What are the top 10 ways cybercrime and deep fakes and generative AI are exploiting and bullying and potentially killing our children?

What are the top 10 ways cybercrime and deep fakes and generative AI are exploiting and bullying and potentially killing our children?

What are the top 10 ways cybercrime and deep fakes and generative AI are exploiting and bullying and potentially killing our children?

In today’s digital age, children face unprecedented risks from cybercrime, deep fakes, and generative AI. These sophisticated technologies are being misused to exploit, bully, and even endanger young lives. As parents, educators, and guardians, understanding these threats is crucial to safeguarding our children’s online and offline well-being. This blog explores the top 10 ways these digital dangers are impacting our kids and offers insights on how to protect them.

What are the top 10 ways cybercrime, deep fakes, and generative AI are exploiting, bullying and potentially killing our children? Listen here

What are the top 10 ways cybercrime, deep fakes, and generative AI are exploiting, bullying and potentially killing our children?
What are the top 10 ways cybercrime, deep fakes, and generative AI are exploiting, bullying and potentially killing our children?


1. Online Predators

Cybercriminals use social media and chat platforms to groom and exploit children, posing as peers to gain their trust.

2. Deep Fake Videos

Manipulated videos can be used to bully or blackmail children, damaging their reputation and causing emotional distress.

3. Cyberbullying

AI-driven bots and fake profiles harass children, leading to severe psychological impacts and even self-harm.

4. Identity Theft

Hackers steal children’s identities to commit fraud, leaving long-lasting financial and legal repercussions.

5. Inappropriate Content

Generative AI can create explicit or harmful content targeting children, exposing them to dangerous material.

6. Online Scams

Children fall victim to phishing scams and fraudulent schemes, often unknowingly providing sensitive information.

7. Privacy Invasion

Smart devices and apps can track and share children’s personal data without consent, compromising their safety.

8. Dark Web Exposure

Children can be lured into dark web activities, where they are exposed to illegal and harmful content.

9. Mental Health Impact

Continuous exposure to online threats can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

10. Physical Danger

In extreme cases, online interactions can lead to real-world abductions or violence, putting children’s lives at risk.

These threats are causing significant concern among law enforcement, child protection agencies, and cybersecurity experts. The rapid advancement of AI technology is making it increasingly difficult to distinguish between real and fake content, putting children at greater risk of exploitation and abuse. Authorities and organizations are calling for increased education, awareness, and legislative measures to combat these growing threats to children’s safety online.

What is CSAM?

CSAM stands for Child Sexual Abuse Material. This term is used to refer to content that visually depicts minors engaged in sexual activity or in a sexually explicit manner. It includes photographs, videos, digital media, and other forms of visual representation of child sexual abuse. The term CSAM is preferred over “child pornography” by law enforcement, child protection agencies, and other professionals working to combat this issue. There are a few key reasons for using this terminology:

  • It emphasizes that the content is a record of child abuse, not a form of pornography.
  • It avoids legitimizing the material by associating it with legal adult pornography.
  • It’s considered more respectful to survivors of child sexual abuse.
  • It accurately describes the criminal nature of the content as evidence of child exploitation and abuse.

CSAM is considered a serious criminal offense in most jurisdictions worldwide and is the subject of international efforts to prevent its production, distribution, and possession. The use of this terminology helps to maintain focus on the gravity of these crimes and the harm done to child victims.

Governments are taking several measures to protect children from AI-generated CSAM:

  1. International Cooperation: The UK and US have pledged to work together to combat AI-generated CSAM. They are committed to developing and funding new capabilities to stop the spread of these images.

  2. Legislative Action: Countries are introducing or updating laws to specifically address AI-generated CSAM. For example, in the US, the PROTECT Act targets the production and distribution of child sexual abuse material, including AI-generated content.

  3. Risk-Based Regulation: Some countries, like the European Union with its proposed AI Act, are adopting risk-based approaches to AI regulation. This ensures that high-risk AI systems, which could potentially be used to create CSAM, are subject to stricter oversight and requirements.

  4. Mandatory Safety Measures for Tech Companies: The UK’s Online Safety Bill requires tech companies to proactively identify and remove CSAM, including AI-generated content. Companies will have a duty to stop the spread of such illegal content.

  5. Empowering Regulatory Bodies: In the UK, Ofcom will have the power to direct companies to use or develop technology to identify and remove CSAM.

  6. Collaborative Efforts: Governments are working with law enforcement agencies, child protection organizations, and tech companies to address the issue. For instance, the UK Home Secretary visited the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) in the US to discuss joint efforts.

  7. Investing in Detection Technologies: Countries are exploring the development of new solutions to fight the spread of AI-generated CSAM and improve the ability to identify victims and offenders.

  8. Addressing Encryption Concerns: Governments are calling on tech companies to ensure robust safety measures are in place before implementing end-to-end encryption, to maintain the ability to detect child abuse on their platforms.

  9. International Statements and Commitments: Multiple countries and organizations have signed joint statements pledging to work together to tackle child sexual abuse in the age of AI, recognizing the need for international cooperation.

  10. Encouraging Transparency: Governments are urging companies developing frontier AI capabilities to provide transparency on their plans to measure, monitor, and mitigate capabilities that could be exploited by child sexual offenders.

These measures demonstrate a multi-faceted approach to addressing the emerging threat of AI-generated CSAM, combining legislative action, international cooperation, and technological solutions to protect children in the digital age.

Smart Savings: Top 10 Life Hacks to Lower Your Monthly Expense in USA and Canada

Smart Savings: Top 10 Life Hacks to Lower Your Monthly Expense in USA and Canada

Smart Savings: Top 10 Life Hacks to Lower Your Monthly Expenses

Living in the city can be exciting, but it often comes with a hefty price tag. So, how can we make the most of urban living without breaking the bank? Here are some tried-and-true tips from fellow city-dwellers on how to shave a little (or a lot) off your monthly bills.

1. Embrace Bulk Purchasing

  • Bulk Barn and the likes: Perfect for refilling items like spices at a fraction of the cost.
  • Eco-friendly Tip: Use reusable containers to cut down on packaging waste and save the environment.
    Top 10 Life Hacks to Lower Your Monthly Expenses
    Top 10 Life Hacks to Lower Your Monthly Expenses

2. Negotiate Your Service Plans

  • Loyalty doesn’t always pay: Regularly check for better deals and don’t hesitate to negotiate with your cable, phone, and internet providers.
  • Tip: Threaten to cancel (even if you won’t) and reference competitors’ deals to get your current provider to match or even beat those offers.

3. Shop Local and Smart

  • Local markets & independent grocery stores: Often offer fresh produce at lower prices than chain stores.
  • Beware: Some big brands, like T&T, might not offer the savings they once did.

4. Rethink Your Transport

  • Walk, Bike, Transit: Save on gas, car maintenance, and parking while benefiting your health.
  • Shopping Tip: Invest in backpacks, shopping trolleys, or bike panniers for bulkier items.
    Top 10 Life Hacks to Lower Your Monthly Expenses: rethink Transport - Walk, bike, transit
    Top 10 Life Hacks to Lower Your Monthly Expenses: rethink Transport – Walk, bike, transit

5. Become Your Own Barista

  • DIY Coffee: Use a French press, grinder, and scale to reduce your coffee expenses dramatically.
  • Big Spender? If you’re into gourmet coffee, investing in high-end machines can still save you money in the long run, especially if you’re a frequent drinker or entertain guests.

Coffee Machine Descaling Solution – Made in the USA – 2 Uses Per Bottle – Universal Cleaning Descaler for Keurig Coffee Machines, Nespresso, Breville

Coffee Machine Descaling Solution - Made in the USA - 2 Uses Per Bottle - Universal Cleaning Descale
Coffee Machine Descaling Solution – Made in the USA – 2 Uses Per Bottle – Universal Cleaning Descale

6. Shop Sales for Non-perishables

  • Stock up: Purchase items on sale, even if you don’t need them immediately, and store for future use.

7. Maximize Membership Benefits

  • Costco & Cocowest.ca: These can be goldmines for savings.
  • Biking: Again, opt for biking over driving whenever possible.

8. Explore Community Resources

  • Libraries: They offer more than books – instruments, streaming services, magazines, and more.
  • Local Activities: Look for discounted or free local activities, such as skating or swimming. They’re great for both fun and fitness.

9. Prioritize and Scrutinize

  • Chest Freezers: Buy in bulk during sales, freeze, and use as needed.
  • Insurance: Regularly review your policies and negotiate for the best price without compromising on necessary coverage.

10. Make Big Lifestyle Choices

  • Ditch the Vehicle: Rely on public transport, walking, or biking.
  • Dining and Habits: Limit eating out, alcohol, smoking, and other unnecessary expenses. Focus on enjoying free or low-cost activities like parks, beaches, and hiking.

In Conclusion

City living doesn’t have to drain your wallet. By making informed choices, negotiating when necessary, and appreciating the simpler things in life, you can enjoy the urban experience while still maintaining a comfortable and sustainable budget. Remember, it’s not just about cutting costs but maximizing the value of every dollar spent.


Welcome to the Djamga Life Hacks podcast, where we are here to help you become the best version of yourself, save money, make money, and live stress-free. In today’s episode, we’ll cover tips for saving money while living in the city, including bulk purchasing, negotiating service plans, shopping local, rethinking transportation, DIY coffee, shopping sales, maximizing membership benefits, exploring community resources, prioritizing and scrutinizing expenses, and making big lifestyle choices.

Living in the city can be an exhilarating experience, but let’s be honest, it often comes with a hefty price tag. Rent, utilities, transportation, and entertainment expenses can add up quickly, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and wondering how to make the most of urban living without breaking the bank. Well, fear not! We’ve gathered some tried-and-true tips from fellow city-dwellers on how to shave a little (or a lot) off your monthly bills. So grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and let’s dive into these smart savings life hacks!

First up, embrace the power of bulk purchasing. Stores like Bulk Barn are perfect for refilling items like spices at a fraction of the cost. Not only will you save money, but you can also reduce packaging waste by using reusable containers. It’s a win-win for your wallet and the environment!

Next, it’s time to become a master negotiator. Loyalty doesn’t always pay when it comes to service plans. Regularly check for better deals and don’t hesitate to negotiate with your cable, phone, and internet providers. A little competition can go a long way. So, threaten to cancel (even if you won’t) and reference competitors’ deals to get your current provider to match or even beat those offers. You might be surprised at how much you can save just by having a conversation!

When it comes to shopping for groceries, think local and smart. Local markets and independent grocery stores often offer fresh produce at lower prices than chain stores. Not only will you be supporting local businesses, but you’ll also snag some great deals. However, beware of big brands that might not offer the savings they once did. So, shop around, compare prices, and make an informed decision.

Now let’s talk about transportation. Walking, biking, and using public transit can save you a ton of money on gas, car maintenance, and parking fees. Plus, it’s a great way to stay active and benefit your health. Invest in backpacks, shopping trolleys, or bike panniers for those bulkier items, and you’ll be well-equipped to tackle your shopping needs. So, ditch the car and embrace a more sustainable and cost-effective way of getting around.

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Are you a coffee lover? Well, becoming your own barista can save you a significant amount of money. Invest in a French press, grinder, and scale, and start making your own delicious coffee at home. You’ll be amazed at how much you can save in the long run. And if you’re really into gourmet coffee, consider investing in high-end machines. They may seem expensive upfront, but if you’re a frequent drinker or often entertain guests, they can actually save you money in the long haul.

Speaking of shopping, always be on the lookout for sales on non-perishable items. Stock up on necessities when they’re on sale, even if you don’t need them immediately. Store them for future use, and you’ll never have to pay full price again. It’s all about planning ahead and being a savvy shopper!

Let’s not forget the power of membership benefits. If you’re a Costco member, you already know the incredible savings that await you. Take advantage of bulk buying, discounted prices, and exclusive deals. Additionally, websites like Cocowest.ca provide valuable information and insights on cost-saving deals. And don’t forget about biking! Opt for biking over driving whenever possible. Not only will it save you money on gas, but it’s also good for the environment and your overall well-being.

Now, let’s explore the resources available in your community. Libraries are not just for books anymore. They offer a wealth of resources, including instruments, streaming services, magazines, and more. Take advantage of all the free or low-cost activities your local area has to offer. Look for discounted or free events like skating or swimming. They’re not only fun but also a great way to stay active without breaking the bank.

When it comes to managing your expenses, prioritize and scrutinize. Consider investing in a chest freezer and take advantage of bulk purchasing during sales. Freeze the extras and use them as needed. It’s a great way to save money on groceries in the long run. And don’t forget about your insurance policies. Regularly review them and negotiate for the best price without compromising on necessary coverage. You’d be surprised how much you can save with a little research and negotiation.

Lastly, let’s talk about making big lifestyle choices. Consider ditching the vehicle altogether and relying on public transportation, walking, or biking. Not only will it save you money on car-related expenses, but it’s also a greener choice. Limit eating out, alcohol, smoking, and other unnecessary expenses. Instead, focus on enjoying free or low-cost activities like visiting parks, beaches, and going for hikes. There’s so much to explore in your city without spending a fortune.

In conclusion, city living doesn’t have to drain your wallet. By making informed choices, negotiating when necessary, and appreciating the simpler things in life, you can enjoy the urban experience while still maintaining a comfortable and sustainable budget. Remember, it’s not just about cutting costs, but maximizing the value of every dollar spent. So go forth, implement these life hacks, and start saving today!

In today’s episode, we explored various ways to save money while living in the city, including bulk purchasing, negotiating service plans, shopping local, rethinking transportation, DIY coffee, shopping sales, maximizing membership benefits, exploring community resources, prioritizing and scrutinizing expenses, and making big lifestyle choices. Thank you for tuning in to the Djamga Life Hacks podcast, where we equip you with the knowledge to become the best version of yourself, save and make money, and live a stress-free life – make sure to subscribe and we’ll see you in the next episode!


1- Life Hacks to save money in Vancouver

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New Born on the way – now what?

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Having a new born baby is one of the most exciting news a family can get, but are we always prepared?

Below are the items to get before the new addition to the family: Maternity clothes for the mother, Newborn clothes, breastfeeding pump, newborn diapers, crib, towels, baby pacifier, circumcision, mom’s bra, etc…Don’t give yourself too much headache, shop for those products and read detailed checklist below:

New born Checklist

  • 8 undershirts or onesies (mix of short-sleeve and long-sleeve)
  • 5 nightgowns (for use until the cord falls off)
  • 8 one-piece stretchy sleepers (go for ones with zippers; new moms swear by them!)
  • 5 pairs of pants
  • 2 newborn hats
  • 8 pairs of socks or booties, to wear with nightgowns and outfits
  • 2 pairs of scratch mittens, to keep baby from scratching his face
  • 2 cardigans or jackets, more in winter
  • Bunting bag or snowsuit for winter baby
  • Laundry detergent for infants
  • 4 outfits for dressing up (optional)
  • 3 large cotton blankets
  • 8 receiving blankets (they also make handy burp cloths)
  • If you’re breastfeeding, you need breast feeding pump so you can pump milk and keep in fridge
  • Lots of bibs
  • Burp cloths
  • Milk storage containers (here are some essential safety tips on storing breastmilk)
  • Nursing pillow
  • Nursing bras (if buying before baby is born, buy one cup size larger than your pregnant bra size)
    Breast pads (disposable or washable)
  • Lotion for sore nipples
  • 8 four-ounce bottles with nipples
  • 6 eight-ounce bottles with nipples
  • Bottle and nipple brush
  • Formula (be sure to check expiry date and note the lot number in case of recalls)
  • Thermal bottle carrier
  • Learn about the birth process

    1. Find a doctor for your baby
    2. Get on the same page as your partner
    3. Talk to veteran moms
    4. Prepare older siblings – and pets
    5. Line up help for after the birth
    6. Know what to do when labor starts
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