Top 60 AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Tips

2022 - 2023 AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification Practice Exam Questions and Answers SAA-C03

Top 60 AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Tips

SAA Exam Prep App urls

2022 - 2023 AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification Practice Exam Questions and Answers SAA-C03
Top 100 AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certification Exam Questions and Answers Dump SAA-C03

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0 In a nutshell, below are the resources and apps that you need for SAA-C03 Exam Prep:

Read FAQs and learn more about the following topics in details: Load Balancing, DynamoDB, EBS, Multi-AZ RDS, Aurora, EFS, DynamoDB, NLB, ALB, Aurora, Auto Scalling, DynamoDB(latency), Aurora(performance), Multi-AZ RDS(high availability), Throughput Optimized EBS (highly sequential), Read the quizlet note cards about Cloudwatch, CloudTrail, KMS, ElasticBeanstalk, OpsWorks here. Read Dexter’s Barely passed AWS Cram Notes about RPO vs RTO, HA vs FT, Undifferentiated Heavy Lifting, Access Management Basics, Shared Responsibility Model, Cloud Service Models
AWS topics for SAA-CO1 and SAA-CO2


Know what instance types can be launched from which types of AMIs, and which instance types require an HVM AMI


Understand bastion hosts, and which subnet one might live on. Bastion hosts are instances that sit within your public subnet and are typically accessed using SSH or RDP. Once remote connectivity has been established with the bastion host, it then acts as a ‘jump’ server, allowing you to use SSH or RDP to login to other instances (within private subnets) deeper within your network. When properly configured through the use of security groups and Network ACLs, the bastion essentially acts as a bridge to your private instances via the Internet.”
Bastion Hosts


Know the difference between Directory Service’s AD Connector and Simple AD. Use Simple AD if you need an inexpensive Active Directory–compatible service with the common directory features. AD Connector lets you simply connect your existing on-premises Active Directory to AWS.
AD Connector and Simple AD


Know how to enable cross-account access with IAM: To delegate permission to access a resource, you create an IAM role that has two policies attached. The permissions policy grants the user of the role the needed permissions to carry out the desired tasks on the resource. The trust policy specifies which trusted accounts are allowed to grant its users permissions to assume the role. The trust policy on the role in the trusting account is one-half of the permissions. The other half is a permissions policy attached to the user in the trusted account that allows that user to switch to, or assume the role.
Enable cross-account access with IAM


Have a good understanding of how Route53 supports all of the different DNS record types, and when you would use certain ones over others.
Route 53 supports all of the different DNS record types


Know which services have native encryption at rest within the region, and which do not.
AWS Services with native Encryption at rest


Know When Elastic IPs are free or not: If you associate additional EIPs with that instance, you will be charged for each additional EIP associated with that instance per hour on a pro rata basis. Additional EIPs are only available in Amazon VPC. To ensure efficient use of Elastic IP addresses, we impose a small hourly charge when these IP addresses are not associated with a running instance or when they are associated with a stopped instance or unattached network interface.
When are AWS Elastic IPs Free or not?


Know what are the four high level categories of information Trusted Advisor supplies.
#AWS Trusted advisor

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)


Know how to troubleshoot a connection time out error when trying to connect to an instance in your VPC. You need a security group rule that allows inbound traffic from your public IP address on the proper port, you need a route that sends all traffic destined outside the VPC ( to the Internet gateway for the VPC, the network ACLs must allow inbound and outbound traffic from your public IP address on the proper port, etc.
#AWS Connection time out error


Be able to identify multiple possible use cases and eliminate non-use cases for SWF.


Understand how you might set up consolidated billing and cross-account access such that individual divisions resources are isolated from each other, but corporate IT can oversee all of it.
#AWS Set up consolidated billing


Know how you would go about making changes to an Auto Scaling group, fully understanding what you can and can’t change. “You can only specify one launch configuration for an Auto Scaling group at a time, and you can’t modify a launch configuration after you’ve created it. Therefore, if you want to change the launch configuration for your Auto Scaling group, you must create a launch configuration and then update your Auto Scaling group with the new launch configuration. When you change the launch configuration for your Auto Scaling group, any new instances are launched using the new configuration parameters, but existing instances are not affected.
#AWS Make Change to Auto Scaling group


Know how you would go about making changes to an Auto Scaling group, fully understanding what you can and can’t change. “You can only specify one launch configuration for an Auto Scaling group at a time, and you can’t modify a launch configuration after you’ve created it. Therefore, if you want to change the launch configuration for your Auto Scaling group, you must create a launch configuration and then update your Auto Scaling group with the new launch configuration. When you change the launch configuration for your Auto Scaling group, any new instances are launched using the new configuration parameters, but existing instances are not affected.
#AWS Make Change to Auto Scaling group


Know which field you use to run a script upon launching your instance.
#AWS User data script


Know how DynamoDB (durable, and you can pay for strong consistency), Elasticache (great for speed, not so durable), and S3 (eventual consistency results in lower latency) compare to each other in terms of durability and low latency.
#AWS DynamoDB consistency


Know the difference between bucket policies, IAM policies, and ACLs for use with S3, and examples of when you would use each. “With IAM policies, companies can grant IAM users fine-grained control to their Amazon S3 bucket or objects while also retaining full control over everything the users do. With bucket policies, companies can define rules which apply broadly across all requests to their Amazon S3 resources, such as granting write privileges to a subset of Amazon S3 resources. Customers can also restrict access based on an aspect of the request, such as HTTP referrer and IP address. With ACLs, customers can grant specific permissions (i.e. READ, WRITE, FULL_CONTROL) to specific users for an individual bucket or object.
#AWS Difference between bucket policies


Know when and how you can encrypt snapshots.
#AWS EBS Encryption


Understand how you can use ELB cross-zone load balancing to ensure even distribution of traffic to EC2 instances in multiple AZs registered with a load balancer.
#AWS ELB cross-zone load balancing


How would you allow users to log into the AWS console using active directory integration. Here is a link to some good reference material.
#AWS og into the AWS console using active directory integration


Spot instances are good for cost optimization, even if it seems you might need to fall back to On-Demand instances if you wind up getting kicked off them and the timeline grows tighter. The primary (but still not only) factor seems to be whether you can gracefully handle instances that die on you–which is pretty much how you should always design everything, anyway!
#AWS Spot instances


The term “use case” is not the same as “function” or “capability”. A use case is something that your app/system will need to accomplish, not just behaviour that you will get from that service. In particular, a use case doesn’t require that the service be a 100% turnkey solution for that situation, just that the service plays a valuable role in enabling it.
#AWS use case


There might be extra, unnecessary information in some of the questions (red herrings), so try not to get thrown off by them. Understand what services can and can’t do, but don’t ignore “obvious”-but-still-correct answers in favour of super-tricky ones.
#AWS Exam Answers: Distractors


Ace the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification Exam: Pass the Azure Fundamentals Exam with Ease

If you don’t know what they’re trying to ask, in a question, just move on and come back to it later (by using the helpful “mark this question” feature in the exam tool). You could easily spend way more time than you should on a single confusing question if you don’t triage and move on.
#AWS Exa: Skip Questions that are vague and come back to them later


Some exam questions required you to understand features and use cases of: VPC peering, cross-account access, DirectConnect, snapshotting EBS RAID arrays, DynamoDB, spot instances, Glacier, AWS/user security responsibilities, etc.


The 30 Day constraint in the S3 Lifecycle Policy before transitioning to S3-IA and S3-One Zone IA storage classes
#AWS S3 lifecycle policy


Enabling Cross-region snapshot copy for an AWS KMS-encrypted cluster
Redis Auth / Amazon MQ / IAM DB Authentication

#AWS Cross-region snapshot copy for an AWS KMS-encrypted cluster


Know that FTP is using TCP and not UDP (Helpful for questions where you are asked to troubleshoot the network flow)


Know the Difference between S3, EBS and EFS
#AWS Difference between S3, EBS and EFS

If you are looking for an all-in-one solution to help you prepare for the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam, look no further than this AWS Cloud Practitioner CCP CLF-C02 book


Kinesis Sharding:
#AWS Kinesis Sharding


Handling SSL Certificates in ELB ( Wildcard certificate vs SNI )
#AWS Handling SSL Certificates in ELB ( Wildcard certificate vs SNI )


Difference between OAI, Signed URL (CloudFront) and Pre-signed URL (S3)
#AWS Difference between OAI, Signed URL (CloudFront) and Pre-signed URL (S3)


Different types of Aurora Endpoints
#AWS Different types of Aurora Endpoints


The Default Termination Policy for Auto Scaling Group (Oldest launch configuration vs Instance Protection)
#AWS Default Termination Policy for Auto Scaling Group


Watch Acloud Guru Videos Lectures while commuting / lunch break – Reschedule the exam if you are not yet ready
#AWS ACloud Guru


Watch Linux Academy Videos Lectures while commuting / lunch break – Reschedule the exam if you are not yet ready
#AWS Linux Academy


Watch Udemy Videos Lectures while commuting / lunch break – Reschedule the exam if you are not yet ready
#AWS Linux Academy


The Udemy practice test interface is good that it pinpoints your weak areas, so what I did was to re-watch all the videos that I got the wrong answers. Since I was able to gauge my exam readiness, I decided to reschedule my exam for 2 more weeks, to help me focus on completing the practice tests.
#AWS Udemy


Use AWS Cheatsheets – I also found the cheatsheets provided by Tutorials Dojo very helpful. In my opinion, it is better than Jayendrapatil Patil’s blog since it contains more updated information that complements your review notes.
#AWS Cheat Sheet


Watch this exam readiness 3hr video, it very recent webinar this provides what is expected in the exam.
#AWS Exam Prep Video


Start off watching Ryan’s videos. Try and completely focus on the hands on. Take your time to understand what you are trying to learn and achieve in those LAB Sessions.
#AWS Exam Prep Video


Do not rush into completing the videos. Take your time and hone the basics. Focus and spend a lot of time for the back bone of AWS infrastructure – Compute/EC2 section, Storage (S3/EBS/EFS), Networking (Route 53/Load Balancers), RDS, VPC, Route 3. These sections are vast, with lot of concepts to go over and have loads to learn. Trust me you will need to thoroughly understand each one of them to ensure you pass the certification comfortably.
#AWS Exam Prep Video


Make sure you go through resources section and also AWS documentation for each components. Go over FAQs. If you have a question, please post it in the community. Trust me, each answer here helps you understand more about AWS.
#AWS Faqs


Like any other product/service, each AWS offering has a different flavor. I will take an example of EC2 (Spot/Reserved/Dedicated/On Demand etc.). Make sure you understand what they are, what are the pros/cons of each of these flavors. Applies for all other offerings too.
#AWS Services


Ensure to attend all quizzes after each section. Please do not treat these quizzes as your practice exams. These quizzes are designed to mostly test your knowledge on the section you just finished. The exam itself is designed to test you with scenarios and questions, where in you will need to recall and apply your knowledge of different AWS technologies/services you learn over multiple lectures.
#AWS Services


I, personally, do not recommend to attempt a practice exam or simulator exam until you have done all of the above. It was a little overwhelming for me. I had thoroughly gone over the videos. And understood the concepts pretty well, but once I opened exam simulator I felt the questions were pretty difficult. I also had a feeling that videos do not cover lot of topics. But later I realized, given the vastness of AWS Services and offerings it is really difficult to encompass all these services and their details in the course content. The fact that these services keep changing so often, does not help
#AWS Services


Go back and make a note of all topics, that you felt were unfamiliar for you. Go through the resources section and fiund links to AWS documentation. After going over them, you shoud gain at least 5-10% more knowledge on AWS. Have expectations from the online courses as a way to get thorough understanding of basics and strong foundations for your AWS knowledge. But once you are done with videos. Make sure you spend a lot of time on AWS documentation and FAQs. There are many many topics/sub topics which may not be covered in the course and you would need to know, atleast their basic functionalities, to do well in the exam.
#AWS Services


Once you start taking practice exams, it may seem really difficult at the beginning. So, please do not panic if you find the questions complicated or difficult. IMO they are designed or put in a way to sound complicated but they are not. Be calm and read questions very carefully. In my observation, many questions have lot of information which sometimes is not relevant to the solution you are expected to provide. Read the question slowly and read it again until you understand what is expected out of it.
#AWS Services


With each practice exam you will come across topics that you may need to scale your knowledge on or learn them from scratch.
#AWS Services


With each test and the subsequent revision, you will surely feel more confident.
There are 130 mins for questions. 2 mins for each question which is plenty of time.
At least take 8-10 practice tests. The ones on udemy/tutorialdojo are really good. If you are a acloudguru member. The exam simulator is really good.
Manage your time well. Keep patience. I saw someone mention in one of the discussions that do not under estimate the mental focus/strength needed to sit through 130 mins solving these questions. And it is really true.
Do not give away or waste any of those precious 130 mins. While answering flag/mark questions you think you are not completely sure. My advice is, even if you finish early, spend your time reviewing the answers. I could review 40 of my answers at the end of test. And I at least rectified 3 of them (which is 4-5% of total score, I think)
So in short – Put a lot of focus on making your foundations strong. Make sure you go through AWS Documentation and FAQs. Try and envision how all of the AWS components can fit together and provide an optimal solution. Keep calm.
This video gives outline about exam, must watch before or after Ryan’s course. #AWS Services


Walking you through how to best prepare for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C02 exam in 5 steps:
1. Understand the exam blueprint
2. Learn about the new topics included in the SAA-C02 version of the exam
3. Use the many FREE resources available to gain and deepen your knowledge
4. Enroll in our hands-on video course to learn AWS in depth
5. Use practice tests to fully prepare yourself for the exam and assess your exam readiness


1. Know your different Amazon S3 storage tiers! You need to know the use cases, features and limitations, and relative costs; e.g. retrieval costs.
2. Amazon S3 lifecycle policies is also required knowledge — there are minimum storage times in certain tiers that you need to know.
3. For Glacier, you need to understand what it is, what it’s used for, and what the options are for retrieval times and fees.
4. For the Amazon Elastic File System (EFS), make sure you’re clear which operating systems you can use with it (just Linux).
5. For the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), make sure you know when to use the different tiers including instance stores; e.g. what would you use for a datastore that requires the highest IO and the data is distributed across multiple instances? (Good instance store use case)
6. Learn about Amazon FSx. You’ll need to know about FSx for Windows and Lustre.
7. Know how to improve Amazon S3 performance including using CloudFront, and byte-range fetches — check out this whitepaper.
8. Make sure you understand about Amazon S3 object deletion protection options including versioning and MFA delete.


1. You need to have a good understanding of the options for how to scale an Auto Scaling Group using metrics such as SQS queue depth, or numbers of SNS messages.
2. Know your different Auto Scaling policies including Target Tracking Policies.
3. Read up on High Performance Computing (HPC) with AWS. You’ll need to know about Amazon FSx with HPC use cases.
4. Know your placement groups. Make sure you can differentiate between spread, cluster and partition; e.g. what would you use for lowest latency? What about if you need to support an app that’s tightly coupled? Within an AZ or cross AZ?
5. Make sure you know the difference between Elastic Network Adapters (ENAs), Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) and Elastic Fabric Adapters (EFAs).
6. For the Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), make sure you understand how to assign IAM policies to ECS for providing S3 access. How can you decouple an ECS data processing process — Kinesis Firehose or SQS?
7. Make sure you’re clear on the different EC2 pricing models including Reserved Instances (RI) and the different RI options such as scheduled RIs.
8. Make sure you know the maximum execution time for AWS Lambda (it’s currently 900 seconds or 15 minutes).


1. Understand what AWS Global Accelerator is and its use cases.
2. Understand when to use CloudFront and when to use AWS Global Accelerator.
3. Make sure you understand the different types of VPC endpoint and which require an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) and which require a route table entry.
4. You need to know how to connect multiple accounts; e.g. should you use VPC peering or a VPC endpoint?
5. Know the difference between PrivateLink and ClassicLink.
6. Know the patterns for extending a secure on-premises environment into AWS.
7. Know how to encrypt AWS Direct Connect (you can use a Virtual Private Gateway / AWS VPN).
8. Understand when to use Direct Connect vs Snowball to migrate data — lead time can be an issue with Direct Connect if you’re in a hurry.
9. Know how to prevent circumvention of Amazon CloudFront; e.g. Origin Access Identity (OAI) or signed URLs / signed cookies.


1. Make sure you understand Amazon Aurora and Amazon Aurora Serverless.
2. Know which RDS databases can have Read Replicas and whether you can read from a Multi-AZ standby.
3. Know the options for encrypting an existing RDS database; e.g. only at creation time otherwise you must encrypt a snapshot and create a new instance from the snapshot.
4. Know which databases are key-value stores; e.g. Amazon DynamoDB.


Application Integration
1. Make sure you know the use cases for the Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), and Simple Notification Service (SNS).
2. Understand the differences between Amazon Kinesis Firehose and SQS and when you would use each service.
3. Know how to use Amazon S3 event notifications to publish events to SQS — here’s a good “How To” article.


Management and Governance
1. You’ll need to know about AWS Organizations; e.g. how to migrate an account between organizations.
2. For AWS Organizations, you also need to know how to restrict actions using service control policies attached to OUs.
3. Understand what AWS Resource Access Manager is.

About this App

The AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Examination reparation and Readiness Quiz App (SAA-C01, SAA-C01, SAA) Prep App helps you prepare and train for the AWS Certification Solution Architect Associate Exam with various questions and answers dumps.

This App provide updated Questions and Answers, an Intuitive Responsive Interface allowing to browse questions horizontally and browse tips and resources vertically after completing a quiz.


  • 100+ Questions and Answers updated frequently to get you AWS certified.
  • Quiz with score tracker, countdown timer, highest score saving. Vie Answers after completing the quiz for each category.
  • Can only see answers after completing the quiz.
  • Show/Hide button option for answers. Link to PRO Version to see all answers for each category
  • Ability to navigate through questions for each category using next and previous button.
  • Resource info page about the answer for each category and Top 60 Tips to succeed in the exam.
  • Prominent Cloud Evangelist latest tweets and Technology Latest News Feed
  • The app helps you study and practice from your mobile device with an intuitive interface.
  • SAA-C01 and SAA-C02 compatible
  • Resource info page about the answer for each category.
  • Helps you study and practice from your mobile device with an intuitive interface.

The questions and Answers are divided in 4 categories:

  • Design High Performing Architectures,
  • Design Cost Optimized Architectures,
  • Design Secure Applications And Architectures,
  • Design Resilient Architecture,

The questions and answers cover the following topics: AWS VPC, S3, DynamoDB, EC2, ECS, Lambda, API Gateway, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, Code Pipeline, Code Deploy, TCO Calculator, AWS S3, AWS DynamoDB, CloudWatch , AWS SES, Amazon Lex, AWS EBS, AWS ELB, AWS Autoscaling , RDS, Aurora, Route 53, Amazon CodeGuru, Amazon Bracket, AWS Billing and Pricing, AWS Simply Monthly Calculator, AWS cost calculator, Ec2 pricing on-demand, AWS Pricing, AWS Pay As You Go, AWS No Upfront Cost, Cost Explorer, AWS Organizations, Consolidated billing, Instance Scheduler, on-demand instances, Reserved instances, Spot Instances, CloudFront, Web hosting on S3, S3 storage classes, AWS Regions, AWS Availability Zones, Trusted Advisor, Various architectural Questions and Answers about AWS, AWS SDK, AWS EBS Volumes, EC2, S3, Containers, KMS, AWS read replicas, Cloudfront, API Gateway, AWS Snapshots, Auto shutdown Ec2 instances, High Availability, RDS, DynamoDB, Elasticity, AWS Virtual Machines, AWS Caching, AWS Containers, AWS Architecture, AWS Ec2, AWS S3, AWS Security, AWS Lambda, Bastion Hosts, S3 lifecycle policy, kinesis sharing, AWS KMS, Design High Performing Architectures, Design Cost Optimized Architectures, Design Secure Applications And Architectures, Design Resilient Architecture, AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud, Resources, Questions, AWS, AWS SDK, AWS EBS Volumes, AWS read replicas, Cloudfront, API Gateway, AWS Snapshots, Auto shutdown Ec2 instances, High Availability, RDS, DynamoDB, Elasticity, AWS Virtual Machines, AWS Caching, AWS Containers, AWS Architecture, AWS Ec2, AWS S3, AWS Security, AWS Lambda, Load Balancing, DynamoDB, EBS, Multi-AZ RDS, Aurora, EFS, DynamoDB, NLB, ALB, Aurora, Auto Scaling, DynamoDB(latency), Aurora(performance), Multi-AZ RDS(high availability), Throughput Optimized EBS (highly sequential), SAA-CO1, SAA-CO2, Cloudwatch, CloudTrail, KMS, ElasticBeanstalk, OpsWorks, RPO vs RTO, HA vs FT, Undifferentiated Heavy Lifting, Access Management Basics, Shared Responsibility Model, Cloud Service Models, etc…

The resources sections cover the following areas: Certification, AWS training, Mock Exam Preparation Tips, Cloud Architect Training, Cloud Architect Knowledge, Cloud Technology, cloud certification, cloud exam preparation tips, cloud solution architect associate exam, certification practice exam, learn aws free, amazon cloud solution architect, question dumps, acloud guru links, tutorial dojo links, linuxacademy links, latest aws certification tweets, and post from reddit, quota, linkedin, medium, cloud exam preparation tips, aws cloud solution architect associate exam, aws certification practice exam, cloud exam questions, learn aws free, amazon cloud solution architect, amazon cloud certified solution architect associate exam questions, as certification dumps, google cloud, azure cloud, acloud, learn google cloud, learn azure cloud, cloud comparison, etc.

Abilities Validated by the Certification:

  • Effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies
  • Define a solution using architectural design principles based on customer requirements
  • Provide implementation guidance based on best practices to the organization throughout the life cycle of the project

Recommended Knowledge for the Certification:

  • One year of hands-on experience designing available, cost-effective, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS.
  • Hands-on experience using compute, networking, storage, and database AWS services.
  • Hands-on experience with AWS deployment and management services.
  • Ability to identify and define technical requirements for an AWS-based application.
  • bility to identify which AWS services meet a given technical requirement.
  • Knowledge of recommended best practices for building secure and reliable applications on the AWS platform.
  • An understanding of the basic architectural principles of building in the AWS Cloud.
  • An understanding of the AWS global infrastructure.
  • An understanding of network technologies as they relate to AWS.
  • An understanding of security features and tools that AWS provides and how they relate to traditional services.

Note and disclaimer: We are not affiliated with AWS or Amazon or Microsoft or Google. The questions are put together based on the certification study guide and materials available online. We also receive questions and answers from anonymous users and we vet to make sure they are legitimate. The questions in this app should help you pass the exam but it is not guaranteed. We are not responsible for any exam you did not pass.

Important: To succeed with the real exam, do not memorize the answers in this app. It is very important that you understand why a question is right or wrong and the concepts behind it by carefully reading the reference documents in the answers.


What is the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam?

This exam validates an examinee’s ability to effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies. It validates an examinee’s ability to:

  • Define a solution using architectural design principles based on customer requirements.
  • Multiple-response: Has two correct responses out of five options.

There are two types of questions on the examination:

  • Multiple-choice: Has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors).
  • Provide implementation guidance based on best practices to the organization throughout the lifecycle of the project.

Select one or more responses that best complete the statement or answer the question. Distractors, or incorrect answers, are response options that an examinee with incomplete knowledge or skill would likely choose. However, they are generally plausible responses that fit in the content area defined by the test objective. Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect; there is no penalty for guessing.

To succeed with the real exam, do not memorize the answers below. It is very important that you understand why a question is right or wrong and the concepts behind it by carefully reading the reference documents in the answers.


AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate info and details

The AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam is a multiple choice, multiple answer exam. Here is the Exam Overview:


Other AWS Facts and Summaries and Questions/Answers Dump


Additional Information for reference

Below are some useful reference links that would help you to learn about AWS Practitioner Exam.

Other Relevant and Recommended AWS Certifications

Top 60 AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Tips
AWS Certification Exams Roadmap

AWS Certification Exams Roadmap[/caption]

AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Whitepapers:

AWS has provided whitepapers to help you understand the technical concepts. Below are the recommended whitepapers.


Online Training and Labs for AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam


AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Jobs

AWS Certification and Training Apps for all platforms:

AWS Cloud practitioner FREE version:

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner for the web:pwa

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for iOS

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Microsoft/Windows10

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Android (Google Play Store)

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Android (Amazon App Store)

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Android (Huawei App Gallery)

AWS Solution Architect FREE version:

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam Prep App for iOS:

Solution Architect Associate for Android Google Play

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam Prep App for the eb: Pwa

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam Prep App for Amazon android


AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Microsoft/Windows10

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Huawei App Gallery

AWS Cloud Practitioner PRO Versions:

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner PRO Exam Prep App for iOS

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner PRO Associate Exam Prep App for android google

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Amazon android

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep App for Windows 10

AWS Certified Cloud practitioner Exam Prep PRO App for Android (Huawei App Gallery) Coming soon

AWS Solution Architect PRO

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate PRO versions for iOS

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate PRO Exam Prep App for Android google

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate PRO Exam Prep App for Windows10

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate PRO Exam Prep App for Amazon android

Huawei App Gallery: Coming soon

AWS Certified Developer Associates Free version:

AWS Certified Developer Associates for Android (Google Play)

AWS Certified Developer Associates Web/PWA

AWS Certified Developer Associates for iOs

AWS Certified Developer Associates for Android (Huawei App Gallery)

AWS Certified Developer Associates for windows 10 (Microsoft App store)

Amazon App Store: Coming soon

AWS Developer Associates PRO version

PRO version with mock exam for android (Google Play)

PRO version with mock exam ios

AWS Certified Developer Associates PRO for Android (Amazon App Store): Coming Soon

AWS Certified Developer Associates PRO for Android (Huawei App Gallery): Coming soon

AWS Certification Exams Prep: Serverless Facts and Summaries and Question and Answers

AWS Serverless

AWS Serverless – Facts and summaries, Top 20 AWS Serverless Questions and Answers Dump

Definition 1: Serverless computing is a cloud-computing execution model in which the cloud provider runs the server, and dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources. Pricing is based on the actual amount of resources consumed by an application, rather than on pre-purchased units of capacity. It can be a form of utility computing.
Definition 2: AWS Serverless is the native architecture of the cloud that enables you to shift more of your operational responsibilities to AWS, increasing your agility and innovation. Serverless allows you to build and run applications and services without thinking about servers. It eliminates infrastructure management tasks such as server or cluster provisioning, patching, operating system maintenance, and capacity provisioning.

AWS Serverless Facts and summaries

AWS Serverless explained graphically
AWS Serverless explained graphically

AWS Serverless explained graphically
AWS Serverless explained graphically

AWS Serverless explained graphically
AWS Serverless explained graphically

AWS Serverless explained in pictures
AWS Serverless explained in pictures

  1. The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is a model to define serverless applications. AWS SAM is natively supported by AWS CloudFormation and provides a simplified way of defining the Amazon API Gateway APIs, AWS Lambda functions, and Amazon DynamoDB tables needed by your serverless application.
  2. You can use AWS CodePipeline with the AWS Serverless Application Model to automate building, testing, and deploying serverless applications. AWS CodeBuild integrates with CodePipeline to provide automated builds. You can use AWS CodeDeploy to gradually roll out and test new Lambda function versions.
  3. You can monitor and troubleshoot the performance of your serverless applications and AWS Lambda functions with AWS services and third-party tools. Amazon CloudWatch helps you see real-time reporting metrics and logs for your serverless applications. You can use AWS X-Ray to debug and trace your serverless applications and AWS Lambda.
  4. The AWS Serverless Application Repository is a managed repository for serverless applications. It enables teams, organizations, and individual developers to store and share reusable applications, and easily assemble and deploy serverless architectures in powerful new ways. Using the Serverless Application Repository, you don’t need to clone, build, package, or publish source code to AWS before deploying it. Instead, you can use pre-built applications from the Serverless Application Repository in your serverless architectures, helping you and your teams reduce duplicated work, ensure organizational best practices, and get to market faster.
  5. Anyone with an AWS account can publish a serverless application to the Serverless Application Repository. Applications can be privately shared with specific AWS accounts. Applications that are shared publicly include a link to the application’s source code so others can view what the application does and how it works.
  6. What kinds of applications are available in the AWS Serverless Application Repository? The AWS Serverless Application Repository includes applications for Alexa Skills, chatbots, data processing, IoT, real time stream processing, web and mobile back-ends, social media trend analysis, image resizing, and more from publishers on AWS.
  7. The AWS Serverless Application Repository enables developers to publish serverless applications developed in a GitHub repository. Using AWS CodePipeline to link a GitHub source with the AWS Serverless Application Repository can make the publishing process even easier, and the process can be set up in minutes.
  8. What two arguments does a Python Lambda handler function require?
    Event, Context
  9. A Lambda deployment package contains Function code and libraries not included within the runtime environment
  10. When referencing the remaining time left for a Lambda function to run within the function’s code you would use The context object.
  11. Long-running memory-intensive workloads is LEAST suited to AWS Lambda
  12. The maximum execution duration of your Lambda functions is Fifteen Minutes
  13. Logs for Lambda functions are Stored in AWS CloudWatch
  14. Docker Container Images are constructed using instructions in a file called Dockerfile
  15. The ECS Task Agent Is responsible for starting and stopping tasks. It runs inside the EC2 instance and reports on information like running tasks and resource utilization
  16. AWS ECR Stores Container Images.
  17. Elastic Beanstalk is used to Deploy and scale web applications and services developed with a supported platform
  18. When deploying a simple Python web application with Elastic Beanstalk which of the following AWS resources will be created and managed for you by Elastic Beanstalk?
    An Elastic Load Balancer, an S3 Bucket, an Ec2 instance.
  19. When using Elastic Beanstalk you can deploy your web applications by:

    • Configuring a git repository with Elastic Beanstalk so that changes will be detected and your application will be updated.
    • Uploading code files to the Elastic Beanstalk service

Reference: AWS Serverless



aws LAMBDA explained graphically
aws LAMBDA explained graphically

aws LAMBDA explained graphically
aws LAMBDA explained graphically

AWS Serverless: Top 20 Questions and Answers Dump

Q00: You have created a serverless application which converts text in to speech using a combination of S3, API Gateway, Lambda, Polly, DynamoDB and SNS. Your users complain that only some text is being converted, whereas longer amounts of text does not get converted. What could be the cause of this problem?

  • A. Polly has built in censorship, so if you try and send it text that is deemed offensive, it will not generate an MP3.
  • B. You’ve placed your DynamoDB table in a single availability zone, which is currently down, causing an outage.
  • C. Your lambda function needs a longer execution time. You should check how long is needed in the fringe cases and increase the timeout inside the function to slightly longer than that.
  • D. AWS X-ray service is interfering with the application and should be disabled.

Answer: C

Reference: AWS Lambda limits


Q1: How does API Gateway deal with legacy SOAP applications?

  • A. Converts the response from the application to REST
  • B. Converts the response from the application to HTML
  • C. Provides webservice passthrough for SOAP applications
  • D. Converts the response from the application to XML

Answer: C
SOAP Applications send their responses in XML format. API Gateway supports SOAP applications, but only provides passthrough. API Gateway does not transform or convert the responses.
Reference: How to configure Amazon API Gateway as a SOAP webservice passthrough in minutes

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)


Q3: You have launched a new web application on AWS using API Gateway, Lambda and S3. Someone post a thread to reddit about your application and it starts to go viral.
Your start receiving 100000 requests every second and you notice that most requests are similar.
Your web application begins to struggle. What can you do to optimize performance of your application?

  • A. Enable API Gateway Accelerator
  • B. Enable API Gateway caching to cache frequent requests.
  • C. Change your route53 allias record to point to AWS Neptune and then configure Neptune to filter your API requests to genuine requests only.
  • D. Migrate your API Gateway to an Network Load Balancer and enable session stickiness for all sessions.

Answer: B.

Reference: Amazon API Gateway FAQs


Q4: Which of the following services does X-ray integrate with? (Choose 3)

  • A. Elastic Load Balancer
  • B. Lambda
  • C. S3
  • D. API Gateway

Answer: A. B. and D.
AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug production, distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture. With X-Ray, you can understand how your application and its underlying services are performing to identify and troubleshoot the root cause of performance issues and errors.
You can use X-Ray with applications running on EC2, ECS, Lambda, and Elastic Beanstalk. In addition, the X-Ray SDK automatically captures metadata for API calls made to AWS services using the AWS SDK. In addition, the X-Ray SDK provides add-ons for MySQL and PostgreSQL drivers.

Reference: AWS X-Ray


Q5: You are a developer for a busy real estate company and you want to enable other real estate agents to the
ability to show properties on your books, but skinned so that it looks like their own website. You decide the most efficient way to do this is to
expose your API to the public. The project works well, however one of your competitors starts abusing this, sending your API tens of thousands
of requests per second. This generates a HTTP 429 error. Each agent connects to your API using individual API Keys. What actions can you take to stop this behavior?

  • A. Use AWS Shield Advanced API protection to block the requests.
  • B. Deploy multiple API Gateways and give the agent access to another API Gateway.
  • C. Place an AWS Web Application Firewall in front of API gateway and filter requests.
  • D. Throttle the agents API access using the individual API Keys

Answer: D.
Throttling ensures that API traffic is controlled to help your backend services maintain performance and availability.
How can I protect my backend systems and applications from traffic spikes?
Amazon API Gateway provides throttling at multiple levels including global and by service call. Throttling limits can be set for standard rates and bursts. For example, API owners can set a rate limit of 1,000 requests per second for a specific method in their REST APIs, and also configure Amazon API Gateway to handle a burst of 2,000 requests per second for a few seconds. Amazon API Gateway tracks the number of requests per second. Any requests over the limit will receive a 429 HTTP response. The client SDKs generated by Amazon API Gateway retry calls automatically when met with this response.

Reference: Amazon API Gateway FAQs


Q6: You are developing a new application using serverless infrastructure and are using services such as S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, API Gateway, CloudFront, CloudFormation and Polly.
You deploy your application to production and your end users begin complaining about receiving a HTTP 429 error. What could be the cause of the error?

  • A. You enabled API throttling for a rate limit of 1000 requests per second while in development and now that you have deployed to production your API Gateway is being throttled.
  • B. Your cloudFormation stack is not valid and is failling to deploy properly which is causing a HTTP 429 error.
  • C. Your lambda function does not have sufficient permissions to read to DynamoDB and this is generating a HTTP 429 error.
  • D. You have an S3 bucket policy which is preventing lambda from being able to write tyo your bucket, generating a HTTP 429 error.

Answer: A.
Amazon API Gateway provides throttling at multiple levels including global and by service call. Throttling limits can be set for standard rates and bursts. For example, API owners can set a rate limit of 1,000 requests per second for a specific method in their REST APIs, and also configure Amazon API Gateway to handle a burst of 2,000 requests per second for a few seconds. Amazon API Gateway tracks the number of requests per second. Any requests over the limit will receive a 429 HTTP response. The client SDKs generated by Amazon API Gateway retry calls automatically when met with this response.

Reference: Amazon API Gateway FAQs


Q7: What is the format of structured notification messages sent by Amazon SNS?

  • A. An XML object containing MessageId, UnsubscribeURL, Subject, Message and other
  • B. An JSON object containing MessageId, DuplicateFlag, Message and other values
  • C. An XML object containing MessageId, DuplicateFlag, Message and other values
  • D. An JSON object containing MessageId, unsubscribeURL, Subject, Message and other

Answer: D.

The notification message sent by Amazon SNS for deliveries over HTTP, HTTPS, Email-JSON and SQS transport protocols will consist of a simple JSON object, which will include the following information: MessageId: A Universally Unique Identifier, unique for each notification published.Reference: Format of structured notification messages sent by Amazon SNS


Other AWS Facts and Summaries and Questions/Answers Dump

AWS Certification Exam Prep: DynamoDB Facts, Summaries and Questions/Answers.


AWS Certification Exam Prep: DynamoDB facts and summaries, AWS DynamoDB Top 10 Questions and Answers Dump

Definition 1: Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed proprietary NoSQL database service that supports key-value and document data structures and is offered by as part of the Amazon Web Services portfolio. DynamoDB exposes a similar data model to and derives its name from Dynamo, but has a different underlying implementation. Dynamo had a multi-master design requiring the client to resolve version conflicts and DynamoDB uses synchronous replication across multiple datacenters for high durability and availability.

Definition 2: DynamoDB is a fast and flexible non-relational database service for any scale. DynamoDB enables customers to offload the administrative burdens of operating and scaling distributed databases to AWS so that they don’t have to worry about hardware provisioning, setup and configuration, throughput capacity planning, replication, software patching, or cluster scaling.

Amazon DynamoDB explained

  • Fully Managed
  • Fast, consistent Performance
  • Fine-grained access control
  • Flexible

Amazon DynamoDB explained
Amazon DynamoDB explained

AWS DynamoDB Facts and Summaries

  1. Amazon DynamoDB is a low-latency NoSQL database.
  2. DynamoDB consists of Tables, Items, and Attributes
  3. DynamoDb supports both document and key-value data models
  4. DynamoDB Supported documents formats are JSON, HTML, XML
  5. DynamoDB has 2 types of Primary Keys: Partition Key and combination of Partition Key + Sort Key (Composite Key)
  6. DynamoDB has 2 consistency models: Strongly Consistent / Eventually Consistent
  7. DynamoDB Access is controlled using IAM policies.
  8. DynamoDB has fine grained access control using IAM Condition parameter dynamodb:LeadingKeys to allow users to access only the items where the partition key vakue matches their user ID.
  9. DynamoDB Indexes enable fast queries on specific data columns
  10. DynamoDB indexes give you a different view of your data based on alternative Partition / Sort Keys.
  11. DynamoDB Local Secondary indexes must be created when you create your table, they have same partition Key as your table, and they have a different Sort Key.
  12. DynamoDB Global Secondary Index Can be created at any time: at table creation or after. They have a different partition Key as your table and a different sort key as your table.
  13. A DynamoDB query operation finds items in a table using only the primary Key attribute: You provide the Primary Key name and a distinct value to search for.
  14. A DynamoDB Scan operation examines every item in the table. By default, it return data attributes.
  15. DynamoDB Query operation is generally more efficient than a Scan.
  16. With DynamoDB, you can reduce the impact of a query or scan by setting a smaller page size which uses fewer read operations.
  17. To optimize DynamoDB performance, isolate scan operations to specific tables and segregate them from your mission-critical traffic.
  18. To optimize DynamoDB performance, try Parallel scans rather than the default sequential scan.
  19. To optimize DynamoDB performance: Avoid using scan operations if you can: design tables in a way that you can use Query, Get, or BatchGetItems APIs.
  20. When you scan your table in Amazon DynamoDB, you should follow the DynamoDB best practices for avoiding sudden bursts of read activity.
  21. DynamoDb Provisioned Throughput is measured in Capacity Units.
    • 1 Write Capacity Unit = 1 x 1KB Write per second.
    • 1 Read Capacity Unit = 1 x 4KB Strongly Consistent Read Or 2 x 4KB Eventually Consistent Reads per second. Eventual consistent reads give us the maximum performance with the read operation.
  22. What is the maximum throughput that can be provisioned for a single DynamoDB table?
    DynamoDB is designed to scale without limits. However, if you want to exceed throughput rates of 10,000 write capacity units or 10,000 read capacity units for an individual table, you must Contact AWS to increase it.
    If you want to provision more than 20,000 write capacity units or 20,000 read capacity units from a single subscriber account, you must first contact AWS to request a limit increase.
  23. Dynamo Db Performance: DAX is a DynamoDB-compatible caching service that enables you to benefit from fast in-memory performance for demanding applications.
    • As an in-memory cache, DAX reduces the response times of eventually-consistent read workloads by an order of magnitude, from single-digit milliseconds to microseconds
    • DAX improves response times for Eventually Consistent reads only.
    • With DAX, you point your API calls to the DAX cluster instead of your table.
    • If the item you are querying is on the cache, DAX will return it; otherwise, it will perform and Eventually Consistent GetItem operation to your DynamoDB table.
    • DAX reduces operational and application complexity by providing a managed service that is API compatible with Amazon DynamoDB, and thus requires only minimal functional changes to use with an existing application.
    • DAX is not suitable for write-intensive applications or applications that require Strongly Consistent reads.
    • For read-heavy or bursty workloads, DAX provides increased throughput and potential operational cost savings by reducing the need to over-provision read capacity units. This is especially beneficial for applications that require repeated reads for individual keys.
  24. Dynamo Db Performance: ElastiCache
    • In-memory cache sits between your application and database
    • 2 different caching strategies: Lazy loading and Write Through: Lazy loading only caches the data when it is requested
    • Elasticache Node failures are not fatal, just lots of cache misses
    • Avoid stale data by implementing a TTL.
    • Write-Through strategy writes data into cache whenever there is a change to the database. Data is never stale
    • Write-Through penalty: Each write involves a write to the cache. Elasticache node failure means that data is missing until added or updated in the database.
    • Elasticache is wasted resources if most of the data is never used.
  25. Time To Live (TTL) for DynamoDB allows you to define when items in a table expire so that they can be automatically deleted from the database. TTL is provided at no extra cost as a way to reduce storage usage and reduce the cost of storing irrelevant data without using provisioned throughput. With TTL enabled on a table, you can set a timestamp for deletion on a per-item basis, allowing you to limit storage usage to only those records that are relevant.
  26. DynamoDB Security: DynamoDB uses the CMK to generate and encrypt a unique data key for the table, known as the table key. With DynamoDB, AWS Owned, or AWS Managed CMK can be used to generate & encrypt keys. AWS Owned CMK is free of charge while AWS Managed CMK is chargeable. Customer managed CMK’s are not supported with encryption at rest.
  27. Amazon DynamoDB offers fully managed encryption at rest. DynamoDB encryption at rest provides enhanced security by encrypting your data at rest using an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) managed encryption key for DynamoDB. This functionality eliminates the operational burden and complexity involved in protecting sensitive data.
  28. DynamoDB is a alternative solution which can be used for storage of session management. The latency of access to data is less , hence this can be used as a data store for session management
  29. DynamoDB Streams Use Cases and Design Patterns:
    How do you set up a relationship across multiple tables in which, based on the value of an item from one table, you update the item in a second table?
    How do you trigger an event based on a particular transaction?
    How do you audit or archive transactions?
    How do you replicate data across multiple tables (similar to that of materialized views/streams/replication in relational data stores)?
    As a NoSQL database, DynamoDB is not designed to support transactions. Although client-side libraries are available to mimic the transaction capabilities, they are not scalable and cost-effective. For example, the Java Transaction Library for DynamoDB creates 7N+4 additional writes for every write operation. This is partly because the library holds metadata to manage the transactions to ensure that it’s consistent and can be rolled back before commit.

    You can use DynamoDB Streams to address all these use cases. DynamoDB Streams is a powerful service that you can combine with other AWS services to solve many similar problems. When enabled, DynamoDB Streams captures a time-ordered sequence of item-level modifications in a DynamoDB table and durably stores the information for up to 24 hours. Applications can access a series of stream records, which contain an item change, from a DynamoDB stream in near real time.

    AWS maintains separate endpoints for DynamoDB and DynamoDB Streams. To work with database tables and indexes, your application must access a DynamoDB endpoint. To read and process DynamoDB Streams records, your application must access a DynamoDB Streams endpoint in the same Region

  30. 20 global secondary indexes are allowed per table? (by default)
  31. What is one key difference between a global secondary index and a local secondary index?
    A local secondary index must have the same partition key as the main table
  32. How many tables can an AWS account have per region? 256
  33. How many secondary indexes (global and local combined) are allowed per table? (by default): 25
    You can define up to 5 local secondary indexes and 20 global secondary indexes per table (by default) – for a total of 25.
  34. How can you increase your DynamoDB table limit in a region?
    By contacting AWS and requesting a limit increase
  35. For any AWS account, there is an initial limit of 256 tables per region.
  36. The minimum length of a partition key value is 1 byte. The maximum length is 2048 bytes.
  37. The minimum length of a sort key value is 1 byte. The maximum length is 1024 bytes.
  38. For tables with local secondary indexes, there is a 10 GB size limit per partition key value. A table with local secondary indexes can store any number of items, as long as the total size for any one partition key value does not exceed 10 GB.
  39. The following diagram shows a local secondary index named LastPostIndex. Note that the partition key is the same as that of the Thread table, but the sort key is LastPostDateTime.

    DynamoDB secondary indexes example
    AWS DynamoDB secondary indexes example
  40. Relational vs Non Relational (SQL vs NoSQL)

Relational vs Non Relational
Relational vs Non Relational



Reference: AWS DynamoDB

AWS DynamoDB Questions and Answers Dumps

Q0: What should the Developer enable on the DynamoDB table to optimize performance and minimize costs?

  • A. Amazon DynamoDB auto scaling
  • B. Amazon DynamoDB cross-region replication
  • C. Amazon DynamoDB Streams
  • D. Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator

D. DAX is a DynamoDB-compatible caching service that enables you to benefit from fast in-memory performance for demanding applications. DAX addresses three core scenarios:

  1. As an in-memory cache, DAX reduces the response times of eventually-consistent read workloads by an order of magnitude, from single-digit milliseconds to microseconds.
  2. DAX reduces operational and application complexity by providing a managed service that is API-compatible with Amazon DynamoDB, and thus requires only minimal functional changes to use with an existing application.
  3. For read-heavy or bursty workloads, DAX provides increased throughput and potential operational cost savings by reducing the need to over-provision read capacity units. This is especially beneficial for applications that require repeated reads for individual keys.

Reference: AWS DAX


Q2: A security system monitors 600 cameras, saving image metadata every 1 minute to an Amazon DynamoDb table. Each sample involves 1kb of data, and the data writes are evenly distributed over time. How much write throughput is required for the target table?

  • A. 6000
  • B. 10
  • C. 3600
  • D. 600

B. When you mention the write capacity of a table in Dynamo DB, you mention it as the number of 1KB writes per second. So in the above question, since the write is happening every minute, we need to divide the value of 600 by 60, to get the number of KB writes per second. This gives a value of 10.

You can specify the Write capacity in the Capacity tab of the DynamoDB table.

Reference: AWS working with tables

Q3: You are developing an application that will interact with a DynamoDB table. The table is going to take in a lot of read and write operations. Which of the following would be the ideal partition key for the DynamoDB table to ensure ideal performance?

  • A. CustomerID
  • B. CustomerName
  • C. Location
  • D. Age

Answer- A
Use high-cardinality attributes. These are attributes that have distinct values for each item, like e-mailid, employee_no, customerid, sessionid, orderid, and so on..
Use composite attributes. Try to combine more than one attribute to form a unique key.
Reference: Choosing the right DynamoDB Partition Key


Q4: A DynamoDB table is set with a Read Throughput capacity of 5 RCU. Which of the following read configuration will provide us the maximum read throughput?

  • A. Read capacity set to 5 for 4KB reads of data at strong consistency
  • B. Read capacity set to 5 for 4KB reads of data at eventual consistency
  • C. Read capacity set to 15 for 1KB reads of data at strong consistency
  • D. Read capacity set to 5 for 1KB reads of data at eventual consistency

Answer: B.
The calculation of throughput capacity for option B would be:
Read capacity(5) * Amount of data(4) = 20.
Since its required at eventual consistency , we can double the read throughput to 20*2=40

Reference: Read/Write Capacity Mode


Q5: Your team is developing a solution that will make use of DynamoDB tables. Due to the nature of the application, the data is needed across a couple of regions across the world. Which of the following would help reduce the latency of requests to DynamoDB from different regions?

  • A. Enable Multi-AZ for the DynamoDB table
  • B. Enable global tables for DynamoDB
  • C. Enable Indexes for the table
  • D. Increase the read and write throughput for the tablez

Answer: B
Amazon DynamoDB global tables provide a fully managed solution for deploying a multi-region, multimaster database, without having to build and maintain your own replication solution. When you create a global table, you specify the AWS regions where you want the table to be available. DynamoDB performs all of the necessary tasks to create identical tables in these regions, and propagate ongoing data changes to all of them.
Reference: Global Tables


Q6: An application is currently accessing  a DynamoDB table. Currently the tables queries are performing well. Changes have been made to the application and now the performance of the application is starting to degrade. After looking at the changes , you see that the queries are making use of an attribute which is not the partition key? Which of the following would be the adequate change to make to resolve the issue?

  • A. Add an index for the DynamoDB table
  • B. Change all the queries to ensure they use the partition key
  • C. Enable global tables for DynamoDB
  • D. Change the read capacity on the table

Answer: A
Amazon DynamoDB provides fast access to items in a table by specifying primary key values. However, many applications might benefit from having one or more secondary (or alternate) keys available, to allow efficient access to data with attributes other than the primary key. To address this, you can create one or more secondary indexes on a table, and issue Query or Scan requests against these indexes.

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

A secondary index is a data structure that contains a subset of attributes from a table, along with an alternate key to support Query operations. You can retrieve data from the index using a Query, in much the same way as you use Query with a table. A table can have multiple secondary indexes, which gives your applications access to many different query patterns.

Reference: Improving Data Access with Secondary Indexes


Q7: Company B has created an e-commerce site using DynamoDB and is designing a products table that includes items purchased and the users who purchased the item.
When creating a primary key on a table which of the following would be the best attribute for the partition key? Select the BEST possible answer.

  • A. None of these are correct.
  • B. user_id where there are many users to few products
  • C. category_id where there are few categories to many products
  • D. product_id where there are few products to many users

Answer: B.
When designing tables it is important for the data to be distributed evenly across the entire table. It is best practice for performance to set your primary key where there are many primary keys to few rows. An example would be many users to few products. An example of bad design would be a primary key of product_id where there are few products but many users.
When designing tables it is important for the data to be distributed evenly across the entire table. It is best practice for performance to set your primary key where there are many primary keys to few rows. An example would be many users to few products. An example of bad design would be a primary key of product_id where there are few products but many users.
Reference: Partition Keys and Sort Keys


Q8: Which API call can be used to retrieve up to 100 items at a time or 16 MB of data from a DynamoDB table?

  • A. BatchItem
  • B. GetItem
  • C. BatchGetItem
  • D. ChunkGetItem

Answer: C. BatchGetItem

The BatchGetItem operation returns the attributes of one or more items from one or more tables. You identify requested items by primary key.

A single operation can retrieve up to 16 MB of data, which can contain as many as 100 items. BatchGetItem will return a partial result if the response size limit is exceeded, the table’s provisioned throughput is exceeded, or an internal processing failure occurs. If a partial result is returned, the operation returns a value for UnprocessedKeys. You can use this value to retry the operation starting with the next item to get.Reference: API-Specific Limits


Q9: Which DynamoDB limits can be raised by contacting AWS support?

  • A. The number of hash keys per account
  • B. The maximum storage used per account
  • C. The number of tables per account
  • D. The number of local secondary indexes per account
  • E. The number of provisioned throughput units per account

Answer: C. and E.

For any AWS account, there is an initial limit of 256 tables per region.
AWS places some default limits on the throughput you can provision.
These are the limits unless you request a higher amount.
To request a service limit increase see

Reference: Limits in DynamoDB


Q10: Which approach below provides the least impact to provisioned throughput on the “Product”

  • A. Create an “Images” DynamoDB table to store the Image with a foreign key constraint to
    the “Product” table
  • B. Add an image data type to the “Product” table to store the images in binary format
  • C. Serialize the image and store it in multiple DynamoDB tables
  • D. Store the images in Amazon S3 and add an S3 URL pointer to the “Product” table item
    for each image

Answer: D.

Amazon DynamoDB currently limits the size of each item that you store in a table (see Limits in DynamoDB). If your application needs to store more data in an item than the DynamoDB size limit permits, you can try compressing one or more large attributes, or you can store them as an object in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and store the Amazon S3 object identifier in your DynamoDB item.
Compressing large attribute values can let them fit within item limits in DynamoDB and reduce your storage costs. Compression algorithms such as GZIP or LZO produce binary output that you can then store in a Binary attribute type.
Reference: Best Practices for Storing Large Items and Attributes


Q11: You’re creating a forum DynamoDB database for hosting forums. Your “thread” table contains the forum name and each “forum name” can have one or more “subjects”. What primary key type would you give the thread table in order to allow more than one subject to be tied to the forum primary key name?

  • A. Hash
  • B. Range and Hash
  • C. Primary and Range
  • D. Hash and Range

Answer: D.
Each forum name can have one or more subjects. In this case, ForumName is the hash attribute and Subject is the range attribute.

Reference: DynamoDB keys


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  • High scalability
  • High availability and durability
  • High Performance
  • Multi Region

Amazon Aurora explained
Amazon Aurora explained

Amazon ElastiCache Explained

  • In-Memory data store
  • High availability and reliability
  • Fully managed
  • Supports two pop
  • Open source engine

Amazon ElastiCache Explained
Amazon ElastiCache Explained

Amazon Redshift explained

  • Fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse
  • Supports wide range of open data formats
  • Allows you to run SQL queries against large unstructured data in Amazon Simple Storage Service
  • Integrates with popular Business Intelligence (BI) and extract, Transform, Load  (ETL) solutions.

Amazon Redshift explained
Amazon Redshift explained

Amazon Neptune Explained

  • Fully managed graph database
  • Supports open graph APIs
  • Used in Social Networking
  • Amazon Neptune Explained
    Amazon Neptune Explained
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Exploring the Pros and Cons of Visiting All Provinces and Territories in Canada

Exploring the Advantages and Disadvantages of Visiting All 50 States in the USA
Exploring the Advantages and Disadvantages of Visiting All 50 States in the USA

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