How can I get someone’s IP from WhatsApp?

How can I get someone's IP from WhatsApp?

How can I get someone’s IP from WhatsApp?

If you’re wondering how to get someone’s IP from WhatsApp, you’re not alone. This is a question that’s often asked by programmers, developers, and software engineers. After all, smartphones are becoming more and more powerful and WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. However, getting someone’s IP from WhatsApp is not as simple as it sounds. The app uses a number of security measures to protect users’ privacy, so it’s not possible to just extract someone’s IP address from a chat session. That said, there are ways to work around this issue. Programmers and developers with experience in reverse engineering can sometimes find ways to get access to WhatsApp servers and extract IP addresses from there. But this is definitely not something that the average person can do. So if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get someone’s IP from WhatsApp, you’re out of luck.

This is something that might work, the author did not try it himself.

Whatsapp being P2P as they claim, it might work

  • First the person must be online
  • Your phone must be rooted
  • And then install busybox
  • And then install any command prompt from google playstore like termux
  • Close anything that uses internet by clicking disable on all apps who use internet
  • and then open whatsapp and try to make a voice call or a video call with that person
  • and then during the call open Termux and type this command : netstat -n
  • If the connection was really peer 2 peer as whatsapp says his IP must be one of the foreign IP Addresses you would see on their Terminal.

*Note: if won’t work if the connection was not peer 2 peer you would see the server IP instead of his IP, I said i did not try it*

How can I get someone's IP from WhatsApp?
How can I get someone’s IP from WhatsApp?


One of the most frequently asked questions from WhatsApp users is “How can I get someone’s IP from WhatsApp?” The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem. Programmers and developers have created a number of ways to obtain someone’s IP address, but none of these methods are foolproof. The most reliable way to get someone’s IP address is to ask them for it. However, this isn’t always possible, and it certainly isn’t the most elegant solution. If you’re looking for a more sophisticated method, you can try asking a software engineer or smartphone developer. They may be able to help you figure out how to obtain someone’s IP address from WhatsApp. However, keep in mind that this isn’t an exact science, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to get the information you’re looking for.

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WhatsApp Download 2022

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  • Restoration of chats keeps reverting in process
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    Hi. No idea what on earth is going on. I had an iPhone 6 for about seven years, and about two days ago my pre-owned (but factory reset) iPhone SE 2020 arrived. All is well, except I cannot restore my Whatapp chats. Let me go over what I’ve done so far: 1.) I knew that WhatsApp was a particularly troublesome app to restore, so just before I started using my SE, I did a “chat backup” (as per WhatsApp settings) presumably onto iCloud. That finished no problem, it was around 7GB. 2.) I then removed the SIM card from my iPhone 6 and placed it into my SE, feeling rather delighted at the prospect of finally being able to indulge in, y’know, 90% of apps and having a fast phone. I was patting myself on the back for my foresight and tech wizardry. 3.) WhatsApp had already began downloading so I thought sweet stuff, now the restoration will be simple. But God had other plans I suppose. 4.) opened WhatsApp, entered my phone number (same as before cuz SIM card) and hit “restore”. It began restoring from the aformentioned iCloud backup. 5.) Four hours passed. I spent the time educating myself on the economic and social climate of Armenia and roasting my brain with Instagram reels. 6.) I come back to the app thinking “ah it’s probably almost finished now”. 7%. Okay. 7.) make some pasta. Take a piss. Do some squats. Shower. Phone call my mother. 8.) it’s now on 2% complete. 9.) I give it two days to pick itself up by the bootstraps (maybe WhatsApp just needed a little holiday) before I unload the app - I haven’t got the balls to completely delete it - and reload it, then complete the same process… but no luck. Same thing. Same issue. Slightly bemused 20 year old. I should also mention that my country is very WhatsApp-reliant in general culture so basically everything is on it. Nobody uses iMessage unless you’re in a spot of bother and are very good at tricking grannies into giving you their bank details. So if anyone has any idea how I should proceed from here I’d love to hear it! Thank you! submitted by /u/sapphicfern [link] [comments]

  • Restoration of chats keeps reverting in process
    by /u/sapphicfern (WhatsApp Reddit) on July 26, 2024 at 6:01 pm

    Hi. No idea what on earth is going on. I had an iPhone 6 for about seven years, and about two days ago my pre-owned (but factory reset) iPhone SE 2020 arrived. All is well, except I cannot restore my Whatapp chats. Let me go over what I’ve done so far: 1.) I knew that WhatsApp was a particularly troublesome app to restore, so just before I started using my SE, I did a “chat backup” (as per WhatsApp settings) presumably onto iCloud. That finished no problem, it was around 7GB. 2.) I then removed the SIM card from my iPhone 6 and placed it into my SE, feeling rather delighted at the prospect of finally being able to indulge in, y’know, 90% of apps and having a fast phone. I was patting myself on the back for my foresight and tech wizardry. 3.) WhatsApp had already began downloading so I thought sweet stuff, now the restoration will be simple. But God had other plans I suppose. 4.) opened WhatsApp, entered my phone number (same as before cuz SIM card) and hit “restore”. It began restoring from the aformentioned iCloud backup. 5.) Four hours passed. I spent the time educating myself on the economic and social climate of Armenia and roasting my brain with Instagram reels. 6.) I come back to the app thinking “ah it’s probably almost finished now”. 7%. Okay. 7.) make some pasta. Take a piss. Do some squats. Shower. Phone call my mother. 8.) it’s now on 2% complete. 9.) I give it two days to pick itself up by the bootstraps (maybe WhatsApp just needed a little holiday) before I unload the app - I haven’t got the balls to completely delete it - and reload it, then complete the same process… but no luck. Same thing. Same issue. Slightly bemused 20 year old. I should also mention that my country is very WhatsApp-reliant in general culture so basically everything is on it. Nobody uses iMessage unless you’re in a spot of bother and are very good at tricking grannies into giving you their bank details. So if anyone has any idea how I should proceed from here I’d love to hear it! Thank you! submitted by /u/sapphicfern [link] [comments]

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    48988531542 submitted by /u/Appropriate_Door5431 [link] [comments]

  • Pra todos q estão no tédio
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    48988531542 submitted by /u/Appropriate_Door5431 [link] [comments]

  • Transferring WhatsApp Chats/Messages from iPhone to Android
    by /u/vongdn (WhatsApp Reddit) on July 26, 2024 at 5:21 pm

    I just recently switched from iPhone to Android (Samsung). During the Android phone setup I performed a transfer which brough my iphone files (pics, videos, apps, etc) and those seemed to transfer fine, but my WhatsApp chats didn't transfer over. Doing some searches and research all the instructions seem to be for transferring during initial Android setups, but at this point my Android phone is already setup, so how would i just transfer chats over for a phone that is already initially setup? I thought about backing up the chats, and restoring from a backup, but iphone uses iCloud and Android uses Google drive. There are instructions about scanning some QR code ... but only one mobile number can be signed in to Whatsapp, so when i'm logged into my Android, my iPhone signs out (and vice versa) and so i can't access chat settings when one phone is signed out. I do have a lightning to USB-C cable to can use that if it is better Don't really want to do a factory reset on my new phone after setting it up already...I've ready instructions that say i should do a factory reset, but i don't think that's a good option lol to lose everything and possible be in the same position again. Any suggestions? submitted by /u/vongdn [link] [comments]

  • Transferring WhatsApp Chats/Messages from iPhone to Android
    by /u/vongdn (WhatsApp Reddit) on July 26, 2024 at 5:21 pm

    I just recently switched from iPhone to Android (Samsung). During the Android phone setup I performed a transfer which brough my iphone files (pics, videos, apps, etc) and those seemed to transfer fine, but my WhatsApp chats didn't transfer over. Doing some searches and research all the instructions seem to be for transferring during initial Android setups, but at this point my Android phone is already setup, so how would i just transfer chats over for a phone that is already initially setup? I thought about backing up the chats, and restoring from a backup, but iphone uses iCloud and Android uses Google drive. There are instructions about scanning some QR code ... but only one mobile number can be signed in to Whatsapp, so when i'm logged into my Android, my iPhone signs out (and vice versa) and so i can't access chat settings when one phone is signed out. I do have a lightning to USB-C cable to can use that if it is better Don't really want to do a factory reset on my new phone after setting it up already...I've ready instructions that say i should do a factory reset, but i don't think that's a good option lol to lose everything and possible be in the same position again. Any suggestions? submitted by /u/vongdn [link] [comments]

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