How to make your laptop last longer with AI – Best laptops in 2022 – 2023

How to make your laptop last longer with AI - Best laptops in 2022 - 2023 - Best Laptops 2022-2023

How to make your laptop last longer with AI

The Benefits of AI for Laptops

One of the benefits of AI is that it can help to improve the efficiency of your laptop. For example, if you frequently use certain programs or visit certain websites, AI can learn your habits and pre-load these programs or websites so that they’re ready for you when you need them. This can help to save time and improve your productivity. Additionally, AI can also help to optimize your battery life by learning your usage patterns and making adjustments accordingly.

Another benefit of AI is that it can help to protect your laptop from malware and other security threats. This is because AI is constantly learning and evolving, which means that it can quickly identify new security threats as they arise and take steps to protect your laptop from them. Additionally, AI can also help to keep your personal data safe by encrypting it and storing it in a secure location.

The Drawbacks of AI for Laptops

While there are several benefits to using AI on your laptop, there are also some drawbacks that you should be aware of. One of the main drawbacks is that AI requires a lot of processing power, which can drain your battery life quickly. Additionally, if you’re not careful, you may accidentally give away too much personal information to an AI program without realizing it. Finally, there is always the possibility that an AI program could malfunction or become corrupted, which could lead to serious problems for your laptop.

Laptop Longevity Poll: Years until failure – Most common repairs

How to make your laptop last longer with AI

We never hear about broken or worn out products.

The left chart is time until total failure, left chart are the most common repairs.

Data: polls on r/productfails with 200 – 300 votes. I’m well aware that this data is not representative, but this is a good start to raise awareness about product longevity and repairability.

Tools: Canva

To conclude:

Overall, the advantages of using AI on your laptop outweigh the disadvantages. However, you should still be aware of the potential risks involved before you install any AI programs on your device. If you do decide to use AI on your laptop, be sure to install a reputable program from a trusted source.

Laptop Longevity Poll: What was the most common repairs you needed on your laptop?

Let’s collect some more data about the longevity and repairability of laptops.

What tips do you have for prolonging the life of a laptop? Any tips and tricks for common repairs?

What was the most common repairs you needed on your laptop?

It will always be the battery. If you’re buying a laptop, make sure it has a replaceable battery OR an easily accessible one that you can remove yourself.

I have so many laptops with zero issues, including batteries. Never leave a laptop plugged in.

Of all the ones I see here are the common issues:

  1. Power connectors: charging ports get pushed and pulled by people tripping over the cord or smashing the connector into their knees, the wall, or the floor.
  2. Hinges for the screen. Grabbing the screen by the corner, over extending, or rough treatment break screens or the small connectors internally that go to them
  3. Keyboards. The keys can wear and fade, or junk gets inside them and makes the keys inoperable.

Let’s collect some more data about the longevity and repairability of laptops.

What tips do you have for prolonging the life of a laptop? Any tips and tricks for common repairs?

When our laptops start to slow down or show signs of wear, it can be frustrating. The good news is that there are things you can do to prolong the life of your laptop and make it last longer. Below are some tips on how to make your laptop last longer.

  1. Keep your laptop clean
    One of the best ways to prolong the life of your laptop is to keep it clean. Just like any other piece of technology, laptops can accumulate dust and dirt over time. This can cause the fans to work harder and eventually overheat the system. To prevent this from happening, make sure to clean your laptop regularly. You can use a damp cloth or compressed air to remove dust from the keyboard and vents.
  2. Use a cooling pad
    Another way to help keep your laptop cool is to use a cooling pad. Cooling pads help dissipate heat away from the laptop, which can prolong its lifespan. Many cooling pads also come with built-in fans, which can further help keep your laptop cool.
  3. Avoid overheating
    Overheating is one of the leading causes of laptops shutting down prematurely. To avoid overheating, make sure that you’re not blocking any of the vents on your laptop and that you’re not using it on a soft surface like a bed or couch where it can’t breathe. Additionally, if you’re going to be using your laptop for an extended period of time, consider investing in a stand that will elevate it slightly so that air can circulate more easily.
  4. Update your software regularly
    One thing that many people don’t realize is that keeping your software up-to-date can actually help prolong the life of your laptop. That’s because updates often include patches for security vulnerabilities and other bugs that could potentially cause problems down the line. So, if you want to keep your laptop running smoothly, make sure you’re staying up-to-date on all the latest software updates.
  5. Don’t overload your laptop
    Another common mistake people make is loading their laptops down with too many programs and files. This can actually put strain on the system and cause it to run slower or even crash. So, if you want to keep your laptop running at its best, only install the programs and files you need and regularly delete anything you don’t use anymore.

While there’s no guaranteed way to make your laptop last forever, following these tips can help prolong its lifespan so you can get the most out of it. Taking care of your laptop is important not only for financial reasons but also for productivity reasons. After all, a well-running laptop can mean the difference between getting work done and falling behind. So if you want to keep your laptop running smoothly for as long as possible, make sure you’re following these tips!

Below are the best laptops in 2022-2023:

How artificial intelligence is changing the laptop landscape

In recent years, we’ve seen a surge in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications. From smart speakers to self-driving cars, it seems like there’s no limit to what AI can do. But what about laptops? How is AI changing the way we use these essential devices? Let’s take a look.

One of the most significant ways AI is changing laptops is in terms of performance. With traditional laptops, the processor is the biggest determining factor in how well the device will perform. However, with AI-powered laptops, that’s no longer the case. Thanks to their ability to handle complex tasks quickly and efficiently, AI-powered laptops are able to outperform their traditional counterparts when it comes to things like video editing and rendering, 3D modeling, and even gaming.

Another area where AI is having a major impact on laptops is battery life. One of the biggest complaints about laptops has always been that they need to be plugged in constantly in order to function properly. However, with AI-powered laptops, that’s no longer an issue. Thanks to their efficient use of power, AI-powered laptops can last for hours on end without needing to be plugged in. This means you can finally say goodbye to those pesky low battery warnings!

Finally, AI is also changing the way we interact with our laptops. Thanks to voice recognition software and other advancements, it’s now possible to control your laptop entirely hands-free. This means you can finally get some work done while you’re on the go without having to worry about lugging around a heavy laptop or dealing with tangled wires. All you need is your voice!

As you can see, AI is having a major impact on laptops and how we use them. From improved performance to longer battery life, there’s no doubt that AI-powered laptops are the way of the future. So if you’re in the market for a new laptop, be sure to keep an eye out for one with AI capabilities! You won’t be disappointed.


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  • Looking for a MacBook Pro for the next 10 years
    by /u/Suitable-Delivery261 (Apple Macbook) on July 25, 2024 at 8:50 pm

    My current computer is a 2012 MacBook Pro running macOS Catalina. I’ve been using it intensively, nearly daily, for the past 12 years. Bought around 1,200 bucks at the time, that means it costed me about 100 bucks a year. Not bad! Over the years, some maintenance was necessary: upgrade the hard-drive to an SSD, double to RAM from 4 to 8GB, and replace the battery. As of today, it’s becoming clear that it’s time to move on to a newer laptop (lot of apps are not compatible, speakers are kaput, and some of the keyboard keys gave up on me). Since I wanna stick with an Apple computer, I’m wondering which one I should get. Back in 2012, as far as I can remember, things were pretty straightforward. You’d go on Apple’s website, and there was a couple laptops to choose from (Pro or Air). I don’t think you were able to customise them with higher RAM or storage. Today, things are much more complex and it’s pretty hard to know what you’re gonna need and which model or M chip generation and version to go for. So my questions are: 1) Will a 2023 MacBook Pro last 10 years? If so, I have no problem investing around 2,000 bucks for a laptop. But if it’s gonna give up on me in 4 years, I’m not sure I’ll make that investment. 2) Are Apple laptops still built strong? I know that my 2012 MacBook was built to endure a nuclear apocalypse. Like I haven’t always taken great care of it. I’ve scratched it, dropped it, given it a beer shower,… you name it. It never gave up on me. 3) Is a 2023 MacBook Pro upgradable? Meaning: if the SSD and battery die (which they probably will over the course of 10 years), will I be able to replace them? When it comes to other specs, unless things really have changed and software nowadays requires a whole lot more memory, I think things are pretty clear. I still do all my work with my 2012 MacBook, whether it’s sending emails, coding, or even video editing. I manage all that with the following specs: - 8GB RAM (could use more. Maybe 16?) - 500GB SSD (enough since I backup on external drives, but could consider 1TB) - 13” screen (14” is enough for me. Display quality: honestly I don’t care—I’m confident enough that any Apple laptop will give me sufficient quality. Like what’s the deal with these 16K-liquid-retina-21-quadrillion-sextillion-colors-letsDestroyTheDeathStar® displays? Like sure every asshole needs that to read comments on reddit. C’mon… I’ve watched movies on my non-retina 12 colors display for the last 12 years and never complained. As long as I can read what’s on screen I’m good) - Most ports (man oh man… I’m pretty sure I’ve more built-in ports than most of you guys. It’d be nice to have many, but I guess you get what you get these days...) Your advice and wisdom are greatly appreciated. Posted from my 12 year old MacBook Pro EDIT: forgot to mention the keyboard—is it either built to last or replaceable, or both? I've heard some of Apple's "innovations" when it comes to their keyboard turned out to be nightmares. submitted by /u/Suitable-Delivery261 [link] [comments]

  • macbook pro m3 buy now or wait
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    Hi, I've already two macbooks (M1 Air and 16" Pro Intel 2019). I'm using them both for work, but they are starting to not be enough, and I want to combine my workflows in a single device. I was looking for an M3 Pro 36GB RAM 512GB Disk, but it's insanely expensive, even refurbished ones will cost more than €3000 (I'm based in Italy). Will you wait October/November when M4 models will be released and, probably, prices will lower, or you will invest the sum today? My concern is that even if the prices will lower it would be at most one or two hundreds € and probably the wait isn't worth it. How much I can expect the prices to lower when M4 models will be released? Any other suggestion on how can i save some money? Thanks. submitted by /u/Dazzling-Gift7189 [link] [comments]

  • how much could data recovery cost for a 2015 MacBook Pro (if possible)?
    by /u/marcellinaja (Apple Macbook) on July 25, 2024 at 8:49 pm

    how much could data recovery cost (if even possible)? No, it's not backed up. Yes, I'm a dumbass. I have time machine and had not plugged into an external hard drive for 2 months. Unfortunately, it's only about 6-8 documents I need off the laptop, but it's my creative writing and I really do want it. Re: the Damage: I was on a Zoom call, so I was using the laptop's camera. I was trying to open file finder from the menu at the bottom of the screen, but accidentally clicked the stupid photobooth camera by mistake instead. The keyboard heated up a little and the screen froze, and then crashed, presumably because the MacBook is trying to open the same piece of hardware from two different apps. Unfortunately, my settings are set to "automatically re-open apps that were open when the laptop died" so while I am able to boot the machine, once I get through the login screen it crashes again after a few seconds, because it keeps trying to re-open photobooth and stupid-ass Zoom. I was able to open the "force close" successfully ONCE, but it froze immediately after I clicked to close the Zoom. I tried, unsuccessfully, all the tried-and-true hard resets, safe mode, etc. I then sent it to a very reliable local computer repair place and they were unable to access the data using their methods (not sure what these were, have to pick MacBook up and will find out when I do). Does anyone know of any other ways to recover my Pages files from it? I literally only need the pages files from a few Finder folders. I can't believe my creative sh*t has been killed by two apps (and yes, my own b.s., yep, I get it) Any suggestions are appreciated! Also, has anyone else ever heard of this happening (drive crashing because Zoom and Photobooth opened at same time by accident)? submitted by /u/marcellinaja [link] [comments]

  • I just purchased my first macbook air m3 and made a video about my experience in the first 14 days (disclaimer: its german)
    by /u/lukasweihrauch (Apple Macbook) on July 25, 2024 at 8:09 pm

    So I tested the Macbook for my use cases as a full stack developer, YouTuber and gamer and put everything in a video. Currently, it's only in German language, so just ignore this post if you don't understand German. However, I thought this might be helpful to somebody. submitted by /u/lukasweihrauch [link] [comments]

  • MacBook Air 2015
    by /u/Pashappaul (Apple Macbook) on July 25, 2024 at 8:04 pm

    I know this year Apple will stop to updating MacOs for MBA 2015. Anyway, if I buy that laptop for 100-150$ and will use for: browsing, YouTube, movie, sheets/docs, airdrop. Will it be possible to use next 5 years? Or without updated it impossible, and easier buy any Chromebook. Thank you. submitted by /u/Pashappaul [link] [comments]

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    Gaming laptops are portable and powerful, even if they could require changes over time to satisfy fresh gaming needs.Continue reading on Medium »

  • macbook m3 8gb and 16gb
    by /u/leaningblue (Apple Macbook) on July 25, 2024 at 7:16 pm

    i could buy a macbook m3 8gb here rn but it costs more than it would if i buy a macbook m3 16gb from australia which is shocking personally but yea i have to wait four months to get it but it's better right since it'd help the longevity of the mac and I've seen complaints about the 8gb ram..sim saying all this for validation because i need validation for making this choice submitted by /u/leaningblue [link] [comments]

  • macbook air 2017 vs macbook 12" core m3
    by /u/Much-Passage2305 (Apple Macbook) on July 25, 2024 at 6:09 pm

    how did the core m3 2017 12" macbook get ventura and the i5 and i7 macbook air 2015-2017 didn't? arent they technically more powerful? was it just a desire to kill the older air quicker? submitted by /u/Much-Passage2305 [link] [comments]



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