DevOps Interviews Question and Answers and Scripts

DevOps Interviews Question and Answers and Scripts

DevOps Interviews Question and Answers and Scripts

Below are several dozens DevOps Interviews Question and Answers and Scripts to help you get into the top Corporations in the world including FAANGM (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google and Microsoft).

Credit: Steve Nouri – Follow Steve Nouri for more AI and Data science posts:


What is a Canary Deployment?

A canary deployment, or canary release, allows you to rollout your features to only a subset of users as an initial test to make sure nothing else in your system broke.
The initial steps for implementing canary deployment are:
1. create two clones of the production environment,
2. have a load balancer that initially sends all traffic to one version,
3. create new functionality in the other version.
When you deploy the new software version, you shift some percentage – say, 10% – of your user base to the new version while maintaining 90% of users on the old version. If that 10% reports no errors, you can roll it out to gradually more users, until the new version is being used by everyone. If the 10% has problems, though, you can roll it right back, and 90% of your users will have never even seen the problem.
Canary deployment benefits include zero downtime, easy rollout and quick rollback – plus the added safety from the gradual rollout process. It also has some drawbacks – the expense of maintaining multiple server instances, the difficult clone-or-don’t-clone database decision.

Typically, software development teams implement blue/green deployment when they’re sure the new version will work properly and want a simple, fast strategy to deploy it. Conversely, canary deployment is most useful when the development team isn’t as sure about the new version and they don’t mind a slower rollout if it means they’ll be able to catch the bugs.

DevOps Interviews Question and Answers and Scripts
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What is a Blue Green Deployment?

Reference: Blue Green Deployment

Blue-green deployment is a technique that reduces downtime and risk by running two identical production environments called Blue and Green.
At any time, only one of the environments is live, with the live environment serving all production traffic.
For this example, Blue is currently live, and Green is idle.
As you prepare a new version of your model, deployment and the final stage of testing takes place in the environment that is not live: in this example, Green. Once you have deployed and fully tested the model in Green, you switch the router, so all incoming requests now go to Green instead of Blue. Green is now live, and Blue is idle.
This technique can eliminate downtime due to app deployment and reduces risk: if something unexpected happens with your new version on Green, you can immediately roll back to the last version by switching back to Blue.

How to a  software release?

There are some steps to follow.
• Create a check list
• Create a release branch
• Bump the version
• Merge release branch to master & tag it.
• Use a Pull request to merge the release merge
• Deploy master to Prod Environment
• Merge back into develop & delete release branch
• Change log generation
• Communicating with stack holders
• Grooming the issue tracker

How to automate the whole build and release process?

• Check out a set of source code files.
• Compile the code and report on progress along the way.
• Run automated unit tests against successful compiles.
• Create an installer.
• Publish the installer to a download site, and notify teams that the installer is available.
• Run the installer to create an installed executable.
• Run automated tests against the executable.
• Report the results of the tests.
• Launch a subordinate project to update standard libraries.
• Promote executables and other files to QA for further testing.
• Deploy finished releases to production environments, such as Web servers or CD
The above process will be done by Jenkins by creating the jobs.

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Did you ever participated in Prod Deployments? If yes what is the procedure?

• Preparation & Planning : What kind of system/technology was supposed to run on what kind of machine
• The specifications regarding the clustering of systems
• How all these stand-alone boxes were going to talk to each other in a foolproof manner
• Production setup should be documented to bits. It needs to be neat, foolproof, and understandable.
• It should have all a system configurations, IP addresses, system specifications, & installation instructions.
• It needs to be updated as & when any change is made to the production environment of the system

Devops Tools and Concepts

What is DevOps? Why do we need DevOps? Mention the key aspects or principle behind DevOps?

By the name DevOps, it’s very clear that it’s a collaboration of Development as well as Operations. But one should know that DevOps is not a tool, or software or framework, DevOps is a Combination of Tools which helps for the automation of the whole infrastructure.
DevOps is basically an implementation of Agile methodology on the Development side as well as Operations side.

We need DevOps to fulfil the need of delivering more and faster and better application to meet more and more demands of users, we need DevOps. DevOps helps deployment to happen really fast compared to any other traditional tools.

The key aspects or principles behind DevOps are:

  • Infrastructure as a Code
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Automation
  • Continuous Monitoring
  • Security

Popular tools for DevOps are:

  • Git
  • AWS (CodeCommit, CloudFormation, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, SAM)
  • Jenkins
  • Ansible
  • Puppet
  • Nagios
  • Docker
  • ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

Can we consider DevOps as Agile methodology?

Of Course, we can!! The only difference between agile methodology and DevOps is that, agile methodology is implemented only for development section and DevOps implements agility on both development as well as operations section.

What are some of the most popular DevOps tools?

What is the job Of HTTP REST API in DevOps?

As DevOps is absolutely centers around Automating your framework and gives changes over the pipeline to various stages like an every CI/CD pipeline will have stages like form, test, mental soundness test, UAT,
Deployment to Prod condition similarly as with each phase there are diverse devices is utilized and distinctive innovation stack is displayed and there should be an approach to incorporate with various instrument for finishing an arrangement toolchain, there comes a requirement for HTTP API , where each apparatus speaks with various devices utilizing API, and even client can likewise utilize SDK to interface with various devices like BOTOX for Python to contact AWS API’s for robotization dependent on occasions, these days its not cluster handling any longer , it is generally occasion driven pipelines.

What is Scrum?

Scrum is basically used to divide your complex software and product development task into smaller chunks, using iterations and incremental practices. Each iteration is of two weeks. Scrum consists of three roles: Product owner, scrum master and Team

What are Micro services, and how they control proficient DevOps rehearses?

Where In conventional engineering , each application is stone monument application implies that anything is created by a gathering of designers, where it has been sent as a solitary application in numerous machines and presented to external world utilizing load balances, where the micro services implies separating your application into little pieces, where each piece serves the distinctive capacities expected to finish a solitary exchange and by separating , designers can likewise be shaped to gatherings and each bit of utilization may pursue diverse rules for proficient advancement stage, as a result of spry
improvement ought to be staged up a bit and each administration utilizes REST API (or) Message lines to convey between another administration.
So manufacture and arrival of a non-strong form may not influence entire design, rather, some usefulness is lost, that gives the confirmation to productive and quicker CI/CD pipelines and DevOps Practices.

What is Continuous Delivery?

Continuous Delivery means an extension of Constant Integration which primarily serves to make the features which some developers continue developing out on some end users because soon as possible.
During this process, it passes through several stages of QA, Staging etc., and before for delivery to the PRODUCTION system.

Continuous delivery is a software development practice whereby code changes are automatically built, tested, and prepared for a release to production. It expands upon continuous integration by deploying all code changes to a testing environment, production environment, or both after the build stage.

Devops Continuous Integration vs Continuous delivery

Why Automate?

Developers/administrators usually must provision their infrastructure manually. Rather than relying on manually steps, both administrators and developers can instantiate infrastructure using configuration files. Infrastructure as code (IaC) treats these configuration files as software code. You can use these files to produce a set of artifacts, namely the compute, storage, network, and application services that comprise an operating environment. Infrastructure as Code eliminates configuration drift through automation, thereby increasing the speed and agility of infrastructure deployments.

What is Puppet?

Puppet is a Configuration Management tool, Puppet is used to automate administration tasks.

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What is Configuration Management?

Configuration Management is the System engineering process. Configuration Management applied over the life cycle of a system provides visibility and control of its performance, functional, and physical attributes recording their status and in support of Change Management.

Software Configuration Management Features are:

• Enforcement
• Cooperating Enablement
• Version Control Friendly
• Enable Change Control Processes

What are the Some Of the Most Popular Devops Tools ?

• Selenium
• Puppet
• Chef
• Git
• Jenkins
• Ansible

What Are the Vagrant And Its Uses?

Vagrant used to virtual box as the hypervisor for virtual environments and in current scenario it is also supporting the KVM. Kernel-based Virtual Machine.
Vagrant is a tool that can created and managed environments for the testing and developing software.

What’s a PTR in DNS?

Pointer (PTR) record to used for the revers DNS (Domain Name System) lookup.

What testing is necessary to insure a new service is ready for production?

Continuous testing

What is Continuous Testing?

It is the process of executing on tests as part of the software delivery pipelines to obtain can immediate for feedback is the business of the risks associated with in the latest build.

What are the key elements of continuous testing?

Risk assessments, policy analysis, requirements traceabilities, advanced analysis, test optimization, and service virtualizations.

How does HTTP work?

The HTTP protocol  works in a client and server model like most other protocols. A web browser from which a request is initiated is called as a client and a web servers software that  respond to that request is called a server. World Wide Web Consortium of the Internet Engineering Task Force are two important spokes are the standardization of the HTTP protocol.

What is IaC? How you will achieve this?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the management of infrastructure (networks, virtual machines, load balancers, and connection topology) in a descriptive model, using the same versioning as DevOps team uses for source code. This will be achieved by using the tools such as Chef, Puppet and Ansible, CloudFormation, etc.

Infrastructure as code is a practice in which infrastructure is provisioned and managed using code and software development techniques, such as version control and continuous integration.

What are patterns and anti-patterns of software delivery and deployment?

What are patterns and anti-patterns of software delivery and deployment?

What are Microservices?

Microservices are an architectural and organizational approach that is composed of small independent services optimized for DevOps.

  • Small
  • Decoupled
  • Owned by self-contained teams

Version Control

What is a version control system?

Version Control System (VCS) is a software that helps software developers to work together and maintain
  complete history of their work.
Some of the feature of VCS as follows:
• Allow developers to wok simultaneously
• Does not allow overwriting on each other changes.
• Maintain the history of every version.
There are two types of Version Control Systems:
1. Central Version Control System, Ex: Git, Bitbucket
2. Distributed/Decentralized Version Control System, Ex: SVN

What is Source Control?

An important aspect of CI is the code. To ensure that you have the highest quality of code, it is important to have source control. Source control is the practice of tracking and managing changes to code. Source control management (SCM) systems provide a running history of code development and help to resolve conflicts when merging contributions from multiple sources.

Source control basics Whether you are writing a simple application on your own or collaborating on a large software development project as part of a team, source control is a vital component of the development process. With source code management, you can track your code change, see a revision history for your code, and revert to previous versions of a project when needed. By using source code management systems, you can

• Collaborate on code with your team.

• Isolate your work until it is ready.

. Quickly troubleshoot issues by identifying who made changes and what the changes were.

Source code management systems help streamline the development process and provide a centralized source for all your code.

What is Git and explain the difference between Git and SVN?

Git is a source code management (SCM) tool which handles small as well as large projects with efficiency.
It is basically used to store our repositories in remote server such as GitHub.

Git is a Decentralized Version Control Tool SVN is a Centralized Version Control Tool
Git contains the local repo as well as the full history of the whole project on all the developers hard drive, so if there is a server outage , you can easily do recovery from your team mates local git repo. SVN relies only on the central server to store all the versions of the project file
Push and pull operations are fast Push and pull operations are slower compared to Git
It belongs to 3rd generation Version Control Tool It belongs to 2nd generation Version Control tools
Client nodes can share the entire repositories on their local system Version history is stored on server-side repository
Commits can be done offline too Commits can be done only online
Work are shared automatically by commit Nothing is shared automatically

Describe branching strategies?

Feature branching
This model keeps all the changes for a feature inside of a branch. When the feature branch is fully tested and validated by automated tests, the branch is then merged into master.

Task branching
In this task branching model each task is implemented on its own branch with the task key included in the branch name. It is quite easy to see which code implements which task, just look for the task key in the branch name.

Release branching
Once the develop branch has acquired enough features for a release, then we can clone that branch to form a Release branch. Creating this release branch starts the next release cycle, so no new features can be added after this point, only bug fixes, documentation generation, and other release-oriented tasks should go in this branch. Once it’s ready to ship, the release gets merged into master and then tagged with a version number. In addition, it should be merged back into develop branch, which may have
progressed since the release was initiated earlier.

What are Pull requests?

Pull requests are a common way for developers to notify and review each other’s work before it is merged into common code branches. They provide a user-friendly web interface for discussing proposed changes before integrating them into the official project. If there are any problems with the proposed changes, these can be discussed and the source code tweaked to satisfy an organization’s coding requirements.
Pull requests go beyond simple developer notifications by enabling full discussions to be managed within the repository construct rather than making you rely on email trails.


What is the default file permissions for the file and how can I modify it?

Default file permissions are : rw-r—r—
If I want to change the default file permissions I need to use umask command ex: umask 666

What is a  kernel?

A kernel is the lowest level of easily replaceable software that interfaces with the hardware in your computer.

What is difference between grep -i and grep -v?

i ignore alphabet difference v accept this value
Example:  ls | grep -i docker
ls | grep -v docker
You can’t see anything with name docker.tar.gz

How can you define particular space to the file?

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This feature is generally used to give the swap space to the server. Lets say in below machine I have to create swap space of 1GB then,
dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile1 bs=1G count=1

What is concept of sudo in linux?

Sudo(superuser do) is a utility for UNIX- and Linux-based systems that provides an efficient way to give specific users permission to use specific system commands at the root (most powerful) level of the system.

What are the checks to be done when a Linux build server become suddenly slow?

Perform a check on the following items:
1. System Level Troubleshooting: You need to make checks on various factors like application server log file, WebLogic logs, Web Server Log, Application Log file, HTTP to find if there are any issues in server receive or response time for deliberateness. Check for any memory leakage of applications.
2. Application Level Troubleshooting: Perform a check on Disk space, RAM and I/O read-write issues.
3. Dependent Services Troubleshooting: Check if there is any issues on Network, Antivirus, Firewall, and SMTP server response time


What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is an open source continuous integration tool which is written in Java language. It keeps a track on version control system and to initiate and monitor a build system if any changes occur. It monitors the whole process and provides reports and notifications to alert the concern team

What is the difference between Maven, Ant and Jenkins?

Maven and Ant are Build Technologies whereas Jenkins is a continuous integration(CI/CD) tool

What is continuous integration?

When multiple developers or teams are working on different segments of same web application, we need to perform integration test by integrating all the modules. To do that an automated process for each piece of code is performed on daily bases so that all your code gets tested. And this whole process is termed as continuous integration.

Devops: Continuous Integration

Continuous integration is a software development practice whereby developers regularly merge their code changes into a central repository, after which automated builds and tests are run.

The microservices architecture is a design approach to build a single application as a set of small services.

What are the advantages of Jenkins?

• Bug tracking is easy at early stage in development environment.
• Provides a very large numbers of plugin support.
• Iterative improvement to the code, code is basically divided into small sprints.
• Build failures are cached at integration stage.
• For each code commit changes an automatic build report notification get generated.
• To notify developers about build report success or failure, it can be integrated with LDAP mail server.
• Achieves continuous integration agile development and test-driven development environment.
• With simple steps, maven release project can also be automated.

Which SCM tools does Jenkins supports?

Source code management tools supported by Jenkins are below:
• AccuRev
• Subversion
• Git
• Mercurial
• Perforce
• Clearcase

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I have 50 jobs in the Jenkins dash board , I want to build at a time all the jobs

In Jenkins there is a plugin called build after other projects build. We can provide job names over there and If one parent job run then it will automatically run the all other jobs. Or we can use Pipe line jobs.

How can I integrate all the tools with Jenkins?

I have to navigate to the manage Jenkins and then global tool configurations there you have to provide all the details such as Git URL , Java version, Maven version , Path etc.

How to install Jenkins via Docker?

The steps are:
• Open up a terminal window.
• Download the jenkinsci/blueocean image & run it as a container in Docker using the
following docker run command:

• docker run \ -u root \ –rm \ -d \ -p 8080:8080 \ -p 50000:50000 \ -v jenkinsdata:/var/jenkins_home \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ jenkinsci/blueocean
• Proceed to the Post-installation setup wizard 
• Accessing the Jenkins/Blue Ocean Docker container:

docker exec -it jenkins-blueocean bash
• Accessing the Jenkins console log through Docker logs:

docker logs <docker-containername>Accessing the Jenkins home directorydocker exec -it <docker-container-name> bash

Bash – Shell scripting

Write a shell script to add two numbers

echo “Enter no 1”
read a
echo “Enter no 2”
read b
c= ‘expr $a + $b’
echo ” $a+ $b=$c”

How to get a file that consists of last 10 lines of the some other file?

Tail -10 filename >filename

How to check the exit status of the commands?

echo $?

How to get the information from file which consists of the word “GangBoard”?

grep “GangBoard” filename

How to search the files with the name of “GangBoard”?

find / -type f -name “*GangBoard*”

Write a shell script to print only prime numbers?

DevOps script to print prime numbers

How to pass the parameters to the script and how can I get those parameters? parameter1 parameter2
Use  $* to get the parameters.

Monitoring – Refactoring

My application is not coming up for some reason? How can you bring it up?

We need to follow the steps
• Network connection
• The Web Server is not receiving users’s request
• Checking the logs
• Checking the process id’s whether services are running or not
• The Application Server is not receiving user’s request(Check the Application Server Logs and Processes)
• A network level ‘connection reset’ is happening somewhere.

What is multifactor authentication? What is the use of it?

Multifactor authentication (MFA) is a security system that requires more than one method of authentication from independent categories of credentials to verify the user’s identity for a login or other transaction.

• Security for every enterprise user — end & privileged users, internal and external
• Protect across enterprise resources — cloud & on-prem apps, VPNs, endpoints, servers,
privilege elevation and more
• Reduce cost & complexity with an integrated identity platform

I want to copy the artifacts from one location to another location in cloud. How?

Create two S3 buckets, one to use as the source, and the other to use as the destination and then create policies.

How to  delete 10 days older log files?

find -mtime +10 -name “*.log” -exec rm -f {} \; 2>/dev/null


What are the Advantages of Ansible?

• Agentless, it doesn’t require any extra package/daemons to be installed
• Very low overhead
• Good performance
• Idempotent
• Very Easy to learn
• Declarative not procedural

What’s the use of Ansible?

Ansible is mainly used in IT infrastructure to manage or deploy applications to remote nodes. Let’s say we want to deploy one application in 100’s of nodes by just executing one command, then Ansible is the one actually coming into the picture but should have some knowledge on Ansible script to understand or execute the same.

What are the Pros and Cons of Ansible?

1. Open Source
2. Agent less
3. Improved efficiency , reduce cost
4. Less Maintenance
5. Easy to understand yaml files
1. Underdeveloped GUI with limited features
2. Increased focus on orchestration over configuration manage

What is the difference among chef, puppet and ansible?

Ansible Supports Windows but server should be Linux/Unix YAML (Python) Single Active Node
Chef Puppet
Interoperability Works Only on Linux/Unix Works Only on Linux/Unix
Configuration Laguage Uses Ruby Pupper DSL
Availability Primary Server and Backup Server Multi Master Architecture

How to access variable names in Ansible?

Using hostvars method we can access and add the variables like below

{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][‘ansible_’ + which_interface][‘ipv4’][‘address’] }}


What is Docker?

Docker is a containerization technology that packages your application and all its dependencies together in the form of Containers to ensure that your application works seamlessly in any environment.

What is Docker image?

Docker image is the source of Docker container. Or in other words, Docker images are used to create containers.

What is a Docker Container?

Docker Container is the running instance of Docker Image

How to stop and restart the Docker container?

To stop the container: docker stop container ID
Now to restart the Docker container: docker restart container ID

What platforms does Docker run on?

Docker runs on only Linux and Cloud platforms:
• Ubuntu 12.04 LTS+
• Fedora 20+
• RHEL 6.5+
• CentOS 6+
• Gentoo
• ArchLinux
• openSUSE 12.3+
• CRUX 3.0+

• Amazon EC2
• Google Compute Engine
• Microsoft Azure
• Rackspace

Note that Docker does not run on Windows or Mac for production as there is no support, yes you can use it for testing purpose even in windows

What are the tools used for docker networking?

For docker networking we generally use kubernets and docker swarm.

What is docker compose?

Lets say you want to run multiple docker container, at that time you have to create the docker compose file and type the command docker-compose up. It will run all the containers mentioned in docker compose file.

How to deploy docker container to aws?

Amazon provides the service called Amazon Elastic Container Service; By using this creating and configuring the task definition and services we will launch the applications.

What is the fundamental disservice of Docker holders?

As the lifetime of any compartments is while pursuing a holder is wrecked you can’t recover any information inside a compartment, the information inside a compartment is lost perpetually, however tenacious capacity for information inside compartments should be possible utilizing volumes mount to an outer source like host machine and any NFS drivers.

What are the docker motor and docker form?

Docker motor contacts the docker daemon inside the machine and makes the runtime condition and procedure for any compartment, docker make connects a few holders to shape as a stack utilized in making application stacks like LAMP, WAMP, XAMP

What are the Different modes does a holder can be run?

Docker holder can be kept running in two modes
Connected: Where it will be kept running in the forefront of the framework you are running, gives a terminal inside to compartment when – t choice is utilized with it, where each log will be diverted to stdout screen.
Isolates: This mode is typically kept running underway, where the holder is confined as a foundation procedure and each yield inside a compartment will be diverted log records
inside/var/lib/docker/logs/<container-id>/<container-id.json> and which can be seen by docker logs order.

What the yield of docker assess order will be?

Docker examines <container-id> will give yield in JSON position, which contains subtleties like the IP address of the compartment inside the docker virtual scaffold and volume mount data and each other data identified with host (or) holder explicit like the basic document driver utilized, log driver utilized.
docker investigate [OPTIONS] NAME|ID [NAME|ID…] Choices
• Name, shorthand Default Description
• group, – f Format the yield utilizing the given Go layout
• measure, – s Display all out document sizes if the sort is the compartment
• type Return JSON for a predefined type

What is docker swarm?

Gathering of Virtual machines with Docker Engine can be grouped and kept up as a solitary framework and the assets likewise being shared by the compartments and docker swarm ace calendars the docker holder in any of the machines under the bunch as indicated by asset accessibility.
Docker swarm init can be utilized to start docker swarm bunch and docker swarm joins with the ace IP from customer joins the hub into the swarm group.

What are Docker volumes and what sort of volume ought to be utilized to accomplish relentless capacity?

Docker volumes are the filesystem mount focuses made by client for a compartment or a volume can be utilized by numerous holders, and there are distinctive sorts of volume mount accessible void dir, Post mount, AWS upheld lbs volume, Azure volume, Google Cloud (or) even NFS, CIFS filesystems, so a volume ought to be mounted to any of the outer drives to accomplish determined capacity, in light of the fact that a lifetime of records inside compartment, is as yet the holder is available and if holder is erased, the information would be lost.

How to Version control Docker pictures?

Docker pictures can be form controlled utilizing Tags, where you can relegate the tag to any picture utilizing docker tag <image-id> order. Furthermore, on the off chance that you are pushing any docker center library without labeling the default label would be doled out which is most recent, regardless of whether a picture with the most recent is available, it indicates that picture without the tag and reassign that to the most recent push picture.

What is difference between docker image and docker container?

Docker image is a readonly template that contains the instructions for a container to start.
Docker container is a runnable instance of a docker image.

What is Application Containerization?

It is a process of OS Level virtualization technique used to deploy the application without launching the entire VM for each application where multiple isolated applications or services can access the same Host and run on the same OS.

What is the syntax for building docker image?

docker build –f -t imagename:version

What is the running docker image?

docker run –dt –restart=always –p <hostport>:<containerport> -h <hostname> -v
<hostvolume>:<containervolume> imagename:version

How to log into a container?

docker exec –it /bin/bash


What does the commit object contain?

Commit object contain the following components:
It contains a set of files, representing the state of a project at a given point of time reference to parent commit objects
An SHAI name, a 40-character string that uniquely identifies the commit object (also called as hash).

Explain the difference between git pull and git fetch?

Git pull command basically pulls any new changes or commits from a branch from your central repository and updates your target branch in your local repository.
Git fetch is also used for the same purpose, but its slightly different form Git pull. When you trigger a git fetch, it pulls all new commits from the desired branch and stores it in a new branch in your local repository. If we want to reflect these changes in your target branch, git fetch must be followed with a git merge. Our target branch will only be updated after merging the target branch and fetched branch. Just to make it easy for us, remember the equation below:
Git pull = git fetch + git merge

How do we know in Git if a branch has already been merged into master?

git branch –merged
The above command lists the branches that have been merged into the current branch.
git branch –no-merged
this command lists the branches that have not been merged

What is ‘Staging Area’ or ‘Index’ in GIT?

Before committing a file, it must be formatted and reviewed in an intermediate area known as ‘Staging Area’ or ‘Indexing Area’. #git add

What is Git Stash?

Let’s say you’ve been working on part of your project, things are in a messy state and you want to switch branches for some time to work on something else. The problem is, you don’t want to do a commit of your half-done work just, so you can get back to this point later. The answer to this issue is Git stash.
Git Stashing takes your working directory that is, your modified tracked files and staged changes and saves it on a stack of unfinished changes that you can reapply at any time.

What is Git stash drop?

Git ‘stash drop’ command is basically used to remove the stashed item. It will basically remove the last added stash item by default, and it can also remove a specific item if you include it as an argument.
I have provided an example below:
If you want to remove any particular stash item from the list of stashed items you can use the below commands:
git stash list: It will display the list of stashed items as follows:
stash@{0}: WIP on master: 049d080 added the index file
stash@{1}: WIP on master: c265351 Revert “added files”
stash@{2}: WIP on master: 13d80a5 added number to log

What is the function of ‘git config’?

Git uses our username to associate commits with an identity. The git config command can be used to change our Git configuration, including your username.
Suppose you want to give a username and email id to associate commit with an identity so that you can know who has made a commit. For that I will use:
git config –global “Your Name”: This command will add your username.
git config –global “Your E-mail Address”: This command will add your email id.

How can you create a repository in Git?

To create a repository, you must create a directory for the project if it does not exist, then run command “git init”. By running this command .git directory will be created inside the project directory.

What language is used in Git?

Git is written in C language, and since its written in C language its very fast and reduces the overhead of runtimes.

What is SubGit?

SubGit is a tool for migrating SVN to Git. It creates a writable Git mirror of a local or remote Subversion repository and uses both Subversion and Git if you like.

How can you clone a Git repository via Jenkins?

First, we must enter the e-mail and user name for your Jenkins system, then switch into your job directory and execute the “git config” command.

What are the advantages of using Git?

1. Data redundancy and replication
2. High availability
3. Only one. git directory per repository
4. Superior disk utilization and network performance
5. Collaboration friendly
6. Git can use any sort of projects.

What is git add?

It adds the file changes to the staging area

What is git commit? 

Commits the changes to the HEAD (staging area)

What is git push?

Sends the changes to the remote repository

What is git checkout?

Switch branch or restore working files

What is git branch?

Creates a branch

What is git fetch?

Fetch the latest history from the remote server and updates the local repo

What is git merge?

Joins two or more branches together

What is git pull?

Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch (git fetch + git merge

What is git rebase?

Process of moving or combining a sequence of commits to a new base commit

What is git revert?

To revert a commit that has already been published and made public

What is git clone?

Clones the git repository and creates a working copy in the local machine

How can I modify the commit message in git?

I have to use following command and enter the required message.
Git commit –amend

How you handle the merge conflicts in git

Follow the steps
1. Create Pull request
2. Modify according to the requirement by sitting with developers
3. Commit the correct file to the branch
4. Merge the current branch with master branch.

What is Git command to send the modifications to the master branch of your remote repository

Use the command “git push origin master”


What are the benefits of NoSQL database on RDBMS?

1. ETL is very low
2. Support for structured text is provided
3. Changes in periods are handled
4. Key Objectives Function.
5. The ability to measure horizontally
6. Many data structures are provided.
7. Vendors may be selected


What is Maven?

Maven is a DevOps tool used for building Java applications which helps the developer with the entire process of a software project. Using Maven, you can compile the course code, perform functionals and unit testing, and upload packages to remote repositories


What is Numpy

There are many packages in Python and NumPy- Numerical Python is one among them. This is useful for scientific computing containing powerful n-dimensional array object. We can get tools from NumPy to integrate C, C++ and so on. Numpy is a package library for Python, adding support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high level mathematical functions. In simple words, Numpy is an optimized version of Python lists like Financial functions, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Polynomials, Sorting and Searching etc. 

Why is python numpy better than lists?

Python numpy arrays should be considered instead of a list because they are fast, consume less memory and convenient with lots of functionality.

Describe the map function in Python?

The Map function executes the function given as the first argument on all the elements of the iterable given as the second argument.

How to generate an array of ‘100’ random numbers sampled from a standard normal distribution using Numpy


import numpy as np

will create 100 random numbers generated from standard normal
distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

python numpy: 100 random numbers generated from standard normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1
python numpy: 100 random numbers generated from standard normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1

How to count the occurrence of each value in a numpy array?

Use numpy.bincount()
>>> arr = numpy.array([0, 5, 5, 0, 2, 4, 3, 0, 0, 5, 4, 1, 9, 9])
>>> numpy.bincount(arr)
The argument to bincount() must consist of booleans or positive integers. Negative
integers are invalid.

Ouput: [4 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 0 2]

Does Numpy Support Nan?

nan, short for “not a number”, is a special floating point value defined by the IEEE-754
specification. Python numpy supports nan but the definition of nan is more system
dependent and some systems don’t have an all round support for it like older cray and vax

What does ravel() function in numpy do? 

It combines multiple numpy arrays into a single array

How to remove from one array those items that exist in another? 

>> a = np.array([5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
>>> b = np.array([4, 8, 9, 10, 1])
# From ‘a’ remove all of ‘b’
>>> np.setdiff1d(a,b)
# Output:
>>> array([5, 3, 2])

How to reverse a numpy array in the most efficient way?

>>> import numpy as np
>>> arr = np.array([9, 10, 1, 2, 0])
>>> reverse_arr = arr[::-1]

How to calculate percentiles when using numpy?

>>> import numpy as np
>>> arr = np.array([11, 22, 33, 44 ,55 ,66, 77])
>>> perc = np.percentile(arr, 40) #Returns the 40th percentile
>>> print(perc)

Output:  37.400000000000006

What Is The Difference Between Numpy And Scipy?

NumPy would contain nothing but the array data type and the most basic operations:
indexing, sorting, reshaping, basic element wise functions, et cetera. All numerical code
would reside in SciPy. SciPy contains more fully-featured versions of the linear algebra
modules, as well as many other numerical algorithms.

What Is The Preferred Way To Check For An Empty (zero Element) Array?

For a numpy array, use the size attribute. The size attribute is helpful for determining the
length of numpy array:
>>> arr = numpy.zeros((1,0))
>>> arr.size

What Is The Difference Between Matrices And Arrays?

Matrices can only be two-dimensional, whereas arrays can have any number of

How can you find the indices of an array where a condition is true?

Given an array a, the condition arr > 3 returns a boolean array and since False is
interpreted as 0 in Python and NumPy.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> arr = np.array([[9,8,7],[6,5,4],[3,2,1]])
>>> arr > 3
>>> array([[True, True, True], [ True, True, True], [False, False, False]], dtype=bool)

How to find the maximum and minimum value of a given flattened array?

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.arange(4).reshape((2,2))
>>> max_val = np.amax(a)
>>> min_val = np.amin(a)

Write a NumPy program to calculate the difference between the maximum and the minimum values of a given array along the second axis. 

>>> import numpy as np
>>> arr = np.arange(16).reshape((4, 7))
>>> res = np.ptp(arr, 1)

Find median of a numpy flattened array

>>> import numpy as np
>>> arr = np.arange(16).reshape((4, 5))
>>> res = np.median(arr)

Write a NumPy program to compute the mean, standard deviation, and variance of a given array along the second axis

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.arange(16)
>>> mean = np.mean(x)
>>> std = np.std(x)
>>> var= np.var(x

Calculate covariance matrix between two numpy arrays

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.array([2, 1, 0])
>>> y = np.array([2, 3, 3])
>>> cov_arr = np.cov(x, y)

Compute  product-moment correlation coefficients of two given numpy arrays

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.array([0, 1, 3])
>>> y = np.array([2, 4, 5])
>>> cross_corr = np.corrcoef(x, y)

Develop a numpy program to compute the histogram of nums against the bins

>>> import numpy as np
>>> nums = np.array([0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1])
>>> bins = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> np.histogram(nums, bins)

Get the powers of an array values element-wise

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.arange(7)
>>> np.power(x, 3)

Write a NumPy program to get true division of the element-wise array inputs

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.arange(10)
>>> np.true_divide(x, 3)


What is a series in pandas?

A Series is defined as a one-dimensional array that is capable of storing various data types. The row labels of the series are called the index. By using a ‘series’ method, we can easily convert the list, tuple, and dictionary into series. A Series cannot contain multiple columns.

What features make Pandas such a reliable option to store tabular data?

Memory Efficient, Data Alignment, Reshaping, Merge and join and Time Series.

What is re-indexing in pandas?

Reindexing is used to conform DataFrame to a new index with optional filling logic. It places NA/NaN in that location where the values are not present in the previous index. It returns a new object unless the new index is produced as equivalent to the current one, and the value of copy becomes False. It is used to change the index of the rows and columns of the DataFrame.

How will you create a series from dict in Pandas?

A Series is defined as a one-dimensional array that is capable of storing various data

import pandas as pd
info = {‘x’ : 0., ‘y’ : 1., ‘z’ : 2.}
a = pd.Series(info)

How can we create a copy of the series in Pandas?

Use pandas.Series.copy method
import pandas as pd


What is groupby in Pandas?

GroupBy is used to split the data into groups. It groups the data based on some criteria. Grouping also provides a mapping of labels to the group names. It has a lot of variations that can be defined with the parameters and makes the task of splitting the data quick and

What is vectorization in Pandas?

Vectorization is the process of running operations on the entire array. This is done to
reduce the amount of iteration performed by the functions. Pandas have a number of vectorized functions like aggregations, and string functions that are optimized to operate
specifically on series and DataFrames. So it is preferred to use the vectorized pandas functions to execute the operations quickly.

Different types of Data Structures in Pandas

Pandas provide two data structures, which are supported by the pandas library, Series,
and DataFrames. Both of these data structures are built on top of the NumPy.

What Is Time Series In pandas

A time series is an ordered sequence of data which basically represents how some quantity changes over time. pandas contains extensive capabilities and features for working with time series data for all domains.

How to convert pandas dataframe to numpy array?

The function to_numpy() is used to convert the DataFrame to a NumPy array.
DataFrame.to_numpy(self, dtype=None, copy=False)
The dtype parameter defines the data type to pass to the array and the copy ensures the
returned value is not a view on another array.

Write a Pandas program to get the first 5 rows of a given DataFrame

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> exam_data = {‘name’: [‘Anastasia’, ‘Dima’, ‘Katherine’, ‘James’, ‘Emily’, ‘Michael’, ‘Matthew’, ‘Laura’, ‘Kevin’, ‘Jonas’],}
labels = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’, ‘g’, ‘h’, ‘i’, ‘j’]
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(exam_data , index=labels)
>>> df.iloc[:5]

Develop a Pandas program to create and display a one-dimensional array-like object containing an array of data. 

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pd.Series([2, 4, 6, 8, 10])

Write a Python program to convert a Panda module Series to Python list and it’s type. 

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> ds = pd.Series([2, 4, 6, 8, 10])
>>> type(ds)
>>> ds.tolist()
>>> type(ds.tolist())

Develop a Pandas program to add, subtract, multiple and divide two Pandas Series.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> ds1 = pd.Series([2, 4, 6, 8, 10])
>>> ds2 = pd.Series([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])
>>> sum = ds1 + ds2
>>> sub = ds1 – ds2
>>> mul = ds1 * ds2
>>> div = ds1 / ds2

Develop a Pandas program to compare the elements of the two Pandas Series.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> ds1 = pd.Series([2, 4, 6, 8, 10])
>>> ds2 = pd.Series([1, 3, 5, 7, 10])
>>> ds1 == ds2
>>> ds1 > ds2
>>> ds1 < ds2

Develop a Pandas program to change the data type of given a column or a Series.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> s1 = pd.Series([‘100’, ‘200’, ‘python’, ‘300.12’, ‘400’])
>>> s2 = pd.to_numeric(s1, errors=’coerce’)
>>> s2

Write a Pandas program to convert Series of lists to one Series

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> s = pd.Series([ [‘Red’, ‘Black’], [‘Red’, ‘Green’, ‘White’] , [‘Yellow’]])
>>> s = s.apply(pd.Series).stack().reset_index(drop=True)

Write a Pandas program to create a subset of a given series based on value and condition

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> s = pd.Series([0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
>>> n = 6
>>> new_s = s[s < n]
>>> new_s

Develop a Pandas code to alter the order of index in a given series

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> s = pd.Series(data = [1,2,3,4,5], index = [‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’,’D’,’E’])
>>> s.reindex(index = [‘B’,’A’,’C’,’D’,’E’])

Write a Pandas code to get the items of a given series not present in another given series.

>> import pandas as pd
>>> sr1 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> sr2 = pd.Series([2, 4, 6, 8, 10])
>>> result = sr1[~sr1.isin(sr2)]
>>> result

What is the difference between the two data series df[‘Name’] and df.loc[:’Name’]?

First one is a view of the original dataframe and second one is a copy of the original dataframe.

Write a Pandas program to display the most frequent value in a given series and replace everything else as “replaced” in the series.

>> >import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.random.RandomState(100)
>>> num_series = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1, 5, [15]))
>>> result = num_series[~num_series.isin(num_series.value_counts().index[:1])] = ‘replaced’

Write a Pandas program to find the positions of numbers that are multiples of 5 of a given series.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> num_series = pd.Series(np.random.randint(1, 10, 9))
>>> result = np.argwhere(num_series % 5==0)

How will you add a column to a pandas DataFrame?

# importing the pandas library
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> info = {‘one’ : pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’]),
‘two’ : pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], index=[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’])}
>>> info = pd.DataFrame(info)
# Add a new column to an existing DataFrame object
>>> info[‘three’]=pd.Series([20,40,60],index=[‘a’,’b’,’c’])

How to iterate over a Pandas DataFrame?

You can iterate over the rows of the DataFrame by using for loop in combination with an iterrows() call on the DataFrame.


What type of language is python? Programming or scripting?

Python is capable of scripting, but in general sense, it is considered as a general-purpose
programming language.

Is python case sensitive?

Yes, python is a case sensitive language.

What is a lambda function in python?

An anonymous function is known as a lambda function. This function can have any
number of parameters but can have just one statement.

What is the difference between xrange and xrange in python?

xrange and range are the exact same in terms of functionality.The only difference is that
range returns a Python list object and x range returns an xrange object.

What are docstrings in python?

Docstrings are not actually comments, but they are documentation strings. These
docstrings are within triple quotes. They are not assigned to any variable and therefore,
at times, serve the purpose of comments as well.

Whenever Python exits, why isn’t all the memory deallocated?

Whenever Python exits, especially those Python modules which are having circular
references to other objects or the objects that are referenced from the global namespaces are not always de-allocated or freed. It is impossible to de-allocate those portions of
memory that are reserved by the C library. On exit, because of having its own efficient
clean up mechanism, Python would try to de-allocate/destroy every other object.

What does this mean: *args, **kwargs? And why would we use it?

We use *args when we aren’t sure how many arguments are going to be passed to a function, or if we want to pass a stored list or tuple of arguments to a function. **kwargs is used when we don’t know how many keyword arguments will be passed to a function, or it can be used to pass the values of a dictionary as keyword arguments.

What is the difference between deep and shallow copy?

Shallow copy is used when a new instance type gets created and it keeps the values that are copied in the new instance.
Shallow copy is used to copy the reference pointers just like it copies the values.
Deep copy is used to store the values that are already copied. Deep copy doesn’t copy the reference pointers to the objects. It makes the reference to an object and the new object that is pointed by some other object gets stored.

Define encapsulation in Python?

Encapsulation means binding the code and the data together. A Python class in a
example of encapsulation.

Does python make use of access specifiers?

Python does not deprive access to an instance variable or function. Python lays down the concept of prefixing the name of the variable, function or method with a single or double underscore to imitate the behavior of protected and private access specifiers.

What are the generators in Python?

Generators are a way of implementing iterators. A generator function is a normal function except that it contains yield expression in the function definition making it a generator function.

Write a Python script to Python to find palindrome of a sequence

a=input (“enter sequence”)
b=a [: : -1]
if a==b:
print (“palindrome”)
print (“not palindrome”)

How will you remove the duplicate elements from the given list?

The set is another type available in Python. It doesn’t allow copies and provides some
good functions to perform set operations like union, difference etc.
>>> list(set(a))

Does Python allow arguments Pass by Value or Pass by Reference?

Neither the arguments are Pass by Value nor does Python supports Pass by reference.
Instead, they are Pass by assignment. The parameter which you pass is originally a reference to the object not the reference to a fixed memory location. But the reference is
passed by value. Additionally, some data types like strings and tuples are immutable whereas others are mutable.

What is slicing in Python?

Slicing in Python is a mechanism to select a range of items from Sequence types like
strings, list, tuple, etc.

Why is the “pass” keyword used in Python?

The “pass” keyword is a no-operation statement in Python. It signals that no action is required. It works as a placeholder in compound statements which are intentionally left blank.

What are decorators in Python?

Decorators in Python are essentially functions that add functionality to an existing function in Python without changing the structure of the function itself. They are represented by the @decorator_name in Python and are called in bottom-up fashion

What is the key difference between lists and tuples in python?

The key difference between the two is that while lists are mutable, tuples on the other hand are immutable objects.

What is self in Python?

Self is a keyword in Python used to define an instance or an object of a class. In Python, it is explicitly used as the first parameter, unlike in Java where it is optional. It helps in distinguishing between the methods and attributes of a class from its local variables.

What is PYTHONPATH in Python?

PYTHONPATH is an environment variable which you can set to add additional directories where Python will look for modules and packages. This is especially useful in maintaining Python libraries that you do not wish to install in the global default location.

What is the difference between .py and .pyc files?

.py files contain the source code of a program. Whereas, .pyc file contains the bytecode of your program. We get bytecode after compilation of .py file (source code). .pyc files are not created for all the files that you run. It is only created for the files that you import.

What is namespace in Python?

In Python, every name introduced has a place where it lives and can be hooked for. This is known as namespace. It is like a box where a variable name is mapped to the object placed. Whenever the variable is searched out, this box will be searched, to get the corresponding object.

What is pickling and unpickling?

Pickle module accepts any Python object and converts it into a string representation and dumps it into a file by using the dump function, this process is called pickling. While the process of retrieving original Python objects from the stored string representation is called unpickling.

How is Python interpreted?

Python language is an interpreted language. The Python program runs directly from the source code. It converts the source code that is written by the programmer into an intermediate language, which is again translated into machine language that has to be executed.

Jupyter Notebook

What is the main use of a Jupyter notebook?

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows us to create and share codes and documents. It provides an environment, where you can document your code, run it, look at the outcome, visualize data and see the results without leaving the environment.

How do I increase the cell width of the Jupyter/ipython notebook in my browser?

>> from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
>>> display(HTML(“<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>”))

How do I convert an IPython Notebook into a Python file via command line?

>> jupyter nbconvert –to script [YOUR_NOTEBOOK].ipynb

How to measure execution time in a jupyter notebook?

>> %%time is inbuilt magic command

How to run a jupyter notebook from the command line?

>> jupyter nbconvert –to python nb.ipynb

How to make inline plots larger in jupyter notebooks?

Use figure size.
>>> fig=plt.figure(figsize=(18, 16), dpi= 80, facecolor=’w’, edgecolor=’k’)

How to display multiple images in a jupyter notebook?

>>for ima in images:

Why is the Jupyter notebook interactive code and data exploration friendly?

The ipywidgets package provides many common user interface controls for exploring code and data interactively.

What is the default formatting option in jupyter notebook?

Default formatting option is markdown

What are kernel wrappers in jupyter?

Jupyter brings a lightweight interface for kernel languages that can be wrapped in Python.
Wrapper kernels can implement optional methods, notably for code completion and code inspection.

What are the advantages of custom magic commands?

Create IPython extensions with custom magic commands to make interactive computing even easier. Many third-party extensions and magic commands exist, for example, the %%cython magic that allows one to write Cython code directly in a notebook.

Is the jupyter architecture language dependent?

No. It is language independent

Which tools allow jupyter notebooks to easily convert to pdf and html?

Nbconvert converts it to pdf and html while Nbviewer renders the notebooks on the web platforms.

What is a major disadvantage of a Jupyter notebook?

It is very hard to run long asynchronous tasks. Less Secure.

In which domain is the jupyter notebook widely used?

It is mainly used for data analysis and machine learning related tasks.

What are alternatives to jupyter notebook?

PyCharm interact, VS Code Python Interactive etc.

Where can you make configuration changes to the jupyter notebook?

In the config file located at ~/.ipython/profile_default/

Which magic command is used to run python code from jupyter notebook?

%run can execute python code from .py files

How to pass variables across the notebooks in Jupyter?

The %store command lets you pass variables between two different notebooks.
>>> data = ‘this is the string I want to pass to different notebook’
>>> %store data
# Stored ‘data’ (str)
# In new notebook
>>> %store -r data
>>> print(data)

Export the contents of a cell/Show the contents of an external script

Using the %%writefile magic saves the contents of that cell to an external file. %pycat does the opposite and shows you (in a popup) the syntax highlighted contents of an external file.

What inbuilt tool we use for debugging python code in a jupyter notebook?

Jupyter has its own interface for The Python Debugger (pdb). This makes it possible to go inside the function and investigate what happens there.

How to make high resolution plots in a jupyter notebook?

>> %config InlineBackend.figure_format =’retina’

How can one use latex in a jupyter notebook?

When you write LaTeX in a Markdown cell, it will be rendered as a formula using MathJax.

What is a jupyter lab?

It is a next generation user interface for conventional jupyter notebooks. Users can drag and drop cells, arrange code workspace and live previews. It’s still in the early stage of development.

What is the biggest limitation for a Jupyter notebook?

Code versioning, management and debugging is not scalable in current jupyter notebook

Cloud Computing

[appbox googleplay]

[appbox appstore id1560083470-iphone screenshots]

Which are the different layers that define cloud architecture?

Below mentioned are the different layers that are used by cloud architecture:
● Cluster Controller
● SC or Storage Controller
● NC or Node Controller
● CLC or Cloud Controller
● Walrus

Explain Cloud Service Models?

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
Platform as a service (PaaS)
Software as a service (SaaS)
Desktop as a service (Daas)

What are Hybrid clouds?

Hybrid clouds are made up of both public clouds and private clouds. It is preferred over both the clouds because it applies the most robust approach to implement cloud architecture.
The hybrid cloud has features and performance of both private and public cloud. It has an important feature where the cloud can be created by an organization and the control of it can begiven to some other organization.

Explain Platform as a Service (Paas)?

It is also a layer in cloud architecture. Platform as a Service is responsible to provide complete virtualization of the infrastructure layer, make it look like a single server and invisible for the outside world.

What is the difference in cloud computing and Mobile Cloud computing?

Mobile cloud computing and cloud computing has the same concept. The cloud computing becomes active when switched from the mobile. Moreover, most of the tasks can be performed with the help of mobile. These applications run on the mobile server and provide rights to the user to access and manage storage.

What are the security aspects provided with the cloud?

There are 3 types of Cloud Computing Security:
● Identity Management: It authorizes the application services.
● Access Control: The user needs permission so that they can control the access of
another user who is entering into the cloud environment.
● Authentication and Authorization: Allows only the authorized and authenticated the user
only to access the data and applications

What are system integrators in cloud computing?

System Integrators emerged into the scene in 2006. System integration is the practice of bringing together components of a system into a whole and making sure that the system performs smoothly.
A person or a company which specializes in system integration is called as a system integrator.

What is the usage of utility computing?

Utility computing, or The Computer Utility, is a service provisioning model in which a service provider makes computing resources and infrastructure management available to the customer as needed and charges them for specific usage rather than a flat rate
Utility computing is a plug-in managed by an organization which decides what type of services has to be deployed from the cloud. It facilitates users to pay only for what they use.

What are some large cloud providers and databases?

Following are the most used large cloud providers and databases:
– Google BigTable
– Amazon SimpleDB
– Cloud-based SQL

Explain the difference between cloud and traditional data centers.

In a traditional data center, the major drawback is the expenditure. A traditional data center is comparatively expensive due to heating, hardware, and software issues. So, not only is the initial cost higher, but the maintenance cost is also a problem.
Cloud being scaled when there is an increase in demand. Mostly the expenditure is on the maintenance of the data centers, while these issues are not faced in cloud computing.

What is hypervisor in Cloud Computing?

It is a virtual machine screen that can logically manage resources for virtual machines. It allocates, partition, isolate or change with the program given as virtualization hypervisor.
Hardware hypervisor allows having multiple guest Operating Systems running on a single host system at the same time.

Define what MultiCloud is?

Multicloud computing may be defined as the deliberate use of the same type of cloud services from multiple public cloud providers.

What is a multi-cloud strategy?

The way most organizations adopt the cloud is that they typically start with one provider. They then continue down that path and eventually begin to get a little concerned about being too dependent on one vendor. So they will start entertaining the use of another provider or at least allowing people to use another provider.
They may even use a functionality-based approach. For example, they may use Amazon as their primary cloud infrastructure provider, but they may decide to use Google for analytics, machine learning, and big data. So this type of multi-cloud strategy is driven by sourcing or procurement (and perhaps on specific capabilities), but it doesn’t focus on anything in terms of technology and architecture.

What is meant by Edge Computing, and how is it related to the cloud?

Unlike cloud computing, edge computing is all about the physical location and issues related to latency. Cloud and edge are complementary concepts combining the strengths of a centralized system with the advantages of distributed operations at the physical location where things and people connect.

What are disadvantages of SaaS cloud computing layer

1) Security
Actually, data is stored in the cloud, so security may be an issue for some users. However, cloud computing is not more secure than in-house deployment.
2) Latency issue
Since data and applications are stored in the cloud at a variable distance from the end-user, there is a possibility that there may be greater latency when interacting with the application compared to local deployment. Therefore, the SaaS model is not suitable for applications whose demand response time is in milliseconds.
3) Total Dependency on Internet
Without an internet connection, most SaaS applications are not usable.
4) Switching between SaaS vendors is difficult
Switching SaaS vendors involves the difficult and slow task of transferring the very large data files over the internet and then converting and importing them into another SaaS also.

What is IaaS in Cloud Computing?

IaaS i.e. Infrastructure as a Service which is also known as Hardware as a Service .In this type of model, organizations usually gives their IT infrastructure such as servers, processing, storage, virtual machines and other resources. Customers can access the resources very easily on internet using on-demand pay model.

Explain what is the use of “EUCALYPTUS” in cloud computing?

EUCALYPTUS has an open source software infrastructure in cloud computing. It is used to add clusters in the cloud computing platform. With the help of EUCALYPTUS public, private, and hybrid cloud can be built. It can produce its own data centers. Moreover, it can allow you to use its functionality to many other organizations.
When you add a software stack, like an operating system and applications to the service, the model shifts to 1 / 4 model.
Software as a service. This is often because Microsoft’s Windows Azure Platform is best represented as presently using a SaaS model.

Name the foremost refined and restrictive service model?

The most refined and restrictive service model is PaaS. Once the service requires the consumer to use an entire hardware/software/application stack, it is using the foremost refined and restrictive service model.

Name all the kind of virtualization that are also characteristics of cloud computing?

Storage, Application, CPU. To modify these characteristics, resources should be extremely configurable and versatile.

What Are Main Features Of Cloud Services?

Some important features of the cloud service are given as follows:
• Accessing and managing the commercial software.
• Centralizing the activities of management of software in the Web environment.
• Developing applications that are capable of managing several clients.
• Centralizing the updating feature of software that eliminates the need of downloading the upgrades

What Are The Advantages Of Cloud Services?

Some of the advantages of cloud service are given as follows:
• Helps in the utilization of investment in the corporate sector; and therefore, is cost saving.
• Helps in the developing scalable and robust applications. Previously, the scaling took months, but now, scaling takes less time.
• Helps in saving time in terms of deployment and maintenance.

Mention The Basic Components Of A Server Computer In Cloud Computing?

The components used in less expensive client computers matches with the hardware components of server computer in cloud computing. Although server computers are usually built from higher-grade components than client computers. Basic components include Motherboard,
Memory, Processor, Network connection, Hard drives, Video, Power supply etc.

What are the advantages of auto-scaling?

Following are the advantages of autoscaling
● Offers fault tolerance
● Better availability
● Better cost management

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Azure Cloud

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Azure Administrator AZ104 Certification Exam Prep
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Which Services Are Provided By Window Azure Operating System?

Windows Azure provides three core services which are given as follows:
• Compute
• Storage
• Management

Which service in Azure is used to manage resources in Azure?

Azure Resource Manager is used to “manage” infrastructures which involve a no. of azure services. It can be used to deploy, manage and delete all the resources together using a simple JSON script.

Which  web applications can be deployed with Azure?

Microsoft also has released SDKs for both Java and Ruby to allow applications written in those languages to place calls to the Azure Service Platform API to the AppFabric Service.

What are Roles in Azure and why do we use them?

Roles are nothing servers in layman terms. These servers are managed, load balanced, Platform as a Service virtual machines that work together to achieve a common goal.
There are 3 types of roles in Microsoft Azure:
● Web Role
● Worker Role
● VM Role
Let’s discuss each of these roles in detail:
Web Role – A web role is basically used to deploy a website, using languages supported by the IIS platform like, PHP, .NET etc. It is configured and customized to run web applications.
Worker Role – A worker role is more like an help to the Web role, it used to execute background processes unlike the Web Role which is used to deploy the website.
VM Role – The VM role is used by a user to schedule tasks and other windows services.
This role can be used to customize the machines on which the web and worker role is running.

What is Azure as PaaS?

PaaS is a computing platform that includes an operating system, programming language execution environment, database, or web services. Developers and application providers use this type of Azure services.

What are Break-fix issues in Microsoft Azure?

In, Microsoft Azure, all the technical problem is called break-fix issues. This term is used when “work is involved” in support of a technology when it fails in the normal course of its function.

Explain Diagnostics in Windows Azure

Windows Azure Diagnostic offers the facility to store diagnostic data. In Azure, some diagnostics data is stored in the table, while some are stored in a blob. The diagnostic monitor runs in
Windows Azure as well as in the computer’s emulator for collecting data for a role instance.

State the difference between repetitive and minimal monitoring.

Verbose monitoring collects metrics based on performance. It allows a close analysis of data fed during the process of application.
On the other hand, minimal monitoring is a default configuration method. It makes the user of performance counters gathered from the operating system of the host.

What is the main difference between the repository and the powerhouse server?

The main difference between them is that repository servers are instead of the integrity, consistency, and uniformity while powerhouse server governs the integration of different aspects of the database repository.

Explain command task in Microsoft Azure

Command task is an operational window which set off the flow of either single or multiple common whiles when the system is running.

What is the difference between Azure Service Bus Queues and Storage Queues?

Two types of queue mechanisms are supported by Azure: Storage queues and Service Bus queues.
Storage queues: These are the part of the Azure storage infrastructure, features a simple REST-based GET/PUT/PEEK interface. Provides persistent and reliable messaging within and between services.
Service Bus queues: These are the part of a broader Azure messaging infrastructure that helps to queue as well as publish/subscribe, and more advanced integration patterns.

Explain Azure Service Fabric.

Azure Service Fabric is a distributed platform designed by Microsoft to facilitate the development, deployment and management of highly scalable and customizable applications.
The applications created in this environment consists of detached microservices that communicate with each other through service application programming interfaces.

Define the Azure Redis Cache.

Azure Redis Cache is an open-source and in-memory Redis cache that helps web applications to fetch data from a backend data source into cache and server web pages from the cache to enhance the application performance. It provides a powerful and secure way to cache the application’s data in the Azure cloud.

How many instances of a Role should be deployed to satisfy Azure SLA (service level agreement)? And what’s the benefit of Azure SLA?

TWO. And if we do so, the role would have external connectivity at least 99.95% of the time.

What are the options to manage session state in Windows Azure?

● Windows Azure Caching
● SQL Azure
● Azure Table

What is cspack?

It is a command-line tool that generates a service package file (.cspkg) and prepares an application for deployment, either to Windows Azure or to the compute emulator.

What is csrun?

It is a command-line tool that deploys a packaged application to the Windows Azure compute emulator and manages the running service.

How to design applications to handle connection failure in Windows Azure?

The Transient Fault Handling Application Block supports various standard ways of generating the retry delay time interval, including fixed interval, incremental interval (the interval increases by a standard amount), and exponential back-off (the interval doubles with some random variation).

What is Windows Azure Diagnostics?

Windows Azure Diagnostics enables you to collect diagnostic data from an application running in Windows Azure. You can use diagnostic data for debugging and troubleshooting, measuring performance, monitoring resource usage, traffic analysis and capacity planning, and auditing.

What is the difference between Windows Azure Queues and Windows Azure Service Bus Queues?

Windows Azure supports two types of queue mechanisms: Windows Azure Queues and Service Bus Queues.
Windows Azure Queues, which are part of the Windows Azure storage infrastructure, feature a simple REST-based Get/Put/Peek interface, providing reliable, persistent messaging within and between services.
Service Bus Queues are part of a broader Windows Azure messaging infrastructure dead-letters queuing as well as publish/subscribe, Web service remoting, and integration patterns.

What is the use of Azure Active Directory?

Azure Active Directory is an identify and access management system. It is very much similar to the active directories. It allows you to grant your employee in accessing specific products and services within the network

Is it possible to create a Virtual Machine using Azure Resource Manager in a Virtual Network that was created using classic deployment?

This is not supported. You cannot use Azure Resource Manager to deploy a virtual machine into a virtual network that was created using classic deployment.

What are virtual machine scale sets in Azure?

Virtual machine scale sets are Azure compute resource that you can use to deploy and manage a set of identical VMs. With all the VMs configured the same, scale sets are designed to support true autoscale, and no pre-provisioning of VMs is required. So it’s easier to build large-scale services that target big compute, big data, and containerized workloads.

Are data disks supported within scale sets?

Yes. A scale set can define an attached data disk configuration that applies to all VMs in the set. Other options for storing data include:
● Azure files (SMB shared drives)
● OS drive
● Temp drive (local, not backed by Azure Storage)
● Azure data service (for example, Azure tables, Azure blobs)
● External data service (for example, remote database)

What is the difference between the Windows Azure Platform and Windows Azure?

The former is Microsoft’s PaaS offering including Windows Azure, SQL Azure, and AppFabric; while the latter is part of the offering and Microsoft’s cloud OS.

What are the three main components of the Windows Azure Platform?

Compute, Storage and AppFabric.

Can you move a resource from one group to another?

Yes, you can. A resource can be moved among resource groups.

How many resource groups a subscription can have?

A subscription can have up to 800 resource groups. Also, a resource group can have up to 800 resources of the same type and up to 15 tags.

Explain the fault domain.

This is one of the common Azure interview questions which should be answered that it is a logical working domain in which the underlying hardware is sharing a common power source and switch network. This means that when VMs is created the Azure distributes the VM across the fault domain that limits the potential impact of hardware failure, power interruption or outages of the network.

Differentiate between the repository and the powerhouse server?

Repository servers are those which are in lieu of the integrity, consistency, and uniformity whereas the powerhouse server governs the integration of different aspects of the database repository.

Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Certification Exam Prep
Azure Fundamentals AZ900 Certification Exam Prep
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AWS Cloud

AWS Cloud Practitioner CCP CLF-C01 Certification Exam Prep
AWS Cloud Practitioner CCP CLF-C01 Certification Exam Prep

Explain what S3 is?

S3 stands for Simple Storage Service. You can use S3 interface to store and retrieve any
amount of data, at any time and from anywhere on the web. For S3, the payment model is “pay as you go.”

What is AMI?

AMI stands for Amazon Machine Image. It’s a template that provides the information (an operating system, an application server, and applications) required to launch an instance, which is a copy of the AMI running as a virtual server in the cloud. You can launch instances from as many different AMIs as you need.

Mention what the relationship between an instance and AMI is?

From a single AMI, you can launch multiple types of instances. An instance type defines the hardware of the host computer used for your instance. Each instance type provides different computer and memory capabilities. Once you launch an instance, it looks like a traditional host, and we can interact with it as we would with any computer.

How many buckets can you create in AWS by default?

By default, you can create up to 100 buckets in each of your AWS accounts.

Explain can you vertically scale an Amazon instance? How?

Yes, you can vertically scale on Amazon instance. For that
● Spin up a new larger instance than the one you are currently running
● Pause that instance and detach the root webs volume from the server and discard
● Then stop your live instance and detach its root volume
● Note the unique device ID and attach that root volume to your new server
● And start it again

Explain what T2 instances is?

T2 instances are designed to provide moderate baseline performance and the capability to burst to higher performance as required by the workload.

In VPC with private and public subnets, database servers should ideally be launched into which subnet?

With private and public subnets in VPC, database servers should ideally launch into private subnets.

Mention what the security best practices for Amazon EC2 are?

For secure Amazon EC2 best practices, follow the following steps
● Use AWS identity and access management to control access to your AWS resources
● Restrict access by allowing only trusted hosts or networks to access ports on your instance
● Review the rules in your security groups regularly
● Only open up permissions that you require
● Disable password-based login, for example, launched from your AMI

Is the property of broadcast or multicast supported by Amazon VPC?

No, currently Amazon VPI not provide support for broadcast or multicast.

How many Elastic IPs is allows you to create by AWS?

5 VPC Elastic IP addresses are allowed for each AWS account.

Explain default storage class in S3

The default storage class is a Standard frequently accessed.

What are the Roles in AWS?

Roles are used to provide permissions to entities which you can trust within your AWS account.
Roles are very similar to users. However, with roles, you do not require to create any username and password to work with the resources.

What are the edge locations?

Edge location is the area where the contents will be cached. So, when a user is trying to accessing any content, the content will automatically be searched in the edge location.

Explain snowball?

Snowball is a data transport option. It used source appliances to a large amount of data into and out of AWS. With the help of snowball, you can transfer a massive amount of data from one place to another. It helps you to reduce networking costs.

What is a redshift?

Redshift is a big data warehouse product. It is fast and powerful, fully managed data warehouse service in the cloud.

What is meant by subnet?

A large section of IP Address divided into chunks is known as subnets.

Can you establish a Peering connection to a VPC in a different region?

Yes, we can establish a peering connection to a VPC in a different region. It is called inter-region VPC peering connection.

What is SQS?

Simple Queue Service also known as SQS. It is distributed queuing service which acts as a mediator for two controllers.

How many subnets can you have per VPC?

You can have 200 subnets per VPC.

What is Amazon EMR?

EMR is a survived cluster stage which helps you to interpret the working of data structures before the intimation. Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark on the Amazon Web Services helps you to investigate a large amount of data. You can prepare data for the analytics goals and marketing intellect workloads using Apache Hive and using other relevant open source designs.

What is boot time taken for the instance stored backed AMI?

The boot time for an Amazon instance store-backend AMI is less than 5 minutes.

Do you need an internet gateway to use peering connections?

Yes, the Internet gateway is needed to use VPC (virtual private cloud peering) connections.

How to connect an EBS volume to multiple instances?

We can’t be able to connect EBS volume to multiple instances. Although, you can connect
various EBS Volumes to a single instance.

What are the different types of Load Balancer in AWS services?

Three types of Load balancer are:
1. Application Load Balancer
2. Classic Load Balancer
3. Network Load Balancer

In which situation you will select provisioned IOPS over standard RDS storage?

You should select provisioned IOPS storage over standard RDS storage if you want to perform batch-related workloads.

What are the important features of Amazon cloud search?

Important features of the Amazon cloud are:
● Boolean searches
● Prefix Searches
● Range searches
● Entire text search
● AutoComplete advice

What is AWS CDK?

AWS CDK is a software development framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation.
AWS CloudFormation enables you to:
• Create and provision AWS infrastructure deployments predictably and repeatedly.
• Take advantage of AWS offerings such as Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), Amazon SNS, Elastic Load Balancing, and AWS Auto Scaling.
• Build highly reliable, highly scalable, cost-effective applications in the cloud without worrying about creating and configuring the underlying AWS infrastructure.
• Use a template file to create and delete a collection of resources together as a single unit (a stack). The AWS CDK supports TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Java, and C#/.Net.

What are best practices for controlling acccess to AWS CodeCommit?

– Create your own policy
– Provide temporary access credentials to access your repo
* Typically done via a separate AWS account for IAM and separate accounts for dev/staging/prod
* Federated access
* Multi-factor authentication

What is AWS CodeCobuild?

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages.

AWS DevOps CodeBuild

DevOps How Does AWS CodeBuild Works

1- Provide AWS CodeBuild with a build project. A build project file contains information about where to get the source code, the build environment, and how to build the code. The most important component is the BuildSpec file.
2- AWS CodeBuild creates the build environment. A build environment is a combination of OS, programming language runtime, and other tools needed to build.
3- AWS CodeBuild downloads the source code into the build environment and uses the BuildSpec file to run a build. This code can be from any source provider; for example, GitHub repository, Amazon S3 input bucket, Bitbucket repository, or AWS CodeCommit repository.
4- Build artifacts produced are uploaded into an Amazon S3 bucket.
5- he build environment sends a notification about the build status.
6- While the build is running, the build environment sends information to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

What is AWS CodeDeploy?

AWS CodeDeploy is a fully managed deployment service that automates software deployments to a variety of compute services, such as Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda, and your on-premises servers. AWS CodeDeploy makes it easier for you to rapidly release new features, helps you avoid downtime during application deployment, and handles the complexity of updating your applications.

You can use AWS CodeDeploy to automate software deployments, reducing the need for error-prone manual operations. The service scales to match your deployment needs.

With AWS CodeDeploy’s AppSpec file, you can specify commands to run at each phase of deployment, such as code retrieval and code testing. You can write these commands in any language, meaning that if you have an existing CI/CD pipeline, you can modify and sequence existing stages in an AppSpec file with minimal effort.

You can also integrate AWS CodeDeploy into your existing software delivery toolchain using the AWS CodeDeploy APIs. AWS CodeDeploy gives you the advantage of doing multiple code updates (in-place), enabling rapid deployment.

You can architect your CI/CD pipeline to enable scaling with AWS CodeDeploy. This plays an important role while deciding your blue/green deployment strategy.

AWS CodeDeploy deploys updates in revisions. So if there is an issue during deployment, you can easily roll back and deploy a previous revision

What is AWS CodeCommit?

AWS CodeCommit is a managed source control system that hosts Git repositories and works with all Git-based tools. AWS CodeCommit stores code, binaries, and metadata in a redundant fashion with high availability. You will be able to collaborate with local and remote teams to edit, compare, sync, and revise your code. Because AWS CodeCommit runs in the AWS Cloud, you no longer need to worry about hosting, scaling, or maintaining your own source code control infrastructure. CodeCommit automatically encrypts your files and integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), enabling you to assign user-specific permissions to your repositories. This ensures that your code remains secure, and you can collaborate on projects across your team in a secure manner.

What is AWS Opswork?

AWS OpsWorks is a configuration management tool that provides managed instances of Chef and Puppet.

Chef and Puppet enable you to use code to automate your configurations.

AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise is a fully managed configuration management service that hosts Puppet Enterprise, a set of automation tools from Puppet, for infrastructure and application management. It maintains your Puppet primary server by automatically patching, updating, and backing up your server. AWS OpsWorks eliminates the need to operate your own configuration management systems or worry about maintaining its infrastructure and gives you access to all of the Puppet Enterprise features. It also works seamlessly with your existing Puppet code.

AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate Offers a fully managed OpsWorks Chef Automate server. You can automate your workflow through a set of automation tools for continuous deployment and automated testing for compliance and security. It also provides a user interface that gives you visibility into your nodes and their status. You can automate software and operating system configurations, package installations, database setups, and more. The Chef server centrally stores your configuration tasks and provides them to each node in your compute environment at any scale, from a few nodes to thousands of nodes.

AWS OpsWorks Stacks: With OpsWorks Stacks, you can model your application as a stack containing different layers, such as load balancing, database, and application servers. You can deploy and configure EC2 instances in each layer or connect other resources such as Amazon RDS databases. You run Chef recipes using Chef Solo, enabling you to automate tasks such as installing packages and languages or frameworks, and configuring software

AWS Developer Associate DVA-C01 Exam Prep
AWS Developer Associate DVA-C01 Exam Prep

Google Cloud Platform

GCP Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Prep
GCP Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Prep

What are the main advantages of using Google Cloud Platform?

Google Cloud Platform is a medium that provides its users access to the best cloud services and features. It is gaining popularity among the cloud professionals as well as users for the advantages if offer.
Here are the main advantages of using Google Cloud Platform over others –
● GCP offers much better pricing deals as compared to the other cloud service providers
● Google Cloud servers allow you to work from anywhere to have access to your
 information and data.
● Considering hosting cloud services, GCP has an overall increased performance and
● Google Cloud is very fast in providing updates about server and security in a better and
more efficient manner
● The security level of Google Cloud Platform is exemplary; the cloud platform and
networks are secured and encrypted with various security measures.
If you are going for the Google Cloud interview, you should prepare yourself with enough
knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. 

Why should you opt to Google Cloud Hosting?

The reason for opting Google Cloud Hosting is the advantages it offers. Here are the
advantages of choosing Google Cloud Hosting:
● Availability of better pricing plans
● Benefits of live migration of the machines
● Enhanced performance and execution
● Commitment to Constant development and expansion
● The private network provides efficiency and maximum time
● Strong control and security of the cloud platform
● Inbuilt redundant backups ensure data integrity and reliability

What are the libraries and tools for cloud storage on GCP?

At the core level, XML API and JSON API are there for the cloud storage on Google
Cloud Platform. But along with these, there are following options provided by Google to interact with the cloud storage.
● Google Cloud Platform Console, which performs basic operations on objects and
● Cloud Storage Client Libraries, which provide programming support for various
languages including Java, Ruby, and Python
● GustilCommand-line Tool, which provides a command line interface for the cloud storage

There are many third party libraries and tools such as Boto Library.

What do you know about Google Compute Engine?

Google Cloud Engine is the basic component of the Google Cloud Platform. 
Google Compute Engine is an IaaS product that offers self-managed and flexible virtual
machines that are hosted on the infrastructure of Google. It includes Windows and Linux based virtual machines that may run on local, KVM, and durable storage options.
It also includes REST-based API for the control and configuration purposes. Google Compute Engine integrates with GCP technologies such as Google App Engine, Google Cloud Storage, and Google BigQuery in order to extend its computational ability and thus creates more sophisticated and complex applications.

How are the Google Compute Engine and Google App Engine related?

Google Compute Engine and Google App Engine are complementary to each other. Google Compute Engine is the IaaS product whereas Google App Engine is a PaaS product of Google.
Google App Engine is generally used to run web-based applications, mobile backends, and line of business. If you want to keep the underlying infrastructure in more of your control, then Compute Engine is a perfect choice. For instance, you can use Compute Engine for the
implementation of customized business logic or in case, you need to run your own storage

How does the pricing model work in GCP cloud?

While working on Google Cloud Platform, the user is charged on the basis of compute instance, network use, and storage by Google Compute Engine. Google Cloud charges virtual machines on the basis of per second with the limit of minimum of 1 minute. Then, the cost of storage is charged on the basis of the amount of data that you store.
The cost of the network is calculated as per the amount of data that has been transferred between the virtual machine instances communicating with each other over the network. 

What are the different methods for the authentication of Google Compute Engine API?

This is one of the popular Google Cloud architect interview questions which can be answered as follows. There are different methods for the authentication of Google Compute Engine API:
– Using OAuth 2.0
– Through client library
– Directly with an access token

List some Database services by GCP.

There are many Google cloud database services which helps many enterprises to manage their data.
● Bare Metal Solution is a relational database type and allow to migrate or lift and shift specialized workloads to Google cloud.
● Cloud SQL is a fully managed, reliable and integrated relational database services for MySQL, MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL known as Postgres. It reduce maintenance cost and ensure business continuity.
● Cloud Spanner
● Cloud Bigtable
● Firestore
● Firebase Realtime Database
● Memorystore
● Google Cloud Partner Services
● For more database products you can refer Google Cloud Databases
● For more data base solutions you can refer Google cloud Database solutions

What are the different Network services by GCP?

Google Cloud provides many Networking services and technologies that make easy to scale and manage your network.
● Hybrid connectivity helps to connect your infrastructure to Google Cloud
● Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) manage networking for your resources
● Cloud DNS is a highly available global domain naming system (DNS) network.
● Service Directory provides a service-centric network solution.
● Cloud Load Balancing
● Cloud CDN
● Cloud Armor
● Cloud NAT
● Network Telemetry
● VPC Service Controls
● Network Intelligence Center
● Network Service Tiers
● For more about Networking products refer Google Cloud Networking

List some Data Analytics service by GCP.

Google Cloud offers various Data Analytics services.
● BigQuery is an multi-cloud data warehouse for business agility that is high scalable, serverless, and cost effective.
● Looker
● DataProc is a service for running Apace Spark and Apace Hadoop Clusters. It makes open-source data and analytics processing easy, fast and more secure in Cloud.
● Dataflow
● Pub/Sub
● Cloud Data Fusion
● Data Catalog
● Cloud Composer
● Google Data Studio
● Dataprep
● Cloud Life Sciences enables life sciences community to manage, process and transform biomedical data at scale.
● Google Marketing Platform is a marketing platform that combines your advertising and analytics to help you make better marketing results, deeper insights and quality customer connections. It’s not an Google official cloud product, comes under separate terms of services.
● For Google Cloud analytics services visit Data Analytics

Explain Google BigQuery in Google Cloud Platform

For traditional data warehouse, hardware setup replacement is required. In such case, Google
BigQuery serves to be the replacement. In addition, BigQuery helps in organizing the table data into unit called as datasets.

Explain Auto-scaling in Google cloud computing

Without human intervention, you can mechanically provision and initiate new instances in AWS.
Depending on various metrics and load, Auto-scaling is triggered.

Describe Hypervisor in Google Cloud Platform

Hypervisor is otherwise called as VMM (Virtual Machine Monitor). Hypervisor is said to be a computer hardware/software used to create and run virtual machines (virtual machines is also called as Guest machine). Hypervisor is the one that runs on a host machine.

Define VPC in the Google cloud platform

VPC is Google cloud platform is helpful is providing connectivity from the premise and to any of the region without internet. VPC Connectivity is for computing App Engine Flex instances, Kubernetes Engine clusters, virtual machine instance and few other resources depending on the projects. Multiple VPC can also be used in numerous projects.

GCP Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Prep
GCP Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Prep


Steve Nouri

Online Interview Questions

programming with

Don’t do a connection setup per RPC.

Cache things wherever possible.

Write asynchronous code wherever possible.

Exploit eventual consistency wherever possible. Otherwise known as, coordination is expensive so don’t do it unless you have to.

Route your requests sensibly.

Locate processing wherever will result in the best latency. That might mean you need more resources.

Use LIFO queues, they have better tail statistics than FIFO. Queue before load balancing, not after, that way a small fraction of slow requests are much less likely to stall all the processors. Source: Andrew mc Gregor

What operating system do most servers use in 2022?

Of the 1500 *NIX servers under my control (a very large fortune 500 company), 90% of them are Linux. We have a small amount of HP-UX and AIX left over running legacy applications, but they are being phased out. Most of the applications we used to run on HP-UX and AIX (SAP, Oracle, you-name-it) now run on Linux. And it’s not just my company, it’s everywhere.

In 2022, the most widely used server operating system is Linux. Source: Bill Thompson

How do you load multiple files in parallel from an Amazon S3 bucket?

By specifying a file prefix of the file names in the COPY command or specifying the list of files to load in a manifest file.

How can you manage the amount of provisioned throughput that is used when copying from an Amazon DynamoDB table?

Set the READRATIO parameter in the COPY command to a percentage of unused throughput.

What you must do to use client-side encryption with your own encryption keys when using COPY to load data files that were uploaded to Amazon S3?

You must add the master key value to the credentials string with the ENCRYPTED parameter in the COPY command.

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  • First Time Entra Setup
    by /u/Broke4Life (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 10:38 pm

    Hi all, I’m working on setting up Microsoft Entra for my first time in an environment with about 12 users, all of whom have Microsoft 365 Premium licenses. I’m familiar with some basic AD concepts, but this will be my first time diving into Entra/Azure AD configuration and management. EDIT: Left out a detail, there is no on-site AD or anything, this will be it. Does anyone have recommendations for a solid step-by-step guide or resources that can help me get started with configuring Entra for such a small environment? Specifically, I’m looking for guidance on: User and group management Security policies and best practices (Conditional Access, MFA, etc.) Setting up custom roles or permissions if needed General tips for optimizing and securing the environment Any advice or links to comprehensive guides would be greatly appreciated! I found some video links by searching the sub, Intune Training on YouTube, but 3 years old on the video, so not sure how relevant. They have a lot of content, still filtering though. submitted by /u/Broke4Life [link] [comments]

  • M365 MFA Security Token - Any Way Around Passkeys?
    by /u/0raegano (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 10:00 pm

    As we bring on more town halls, police departments, etc. we have found that government workers do NOT like having MFA apps on their phone, and refuse to use their personal phone completely. We tend to use Yubikeys for their workstation MFA (Cisco Duo), but we haven't been able to find a way to pair Yubikeys to M365 WITHOUT making it a passkey. We simply want the user to go to , enter their email, enter their password, then get prompted to insert the key and authenticate. Everything I'm seeing and testing is pointing to Yubikeys only being able to be a passkey which we do not want. Has anyone else run into this? Are there other security tokens out there that may be able to provide the same functionality that Yubico does? Thank you! submitted by /u/0raegano [link] [comments]

  • Network Drive files get deleted every week - how to drill down on source PC
    by /u/CloudPartners (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 9:47 pm

    I've been in this business for 20+ years and this might be the weirdest issue I've seen in a long time. Issue started a few weeks ago. Setup is single virtualized Windows server. All files live on file server and GPO runs mapped drives on each user's PC. Good NTFS security based on groups. Sophos Intercept X runs on all user PCs. SMB with 24 staff. Issue: CEO/Owner started noticing a few weeks ago that in a specific folder, PDF reports created the week before started disappearing by the following week. Have confirmed it continues to happen. The 2 PDF's disappear but my test TXT files do not. Audit Steps: Enabled auditing on the windows file server. Last week, (based on looking at backups) the files disappeared between Monday night backup and Tuesday night backup. We replaced them. Auditing (events 4660 and 4663) detected both files were deleted at 3:26 yesterday by the CEO's user account FROM his laptop's IP address. Reached out to him within a few hours and he confirms he was working on his laptop at that time in Outlook and not doing anything else. And no one else was on his computer. I have checked Task Scheduler for any rouge tasks and also checked Sophos logs. Ran Malware Bytes just for sh1+s and giggles. Nothing. I'm really scratching my head on this one. It does seem repeatable and always the same folder (very deep folder structure in a client file). Someone throw me a bone here? Any other tools or utilities I can run on the users laptop to monitor this? submitted by /u/CloudPartners [link] [comments]

  • Anyone on 24H2 have issues with intermittent DNS Server not being assigned over DHCP
    by /u/_TheKnightMan_ (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 9:29 pm

    Good Day, I've been aware of some issues of a Windows 11 24H2 Wi-Fi DHCP bug but the reports I've read seem to be specifically with getting an IP address assigned. I've made some changes in my environment recently, but also have started updating devices to 24H2, so I'm not sure if the environment changes or 24H2 changes are related to what I'm experiencing, which is from time-to-time, users are reporting they don't have internet access. Troubleshooting this, seems to indicate that the device is getting a DHCP address, from the DHCP server, but they're not being assigned DNS entries. I run a ipconfig /release && ipconfig /renew And then it seems to get the address. It's not been a very widespread issue but still seems to crop up now and again over the last ~45 days. Any ideas or suggestions? submitted by /u/_TheKnightMan_ [link] [comments]

  • Broadcom 57416 Network Performance Problems with Network Loopback
    by /u/Spen_ (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 9:21 pm

    In June 2024 we configured a server to run an application that pulls data using TCP. We've set up the application on many other servers without issue, but the new server with a broadcom NIC is proving challenging. The sever is a Lenovo ST650 v3 (7D7A) single Xeon Silver 4410T CPU, 64GB RAM, RAID 9350-8i controller with 4*900GB 15K SAS HDDs in RAID 10, on board Broadcom 57416 10GBASE-T 2-port PCIe Ethernet LOM, running physical Windows Server 2022 and MS SQL Server 2022. Individual benchmarks for CPU and Disk I/O run as expected, a noticeable 1.5 to 4 times that of the older system this was replacing. Problems arise when performing very specific network loopback tests on the Broadcom 57416 network stack. To replicate the end-user environment, both Broadcom 57416 ports have been connected to 1GB ports on the same network switch (and avoid the reported speed mis-match performance problems). Disabling the second port has no measurable impact. First test was to use Sysinternals psping to test network latency on Server 1: Admin command prompt #1 on Server1 setup as listener: psping -4 -f -s Server1:8182 Admin command prompt #2 on Server1 setup to run the test: psping -4 -h 10 -l 10000 Server1:8182 ST650 returns an average latency in the 20-30ms range. By comparison, all other systems tested (servers ranging to 2 years to 10 years old, some running as VMs, some physical, most running Intel network NICs, none running Broadcom 57xxx NICs) measured 10ms or less in average latency. Second test was to perform a set SQL query (select the operator from table, sum the values, then group results by operator) from MS SQL Server Management Studio running on Server1 to a database hosted by the MS SQL server running on Server1: Perform SQL query directly to connected MS SQL database running on the ST650 Perform same SQL query through ODBC connection to the MS SQL database running on ST650 All servers tested complete the first test 1) in a second or less. Running the test locally on the ST650 completes the second test 2) in 40+ seconds. The server with the next longest time tested completed the same test in 15 seconds. All other servers were faster than that. That includes a VM, made from the OS on the ST650, that was run on VMware ESXi 7 on older and slower hardware (only network stack changed to the default Intel 82574L NIC supported by VMware). Many different threads have been followed to change TCP stack settings and IPV4 stack settings to improve network latency and loop-back performance on the ST650, all with little to no impact. Note that no such optimizations have been made on any of the other servers tested. Have anyone encountered anything like this before? We are going crazy. submitted by /u/Spen_ [link] [comments]

  • Deepfreeze and Microsoft 365
    by /u/SamAllmon (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 8:35 pm

    We have around 300 computers across our organization that are public-facing, and therefore use Faronics DeepFreeze to lock down the devices and purge user data when they log off / reboot. But we've come to an issue with this set up, where Deep Freeze freeses both the %localappdata% folder where Office Licensing tokens are stored, and the Registry key where the license is stored. DeepFreeze can do folder redirection and registry key redirection, but only for keys on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and the Office License key is in HKEY_CURENT_USER. This means that every 90 days or so, when the computer starts, it checks to see when the last successful log-in to 365 was, and sees the frozen information, which is now out dated, and revokes device access to O365 apps. Meaning we have to thaw, log-in, and re-freeze every computer every 90 days, which is time consuming, and difficult to coordinate across all of our locations. Normally, every time you use a 365 app, it will update the license information, but because the file is frozen, it won't do that. I called DeepFreeze support, and they basically said that we just can't do anything about it, so I'm trying to get creative. We can kick off a batch file or a windows scheduled task when the computer is in maintenance mode, so I was thinking of trying to automate a log-in to 365 every week during maintenance, to keep the auth token valid. But I can't seem to find any way to authenticate o365 via powershell, all the ones I've seen so far are for o365 admin access, and not just normal Work or School account activation. I know that "use SharedPC, device-based licensing, and get off of Deep Freeze" is an answer, but it's not a helpful one. I would like to come up with some solution with what we have, rather than making a huge project to replace deepfreeze, if at all possible. So does anyone have any ideas on what we could do to automate a refresh of the 365 credentials? submitted by /u/SamAllmon [link] [comments]

  • W11 and ODBC
    by /u/Vivid_Mongoose_8964 (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 7:51 pm

    Not sure where else to post this, so thought I would try here. I discovered today that Windows 11 is not recognizing a system dsn odbc connection for my users. I have to setup the odbc connection under user dsn. This was never the case with Windows 10. We use the system dsn so that whoever logs into the pc can use the odbc connection for our access database that links back to our cloud erp system. Has anyone else experienced this? Update - I fixed this. I had to have a 64bit odbc driver in system dsn b/c MS Access is 64bit. submitted by /u/Vivid_Mongoose_8964 [link] [comments]

  • Disabling SMBv1 on 2019 DC
    by /u/maxcoder88 (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 7:43 pm

    Hi, I have activated the audit setting for SMBv1 on the domain controller. there is a strange situation like below. SRV01 is a server with RPA application running on the server. And it is running on 2016 OS. When I look with Get-SmbConnection with powershell on SRV01, DC goes to the server with dialect (SMB 3.0) but when I look at the smb audit log on DC, it logs that the relevant server comes with SMB 1.0 as follows. Isn't there something strange here or is there something different? On SRV01 : Get-SmbConnection ServerName ShareName UserName Credential Dialect NumOpen ---------- --------- -------- ---------- ------- ------- dc01.contoso.local IPC$ CONTOSO\SRV01$ CONTOSO\SRV01$ 3.1.1 1 DC SMB Audit Log: SMB1 access Client Address: srv01 Guidance: This event indicates that a client attempted to access the server using SMB1. To stop auditing SMB1 access, use the Windows PowerShell cmdlet Set-SmbServerConfiguration. submitted by /u/maxcoder88 [link] [comments]

  • What keeps you grounded? How do you stay Sane?
    by /u/Shondrin (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 6:39 pm

    I see a lot of rants here and there, but let’s put aside money and hobbies for a moment. What are the everyday tasks that still bring you satisfaction? What recent accomplishments—big or small—have made you feel like your job is still worth it? What keeps you engaged despite the challenges? Only serious answers, please. EDIT1: I give you an Example. What I like about everyday to day tasks Is when I can fix a small problem for me but for the user it looks like a big problem that they can‘t solve. And I get positive feedback from the user for helping them. submitted by /u/Shondrin [link] [comments]

  • How big is your organization and many IT policies do you have?
    by /u/AppearanceAgile2575 (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 6:35 pm

    I work for an organization with less than 500 employees and we have about a dozen IT policies developed by the previous manager. Ex: Acceptable use, BYOD, Information Security, Password, TPRM, etc. I am trying to get them consolidated into one or two tops, but was curious if there are any pros to having them all separate? Are all of these needed as separate documents? submitted by /u/AppearanceAgile2575 [link] [comments]

  • Require Entra Joined and Compliant Devices
    by /u/ncc74656m (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 6:13 pm

    I'm evaluating enforcing this for our environment, and I know the basics of this, but I'm curious about the rest and its broader impact. First, how does this affect phones? We don't have company provided devices, and we've had enough of a battle getting MFA onto devices - as far as I can see if I don't select the devices in the policy, then it shouldn't apply to them, right? Second, does this impact guest users as well? Third, what gotchas are there, or what else should I and others be aware of in implementing this? Thanks as ever! submitted by /u/ncc74656m [link] [comments]

  • Anyone here ever try Bacon Unlimited?
    by /u/Superb_Golf_4975 (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 5:58 pm

    We're shopping around for an MDM solution and this was brought up, apparently they used it at a previous workplace? Never heard of it myself though. Don't see many posts about it, and review sites all have the same two copy-pasted reviews. Seems like it could be promising though, but the lack of talk is an obvious red flag. submitted by /u/Superb_Golf_4975 [link] [comments]

  • Should I block Slack users logins by IP, Device Type, or Schedule?
    by /u/Ok-Pound-6347 (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 5:30 pm

    I support 250 users and handle around 10 tickets a week just for Slack login issues. And honestly, I’m surprised we’re still dealing with access control policies that feel straight out of the early 2000s. Some companies (so mine) are still blocking Slack logins based on IP ranges, device types, or even working hours. Because obviously, a real security policy is just a more sophisticated version of a time-based parental lock. I get why this was a thing back in the day—when VPNs ruled the world and office networks were the only way to work. But now? With remote work, personal hotspots, and Slack running on everything from a fridge to a Raspberry Pi, these policies just seem outdated. In my opinion, if security is the goal, these restrictions aren’t the answer. Instead, I consider moving to more context-aware security policies: SSO with conditional access: analyze login behavior and risk instead of treating all home ISPs as threats. MFA and device posture checks: enforce security at the endpoint itself, rather than making assumptions based on IP addresses. Zero Trust: stop relying on “office IP = safe, home IP = risky” logic. Every connection should be untrusted until proven otherwise. We are currently testing Zygon to move from blind restrictions to context-aware policies and support our idp as we also want to deal with more Saas apps. As we moved on with this tool, we discovered over 10 Slack guest accounts bypassing our login policy with free access to sensitive data. What's the point of being this restrictive if we have this kind of holes ? I lead this transition but we still have discussions around this. What are your thoughts? Do you have any good argument to support "hard" restrictions? submitted by /u/Ok-Pound-6347 [link] [comments]

  • Hi guys, what is your opinion and experience of a good firewall brand (or an explicit model) for small to medium sized companies (60+ people)?
    by /u/seasl187 (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 4:55 pm

    a) Watchguard b) Cisco c) FortiGate d) Checkpoint e) PaloAlto f) Sophos g) Sonicwall h) Juniper i) Barracuda j) Forepoint k) other ? We are using Watchguard as FW and I am very satisfied with Watchguard, the GUI is clear, it has enough functions, it runs stable, in short, everything is OK. I would just like to know what you prefer and why? (For example, I've seen that Fortigate has a lot of CVEs in the last years, the substructure of the FW is super old code that is bad updated, and the company communicates the CVE's with extreme delay months or years after the incident or conceals it.) submitted by /u/seasl187 [link] [comments]

  • Ordered 50 new UPS units... they all have what sounds like a screw rattling around inside them...
    by /u/Library_IT_guy (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 2:43 pm

    FINAL edit: 9 units had a loose screw rattling around inside. The rest are fine. I just picked 7 in a row at the start that all had the loose screw and assumed that was all of them, so my bad on that. But really, what are the odds of picking that many out of 50 and they all have that issue? But since so many of you don't believe me, I can 100% confirm, these units ARE SHIPPED HOT. I repeat, the battery is PLUGGED INTO the unit. The internal and external wires are all attached. There is no internal wire to attach. I UNDERSTAND that regulation states that they cannot be shipped like this, but that is how we got them. The vendor was CDW if you're curious, but I don't think CDW had anything to do with them besides just reselling them - the blame is on Eaton / Tripp-Lite here. For the good units, the only interaction required is to: Plug in unit. Press and hold power button until it turns on. Plug in your stuff. That is ALL that is required per the manual. There is NOTHING in there about prying these things open to connect an internal battery. They are NOT meant to be opened like that, although I did open one like that to see what the hell was in there. The only thing you ever need to do is replace the SLA battery every 3 years or when they go bad. This is not the first set of UPS units I've managed or ordered. Model: Tripp Lite AVR Series 120V 550VA 300W 50/60Hz Ultra-Compact Line-Interactive UPS with USB port - UPS - 300 Watt - 550 VA submitted by /u/Library_IT_guy [link] [comments]

  • No backups, none whatsoever
    by /u/Dennis-sysadmin (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 2:40 pm

    I have ranted before about the IT transition we have worked on due to an acquisition. The migration on its own was OK, not too poor actually all things considered, but various sites are complaining heavily now while they get used to policies set by the company. One of the things that I find quite funny is that the clock in Citrix has been removed so none of our users can see the time, the reason being 'updating the time for so many users takes a lot of computing power'. We literally bought clocks to hang up in the offices so people know what time it is. Anyway we have an ESX cluster (2) with a netapp for our OT environment, a local single ESX host used for some applications and then the central datacenter of the company. During the IT transition we took some of the applications from the OT esx cluster and put them on the local single ESX host to really dedicate the cluster to what it is meant for, I am totally for that. We have access to the OT cluster via vSphere, but 0 access to the local ESX and 0 access to the datacenter. Full responsibility and management of the infrastructure lies with the parent company, we mainly provide OT services on their managed infra. What we did not realize at the time and only recently found out is that we do not have ANY backups. Like really, none, not in ANY way or shape. So our warehouse management system for 2 sites, our weigh bridge application on 2 sites, our customs software, our HR payroll software .. all running locally on the application ESX host and infrastructure managed by the parent company but without ANY form of backup whatsoever, not even snapshotting ... Now the OT cluster has snapshotting only as the "backup solution", which we also think is a high risk, but there they are working on an offsite backup solution. So we asked "Hey when is that solution implemented and can it be used for the local single ESX host too?". Guess what? The answer literally was "We expect to need 3 years to setup the offsite backup strategy worldwide" (= 50 sites or so). 3 FUCKING YEARS Just adding that my manager is aware, discussions are ongoing and we are ensuring that everything is in writing including our remarks on this being highly risky to the business. We will not take any responsibility for HR being unable to pay their employees if the HR system fails. I also think most IT employees on the parent company are actually decent IT guys and hard working people, but they are extremely understaffed and always put on "high priority projects". They just do not get the time to do anything properly and no one dares to say anything to the big boss. /rant over. submitted by /u/Dennis-sysadmin [link] [comments]

  • Any words of wisdom for someone that will be the primary owner of ms teams and exchange online?
    by /u/Legitimate_Sun_5930 (Sysadmin) on February 11, 2025 at 2:12 pm

    My job is currently mixed. We already have o365 deployed for things like powerbi and sharepoint and regular office apps. Users also have a 1tb one drive but only some users get access to it. I don't remember why. Something about file sharing compliance. It was all set up before I got hired. But we also use gsuite in our environment. All our email goes through gsuite. Individual inboxes, group mailboxes, Google drive, Google chat. Our gsuite is externally managed so we have very little involvement in the administrative side of it. This year we're migrating off gsuite. We're paying an msp to migrate all the emails and inboxes and g drives to o365 and it won't be externally managed anymore. We'll own it once the migration is done. My manager wants me to be involved in the migration as much as I can be, and he wants me to be the primary application owner of our ms teams and exchange online once the migration is complete. I've only been a sysadmin for two years. My whole background is tier 1 tier 2 helpdesk and noc tech until I got my current sysadmin job 2 years ago so this would be brand new to me. We have a team of more senior admins and engineers so I do have a lifeline to fall back on if needed. But my manager is giving this to me so I can have my "big career project." So I want to rely on them as little as possible and learn as much as possible.   Any videos you'd recommend? Any tips? Best practices? Are certifications worth pursuing? Any past experiences you've faced that you can shed light on so I dont make the same mistake? Any gotchas to be aware of? Its not on prem exchange. We're full cloud. I've heard stories of people saying how miserable being an on prem exchange admin is. How does exchange online compare? Our org is ~2000 employees if that even matters. submitted by /u/Legitimate_Sun_5930 [link] [comments]

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