Top 15 AI Educational Apps Ideas that do not exist yet

Top 15 AI Educational Apps Ideas

Top 15 AI Educational Apps Ideas that do not exist yet.

Innovating the Future of Education: The Untapped Potential of Mobile Apps

Education and technology have always been close allies, propelling our quest for knowledge to new horizons. The proliferation of mobile devices has opened up avenues for learning that were once thought to be in the realm of science fiction. While there are countless educational apps available on the Apple App Store, there is still an ocean of untapped potential waiting to be explored. The fusion of cutting-edge technology with dynamic pedagogical strategies can redefine the contours of modern education. With that vision in mind, we’ve curated a list of unique and original iOS mobile app ideas, each poised to revolutionize the educational landscape. Dive in, and let’s reimagine the future of learning together.

Innovations in the educational space are always in demand. Here are some original ideas for iOS educational apps:

  1. Augmented Reality Book Buddy: An app that uses AR to make traditional books interactive. Point the phone at a page in a textbook, and it displays 3D models, videos, or quizzes related to that content.
  2. Personal Study Timeline: Students input their syllabus or curriculum for the year. The app then creates a personalized study timeline with milestones, reminders, and suggested resources.
  3. Vocal Study Cards: An app where students can record study notes vocally, and then play them back. This is particularly useful for auditory learners.
  4. Skill Exchange Platform: Students can list skills they are proficient in and skills they want to learn. The app matches students with complementary needs and expertise, promoting peer-to-peer teaching.
  5. Interactive Case Studies: For subjects like business, law, or medicine, an app offering simulated real-world case studies. Students make decisions and get feedback in real-time.
  6. AI-Based Homework Assessor: Submit homework through the app, and an AI offers instant, detailed feedback, pointing out areas of concern or suggesting resources for deeper understanding.
  7. Mindful Learning: An app integrating mindfulness and study techniques. It could have guided meditation breaks, focus-enhancing soundscapes, and content on the science of effective studying.
  8. Cultural Exchange Virtual Pen-Pals: Connect students from around the world to foster language learning and cultural exchange. Features might include language translation tools, voice notes, and curated cultural content sharing.
  9. Learning Style Assessment: An app that quizzes students and provides insights into their most effective learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.). It then provides study resources tailored to those styles.
  10. Virtual Field Trips: Use VR or 360-degree video technology to offer virtual field trips to historical sites, factories, natural wonders, etc. Teachers can guide students through the experience with in-app tools.
  11. Historical Events Simulator: An app where students can simulate different decisions during historical events to understand their consequences. E.g., what if the Allies had made different decisions during WWII?
  12. Language Learning via Gaming: Create a multiplayer game where users are paired based on their native language and the language they wish to learn. They can only succeed in the game through effective communication in their target language.
  13. Teachers’ Toolbox: An app specifically for educators that offers creative lesson plan ideas, classroom management techniques, and tools to engage students in various subjects.
  14. Local Environment Explorer: Using geolocation, the app provides information and activities related to the local environment or history. E.g., if a student is near a local river, it might provide experiments to understand water pH levels or its history.
  15. Essay Structurer: Helps students structure their essays or research papers. They input their main points, and the app suggests a coherent flow, transitions, and even relevant citations.

When creating an app, it’s crucial to consider the privacy and security of users, especially if it’s targeting minors. Ensure compliance with regulations and get proper feedback from educators and students during the development process.

Bringing Education Innovations to Life with No-Code AI Tools

The dawn of no-code platforms has democratized the app development process, allowing educators and innovators to transform ideas into functional applications without diving deep into coding. The fusion of these platforms with AI can accelerate the development of our proposed educational apps.

  1. AI-Powered Platforms: Tools like OpenAI’s GPT models can be integrated using platforms such as Bubble or Adalo. For apps that require natural language processing, like the Vocal Study Cards or AI-Based Homework Assessor, these platforms can be invaluable.
  2. Augmented Reality Integrations: Platforms like ZapWorks or AR Studio can be used to develop AR-based educational apps. For the Augmented Reality Book Buddy idea, these tools can help overlay digital content onto real-world objects without the need for complex coding.
  3. Interactive Learning Modules: Glide, a no-code tool, can help in creating interactive apps from simple data in Google Sheets. It’s an ideal tool for the Personal Study Timeline or Interactive Case Studies app, where structured data can be turned into interactive learning modules.
  4. Gamification Elements: Tools like GameSalad can be harnessed for creating learning games without the need for extensive programming knowledge. The Language Learning via Gaming idea could be brought to life using this platform.
  5. Connection and Community Platforms: For apps that revolve around community interactions, like the Skill Exchange Platform or Cultural Exchange Virtual Pen-Pals, platforms like OutSystems or can be handy. They provide pre-built modules for creating user profiles, forums, and direct messaging functionalities.
  6. Interactive VR and 360-degree Video: Tools like Pano2VR or InstaVR can help in creating the Virtual Field Trips app. They allow users to develop interactive VR experiences without the need for a deep understanding of VR programming.
  7. Data Visualization and Simulations: For apps that require data representation, like the Historical Events Simulator, tools like Webflow integrated with Chart.js can make the visualization process seamless.

To culminate, the no-code movement, combined with AI, has made it more feasible than ever to turn innovative educational app ideas into reality. By leveraging these tools, educators, students, and innovators can collaboratively shape the future of education, making it more interactive, inclusive, and inspiring.

Podcast Transcript: Innovating the Future of Education: The Untapped Potential of Mobile Apps – Top 15 AI Educational Apps Ideas that do not exist yet

In today’s world, the fusion of education and technology has the power to reshape the way we learn and acquire knowledge. With the widespread use of mobile devices, educational apps have become increasingly popular, offering new possibilities for interactive and engaging learning experiences. While there are already numerous educational apps available on platforms like the Apple App Store, there is still a vast untapped potential waiting to be explored. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative pedagogical strategies, we can revolutionize the educational landscape and create a future of learning that is truly remarkable. To inspire this transformative journey, we have curated a list of unique and original iOS mobile app ideas that have the potential to redefine education as we know it. These ideas have been carefully designed to cater to a diverse range of learning styles and subjects. By embracing these app concepts, we can reimagine the future of education and unlock the full potential of mobile technology in the learning process. Let’s dive in and explore these exciting possibilities together. First on our list is the Augmented Reality Book Buddy. This app leverages the power of Augmented Reality (AR) to transform traditional books into interactive learning experiences. By simply pointing the phone at a page in a textbook, students can access 3D models, videos, or quizzes related to the content. This innovative approach brings textbooks to life, allowing students to engage with the material in a whole new way. Next up is the Personal Study Timeline app. With this app, students can input their syllabus or curriculum for the year, and the app will create a personalized study timeline. This timeline includes milestones, reminders, and suggested resources tailored to their specific needs. By providing a structured study plan, students can effectively manage their time and stay on track throughout the academic year. For auditory learners, the Vocal Study Cards app offers a unique solution. This app allows students to record their study notes vocally and then play them back whenever needed. By engaging the auditory senses, this app provides an immersive learning experience that is highly effective for certain individuals. It’s a valuable tool for those who absorb information better through hearing rather than reading or visual aids. Promoting peer-to-peer learning, the Skill Exchange Platform app connects students with complementary needs and expertise. Students can list the skills they are proficient in and the skills they want to learn. The app then matches students, fostering a collaborative learning environment where individuals can teach and learn from one another. This not only strengthens subject knowledge but also encourages social interaction and the development of interpersonal skills. Many subjects, such as business, law, or medicine, can greatly benefit from simulated real-world case studies. The Interactive Case Studies app offers precisely that. By presenting students with realistic scenarios, they can make decisions and receive real-time feedback on their choices. This approach immerses students in practical learning experiences, bridging the gap between theory and real-world application. Instant feedback plays a crucial role in the learning process, and the AI-Based Homework Assessor app brings this to the digital realm. By allowing students to submit their homework through the app, an Artificial Intelligence system provides detailed and instant feedback. The AI identifies areas of concern and suggests resources for deeper understanding, enhancing the learning experience and facilitating self-improvement. Mindfulness has gained significant recognition in recent years for its role in enhancing focus and well-being. The Mindful Learning app integrates mindfulness techniques into the study process, offering guided meditation breaks, focus-enhancing soundscapes, and scientific content on effective studying. This app supports students in developing a balanced and mindful approach to learning, promoting mental and emotional well-being alongside academic achievement. Cultural Exchange Virtual Pen-Pals app connects students from around the world, fostering language learning and cultural exchange. This app incorporates language translation tools, voice notes, and curated cultural content sharing. By enabling students to communicate with peers from different countries and cultures, it enhances language skills and broadens their global understanding. Understanding individual learning styles is crucial for personalized education. The Learning Style Assessment app quizzes students to provide insights into their most effective learning styles, such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and more. Based on the assessment, the app then recommends study resources tailored to their preferred learning style, allowing students to optimize their learning experiences. Without leaving the classroom, the Virtual Field Trips app offers the opportunity to explore historical sites, factories, natural wonders, and much more through VR or 360-degree video technology. Teachers can guide students through these virtual experiences using in-app tools, making learning adventurous and captivating. This app breaks the barriers of physical limitations, providing immersive learning experiences that transcend traditional classroom boundaries. To foster a deeper understanding of historical events, the Historical Events Simulator app invites students to simulate different decisions made during significant historical events. For example, students can explore alternative scenarios of WWII if the Allies had made different choices. This app stimulates critical thinking and historical analysis, allowing students to grasp the causes and consequences of pivotal moments in history. Language learning can be a challenging and demanding process. The Language Learning via Gaming app turns language acquisition into an engaging multiplayer game. Users are paired based on their native language and the language they wish to learn. In order to succeed in the game, effective communication in the target language is key. This app not only makes language learning enjoyable but also enhances language fluency through active engagement. Supporting educators in their quest to deliver high-quality education, the Teachers’ Toolbox app offers a range of resources specifically designed for educators. This app provides creative lesson plan ideas, classroom management techniques, and tools to engage students across various subjects. By equipping teachers with valuable resources, this app empowers them to create dynamic and effective learning environments. Connecting education to the local environment, the Local Environment Explorer app utilizes geolocation to provide information and activities related to the student’s local environment or history. Whether it’s understanding water pH levels near a river or exploring the historical significance of a local landmark, this app encourages students to engage with their surroundings and fosters a sense of place-based learning. Writing essays or research papers can be a daunting task for many students. The Essay Structurer app offers a helpful solution by assisting students in structuring their written work. Users input their main points, and the app suggests a coherent flow, transitions, and even relevant citations. This app streamlines the writing process, helping students organize their ideas effectively and produce well-structured academic papers. While developing these innovative educational apps, it is crucial to prioritize the privacy and security of users, especially when targeting minors. Compliance with regulations and obtaining feedback from educators and students during the development process is essential. By ensuring the safety and confidentiality of user data, we can create a trustworthy and user-centric learning environment. In conclusion, the potential of mobile apps to revolutionize education is immense. The curated list of unique iOS mobile app ideas presented here encompasses a wide range of subjects and learning styles. By embracing these innovative concepts, we can reimagine the future of education and create transformative learning experiences for students worldwide. Let’s join forces and embark on this exciting journey of innovating the future of education together.

The emergence of no-code platforms has revolutionized the app development landscape, empowering educators and innovators to bring their ideas to life without requiring extensive coding knowledge. By combining these platforms with artificial intelligence (AI), we can expedite the development process for educational apps that are not only functional but also transformative. Incorporating AI-Powered Platforms: No-code tools like Bubble and Adalo offer seamless integration with AI models such as OpenAI’s GPT. These platforms are particularly valuable for apps that rely on natural language processing, such as Vocal Study Cards or AI-Based Homework Assessor. Leveraging the power of AI, these platforms can bring advanced features and capabilities to educational apps. Leveraging Augmented Reality (AR) Integrations: AR platforms like ZapWorks or AR Studio enable the creation of AR-based educational apps. Take, for example, the Augmented Reality Book Buddy concept. By using these tools, developers can overlay digital content onto real-world objects, eliminating the complexity of coding while enhancing the learning experience through immersive interactions. Creating Interactive Learning Modules: No-code tool Glide is exceptionally useful for developing interactive apps using data from Google Sheets. This makes it an ideal choice for apps such as Personal Study Timeline or Interactive Case Studies, where structured data can be transformed into engaging learning modules. Glide simplifies the process of creating interactive apps, eliminating the need for extensive coding skills. Integrating Gamification Elements: Tools like GameSalad have made it possible for educators to create learning games without requiring extensive programming knowledge. For instance, the idea of Language Learning via Gaming can be brought to life using this platform. Gamification enhances student engagement, making learning more enjoyable and effective. Building Connection and Community Platforms: For apps centered around community interactions, platforms like OutSystems or can be invaluable. These platforms provide pre-built modules for user profiles, forums, and direct messaging functionalities. Educators and learners can leverage these tools to create Skill Exchange Platforms or Cultural Exchange Virtual Pen-Pals, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing. Exploring Interactive Virtual Reality (VR) and 360-degree Video: Tools like Pano2VR or InstaVR provide a user-friendly way to develop interactive VR experiences. This is particularly useful for the Virtual Field Trips app idea. By using these tools, developers can create immersive virtual environments without needing deep expertise in VR programming. This enables students to explore virtual worlds and engage with content in a truly interactive and meaningful way. Utilizing Data Visualization and Simulation: Apps that require data representation, such as the Historical Events Simulator, can benefit from tools like Webflow integrated with Chart.js. This integration makes the process of visualizing data seamless, enabling educators to create engaging and interactive simulations. Students can gain a deeper understanding of complex concepts through interactive visualizations. In conclusion, the fusion of the no-code movement with AI has revolutionized the way we bring innovative educational app ideas to fruition. These tools have made it more accessible than ever for educators, students, and innovators to shape the future of education. By leveraging no-code platforms and AI technologies, we can create interactive, inclusive, and inspiring educational experiences that transform the way we teach and learn.

In this episode, we explored the untapped potential of mobile apps in education, including ideas such as AR books, personalized study timelines, and vocal study notes, while also discussing the importance of privacy and security considerations. We also delved into the world of no-code AI tools that empower educators and innovators to create functional educational apps without coding, highlighting the possibilities of AI integration, AR, interactive learning, gamification, community platforms, VR, and data visualization for fostering innovation in education. Join us next time on AI Unraveled as we continue to demystify frequently asked questions on artificial intelligence and bring you the latest trends in AI, including ChatGPT advancements and the exciting collaboration between Google Brain and DeepMind. Stay informed, stay curious, and don’t forget to subscribe for more!

Emerging AI Innovations: Top Trends Shaping the Landscape in September 2023

How AI is Impacting Smartphone Longevity – Best Smartphones 2023

AI and Best Smartphones in 2022 2023

How AI is Impacting Smartphone Longevity – Best Smartphone 2023

We are in an age where our smartphones are becoming more and more advanced. With every new release, there are new features and capabilities that we never thought possible. But as our smartphones become more powerful, they also become more fragile. So, how can we make sure that our smartphones last longer? The answer may lie in artificial intelligence.

How AI is Impacting Smartphone Longevity  - Best Smartphones 2023

How AI Can Help Improve Smartphone Longevity
One of the ways AI can help improve smartphone longevity is through battery optimization. Battery optimization is the process of making sure that your smartphone’s battery is being used in the most efficient way possible. AI can help by learning your usage patterns and making adjustments accordingly. For example, if you typically use your phone for browsing the web and checking social media in the morning, AI can make sure that your battery is charged enough to last throughout the day.

Smartphone 101 101

Another way AI can help improve smartphone longevity is by helping to prevent hardware damage. We’ve all had that moment where we drop our phone and hold our breath, hoping that it doesn’t break. But with AI, your phone may one day be able to sense when it’s about to be dropped and make adjustments accordingly. For example, it could move to a position where it’s less likely to be damaged or it could activate a shock-absorbent case.

Our smartphones are only going to become more and more advanced in the years to come. And as they become more advanced, we need to find ways to make sure that they last longer. Artificial intelligence may be the key to achieving this goal. Through battery optimization and prevention of hardware damage, AI has the potential to greatly improve smartphone longevity.

The Best Smartphones of 2022-2023

It’s that time of year again! The time when we start to think about which smartphone will be the best for the upcoming year. With so many options on the market, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this blog post, we’ll be taking a look at the best smartphones of 2022-2023, so you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Apple iPhone 14 and 14 Pro max
As always, Apple released its new iPhone 14 in 2022. The iPhone 14 has a 6.1-inch OLED display, 5G connectivity, and a faster A15 processor. The camera is also said to be getting an upgrade with a new sensor that will improve low-light performance. The battery life is also better than previous models. If you’re looking for the best of the best, the iPhone 14 Pro max is sure to be one of the best smartphones of the year.

Samsung Galaxy S30 and S30 Plus
Samsung’s Galaxy S30 is also expected to be released at the end of 2022. The S30 is rumored to have a 6.7-inch OLED display, 5G connectivity, and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 processor. The camera is said to be getting an upgrade as well with a new 108MP sensor. The battery life is also expected to be better than previous models. If you’re looking for a great Android option, the Galaxy S30 should be at the top of your list.

OnePlus 9 and 9 Pro
OnePlus is expected to release its new OnePlus 9 in March of 2023. The OnePlus 9 is rumored to have a 6.7-inch OLED display, 5G connectivity, and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 processor. The camera is said to be getting an upgrade with a new 50MP sensor. The battery life is also expected to be better than previous models. If you’re looking for a great Android option that won’t break the bank, the OnePlus 9 should be at the top of your list.

There are a lot of great smartphones coming out in 2022-2023. It’s important to do your research so you can find the one that’s right for you. We hope this blog post has been helpful in your search for the perfect smartphone!

Below are the Best Smartphones in 2022 – 2023

How AI is Transforming Smartphone Longevity

In the past few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of the most popular buzzwords in the tech industry. But what is AI, and how is it being used to transform our smartphones?  We’ll take a look at how AI is changing the smartphone landscape and what that means for the future of mobile devices.

What is AI?
AI is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. Essentially, AI is any software that can perform tasks that would traditionally require human intelligence, such as understanding and responding to spoken questions or identifying objects in images.

How is AI being used in smartphones?
One of the most common ways that AI is being used in smartphones is through the use of virtual assistants. Virtual assistants are software programs that can perform tasks or provide information on behalf of users. Apple’s Siri, Google’s Assistant, and Amazon’s Alexa are all examples of virtual assistants that are powered by AI.

Virtual assistants are becoming more and more common as they become more accurate and efficient at completing tasks. In addition to performing basic tasks like setting alarms and sending text messages, virtual assistants are also being used to book appointments, make restaurant reservations, and even hail taxis. As virtual assistants become more capable, it’s likely that we’ll see even more innovative uses for them in the future.

Another way that AI is being used in smartphones is through the use of camera features. Many newer smartphones now come with features like portrait mode and scene detection that use AI to improve the quality of photos. For example, portrait mode uses AI to identify faces in an image and then blur the background to create a professional-looking photo. Scene detection uses AI to identify the type of scene being photographed (e.g., low light, action shot) and then adjust the camera settings accordingly to help users get the best possible photo.

What does the future hold for AI in smartphones?
As AI continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more amazing innovations in the world of smartphone technology. Some experts predict that eventually, AI will be used to create “smart cases” that will be able to detect when a phone has been dropped and automatically deploy airbags to protect it from damage. Others believe that AI will be used to create “augmented reality” experiences that will allow users to view digital information superimposed over their real-world surroundings. Whatever the future may hold, one thing is for sure: AI is going to change the way we use our smartphones forever.

AI is quickly becoming one of the most important technologies in the smartphone industry. With its ability to power virtual assistants and improve camera features, AI is transforming our mobile devices in ways we never thought possible. As AI continues to evolve, we can only imagine what new innovations it will bring to our phones in the years to come!

Best smartphone camera 2022 – 2023

Sony: Smartphone cameras will surpass DSLR image quality by 2024

Xperia 1 III – 5G Smartphone with 120Hz 6.5″ 21:9 4K HDR OLED display with triple camera and four focal lengths- XQBC62/B

Golden hour shot with the iPhone 14 Pro

Best smartphone camera 2022 - 2023 - Golden hour shot with the iPhone 14 Pro
Best smartphone camera 2022 – 2023

Do the best smartphone cameras beat entry level cameras now?

I’ve seen photos of the iPhone 14 Pro, the S22 Ultra, and the Xiaomi Mi11 Ultra, and I was quite shocked on how they looked. I saw entry level cameras like the ZX-1 reviewed, and I was much less impressed. Sometimes, they looked worse than the smartphone counterpart.

Smartphones nowadays use a huge amount of hidden AI software tricks to make an image appear better than it actually is because they have to compensate for the small, and low-quality, sensors and lenses. For example, many of them take multiple pictures at different exposure settings every time you press the shutter and merge them to get a final pic with better shadow and highlight detail, and to reduce the graininess among other things. With a good quality camera, and even most entry-level cameras you don’t need to do any of that because the sensors and lenses are much bigger and better. You still can do those things if you want, but you’ll usually need to do it manually (most photographers are perfectionists who want full control over those things).

For a beginner you might find that pictures taken on an entry-level camera initially looks worse than the ones taken on a modern smartphone, but that’s actually because you’re not doing it right. To get the best out of a dedicated camera you need to learn a bit more about how cameras work, what their weaknesses are and how to compensate for them. You’ll also need to do a bit more work after you’ve finished taking the pictures.

Smartphones are great for people who want to take snaps, basically point and shoot cameras, loads of stitching, HDR stacking and all done in a millisecond. Mind you give a pro a tool and they know what to do with it.

Cameras allow far greater control over your overall photograph and believe it or not do have a longer life cycle than a flagship phone.

Personally I enjoy taken snaps with my smartphone, but if I want to do photography I’ll bring one of my cameras out.

I agree the convenience of a smartphone is great, but it doesn’t beat the experience of shooting with a camera and lens.

To answer your question: I’d stick with the smartphone now, review all you pictures taken this year and catagorize them (street, product, portrait, macro etc) and determine what specific photography is for you and buy your first camera and lens.

Best budget smartphone 2022 – 2023

Realme, oppo, vivo, one plus

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

Smartphone 101 – Pick a smartphone for me – android or iOS – Apple iPhone or Samsung Galaxy or Huawei or Xaomi or Google Pixel

How much is an iPad in 2022 – 2023

How much is an iPad in 2022 - 2023

Best Rugged Smartphone 2022 – 2023

Cheap is 100% not the answer as they tend to be less rigid in the body with much weaker screens. The hands down best by a mile product I have used, and continue to use, is the iPhone Mini. Don’t skimp on the otter box case, which keeps all the little bits of concrete, rocks, and dust out of the charge port. Seriously the mini conveniently fits in any of your pockets even with the otter box. Also because it is a bit smaller, it doesn’t get torqued on or bent nearly as easily. Think about how flimsy a longer piece of rebar is compared to a shorter chunk, that principle I’m sure applies to your phone’s screen as well.

Have I mentioned how nice it is to be able to reach the whole screen with 1 hand compared to these giant tablet sized phones? Yeah, it’s great.

The only downside for the iPhone mini is probably the need to charge every night as a smaller phone has a smaller battery, however it does charge very fast.

I should also mention I have been a lifelong android user, and I’m definitely in the shit with concrete work, and the mini has taken all the abuse for nearly 2 years without any damage and it is obviously light years better than any cheap 150$ phones you may be tempted to settle for.

Best Nokia Smartphone 2022 – 2023

Nokia boss predicts when we will move away from smartphones, and the arrival of 6G.

Headquartered in Finland, Nokia builds telecoms networks that enable phones and other internet-enabled devices to communicate with one another.

Asked when he thinks the world will move away from using smartphones to using smart glasses and other devices that are worn on the face, Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark said it will definitely happen by the time 6G arrives in 2030.

U.S. tech giants such as Meta, Google and Microsoft are working on new augmented reality headsets that could one day replace the smartphone.

He did not specify exactly what he was referring to but some companies, such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink, are working on producing electronic devices that can be implanted into the brain and used for communication with machines and other people. On a more basic level, chips can be implanted into people’s fingers and used to unlock things.

Best iPhones 2022 – 2023

Best Android smartphone 2022- 2023

Best Android Smartphone in 2022
Best Android Smartphone in 2022

Google Pixel 6 and 6 Pro reviews 

XDA-Developers – Pixel 6 Pro review

9to5Google – Pixel 6 Pro reviewPixel 6 Pro video review

Android Police – Pixel 6 reviewPixel 6 Pro review

Android Central – Pixel 6 reviewPixel 6 Pro reviewPixel 6 and 6 Pro video review

Android Authority – Pixel 6 Pro review

Engadget – Pixel 6 and 6 Pro reviewPixel 6 and 6 Pro video review

Wired – Pixel 6 and 6 Pro review

CNET – Pixel 6 reviewPixel 6 Pro reviewPixel 6 video review

Gizmodo – Pixel 6 and 6 Pro review

Tech Crunch – Pixel 6 Pro review

Stuff – Pixel 6 Pro review

Pocket-lint – Pixel 6 reviewPixel 6 Pro reviewPixel 6 video review

Mashable – Google Pixel 6 and 6 Pro review – Pixel 6 Pro review


Dave2D – Pixel 6 Pro Review

Ace the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification Exam: Pass the Azure Fundamentals Exam with Ease

The Tech Chap – Pixel 6 Pro review

Tech Spurt – Pixel 6 reviewPixel 6 and 6 Pro camera review

MobileTechReview – Google Pixel 6 Pro Review

HowtoMen – Pixel 6 Pro review

JSL Review – Pixel 6 Pro review

Mike O’Brien – Pixel 6 Pro review

Anthony Lipani – Pixel 6 Pro camera review (focuses mainly on video)

Joshua Vergara – Pixel 6 Pro real world camera test

Lee Zavitz – Pixel 6 Pro Cameras-Good and Bad

Julia Trotti – Pixel 6 Pro Camera review

MrWhosetheBoss – Camera comparison between the Pixel 6 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max

If you are looking for an all-in-one solution to help you prepare for the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam, look no further than this AWS Cloud Practitioner CCP CLF-C02 book

SuperSAF – Camera comparison between the Pixel 6 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max

AuthenTech Ben Schmanke – Camera comparison between the Pixel 6 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max

Tim Schofield – Pixel 6 Pro initial impressions after one week

Short Circuit – Pixel 6 Pro impressions

ETA Prime – Pixel 6 Pro Gaming and Emulation

TK Bay – Pixel 6 Pro Gaming and Media

Juan Bagnell – Pixel 6 Pro Creator Benchmarks

MKBHD goes hands-on with Nothing Phone

Best Smartwatch 2022 – 2023

Here could be different items for any other source on the internet, but this one is framed according to Buyers-Value:

  1. Apple Watch Series 5 (Health Monitoring)

  2. Fitbit Versa 4 (All rounder People)

  3. Garmin Watches (Fenix, Forerunner)

Pebble. Good watches, community driven, strong support, amazing sensors.

But then Fitbit bought them and basically locked down any possible advancement with their patents, slowing down development of smartwatches for years

Nowadays: Garmin watches are my personal favorite. They tend to have better metrics than other companies and so far they refuse to use a “pay per month” program like Fitbit and Oura swapped to.

EU to enforce mandatory USB-C connector for mobile devices incl. phones in 2024

  • Found an iPhone but ..
    by /u/Agitated_Captain311 (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 6:27 pm

    I found an iPhone in a popular nature area however the phone was next to a huge pile of garbage and beer cans and clearly the people or person who lost it has no respect for nature so I really don't feel like I want to power it up and help them to get it back. I walk in the area alot and it really pisses me off that people think it's ok to use a beautiful place like a garbage dump. I have been thinking about selling the phone and then using the money to pay a team of local kids to clean the place up. I would give them $200 for an hour's work to clean the place up. I feel this is a good option the area gets cleared up, some local kids earn some decent pocket money and the people who think it's ok to leave trash pay. Interested to see other peoples view on this. submitted by /u/Agitated_Captain311 [link] [comments]

  • Best way to transfer a huge amount of data from iPhone to MacBook (or straight to external hard-drive)?
    by /u/waish5ook (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 6:26 pm

    Around 400gb of data. iPhone keeps disconnecting and reconnecting every 3 or so seconds when connecting to a MacBook using the iPhone’s from-the-box USB cable, which is so frustrating and makes it impossible to actually get anything done. MacBook is quite old (2016). AirDrop takes forever. Not using iCloud. Running iOS 17.5.1. submitted by /u/waish5ook [link] [comments]

  • Lightning plug in iPhone 14 Pro
    by /u/kiyan_lives (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 6:12 pm

    Hey dear IPhone fans, I was just discussing with my roommate about his IPhone and the Switch from lightning to Usb-C. He told me that with his IPhone 14 Pro he could use both lightning and Usb-C with his Phone (No Not Something wireless like magsafe). I was really suprised and flabbergasted but it really worked. As a non IPhone user I think this is really nice and helps to prevent wastage of old cables. My question is: Is that normal? He bought the phone in Hong Kong and I was wondering maybe they have special IPhones there. Just me wandering and looking for some more people to confirm/deproof this because I cant find a single Thing on the Internet about it. Thanks Y'all submitted by /u/kiyan_lives [link] [comments]

  • If I remove my number from iMessage - will iMessage group chats still come through via my email address?
    by /u/Janie_Lee_Curmis (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 6:09 pm

    I’m possibly switching my main phone line to an Android phone for a bit. However, I’m in a group iMessage chat for work. I’ll be keeping my iPhone as a backup on another line/number. If I remove my primary phone number from iMessage/Apple ID, and select my email address instead, will those messages sent in the existing group chat still come through my iPhone “via” my email address? Or will they just not come anymore since my phone number is no longer attached? And I’d have to start a new group message using SMS (RCS when iOS 18 is live)? submitted by /u/Janie_Lee_Curmis [link] [comments]

  • Camera issue?
    by /u/Fresh-Dragonfruit352 (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 6:08 pm

    I got the iPhone 15 Pro Max a few weeks ago and I’ve had a really terrible time with it so far. This is my third iPhone (I had the 7 until the 13 came out and upgraded to the 15 when i switched carriers). I got the phone the day I left for vacation and that was an enormous mistake. The camera is heinous. While I can mitigate it in the camera app by turning off the Macro “feature” (but if I turn it off permanently in settings, my camera is automatically constantly blurry), that doesn’t help with other apps. I use an app called Bookshelf to log books I buy and it has a feature that allows me to scan barcodes—that’s nonfunctional now. I’ve read some stuff on the Apple Support Community but none of it has been of any help resolving this thus far and I’m about halfway to going back to the 13. If anyone has any suggestions I would be thrilled submitted by /u/Fresh-Dragonfruit352 [link] [comments]

  • Is backing up my photo library impossible without paying money??????????
    by /u/Sernoff666 (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 6:08 pm

    Guys help i own an iphone 11 64 gb and want to move all my photo library to my windows computer but whenever i try some of my videos just get corrupted idk what to do I've tried doing this for so longgggg submitted by /u/Sernoff666 [link] [comments]

  • Belkin MagSafe Car Mount Prevents Hotspot
    by /u/johnsciarrino (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 6:06 pm

    I have an android-based head unit in one of my vehicles and, while it is bluetooth and carplay enabled, i find i get much better sound quality by using The Apple Music android app that's natively installed on the head unit itself. In order to do that, i need to use my iPhone 15 Pro Max as a hotspot. When it's connected, it's terrific and everything works great. However, whenever i put the phone onto my Belkin MagSafe Car Mount, it almost immediately breaks the hotspot connection to the head unit. Has anyone else experienced an issue like this? The Belkin mount is a really good one otherwise; easy to install and use, much more reliable than some of the sticky or pressure-based mounts that have dropped my phone in the past and i'd hate to toss it because of this. submitted by /u/johnsciarrino [link] [comments]

  • Unique dilemma: I just ordered a apple refubrished 14 pro as my iPhone SE 2020 is having issues,
    by /u/PuzzleheadedAssist82 (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 6:03 pm

    After the purchase, I learned about Apple Intelligence coming with iOS 18, which supports 15 pro+. I don't have a budget for 15 pro, how much am I missing out? Maybe trading in when 17 is around will be a good option in future? Suggestions welcomed. submitted by /u/PuzzleheadedAssist82 [link] [comments]

  • When I open the camera and put my finger onto the camera and move it around, There pops up a yellow 1,2,3 sec. sign in the left upper corner. What is the function of it? (iPhone 13 mini)
    by /u/purplebluebunny (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 6:02 pm

    submitted by /u/purplebluebunny [link] [comments]

  • What are the best phone cases on the market right now
    by /u/heartsoreduke23 (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 6:02 pm

    Have an iPhone 14 pro and looking to pay top dolla for a dope phone case. I'm loving the rimowa ones, but does anyone know of any company making awesome ones? submitted by /u/heartsoreduke23 [link] [comments]

  • My phone survived a car today
    by /u/Darkestace- (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 5:41 pm

    I was doing wheelies in my work parking lot and it fell out of my pocket, I didn’t notice till half an hour later! Came back out and watched someone run it over 🙁 lucky there is no damage, and my magic John screen protector took the blow!?!? I can’t take a pic of my phone but there the screen protector, not a scratches on the phone! submitted by /u/Darkestace- [link] [comments]

  • What influenced your decision to choose an iPhone instead of an Android phone?
    by /u/NoticeNo8634 (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 4:13 pm

    I understand this question has been asked frequently, but I would like you to take a moment and share your genuine reasons for choosing an iPhone over an Android phone, and whether you have considered switching to Android in the future. submitted by /u/NoticeNo8634 [link] [comments]

  • [Exclusive] Fresh Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold renders show complete design and colours
    by /u/FragmentedChicken (Android) on July 26, 2024 at 3:51 pm

    submitted by /u/FragmentedChicken [link] [comments]

  • Exclusive: Gemini takes center-stage in leaked Google Pixel 9 Promo Video
    by /u/FragmentedChicken (Android) on July 26, 2024 at 3:50 pm

    submitted by /u/FragmentedChicken [link] [comments]

  • 13h 43m on YouTube even though I didn’t watch anything
    by /u/lhny (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 2:24 pm

    I thought it was a weekly screen time thing but it was today, what the hell happened?? At first I thought it was someone else accessing my phone while I was asleep but I really hope that that’s not the case. So I’m posting this on Reddit to see if anyone could explain haha submitted by /u/lhny [link] [comments]

  • Sisters phone keeps turning off and on!! Help pls!!
    by /u/chibi_kawaiicat91 (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 2:24 pm

    Me and my sister were playing games yesterday and she was using her phone on the charger, like she normally does. (I’ve told her not to but she doesn’t listen to me) Randomly, it just turned off! She thought it died but it started turning on and off. It’s done this one time before but it started working when she powered it off, but it still won’t stop shutting itself on and off. I’ve tried watching videos and doing what they say, but nothing seems to work. This has happen to me before twice and I had to get a new phone both times. I’ve been thinking about asking our parents about it but I think they’ll get mad at her and she’ll have to go without a phone. This has made her pretty upset and I just want to be able to fix her phone for her and make her feel happy again!! I don’t want our parents to spend so much money on a new phone!! So pls help!! submitted by /u/chibi_kawaiicat91 [link] [comments]

  • Ability to access your Android phone in File Explorer begins rolling out to Windows Insiders
    by /u/MishaalRahman (Android) on July 26, 2024 at 1:46 pm

    submitted by /u/MishaalRahman [link] [comments]

  • Exclusive: First Look at Pixel 9 Pro's Add Me, Pixel Screenshots & More New Features
    by /u/MishaalRahman (Android) on July 26, 2024 at 1:41 pm

    submitted by /u/MishaalRahman [link] [comments]

  • Weekly iOS Battery Support Megathread
    by /u/AutoModerator (r/iPhone) on July 26, 2024 at 1:16 pm

    General advice for those concerned about their battery from the Support FAQ Wiki: Battery health Battery health depends on usage and a variety of other factors. It is normal to see a decrease in battery health by 7-10% per year, resulting in a battery health of 80-85% after 2 years. This number can fluctuate, remain the same, or decrease quickly over a small period and should not cause undue concern. Apple recommend battery replacement when your device falls below 80% battery health if you notice reduced battery life. If it falls below 80% within the first year you may be eligable for a free battery replacement. It fails after your warranty, it's a $69-$89 USD replacement cost for a battery. Contact Apple Support here. You can find more information about battery health and performance from Apple here. You can check the cycles count with Coconut Battery for Mac or iCopyBot for Windows. ​ Battery life Issues relating to battery life can be categorised in three ways: Normal battery life that is to be expected due to use Reduced battery life caused by a recent update, iOS indexing, an iOS bug, or a third-party application Reduced battery life, or other abnormalities such as overheating or sudden power-off, caused by device or battery aging If you experience issues with your battery: Check your battery health. If it is below 80% or you are experiencing issues you suspect are related to device or battery age, see Apple Support. If you have a new or recently updated/restored device, wait a number of days for background process to complete. If you continue to have issues, wait for a further iOS update. If you are on iOS Beta, you can expect to have a decreased battery life. Review the advice below on maximising battery life Consider restoring your device. If issues persist, contact Apple Support. ​ Maximising battery life - the amount of time your device runs before it needs to be recharged. Use low power mode (This reduces mail fetch, turns off background app refresh and increases the auto lock timer) Remove apps from background app refresh Ensure auto lock is on Turn off auto brightness and manually reduce brightness Use dark mode if your device has an OLED display Clearing background apps from the app switcher does not improve battery life ​ Maximising battery lifespan - the amount of time your battery lasts until it needs to be replaced. Avoid extreme temperatures If you notice that your iPhone gets hot when charging, remove it from its case Store your iPhone in a cool place, switched off, and half-charged if not using it for long periods - and charge it every 6 months when in storage submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments]

  • Lg G4 Gameing Calibration Software
    by Deborahking (Smartphone on Medium) on July 26, 2024 at 12:46 pm

    Continue reading on Medium »

50 features in Android 13 you should know about

  1. Runtime permission for notifications. Apps will now have to ask for permission before they can post a notification. Android 13 handles this permission differently based on what Android version the app targets and whether or not it’s newly installed or it was already installed before updating to Android 13, but this generally makes notifications opt-in rather than opt-out. Example.

  2. New Material You dynamic color styles. Android 12 on Pixel phones introduced Google’s dynamic color engine, which grabs a color from your wallpaper to generate 5 tonal palettes. Each of these tonal palettes is comprised of 13 tonal colors of various luminances but with undefined hue and chroma values. By adjusting these values, the color engine can create a bunch of new palettes, ie. “styles.” tl;dr, Android 13 generates far more theme options based on your wallpaper, letting you pick even more colors than before to suit your style. Examples: TONAL_SPOT (default)VIBRANTEXPRESSIVESPRITZRAINBOWFRUIT_SALAD. (Although Google’s dynamic color engine was initially exclusive to Pixels on Android 12, it was added to AOSP in Android 12L and is thus now available by default for all OEM builds. The ThemePicker enhancements that Google made are going to be open source, so OEM devices should be able to surface the same style options that Pixels do.)

  3. Themed Icons. The colors generated by Android’s dynamic color engine can be used to theme homescreen icons as well as in-app UI elements. If you enable the “themed icons” option in Wallpaper & Style (the location of this switch could be different on OEM devices), then apps with a monochromatic icon will have that icon be automatically themed according to the user’s wallpaper. Before versus After.

  4. Bigger and bolder gesture nav bar. The gesture nav pill is bigger and bolder than before. This is one of the first things you’ll probably notice when booting up Android 13. I’m not sure if OEMs can/will tweak this, though. Before versus After.

  5. Per-app language preferences. Finally, you can set the language of an app without changing the language system-wide in settings. You can access the new per-app language preferences in Settings > System > Languages & input > App Languages. Only apps that have opted-in, however, will appear in this list. Screenshot of App Language page for Google Calendar.

  6. Photo Picker. There’s a new Photo Picker that will let you quickly pick images or videos to share with apps. Those apps then get temporary, read-only access to those media files. Apps have to add support for the Photo Picker, but this is quite easy to do and will be available through many libraries soon. Plus, the Photo Picker has already rolled out to Android 11-12L devices through a Google Play System Update, so expect to see a lot of apps add support for this in the near future. Screenshot.

  7. Clipboard editor overlay. When you copy something to the clipboard, you’ll see an overlay in the bottom left corner, similar to when you take a screenshot. This overlay previews what you copied and can show smart actions based on the clip content (open a URL in Chrome, navigate to an address in Maps, etc.) You can also tap the clip preview to launch a text or image editor. Screenshots: 123

  8. QR code scanner shortcut. Android 13 by default will show a Quick Setting tile to launch a QR code scanner. Which app provides the QR code scanner is technically configurable by OEMs, but I believe on devices with GMS, it will be set up to launch a QR code scanner provided by Google Play Services. Screenshot of QS tile. Screenshot of QR scanner.

  9. Redesigned media player. Android 13 revamps the media player experience. You’ll notice the larger volume slider in the media output picker UI and the squiggly progress bar for all media sessions. There’s one other change that I’ll mention next. Do note that OEMs can customize the default style of notifications, so there’s no guarantee the media player will look exactly the same across devices.

  10. New media controls UI. Apps that target Android 13 may show a different set of media controls when running on Android 13. This is because Android 13 derives what media controls to show from the PlaybackState rather than the MediaStyle notification. If you see headlines about apps being updated to support Android 13 media controls, this is what they’re referring to. Here’s a screenshot of media controls on a phone and tablet running Android 13. As you can see, this change unifies how media controls are rendered across Android platforms.

  11. Better control over foreground services. There’s a new “active app” button in the notifications panel. Tap this and you’ll see which apps currently have a foreground service running. For example, music players and fitness trackers need to use foreground services so Android won’t kill them when they’re running in the background. Before Android 13, these foreground services took up space in your notifications panel. Now, you can swipe them away and manage them from the “active app” list. Screenshot of the “active app” button in the notifications panel. Screenshot of the “active app” list.

  12. Game dashboard for more devices. The Game Dashboard that was originally exclusive to the Pixel 6 on Android 12 is coming to more devices on Android 13. Game Dashboard integrates achievements and leaderboards data from Play Games, has a shortcut to stream to YouTube, and has toggles to show a screenshot button, screen recorder button, DND button, and an FPS counter in the in-game floating overlay. You can also change the Game Mode to “battery saver” or “performance”, but this depends on the game. This feature is provided by Google Play Services on Android 13 and has rolled out to several Pixel devices already, but I believe it will come to non-Pixels in the future. Screenshot of Game Dashboard settings. Screenshot of Game Dashboard.

  13. Game Mode improvements. When a game hasn’t added support for the Game Mode API, OEMs can apply game mode interventions to improve the performance of games. In Android 12, OEMs could use ANGLE instead of OpenGLES drivers or apply WindowManager backbuffer resize to reduce the GPU overload. In Android 13, there’s a new FPS override intervention, but this one is opt in. When games opt in, the system can limit the FPS that the game runs at.

  14. Bluetooth LE Audio support. Bluetooth LE Audio is the next-gen Bluetooth standard that promises lower power consumption, higher quality audio (compared to Bluetooth Classic Audio with SBC) with the new LC3 codec, standardized support for hearing aids, location-based audio sharing, and support for broadcasting audio to many devices. Android 13 ships with a Bluetooth stack that’s certified for LE Audio Unicast support (Broadcast Audio is a WIP).

  15. Spatial audio with head tracking support. Spatial audio provides an immersive audio experience by making it seem like the audio moves with your head. Android supports static spatial audio (where the sound seems to move as your head moves) and dynamic spatial audio (where the sound is stuck in space as your head moves). Static spatial audio works with any headphones, while dynamic spatial audio requires a headset with head tracking support. Android 12L added the audio spatializer API needed for integration with third-party apps, while Android 13 introduces the head tracking protocol needed for dynamic spatial audio.

  16. Turn on dark mode at bedtime. Dark theme settings now has an option to have it turn on at bedtime. Your bedtime mode schedule is set by the Digital Wellbeing app. Screenshot.

  17. Control smart home devices without unlocking the device. You can now control smart home devices from the Device Controls menu without unlocking your phone or tablet, but only if the app supports it. You first need to enable “control from locked device” in settings. Video demo.

  18. 7-day view in privacy dashboard. The “Privacy dashboard” added in Android 12 only shows sensitive permissions accessed in the last 24 hours, but on Android 13, it’ll let you see that data from the last 7 days. This hasn’t rolled out yet, though. Screenshot of “show 7 days” option in privacy dashboard.

  19. Clipboard auto clear. Android 13 will automatically clear any clipboard item that’s older than 1 hour. I know Gboard already does this, but not everyone uses Gboard.

  20. X-axis transition animation. Any apps that don’t use a custom transition animation seem to now use this shared X-axis transition animation.

  21. Flashlight brightness control. Android 13 has an API to control the flashlight brightness. Yes, OEMs like Samsung have offered this feature for years, but it wasn’t standardized. The only catch is that the OEM has to implement support for this feature in the device’s camera HAL. More info on this feature. Demo + sample app.

  22. Unified Security & Privacy settings. Android has a lot of privacy and security features strewn about in settings. Android 13’s new unified Security & Privacy settings will make it easy to find each of these features. This is not exclusive to Pixel and will be coming to other devices via a Mainline update. Here’s what it looks like.

  23. “Vibrant” theme is now actually vibrant. There was a bug that made the color palette generated from vibrant wallpapers less vibrant than they should be. This was fixed in Android 13, and now the Vibrant theme is actually vibrant! Before versus After.

  24. App drawer in the taskbar. Android 12L introduced the taskbar, but it didn’t have an app drawer, so you had to go to the home screen or recent apps to switch apps. Android 13 fixes this by adding an app drawer in the taskbar. (Yes, I know the Z Fold4 on 12L has an app drawer in the taskbar. Kudos to Samsung for addressing that.) Screenshot of taskbar with app drawer.

  25. Stylus handwriting. Keyboard apps can declare that they support stylus handwriting. If so, then other apps can send a request to launch the keyboard app in its stylus handwriting mode. This is currently in testing and requires flipping a developer option called “stylus handwriting”. You can see this in action with the S22 Ultra on Android 13 + Google Chrome.

  26. File managers can no longer access /Android/data and /Android/obb. Do you use a third-party file manager? Do you ever access files in the /Android/obb or /Android/data folders? Well I have bad news for you. You won’t be able to use your favorite file managers to access those folders anymore, since the loophole they used to do was has been closed. Yes, this was only possible through a loophole, since Scoped Storage in Android 11 was designed to block apps from accessing those folders.

  27. Android may block the user from enabling Accessibility and Notification Listeners for sideloaded apps. Android’s Accessibility and Notification Listener APIs are really powerful, and they’re often abused by malware. Google has been cracking down on apps misusing APIs, and in Android 13, you’ll be blocked from enabling an app’s Accessibility Service or Notification Listener if you sideloaded that app from outside an app store. (There is a way to unblock access, fortunately.) The exact details are more complicated, so I recommend reading this article for the full breakdown. Screenshot of the “Restricted Setting” dialog and the toggle to allow restricted settings.

  28. Apps can now only request one-time access to device logs. If you grant an app the ability to read system logs (ie. logcat), then in Android 13, you’ll see a confirmation dialog every time that app tries to read those logs. If you use an automation app like Tasker, you might hate this change. Screenshot of the dialog.

  29. More granular media file permissions. Scoped Storage changed how apps access files, making it so that the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission doesn’t grant broad access to the external shared storage. Instead, it only let apps access media files (including audio, video, and image files) owned by other apps that reside in media store collections. In Android 13, apps targeting the release will have the request individual permissions to access audio files, video files, or image files owned by other apps, making media file access even more granular.

  30. Revamped multi-user UI. There’s a couple of enhancements to the multi-user experience in Android 13. First of all, there’s a new fullscreen user profile switcher for large screen devices. There’s also a revamped UI for adding a new user that even uses the new Photo Picker to select the profile picture from your gallery. Next, there’s an optional user profile switcher shortcut that sits in the status bar, but it’s disabled by default and intended for large screen devices. Finally, there’s an optional user switcher shortcut on the keyguard, but again, this may only appear on tablets or other large screen devices.

  31. Accessibility audio description. There’s a new toggle to enable audio descriptions globally. Instead of toggling audio descriptions on a per-app basis, media apps can read the status of this global toggle and enable audio descriptions accordingly. This is more aimed at Android TV but is also applicable to handhelds. Screenshot of the toggle.

  32. Accessibility magnifier can now follow the text as you type. If you use the magnification feature to zoom in on text, you might like the new “follow typing” toggle that’s been added. Toggling this will make the magnification area automatically follow the text as you type. Here’s a demo of the feature.

  33. Quick Settings tiles for color correction & one-handed mode. If you use Android’s color correction or one-handed mode feature and want quick access to toggle them, you can find new Quick Settings tiles to do so in Android 13.

  34. Drag to launch multiple instances of an app in split-screen. Android 12 added multi-instance support, making it possible to launch two instances of the same activity. For example, you can launch two Chrome windows in split-screen mode. Android 13 builds on this by letting you drag to launch a second instance of an activity when in split-screen view, provided the activity supports it.

  35. Take away an app’s ability to turn on the screen. There’s a new “turn screen on” permission that you can control in Settings > Apps > Special app access. It’s quite self-explanatory. Here’s a screenshot of the permission page.

  36. Control background access of body sensors. Apps can access data from heart rate, temperature, and blood oxygen level sensors through the BODY_SENSORS permission. Prior to Android 13, apps that had this permission could access that data while running in the background. Android 13 changes this by making those apps request a new permission called BODY_SENSORS_BACKGROUND.

  37. Apps no longer need location access to scan for nearby WiFi devices. It’s possible to track your location by collecting data on nearby Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices over time, which is why earlier versions of Android made it so apps had to hold location permissions to read Bluetooth and Wi-Fi scan results. That got annoying and confusing for users, so Android 12 decoupled Bluetooth APIs from the location permission. Android 13 follows up by decoupling Wi-Fi scanning from location permissions.

  38. Virtualization support. This one is really complicated, but basically, Android 13 introduces a virtual machine framework through the new Virtualization module. Google is deploying a modified version of the Linux KVM feature (pKVM to be precise) as the hypervisor, with crosvm as the virtual machine manager. Google is using this for a fairly obscure purpose (isolated compilation), but devs have figured out how to boot Linux and even Windows VMs. You’ll need a device that supports pKVM, though.

  39. Camera2 improvements. Camera2 is the underlying API used by camera apps, and it’s getting some welcome additions in Android 13. First, it has added HDR video capture support, so third-party camera apps can finally capture HDR video, provided the OEM exposed support for this in the camera HAL. There’s a new API for preview stabilization, and viewfinder jitter has been reduced as well. These are more developer-focused improvements, but I thought you should be aware of them in case you use a third-party camera app.

  40. Faster hyphenation. Text wrapping will be better in Android 13, as many apps will insert hyphens at the end of a line in a text field. Hyphenation seems like a simple matter, but before Android 13, it was quite taxing on the CPU. Android 13 improves hyphenation performance by as much as 200%.

  41. Improved Japanese text wrapping. Apps that support Japanese can now wrap text by “Bunsetsu”, which is the smallest unit of words that’s coherent, instead of by character. This will make text more readable by Japanese users.

  42. Improved line heights for non-Latin scripts. Android 13 improves support for non-Latin scripts like Tamil, Burmese, Telugu, and Tibetan. The OS uses a line height that’s adapted for each language, preventing clipping and improving the positioning of characters.

  43. MIDI 2.0 support. MIDI 2.0 was introduced in late 2020 and adds bi-directionality so devices can communicate with each other to auto-configure themselves or exchance info on available functionality. It also makes controllers easier to use and adds 32-bit resolution support.

  44. DNS-over-HTTP/3 support. Android 9 added encrypted DNS (ie. Private DNS) support through the DNS-over-TLS protocol. Android 13 adds support for the DNS-over-HTTP/3 protocol. This implementation offers better performance and security. Right now, Android’s DNS-over-HTTP/3 implementation only allows using Google and Cloudflare as providers. This feature has been backported to all GMS Android devices running Android 11-12L and some Android 10 devices.

  45. Android’s Bluetooth stack becomes a Mainline module. Bluetooth vulnerabilities are pretty common, so in an effort to improve security, Android 13 turns Android’s Bluetooth stack into an updatable Project Mainline module. This means it can be updated through Google Play like other modular system components. However, I’m not sure if this module will be mandatory yet for OEMs.

  46. Android’s ultra-wideband stack becomes a Mainline module. In a similar vein, Android’s ultra-wide band stack that was just introduced in Android 12 has been turned into a modular system component in Android 13. There aren’t many devices yet with UWB hardware, but with this + the new UWB Jetpack library, we should start seeing more apps make use of this hardware and Google expand UWB functionality in Android outside of OS updates.

  47. Binary transparency. If you care about security, then you may be curious whether or not the binaries installed on your device match what’s included in the official factory images. Android 13’s binary transparency manager lets you easily get the VBMeta digest and build fingerprints of the partitions and modules on your device, so you can compare them with the official images. Note that while Google’s the only one doing this so far (AFAIK), there’s nothing preventing other OEMs from publishing their own transparency logs.

  48. Dynamic System Updates become a lot faster. Dynamic System Updates (DSU) makes it easy to install a Generic System Image (GSI) without overwriting your device’s original installation or wiping your data. All you have to do is send an intent or just go to Developer Options to install one of Google’s official GSIs through the “DSU Loader” setting. Android 13 makes GSI installation through DSU faster and more interactive.

  49. ART improvements bring lower memory use and faster runtime performance. An update to the Android Runtime (ART) module will introduce a new garbage collection algorithm based on Linux’s userfaultd feature, which may reduce the chance of the OS killing off background processes.

  50. Wallpaper dimming. There’s a new API to dim the wallpaper, and it’s being used by the Digital Wellbeing app to darken wallpapers at bedtime so bright/vibrant wallpapers will be less blinding. Before versus After.

  51. Bonus: The Easter egg. Of course, we can’t forget this one. There’s a new Easter egg in Android 13, because of course there is! Like usual, you access it by tapping repeatedly on the “Android version” field in Settings > About phone. When the clock appears, turn it so the hands point at 1:00. Surrounding the Android 13 logo will be a bunch of bubbles. Long press those to make a bunch of emojis appear. Long press again to cycle through the various emoji combinations.

  52. There are quite a few posts regarding this issue but since none had the answer that ultimately fixed my issue I thought I would make my own.

    Just to clarify my issue & situation: 3rd party apps would not open links that they should’ve been when clicked on from the Google search app. For example Sync not opening Reddit links, and Youtube Vanced not opening Youtube links. Anytime I would click one of these links I would be redirected to the Play Store to install the respective app. I had Youtube disabled and “opening verified links” turned off before disabling it, and I didn’t even have Reddit installed at all. Both Sync and Vanced had Open Verified Links turned on and all the options checked. I had previously reset all default apps preferences, and even got a new phone (went from Pixel 6 Pro to Pixel 7 Pro) and the issue hung around.

    After a good amount of forum diving I found some random article saying to clear the storage and cache of the following 3 apps: Android System Webview, Google Play Services, and Google Services Framework, then reboot. You can do this by going into Settings > Apps > All apps > click the 3 dots in the top right and hit Show System > click on each app and go to storage and cache. Since I did all 3 I don’t actually know if it was one or all of them that fixed it unfortunately, but this fixed my almost 2 year problem.

    Hopefully this helps someone else out there frustrated as hell with how Android handles links these days. Sorry for the lengthy post!

    TL;DR if you’ve tried everything the way it’s supposed to work, clear the storage and cache for Android System Webview, Google Play Services, and Google Services Framework, then reboot.

    Machine Learning For Dummies
    Machine Learning For Dummies
  53. DuckDuckGo now lets all Android users block trackers in their apps

  54. Is it possible to transfer sign-in data of all the apps/emails/credit card/Apple Watch?

    I recently transferred data from an iPhone 12 PM to a 14 PM using Apple’s Quick Start feature. Simply keep both phones near each other and follow the onscreen prompts. Took most of an hour to do 120 GB, so for 72 GB, expect at least 20-25 min.

    Now transferring this way doesn’t guarantee every little thing transfers over, but a vast majority of it should (like 98-99%) including Apple Wallet items. In my case, I had to go through Face ID setup again (where you move your head in a circle) on the new phone. Afterwards, most simple apps remembered my sign-on information and didn’t prompt me to re-enter. The exception was a few financial apps, like banking apps, that prompted for my password and to trust the new device.

    As for Apple Watch…

    It can only be paired to one device at a time. You’ll need to unpair it first from the Apple Watch app on the iPhone 11. Then pair it to the new iPhone. Afterward, you’ll notice that your Apple Watch history/data is still intact.

    One final note about going the iCloud route…

    This option works too, but it’s slower. You might have had problems because you forgot to do a full backup ahead of time. In iCloud’s settings, obviously you would enable everything that you want to transfer over, but then you would need to perform a manual iCloud backup. Make sure it completes, wait a few min afterward, then start the restore on the new iPhone.

    In most cases, you shouldn’t need to use both iCloud and Quick Start. Both work fine independently of one another.

  55. Total Cookie Protection is now available for Firefox on Android
  56. How to transfer Apple Health data to Google Fit? Apple Health and Google Fit are two of the most popular health and fitness applications available. While they both offer a wealth of features, Apple Health is only available on Apple devices, while Google Fit can be used on both Android and Apple devices. As a result, many users find themselves switching between the two platforms. Luckily, it is possible to transfer data between Apple Health and Google Fit. The process is relatively simple and only requires a few steps. First, open the Apple Health app and tap the “Settings” tab. Next, select “Export Health Data.” Choose “Google Fit” as the export format and tap “Export.” Finally, open the Google Fit app and go to “Settings.” Select “Import Data” and choose “Apple Health” as the file type. Your Apple Health data will now be transferred to Google Fit!

In Summary:

First, open Apple Health and tap the ‘Sources’ tab. Next, tap ‘Add Data Source’ and select ‘Google Fit’. You will then be prompted to enter your Google account credentials. Once you’ve signed in, you’ll be able to choose which data types you’d like to sync.

Next, open Google Fit and tap the ‘ Devices’ tab. Here, you should see Apple Health listed as a connected device. Tap on it and select the data types that you’d like to sync. Finally, tap ‘Sync Now’ to transfer the data.

  1. App to make it easier to share screenshots and videos from Android to your Mac

    I made a little app that makes sending photos and videos from your Android test devices to your Mac a breeze, called Ubidrop.

    On every mobile team I worked in the past, our QAs always had issues with attaching photos and videos of bugs on (Jira) tickets. Sending files from Android to Macs have always been a pain and having to do that multiple times in a day can easily be a huge pain.

    Ubidrop is really simple to use: you take a screenshot of your screen (or pick a file via a gallery app) and then ‘Share’ the photo to ‘Ubidrop’. Ubidrop will then find nearby devices, and then you choose the Mac you would like to share the photo to.

    You can see an example and try it out for free at No credit cards or sign ups required.

How can I trace the location of my lost phone by phone number or IMEI number?

There are a few steps you can take to try to trace the location of a lost phone using the phone number or IMEI number:

  1. Contact your phone service provider: If you have lost your phone and you know the phone number, you can try contacting your phone service provider to see if they can help you locate the phone. Some service providers have tools that can help you track the location of a lost phone, or they may be able to remotely lock or erase the phone to protect your personal information.

  2. Use a phone tracking app: If you have previously installed a phone tracking app on your phone, such as Find My Phone or Lookout, you may be able to use the app to locate your lost phone. These apps typically allow you to remotely track the location of your phone, lock it, or erase its data.

  3. Use the IMEI number: The IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number is a unique code that is assigned to every mobile phone. You can often find the IMEI number on the back of the phone, or you can obtain it by dialing *#06# on the phone. If you have the IMEI number and your phone was stolen, you may be able to work with law enforcement to try to locate the phone using the IMEI number.

Overall, it is important to act quickly if you have lost your phone, as this can increase the chances of being able to locate it or protect your personal information. If you are unable to locate your phone using these methods, you may want to consider purchasing a new phone and taking steps to protect your personal information.

What is an iPhone’s IMEI identifier and what are its benefits?


An iPhone’s IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) identifier is a unique 15-digit number that is assigned to each mobile device. It is used to identify and track the device, and is typically used by mobile network operators to authenticate the device when it is used on their network.

The IMEI identifier has a number of benefits, including:

  1. Device identification: The IMEI identifier can be used to identify a specific device, which can be useful for tracking and locating a lost or stolen device.

  2. Fraud prevention: The IMEI identifier can be used to help prevent fraudulent activity, such as the use of a stolen or unauthorized device on a mobile network.

  3. Device blocking: If a device is lost or stolen, the IMEI identifier can be used to block the device from being used on any mobile network.

  4. Warranty tracking: The IMEI identifier can be used to track the warranty status of a device and to verify that it is eligible for repairs or other support.

Overall, the IMEI identifier is an important tool for identifying and tracking mobile devices, and is used by mobile network operators and other organizations to help ensure the security and integrity of the mobile network.

My iPhone 13 Pro Max dropped to 98% after 5 charge cycles. I’m currently at 65 charge cycles. It dropped to 99% after 60 complete charge cycles. Is this normal?


It is not uncommon for the capacity of a lithium-ion battery, like the one used in the iPhone, to decrease slightly over time as the battery goes through charge cycles. This is because each time a battery is charged and discharged, some of the materials in the battery degrade, reducing the overall capacity of the battery. It is also possible that your phone’s battery capacity decreases faster than others, but without more data on the same phone over the time, it’s hard to tell.

The battery on your iPhone 13 Pro Max is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at 1000 complete charge cycles. However, this can vary depending on the way you use and charge your phone, and if your phone is consistently exposed to extreme temperatures, for example.

If you believe the battery performance on your iPhone 13 Pro Max is not normal, you can check the battery health information in the settings app, and contact apple for a warranty check or replacement.

How can I tell if somebody has access to my Samsung phone or if my calls are being forwarded or diverted?


There are a few signs that could indicate that someone has access to your Samsung phone or that your calls are being forwarded or diverted:

  1. Unfamiliar numbers in your call log: If you see calls from numbers that you don’t recognize in your call log, it could be a sign that your calls are being forwarded or diverted to another phone.

  2. Strange or unexpected messages: If you receive text messages or notifications that you didn’t expect or that don’t make sense, it could be a sign that someone is accessing your phone.

  3. Battery drain or data usage: If your phone’s battery is draining faster than normal or if you are using more data than usual, it could be a sign that someone is using your phone.

  4. Suspicious Apps or process running in the background. Sometimes spyware, malware or any sort of malicious software could be running in the background which can forward your calls, read messages and so on.

  5. Unusual noise: If you hear strange noise or static during phone calls, it could be a sign that someone is listening in on your conversations.

It’s important to note that some of these signs could also be caused by other issues, such as a malfunctioning phone or a problem with your network or carrier.

Additionally, You can also check the call forwarding settings on your phone, these are usually found in the phone settings or in the settings of your phone’s dialer app. If you find that call forwarding is enabled, but you didn’t set it up, it could be an indication that someone has access to your phone.

If you suspect that your phone is being accessed or that your calls are being forwarded or diverted without your knowledge, it’s important to take steps to secure your phone and protect your personal information.

How do I change the battery health of a phone to a good one using ADB?


ADB, or Android Debug Bridge, is a tool that allows developers to communicate with an Android device over a USB connection. One of the things that you can do with ADB is to change the battery health status of a phone. However, this is not a recommended or a safe way to improve the battery health of a phone and can lead to negative consequences.

You can’t change the battery health of a phone using ADB, you can only report the current health status of the battery. Also, modifying the battery health status could lead to a number of issues and it could also void your device’s warranty if done incorrectly.

The proper way to improve battery health on a phone is to take good care of the battery, such as:

  • Keep the phone at a moderate temperature
  • Uninstall apps that are not in use
  • Reduce screen brightness and timeout
  • Use original charger and cable
  • Avoid overcharging or letting the battery discharge fully -Try not to use the phone while charging

If you are still experiencing issues with the battery health of your phone and you suspect that it is faulty, you can contact the manufacturer or the place of purchase for a warranty check or replacement.

What is the maximum discharge rate of the battery in an average smartphone? I am speaking maximum load possible with full brightness, full volume, 100% APU utilization and maximum throughput on 4G/5G, bluetooth and wifi.


The maximum discharge rate of a battery in an average smartphone can vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of battery used, the capacity of the battery, and the power management features of the phone.

Typically, the discharge rate of a smartphone battery under heavy load can range from around 2 to 4 amperes, or 2,000 to 4,000 milliamperes (mA). This is assuming full brightness, maximum volume, 100% CPU and GPU utilization, maximum throughput on 4G/5G, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and all other features turned on. However, this value is highly dependent on the specific phone model, age of the battery, and the state of the battery health.

Keep in mind that this kind of usage is highly unusual and not recommended as it will drain the battery very quickly and will likely cause the phone to heat up which is not good for the device and could even damage it. Under normal usage, the discharge rate will be lower, around 1A to 2A depending on the usage scenario and the device.

It’s also important to keep in mind that as the battery ages, it’s capacity will decrease and the discharge rate will increase to reach the same level of performance, this means that the same phone will have a different maximum discharge rate as the battery ages.

Which are the best top 5 smartphones of 2023?


The market for smartphones is constantly changing, with new models and technologies being released all the time. It would be difficult for me to provide an accurate list without the most recent information.

Keep in mind that the best smartphone for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Some people may prioritize a high-resolution camera, while others may place more importance on a long-lasting battery or a large screen. It’s generally a good idea to research and compare different smartphones based on their features and specifications, and to read reviews from experts and users to get a better idea of their performance and reliability.

Also, you may want to consider the brand, design, price and overall customer service or post-purchase service when buying a phone. Some brands are known to have better customer service than others, and that could be a factor to take into consideration when making your decision.

1- Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max

2- Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra

3- Google Pixel 7 Pro

4- Huawei P50 Pro

5- Sony Xperia PRO-I 5G

6- Xiaomi 12T PRO 5G

From Samsung to Apple, these five smartphones offer technological features that make them a cut above the rest this year. Whether it’s the multiple cameras, long-lasting batteries or expanding storage capabilities, smartphone users from all walks of life can find something worth investing in from this list of top 5 smartphones for 2023.

How do I check if an Android phone is ever rooted?


Rooting an Android phone refers to the process of gaining administrative access to the phone’s operating system, which allows users to modify the software, install custom ROMs, and access system-level settings. If a phone has been rooted, it will have access to system files that are not available on a non-rooted device.

There are a few ways to check if an Android phone has been rooted:

  1. Check for a “Superuser” or “SuperSU” app: One of the most common signs that an Android phone has been rooted is the presence of a “Superuser” or “SuperSU” app. This app grants administrative access to the phone’s operating system and is typically installed as part of the rooting process.

  2. Use a Root Checker app: There are several free apps available on the Google Play Store that can check if a phone has been rooted. These apps typically check for the presence of the “su” binary or other system files that are typically present on a rooted device.

  3. Check for modified system files: If a phone has been rooted, it may have modified system files that are not found on a non-rooted device. These files are typically located in the /system directory, and you can check for them using a file manager app or by using ADB (Android Debug Bridge) commands.

  4. Check for tampered settings, for example, the ability to disable signature verification on the device, or if some apps are not working due to “security” issues.

Keep in mind that rooting a device void the device’s warranty and could also expose the device to security vulnerabilities, So, it’s important to weigh the benefits and risks before attempting to root your device, And if you are not familiar with the process, you should leave it to professionals.

Can the LiDAR sensor in an iPhone 14 Pro be used with one of the cameras to shoot 3D stills or videos?


LiDAR, or Light Detection and Ranging, is a technology that uses laser beams to measure the distance between a sensor and the objects in its field of view. The LiDAR sensor in an iPhone 14 Pro can be used to improve the phone’s augmented reality (AR) capabilities and to improve the camera’s autofocus and low-light performance. It can also be used to scan and measure objects in 3D and create 3D maps of the environment.

It’s possible to use LiDAR sensor in an iPhone 14 Pro with the cameras to create 3D stills and videos, as the sensor can provide depth information that can be used to create 3D models of objects and scenes. However, it’s important to note that the feature is not yet officially announced by Apple and has not been confirmed.

There are 3rd party apps that allow you to take 3D photos and videos using the LiDAR sensor on the iPhone 14 Pro, but it’s important to note that these apps are not officially endorsed by Apple and the results may vary depending on the app and the environment.

In any case, the LiDAR sensor on the iPhone 14 Pro can be a powerful tool for creating more realistic and engaging AR experiences, as well as for enhancing the phone’s photography and videography capabilities.

Does my iPhone record when my sims are removed and swapped about? Can I check back on the dates etc?


Your iPhone may not automatically record when your SIM card is removed or swapped. However, you may be able to check the dates of when your SIM card was last used or when it was last swapped by checking the following:

  1. Check your cellular settings: You can go to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Cellular Data Usage. You should see a list of the dates that your iPhone last used your SIM card.

  2. Check the iTunes Backup: If you have been backing up your iPhone to iTunes, you may be able to check the dates of when your SIM card was last used or swapped in the backup data.

  3. Check your call logs: You can go to the Phone app and check the call logs for calls made or received on your iPhone. Each call log entry includes the date and time that the call was made or received.

  4. Check your phone’s logs: Some iPhones may have a feature that records phone logs including all the changes and events that happen on the phone. However, this feature might not be available on all phone models or versions, and the logs might have been deleted by user or the system.

Keep in mind that the above methods are not guarantees that you will be able to find the information you’re looking for, as the data might be deleted or not available, or the logs might not show the specific SIM swap events. Also, if the phone has been in the hands of someone else they may have done a factory reset or wiped the device which would also erase the logs.

What is DRM-restricted content on Apple?


DRM, or Digital Rights Management, refers to technology that is used to control and restrict the use of digital content, such as music, videos, and e-books. On Apple devices, DRM-restricted content is typically content that is protected by Apple’s FairPlay technology.

DRM-restricted content on Apple devices includes:

  • Music and videos purchased from the iTunes Store
  • Apple Music songs and playlists
  • TV shows and movies purchased or rented from the iTunes Store
  • iBooks and audiobooks purchased from the iBooks Store
  • Podcasts from iTunes Store

This content is protected by digital rights management and can only be played on authorized Apple devices that are associated with your Apple ID. If you try to play this content on a device that is not authorized, you will typically receive an error message and will not be able to play the content.

Additionally, Apple DRM-restricted content can only be played using the official Apple apps, such as iTunes, Music, TV, or iBooks and not on other third-party apps or other non-apple devices.

Some users may find the DRM-restrictions on content as a limitation to their usage and flexibility, but it’s important to note that it’s in place to ensure the content rights are respected and not pirated by unauthorized parties.

Can I use a second SIM in my iPhone with an eSIM plan?


Yes, you can use a second SIM in an iPhone with an eSIM plan. eSIM technology allows you to add a second SIM to your iPhone without using a physical SIM card. Instead, the SIM information is stored electronically on the device. This means that you can have two phone numbers on one iPhone, and switch between them easily. The iPhone XS and newer models support Dual SIM. Dual SIM Dual Standby (DSDS) or Dual SIM Dual Active (DSDA) depends on the carrier and the plan. You’ll need a carrier that support eSIM or the service to switch from Physical SIM to eSIM and need to have compatible iPhone model.

How does an app work on Android Wear?


An app on Android Wear is essentially a streamlined version of the corresponding app on an Android phone, designed to take advantage of the smaller screen and other unique features of a smartwatch. When an Android app is installed on an Android Wear device, it is automatically mirrored to the watch, although developers can also create specific Android Wear versions of their apps if they prefer.

Users interact with Android Wear apps using gestures and voice commands, rather than by tapping on the screen. They can also receive notifications, such as incoming calls or messages, directly on their watch, and can respond to these notifications using voice commands or by writing with their finger.

Because smartwatch has less battery life and processing power than smartphones, app designed for Android Wear should be simple and lightweight with minimal functionality.

Smartphone 101 – Pick a Smartphone For Me

What are the top 10 Wonders of computing and software engineering?

Why can’t a macOS be installed in a Windows computer?

What are the top 10 Wonders of computing and software engineering?

Computer science and software engineering are fascinating fields that continue to evolve and surprise us. Computer science and software engineering are disciplines that are essential for the modern world. They have led to the development of many innovative products and services that have made our lives easier and more efficient. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top 10 wonders of computer science and software engineering.

The things Alan Keys  found to be astonishing and amazing (and shocking) are:

  1. Turing’s notion of machines that can simulate machines completely by interpreting their descriptions (exhibiting the programmable computer as “a language machine” and a “meta-language machine” — along with this is the simplicity of what is required to do so (a great book is Marvin Minsky’s “Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines”). Turing’s approach is much more of a “real CS” approach compared to Goedel’s earlier methods, and soon led to a large number of important next steps.
  2. How simple (a) it is to design a whole computer from just one kind of logical element (e.g. “NOT-BOTH”), especially when compared (b) to how Russell and Whitehead struggled to “bootstrap mathematics, etc., from logic at the turn of the last century. (This is one of those “Point of View is Worth 80 IQ Points” …)
  3. Lisp, and McCarthy’s general approach to “mathematical theories of computation” and having languages that can act as their own metalanguage. One of the great cornucopias of our field.
  4. Sketchpad by Ivan Sutherland for so many reasons, including: the approach to interactive computer graphics and the simulations of the graphic relationships, the “object-oriented” approach to definition and deriving new kinds of things (including “masters” and making instances from masters), enormous virtual worlds that are windowed on the display, the use of goal-directed programming with the system solving the simultaneous goals in real-time, etc. And more, including the demonstration that a simulated computer on a computer need look nothing like the underlying hardware or any “normal” idea of “computer”.
  5. The big Shannon et al. ideas about how to have imperfect things be organized in systems that are much more perfectly behaved even if the organizational mechanisms are themselves noisy. Includes all forms of “noise”, “representations”, “communications”, “machines”, etc. and poking deeply into Biology and how living things work. Nice implications for “stochastic computing” of many kinds which are needed more and more as things scale.
  6. The deep implications of “symbolic computation (now a very un-funded area) for being able to move from the trivialities of “data” (no matter how voluminous”) to the profundities and powers of “Meaning”. This used to be called “AI” and now has to be called “real AI” or “strong AI” (it would be much better under a less loaded term: how about “Flexible Competence”?)
  7. The Internet. Certainly the best thing done by my research community, and the first real essay into the kinds of scaling and stabilities that all computer science should be trying to understand and improve. This was a great invention and development process in all ways, and — by looking at Biology, which inspired but we really couldn’t use — it had a reasonable chance to work. That it was able to scale stably over more than 10 (maybe 11) orders of magnitude, as indeed planned, is still kind of amazing to me (even though it should have). Judging from most software systems today not being organized like the Internet, one is forced into the opinion that most computerists don’t understand it, why it is great (and maybe don’t even think of it as the fruits of “real computer science” because it just works so much better and more reliably than most other attempted artifacts in the field).
  8. Application: #1: Self-Driving Cars
    Self-driving cars are one of the most hyped technologies of the past few years. And for good reason! These autonomous vehicles have the potential to drastically reduce accidents and improve traffic flow. While there are still some kinks to be ironed out, it’s only a matter of time until self-driving cars become the norm.
  9. Application: #2: Artificial Intelligence
    Artificial intelligence is another technology that is rapidly evolving. AI is being used in a variety of ways, from personal assistants like Siri to chatbots that can carry on a conversation. As AI gets more sophisticated, its capabilities will only continue to grow.
  10. Application: #3: Virtual Reality
    Virtual reality is another exciting technology with a lot of potential. VR has already been used in a number of different industries, from gaming to medicine. And as VR technology gets more advanced, we can only imagine the new and innovative ways it will be used in the future.
  11. Application: #4: Blockchain
    You’ve probably heard of Bitcoin, the digital currency that uses blockchain technology. But what exactly is blockchain? In short, it’s a decentralized database that can be used to store data securely. Blockchain is already being used in a number of different industries, and its applications are only growing.
  12. Application: #5: Internet of Things
    The internet of things refers to the growing trend of interconnected devices. From your phone to your fridge, more and more devices are being connected to the internet. This allows them to share data and makes them easier to control. The internet of things is changing the way we live and work, and there’s no doubt that its impact will only continue to grow in the years to come.
  13. Application: #6: Data Science
    Data science is a relatively new field that combines statistics, computer science, and domain expertise to extract knowledge from data. Data science is being used in a variety of industries, from healthcare to retail. And as data becomes increasingly abundant, data scientists will become even more important in helping organizations make sense of it all.
  14. Application: #7: Machine Learning
    Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning is being used in a number of different ways, from fraud detection to object recognition. As machine learning algorithms get more sophisticated, they will continue to revolutionize the way we live and work.
  15. Application: #8 Cybersecurity : Cybersecurity is a critical concern for businesses and individuals alike. With so much of our lives taking place online, it’s important to have measures in place to protect our information from hackers and cyber criminals.

These are just some of the many wonders of computer science and software engineering! Each one has the potential to change our world in amazing ways. We can’t wait to see what else these fields have in store for us!

What are the top 10 Wonders of computing and software engineering?
What are the top 10 Wonders of computing and software engineering?

Other notable wonders of computing:

#16 Mobile phones are handheld devices that allow us to make calls, send texts, and access the internet while on the go. They have become an indispensable part of our lives and have transformed the way we stay connected with others.

#17 Social Media
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have changed the way we interact with each other. They provide us with a space to share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences with friends and family members who might be located anywhere in the world.

#18 Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a model of computing that allows users to access data and applications over the internet. It has made it possible for businesses to operate more efficiently by reducing their reliance on physical infrastructure.

#19 Big Data
Big data refers to large data sets that can be analyzed to reveal patterns and trends. It is being used by businesses in a variety of industries to make better decisions about everything from product development to marketing strategies.

#20 Augmented Reality Augmented reality is a type of technology that overlays digital information on real-world objects. It has many potential applications, including education, gaming, and navigation.

#21 3D Printing 3D printing is a process of creating three-dimensional objects from a digital file. It has revolutionized manufacturing by making it possible to create customized products quickly and easily. These are just some of the things that computer science and software engineering have made possible! As you can see, these disciplines have had a major impact on our world and will continue to shape the future as we move into the digital age.

Conclusion: So there you have it! These are the top 10 wonders of computer science and software engineering according to me. Do you agree with my list? What would you add or remove? Let me know in the comments below!


In the spirit of choosing artifacts over ideas, I would replace “symbolic computation “ with Unix.

I’ve mentioned elsewhere that one can praise in a sentence or two, but criticism ethically demands more careful substantiation.

All I’ll say here is that when Unix was being invented Xerox Parc was already successfully making systems with dynamic objects that required no separate OS layering or system builds. That said, Doug McIlroy did find the start of what could have been really fruitful ideas when he implemented “pipes” programming. If they had seen what could have been done if they had reduced the process overhead to zero bytes, and gone to a dynamic language, then something great could have resulted. By Alan Kay

What do you mean by organizing software systems like the internet?

Just to get you started: consider that the Internet’s (a) processes do not have to be stopped to fix, change, add to etc. (b) messages are not commands (c) units of computation are perfectly encapsulated (only the interior code code of a computer can decide to do anything or nothing) (d) units of transmission can be very badly damaged and messages will still get through, (e) scaling is more than 10 orders of magnitude (f) and on and on and on.

What SW systems to you know of that are remotely like this (that don’t depend intrinsically on what is wonderful about the Internet)?

This doesn’t mean the Internet is a perfect design at all. For example, the add-on of DNS was not nearly as good and lasting a scheme as the base semantics of TCP/IP. (It’s crazy that there are not unique IDs for every kind of entity manifested within the Internet system. Bob Kahn has been advocating this for several decades now — Joe Armstrong among others has pointed out that the modern hashing schemes (SHA256, etc.) are good enough to provide excellent unique IDs for Internet entities, etc.)

But the Internet did completely raise many bars qualitatively and astonishingly higher. It should be used as a starting point in thinking about how most SW systems can and should be organized.

Just a note about this big shift in thinking within the ARPA/Parc community — it is hard to pin down just when. But Wes Clark used to say that no computer is any good if it can’t work perfectly with 10% of its wires disconnected! Packet Switching (American version at RAND ARPA project in early 60s by Paul Baran) meant that you could do store and forward with a number of routes. If you made the protocol full-duplex, you could guarantee *eventually perfect* delivery of packets. At Parc the huge shift from “theoretical” to “punch in the face reality” came as we realized just how wonderfully well the extremely simple Ethernet was actually performing. This led to the articulated idea that no computation should ever require having to be stopped in order to improve/change/etc it.

In other words, make the systems design such that things will work “eventually as wished”, so you can spend your brain cells on (a) better designs, and (b) better optimizations. The Internet grew out of the whole community’s strong and emotional realizations around these ideas. By Alan Kay

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