create and configure file systems quickly, and share common files. Can be used with traditional protocols that access files over a network.

Archiving and backup

S3 Infrequent Access (IA) | Azure Storage cool tier

Cool storage is a lower-cost tier for storing data that is infrequently accessed and long-lived.

S3 Glacier | Azure Storage archive access tier

Archive storage has the lowest storage cost and higher data retrieval costs compared to hot and cool storage.

AWS Backup | Azure Backup

Back up and recover files and folders from the cloud, and provide offsite protection against data loss.

Hybrid storage

Storage Gateway | StorSimple

Integrates on-premises IT environments with cloud storage. Automates data management and storage, plus supports disaster recovery.

Bulk data transfer

AWS Import/Export Disk | Import/Export

A data transport solution that uses secure disks and appliances to transfer large amounts of data. Also offers data protection during transit.

AWS Import/Export Snowball, Snowball Edge, Snowmobile | Azure Data Box

Petabyte- to exabyte-scale data transport solution that uses secure data storage devices to transfer large amounts of data to and from Azure.

Web applications

Elastic Beanstalk | App Service

Managed hosting platform providing easy to use services for deploying and scaling web applications and services.

API Gateway | API Management

A turnkey solution for publishing APIs to external and internal consumers.

CloudFront | Azure Content Delivery Network

A global content delivery network that delivers audio, video, applications, images, and other files.

Global Accelerator | Azure Front Door

Easily join your distributed microservice architectures into a single global application using HTTP load balancing and path-based routing rules. Automate turning up new regions and scale-out with API-driven global actions, and independent fault-tolerance to your back end microservices in Azure—or anywhere.


Backend process logic

AWS Step Functions | Logic Apps

Cloud technology to build distributed applications using out-of-the-box connectors to reduce integration challenges. Connect apps, data and devices on-premises or in the cloud.

Enterprise application services

Amazon WorkMail, Amazon WorkDocs | Office 365

Fully integrated Cloud service providing communications, email, document management in the cloud and available on a wide variety of devices.


GameLift, GameSparks | PlayFab

Managed services for hosting dedicated game servers.

Media transcoding

Elastic Transcoder | Media Services

Services that offer broadcast-quality video streaming services, including various transcoding technologies.


Simple Workflow Service (SWF) | Logic Apps

Serverless technology for connecting apps, data and devices anywhere, whether on-premises or in the cloud for large ecosystems of SaaS and cloud-based connectors.


Outposts | Azure Stack

Azure Stack is a hybrid cloud platform that enables you to run Azure services in your company’s or service provider’s datacenter. As a developer, you can build apps on Azure Stack. You can then deploy them to either Azure Stack or Azure, or you can build truly hybrid apps that take advantage of connectivity between an Azure Stack cloud and Azure.

How does a business decide between Microsoft Azure or AWS?

Basically, it all comes down to what your organizational needs are and if there’s a particular area that’s especially important to your business (ex. serverless, or integration with Microsoft applications).

Some of the main things it comes down to is compute options, pricing, and purchasing options.

Here’s a brief comparison of the compute option features across cloud providers:

Here’s an example of a few instances’ costs (all are Linux OS):

Each provider offers a variety of options to lower costs from the listed On-Demand prices. These can fall under reservations, spot and preemptible instances and contracts.

Both AWS and Azure offer a way for customers to purchase compute capacity in advance in exchange for a discount: AWS Reserved Instances and Azure Reserved Virtual Machine Instances. There are a few interesting variations between the instances across the cloud providers which could affect which is more appealing to a business.

Another discounting mechanism is the idea of spot instances in AWS and low-priority VMs in Azure. These options allow users to purchase unused capacity for a steep discount.

With AWS and Azure, enterprise contracts are available. These are typically aimed at enterprise customers, and encourage large companies to commit to specific levels of usage and spend in exchange for an across-the-board discount – for example, AWS EDPs and Azure Enterprise Agreements.

You can read more about the differences between AWS and Azure to help decide which your business should use in this blog post

Source: AWS to Azure services comparison – Azure Architecture

Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing

Cloud User insurance and Cloud Provider Insurance

What are the Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the new big thing in Information Technology. Everyone, every business will sooner or later adopt it, because of hosting cost benefits, scalability and more.

This blog outlines the Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing, Pros and Cons of Cloud Technology, Faqs, Facts, Questions and Answers Dump about cloud computing.

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Cloud Practitioner Exam Prep AWS vs Azure vs Google

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is an information technology paradigm that enables ubiquitous access to shared pools of configurable system resources and higher-level services that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort, often over the Internet. Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale, similar to a public utility.
Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. You typically pay only for cloud services you use, helping you lower your operating costs, run your infrastructure more efficiently, and scale as your business needs change.

What are the Pros of using cloud computing? What are characteristics of cloud computing?

  • Trade Capital expense for variable expense
  • Benefit from massive economies of scale
  • Stop guessing capacity
  • Increase speed and agility
  • Stop spending money on running and maintaining data centers
  • Go global in minutes
  • Benefits of AWS Cloud Computing - Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing
    Benefits of AWS Cloud Computing

  • Cost effective & Time saving: Cloud computing eliminates the capital expense of buying hardware and software and setting up and running on-site datacenters; the racks of servers, the round-the-clock electricity for power and cooling, and the IT experts for managing the infrastructure.
  • The ability to pay only for cloud services you use, helping you lower your operating costs.
  • Powerful server capabilities and Performance: The biggest cloud computing services run on a worldwide network of secure datacenters, which are regularly upgraded to the latest generation of fast and efficient computing hardware. This offers several benefits over a single corporate datacenter, including reduced network latency for applications and greater economies of scale.
  • Powerful and scalable server capabilities: The ability to scale elastically; That means delivering the right amount of IT resources—for example, more or less computing power, storage, bandwidth—right when they’re needed, and from the right geographic location.
  • SaaS ( Software as a service). Software as a service is a method for delivering software applications over the Internet, on demand and typically on a subscription basis. With SaaS, cloud providers host and manage the software application and underlying infrastructure, and handle any maintenance, like software upgrades and security patching. Users connect to the application over the Internet, usually with a web browser on their phone, tablet, or PC.
  • PaaS ( Platform as a service). Platform as a service refers to cloud computing services that supply an on-demand environment for developing, testing, delivering, and managing software applications. PaaS is designed to make it easier for developers to quickly create web or mobile apps, without worrying about setting up or managing the underlying infrastructure of servers, storage, network, and databases needed for development.
  • IaaS ( Infrastructure as a service). The most basic category of cloud computing services. With IaaS, you rent IT infrastructure—servers and virtual machines (VMs), storage, networks, operating systems—from a cloud provider on a pay-as-you-go basis
  • Serverless: Running complex Applications without a single server. Overlapping with PaaS, serverless computing focuses on building app functionality without spending time continually managing the servers and infrastructure required to do so. The cloud provider handles the setup, capacity planning, and server management for you. Serverless architectures are highly scalable and event-driven, only using resources when a specific function or trigger occurs.
  • Infrastructure provisioning as code, helps recreating same infrastructure by re-running the same code in a few click.
  • Automatic and Reliable Data backup and storage of data: Cloud computing makes data backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity easier and less expensive because data can be mirrored at multiple redundant sites on the cloud provider’s network.
  • Increase Productivity: On-site datacenters typically require a lot of “racking and stacking”—hardware setup, software patching, and other time-consuming IT management chores. Cloud computing removes the need for many of these tasks, so IT teams can spend time on achieving more important business goals.
  • Security: Many cloud providers offer a broad set of policies, technologies, and controls that strengthen your security posture overall, helping protect your data, apps, and infrastructure from potential threats.
  • Speed: Most cloud computing services are provided self service and on demand, so even vast amounts of computing resources can be provisioned in minutes, typically with just a few mouse clicks, giving businesses a lot of flexibility and taking the pressure off capacity planning. In a cloud computing environment, new IT resources are only a click away. This means that the time those resources are available to your developers is reduced from weeks to minutes. As a result, the organization experiences a dramatic increase in agility because the cost and time it takes to experiment and develop is lower
  • Go global in minutes
    Easily deploy your application in multiple regions around the world with just a few clicks. This means that you can provide a lower latency and better experience for your customers simply and at minimal cost.

What are the Cons of using cloud computing?

  • Privacy: Cloud computing poses privacy concerns because the service provider can access the data that is in the cloud at any time. It could accidentally or deliberately alter or delete information.Many cloud providers can share information with third parties if necessary for purposes of law and order without a warrant. That is permitted in their privacy policies, which users must agree to before they start using cloud services.
  • Security: According to the Cloud Security Alliance, the top three threats in the cloud are Insecure Interfaces and API’s, Data Loss & Leakage, and Hardware Failure—which accounted for 29%, 25% and 10% of all cloud security outages respectively. Together, these form shared technology vulnerabilities.
  • Ownership of Data: There is the problem of legal ownership of the data (If a user stores some data in the cloud, can the cloud provider profit from it?). Many Terms of Service agreements are silent on the question of ownership.
  • Limited Customization Options: Cloud computing is cheaper because of economics of scale, and—like any outsourced task—you tend to get what you get. A restaurant with a limited menu is cheaper than a personal chef who can cook anything you want.
  • Downtime: Technical outages are inevitable and occur sometimes when cloud service providers (CSPs) become overwhelmed in the process of serving their clients. This may result to temporary business suspension.
  • Insurance : It can be expensive to insure the customer and business data and infrastructure hosted in the cloud. A cyber insurance is necessary when using the cloud.
  • Other concerns of cloud computing.

      • Users with specific records-keeping requirements, such as public agencies that must retain electronic records according to statute, may encounter complications with using cloud computing and storage. For instance, the U.S. Department of Defense designated the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) to maintain a list of records management products that meet all of the records retention, personally identifiable information (PII), and security (Information Assurance; IA) requirements
      • Cloud storage is a rich resource for both hackers and national security agencies. Because the cloud holds data from many different users and organizations, hackers see it as a very valuable target.
    • Piracy and copyright infringement may be enabled by sites that permit filesharing. For example, the CodexCloud ebook storage site has faced litigation from the owners of the intellectual property uploaded and shared there, as have the GrooveShark and YouTube sites it has been compared to.

What are the different types of cloud computing?

  • Public clouds: A cloud is called a “public cloud” when the services are rendered over a network that is open for public use. They are owned and operated by a third-party cloud service providers, which deliver their computing resources, like servers and storage, over the Internet. Microsoft Azure is an example of a public cloud. With a public cloud, all hardware, software, and other supporting infrastructure is owned and managed by the cloud provider. You access these services and manage your account using a web browser. For infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) hold a commanding position among the many cloud companies.
  • Private cloud is cloud infrastructure operated solely for a single organization, whether managed internally or by a third party, and hosted either internally or externally. A private cloud refers to cloud computing resources used exclusively by a single business or organization. A private cloud can be physically located on the company’s on-site datacenter. Some companies also pay third-party service providers to host their private cloud. A private cloud is one in which the services and infrastructure are maintained on a private network.
  • Hybrid cloud is a composition of a public cloud and a private environment, such as a private cloud or on-premise resources, that remain distinct entities but are bound together, offering the benefits of multiple deployment models. Hybrid cloud can also mean the ability to connect collocation, managed and/or dedicated services with cloud resources. Hybrid clouds combine public and private clouds, bound together by technology that allows data and applications to be shared between them. By allowing data and applications to move between private and public clouds, a hybrid cloud gives your business greater flexibility, more deployment options, and helps optimize your existing infrastructure, security, and compliance.
  • Community Cloud: A community cloud in computing is a collaborative effort in which infrastructure is shared between several organizations from a specific community with common concerns, whether managed internally or by a third-party and hosted internally or externally. This is controlled and used by a group of organizations that have shared interest. The costs are spread over fewer users than a public cloud, so only some of the cost savings potential of cloud computing are realized.

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