What are some ways to increase precision or recall in machine learning?

What are some ways to increase precision or recall in machine learning?

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What are some ways to increase precision or recall in machine learning?

What are some ways to Boost Precision and Recall in Machine Learning?

Sensitivity vs Specificity?

In machine learning, recall is the ability of the model to find all relevant instances in the data while precision is the ability of the model to correctly identify only the relevant instances. A high recall means that most relevant results are returned while a high precision means that most of the returned results are relevant. Ideally, you want a model with both high recall and high precision but often there is a trade-off between the two. In this blog post, we will explore some ways to increase recall or precision in machine learning.

What are some ways to increase precision or recall in machine learning?
What are some ways to increase precision or recall in machine learning?

There are two main ways to increase recall:

by increasing the number of false positives or by decreasing the number of false negatives. To increase the number of false positives, you can lower your threshold for what constitutes a positive prediction. For example, if you are trying to predict whether or not an email is spam, you might lower the threshold for what constitutes spam so that more emails are classified as spam. This will result in more false positives (emails that are not actually spam being classified as spam) but will also increase recall (more actual spam emails being classified as spam).

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To decrease the number of false negatives,

you can increase your threshold for what constitutes a positive prediction. For example, going back to the spam email prediction example, you might raise the threshold for what constitutes spam so that fewer emails are classified as spam. This will result in fewer false negatives (actual spam emails not being classified as spam) but will also decrease recall (fewer actual spam emails being classified as spam).

What are some ways to increase precision or recall in machine learning?

There are two main ways to increase precision:

by increasing the number of true positives or by decreasing the number of true negatives. To increase the number of true positives, you can raise your threshold for what constitutes a positive prediction. For example, using the spam email prediction example again, you might raise the threshold for what constitutes spam so that fewer emails are classified as spam. This will result in more true positives (emails that are actually spam being classified as spam) but will also decrease precision (more non-spam emails being classified as spam).

To decrease the number of true negatives,

you can lower your threshold for what constitutes a positive prediction. For example, going back to the spam email prediction example once more, you might lower the threshold for what constitutes spam so that more emails are classified as spam. This will result in fewer true negatives (emails that are not actually spam not being classified as spam) but will also decrease precision (more non-spam emails being classified as spam).

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Bard, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)
What are some ways to increase precision or recall in machine learning?

To summarize,

there are a few ways to increase precision or recall in machine learning. One way is to use a different evaluation metric. For example, if you are trying to maximize precision, you can use the F1 score, which is a combination of precision and recall. Another way to increase precision or recall is to adjust the threshold for classification. This can be done by changing the decision boundary or by using a different algorithm altogether.

What are some ways to increase precision or recall in machine learning?

Sensitivity vs Specificity

In machine learning, sensitivity and specificity are two measures of the performance of a model. Sensitivity is the proportion of true positives that are correctly predicted by the model, while specificity is the proportion of true negatives that are correctly predicted by the model.

Google Colab For Machine Learning

State of the Google Colab for ML (October 2022)

Google introduced computing units, which you can purchase just like any other cloud computing unit you can from AWS or Azure etc. With Pro you get 100, and with Pro+ you get 500 computing units. GPU, TPU and option of High-RAM effects how much computing unit you use hourly. If you don’t have any computing units, you can’t use “Premium” tier gpus (A100, V100) and even P100 is non-viable.

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Google Colab Pro+ comes with Premium tier GPU option, meanwhile in Pro if you have computing units you can randomly connect to P100 or T4. After you use all of your computing units, you can buy more or you can use T4 GPU for the half or most of the time (there can be a lot of times in the day that you can’t even use a T4 or any kinds of GPU). In free tier, offered gpus are most of the time K80 and P4, which performs similar to a 750ti (entry level gpu from 2014) with more VRAM.

For your consideration, T4 uses around 2, and A100 uses around 15 computing units hourly.
Based on the current knowledge, computing units costs for GPUs tend to fluctuate based on some unknown factor.

Considering those:

  1. For hobbyists and (under)graduate school duties, it will be better to use your own gpu if you have something with more than 4 gigs of VRAM and better than 750ti, or atleast purchase google pro to reach T4 even if you have no computing units remaining.
  2. For small research companies, and non-trivial research at universities, and probably for most of the people Colab now probably is not a good option.
  3. Colab Pro+ can be considered if you want Pro but you don’t sit in front of your computer, since it disconnects after 90 minutes of inactivity in your computer. But this can be overcomed with some scripts to some extend. So for most of the time Colab Pro+ is not a good option.

If you have anything more to say, please let me know so I can edit this post with them. Thanks!


In machine learning, precision and recall trade off against each other; increasing one often decreases the other. There is no single silver bullet solution for increasing either precision or recall; it depends on your specific use case which one is more important and which methods will work best for boosting whichever metric you choose. In this blog post, we explored some methods for increasing either precision or recall; hopefully this gives you a starting point for improving your own models!


What are some ways we can use machine learning and artificial intelligence for algorithmic trading in the stock market?

Machine Learning and Data Science Breaking News 2022 – 2023

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    Hi. Here is the new's question. The biggest concern is the rate of generation. I want to generate about 5 seconds of voice in about 100ms. I want to know which model performs best(SOTA) under those conditions. Which model is best for me? I think "styletts2" is best. If you have any relevant experience or know any other information, I would really appreciate your help. Thank you ! submitted by /u/hwk06023 [link] [comments]

  • [D] Exploring Complex Number Representations for Word Vectors: A New Approach
    by /u/_mayuk (Machine Learning) on April 25, 2024 at 3:21 am

    Word embeddings like Word2Vec and GloVe have revolutionized natural language processing, offering compact and dense representations of word meanings. However, these embeddings typically represent words as real-valued vectors, potentially limiting their ability to capture complex semantic relationships. In this proposal, we explore an alternative approach: representing word vectors as complex numbers. We propose converting Word2Vec or GloVe vectors into complex numbers, where the real part captures magnitude and the imaginary part encodes additional semantic information. For instance, consider the word vector Vecword=[0.2,−0.3,0.5,0.1,−0.2]. We can convert this vector into a complex number zz as follows: z=Vecword[0]+i×Vecword[1] Here, ii is the imaginary unit. The real part of the complex number represents the magnitude of the word's meaning (0.2), while the imaginary part (-0.3i) captures additional semantic nuances. This approach offers several potential advantages: Enhanced Semantic Representation: Complex numbers can capture both magnitude and phase, allowing for richer semantic representations compared to real-valued vectors. Contextual Information: By encoding semantic information in the imaginary part, we can capture contextual nuances that may be missed by traditional embeddings. Compatibility: Complex number representations can be seamlessly integrated into existing models and frameworks, offering a straightforward extension to current NLP pipelines. Exploring complex number representations for word vectors presents an exciting avenue for enhancing semantic understanding in natural language processing tasks. By leveraging the unique properties of complex numbers, we can potentially unlock deeper insights into the structure and meaning of language. This proposal aims to spark further research and experimentation in this promising direction. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of complex semantics! submitted by /u/_mayuk [link] [comments]

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  • [D] tutorial on how to build streaming ML applications
    by /u/clementruhm (Machine Learning) on April 24, 2024 at 10:16 pm

    My primary expertise is audio processing, but i believe this task happens in other domains too: running a model on chunks of infinitely long input. while for some architectures it is straightforward, it can get tedious for convolutional nets. I put together a comprehensive tutorial how to build a streaming ML applications: https://balacoon.com/blog/streaming\_inference/. would be curious to learn wether its a common problem and how do people usually deal with it. Because resources on the topic are surprisingly scarce. submitted by /u/clementruhm [link] [comments]

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  • Recall Score Increase [D]
    by /u/Legal_Hearing555 (Machine Learning) on April 24, 2024 at 5:38 pm

    Hello Everyone, I am trying to do a small fraud detection project and i have so imbalanced dataset. I used randomundersampling because minority class is pretty small and i also tried smote or combining with smote best recall score i got, was with only randomundersampling(0.95). I thought GridsearchCV to increase it but instead of increasing, it is decreasing although i tried to make it to focus on recall score. Why this is happening? submitted by /u/Legal_Hearing555 [link] [comments]

  • [D] Preserving spatial distribution of data during data splitting
    by /u/dr_greg_mouse (Machine Learning) on April 24, 2024 at 5:14 pm

    Hello, I am trying to model nitrate concentrations in the streams in Bavaria in Germany using Random Forest model. I am using Python and primarily sklearn for the same. I have data from 490 water quality stations. I am following the methodology in the paper from LongzhuQ.Shen et al which can be found here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-020-0478-7 I want to split my dataset into training and testing set such that the spatial distribution of data in both sets is identical. The idea is that if data splitting ignores the spatial distribution, there is a risk that the training set might end up with a concentration of points from densely populated areas, leaving out sparser areas. This can skew the model's learning process, making it less accurate or generalizable across the entire area of interest. sklearn train_test_split just randomly divides the data into training and testing sets and it does not consider the spatial patterns in the data. The paper I mentioned above follows this methodology: "We split the full dataset into two sub-datasets, training and testing respectively. To consider the heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of the gauge stations, we employed the spatial density estimation technique in the data splitting step by building a density surface using Gaussian kernels with a bandwidth of 50 km (using v.kernel available in GRASS GIS33) for each species and season. The pixel values of the resultant density surface were used as weighting factors to split the data into training and testing subsets that possess identical spatial distributions." I want to follow the same methodology but instead of using grass GIS, I am just building the density surface myself in Python. I have also extracted the probability density values and the weights for the stations. (attached figure) Now the only problem I am facing is how do I use these weights to split the data into training and testing sets? I checked there is no keyword in the sklearn train_test_split function that can consider the weights. I also went back and forth with chat GPT 4 but it is also not able to give me a clear answer. Neither did I find anything concrete on the internet about this. Maybe I am missing something. Is there any other function I can use to do this? Or will I have to write my own algorithm to do the splitting? In case of the latter, can you please suggest me the approach so I can code it myself? In the attached figure you can see the location of the stations and the probability density surface generated using the kernel density estimation method (using Gaussian kernels). Also attaching a screenshot of my dataframe to give you some idea of the data structure. (all columns after longitude ('lon') column are used as features. the NO3 column is used as the target variable.) I will be grateful for any answers. ​ Probability density surface generated using the kernel density estimation method with gaussian kernels. ​ the dataset I am using to model the nitrate concentrations submitted by /u/dr_greg_mouse [link] [comments]

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    This is a prompt I entered into MS Copilot (GPT4 Turbo). It's in german but it just means "Would there be any disadvantages if I took the full bath first?"), so this can't be another SolidGoldMagikarp or similar, because the words clearly were in both tokenizer and training vocab. Why would such a simple sentence cause this? Any guesses? (also tried with Claude Opus and LLama 3 70b, which worked fine) ​ https://preview.redd.it/9x6mva7b6gwc1.png?width=1129&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb6ac52d1c52d981161e8a864c5d1dd3794ca392 submitted by /u/michael-relleum [link] [comments]

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    by /u/anuragrawall (Machine Learning) on April 24, 2024 at 3:01 pm

    Hi All, I am working on a project where I want to create speaker-aware transcripts from audios/videos, preferably using open-source solutions. I have tried so many approaches but nothing seems to work good enough out of the box. I have tried: ​ whisperX: https://github.com/m-bain/whisperX (uses pyannote) whisper-diarization: https://github.com/MahmoudAshraf97/whisper-diarization (uses Nemo) AWS Transcribe AssemblyAI API Picovoice API I'll need to dig deeper and understand what's causing the incorrect diarization but I am looking for suggestions to improve speaker diarization. Please reach out if you have worked in this area and have had any success. Thanks! submitted by /u/anuragrawall [link] [comments]

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    by /u/itedelweiss (Data Science) on April 24, 2024 at 2:47 pm

    I am a statistics & machine learning researcher. I have invented some new methods, built packages in C++, R, and Python. I am also a machine learning consultant (part-time), but I usually tell people what to do and give feedback rather than do things myself. I don't like this experience though. So you can see, I probably know lots about theory, methodology & practical applications. However, I always want to switch to a more "technical" position after getting a PhD, i.e. machine learning engineer or SWE with focus on ML. I do feel like not having a formal training in SWE and CS would make me unemployable in the MLE field, so I always want to take some online SWE courses/programs to fill in the gap. My goal is to know about the engineering process behind SWE and to take relevant technical SWE/CS courses that most SWE/CS students do. You know, I can code, but it doesn't mean I will be a good MLE 🤣 Do you have any suggestions? Like a SWE track on a MOOC platform. I do know they are not perfect, but I do practice a lot, and can work on personal projects. Hopefully, they will be useful 🙂 Cheers, submitted by /u/itedelweiss [link] [comments]

  • May Philly Data & AI Happy Hour ✨
    by /u/CVM-17 (Data Science) on April 24, 2024 at 12:48 pm

    Join us at Con Murphy’s on May 21st! Info & RSVP here: https://meetu.ps/e/N5ytt/97Jr8/i submitted by /u/CVM-17 [link] [comments]

  • [R] I made an app to predict ICML paper acceptance from reviews
    by /u/Lavishness-Mission (Machine Learning) on April 24, 2024 at 12:23 pm

    https://www.norange.io/projects/paper_scorer/ A couple of years ago, u/programmerChilli analyzed ICLR 2019 reviews data and trained a model that rather accurately predicted acceptance results for NeurIPS. I've decided to continue this analysis and trained a model (total ~6000 parameters) on newer NeurIPS reviews, which has twice as many reviews compared to ICLR 2019. Additionally, review scores system for NeurIPS has changed since 2019, and here is what I've learned: 1) Both conferences consistently reject nearly all submissions scoring <5 and accept those scoring >6. The most common score among accepted papers is 6. An average rating around 5.3 typically results in decisions that could go either way for both ICML and NeurIPS, suggesting that ~5.3 might be considered a soft threshold for acceptance. 2) Confidence scores are less impactful for borderline ratings such as 4 (borderline reject), 5 (borderline accept), and 6 (weak accept), but they can significantly affect the outcome for stronger reject or accept cases. For instance, with ratings of [3, 5, 6] and confidences of [*, 4, 4], changing the "Reject" confidence from 5 to 1 shifts the probabilities from 26.2% - 31.3% - 52.4% - 54.5% - 60.4%, indicating that lower confidence in this case increases your chances. Conversely, for ratings [3, 5, 7] with confidences [4, 4, 4], the acceptance probability is 31.3%, but it drops to 28.1% when the confidence changes to [4, 4, 5]. Although it might seem counterintuitive, a confidence score of 5 actually decreases your chances. One possible explanation is that many low-quality reviews rated 5 are often discounted by the Area Chairs (ACs). Hope this will be useful, and thanks to u/programmerChilli for the inspiration! I also discussed this topic in a series of tweets. submitted by /u/Lavishness-Mission [link] [comments]

  • [R] SpaceByte: Towards Deleting Tokenization from Large Language Modeling - Rice University 2024 - Practically the same performance as subword tokenizers without their many downsides!
    by /u/Singularian2501 (Machine Learning) on April 24, 2024 at 11:42 am

    Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.14408 Github: https://github.com/kjslag/spacebyte Abstract: Tokenization is widely used in large language models because it significantly improves performance. However, tokenization imposes several disadvantages, such as performance biases, increased adversarial vulnerability, decreased character-level modeling performance, and increased modeling complexity. To address these disadvantages without sacrificing performance, we propose SpaceByte, a novel byte-level decoder architecture that closes the performance gap between byte-level and subword autoregressive language modeling. SpaceByte consists of a byte-level Transformer model, but with extra larger transformer blocks inserted in the middle of the layers. We find that performance is significantly improved by applying these larger blocks only after certain bytes, such as space characters, which typically denote word boundaries. Our experiments show that for a fixed training and inference compute budget, SpaceByte outperforms other byte-level architectures and roughly matches the performance of tokenized Transformer architectures.Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.14408Github: https://github.com/kjslag/spacebyteAbstract:Tokenization is widely used in large language models because it significantly improves performance. However, tokenization imposes several disadvantages, such as performance biases, increased adversarial vulnerability, decreased character-level modeling performance, and increased modeling complexity. To address these disadvantages without sacrificing performance, we propose SpaceByte, a novel byte-level decoder architecture that closes the performance gap between byte-level and subword autoregressive language modeling. SpaceByte consists of a byte-level Transformer model, but with extra larger transformer blocks inserted in the middle of the layers. We find that performance is significantly improved by applying these larger blocks only after certain bytes, such as space characters, which typically denote word boundaries. Our experiments show that for a fixed training and inference compute budget, SpaceByte outperforms other byte-level architectures and roughly matches the performance of tokenized Transformer architectures. https://preview.redd.it/v1xo6g1gzewc1.jpg?width=1507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9d415307b60639fa67e8a54c8769fa5a6c10f04 https://preview.redd.it/edvqos1gzewc1.jpg?width=1654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91c8727017e1a1bc7b80bb77a8627ff99182607 https://preview.redd.it/fe6z6i1gzewc1.jpg?width=1181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24d955f30b8ca3eaa7c527f3f40545ed493f789c submitted by /u/Singularian2501 [link] [comments]

  • [D] Keeping track of models and their associated metadata.
    by /u/ClearlyCylindrical (Machine Learning) on April 24, 2024 at 10:20 am

    I am starting to accumulate a large number of models for a project I am working on, many of these models are old which I am keeping for archival sake, and many are fine tuned from other models. I am wondering if there is an industry standard way of dealing with this, in particular I am looking for the following: Information about parameters used to train the model Datasets used to train the model Other metadata about the model (i.e. what objects an object detection model trained for) Model performance Model lineage (What model was it fine tuned from) Model progression (Is this model a direct upgrade from some other model, such as being fine tuned from the same model but using better hyper parameters) Model source (Not sure about this, but I'm thinking some way of linking the model to the python script which was used to train it. Not crucial but something like this would be nice) Are there any tools of services which could help be achieve some of this functionality? Also, if this is not the sub for this question could I get some pointers in the correct direction. Thanks! ​ submitted by /u/ClearlyCylindrical [link] [comments]

  • [D] Deploy the fine-tuned Mistral 7B model using the Hugging Face library
    by /u/Future-Outcome3167 (Machine Learning) on April 24, 2024 at 9:31 am

    I followed the tutorial provided at https://www.datacamp.com/tutorial/mistral-7b-tutorial and now seek methods to deploy the model for faster inference using Hugging Face and Gradio. Could anyone please share a guide notebook or article for reference? Any help would be appreciated. submitted by /u/Future-Outcome3167 [link] [comments]

  • Suggest on food ingredients dataset
    by /u/Avry_great (Data Science) on April 24, 2024 at 7:31 am

    Hi, I'm a student and I need some advice about data for food recommendation system project. I proposed to my teammate a dataset that containing the foods' ingredients with around 600 columns, each column is a single kind of ingredient which containing Boolean values (1 if the food contains that ingredient and 0 if the food doesn't contain any of that kind of ingredient). In my perspective, that kind of data design is kinda complex but really easy to process, efficient for data analyst. But my teammate say it weird, idk what is his reason, I asked him but he just said he has never seen this kind of design so he proposed us to find a dataset that contain the ingredients in a single column. Is a dataset design that I proposed really bad and weird as I said or is it just him? Thank you. submitted by /u/Avry_great [link] [comments]

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Google Workspace provides a platform, a common ground, for all our internal teams and operations to collaboratively support our primary business goal, which is to deliver quality information to our readers quickly.
Get 20% off Google Workspace (Google Meet) Business Plan (AMERICAS): M9HNXHX3WC9H7YE
Even if you’re small, you want people to see you as a professional business. If you’re still growing, you need the building blocks to get you where you want to be. I’ve learned so much about business through Google Workspace—I can’t imagine working without it.
(Email us for more codes)

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