Algorithm and Tricks to save up to 30 cents per litre on Gas in USA and Canada

Algorithm and Tricks to save up to 30 cents per litre on Gas in USA and Canada

Algorithm and Tricks to save up to 30 cents per litre on Gas in USA and Canada.

Looking to save a few cents per litre on gas in the USA or Canada? Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you do just that.

First, make sure you’re using the gas rewards program at your local gas station. By using a gas rewards card, you can earn points that can be redeemed for discounts at the pump. Additionally, many gas stations offer coupons and promotions that can save you money on gas purchases. Be sure to check the gas station’s website or app for any current offers.

Second, consider carpooling or taking public transportation when possible. This will help you save on gas costs and may even improve your fuel economy. If you must drive, try to consolidate your errands into one trip instead of making multiple trips. This will also help you save on gas.

Finally, keep your car well-maintained. A well-tuned engine can improve your fuel economy by up to 4%. Additionally, properly inflated tires can also improve your fuel economy by up to 3%. By following these simple tips, you can easily save up to 30 cents per litre on gas in the USA and Canada.

Gas is getting very expensive and we are trying to help consumers save on Gas by providing you daily tricks to help you save up to 30 cents per litre on Gas in USA and Canada.


Tricks to save up to 30 cents per litre on Gas in USA and Canada

1- Go shop for Food at Safeway and get an automatic 15 cents per litre discount at Safeway Fueling stations

2- To get 30 cents discount at Safeway Fuel stations, use the code below based on Epoch:

[Day]-800-[random 5digits]

Example:  Safeway 16 to 30 cents cents off gas code

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  • For July 16 2022, so the  Epoch Day is:  197
  • A random 5 digits  (Change the 5 digits if it doesn’t work. )
  • So a Coupon to save 30 cents per litre at Safeway Gas Station on July 16, 2022 is:   
  • 197-800-263944
  • (Remember to change the random 5 digits until it works)

3. Purchase Discount Gift Cards for Gas

Rewards card – Cashback

You can discover a great deal of rebate gift vouchers for gas on the web. These will work all things considered Shell, Gulf, and Mobil stations. They will spare a couple of dollars for each buy, yet that can add up to enormous reserve funds on a yearly premise.

The Optimum program is one of the better value points programs. And the points convert to cash discounts on stuff you buy every day, rather than air travel and catalogues full of slightly aged-out consumer trinkets that you don’t really need.

PC Optimum savings on gas
PC Optimum savings on gas

If you are a Costco member and also optimum member, which option gives you the most savings?

 From a quick google of prices in my area it looks like the average price is around $2/L and Costco is currently around $1.75. The value of the Optimum program is more that you can keep your eye out for specials and earn points which can then be put toward gas purchases. But the basic earnings of 10 pts/litre (1¢ equivalent) and redeem up to 4,000 pts ($4 equivalent) aren’t anywhere near 25¢/litre. If you don’t mind the lines 😉

If you have one near, try to fuel up at Mobil gas instead of Esso. Esso provides 15 points per liter, Mobil gas provides 35 points per liter.

I used to have a work vehicle that I filled with Mobil gas, on the company credit card, got approx. 30 dollars of free groceries from Loblaws every week because of this practice.

Which card gives 10% cash back at the moment?

TD , CIBC and Scotia all have one right now. It’s 10% cashback on purchases up to $2000 in the first three months.

I use CIBC Dividend card not only do I save on gas (.03 off a litre till you get 300l then .10 off one time and then it resets) but earn Cashback everywhere. Last yr I earned about 580 Cashback this yr I’m over 200 right now.

I bank with CIBC as I use my card I pay it off same day so never paid interest.

Note that your max yearly cash back for the 4% (gas and groceries), 2% and 1.5% categories is $800 (4% of $20,000). After $20,000 yearly spend, the 4% cash back ends, and is replaced with 0.5% on all purchases. In other words, if you spend on any of the other categories, you won’t get the $800, because you’ll hit $20,000 total spend before you hit $20,000 on gas and groceries.

I got a Rogers World Elite card, and use it for all purchases except gas and groceries, for 1.5% cash back. I use the cibc dividend card only for gas and groceries for 4% cash back.

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CAA members save 3 cents per L at all shell stations. And they use air miles.

4. Drive Sensibly

Quick quickening and short explosions of speed can cost you a ton with regards to gas. Slow and reliable movement is constantly favored over aimless driving. Land Rovers, for example, can show signs of improvement mileage utilizing journey control. Practice smooth driving and you’ll certainly set aside some cash with improved gas mileage.

5. Time Your Trips to the Gas Station

Gas costs can ascend on Thursdays because of high odds of end of the week travel. To keep away from these expanded costs, top off the tank before Thursday or on significant occasions.

6. Utilize Your Smartphone to Find the Cheapest Gas Station

Your cell phone is for something other than perusing Facebook and Instagram. Use it to locate the least expensive gas in your general vicinity. Applications like AAA Triptik and GasBuddy will assist you with finding the closest and least expensive fuel. gas

Something I’ve noticed with the gas saving apps… many times the prices are wrong. I show up at a station, and end up refueling anyway, and then a few minutes later I see it has been put back to the “fake low price”.

I think owners are gaming the system in order to draw people in.

7. Get a Gas Rewards Card

Too few have a gas rewards card. It resembles not getting a prizes plan regardless of whether you’re a long standing customer. There are a great deal of sites out there that can acquaint you with bargains for fuel rewards. You can get free gas on the off chance that you gather enough focuses, so why not? Pursue that prizes card!

8. Try not to Leave Your Engine Idling for Very Long

Close off your motor in case you’re not going anyplace. You’re squandering gas, and you’re dirtying nature.

9. Deliberately Use Cards or Cash

money or credit

A few service stations charge a premium on the off chance that you pay with Visas, however some give you limits on them. Discover and use what you can to set aside cash.

10. Keep up Your Car

Keeping your vehicle kept up is the manner by which to get a good deal on gas over the long haul. In the event that you have a clunker or a vehicle that you treat severely, it will have awful mileage. Simply keeping your tires expanded can improve your gas mileage by 3.3%. So focus on your support.

11. Be Picky

Corner store

Quit heading off to the corner store near your home or the interstate so you can get it over with. This can cost you almost 15 pennies more for every gallon. Discover a corner store that has modest costs and stick with it.

11. Try not to Overload Your Car

over-burden vehicle

This is an easy decision, however it needs strengthening. In case you’re hauling around as long as you can remember in your vehicle, quit doing it. Clearly the heavier your vehicle gets the more gas it will require to cover a similar separation. Just keep the minimum necessities in your vehicle. Leave the rest at home.

This application gets you 40/cents per gallon money back at several gas stations. Average individuals are getting paid hundreds, and expert drivers are getting thousands with this application that gets you 40cents money back on each gallon of gas!”

12. Drive more slowly and think ahead and use motor braking.

The amount of time you win for speeding is so little compared to the amount of fuel you are going to save.

13. Plan out grocery trips for longer times. Instead of going a few times a week to pick up a couple things, go once every 2-3 weeks with a list of everything you’ll need for that timeframe.

14. Drive the smallest stick shift diesel available. Press in your clutch on downhills, especially long ones on the freeway. Play a game where you try to put as little foot on the gas.

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15. Buy a more fuel efficient car. That makes the biggest difference.

16. Drive less. Combine trips. Carpool. Walk. Bicycle. Take public transit.

Do things (including many types of work) that can be done over a wire, over that wire, instead of driving to it. Drive a more fuel-efficient vehicle. If people would bother to think about when all of these might be possible, they would find that they generally are possible.

16. Limit discretionary driving. 

I have a gas-powered SUV and paid nearly $60 to fill its tank last week. I no longer drive around town just for the hell of it—I have to be strategic. Instead of driving to Target or Walmart for household goods and groceries, I order these necessities for delivery via Amazon. If I do need to drive to one part of town, I hit all the shops in that area at once and act as if I won’t be back for weeks. Ultimately, I am driving with intent—every trip has a purpose.

17. Tyres

Find the Tyre pressure placard in your car and make sure your tyres are pumped up to the correct pressure.

Try and do this when you have driven the car for less than 5 minutes. hot air expands and will give a false reading if the tyres are hot. do it when it is cold. Do NOT pump them up to the max pressure listed on the side of the tyre.

Keeping your tire pressure perfect is not only a safety measure but also helps in Saving Fuel as the right amount of tire pressure will reduce the friction with the road.

Tips- Tire pressure check is free on every petrol pump, but it does not mean it’s useless. Make Use of It every time you can.

Actually, over-inflate your tires for best gas mileage.

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The number on your door is the recommended pressure. The max pressure on the tire is the “do not exceed” number. Something in between is fine.

The drawback is that you’re going to wear out the middle of the tire quicker than the sides (because it’ll dome a bit from the higher pressure if you don’t have enough weight to force it flatter again). This might be noticeable after years.

But tires aren’t that expensive, and fuel is. You’ll pay off the small reduction in tire life with the bigger reduction in fuel use (and, especially if you’re in a pinch today, you could kind of consider it a deferred expense). And, it’s a small change you can always taper off again later.

A side effect will be a slightly harsher ride, and slightly less grip (not great for the winter).

Roughly speaking, 50% of your gas usage comes from rolling resistance in the tires, the other 50% from air resistance. At city speeds, tires and starts/stops make up most of your gas cost. Around 2/3, 3/4 of highway speeds is where air resistance takes over. Above 60mph/100kmph is where you really start to gobble fuel disproportionately (10% faster uses 33% more fuel).

Avoid where you have to use the brakes. Any time you use the brakes you’re wasting all the energy you had to put into accelerating the vehicle. In stop/go traffic, this is most of your fuel use. So instead of racing forward to fill gaps and then have to stop, just drive half the speed, steadily. If you see the light is red, get off the gas and coast, don’t accelerate up to it and then hit the gas. Careful you’re not blocking turning lanes by driving slower, just because you’re stopping at the lights doesn’t mean everyone behind you is.

In short… there’s no free lunch here. If there were ways to save money on gas, those would already be things we’re doing. All the little tips and tricks might add up to 20%, which is like… where gas prices were a month ago.

The only easy way to save money on gas is to drive less.

18. Lose weight.

Get rid of any excess stuff you have in your car. Every extra kilo costs money to haul around. Same goes for aerodynamics. those roof racks you never use? take them off!

19. Change your driving style.

So many people these days drive aggressively. stamping your foot to the floor whenever you accelerate is both unnecessary and burns far more fuel than using 50 or 75% throttle. there are other throttle positions than 100%!

Instead of speeding up to close any gap in front of you. leave it there and coast a bit. someone may change lanes, who cares? watch ahead, if cars start braking ahead, take your foot off the throttle early and coast a bit instead of riding the car in front of you constantly braking and accelerating.

20. Drive smoothly. it’s amazing how big of a difference driving style makes to fuel consumption.

21. Engine Air Filter

Make sure the engine air filter is clean, dirty air filters make for poor fuel consumption.

22. Premium Fuels

Only go for premium fuels if the car company suggests you to. Otherwise, you are just increasing the cost of fuel and increasing the overall running cost of your car. Well, it’s a myth that premium fuel will help you save more fuel and increase the mileage of your car It’s False.

Tips- Buy Normal Fuel, Premium fuel burns more and adds more price and Same less Fuel.

23. Cruise Control

Using cruise control on the highway will provide a smooth ride with a little bit of constant acceleration. Ultimately it will add to your mileage and save you a lot of fuel.

24. Race Peddle Control

If you keep a soft foot on the peddle you will always Save lots of Fuel. When we use a hard foot car consumes the maximum amount of fuel that needs to generate the power we want.

Tips – After attaining a speed of 70-80 try losing your foot maintaining the race paddle at the fixed position where the acceleration is almost zero.

25. Keep RPM Low

Higher RPM means higher fuel consumption and Lower RPM helps in Saving Fuel providing a safe feeling to every passenger in the car.

Tips- Remember you can only create a very little difference in time if you drive fast keeping your speed and RPM high. But you can’t save more than 5 Min as per the traffic on the roads these days. Keep it Low to Save Fuel.

26. Save Fuel by Driving Smart

Driving consciously and safely will always help in maintaining the mileage of a car and Save Fuel. Avoiding unnecessary fast pickups and jackrabbit stops will always help in saving fuel.

Tips – Easy and Safe driving will help in Saving Fuel and driving safety.

27. Overlooked button on your car may help save on gas

The ‘Air Recirculating’ button on your A/C might cool off your car faster and save you a little gas. On most cars, trucks, and SUVs the air recirculation button is easily identifiable, with its representing symbol of a half-circle inside of the outline of a vehicle. Many people say they’re aware of the button, but are not sure when it should be on or off.

Algorithm and Tricks to save up to 30 cents per litre on Gas in USA and Canada
Algorithm and Tricks to save up to 30 cents per litre on Gas in USA and Canada

Another function of this climate control system is to stop pollution and exhaust fumes from entering the vehicle. Having this button activated will also help to greatly reduce pollen when driving, which is a big positive if you suffer from outdoor allergens.

“If you don’t switch the air recirculation button on, then your car’s air conditioning will be constantly cooling warm air from outside your vehicle, and will have to work much harder, putting more stress on the blower and air compressor,” said Ruhl.

Another benefit to using the air recirculation feature is the money you could save on gas.

“Cars are usually more fuel-efficient when the air conditioner is set to recirculate interior air. This is because keeping the same air cool takes less energy than continuously cooling hot air from outside,” said Ruhl.

While the recirculation button is great for the summer months, it may be best to avoid it in the winter or when your windows become foggy.

“Anytime you’re using defrost, it’s best to not have that button on. Also, using it while you have your heater on isn’t going to do anything for you vehicle,” said Ruhl.


28. Your driving habits are a huge factor. Very slow accelerations and decelerations help dramatically. Coasting to that upcoming red light instead of keeping on the gas and braking. Chilling at 60 on cruise in the right lane vs accelerating between 65 and 75 passing people in the left. Things like that.

Also for most cars, above 55 its better to keep your windows up and use ac, below 55 better to do windows down and ac off. Varys by model due to aerodynamics, but 55 is good enough to give you an idea.

29. Don’t hard accelerate

Try to slow down in a more gentle manner if your lucky the light will go green before you stop

Be consistent with your speed if it’s 30 mph zone try not to go faster than that or get distracted to the point where your car starts slowing down

If it’s hot out keep the windows down, AC in older cars can make the car consume more gas, not sure how these newer cars are doing with that.

Make sure your tires have good tread, bald tires can spin out more and if the wear is uneven that can cause additional issues.

30. If you drive a SUV trade it for a Toyota Corolla

Scientifically proven that the wavelength of reflections on the beige tone is in the optimal bandwidth to reduce optical resistance, thus better fuel efficiency.

Check your engine air filter. Make sure it is clean, replace if necessary. Make sure your tires are filled to the recommended pressure.

Also change spark plugs at their recommended service life.

Also, if you car is over 160k km, good idea to replace the O2 sensors as they get slow. Replaced all four sensors in my car and my mileage went from 9.x L/100 km to the high 7’s.

What kind of car should you buy that saves on gas?

A Prius, or any type of gas/electric hybrid, or a smaller vehicle, like a Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic, Chevy Malibu, Ford Focus, VW GTI or Rabbit.

But there is a direct correlation between How you drive, regardless of What you drive. I have a 1998 Chevy Silverado, with a 5.7L (350 cu in) V8, and I can get great MPG’s when I drive it sensibly, and don’t have a ton of unnecessary stuff/gear in the back, or even back seat.

Make sure the tires are set to the appropriate PSI. Always set them to the pressure setting on the inside of the drivers door. On that subject, changing the tire size or wheel size and sidewall thickness will also have a negative effect on MPG.

You would be surprised how much stuff a lot of people have laying in the back of their car, and if they would simply clean it out, they could save money.

Also, keeping your vehicle tuned up and the oil changed per the owners manual will also help keep the MPG high.

Not speeding away from every stop sign or stop light will also help.


Keeping your speed down on the freeway will help.

However, opting to roll the windows down instead of using the A/C to keep cool will actually create drag on the car and lower the efficiency. So crank the heat sucker up to high. Not only with rolling the windows up save fuel, it will also reduce noise and reduce fatigue, so you can drive more comfortably.

What burns more gas, accelerating as fast as possible to 60 mph (e.g. 10 seconds) or accelerating slowly (e.g. 30 seconds)?

Not long ago I had a ’16 Subaru WRX. Fast, turbo-charged all-wheel-drive car. Terrible gas mileage. It’s also heavy, roughly two tons.

One day, I did an experiment on the city streets. Rather than accelerate in a controlled manner and drive at a consistent pace, I put the gas pedal all the way down to reach about 15 mph over the speed limit, and then I put the car in neutral, and let it coast. The car would coast a full mile before it was going slow enough (5 to 10 mph below the speed limit) that I had to put it in gear and goose the throttle again full blast and bring it up to 15 mph over the speed limit.

In this simple test, the overall gas mileage skyrocketed. It went from about 25 mpg to more like 40 mpg. And yet I was ultimately going the speed limit on average, and kicking off my trips very quickly.

This led me to a realization. Yes, holding that gas pedal all the way down uses up a lot of gas. But what it also does is important: it brings you up to speed. What also uses up a lot of gas is simply cruising—not coasting, cruising. That’s where most of your gas is being spent, because your engine is expending gas, quite a bit of it, actually, just to keep up and maintain velocity.

And when you accelerate slowly, you’re effectively cruising, without being up to speed, yet with a little extra gas. That’s wasteful, because you’re going slow and still using up plenty of gas. Is it more wasteful than the explosion of rushing your car forward immediately? Actually, perhaps so, if you’re taking too long to do it.

Remember, just turning that engine using fuel uses up fuel. Accelerating quickly brings the car up to speed quickly—which brings the engine’s productivity to the maximum output quickly—which is not an infinite dump of fuel, it is limited to what the fuel line and injector and cylinder can mix with air and compress, which is measurable, and it’s actually not as far off from cruising fuel as people seem to think. Source: Quora


1️⃣ Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the gasoline, when it gets warmer gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening….your gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role.

2️⃣ A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.

3️⃣ When you’re filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. You should be pumping on low mode, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you’re getting less worth for your money.

4️⃣ One of the most important tips is to fill up when your gas tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is the more gas you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the gas and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every gallon is actually the exact amount.

5️⃣ Another reminder, if there is a gasoline truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT fill up; most likely the gasoline is being stirred up as the gas is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.

6️⃣ Note: If the pump repeatedly shuts off early, it could be a sign of a problem with the vapor recovery system, such as a clogged carbon canister.”

How can You save gas when driving long distances?

1. First and foremost Maintain a steady speed.
2. Fill your tire pressure 1 or 2 psi more than the prescribed number.
3. Do not travel with your AC off, especially during long distance journey. With your AC off you will have to lower the car windows and if you are traveling at speed more than 60 miles per hour it is going to affect the aerodynamics of the car and this might affect the fuel consumption a bit.
4. Remove all unnecessary weight from the car.
5. Choose a well maintained road even if it is going to take you more time than a bad road.
6. Have your car checked with a mechanic before you travel.

Do automobiles get better fuel mileage with the A.C. on and windows up, or A.C. off, and windows down?

Under 70mph and your windows up, your AC will use more energy than if the windows were down and the AC off. As your cruising speed increases, the aerodynamic drag on the car increases to the point where having the windows down creates a greater load on the engine than the AC does. This only applies to modern cars which are generally quite aerodynamic. Having the windows up or down doesn’t really make any difference to vintage cars. Remember though, AC takes more power than you might suppose so on a long hot journey, driving with the AC off will improve mpg. Taking the AC equipment off altogether will make an even bigger difference – as much as 10%.


Does cruising in a car save on gas? How?


Since cruising involves maintaining the vehicle at a constant velocity, it requires minimum efforts (Power) from the engine.
The power required from the engine is used to nullify the declaration from frictional forces (air drag and road adhesion). Since less power is required from engine the ECU ensures minimum gas is used.

Can lowering your tailgate really save on gas?

No it’s a myth…in fact the now cancelled show MythBuster’s did an episode on it. Pretty legit test if I do say so, although if you have a truck with two gas tanks you could test it yourself as I have. The one thing that can help seems counterintuitive, which is add a little weight. Like around 100 pounds or so depending, and make sure it’s over or behind the rear axle in the bed. What this does is give the rear wheels a bit more traction and that increases your gass mileage a little. A trick I learned from my Grandpa as a curious little kid wondering why he always had a couple spares mounted to each side of the bed right up against the tailgate. Those old gas guzzlers need all the efficiency they could get.

Bonus: also works better in snow, ice, and slush…get some sand bags and throw them in the same spot behind the axle and you limit fishtailing/sliding in the winter. More weight than the hundred pounds, plus it has multiple uses. If you get stuck where the tires are spinning on the ice you can open up a sand bag and out the sand in front and behind the tire to help gain traction. Make sure to do both sides of the truck as you probably won’t have positraction. Lol…additionally if it’s not too cold you can pee on the ice around the tire. I have gotten many a people unstuck with a little sand and piss.


How can I save gas when driving long distances?


1. First and foremost Maintain a steady speed.
2. Fill your tire pressure 1 or 2 psi more than the prescribed number.
3. Do not travel with your AC off, especially during long distance journey. With your AC off you will have to lower the car windows and if you are traveling at speed more than 60 miles per hour it is going to affect the aerodynamics of the car and this might affect the fuel consumption a bit.
4. Remove all unnecessary weight from the car.
5. Choose a well maintained road even if it is going to take you more time than a bad road.
6. Have your car checked with a mechanic before you travel.

Hope these points might help you.

Can I keep driving on eco mode? How much does it save on gas?

Economy mode is useful on most conditions but be advised, that some engines need to be “ blown free” by using higher rpm snd full engine load in order to keep the exhaust/ turbo- system declogged. That applies especially to diesel- engines with egr- system. In “ grandfather”— drive mode only those will have need for extended overhaul way before resching estimated end of service- time. ( what absolutely nullifies all eventual gains from eco- mode


What are some ways to save on gas annually?

To save gas you should follow the instructions of the manufacturer of your car if your question refers to the gasoline that you spend to make your car run. If your question refers to the natural gas that you use at home to heat up food, water etc then the only recommendation is to watch for any leaks if you suspect that you are losing gas. Fixing those leaks by means of an experienced technician will resolve your problem. Coming back to your car, not over speeding, and not letting the engine on idle for long time in order to keep the air conditioner working or the heater in the Winter these are two important ways to reduce gasoline consumption.


Looking to save a few cents per litre on gas? Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you do just that:

1. Check gas prices before you fill up. Many gas stations offer discounts for cash, so it’s worth checking beforehand to see if there’s a station nearby that offers a cheaper price.

2. Use coupons. Many gas stations offer coupons that can be used to save money at the pump. Simply present the coupon when you’re paying and you’ll automatically get a discount.

3. Shop around for gas cards. Some gas cards offer discounts of up to 5 cents per litre, so it’s worth doing some research to see if you could be saving even more money.

4. Drive less. This one is obvious, but the less you drive, the less gas you’ll need to purchase. So, if you can carpool, take public transportation, or walk/bike instead of driving, you’ll save yourself some money in the long run.

5. Keep your car well-maintained. A well-tuned engine can improve your fuel economy by up to 4%, so it’s worth getting your car checked out by a mechanic every

By following these tips, you can easily save money on gas without making major changes to your lifestyle.

Does getting a Tesla make financial sense in terms of cost savings on gas and maintenance?

If you looked at all the cars in the world and calculated which one had the lowest cost per mile transporting someone from Point A to Point B. It would probably not be a Tesla. If people used that criterion for buying a car, then there would be only one car in each class. People buy cars for lots of reasons. If you’re keeping the car for 5 years, some high-mileage hybrids will cost less (absent government subsidies) than a Tesla. Gas is cheap these days. Push it out 10 years or if gas prices go back up, the calculus is different. Your Tesla will outperform that high-mileage hybrid and be a lot more fun to drive. How much is that worth to you?

With rising prices, what are smart ways to save money or good alternatives like horse and carriage to save on gas?

Algorithm and Tricks to save up to 30 cents per litre on Gas in USA and Canada
Algorithm and Tricks to save up to 30 cents per litre on Gas in USA and Canada

This is my plan for tackling the current inflationary environment in the United States:

  • Limit discretionary driving. I have a gas-powered SUV and paid nearly $60 to fill its tank last week. I no longer drive around town just for the hell of it—I have to be strategic. Instead of driving to Target or Walmart for household goods and groceries, I order these necessities for delivery via Amazon. If I do need to drive to one part of town, I hit all the shops in that area at once and act as if I won’t be back for weeks. Ultimately, I am driving with intent—every trip has a purpose.
  • Meal substitution. In my area of the U.S., beef is less expensive than chicken. Thus, I substitute beef for chicken and prepare meals like spaghetti, burgers, and chili. Also, my cost of groceries has risen faster than the cost of a Chipotle burrito, for instance, so I sometimes eat a Chipotle burrito instead of eating at home.
  • Plan for higher utilities. My energy bill is much higher today than it was last year. Since I live in an apartment, each unit’s bill is decided by dividing the energy cost for the entire building by the number of occupied units. Thus, I have very little control over the cost of my monthly bill. I must prepare for this expense and not let it blindside me.
  • Limit unnecessary consumption. Now is not the time to be frivolous with money. All nonessential consumption (i.e., online shoe shopping, going to the movies, etc.) is essentially placed on hold.
  • Invest tactfully. With inflation running hot, the Federal Reserve likely hiking interest rates in the coming months, and macroeconomic and political uncertainty, the stock and crypto markets may fall further before rising once again. Having dry powder (i.e., cash) on hand to take advantage of the situation is not a bad idea. I’ve been building my cash position over the past couple of months, so I can buy assets when others are fearful and need/decide to sell. As a long-term investor, you want to buy into fear and weakness, and I believe we are in that environment.

How much money do you save on gas with a hybrid?

If you compare a small, light ICE vehicle, you won’t save anything but if you compare an ICE car of the same weight as an EV then you will save money, possibly as much as $10 every 200 miles.


How much money do you save on gas by paying cash instead of credit in the long-term?


Using a 10 cent per gal difference between cash & cc, that comes to about $28 extra per year to use my credit card for my mileage and average MPG. That’s about $2.33/month so not much at all. Then you need to take into account that I get 3% back using my credit card at the pump from my credit card rewards program. That comes to $29/year. Those were round number calculations I did though so we’ll just call it even.


Does cruise control actually save gas or is that a myth?

The cruise control itself does not save any gas compared to simply keeping your foot at the same position. However, what cruise control does tend to do, is influence the driving style of the human inside.

The whole point of the cruise control is that you don’t need to constantly control the throttle. And thus you will tend to want to avoid needing to do that while using it. At the most, you will want to disengage the cruise control, to reduce speed slowly when needed, and then re-engage when you can overtake.

The result is that you tend to start looking further ahead, a few cars further than the one directly in front of you. Coming up on a car, you will decide earlier if you can overtake, or if you lift the throttle. This is very positive for reducing fuel consumption.

Many drivers without cruise control will not lift until the last moment, and then often need to brake when they can’t overtake. This is disastrous for the fuel consumption.

There are some special situations where cruise control itself can help reducing fuel consumption. One of those is when using the highest gear at very low throttle. This tends to be the most fuel-efficient configuration, but with so little torque, it can be difficult to keep the speed constant. The cruise control can do that very well. If you can’t manage to drive comfortably at that speed yourself, but the cruise control can, then that is a case where the cruise control directly allows higher fuel efficiency.

Another is when your car doesn’t have a mid-console near your foot, and thus is it difficult to lean your foot against it, helping keep a steady position. In that case, driving without cruise control might lead to constant speed changes as well, and the cruise control could help smooth that. That will also improve fuel efficiency slightly.

But in general, anything the cruise control does, you can do as well… It’s is the driving style that improves fuel efficiency. Cruise control can stimulate a more relax driving style, and that helps. If you already were driving relaxed and smooth, then you’ll not notice any difference.


By improving public roads in order to minimize rolling resistance and enhance traction, how much money could be saved on gas consumption and avoidance of traffic accidents?

Patent 6,923,124 has a rolling surface that is 1000 times smoother than typical asphalt. This smooth rolling surface and engineered reverse sag allows steel wheels instead of energy wasting rubber tires. All oil can be avoided (saved) by switching to aerodynamic vehicles rolling on three more perfect rolling surfaces configured in a triangle. There is no reason a car should ever leave the normally traveled portion of the roadway. Designing in 3D means a vehicle can never come off the designated trajectory. Instead of a reactive suspension producing pitch, yaw and roll the guideway produces those motions with precision. This improved “road” (guideway) allows for 180 mph travel at a tiny fraction of the required energy. This in turn allows all transportation to be powered by a 7 foot wide s

If I drove 100 miles every day, how long would it take me to pay off my electric car with the money I save on gas?

Ok, let’s get serious, and go about doing this the way a person would who’s really trying to save money. Two scenarios: * Aggressive scenario: Buy a used 2014 Nissan Leaf for $8,000. It will only have about 30,000 miles and a range around 85 miles. In my area, electricity will cost 2 cents per mile since our electricity is fairly cheap. Assume the gas car being replaced was getting 30 mpg, so its fuel cost is 11 cents per mile. You are commuting to work each day, 50 miles each way. You don’t have enough range to get home, but your employer offers free charging. (That can happen. My employer does.) Driving 100 miles per day, paying for half and getting half from your employer, will cost $1.00 per day, or $30 per month. The gas car would cost $11 per day or $330 per month. Savings is $300 per

What kind of car should I buy that saves on gas?

Short answer:  Toyota corolla or Honda civic

But there is a direct correlation between How you drive, regardless of What you drive. I have a 1998 Chevy Silverado, with a 5.7L (350 cu in) V8, and I can get great MPG’s when I drive it sensibly, and don’t have a ton of unnecessary stuff/gear in the back, or even back seat.

Make sure the tires are set to the appropriate PSI. Always set them to the pressure setting on the inside of the drivers door. On that subject, changing the tire size or wheel size and sidewall thickness will also have a negative effect on MPG.

You would be surprised how much stuff a lot of people have laying in the back of their car, and if they would simply clean it out, they could save money.

Also, keeping your vehicle tuned up and the oil changed per the owners manual will also help keep the MPG high.

Not speeding away from every stop sign or stop light will also help.

Keeping your speed down on the freeway will help.

However, opting to roll the windows down instead of using the A/C to keep cool will actually create drag on the car and lower the efficiency. So crank the heat sucker up to high. Not only with rolling the windows up save fuel, it will also reduce noise and reduce fatigue, so you can drive more comfortably.


When I have little gas left in my car, is it better to drive fast or slow so that I can get the best distance out of the amount of gas left?


Look at all the other mileage techniques that other people have formulated over the years, they all apply. Basically:

  1. Accelerate firmly from a stop. Too slowly, and you waste time in low gears, which are inefficient. Too fast, your engine is burning more fuel than it needs to. 8 – 10 seconds to 40mph is good, get a feel for your car, maybe get a OBD sensor to monitor fuel usage directly (any car after 1990s has one, I think)
  2. Try to get to the top gear, and at lowest RPM. Engine spins the slowest for maximum distance. A little slower is usually ok, especially if the car has bad drag coefficients, or there’s a lot of stops. Accelerating to top gear only to brake for a stop light is a waste of fuel.
  3. Modern cars cut fuel when engine braking. Try to roll as far/long as possible without using the brakes and avoid idling. Braking early, then rolling is better than coming to a complete stop since idling is just a constant drain, and if the light goes green, you save kinetic energy. You can usually feel when the ECU starts fuel delivery again when the engine braking lessens, though forcing downshifts is not recommended due to
    1. Increased wear on a transmission which is more expensive than brake replacement
    2. the spurt of fuel needed to kick the RPMs up. Though it may be needed if you need every last drop. Try downshifting early, if needed.

Try not to use neutral when coasting since the engine is still running. Also, its generally illegal

4. coast up hill, accelerate downhill (where possible). Don’t roll down the hill backwards.

5. If in a Hybrid, try to coast at 0 throttle and 0 regen. Regen, while nice, is fundamentally inefficient due to multiple transformations of energy. At 0 throttle, the engine is off, and no fuel is used. Hybrids generally have low drag, so can go pretty far on flat ground.

6. Tailgating can save some fuel, but it isn’t really safe. A few car lengths of distance can still yield a bit, though don’t overspeed to do so.

7. Turn engine off if you’re gonna be stopped for long periods of time.


Is driving slow up on a hill(consume less fuel but takes longer) or fast(consume more fuel but takes less time) better choice for fuel saving ? The hill would be 1 km for reference.

The answer is matching the proper rev range to power to be most efficient.

The real world answer is that if it’s just a kilometer the difference is negligible

Engines are most efficient usually somewhere at the 1/3 to half of the RPM range and at decent load. So if you need to floor it to get on the hill on current gear, downshift, else just press pedal slightly stronger and keep the speed.

As long as you can engine brake downhill the speed doesn’t really matter, just keep the usual traffic speed.

In general accelerating just to slow down later is worse than just keeping steady pace, especially if there are brakes involved.

That’s a good question, but not a simple one to answer.

A car is most efficient when in its highest gear. If you accelerate too slowly, you will spend too much time in the lower gears before you get into the highest gear. Therefore, accelerating excessively slowly is not the most economical technique. Thus, advise to accelerate slowly to save fuel is WRONG!

A few decades ago, BMW did some tests to determine the most economical way to drive their cars. Although that was before fuel injection became common, I’m sure that the rules have not changed very much. They found that for their cars, the most economical technique was to accelerate with a heavy foot (2/3 to 3/4 throttle) but upshift at only 2000 rpm. That works well for a manual transmission, but is generally impossible with an automatic transmission because it will upshift at a considerably higher speed if you use a heavy foot and, just as bad, delay locking the torque converter. So, with an automatic transmission, the most economical technique is probably to accelerate at a moderate rate, i.e., not too fast and not too slowly.

The rules may have changed slightly because of modern electronic fuel injection systems which control the fuel mixture better. They are less likely to deliver an excessively rich mixture at wide throttle openings which occur with a very heavy foot.

With an Otto-cycle engine (4-stroke, spark ignition), the throttle valve is an important source of inefficiency. The power required to suck in air against the vacuum created by the throttle valve wastes fuel. For that reason, an Otto-cycle engine is most efficient when the throttle valve is wide open, or nearly so, provided that the fuel system does not provide an excessively riche mixture under those conditions. That’s why it is most efficient to use a heavy foot and upshift at low speeds, but not at such low speeds that the engine knocks or doesn’t run smoothly since that could cause damage.

The most inefficient thing you can do is use a lower gear than necessary for the power you are using. So, if you delay upshifting until 3000 rpm when, with a heavier foot you could get the same power at 2000 rpm, you are wasting fuel. So, for fuel efficiency, you should upshift at the lowest possible speed that will provide the power you need, but not at such a low speed that the that the engine protests.

In simplistic physics terms, it makes no difference. You create the same amount of kinetic energy either way – and theoretically, that means you must burn the same amount of fuel.

For an internal combustion engine with gears it gets complicated.

A conventional car engine has a range of RPM’s at which the engine operates most efficiently. At lower or higher RPM’s gas consumption is worse.

So the trick is to keep the car in that band.

With a manual gearbox – the best approach is to push hard on the pedal to get the RPM’s into the efficient range – then accelerate more smoothly to the top of that range – then downshift.

If your car has enough gears, you can arrange to stay in the efficient range for all but the initial acceleration in 1st gear.

However, with an automatic (and especially automatics with not many gears in their gearbox) – you have no direct control over that – so it becomes a matter of tricking the gearbox into doing what you want. With modern gearboxes, you’d hope that the manufacturer set the shift points for efficiency – but it depends on the car. For a sports car they probably optimized the shift pattern for best 0–60 time – so they’d keep the engine in the “power zone” of RPM’s rather than in the “efficiency zone”…for a family sedan, the reverse would be the case. Many cars have a “sport” button which essentially lets you choose between keeping the engine in the power band or the efficiency band.

But even on the “economy” setting, the software won’t be able to prevent you from demanding performance that drives it out of the economy range.

It also varies depending on the air temperature – when the air is cold, it’s more dense and the fuel management software can burn fuel in larger quantities than on hot days – and that may influence the decision.

There are other considerations too. If you accelerate and brake gently then it takes longer to get you where you’re going. This means that the air conditioner, radio, lights, computer(s), etc are running for longer…and that takes energy too.

On the other hand – if you continually red-line the engine, it’ll wear out faster and a worn out engine uses more gas than a good engine.

Honestly – the answer is horribly complicated – and it varies from car to car.

To Conclude:

Looking to save a few cents per litre on gas? Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you do just that:

1. Check gas prices before you fill up. Many gas stations offer discounts for cash, so it’s worth checking beforehand to see if there’s a station nearby that offers a cheaper price.

2. Use coupons. Many gas stations offer coupons that can be used to save money at the pump. Simply present the coupon when you’re paying and you’ll automatically get a discount.

3. Shop around for gas cards. Some gas cards offer discounts of up to 5 cents per litre, so it’s worth doing some research to see if you could be saving even more money.

4. Drive less. This one is obvious, but the less you drive, the less gas you’ll need to purchase. So, if you can carpool, take public transportation, or walk/bike instead of driving, you’ll save yourself some money in the long run.

5. Keep your car well-maintained. A well-tuned engine can improve your fuel economy by up to 4%, so it’s worth getting your car checked out by a mechanic every

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Programming Languages used for Autopilot in Self Driving Cars like Tesla, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Volvo, Infiniti


1- Quora

2- Reddit


Well, this may or not be cost efficient. It might actually be cheaper to buy new cars every 100,000 miles or so. But here we go.

  1. Get a good vehicle. Modern pickup trucks and SUV’s are not good vehicles. Volvos are affordable and are well built. So are BMWs and Mercedes. Look at the van the American Pickers drive – it’s a Mercedes. I wouldn’t even rule out many American production cars.
  2. Change your oil as frequently as it says in the owner’s manual. And don’t scrimp. You don’t have to get ultra expensive synthetics, but get something more than the bare minimum.
  3. Do other automotive maintenance as frequently as it says in the owner’s manual. Car parts go bad. It’s not just tires either.
  4. Drive carefully. Accelerate and decelerate smoothly. Drive at or near the speed limit. My sister was using our parent’s old ’96 Saturn until about two years ago when some idiot t-boned her by running a stop sign.
  5. Speaking of Saturns, which were great in cold climates because they didn’t use a lot of metal, if you live anywhere they use road salt, keep the car as clean and rust-free as possible. Best to drive in Texas – Texas has a good climate for cars. They don’t know what road salt is in Texas.
  6. Park it in a garage. This is optional if you live somewhere with good car weather. Like Texas.

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