List only regular file names in a directory

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How to List only regular file names in a directory on Linux and Windows

Listing regular files in a directory without including . and .. files.

  • On Linux

    Solution 1:$ ls -p | grep -v /
    Solution 2: $ ls -F | grep -v ‘[/@=|]’
    Solution 3: $for list in `ls` ; do ls -ld $list | grep -v ^d > /dev/null && echo $list ; done ;
    Solution4:$ for list in `ls` ; do ls -ld $list | grep ^d > /dev/null || echo $list ; done ;
    Solution5 (exclude sym links):$ for list in `ls` ; do ls -ld $list | grep -v ^l > /dev/null && echo $list ; done ;

  • On Windows

    Solution 1: dir /a-d /b >..\File_List.txt

Set Date and time via command line

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Let’s find out how to set Date and time via command line on linux and windows:

  • On Linux via terminal

    System time (Must have sudo privilege)
    date -s ‘2015-07-28 15:27:30’
    Hardware time
    Let’s set the hardware clock to the current system time:
    hwclock –systohc

  • On Windows via command prompt terminal

    System time (Must have Administrator privilege)
    The current date is: 07/28/2015
    Enter the new date: (mm-dd-yy)_
    The current time is: 15:34:03.44
    Enter the new time: _

prompt and read input variables from keyboard

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Let’s find how to prompt and read input variables from keyboard while executing a script using shell, perl, python, batch and powershell (windows and Linux)

  • On Linux via shell

    read -p “Enter your name: ” name
    echo “Hi, $name. Let’s be friend!”

  • On Windows via powershell

    $name=read-host “Enter your name:”
    write-host “Hi $name, Let’s be friend!”

  • On Windows via batch

    Set /p Name=”Enter your name:”
    echo “Hi %name%, Let’s be friend!”

  • On Windows or Linux via perl

    print “Enter your name “;
    my $name = ;
    chomp $name; # Get rid of newline character at the end
    print “Hello $name, let’s be friend”;

  • On Windows or Linux via python

    name=input(“Enter your name: “)
    print (“Hello ” + name + ” let’s be friend”)

Djamga – ShowUpAndPlaySports

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What is Djamga – ShowUpAndPlaySports?

Djamga - ShowUpAndPlaySports

I have been playing soccer or football ever since I could walk. I played everywhere, in the streets growing up, in High school, in college, everywhere I go, I always figure out a way to play the beautiful game.

I also work as a Software Engineer and I started ShowUpAndPlaySports in 2009 to help people play pick up games in Calgary,AB, Canada. I then recreated the experience a few years later in Edmonton, AB, Canada. I started with 3 players and I now have more than 2400 players and counting in both cities.

Hard working professionals need to play team sports to stay active, network and just enjoy the beautiful games.

I was surprised how hard it was to find a pick up games in most cities in North America. So I decided to fix it.

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After creating 2 successful Organized pick up sports league in Calgary and Edmonton, I wanted to help everybody in the world to find a place to play anytime. I have therefore created the App Djamga to do just that. You can use Djamga to find the following Pick Up or Drop in games around the world:

See android version below
See iOs version below

Download Android version below:
Get it on Google Play
Download iPhone version below:

Download Djamga App on iTunes App Store.

Replace all instances of a string in a file

How to Replace all instances of a string in a file?

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How to Replace all instances of a string in a file?

  1. Open the file in read mode using the open() function.
  2. Read the contents of the file into a string using the read() method.
  3. Use the replace() method to replace all instances of the target string with the new string.
  4. Open the file in write mode using the open() function.
  5. Write the modified string to the file using the write() method.
  6. Close the file using the close() method.

Here is an example code snippet:

How to Replace all instances of a string in a file?
How to Replace all instances of a string in a file?

This will replace all instances of old_string with new_string in the file file.txt.

# Open the file in read mode
with open(‘file.txt’, ‘r’) as f:
# Read the contents of the file into a string
contents =

# Replace all instances of the target string
contents = contents.replace(‘old_string’, ‘new_string’)

# Open the file in write mode
with open(‘file.txt’, ‘w’) as f:
# Write the modified string to the file

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# Close the file

Shell script to replace all instances of a string in a file on Linux & Windows.

  • On Linux via bash script

    sed “s/$stringToReplace/$replaceWith/g” $File_Name > $File_Name

  • On Windows using Powershell

    ( get-content $File_Name ) | % { $_ -replace $stringToReplace, $replaceWith } | set-content $File_Name

  • On Windows using Batch

    set str=teh cat in teh hat
    set str=%str:teh=the%

    Script Output:
    teh cat in teh hat
    the cat in the hat

  • On Windows or Linux using Perl

    perl -pi.orig -e “s///g;”

  • On Windows or Linux using Python



Search all files containing a specific string

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How to search all files containing a specific string on Linux and Windows?

  • On Linux

    grep -rnw ‘directory’ -e “pattern”
    grep –include=\*.{txt,log} -rnw ‘directory’ -e “pattern”
    This will only search for files with .txt or .log extension.
    grep –exclude=*.txt -rnw ‘directory’ -e “pattern”
    This will exclude files with .txt extensions.

  • On Windows

    CD Location
    FINDSTR /L /S /I /N /C:”pattern” *.log

Browse the internet via command line

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How to browse the internet via command line on Linux and Windows?

  • On Linux

    If you don’t have lynx on your linux installation, you will have to install it. On Linux Red hat, install it like this:
    yum list lynx (to check the availability of the package)
    yum -y install lynx (to install the package)
    you can also use: curl -0 http://yoursite/index.html to get the source code of a specific file.

  • On Windows

    start /max
    Will open the url using your default browser.

Check how many CPU cores on Windows and on Linux

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How to check how many CPU cores I have on Windows & Linux?

What is a core in a CPU?
In summary, a core is a small CPU or processor built into a big CPU or CPU socket. It can independently perform or process all computational tasks. From this perspective, we can consider a core to be a smaller CPU or a smaller processor within a big processor.
Today, CPUs have been two and 18 cores, each of which can work on a different task. A core can work on one task, while another core works a different task, so the more cores a CPU has, the more efficient it is.

Open a command prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Linux) and type:

  • Windows: WMIC CPU Get /Format:List
  • Linux: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l
    For more details on Linux: ls /sys/devices/system/cpu/

What does 4 CPU cores mean?
A quad-core CPU has four processing cores in a single chip. It is similar to a dual-core CPU, but has four separate processors (rather than two), which can process instructions at the same time.

un-archive a folder silently in Windows

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Powershell script to un-archive a folder silently in Windows

Let’s continue with our automation scripting tool series. Doing things on windows by using the mouse manually is fun until you run into the need to go to a major OS upgrade and have tons of applications to reinstall. To avoid human errors and save lots of time, you can write a script  to pick up your archived applications like tomcat zip files and unarchive it. This powershell scripts shows you how to unarchive a zip file silently.

#Unzip FIle Function
function Expand-ZIPFile($file, $destination)
$shell = new-object -com shell.application
$zip = $shell.NameSpace($file)
foreach($item in $zip.items())

# Call the function to unzip



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Expand-ZIPFile –File $Origin_Zip_File –Destination $Destination_Folder

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