Top 200 Canada History Geography and Citizenship Test Quiz?

Top 200 Canada History Geography and Citizenship Test Quiz?

What are the Top 200 Canada History Geography and Citizenship Test Quiz?


Canada is a nation with much to offer – from its unique culture to its diverse wildlife, there’s something for everyone. In the spirit of making sure that everyone can appreciate and understand this great nation, more than 200 quizzes on Canadian history, geography, government, citizenship tests, and much more can easily be found so that anyone can become an expert on Canada. Not only can you learn about the fascinating foundations of this country, but you can also explore the amazing natural wonders it holds – like mountains, forests, and parks. Whether you’re just starting your journey into Canadian culture or you’ve been living here all your life – these quizzes can help you become a knowledgeable guide to your surroundings!

Top 200 Canada History Geography and Citizenship Test Quiz?
Top 1000 Canada History Geography and Citizenship Test Quiz?




1. After a federal election, which party forms the new government?

  1. The party with the most elected representatives is invited by the Governor General to become the party in power. 
  2. The King himself picks any party to run the government.
  3. The Governor General proposes a law for elected officials to become the governing body.
  4. The Premiers of each province pick a party to run the government

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QNN Canada - Citizenship Tests Quiz
What are the Top 200 Canada History Geography and Citizenship Test Quiz?

2. Approximately how many Canadians served in the First World War?

  1. 7000.
  2. 8 million.
  3. About 60,000.
  4. More than 600,000.

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3. Canada has three territories and how many provinces?

  1. 13
  2. 10 
  3. 3
  4. 5

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4. ‘In Canada, the RCMP’ stands for …..

  1. the Royalty Canadian Mounted Police
  2. the Relevant Canadian Mounted Police
  3. the Royal Canadian Mounted Park
  4. the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

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5. Fatima is a new immigrant in Canada. What law allows her to take a job at par with a man?

  1. Equality of women and men 
  2. Equality of all races.
  3. Equal pay for equal work.
  4. Equal rights.

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6. From where does the name “Canada” come from?

  1. From the Inuit word meaning country.
  2. From the French word meaning joining.
  3. From the Métis word meaning rivers.
  4. From “Kanata”, the Huron-Iroquois word for village. 

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7. Give an example of how you can show responsibility by participating in your community.

  1. Mind your own business.
  2. Have a party.
  3. Keep your property tidy.
  4. Volunteer. 

Correct Answer: XXXXX

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8. Give an example of where English and French have equal status in Canada.

  1. In schools.
  2. In the workplace.
  3. In the Parliament of Canada. 
  4. At City Hall.

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9. Give the first line of Canada’s national anthem?

  1. O Canada! Our home and native land! 
  2. O Canada! Our province and native land!
  3. O Canada! From far and wide, O Canada,
  4. O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.

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10. ‘Not surprisingly, the city of London, Ontario Canada is located on a river called this’

  1. Ottawa River
  2. St Lawrence River
  3. Grand River
  4. Thames

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11. ‘Canada’s first full-scale one of these controversial power plants opened on Lake Huron in 1967’

  1. a solar power plant
  2. a wind power plant
  3. a nuclear power plant
  4. a hydro electric power plant

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12. ‘To party, Canada’s civil servants often cross the river from this city to Hull, Quebec’

  1. Ottawa
  2. Gatineau
  3. Montreal
  4. Kanata

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13. What is the name of the rocky region that spans most of eastern Canada?

  1. Rocky Mountains
  2. Appalachian Mountains
  3. Himalayas
  4. Canadian Shield

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14. ‘The elegant Pan Pacific Hotel in this Canadian city was built for Expo 86’

  1. Burnaby
  2. Port Coquitlam
  3. Victoria
  4. Vancouver

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15. ‘Pier 21, considered “Canada’s Ellis Island”, is in this Nova Scotia city’

  1. Antigonish
  2. Amherst
  3. Halifax
  4. Annapolis Royal

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16. What is Canada’s smallest province?

  1. New Brunswick
  2. Nova Scotia
  3. Prince Edward Island
  4. Yukon

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17. ‘Most of the province of British Columbia is in this time zone’

  1. Mountain time zone
  2. Pacific time zone
  3. Central Standard Time
  4. Atlantic Standard Time
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18- ‘In 1947 huge oil deposits were discovered in this city 175 miles north of Calgary; it’s now Canada’s oil capital’

  1. Calgary
  2. Red Deer
  3. Edmonton
  4. Fort Mc Murray

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19- ‘This Great Lake is the lowest in elevation & the only one of the 5 sharing its name with a province’

  1. Ontario
  2. Alberta
  3. Quebec
  4. British Columbia

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20- When did Canada leave the confederation to become their own nation?

  1. July 1st, 1832
  2. July 1st, 1902
  3. July 1st, 1867
  4. July 1st, 1763

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21- ‘This Newfoundland capital is the easternmost terminus of the Trans-Canada Highway’

  1. Hallifax
  2. Labrador
  3. St. John’s
  4. Prince Edward Island

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22- ‘Russia’s Wrangel Island & Canada’s Prince Patrick Island lie in this ocean’

  1. the Arctic (Ocean)
  2. the Pacific (Ocean)
  3. the Atlantic (Ocean)
  4. the Indian (Ocean)

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23- What is the name of the formerly rich fishing grounds off the island of Newfoundland, Canada?

  1. Great Barrier Reef
  2. Grand Banks
  3. Hudson Bay
  4. Mariana Trench

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24- ‘An enormous 30′-high nickel overlooks the town of Sudbury in this second-largest province’

  1. Nova Scotia
  2. Ontario
  3. Quebec
  4. Alberta

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25- ‘Not surprisingly, the city of London, Ontario Canada is located on a river called this’

  1. Ottawa River
  2. St Lawrence River
  3. Grand River
  4. Thames

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26- ‘Canada’s first full-scale one of these controversial power plants opened on Lake Huron in 1967’

  1. a solar power plant
  2. a wind power plant
  3. a nuclear power plant
  4. a hydro electric power plant

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27- ‘Terry Fox lost a leg to this disease & tried to run across Canada to raise money to fight it’

  1. obesity
  2. lupus
  3. aids
  4. cancer

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28- ‘Toronto’s CN Tower opened in this year in which Canada also hosted the Summer Olympics’

  1. 1980
  2. 1984
  3. 1976
  4. 1972

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29- ‘It’s the “silly” nickname for Canada’s one-dollar coin’

  1. A Quarter
  2. A nickel
  3. the Pennie
  4. the Loonie

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30- ‘Exceeded only by the Mackenzie, it’s Canada’s second-longest river if you include the seaway’

  1. Mackenzie River
  2. Columbia River
  3. Yukon River
  4. the St. Lawrence

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31-. How are Members of Parliament chosen?

  1. Appointed by the Prime Minister.
  2. Elected by Canadian citizens. 
  3. Appointed by the King.
  4. Elected by the Provincial Ministers.

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32- How are Senators chosen?

  1. By the Governor General of Canada.
  2. By the Premiers of all provinces.
  3. Appointed by the King.
  4. Senators are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister. 

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33- How does a bill become a law?

  1. The Lieutenant Governor must approve the bill.
  2. Approval by a majority in the House of Commons and Senate and finally the Governor General. 
  3. The King must sign the bill.
  4. Approval by the Members of the Legislative Assembly.

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34- How is a Cabinet Minister chosen?

  1. By the King.
  2. By the voters.
  3. By other Cabinet Ministers.
  4. By the Prime Minister 

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35- How is the government formed after a federal election?

  1. The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power. The King chooses the Prime Minister from this party
  2. Ordinarily, the party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power. The leader of this party becomes the Prime Minister. 
  3. The Governor General picks a party and a Prime Minister to run the government.
  4. Each province elects one representative to form the government. The King then chooses the Prime Minister.

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36- In Canada, are you allowed to question the police about their service or conduct?

  1. No, police service and conduct is not open to discussion with Canadians.
  2. Yes, you can question their service but not their conduct.
  3. Yes, you can question their conduct but not their service.
  4. Yes, if you feel the need to. 

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37. In Canada’s justice system what does “presumption of innocence” mean?

  1. Everyone is guilty until proven innocent
  2. Guilt is decided by public opinion
  3. Innocence is decided by public opinion
  4. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty 

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38- In the 1960s, Quebec experienced an era of rapid change. What is this called?

  1. The West Movement.
  2. The Revolution.
  3. The Quiet Revolution. 
  4. La Francophonie.

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39- In what industry do most Canadians work?

  1. Natural resources
  2. Tourism.
  3. Service. 
  4. Manufacturing.

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40- In which region do more than half the people in Canada live?

  1. Central Canada. 
  2. Prairies.
  3. Atlantic Canada.
  4. Northern Canada.

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41- Name all the federal political parties in the House of Commons and their leaders

  1. Conservative (Poilievre), NDP (Singh), Liberal (Trudeau), Bloc Quebecois (Blanchet), Green Party (May) 
  2. Conservative (Poilievre), Green (May), Liberal (Trudeau), Bloc Quebecois (Duceppe)
  3. NDP (Mulcair), Green (May), Liberal (Rae), Bloc Quebecois (Paillé)
  4. Liberal (Ignatieff), Conservative (Ambrose), NDP (Turmel), Green (May)

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42- Name six responsibilities of citizenship.

  1. Getting a job, making money, raising a family, paying taxes, mowing your lawn, voting in provincial elections.
  2. Voting in municipal elections only, joining a political party, getting a job, obeying the law, driving safely, picking up litter.
  3. Caring for the environment, not littering, paying taxes, obeying the law, helping others, respecting others.
  4. Obeying the law, taking responsibility for oneself and one’s family, helping others in the community, voting in elections, serving on a jury, protecting and enjoying our heritage and environment. 

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43- Name the five regions of Canada

  1. Midwest, North, South, East, Central
  2. Maritimes, Ontario, Quebec, Prairies, and British Columbia
  3. Atlantic, Central, Prairie, West Coast, and North 
  4. West, Central, East, Prairies, and Territories

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44- Name three additional rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

  1. Freedom of speech, Right to own land, and Right to a fair trial.
  2. Mobility rights, Multiculturalism, and Aboriginal Peoples’ rights. 
  3. Right to ski anywhere in Canada, Moving rights, and Right to public assembly.
  4. Right to vote, Right to speak publicly, and Security rights.

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45- Name two fundamental freedoms protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

  1. Freedom of conscience and religion, and Freedom of association. 
  2. Equality rights, and to care for Canada’s heritage.
  3. Basic freedoms, and obeying laws.
  4. Aboriginal peoples’ rights, and to volunteer.

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46- Name two key documents that contain our rights and freedoms.

  1. The Canadian Constitution and English common law.
  2. Civil code of France and the Canadian Constitution.
  3. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Magna Carta (the Great Charter of Freedoms). 
  4. Laws passed by Parliament and English common law.

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47- Name two responsibilities of the federal government.

  1. National defence and firefighting.
  2. National defence and foreign policy. 
  3. Citizenship and highways.
  4. Recycling and education.

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48- Name two responsibilities of the provincial and territorial government.

  1. Citizenship and Foreign Policy
  2. Health and Education 
  3. Defense and Currency
  4. Criminal Law and Interprovincial Trade

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49- On what date did Nunavut become a territory?

  1. July 1st, 1867
  2. April 1st, 1999 
  3. June 24th, 1995
  4. March 31st, 1949

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50- One third of all Canadians live in which province?

  1. Quebec.
  2. Ontario. 
  3. Northwest Territories.
  4. Manitoba.

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51- The Canadian Coat of Arms and motto is “A Mari Usque Ad Mare.” This means:

  1. From the ocean to the sea.
  2. From sea to sea. 
  3. From the sea to the ends of the earth.
  4. From the water to the earth.

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52- What are some examples of taking responsibility for yourself and your family?

  1. Buying a house and a TV.
  2. Getting a job, taking care of one’s family and working hard in keeping with one’s abilities. 
  3. Doing laundry and keeping the house clean.
  4. Study hard so you can earn enough money to take a vacation.

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53- What are the Prairie provinces and their capital cities?

  1. Alberta (Edmonton) and Saskatchewan (Regina).
  2. Alberta (Edmonton), Saskatchewan (Regina) and Manitoba (Winnipeg). 
  3. Saskatchewan (Regina) and Manitoba (Winnipeg).
  4. Saskatchewan (Regina), Manitoba (Winnipeg) and Ontario (Toronto).

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54- What are the provinces of Central Canada and their capital cities?

  1. Manitoba (Winnipeg) and Ontario (Toronto).
  2. Quebec (Quebec City) and Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown).
  3. Ontario (Toronto) and Quebec (Quebec City). 
  4. Saskatchewan (Regina) and Manitoba Winnipeg).

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55- What are the provinces of the Atlantic region and their capital cities?

  1. Nova Scotia (Halifax), New Brunswick (Fredericton), Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown) and Quebec (Quebec).
  2. Newfoundland and Labrador (St. John’s), Nova Scotia (Halifax), New Brunswick (Fredericton) and Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown). 
  3. Newfoundland and Labrador (St. John’s), Nova Scotia (Halifax), New Brunswick (Fredericton) and Quebec (Quebec).
  4. Nova Scotia (Halifax), New Brunswick (Fredericton), Quebec (Quebec City)and Ontario (Toronto).

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56- What are the territories of Northern Canada and their capital cities?

  1. Alaska (Juneau) and Yukon Territory ( Whitehorse).
  2. Northwest Territories (Yellowknife) and Alaska (Juneau).
  3. Northwest Territories (Yellowknife).
  4. Yukon Territory (Whitehorse), Northwest Territories (Yellowknife), and Nunavut (Iqaluit). 

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57- What are the three levels of government in Canada?

  1. Federal, Provincial and Territorial, Municipal (local). 
  2. Federal, Provincial and City.
  3. Federal, Territorial and Provincial.
  4. Federal, State and Local.

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58-  What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples?

  1. First Nations, Métis and Inuit. 
  2. Acadians, Métis and Inuit.
  3. United Empire Loyalists, Métis and Inuit.
  4. Inuit, Métis and Acadians.

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59-  What are the three main types of industry in Canada?

  1. Natural resources, tourism and service industries..
  2. Tourism, services and manufacturing.
  3. Natural resources, tourism and manufacturing.
  4. Natural resources, manufacturing and services. 

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60- What are the three parts of Parliament?

  1. The Sovereign, Governor General and Prime Minister.
  2. The House of Commons, the Legislative Assembly and the Senate.
  3. The King, the Legislative Assembly and the Senate.
  4. The Sovereign, the House of Commons and the Senate. 

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61- What are the two official languages of Canada?

  1. English and Métis.
  2. Inuktitut and French.
  3. English and French. 
  4. English and Inuktitut.

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62-  What country is Canada’s largest trading partner?

  1. Mexico.
  2. United States of America. 
  3. China.
  4. Japan.

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63-  What did the Canadian Pacific Railway symbolize?

  1. Easy access to the West Coast.
  2. What can be achieved by working together.
  3. Unity. 
  4. Ribbons of steel.

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64-  What did the Fathers of Confederation do?

  1. They worked together to establish a new country, the Dominion of Canada 
  2. They were explorers who formed an expedition to survey Northern Canada
  3. They formed a republic state in Canada
  4. They were a group of politicians that tried to unite Canada to the United States

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65-  What do you call a law before it is passed?

  1. A New law.
  2. A Proposed law.
  3. A Bill. 
  4. A New proposal.

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66- What do you call the Sovereign’s representative in the provinces?

  1. Premier.
  2. Member of the Legislative Assembly.
  3. Lieutenant-Governor. 
  4. Senator.

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67- What do you mark on a federal election ballot?

  1. The candidate’s name.
  2. The number for the candidate.
  3. An “X”. 
  4. The voter’s name.

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68- What does Confederation mean?

  1. The United States Confederate soldiers came to Canada.
  2. Joining of communities to become a province.
  3. Joining of suburbs to form a large city.
  4. Joining of provinces to make a new country. 

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69-What does it mean to say Canada is a constitutional monarchy?

  1. The Sovereign (Queen or King) is the law maker of Canada.
  2. Canada’s Head of State is a hereditary Sovereign (Queen or King) who reigns in accordance with the Constitution. 
  3. The Sovereign (Queen or King) represents Canadians in Parliament.
  4. The Sovereign (Queen or King) approves bills before becoming law.

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70- What does the “right to a secret ballot” mean?

  1. No one should tell you where to vote
  2. A secret vote used by politicians when they are voting on sensitive topics
  3. No one can watch your vote and no one should look at how you voted 
  4. Your right to vote in secret on who to appoint to the Senate

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71- What does the Canadian flag look like?

  1. Red and white with provincial emblems.
  2. Red and white with a beaver.
  3. White with a red border on each end and a red maple leaf in the centre. 
  4. Red with a white maple leaf.

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72-What does the word “Inuit” mean?

  1. “Eskimo” in Inuktitut language.
  2. “Home” in English.
  3. “The people” in the Inuktitut language. 
  4. “The Arctic Land” in Inuktitut language.

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73- What happened at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham?

  1. The Voyagers battled with the British for fur trading rights
  2. Americans fought the United Empire Loyalists during the American Revolution
  3. The British defeated the French marking the end of France’s empire in America 
  4. The French defeated the British in a battle for Quebec

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74- What is a Francophone?

  1. A person who speaks English as their first language
  2. A smartphone designed by the Canadian company RIM
  3. A person who speaks French as their first language 
  4. The first phone in Canada, invented by Alexander Graham Bell

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75-  What is a major river in Quebec?

  1. Fraser River
  2. St. Lawrence River 
  3. Niagara
  4. Hudson’s Bay.

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76- What is a majority government?

  1. When the party in power holds about one third of the seats in the House of Commons
  2. When the party in power holds about one quarter of the seats in the House of Commons.
  3. When the part in power holds at least half of the seats in the Senate.
  4. When the party in power holds at least half of the seats in the House of Commons. 

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77-  What is a voter information card?

  1. Tells you who the candidates are in your electoral district.
  2. Tells you what province to vote in.
  3. A form that tells you when and where to vote. 
  4. A form that lets you know your voting time.

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78- What is Canada’s national winter sport?

  1. Golf.
  2. Nordic skiing.
  3. Lacrosse.
  4. Hockey. 

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79- What is Canada’s system of government called?

  1. Dictatorship.
  2. Parliamentary government. 
  3. Military Rule.
  4. Communism.

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80- What is meant by the equality of women and men?

  1. Men and women are equal under the law. 
  2. Men and women must both do housework.
  3. Women may now go to school and enter the professional workforce.
  4. A woman may now become Prime Minister.

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81-  What is the “head tax”?

  1. Race-based entry fee charged for Chinese entering Canada. 
  2. Fee charged for anyone entering Canada after 1900.
  3. A tax imposed on beer beginning in 1867.
  4. Fee charged for moving westward in the early 1900s.

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82- What is the capital city of Canada?

  1. Ottawa. 
  2. Toronto.
  3. Montreal.
  4. Hull.

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83- What is the difference between the role of the Sovereign and that of the Prime Minister?

  1. The Sovereign is Head of State, the Prime Minister oversees provincial policies.
  2. The Sovereign is the guardian of Constitutional freedoms, the Prime Minister selects the Cabinet ministers and is responsible for operations and policy of government. 
  3. The Sovereign links Canada to 52 other nations and the Prime Minister is the guardian of Constitutional freedoms.
  4. The Sovereign is the symbol of Canadian sovereignty and the Prime Minister is her aide.

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84- What is the government of all of Canada called?

  1. National assembly.
  2. Legislature.
  3. Federal. 
  4. Council.

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85-  What is the highest court in Canada?

  1. The King’s Bench
  2. The Senate Court of Canada
  3. The Supreme Court of Canada 
  4. The Crown Court of Canada

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86. What is the highest military honour a Canadian can receive?

  1. Purple Cross.
  2. Badge of Courage.
  3. Order of Merit.
  4. Victoria Cross. 

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87. What is the largest religious affiliation in Canada?

  1. Catholic. 
  2. Muslim.
  3. Jewish.
  4. Hindu.

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88. What is the meaning of the Remembrance Day poppy?

  1. To remember our Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II.
  2. To celebrate Confederation.
  3. To honour Prime Ministers who have died.
  4. To remember the sacrifice of Canadians who have served or died in wars up to the present day. 

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89. What is the name of the Governor General?

  1. David Johnston.
  2. Mary Simon. 
  3. Richard Wagner.
  4. Julie Payette

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90. What is the name of the Prime Minister of Canada and his/her party?

  1. Justin Trudeau (Liberal Party). 
  2. Pierre Poilievre (Conservative Party).
  3. Jagmeet Singh (New Democratic Party).
  4. Pierre Trudeau (Liberal Party).

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91. What is the name of the Royal Anthem of Canada?

  1. O Canada.
  2. God Save the Queen (or King). 
  3. La Marseillaise
  4. The Star-Spangled Banner.

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92. What is the role of the courts in Canada?

  1. To enforce the law.
  2. To guide people in our society.
  3. To settle disputes. 
  4. To express values and beliefs of Canadians.

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93. What is the role of the Opposition parties?

  1. To assist the Prime Minister.
  2. To sign bills.
  3. To oppose or try to improve government proposals. 
  4. To put forward bills to be passed.

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94. What is the significance of the discovery of insulin by Sir Frederick Banting and Charles Best?

  1. Insulin is a hormone that permits you to eat anything you wish.
  2. Insulin has saved 16 million lives worldwide. 
  3. Discovering insulin opened the doors to more discoveries.
  4. Discovering insulin made Drs. Banting and Best famous.

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95. What part of the Constitution legally protects the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians?

  1. The British Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  2. The Canadian Charter of Rights.
  3. The Canadian Charter of Freedoms.
  4. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 

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96. What percentage of Aboriginal people are First Nations?

  1. 30%.
  2. 6%.
  3. 50%.
  4. 65%. 

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97. What should you do if you do not receive a voter information card telling you when and where to vote?

  1. Go to the police station.
  2. Call your Member of Parliament.
  3. Assume you cannot vote.
  4. Call Elections Canada or visit their website. 

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98. What song is Canada’s national anthem?

  1. God Save the King.
  2. O Canada. 
  3. Star Spangled Banner.
  4. Amazing Grace.

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99. What three oceans border Canada?

  1. Atlantic, Arctic and Bering.
  2. Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific. 
  3. Pacific, Indian and Atlantic.
  4. Hudson, Pacific and Atlantic.

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100. What was the “Underground Railroad”?

  1. An anti-slavery network that helped thousands of slaves escape the United States and settle in Canada 
  2. A railroad through the Rockies that was mainly through mountain tunnels
  3. A network fur traders used to transport beaver pelts to the United States
  4. The first underground subway tunnel in Toronto

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101. What was the significance of June 6, 1944 invasion of Normandy?

  1. It led to the establishment of the Juno Awards.
  2. It liberated North Africa from Nazi occupation.
  3. Canadians made a significant contribution to the defeat of Nazism and Fascism in Europe during the Second World War. 
  4. It resulted in the forcible relocation of Canadians of Japanese origin.

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102. What was the Women’s Suffrage Movement?

  1. The effort by women to achieve the right to vote. 
  2. The effort by women to participate in military service.
  3. An unsuccessful movement to get husbands to do housework.
  4. The effort by women to be in Parliament.

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103. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?

  1. Pledge allegiance to the King, observe the laws of Canada and fulfil the duties of a Canadian. 
  2. Pledge to be faithful to the King.
  3. Promise to observe the laws of Canada.
  4. Fulfil duties as a Canadian citizen.

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104. What year did Newfoundland and Labrador join Canada?

  1. 1867
  2. 1955
  3. 1949 
  4. 1880

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105. What year was Confederation?

  1. 1867. 
  2. 1871.
  3. 1898.
  4. 1864.

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106. When asked, who must you tell how you voted in a federal election?

  1. Your employer.
  2. No one. 
  3. A police officer.
  4. An Elections Canada official.

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107. When did the British North America Act come into effect?

  1. 1871.
  2. 1898.
  3. 1867. 
  4. 1905.

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108. When did the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution?

  1. 1867.
  2. 1905.
  3. 1982. 
  4. 1878.

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109. When is Canada Day and what does it celebrate?

  1. June 15 of each year to celebrate the anniversary of Confederation.
  2. August 8th of each year to celebrate the joining of British Columbia to Confederation.
  3. We celebrate the anniversary of Confederation July 1st of each year. 
  4. May 21st of each year to remember Queen Victoria.

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110. When is Remembrance Day celebrated?

  1. July 1st
  2. October 1st.
  3. November 11th. 
  4. December 25th

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111. When must federal elections be held?

  1. About every 4 years.
  2. On the third Monday in October every four years following the most recent general election. 
  3. Whenever the Prime Minister calls the election.
  4. When the MPs want a new Prime Minister.

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112. When you vote on election day, what do you do?

  1. Go to the voting station, tell them who you are and mark your X. Give the ballot back to the attendant.
  2. Go to the voting station, remove 1 ballot and after marking your X deposit it in the ballot box.
  3. Go to the voting station, take your voter’s card with proof if identity, highlight your choice on the ballot and deposit it in the box.
  4. Go to the voting station with your voter’s card and ID, mark an X next to your chosen candidate, fold the ballot and present it to the poll officials who will tear off the ballot number and give you the ballot to deposit in the box 

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113. Where are the Great Lakes?

  1. Between Ontario and the United States 
  2. Manitoba.
  3. Northern Quebec.
  4. Atlantic Canada.

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114. Where are the Parliament Buildings located?

  1. Ottawa. 
  2. Quebec City.
  3. Hull.
  4. Toronto.

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115. Where do most French-speaking Canadians live?

  1. Ontario.
  2. Nova Scotia.
  3. Quebec. 
  4. Prince Edward Island.

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116. Where does Canada rank in the world’s largest countries?

  1. First
  2. Second 
  3. Third
  4. Fourth

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117. Which Act granted, for the first time in Canada, legislative assemblies elected by the people?

  1. The Constitutional Act of 1867.
  2. The Constitutional Act of 1791. 
  3. The Constitutional Act of 1982.
  4. The Constitutional Act of 2010.

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118. Which animal is an official symbol of Canada?

  1. The moose.
  2. The hawk.
  3. The beaver. 
  4. The deer.

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119. Which country borders Canada on the south?

  1. United States of America. 
  2. Central America.
  3. Mexico.
  4. Washington.

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120. Which federal political party is in power?

  1. Green Party.
  2. New Democratic Party.
  3. Liberal Party. 
  4. Conservative Party.

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121. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Canada’s system of government?

  1. A federal state.
  2. Parliamentary democracy.
  3. Constitutional Monarchy.
  4. Dictatorship. 

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122. Which of the following sentences best describes the War of 1812?

  1. Napoleon’s fleet was defeated by the Royal Navy in the war.
  2. The USA became independent from the British Empire after the war.
  3. The USA invaded Canada and was defeated, which ensured that Canada would remain independent of the United States. 
  4. Canada joined the United States after the war.

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123. Which of the following statements about residential schools is NOT true?

  1. The federal government placed many Aboriginal children in residential schools to educate and assimilate them into mainstream Canadian culture.
  2. The schools were poorly funded and inflicted hardship on the students.
  3. The schools were welcomed by the Aboriginal people. 
  4. Aboriginal language and cultural practices were mostly prohibited.

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124. Which party becomes the Official Opposition?

  1. The party with the second most MPs. 
  2. The party receiving the least votes.
  3. Any independent candidate.
  4. The party the Prime Minister selects.

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125. Which party is the Official Opposition at the federal level?

  1. The New Democratic Party.
  2. The Liberal Party.
  3. The Independent Party.
  4. The Conservative Party. 

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126. Which port is the largest and busiest in Canada?

  1. The Port of Halifax
  2. The Port of Montreal
  3. The Port of Vancouver 
  4. The Port of Victoria

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127. Which province has its own time zone?

  1. British Columbia
  2. Newfoundland and Labrador 
  3. Nunavut
  4. Nova Scotia

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128. Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size?

  1. Nova Scotia.
  2. Prince Edward Island. 
  3. Yukon Territory.
  4. Newfoundland and Labrador.

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129. Which province is the main producer of pulp and paper and hydro-electricity?

  1. Quebec 
  2. Ontario
  3. British Columbia
  4. Manitoba

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130. Which province is the only officially bilingual province?

  1. New Brunswick. 
  2. Quebec.
  3. Ontario.
  4. Prince Edward Island.

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131. Which province was split into two at Confederation?

  1. Lower Canada
  2. Newfoundland
  3. Upper Canada
  4. The Province of Canada 

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132. Which province was the first to grant voting rights to women?

  1. Quebec
  2. Ontario
  3. Nova Scotia
  4. Manitoba 

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133. Which provincial flag features the fleur-de-lys?

  1. Quebec 
  2. New Brunswick
  3. Manitoba
  4. Ontario

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134. Which region covers more than one-third of Canada?

  1. Central Canada.
  2. Prairies.
  3. Atlantic Canada.
  4. Northern Territories. 

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135. Which region is known as the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada?

  1. Atlantic provinces.
  2. Prairie provinces.
  3. Central Canada. 
  4. West Coast.

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136. Which region of Canada is known for both its fertile agricultural land and valuable energy resources?

  1. British Columbia.
  2. Prairie provinces. 
  3. Ontario.
  4. Manitoba.

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137. Which three countries are signatories to NAFTA?

  1. Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.
  2. Canada, the United States and Japan.
  3. Canada, Mexico and the United States. 
  4. Canada, Denmark and Andorra.

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138. Which was the last province to join Canada?

  1. Newfoundland. 
  2. Alberta.
  3. Saskatchewan.
  4. British Columbia.

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139. Who are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada?

  1. The first European settlers to arrive in Canada
  2. The descendents of the first Australian immigrants to Canada
  3. The first people to live in Canada 
  4. The first settlers of Newfoundland

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140. Who are the Acadians?

  1. Aboriginal people of the arctic.
  2. French-speaking Catholics living in Ontario.
  3. The descendants of French colonists who began settling in what are now the Maritime provinces in 1604. 
  4. English speaking refugees who settled in Louisiana.

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141. Who are the founding peoples of Canada?

  1. Métis, French and British.
  2. Aboriginal, Métis and British.
  3. Inuit, Aboriginal and British.
  4. Aboriginal, French and British. 

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142. Who are the Métis?

  1. The distinct aboriginal people of Atlantic Canada.
  2. A people of mixed Inuit/First Nations ancestry most of whom live on the Prairies.
  3. First Nations people speaking the Michif dialect.
  4. A distinct people of mixed Aboriginal and European ancestry.

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143. Who are the Quebecers?

  1. European settlers in the 1600s.
  2. Descendants of the French colonists.
  3. Descendants of the Anglophones.
  4. People of Quebec. 

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144. Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election?

  1. The best speaker running in the election.
  2. A candidate they want to represent them in Parliament. 
  3. Someone to become the Premier.
  4. All of the candidates in their electoral district.

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145. Who do Members of Parliament represent?

  1. All of the Canadians living in the north.
  2. Only Canadians living in Central Canada.
  3. Everyone who lives in his or her electoral district. 
  4. Canadians living in the province in which he/she was elected.

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146. Who had played an important part in building the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)?

  1. American railroad engineers.
  2. Acadian railroad workers.
  3. Chinese railroad workers. 
  4. African American slaves.

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147. Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections?

  1. Anyone.
  2. A Canadian citizen who is 16 years old.
  3. Any man who is at least 18 years old.
  4. Any Canadian citizen who is at least 18 years old. 

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148. Who has the right to vote in federal elections?

  1. A Canadian citizen, 18 years or older, and on voters’ list. 
  2. A Canadian citizen, 18 years or older and must work for the federal government.
  3. A landed immigrant, 18 years old and a member of the Canadian Forces.
  4. A Canadian citizen, over 25 years and a member of the Canadian Forces.

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149. Who have major responsibilities on First Nations reserves?

  1. Band chiefs and councillors. 
  2. Municipal governments.
  3. Provincial and territorial governments.
  4. Federal government.

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150. Who is Canada’s Head of State?

  1. Governor General of Canada.
  2. His Majesty King Charles III. 
  3. Prime Minister.
  4. Lieutenant Governor.

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151. Who is considered the father of Manitoba?

  1. John A. Macdonald
  2. Sam Steele
  3. Alfred Boyd
  4. Louis Riel 

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152. Who is General Sir Arthur Currie?

  1. A military leader of the Métis in the 19th century.
  2. A great frontier hero.
  3. An explorer of western Canada.
  4. Canada’s greatest soldier in the First World War. 

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153. Who is the Head of Government?

  1. The President
  2. The King
  3. The Governor General
  4. The Prime Minister 

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154. Who is the King’s representative in Canada?

  1. Prime Minister of Canada.
  2. Premier.
  3. Lieutenant-Governor.
  4. Governor General of Canada. 

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155. Who led an armed uprising and seized Fort Garry?

  1. John A. Macdonald
  2. Louis Riel 
  3. Sam Steele
  4. George-Étienne Cartier

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156. Who led Quebec into Confederation?

  1. Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine
  2. Sir George-Étienne Cartier 
  3. Sir Wilfrid Laurier
  4. Sir John A. Macdonald

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157. Who was Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine?

  1. A champion of democracy and Aboriginal rights.
  2. A champion of democracy and French language rights and the first leader of a responsible government in the Canadas. 
  3. The first Head of State.
  4. The first French speaking Prime Minister.

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158. Who was Sir Sam Steele?

  1. A great frontier hero, Mounted Policeman and soldier. 
  2. A military leader of the Métis in the 19th century.
  3. The first Prime Minister of Canada.
  4. The Father of Manitoba.

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159. Who was the first leader of a responsible government in the Canadas in 1849?

  1. Sir John A. Macdonald.
  2. Robert Baldwin.
  3. Louis Riel.
  4. Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine. 

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160. Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?

  1. Louis Riel.
  2. Sir John A. Macdonald. 
  3. Lester B. Pearson.
  4. Abraham Lincoln.

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161. Who were the United Empire Loyalists?

  1. Settlers who came to Canada from the United States during the American Revolution. 
  2. Aboriginal peoples.
  3. Métis
  4. Inuit.

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162. Who were the Voyagers?

  1. Montreal-based traders who travelled by canoe 
  2. Immigrants to Canada in the 18th Century
  3. Explorers searching for the North-West Passage
  4. Geographers who first charted the coastline of British Columbia

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163. Why is the battle of Vimy Ridge important?

  1. It was a key position of the German line in Northern Spain.
  2. Canadian Corps secured its reputation for valour and bravery. 
  3. It was the “hinge” of the German line as it protected the newly constructed Hindenburg line.
  4. Once Canadians fought at Vimy they knew they would be heading home.

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164. Why is trade with other countries important to Canada?

  1. It enhances our standard of living.
  2. It makes it easier for us to travel to foreign countries.
  3. It enhances our economy and raises our standard of living. 
  4. It brings in cheaper goods.

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165. What is the capital city of Alberta?

  1. Medicine Hat.
  2. Red Deer.
  3. Calgary.
  4. Edmonton

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166. Which three natural resources are important to Alberta’s economy today?

  1. Oil, agriculture, and forestry. 
  2. Oil, tourism, and fishing.
  3. Oil, coal, and hydroelectricity.
  4. Oil, coal, and forestry.

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167. Which three natural resources are important to British Columbia’s economy today?

  1. Forests, water and grain crops.
  2. Forests, fish and water. 
  3. Fish, oil and water.
  4. Coal, water and shipbuilding.

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168. Why is British Columbia known as Canada’s Pacific Gateway?

  1. Most new immigrants arrive at Vancouver International Airport.
  2. British Columbia is the closest province to the Far East.
  3. Billions of dollars in trade goods are handled through the Port of Vancouver. 
  4. British Columbia borders the Pacific Ocean.

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169. What is the capital city of Manitoba?

  1. Winnipeg 
  2. Grand Rapids
  3. Portage la Prairie
  4. Brandon

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170. What three industries are important to Manitoba’s economy today?

  1. Farming, mining and fishing
  2. Agriculture, mining and hydro-electric power generation 
  3. Fishing, tourism and mining
  4. Forestry, fishing and energy

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171. What is the capital city of New Brunswick?

  1. Victoria
  2. Winnipeg
  3. Fredericton 
  4. Montreal

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172. What three industries are important to New Brunswick’s economy today?

  1. Forestry, hydro-electric power generation, oil
  2. Fisheries, oil, tourism
  3. Atlantic trade, fishing and oil
  4. Forestry, agriculture and mining 

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173. What is the capital city of Newfoundland and Labrador?

  1. Charlottetown
  2. Chimney Tickle
  3. St. John’s 
  4. St. Pierre et Miquelon

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174. What three industries are important to Newfoundland and Labrador’s economy today?

  1. Fisheries, oil and gas extraction 
  2. Fisheries, tourism, forestry
  3. Shipbuilding, fisheries and mining
  4. Tourism, mining and forestry

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175. What is the capital City of Nova Scotia?

  1. Shearwater
  2. Halifax 
  3. Dartmouth
  4. Devon

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176. What three industries are important to Nova Scotia’s economy today?

  1. Fisheries, shipbuilding and forestry
  2. Forestry, mining and tourism
  3. Coal mining, forestry and agriculture 
  4. Tourism, movies and shipbuilding

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177. What is the capital City of the Northwest Territories?

  1. Fort Simpson
  2. Hay River
  3. Fort Providence
  4. Yellowknife 

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178. What is the capital City of the Nunavut?

  1. Sinaa
  2. Iqaluit 
  3. Nipisa
  4. Mivvik

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179. What is the capital city of Ontario?

  1. Kingston
  2. Ottawa
  3. Toronto 
  4. London

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180. What three industries are important to Ontario’s economy today?

  1. Mining, fishing, automobile manufacturing
  2. Mining, tourism, automobile manufacturing 
  3. Farming, tourism, fishing
  4. Automobile manufacturing, tourism, fishing

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181. What is the capital City of the Prince Edward Island?

  1. Cornwall
  2. Stratford
  3. Charlottetown 
  4. Georgetown

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182. What is the capital City of the Quebec?

  1. Beauport
  2. Quebec City 
  3. Montreal
  4. Chicoutimi

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183. What three industries are important to Quebec’s economy today?

  1. Tourism, mining and forestry
  2. Pulp and paper, forestry and hydro-electric power 
  3. Films, fishing and mining
  4. Forestry, shipping and tourism

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184. What is the capital city of Saskatchewan?

  1. Regina 
  2. Avonlea
  3. Glenavon
  4. Fort Qu’Appelle

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185. What three industries are important to Saskatchewan’s economy today?

  1. Forestry, films and tourism
  2. Fishing, mining and agriculture
  3. Mining, oil production and forestry
  4. Farming, mining and natural gas 

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186. ‘From 1984 to 1993, he was Canada’s Prime Minister’

  1. Pierre Trudeau
  2. John Turner
  3. Jean Chretien
  4. Brian Murolney

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187. What is Canada’s largest island?

  1.  Prince Edward Island
  2.  Newfoundland
  3. Baffin Island
  4. Vancouver Island

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188- What is the capital of British Columbia, Canada?

  1. Kelowna
  2. Vancouver
  3. Victoria
  4. Hope

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189- What is the name of the Canadian national anthem?

  1. O Canada
  2. March of the Puck Drop
  3. Leaf-Spangled Banner
  4. O Red Maple

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190- When did O, Canada officially become the national anthem?

  1. 1880
  2. 1920
  3. 1980
  4. 1950

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191- In which city, is the Big Nickel located in Canada?

  1. Calgary, Alberta
  2. Victoria, British Columbia
  3. Halifax, Nova Scotia
  4. Sudbury, Ontario

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192. What is the capital city of Yukon Territory?

  1. MacRae
  2. Crestview
  3. Whitehorse 
  4. Riverdale

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193- What does the term “responsible government” mean?

  1. Each person in each electoral district is responsible for voting.
  2. The Governor General is responsible for the actions of the Prime Minister.
  3. The ministers of the Crown must have the support of a majority of the elected representatives in order to govern. 
  4. All Canadians are responsible for each other.

Correct Answer: XXXXX

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194- How is the Prime Minister chosen?

  1. The King appoints the Prime Minister.
  2. The Governor General with the Senate appoint the Prime Minister.
  3. The leader of the party with the most elected representatives becomes the Prime Minister. 
  4. The MPs vote on the Prime Minister.

Correct Answer: XXXXX

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195- ‘The 2 colors found on all 3 national flags of the U.S., Mexico & Canada’

Correct Answer: XXXXX

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196- ‘A narrow passage separates Canada’s Ellesmere Island from this large Danish island’

Correct Answer: XXXXX

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197- ‘Mount Logan, Canada’s highest peak, is found in this territory’

Correct Answer: XXXXX

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198- ‘Of the top 5 Canadian cities in population, it’s the one closest to the Pacific Ocean’

Correct Answer: XXXXX

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199- ‘Appropriately, New Glasgow is in this Canadian province’

200- ‘O Canada celebrates Canada Day on this date, 3 days before a big American holiday’

Correct Answer: XXXXX

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Top 200 Canada History Geography and Citizenship Test Quiz?
Top 1000 Canada Quiz



[1- 1: The party with the most elected representatives is invited by the Governor General to become the party in power.] Back to top

[2- 2: More than 600,000] Back to top

[3- 2: 10] Back to top

[4- 4: the Royal Canadian Mounted Police] Back to top

[5- 1: Equality of women and men] Back to top

[6- 4: From “Kanata”, the Huron-Iroquois word for village.] Back to top

[7- 4: Volunteer] Back to top

[8- 3: In the Parliament of Canada. ] Back to top

[9- 1: O Canada! Our home and native land! ] Back to top

[10- 4: Thames] Back to top

[11- 3: A nuclear power plant] Back to top

[12- 1: Ottawa] Back to top

[13- 4: Canadian Shield] Back to top

[14- 4: Vancouver] Back to top

[15- 3: Halifax] Back to top

[16-3: Prince Edward Island] Back to top

[17- 2: Pacific Time Zone] Back to top

[18- 3: Edmonton] Back to top

[19- 1: Ontario] Back to top

[20- 3: July 1st, 1867] Back to top


[21- 3: St. John’s] Back to top

[22- 1: the Arctic Ocean] Back to top

[23- 2: Grand Banks] Back to top

[24- 2: Ontario] Back to top

[25- 4: Thames] Back to top

[26- 1: a nuclear power plant] Back to top

[27- 4: Cancer] Back to top

[28- 3: 1976] Back to top

[29- 4: the Loonie] Back to top

[30- 4: the St. Lawrence] Back to top

[31- 2: Elected by Canadian citizens] Back to top

[32- 4: Senators are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister. ] Back to top

[33-2: Approval by a majority in the House of Commons and Senate and finally the Governor General. ] Back to top

[34- 4: By the Prime Minister]

[35- 2: Ordinarily, the party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power. The leader of this party becomes the Prime Minister.] Back to top

[36- 4: Yes, if you feel the need to] Back to top

[37- 4: Everyone is innocent until proven guilty] Back to top

[38- 3: The Quiet Revolution] Back to top

[39- 3: Service] Back to top


[40- 1: Central Canada.] Back to top

[41- 1: Conservative (Poilievre), NDP (Singh), Liberal (Trudeau), Bloc Quebecois (Blanchet), Green Party (May)] Back to top

[42- 4: Obeying the law, taking responsibility for oneself and one’s family, helping others in the community, voting in elections, serving on a jury, protecting and enjoying our heritage and environment.] Back to top

[43- 3: Atlantic, Central, Prairie, West Coast, and North] Back to top

[44- 2: Mobility rights, Multiculturalism, and Aboriginal Peoples’ rights.] Back to top

[45-1: Freedom of conscience and religion, and Freedom of association.] Back to top

[46- 3: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Magna Carta (the Great Charter of Freedoms). ] Back to top

[47- 2: National defence and foreign policy. ] Back to top

[48- 2: Health and Education] Back to top

[49- 2: April 1st, 1999] Back to top


[50- 2: Ontario] Back to top

[51- 2: From sea to sea] Back to top

[52- 2: Getting a job, taking care of one’s family and working hard in keeping with one’s abilities. ] Back to top

[53- 2: Alberta (Edmonton), Saskatchewan (Regina) and Manitoba (Winnipeg).] Back to top

[54- 3: Ontario (Toronto) and Quebec (Quebec City). ] Back to top

[55- 2: Newfoundland and Labrador (St. John’s), Nova Scotia (Halifax), New Brunswick (Fredericton) and Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown). ] Back to top

[56- 4: Yukon Territory (Whitehorse), Northwest Territories (Yellowknife), and Nunavut (Iqaluit). ] Back to top

[57- 1: Federal, Provincial and Territorial, Municipal (local).] Back to top

[58- 1: First Nations, Métis and Inuit.] Back to top

[59- 4: Natural resources, manufacturing and services.] Back to top

[60- 4: The Sovereign, the House of Commons and the Senate.] Back to top

[61- 3: English and French.] Back to top

[62- 2: United States of America. ] Back to top

[63- 3: Unity.] Back to top

[64- 1: They worked together to establish a new country, the Dominion of Canada ] Back to top

[65- 3: A Bill. ] Back to top

[66- 3: Lieutenant-Governor. ] Back to top

[67- 3: An “X”. ] Back to top

[68- 4: Joining of provinces to make a new country. ] Back to top

[69- 2: Canada’s Head of State is a hereditary Sovereign (Queen or King) who reigns in accordance with the Constitution.] Back to top

[70- 3: No one can watch your vote and no one should look at how you voted] Back to top

[71- 3: White with a red border on each end and a red maple leaf in the centre. ] Back to top

[72- 3: The people” in the Inuktitut language] Back to top

[73-3: The British defeated the French marking the end of France’s empire in America ] Back to top

[74- 3: A person who speaks French as their first language ] Back to top

[75- 2: St. Lawrence River] Back to top

[76- 4: When the party in power holds at least half of the seats in the House of Commons. ] Back to top

[77- 3: A form that tells you when and where to vote. ] Back to top

[78- 4: Hockey.] Back to top

[79- 2: Parliamentary government.] Back to top

[80- 1: Men and women are equal under the law. ] Back to top


[81- 1: Race-based entry fee charged for Chinese entering Canada.] Back to top

[82- 1: Ottawa] Back to top

[83- 2: The Sovereign is the guardian of Constitutional freedoms, the Prime Minister selects the Cabinet ministers and is responsible for operations and policy of government.] Back to top

[84- 3: Federal. ] Back to top

[85- 3: The Supreme Court of Canada] Back to top

[86- 4: Victoria Cross. ] Back to top

[87- 1: Catholic. ] Back to top

[88- 4: To remember the sacrifice of Canadians who have served or died in wars up to the present day.] Back to top

[89- 2: Mary Simon. ]

[90- 1: Justin Trudeau (Liberal Party).] Back to top

[91- 2: God Save the Queen (or King). ] Back to top

[92- 3: To settle disputes.] Back to top

[93- 3: To oppose or try to improve government proposals. ] Back to top

[94- 2: Insulin has saved 16 million lives worldwide.] Back to top

[95- 4: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.] Back to top

[96- 4: 65%] Back to top

[97- 4: Call Elections Canada or visit their website.] Back to top

[98- 2: O Canada.] Back to top

[99- 2: Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific.] Back to top


[100- 1: An anti-slavery network that helped thousands of slaves escape the United States and settle in Canada] Back to top

[101- 3: Canadians made a significant contribution to the defeat of Nazism and Fascism in Europe during the Second World War. ] Back to top

[102- 1: The effort by women to achieve the right to vote. ] Back to top

[103- 1: Pledge allegiance to the King, observe the laws of Canada and fulfil the duties of a Canadian.] Back to top

[104- 3: 1949] Back to top

[105- 1: 1867] Back to top

[106- 2: No one.] Back to top

[107- 3: 1867 ] Back to top

[108- 3: 1982] Back to top

[109- 3: We celebrate the anniversary of Confederation July 1st of each year. ] Back to top

[110- 3: November 11th.] Back to top

[111- 2: On the third Monday in October every four years following the most recent general election.] Back to top

[112- 4: Go to the voting station with your voter’s card and ID, mark an X next to your chosen candidate, fold the ballot and present it to the poll officials who will tear off the ballot number and give you the ballot to deposit in the box] Back to top

[113- 1: Between Ontario and the United States] Back to top

[114- Ottawa.] Back to top

[115- 3: Quebec] Back to top

[116- Second] Back to top

[117- 2: The Constitutional Act of 1791.] Back to top

[118- The beaver.] Back to top

[119- 1: United States of America] Back to top

[120- Liberal Party.] Back to top


[121- 4: Dictatorship.] Back to top

[122- 3: The USA invaded Canada and was defeated, which ensured that Canada would remain independent of the United States.] Back to top

[123- 3: The schools were welcomed by the Aboriginal people.] Back to top

[124- 1: The party with the second most MPs.] Back to top

[125- 4: The Conservative Party. ] Back to top

[126- 3: The Port of Vancouver ] Back to top

[127- 2: Newfoundland and Labrador] Back to top

[128- 2: Prince Edward Island. ] Back to top

[129- 1: Quebec] Back to top

[130- 1: New Brunswick.] Back to top

[131- 4: The Province of Canada] Back to top

[132- 4: Manitoba] Back to top

[133- 1: Quebec] Back to top

[134- 4: Northern Territories.] Back to top

[135- 3: Central Canada.] Back to top

[136- 2: Prairie provinces. ] Back to top

[137- 3: Canada, Mexico and the United States. ] Back to top

[138- 3: Newfoundland.] Back to top

[139- 3: The first people to live in Canada] Back to top

[140- 3: The descendants of French colonists who began settling in what are now the Maritime provinces in 1604.] Back to top


[141- 4: Aboriginal, French and British.] Back to top

[142- 4: A distinct people of mixed Aboriginal and European ancestry.] Back to top

[143- 4: People of Quebec. ] Back to top

[144- 2: A candidate they want to represent them in Parliament.] Back to top

[145- 3: Everyone who lives in his or her electoral district. ] Back to top

[146- 3: Chinese railroad workers. ] Back to top

[147- 4: Any Canadian citizen who is at least 18 years old. ] Back to top

[148- 1: A Canadian citizen, 18 years or older, and on voters’ list. ] Back to top

[149- 1: Band chiefs and councillors. ] Back to top

[150- 2: His Majesty King Charles III. ] Back to top

[151- 4: Louis Riel] Back to top

[152- 4: Canada’s greatest soldier in the First World War. ] Back to top

[153- 4: The Prime Minister] Back to top

[154- 4: Governor General of Canada. ] Back to top

[155- 2: Louis Riel] Back to top

[156- 2: Sir George-Étienne Cartier ] Back to top

[157- 2: A champion of democracy and French language rights and the first leader of a responsible government in the Canadas.] Back to top

[158- 1: A great frontier hero, Mounted Policeman and soldier. ] Back to top

[159- 4: Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine.] Back to top

[160- 2: Sir John A. Macdonald.] Back to top

[161- 1: Settlers who came to Canada from the United States during the American Revolution.] Back to top

[162- 1: Montreal-based traders who travelled by canoe] Back to top

[163- 2: Canadian Corps secured its reputation for valour and bravery. ] Back to top


[164- 3: It enhances our economy and raises our standard of living. ] Back to top

[165- 4: Edmonton] Back to top

[166- 1: Oil, agriculture, and forestry.] Back to top

[167- 2: Forests, fish and water. ] Back to top

[168- 3: Billions of dollars in trade goods are handled through the Port of Vancouver.] Back to top

[169- 1:Winnipeg] Back to top

[170- 2: Agriculture, mining and hydro-electric power generation] Back to top

[171- 3: Fredericton] Back to top

[172- 4: Forestry, agriculture and mining] Back to top

[173- 3: St. John’s] Back to top

[174- 1: Fisheries, oil and gas extraction] Back to top

[175- 2: Halifax ] Back to top

[176- 3: Coal mining, forestry and agriculture] Back to top

[177- 4: Yellowknife] Back to top

[178- 2: Iqaluit] Back to top

[179- 3: Toronto] Back to top

[180- 2: Mining, tourism, automobile manufacturing] Back to top

[181- 3: Charlottetown] Back to top

[182- 2: Quebec City] Back to top

[183- 2: Pulp and paper, forestry and hydro-electric power] Back to top

[184- 1: Regina] Back to top

[185- 4: Farming, mining and natural gas] Back to top

[186- 4: Brian Murolney] Back to top

[187- 3: Baffin Island] Back to top

[188- 3: Victoria] Back to top

[189- 1: O Canada] Back to top

[190- 3: 1980] Back to top

[191- D: Sudbury, Ontario]

[192- 3: Whitehorse]

[193- 3: The ministers of the Crown must have the support of a majority of the elected representatives in order to govern. ] Back to top

[194- 3: The leader of the party with the most elected representatives becomes the Prime Minister. ] Back to top


[195- red & white] Back to top

[196- Greenland] Back to top

[197- the Yukon Territory] Back to top

[198- Vancouver] Back to top

[199- Nova Scotia] Back to top

[200- July 1] Back to top




Canada Pulse – What is trending in Canada in 2022?

Top Trending Searches in Canada 2022

1) Wordle
2) Ukraine
3) World Cup
4) Queen Elizabeth II
5) Betty White
6) Bob Saget
7) Anne Hache
8) Canuckle
9) Johnny Depp
10) Will Smith

Top trending News Stories in Canada 2022

1) Ukraine: On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which began in 2014. The invasion has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths on both sides. It has caused Europe’s largest refugee crisis since World War II.
2) Rogers outage: On July 8, 2022, Canadian telecom provider Rogers Communications experienced a major service outage affecting more than 12 million users of Rogers’ cable internet and cellular networks,[3] including those of subsidiary brands Rogers WirelessFidoCityfone, and Chatr
3) Monkeypox
4) Lisa Laflamme
5) CNE
6) US midterm elections
7) Saskatchewan stabbings
8) World Cup 2022
9) Oscars 2022
10) Freedom Convoy 2022: A series of protests and blockades in Canada against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and restrictions

Top trending Movies in Canada 2022

1) Encanto
2) Top Gun
3) The Batman
4) Thor Love and Thunder
5) Turning Red
6) Black Adam
7) Everything everywhere all at once
8) Morbius
9) Uncharted
10) Don’t worry darling

Top trending Celebrities in Canada 2022

1) Johnny Depp
2) Will Smith
3) Amber Heard
4) Chris Rock
5) Adam Levine
6) King Charles
7) Jada Pinkett Smith
8) Julia Fox
9) Bruce Willis
10) Mary J. Blige

Top trending Athletes in Canada 2022

1) Guy Lafleur
2) Novak Djokovic
3) Antonio Brown
4) Serena Williams
5) Eileen Gu
6) Kamila Valieva
7) Felix Auger Aliassime
8) Mitchell Miller
9) Johnny Gaudreau
10) Kirby Dach

Top trending Sports Terms in Canada 2022

1) World Cup
2) Olympic medal count
3) Flames
4) Olympics
5) CFL scores
6) T20 World Cup 2022
7) Asia Cup 2022
8) Canada soccer
9) Golden State Warriors
10) Indian Wells tennis

What is? Top Trending “What is?” Questions in Canada 2022

1) What is monkeypox
2) What is NATO
3) What is RSV? Respiratory syncytial virus
4) What is wordle: Wordle is a web-based word game created and developed by Welsh software engineer Josh Wardle, and owned and published by The New York Times Company since 2022. Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with feedback given for each guess in the form of colored tiles indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position. The mechanics are nearly identical to the 1955 pen-and-paper game Jotto and the television game show franchise LingoWordle has a single daily solution, with all players attempting to guess the same word.
5) What is NFT?
6) What is aphasia? an inability to comprehend or formulate language because of damage to specific brain regions.
7) What is an oligarch
8) What is Diwali
9) What is happening in Ukraine?
10) What is martial law

Comment?  Top Trending “Comment?” Questions in Canada 2022

1) Comment faire un test rapide
2) Comment vais je mourir quiz
3) Comment ramollir cassonade
4) Comment decongestionner
5) Comment friser cheveux avec fer plat
6) Comment connaitre son groupe sanguin
7) Comment faire un budget sur excel
8) Comment se débarrasser des coccinelles dans la maison
9) Comment obtenir un passeport canadien
10) Comment regarder la coupe du monde 2022

Why? Top Trending Questions “Why?” Search in Canada 2022

1) Why is russia attacking ukraine
2) Why is rogers down
3) Why did Will slap Chris
4) Why is ukraine not in nato
5) Why is there a formula shortage
6) Why is gas so expensive right now
7) Why are truckers protesting
8) Why is there a tylenol shortage
9) Why is crypto going down
10) Why did liz truss resign

How to? Top Trending Questions “How to?”  in Canada 2022

1) How to watch the World Cup
2) How to do a rapid covid test
3) How to help Ukraine
4) How to get vaccine QR code
5) How to create an NFT
6) How to pronounce Kyiv
7) How to evolve Charcadet
8) How to respec in Elden Ring
9) How to evolve Cosmog in Pokémon Go
10) How to pronounce Qatar

11) How to register to vote in Canada?

Recherches au Québec en 2022

1) Wordle: web-based word game created and developed by Welsh software engineer Josh Wardle, and owned and published by The New York Times Company since 2022. Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with feedback given for each guess in the form of colored tiles indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position. The mechanics are nearly identical to the 1955 pen-and-paper game Jotto and the television game show franchise LingoWordle has a single daily solution, with all players attempting to guess the same word.
2) Ukraine
3) Coupe du Monde 2022
4) Karim Ouellet
5) OD Martinique
6) Élections Québec 2022
7) Quordle : Daily World Game
8) Johnny Depp
9) Encanto
10) Jean-Marc Vallée

Top Trending Song Lyrics  Questions in Canada 2022

1) We don’t talk about Bruno – Encanto
2) My money don’t jiggle jiggle it folds – Jason Derulo, Duke & Jones, Louis Theroux, Amelia Dimoldenberg
3) Running up that hill – Kate Bush
4) Surface pressure – Encanto
5) Unholy – Sam Smith
6) As it was – Harry Styles
7) Glimpse of us – Joji
8) Grrrls – Lizzo
9) Rich Flex – Drake, 21 Savage
10) About damn time – Lizzo

People who passed in CANADA 2022 – TOP TRENDING

1) Queen Elizabeth II
2) Betty White
3) Bob Saget
4) Anne Hache
5) Aaron Carter
6) Olivia Newton John
7) Taylor Hawkins
8) Ray Liotta
9) Guy Lafleur
10) Karim Ouellet

Gaslighting Questions:

  1. What is gaslighting? colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone so as to make them question their own reality.

  2. What does it mean to gaslight someone? presenting a false narrative to another group or person, thereby leading them to doubt their perceptions and become misled, disoriented or distressed.

  3. Where did the term gaslighting come from?  derives from the title of the 1944 American film Gaslight, which was based on the 1938 British theatre play Gas Light by Patrick Hamilton, though the term did not gain popular currency in English until the mid-2010s.

  4. What is gaslighting in a relationship?

  5. How to gaslight someone


Average Sold Home Price in Canada Q4 2022

Average Sold Home Price in Canada in 2022
Average Sold Home Price in Canada in 2022

Irreligion in Canada

Irreligion in Canada
Irreligion in Canada

Ethnic Map of Canada

Ethnic Map of Canada, 2021
Ethnic Map of Canada, 2021

Guns in USA and Canda

Guns in USa and Canada - Comparison
Guns in USa and Canada – Comparison
  1. What is icing in hockey? Icing is when a player on his team’s side of the red center line shoots the puck all the way down the ice and it crosses the red goal line at any point (other than the goal). Icing is not permitted when teams are at equal strength or on the power play.

  2. What is power play in hockey? “Power play” is a sporting term used to describe a period of play where one team has a numerical advantage in players, usually due to a rule violation by the opposing team.

  3. What is a hat trick in hockey? A hat trick happens when a single player scores three goals in one game.

  4. What is offside in hockey? A team is offside when any member of the attacking team precedes the puck over the defending team’s blueline. The position of the player’s skate — and not that of his stick — is the determining factor. If both skates are over the blueline before the puck, the player is offside.

  5. What is a hockey puck made of? Hockey pucks are made of vulcanized rubber and are designed to be extremely durable.

  6. What is with fighting in ice hockey? It is a fight to assert territory and presence and is meant to avoid bigger fights or injuries in the long run.



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