Simple Linear Regression vs. Multiple Linear Regression vs. MANOVA: A Data Scientist’s Guide

As a data scientist, it's important to understand the difference between simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and MANOVA. This will come in handy when you're working with different datasets and trying to figure out which one to use. Here's a quick overview of each method:

Simple Linear Regression vs. Multiple Linear Regression vs. MANOVA: A Data Scientist’s Guide

As a data scientist, it’s important to understand the difference between simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and MANOVA. This will come in handy when you’re working with different datasets and trying to figure out which one to use. Here’s a quick overview of each method:

A Short Overview of Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, and MANOVA

Simple linear regression is used to predict the value of a dependent variable (y) based on the value of one independent variable (x). This is the most basic form of regression analysis.

Multiple linear regression is used to predict the value of a dependent variable (y) based on the values of two or more independent variables (x1, x2, x3, etc.). This is more complex than simple linear regression but can provide more accurate predictions.

MANOVA is used to predict the value of a dependent variable (y) based on the values of two or more independent variables (x1, x2, x3, etc.), while also taking into account the relationships between those variables. This is the most complex form of regression analysis but can provide the most accurate predictions.

So, which one should you use? It depends on your dataset and what you’re trying to predict. If you have a small dataset with only one independent variable, then simple linear regression will suffice. If you have a larger dataset with multiple independent variables, then multiple linear regression will be more appropriate. And if you need to take into account the relationships between your independent variables, then MANOVA is the way to go.

In data science, there are a variety of techniques that can be used to model relationships between variables. Three of the most common techniques are simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and MANOVA. Although these techniques may appear to be similar at first glance, there are actually some key differences that set them apart. Let’s take a closer look at each technique to see how they differ.

Simple Linear Regression

Simple linear regression is a statistical technique that can be used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and a single independent variable. The dependent variable is the variable that is being predicted, while the independent variable is the variable that is being used to make predictions.

Simple Linear Regression vs. Multiple Linear Regression vs. MANOVA: A Data Scientist's Guide
Linear Regression Basics for Absolute Beginners | by Benjamin Obi Tayo Ph.D. | Towards AI

Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple linear regression is a statistical technique that can be used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and two or more independent variables. As with simple linear regression, the dependent variable is the variable that is being predicted. However, in multiple linear regression, there can be multiple independent variables that are being used to make predictions.

Simple Linear Regression vs. Multiple Linear Regression vs. MANOVA: A Data Scientist's Guide\
Multiple Linear Regression from scratch using only numpy | by Debidutta Dash | Analytics Vidhya | Medium


MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance) is a statistical technique that can be used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and two or more independent variables. Unlike simple linear regression or multiple linear regression, MANOVA can only be used when the dependent variable is continuous. Additionally, MANOVA can only be used when there are two or more dependent variables.

Simple Linear Regression vs. Multiple Linear Regression vs. MANOVA: A Data Scientist's Guide
Simple Linear Regression vs. Multiple Linear Regression vs. MANOVA: A Data Scientist’s Guide

When it comes to data modeling, there are a variety of different techniques that can be used. Simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and MANOVA are three of the most common techniques. Each technique has its own set of benefits and drawbacks that should be considered before deciding which technique to use for a particular project.We often encounter data points that are correlated. For example, the number of hours studied is correlated with the grades achieved. In such cases, we can use regression analysis to study the relationships between the variables.

Simple linear regression is a statistical method that allows us to predict the value of a dependent variable (y) based on the value of an independent variable (x). In other words, we can use simple linear regression to find out how much y will change when x changes.

Multiple linear regression is a statistical method that allows us to predict the value of a dependent variable (y) based on the values of multiple independent variables (x1, x2, …, xn). In other words, we can use multiple linear regression to find out how much y will change when any of the independent variables changes.

Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is a statistical method that allows us to compare multiple dependent variables (y1, y2, …, yn) simultaneously. In other words, MANOVA can help us understand how multiple dependent variables vary together.

Simple Linear Regression vs Multiple Linear Regression vs MANOVA: A Comparative Study
The main difference between simple linear regression and multiple linear regression is that simple linear regression can be used to predict the value of a dependent variable based on the value of only one independent variable whereas multiple linear regression can be used to predict the value of a dependent variable based on the values of two or more independent variables. Another difference between simple linear regression and multiple linear regression is that simple linear regression is less likely to produce Type I and Type II errors than multiple linear regression.

Both simple linear regression and multiple linear regression are used to predict future values. However, MANOVA is used to understand how present values vary.


In this article, we have seen the key differences between simple linear regression vs multiple linear regression vs MANOVA along with their applications. Simple linear regression should be used when there is only one predictor variable whereas multiple linear regressions should be used when there are two or more predictor variables. MANOVA should be used when there are two or more response variables. Hope you found this article helpful!

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Data Lakes, S3, Kinesis, Lake Formation, Athena, Kibana, Redshift, EMR, Glue, Kafka, Apache Spark, SQl, NoSQL, Python,DynamoDB, DocumentDB,  linear regression, logistic regression, Sampling, dataset, statistical interaction, selection bias, non-Gaussian distribution, bias-variance trade-off, Normal Distribution, correlation and covariance, Point Estimates and Confidence Interval, A/B Testing, p-value, statistical power of sensitivity, over-fitting and under-fitting, regularization, Law of Large Numbers, Confounding Variables, Survivorship Bias, univariate, bivariate and multivariate, Resampling, ROC curve, TF/IDF vectorization, Cluster Sampling, Data cleansing, ETL, Data Science and Analytics Cheat Sheets


What are some ways we can use machine learning and artificial intelligence for algorithmic trading in the stock market?

What are some good datasets for Data Science and Machine Learning?

Top 100 Data Science and Data Analytics and Data Engineering Interview Questions and Answers

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

Simple Linear Regression vs. Multiple Linear Regression vs. MANOVA: A Data Scientist’s Guide

As a data scientist, it’s important to understand the difference between simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and MANOVA. This will come in handy when you’re working with different datasets and trying to figure out which one to use. Here’s a quick overview of each method:

A Short Overview of Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, and MANOVA

Simple linear regression is used to predict the value of a dependent variable (y) based on the value of one independent variable (x). This is the most basic form of regression analysis.

Multiple linear regression is used to predict the value of a dependent variable (y) based on the values of two or more independent variables (x1, x2, x3, etc.). This is more complex than simple linear regression but can provide more accurate predictions.

MANOVA is used to predict the value of a dependent variable (y) based on the values of two or more independent variables (x1, x2, x3, etc.), while also taking into account the relationships between those variables. This is the most complex form of regression analysis but can provide the most accurate predictions.

So, which one should you use? It depends on your dataset and what you’re trying to predict. If you have a small dataset with only one independent variable, then simple linear regression will suffice. If you have a larger dataset with multiple independent variables, then multiple linear regression will be more appropriate. And if you need to take into account the relationships between your independent variables, then MANOVA is the way to go.

In data science, there are a variety of techniques that can be used to model relationships between variables. Three of the most common techniques are simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and MANOVA. Although these techniques may appear to be similar at first glance, there are actually some key differences that set them apart. Let’s take a closer look at each technique to see how they differ.

Simple Linear Regression

Simple linear regression is a statistical technique that can be used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and a single independent variable. The dependent variable is the variable that is being predicted, while the independent variable is the variable that is being used to make predictions.

Simple Linear Regression vs. Multiple Linear Regression vs. MANOVA: A Data Scientist's Guide
Linear Regression Basics for Absolute Beginners | by Benjamin Obi Tayo Ph.D. | Towards AI

Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple linear regression is a statistical technique that can be used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and two or more independent variables. As with simple linear regression, the dependent variable is the variable that is being predicted. However, in multiple linear regression, there can be multiple independent variables that are being used to make predictions.

Simple Linear Regression vs. Multiple Linear Regression vs. MANOVA: A Data Scientist's Guide\
Multiple Linear Regression from scratch using only numpy | by Debidutta Dash | Analytics Vidhya | Medium


MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance) is a statistical technique that can be used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and two or more independent variables. Unlike simple linear regression or multiple linear regression, MANOVA can only be used when the dependent variable is continuous. Additionally, MANOVA can only be used when there are two or more dependent variables.

Simple Linear Regression vs. Multiple Linear Regression vs. MANOVA: A Data Scientist's Guide
Simple Linear Regression vs. Multiple Linear Regression vs. MANOVA: A Data Scientist’s Guide

When it comes to data modeling, there are a variety of different techniques that can be used. Simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and MANOVA are three of the most common techniques. Each technique has its own set of benefits and drawbacks that should be considered before deciding which technique to use for a particular project.We often encounter data points that are correlated. For example, the number of hours studied is correlated with the grades achieved. In such cases, we can use regression analysis to study the relationships between the variables.

Simple linear regression is a statistical method that allows us to predict the value of a dependent variable (y) based on the value of an independent variable (x). In other words, we can use simple linear regression to find out how much y will change when x changes.

Multiple linear regression is a statistical method that allows us to predict the value of a dependent variable (y) based on the values of multiple independent variables (x1, x2, …, xn). In other words, we can use multiple linear regression to find out how much y will change when any of the independent variables changes.

Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is a statistical method that allows us to compare multiple dependent variables (y1, y2, …, yn) simultaneously. In other words, MANOVA can help us understand how multiple dependent variables vary together.

Simple Linear Regression vs Multiple Linear Regression vs MANOVA: A Comparative Study
The main difference between simple linear regression and multiple linear regression is that simple linear regression can be used to predict the value of a dependent variable based on the value of only one independent variable whereas multiple linear regression can be used to predict the value of a dependent variable based on the values of two or more independent variables. Another difference between simple linear regression and multiple linear regression is that simple linear regression is less likely to produce Type I and Type II errors than multiple linear regression.

Both simple linear regression and multiple linear regression are used to predict future values. However, MANOVA is used to understand how present values vary.


In this article, we have seen the key differences between simple linear regression vs multiple linear regression vs MANOVA along with their applications. Simple linear regression should be used when there is only one predictor variable whereas multiple linear regressions should be used when there are two or more predictor variables. MANOVA should be used when there are two or more response variables. Hope you found this article helpful!

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Hundreds of Quizzes covering Quiz and Brain Teaser for AWS Data analytics DAS-C01, Data Science, Various Practice Exams covering Data Collection, Data Security, Data processing, Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Data Storage and Management,
Data Lakes, S3, Kinesis, Lake Formation, Athena, Kibana, Redshift, EMR, Glue, Kafka, Apache Spark, SQl, NoSQL, Python,DynamoDB, DocumentDB,  linear regression, logistic regression, Sampling, dataset, statistical interaction, selection bias, non-Gaussian distribution, bias-variance trade-off, Normal Distribution, correlation and covariance, Point Estimates and Confidence Interval, A/B Testing, p-value, statistical power of sensitivity, over-fitting and under-fitting, regularization, Law of Large Numbers, Confounding Variables, Survivorship Bias, univariate, bivariate and multivariate, Resampling, ROC curve, TF/IDF vectorization, Cluster Sampling, Data cleansing, ETL, Data Science and Analytics Cheat Sheets

Top 100 Data Science and Data Analytics and Data Engineering Interview Questions and Answers

Data Science Bias Variance Trade-off

Below and the Top 100 Data Science and Data Analytics Interview Questions and Answers dumps.

What is Data Science? 

Data Science is a blend of various tools, algorithms, and machine learning principles with the goal to discover hidden patterns from the raw data. How is this different from what statisticians have been doing for years? The answer lies in the difference between explaining and predicting: statisticians work a posteriori, explaining the results and designing a plan; data scientists use historical data to make predictions.

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How does data cleaning play a vital role in the analysis? 

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Data cleaning can help in analysis because:

  • Cleaning data from multiple sources helps transform it into a format that data analysts or data scientists can work with.
  • Data Cleaning helps increase the accuracy of the model in machine learning.
  • It is a cumbersome process because as the number of data sources increases, the time taken to clean the data increases exponentially due to the number of sources and the volume of data generated by these sources.
  • It might take up to 80% of the time for just cleaning data making it a critical part of the analysis task

What is linear regression? What do the terms p-value, coefficient, and r-squared value mean? What is the significance of each of these components?

2023 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Practice Exams
2023 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Practice Exams


Imagine you want to predict the price of a house. That will depend on some factors, called independent variables, such as location, size, year of construction… if we assume there is a linear relationship between these variables and the price (our dependent variable), then our price is predicted by the following function: Y = a + bX
The p-value in the table is the minimum I (the significance level) at which the coefficient is relevant. The lower the p-value, the more important is the variable in predicting the price. Usually we set a 5% level, so that we have a 95% confidentiality that our variable is relevant.
The p-value is used as an alternative to rejection points to provide the smallest level of significance at which the null hypothesis would be rejected. A smaller p-value means that there is stronger evidence in favor of the alternative hypothesis.
The coefficient value signifies how much the mean of the dependent variable changes given a one-unit shift in the independent variable while holding other variables in the model constant. This property of holding the other variables constant is crucial because it allows you to assess the effect of each variable in isolation from the others.
R squared (R2) is a statistical measure that represents the proportion of the variance for a dependent variable that’s explained by an independent variable or variables in a regression model.

Credit: Steve Nouri

What is sampling? How many sampling methods do you know? 



Data sampling is a statistical analysis technique used to select, manipulate and analyze a representative subset of data points to identify patterns and trends in the larger data set being examined. It enables data scientists, predictive modelers and other data analysts to work with a small, manageable amount of data about a statistical population to build and run analytical models more quickly, while still producing accurate findings.

Sampling can be particularly useful with data sets that are too large to efficiently analyze in full – for example, in big data analytics applications or surveys. Identifying and analyzing a representative sample is more efficient and cost-effective than surveying the entirety of the data or population.
An important consideration, though, is the size of the required data sample and the possibility of introducing a sampling error. In some cases, a small sample can reveal the most important information about a data set. In others, using a larger sample can increase the likelihood of accurately representing the data as a whole, even though the increased size of the sample may impede ease of manipulation and interpretation.
There are many different methods for drawing samples from data; the ideal one depends on the data set and situation. Sampling can be based on probability, an approach that uses random numbers that correspond to points in the data set to ensure that there is no correlation between points chosen for the sample. Further variations in probability sampling include:

Simple random sampling: Software is used to randomly select subjects from the whole population.
• Stratified sampling: Subsets of the data sets or population are created based on a common factor,
and samples are randomly collected from each subgroup. A sample is drawn from each strata (using a random sampling method like simple random sampling or systematic sampling).
o EX: In the image below, let’s say you need a sample size of 6. Two members from each
group (yellow, red, and blue) are selected randomly. Make sure to sample proportionally:
In this simple example, 1/3 of each group (2/6 yellow, 2/6 red and 2/6 blue) has been
sampled. If you have one group that’s a different size, make sure to adjust your
proportions. For example, if you had 9 yellow, 3 red and 3 blue, a 5-item sample would
consist of 3/9 yellow (i.e. one third), 1/3 red and 1/3 blue.
• Cluster sampling: The larger data set is divided into subsets (clusters) based on a defined factor, then a random sampling of clusters is analyzed. The sampling unit is the whole cluster; Instead of sampling individuals from within each group, a researcher will study whole clusters.
o EX: In the image below, the strata are natural groupings by head color (yellow, red, blue).
A sample size of 6 is needed, so two of the complete strata are selected randomly (in this
example, groups 2 and 4 are chosen).

Data Science Stratified Sampling - Cluster Sampling
Data Science Stratified Sampling – Cluster Sampling

– Cluster Sampling

  • Multistage sampling: A more complicated form of cluster sampling, this method also involves dividing the larger population into a number of clusters. Second-stage clusters are then broken out based on a secondary factor, and those clusters are then sampled and analyzed. This staging could continue as multiple subsets are identified, clustered and analyzed.
    • Systematic sampling: A sample is created by setting an interval at which to extract data from the larger population – for example, selecting every 10th row in a spreadsheet of 200 items to create a sample size of 20 rows to analyze.

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Sampling can also be based on non-probability, an approach in which a data sample is determined and extracted based on the judgment of the analyst. As inclusion is determined by the analyst, it can be more difficult to extrapolate whether the sample accurately represents the larger population than when probability sampling is used.

Non-probability data sampling methods include:
• Convenience sampling: Data is collected from an easily accessible and available group.
• Consecutive sampling: Data is collected from every subject that meets the criteria until the predetermined sample size is met.
• Purposive or judgmental sampling: The researcher selects the data to sample based on predefined criteria.
• Quota sampling: The researcher ensures equal representation within the sample for all subgroups in the data set or population (random sampling is not used).

Quota sampling
Quota sampling

Once generated, a sample can be used for predictive analytics. For example, a retail business might use data sampling to uncover patterns about customer behavior and predictive modeling to create more effective sales strategies.

Credit: Steve Nouri

What are the assumptions required for linear regression?

There are four major assumptions:

There is a linear relationship between the dependent variables and the regressors, meaning the model you are creating actually fits the data,
• The errors or residuals of the data are normally distributed and independent from each other,
• There is minimal multicollinearity between explanatory variables, and
• Homoscedasticity. This means the variance around the regression line is the same for all values of the predictor variable.

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

What is a statistical interaction?

Reference: Statistical Interaction

Basically, an interaction is when the effect of one factor (input variable) on the dependent variable (output variable) differs among levels of another factor. When two or more independent variables are involved in a research design, there is more to consider than simply the “main effect” of each of the independent variables (also termed “factors”). That is, the effect of one independent variable on the dependent variable of interest may not be the same at all levels of the other independent variable. Another way to put this is that the effect of one independent variable may depend on the level of the other independent
variable. In order to find an interaction, you must have a factorial design, in which the two (or more) independent variables are “crossed” with one another so that there are observations at every
combination of levels of the two independent variables. EX: stress level and practice to memorize words: together they may have a lower performance. 

What is selection bias? 


Selection (or ‘sampling’) bias occurs when the sample data that is gathered and prepared for modeling has characteristics that are not representative of the true, future population of cases the model will see.
That is, active selection bias occurs when a subset of the data is systematically (i.e., non-randomly) excluded from analysis.

Selection bias is a kind of error that occurs when the researcher decides what has to be studied. It is associated with research where the selection of participants is not random. Therefore, some conclusions of the study may not be accurate.

The types of selection bias include:
Sampling bias: It is a systematic error due to a non-random sample of a population causing some members of the population to be less likely to be included than others resulting in a biased sample.
Time interval: A trial may be terminated early at an extreme value (often for ethical reasons), but the extreme value is likely to be reached by the variable with the largest variance, even if all variables have a similar mean.
Data: When specific subsets of data are chosen to support a conclusion or rejection of bad data on arbitrary grounds, instead of according to previously stated or generally agreed criteria.
Attrition: Attrition bias is a kind of selection bias caused by attrition (loss of participants)
discounting trial subjects/tests that did not run to completion.

What is an example of a data set with a non-Gaussian distribution?


The Gaussian distribution is part of the Exponential family of distributions, but there are a lot more of them, with the same sort of ease of use, in many cases, and if the person doing the machine learning has a solid grounding in statistics, they can be utilized where appropriate.

Binomial: multiple toss of a coin Bin(n,p): the binomial distribution consists of the probabilities of each of the possible numbers of successes on n trials for independent events that each have a probability of p of

Bernoulli: Bin(1,p) = Be(p)
Poisson: Pois(λ)

What is bias-variance trade-off?

Bias: Bias is an error introduced in the model due to the oversimplification of the algorithm used (does not fit the data properly). It can lead to under-fitting.
Low bias machine learning algorithms — Decision Trees, k-NN and SVM
High bias machine learning algorithms — Linear Regression, Logistic Regression

Variance: Variance is error introduced in the model due to a too complex algorithm, it performs very well in the training set but poorly in the test set. It can lead to high sensitivity and overfitting.
Possible high variance – polynomial regression

Normally, as you increase the complexity of your model, you will see a reduction in error due to lower bias in the model. However, this only happens until a particular point. As you continue to make your model more complex, you end up over-fitting your model and hence your model will start suffering from high variance.

bias-variance trade-off

Bias-Variance trade-off: The goal of any supervised machine learning algorithm is to have low bias and low variance to achieve good prediction performance.

1. The k-nearest neighbor algorithm has low bias and high variance, but the trade-off can be changed by increasing the value of k which increases the number of neighbors that contribute to the prediction and in turn increases the bias of the model.
2. The support vector machine algorithm has low bias and high variance, but the trade-off can be changed by increasing the C parameter that influences the number of violations of the margin allowed in the training data which increases the bias but decreases the variance.
3. The decision tree has low bias and high variance, you can decrease the depth of the tree or use fewer attributes.
4. The linear regression has low variance and high bias, you can increase the number of features or use another regression that better fits the data.

There is no escaping the relationship between bias and variance in machine learning. Increasing the bias will decrease the variance. Increasing the variance will decrease bias.


What is a confusion matrix?

The confusion matrix is a 2X2 table that contains 4 outputs provided by the binary classifier.

 Person climbing a staircase. Learn Data Science from Scratch: online program with 21 courses

Person climbing a staircase. Learn Data Science from Scratch: online program with 21 courses

A data set used for performance evaluation is called a test data set. It should contain the correct labels and predicted labels. The predicted labels will exactly the same if the performance of a binary classifier is perfect. The predicted labels usually match with part of the observed labels in real-world scenarios.
A binary classifier predicts all data instances of a test data set as either positive or negative. This produces four outcomes: TP, FP, TN, FN. Basic measures derived from the confusion matrix:

What is the difference between “long” and “wide” format data?

In the wide-format, a subject’s repeated responses will be in a single row, and each response is in a separate column. In the long-format, each row is a one-time point per subject. You can recognize data in wide format by the fact that columns generally represent groups (variables).

Person climbing a staircase. Learn Data Science from Scratch: online program with 21 courses

difference between “long” and “wide” format data

What do you understand by the term Normal Distribution?

Data is usually distributed in different ways with a bias to the left or to the right or it can all be jumbled up. However, there are chances that data is distributed around a central value without any bias to the left or right and reaches normal distribution in the form of a bell-shaped curve.

Data Science: Normal Distribution
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The random variables are distributed in the form of a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve. Properties of Normal Distribution are as follows:

1. Unimodal (Only one mode)
2. Symmetrical (left and right halves are mirror images)
3. Bell-shaped (maximum height (mode) at the mean)
4. Mean, Mode, and Median are all located in the center
5. Asymptotic

What is correlation and covariance in statistics?

Correlation is considered or described as the best technique for measuring and also for estimating the quantitative relationship between two variables. Correlation measures how strongly two variables are related. Given two random variables, it is the covariance between both divided by the product of the two standard deviations of the single variables, hence always between -1 and 1.

correlation and covariance

Covariance is a measure that indicates the extent to which two random variables change in cycle. It explains the systematic relation between a pair of random variables, wherein changes in one variable reciprocal by a corresponding change in another variable.

correlation and covariance in statistics

What is the difference between Point Estimates and Confidence Interval? 

Point Estimation gives us a particular value as an estimate of a population parameter. Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood estimator methods are used to derive Point Estimators for population parameters.

A confidence interval gives us a range of values which is likely to contain the population parameter. The confidence interval is generally preferred, as it tells us how likely this interval is to contain the population parameter. This likeliness or probability is called Confidence Level or Confidence coefficient and represented by 1 − ∝, where ∝ is the level of significance.

What is the goal of A/B Testing?

It is a hypothesis testing for a randomized experiment with two variables A and B.
The goal of A/B Testing is to identify any changes to the web page to maximize or increase the outcome of interest. A/B testing is a fantastic method for figuring out the best online promotional and marketing strategies for your business. It can be used to test everything from website copy to sales emails to search ads. An example of this could be identifying the click-through rate for a banner ad.

What is p-value?

When you perform a hypothesis test in statistics, a p-value can help you determine the strength of your results. p-value is the minimum significance level at which you can reject the null hypothesis. The lower the p-value, the more likely you reject the null hypothesis.

What do you understand by statistical power of sensitivity and how do you calculate it? 

Sensitivity is commonly used to validate the accuracy of a classifier (Logistic, SVM, Random Forest etc.). Sensitivity = [ TP / (TP +TN)]


Why is Re-sampling done?

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  • Sampling is an active process of gathering observations with the intent of estimating a population variable.
  • Resampling is a methodology of economically using a data sample to improve the accuracy and quantify the uncertainty of a population parameter. Resampling methods, in fact, make use of a nested resampling method.

Once we have a data sample, it can be used to estimate the population parameter. The problem is that we only have a single estimate of the population parameter, with little idea of the variability or uncertainty in the estimate. One way to address this is by estimating the population parameter multiple times from our data sample. This is called resampling. Statistical resampling methods are procedures that describe how to economically use available data to estimate a population parameter. The result can be both a more accurate estimate of the parameter (such as taking the mean of the estimates) and a quantification of the uncertainty of the estimate (such as adding a confidence interval).

Resampling methods are very easy to use, requiring little mathematical knowledge. A downside of the methods is that they can be computationally very expensive, requiring tens, hundreds, or even thousands of resamples in order to develop a robust estimate of the population parameter.

The key idea is to resample from the original data — either directly or via a fitted model — to create replicate datasets, from which the variability of the quantiles of interest can be assessed without longwinded and error-prone analytical calculation. Because this approach involves repeating the original data analysis procedure with many replicate sets of data, these are sometimes called computer-intensive methods. Each new subsample from the original data sample is used to estimate the population parameter. The sample of estimated population parameters can then be considered with statistical tools in order to quantify the expected value and variance, providing measures of the uncertainty of the
estimate. Statistical sampling methods can be used in the selection of a subsample from the original sample.

A key difference is that process must be repeated multiple times. The problem with this is that there will be some relationship between the samples as observations that will be shared across multiple subsamples. This means that the subsamples and the estimated population parameters are not strictly identical and independently distributed. This has implications for statistical tests performed on the sample of estimated population parameters downstream, i.e. paired statistical tests may be required. 

Two commonly used resampling methods that you may encounter are k-fold cross-validation and the bootstrap.

  • Bootstrap. Samples are drawn from the dataset with replacement (allowing the same sample to appear more than once in the sample), where those instances not drawn into the data sample may be used for the test set.
  • k-fold Cross-Validation. A dataset is partitioned into k groups, where each group is given the opportunity of being used as a held out test set leaving the remaining groups as the training set. The k-fold cross-validation method specifically lends itself to use in the evaluation of predictive models that are repeatedly trained on one subset of the data and evaluated on a second held-out subset of the data.  

Resampling is done in any of these cases:

  • Estimating the accuracy of sample statistics by using subsets of accessible data or drawing randomly with replacement from a set of data points
  • Substituting labels on data points when performing significance tests
  • Validating models by using random subsets (bootstrapping, cross-validation)

What are the differences between over-fitting and under-fitting?

In statistics and machine learning, one of the most common tasks is to fit a model to a set of training data, so as to be able to make reliable predictions on general untrained data.

In overfitting, a statistical model describes random error or noise instead of the underlying relationship.
Overfitting occurs when a model is excessively complex, such as having too many parameters relative to the number of observations. A model that has been overfitted, has poor predictive performance, as it overreacts to minor fluctuations in the training data.

Underfitting occurs when a statistical model or machine learning algorithm cannot capture the underlying trend of the data. Underfitting would occur, for example, when fitting a linear model to non-linear data.
Such a model too would have poor predictive performance.


How to combat Overfitting and Underfitting?

To combat overfitting:
1. Add noise
2. Feature selection
3. Increase training set
4. L2 (ridge) or L1 (lasso) regularization; L1 drops weights, L2 no
5. Use cross-validation techniques, such as k folds cross-validation
6. Boosting and bagging
7. Dropout technique
8. Perform early stopping
9. Remove inner layers
To combat underfitting:
1. Add features
2. Increase time of training

What is regularization? Why is it useful?

Regularization is the process of adding tuning parameter (penalty term) to a model to induce smoothness in order to prevent overfitting. This is most often done by adding a constant multiple to an existing weight vector. This constant is often the L1 (Lasso – |∝|) or L2 (Ridge – ∝2). The model predictions should then minimize the loss function calculated on the regularized training set.

What Is the Law of Large Numbers? 

It is a theorem that describes the result of performing the same experiment a large number of times. This theorem forms the basis of frequency-style thinking. It says that the sample means, the sample variance and the sample standard deviation converge to what they are trying to estimate. According to the law, the average of the results obtained from a large number of trials should be close to the expected value and will tend to become closer to the expected value as more trials are performed.

What Are Confounding Variables?

In statistics, a confounder is a variable that influences both the dependent variable and independent variable.

If you are researching whether a lack of exercise leads to weight gain:
lack of exercise = independent variable
weight gain = dependent variable
A confounding variable here would be any other variable that affects both of these variables, such as the age of the subject.

What is Survivorship Bias?

It is the logical error of focusing aspects that support surviving some process and casually overlooking those that did not work because of their lack of prominence. This can lead to wrong conclusions in numerous different means. For example, during a recession you look just at the survived businesses, noting that they are performing poorly. However, they perform better than the rest, which is failed, thus being removed from the time series.

Explain how a ROC curve works?

The ROC curve is a graphical representation of the contrast between true positive rates and false positive rates at various thresholds. It is often used as a proxy for the trade-off between the sensitivity (true positive rate) and false positive rate.

Data Science ROC Curve

What is TF/IDF vectorization?

TF-IDF is short for term frequency-inverse document frequency, is a numerical statistic that is intended to reflect how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus. It is often used as a weighting factor in information retrieval and text mining.

Data Science TF IDF Vectorization

The TF-IDF value increases proportionally to the number of times a word appears in the document but is offset by the frequency of the word in the corpus, which helps to adjust for the fact that some words appear more frequently in general.

Python or R – Which one would you prefer for text analytics?

We will prefer Python because of the following reasons:
• Python would be the best option because it has Pandas library that provides easy to use data structures and high-performance data analysis tools.
• R is more suitable for machine learning than just text analysis.
• Python performs faster for all types of text analytics.

How does data cleaning play a vital role in the analysis? 

Data cleaning can help in analysis because:

  • Cleaning data from multiple sources helps transform it into a format that data analysts or data scientists can work with.
  • Data Cleaning helps increase the accuracy of the model in machine learning.
  • It is a cumbersome process because as the number of data sources increases, the time taken to clean the data increases exponentially due to the number of sources and the volume of data generated by these sources.
  • It might take up to 80% of the time for just cleaning data making it a critical part of the analysis task

Differentiate between univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. 

Univariate analyses are descriptive statistical analysis techniques which can be differentiated based on one variable involved at a given point of time. For example, the pie charts of sales based on territory involve only one variable and can the analysis can be referred to as univariate analysis.

The bivariate analysis attempts to understand the difference between two variables at a time as in a scatterplot. For example, analyzing the volume of sale and spending can be considered as an example of bivariate analysis.

Multivariate analysis deals with the study of more than two variables to understand the effect of variables on the responses.

Explain Star Schema

It is a traditional database schema with a central table. Satellite tables map IDs to physical names or descriptions and can be connected to the central fact table using the ID fields; these tables are known as lookup tables and are principally useful in real-time applications, as they save a lot of memory. Sometimes star schemas involve several layers of summarization to recover information faster.

What is Cluster Sampling?

Cluster sampling is a technique used when it becomes difficult to study the target population spread across a wide area and simple random sampling cannot be applied. Cluster Sample is a probability sample where each sampling unit is a collection or cluster of elements.

For example, a researcher wants to survey the academic performance of high school students in Japan. He can divide the entire population of Japan into different clusters (cities). Then the researcher selects a number of clusters depending on his research through simple or systematic random sampling.

What is Systematic Sampling? 

Systematic sampling is a statistical technique where elements are selected from an ordered sampling frame. In systematic sampling, the list is progressed in a circular manner so once you reach the end of the list, it is progressed from the top again. The best example of systematic sampling is equal probability method.

What are Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues? 

Eigenvectors are used for understanding linear transformations. In data analysis, we usually calculate the eigenvectors for a correlation or covariance matrix. Eigenvectors are the directions along which a particular linear transformation acts by flipping, compressing or stretching.
Eigenvalue can be referred to as the strength of the transformation in the direction of eigenvector or the factor by which the compression occurs.

Give Examples where a false positive is important than a false negative?

Let us first understand what false positives and false negatives are:

  • False Positives are the cases where you wrongly classified a non-event as an event a.k.a Type I error
  • False Negatives are the cases where you wrongly classify events as non-events, a.k.a Type II error.

Example 1: In the medical field, assume you have to give chemotherapy to patients. Assume a patient comes to that hospital and he is tested positive for cancer, based on the lab prediction but he actually doesn’t have cancer. This is a case of false positive. Here it is of utmost danger to start chemotherapy on this patient when he actually does not have cancer. In the absence of cancerous cell, chemotherapy will do certain damage to his normal healthy cells and might lead to severe diseases, even cancer.

Example 2: Let’s say an e-commerce company decided to give $1000 Gift voucher to the customers whom they assume to purchase at least $10,000 worth of items. They send free voucher mail directly to 100 customers without any minimum purchase condition because they assume to make at least 20% profit on sold items above $10,000. Now the issue is if we send the $1000 gift vouchers to customers who have not actually purchased anything but are marked as having made $10,000 worth of purchase

Give Examples where a false negative important than a false positive? And vice versa?

Example 1 FN: What if Jury or judge decides to make a criminal go free?

Example 2 FN: Fraud detection.

Example 3 FP: customer voucher use promo evaluation: if many used it and actually if was not true, promo sucks

Give Examples where both false positive and false negatives are equally important? 

In the Banking industry giving loans is the primary source of making money but at the same time if your repayment rate is not good you will not make any profit, rather you will risk huge losses.
Banks don’t want to lose good customers and at the same point in time, they don’t want to acquire bad customers. In this scenario, both the false positives and false negatives become very important to measure.

What is the Difference between a Validation Set and a Test Set?

A Training Set:
• to fit the parameters i.e. weights

A Validation set:
• part of the training set
• for parameter selection
• to avoid overfitting

A Test set:
• for testing or evaluating the performance of a trained machine learning model, i.e. evaluating the
predictive power and generalization.

What is cross-validation?

Reference: k-fold cross validation 

Cross-validation is a resampling procedure used to evaluate machine learning models on a limited data sample. The procedure has a single parameter called k that refers to the number of groups that a given data sample is to be split into. As such, the procedure is often called k-fold cross-validation. When a specific value for k is chosen, it may be used in place of k in the reference to the model, such as k=10 becoming 10-fold cross-validation. Mainly used in backgrounds where the objective is forecast, and one wants to estimate how accurately a model will accomplish in practice.

Cross-validation is primarily used in applied machine learning to estimate the skill of a machine learning model on unseen data. That is, to use a limited sample in order to estimate how the model is expected to perform in general when used to make predictions on data not used during the training of the model.

It is a popular method because it is simple to understand and because it generally results in a less biased or less optimistic estimate of the model skill than other methods, such as a simple train/test split.

The general procedure is as follows:
1. Shuffle the dataset randomly.
2. Split the dataset into k groups
3. For each unique group:
a. Take the group as a hold out or test data set
b. Take the remaining groups as a training data set
c. Fit a model on the training set and evaluate it on the test set
d. Retain the evaluation score and discard the model
4. Summarize the skill of the model using the sample of model evaluation scores

Data Science Cross Validation

There is an alternative in Scikit-Learn called Stratified k fold, in which the split is shuffled to make it sure you have a representative sample of each class and a k fold in which you may not have the assurance of it (not good with a very unbalanced dataset).

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience. It is seen as a subset of artificial intelligence. Machine Learning explores the study and construction of algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on data. You select a model to train and then manually perform feature extraction. Used to devise complex models and algorithms that lend themselves to a prediction which in commercial use is known as predictive analytics.

What is Supervised Learning? 

Supervised learning is the machine learning task of inferring a function from labeled training data. The training data consist of a set of training examples.

Algorithms: Support Vector Machines, Regression, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, K-nearest Neighbor Algorithm and Neural Networks

Example: If you built a fruit classifier, the labels will be “this is an orange, this is an apple and this is a banana”, based on showing the classifier examples of apples, oranges and bananas.

What is Unsupervised learning?

Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning algorithm used to draw inferences from datasets consisting of input data without labelled responses.

Algorithms: Clustering, Anomaly Detection, Neural Networks and Latent Variable Models

Example: In the same example, a fruit clustering will categorize as “fruits with soft skin and lots of dimples”, “fruits with shiny hard skin” and “elongated yellow fruits”.

What are the various Machine Learning algorithms?

Machine Learning Algorithms

What is “Naive” in a Naive Bayes?

Reference: Naive Bayes Classifier on Wikipedia

Naive Bayes methods are a set of supervised learning algorithms based on applying Bayes’ theorem with the “naive” assumption of conditional independence between every pair of features given the value of the class variable. Bayes’ theorem states the following relationship, given class variable y and dependent feature vector X1through Xn:

Machine Learning Algorithms Naive Bayes
Machine Learning Algorithms Naive Bayes

What is PCA (Principal Component Analysis)? When do you use it?

Reference: PCA on wikipedia

Principal component analysis (PCA) is a statistical method used in Machine Learning. It consists in projecting data in a higher dimensional space into a lower dimensional space by maximizing the variance of each dimension.

The process works as following. We define a matrix A with > rows (the single observations of a dataset – in a tabular format, each single row) and @ columns, our features. For this matrix we construct a variable space with as many dimensions as there are features. Each feature represents one coordinate axis. For each feature, the length has been standardized according to a scaling criterion, normally by scaling to unit variance. It is determinant to scale the features to a common scale, otherwise the features with a greater magnitude will weigh more in determining the principal components. Once plotted all the observations and computed the mean of each variable, that mean will be represented by a point in the center of our plot (the center of gravity). Then, we subtract each observation with the mean, shifting the coordinate system with the center in the origin. The best fitting line resulting is the line that best accounts for the shape of the point swarm. It represents the maximum variance direction in the data. Each observation may be projected onto this line in order to get a coordinate value along the PC-line. This value is known as a score. The next best-fitting line can be similarly chosen from directions perpendicular to the first.
Repeating this process yields an orthogonal basis in which different individual dimensions of the data are uncorrelated. These basis vectors are called principal components.

Machine Learning Algorithms PCA

PCA is mostly used as a tool in exploratory data analysis and for making predictive models. It is often used to visualize genetic distance and relatedness between populations.

SVM (Support Vector Machine)  algorithm

Reference: SVM on wikipedia

Classifying data is a common task in machine learning. Suppose some given data points each belong to one of two classes, and the goal is to decide which class a new data point will be in. In the case of supportvector machines, a data point is viewed as a p-dimensional vector (a list of p numbers), and we want to know whether we can separate such points with a (p − 1)-dimensional hyperplane. This is called a linear classifier. There are many hyperplanes that might classify the data. One reasonable choice as the best hyperplane is the one that represents the largest separation, or margin, between the two classes. So, we
choose the hyperplane so that the distance from it to the nearest data point on each side is maximized. If such a hyperplane exists, it is known as the maximum-margin hyperplane and the linear classifier it defines is known as a maximum-margin classifier; or equivalently, the perceptron of optimal stability. The best hyper plane that divides the data is H3.

  • SVMs are helpful in text and hypertext categorization, as their application can significantly reduce the need for labeled training instances in both the standard inductive and transductive settings.
  • Some methods for shallow semantic parsing are based on support vector machines.
  • Classification of images can also be performed using SVMs. Experimental results show that SVMs achieve significantly higher search accuracy than traditional query refinement schemes after just three to four rounds of relevance feedback.
  • Classification of satellite data like SAR data using supervised SVM.
  • Hand-written characters can be recognized using SVM.

What are the support vectors in SVM? 

Machine Learning Algorithms Support Vectors

In the diagram, we see that the sketched lines mark the distance from the classifier (the hyper plane) to the closest data points called the support vectors (darkened data points). The distance between the two thin lines is called the margin.

To extend SVM to cases in which the data are not linearly separable, we introduce the hinge loss function, max (0, 1 – yi(w∙ xi − b)). This function is zero if x lies on the correct side of the margin. For data on the wrong side of the margin, the function’s value is proportional to the distance from the margin. 

What are the different kernels in SVM?

There are four types of kernels in SVM.
1. LinearKernel
2. Polynomial kernel
3. Radial basis kernel
4. Sigmoid kernel

What are the most known ensemble algorithms? 

Reference: Ensemble Algorithms

The most popular trees are: AdaBoost, Random Forest, and  eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost).

AdaBoost is best used in a dataset with low noise, when computational complexity or timeliness of results is not a main concern and when there are not enough resources for broader hyperparameter tuning due to lack of time and knowledge of the user.

Random forests should not be used when dealing with time series data or any other data where look-ahead bias should be avoided, and the order and continuity of the samples need to be ensured. This algorithm can handle noise relatively well, but more knowledge from the user is required to adequately tune the algorithm compared to AdaBoost.

The main advantages of XGBoost is its lightning speed compared to other algorithms, such as AdaBoost, and its regularization parameter that successfully reduces variance. But even aside from the regularization parameter, this algorithm leverages a learning rate (shrinkage) and subsamples from the features like random forests, which increases its ability to generalize even further. However, XGBoost is more difficult to understand, visualize and to tune compared to AdaBoost and random forests. There is a multitude of hyperparameters that can be tuned to increase performance.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep Learning is nothing but a paradigm of machine learning which has shown incredible promise in recent years. This is because of the fact that Deep Learning shows a great analogy with the functioning of the neurons in the human brain.

Deep Learning

What is the difference between machine learning and deep learning?

Deep learning & Machine learning: what’s the difference?

Machine learning is a field of computer science that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning can be categorized in the following four categories.
1. Supervised machine learning,
2. Semi-supervised machine learning,
3. Unsupervised machine learning,
4. Reinforcement learning.

Deep Learning is a subfield of machine learning concerned with algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain called artificial neural networks.

Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

• The main difference between deep learning and machine learning is due to the way data is
presented in the system. Machine learning algorithms almost always require structured data, while deep learning networks rely on layers of ANN (artificial neural networks).

• Machine learning algorithms are designed to “learn” to act by understanding labeled data and then use it to produce new results with more datasets. However, when the result is incorrect, there is a need to “teach them”. Because machine learning algorithms require bulleted data, they are not suitable for solving complex queries that involve a huge amount of data.

• Deep learning networks do not require human intervention, as multilevel layers in neural
networks place data in a hierarchy of different concepts, which ultimately learn from their own mistakes. However, even they can be wrong if the data quality is not good enough.

• Data decides everything. It is the quality of the data that ultimately determines the quality of the result.

• Both of these subsets of AI are somehow connected to data, which makes it possible to represent a certain form of “intelligence.” However, you should be aware that deep learning requires much more data than a traditional machine learning algorithm. The reason for this is that deep learning networks can identify different elements in neural network layers only when more than a million data points interact. Machine learning algorithms, on the other hand, are capable of learning by pre-programmed criteria.

What is the reason for the popularity of Deep Learning in recent times? 

Now although Deep Learning has been around for many years, the major breakthroughs from these techniques came just in recent years. This is because of two main reasons:
• The increase in the amount of data generated through various sources
• The growth in hardware resources required to run these models
GPUs are multiple times faster and they help us build bigger and deeper deep learning models in comparatively less time than we required previously

What is reinforcement learning?

Reinforcement Learning allows to take actions to max cumulative reward. It learns by trial and error through reward/penalty system. Environment rewards agent so by time agent makes better decisions.
Ex: robot=agent, maze=environment. Used for complex tasks (self-driving cars, game AI).

RL is a series of time steps in a Markov Decision Process:

1. Environment: space in which RL operates
2. State: data related to past action RL took
3. Action: action taken
4. Reward: number taken by agent after last action
5. Observation: data related to environment: can be visible or partially shadowed

What are Artificial Neural Networks?

Artificial Neural networks are a specific set of algorithms that have revolutionized machine learning. They are inspired by biological neural networks. Neural Networks can adapt to changing the input, so the network generates the best possible result without needing to redesign the output criteria.

Artificial Neural Networks works on the same principle as a biological Neural Network. It consists of inputs which get processed with weighted sums and Bias, with the help of Activation Functions.

Machine Learning Artificial Neural Network

How Are Weights Initialized in a Network?

There are two methods here: we can either initialize the weights to zero or assign them randomly.

Initializing all weights to 0: This makes your model similar to a linear model. All the neurons and every layer perform the same operation, giving the same output and making the deep net useless.

Initializing all weights randomly: Here, the weights are assigned randomly by initializing them very close to 0. It gives better accuracy to the model since every neuron performs different computations. This is the most commonly used method.

What Is the Cost Function? 

Also referred to as “loss” or “error,” cost function is a measure to evaluate how good your model’s performance is. It’s used to compute the error of the output layer during backpropagation. We push that error backwards through the neural network and use that during the different training functions.
The most known one is the mean sum of squared errors.

Machine Learning Cost Function

What Are Hyperparameters?

With neural networks, you’re usually working with hyperparameters once the data is formatted correctly.
A hyperparameter is a parameter whose value is set before the learning process begins. It determines how a network is trained and the structure of the network (such as the number of hidden units, the learning rate, epochs, batches, etc.).

What Will Happen If the Learning Rate is Set inaccurately (Too Low or Too High)? 

When your learning rate is too low, training of the model will progress very slowly as we are making minimal updates to the weights. It will take many updates before reaching the minimum point.
If the learning rate is set too high, this causes undesirable divergent behavior to the loss function due to drastic updates in weights. It may fail to converge (model can give a good output) or even diverge (data is too chaotic for the network to train).

What Is The Difference Between Epoch, Batch, and Iteration in Deep Learning? 

Epoch – Represents one iteration over the entire dataset (everything put into the training model).
Batch – Refers to when we cannot pass the entire dataset into the neural network at once, so we divide the dataset into several batches.
Iteration – if we have 10,000 images as data and a batch size of 200. then an epoch should run 50 iterations (10,000 divided by 50).

What Are the Different Layers on CNN?

Reference: Layers of CNN 

Machine Learning Layers of CNN

The Convolutional neural networks are regularized versions of multilayer perceptron (MLP). They were developed based on the working of the neurons of the animal visual cortex.

The objective of using the CNN:

The idea is that you give the computer this array of numbers and it will output numbers that describe the probability of the image being a certain class (.80 for a cat, .15 for a dog, .05 for a bird, etc.). It works similar to how our brain works. When we look at a picture of a dog, we can classify it as such if the picture has identifiable features such as paws or 4 legs. In a similar way, the computer is able to perform image classification by looking for low-level features such as edges and curves and then building up to more abstract concepts through a series of convolutional layers. The computer uses low-level features obtained at the initial levels to generate high-level features such as paws or eyes to identify the object.

There are four layers in CNN:
1. Convolutional Layer – the layer that performs a convolutional operation, creating several smaller picture windows to go over the data.
2. Activation Layer (ReLU Layer) – it brings non-linearity to the network and converts all the negative pixels to zero. The output is a rectified feature map. It follows each convolutional layer.
3. Pooling Layer – pooling is a down-sampling operation that reduces the dimensionality of the feature map. Stride = how much you slide, and you get the max of the n x n matrix
4. Fully Connected Layer – this layer recognizes and classifies the objects in the image.

Q60: What Is Pooling on CNN, and How Does It Work?

Pooling is used to reduce the spatial dimensions of a CNN. It performs down-sampling operations to reduce the dimensionality and creates a pooled feature map by sliding a filter matrix over the input matrix.

What are Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)? 

Reference: RNNs

RNNs are a type of artificial neural networks designed to recognize the pattern from the sequence of data such as Time series, stock market and government agencies etc.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) add an interesting twist to basic neural networks. A vanilla neural network takes in a fixed size vector as input which limits its usage in situations that involve a ‘series’ type input with no predetermined size.

Machine Learning RNN

RNNs are designed to take a series of input with no predetermined limit on size. One could ask what’s\ the big deal, I can call a regular NN repeatedly too?

Machine Learning Regular NN

Sure can, but the ‘series’ part of the input means something. A single input item from the series is related to others and likely has an influence on its neighbors. Otherwise it’s just “many” inputs, not a “series” input (duh!).
Recurrent Neural Network remembers the past and its decisions are influenced by what it has learnt from the past. Note: Basic feed forward networks “remember” things too, but they remember things they learnt during training. For example, an image classifier learns what a “1” looks like during training and then uses that knowledge to classify things in production.
While RNNs learn similarly while training, in addition, they remember things learnt from prior input(s) while generating output(s). RNNs can take one or more input vectors and produce one or more output vectors and the output(s) are influenced not just by weights applied on inputs like a regular NN, but also by a “hidden” state vector representing the context based on prior input(s)/output(s). So, the same input could produce a different output depending on previous inputs in the series.

Machine Learning Vanilla NN

In summary, in a vanilla neural network, a fixed size input vector is transformed into a fixed size output vector. Such a network becomes “recurrent” when you repeatedly apply the transformations to a series of given input and produce a series of output vectors. There is no pre-set limitation to the size of the vector. And, in addition to generating the output which is a function of the input and hidden state, we update the hidden state itself based on the input and use it in processing the next input.

What is the role of the Activation Function?

The Activation function is used to introduce non-linearity into the neural network helping it to learn more complex function. Without which the neural network would be only able to learn linear function which is a linear combination of its input data. An activation function is a function in an artificial neuron that delivers an output based on inputs.

Machine Learning libraries for various purposes

Machine Learning Libraries

What is an Auto-Encoder?

Reference: Auto-Encoder

Auto-encoders are simple learning networks that aim to transform inputs into outputs with the minimum possible error. This means that we want the output to be as close to input as possible. We add a couple of layers between the input and the output, and the sizes of these layers are smaller than the input layer. The auto-encoder receives unlabeled input which is then encoded to reconstruct the input. 

An autoencoder is a type of artificial neural network used to learn efficient data coding in an unsupervised manner. The aim of an autoencoder is to learn a representation (encoding) for a set of data, typically for dimensionality reduction, by training the network to ignore signal “noise”. Along with the reduction side, a reconstructing side is learnt, where the autoencoder tries to generate from the reduced encoding a representation as close as possible to its original input, hence its name. Several variants exist to the basic model, with the aim of forcing the learned representations of the input to assume useful properties.
Autoencoders are effectively used for solving many applied problems, from face recognition to acquiring the semantic meaning of words.

Machine Learning Auto_Encoder

What is a Boltzmann Machine?

Boltzmann machines have a simple learning algorithm that allows them to discover interesting features that represent complex regularities in the training data. The Boltzmann machine is basically used to optimize the weights and the quantity for the given problem. The learning algorithm is very slow in networks with many layers of feature detectors. “Restricted Boltzmann Machines” algorithm has a single layer of feature detectors which makes it faster than the rest.

Machine Learning Boltzmann Machine

What Is Dropout and Batch Normalization?

Dropout is a technique of dropping out hidden and visible nodes of a network randomly to prevent overfitting of data (typically dropping 20 per cent of the nodes). It doubles the number of iterations needed to converge the network. It used to avoid overfitting, as it increases the capacity of generalization.

Batch normalization is the technique to improve the performance and stability of neural networks by normalizing the inputs in every layer so that they have mean output activation of zero and standard deviation of one

Why Is TensorFlow the Most Preferred Library in Deep Learning?

TensorFlow provides both C++ and Python APIs, making it easier to work on and has a faster compilation time compared to other Deep Learning libraries like Keras and PyTorch. TensorFlow supports both CPU and GPU computing devices.

What is Tensor in TensorFlow?

A tensor is a mathematical object represented as arrays of higher dimensions. Think of a n-D matrix. These arrays of data with different dimensions and ranks fed as input to the neural network are called “Tensors.”

What is the Computational Graph?

Everything in a TensorFlow is based on creating a computational graph. It has a network of nodes where each node operates. Nodes represent mathematical operations, and edges represent tensors. Since data flows in the form of a graph, it is also called a “DataFlow Graph.”

What is logistic regression?

• Logistic Regression models a function of the target variable as a linear combination of the predictors, then converts this function into a fitted value in the desired range.

• Binary or Binomial Logistic Regression can be understood as the type of Logistic Regression that deals with scenarios wherein the observed outcomes for dependent variables can be only in binary, i.e., it can have only two possible types.

• Multinomial Logistic Regression works in scenarios where the outcome can have more than two possible types – type A vs type B vs type C – that are not in any particular order.

No alternative text description for this image

No alternative text description for this image


How is logistic regression done? 

Logistic regression measures the relationship between the dependent variable (our label of what we want to predict) and one or more independent variables (our features) by estimating probability using its underlying logistic function (sigmoid).

Explain the steps in making a decision tree. 

1. Take the entire data set as input
2. Calculate entropy of the target variable, as well as the predictor attributes
3. Calculate your information gain of all attributes (we gain information on sorting different objects from each other)
4. Choose the attribute with the highest information gain as the root node
5. Repeat the same procedure on every branch until the decision node of each branch is finalized
For example, let’s say you want to build a decision tree to decide whether you should accept or decline a job offer. The decision tree for this case is as shown:

Machine Learning Decision Tree

It is clear from the decision tree that an offer is accepted if:
• Salary is greater than $50,000
• The commute is less than an hour
• Coffee is offered

How do you build a random forest model?

A random forest is built up of a number of decision trees. If you split the data into different packages and make a decision tree in each of the different groups of data, the random forest brings all those trees together.

Steps to build a random forest model:

1. Randomly select ; features from a total of = features where  k<< m
2. Among the ; features, calculate the node D using the best split point
3. Split the node into daughter nodes using the best split
4. Repeat steps two and three until leaf nodes are finalized
5. Build forest by repeating steps one to four for > times to create > number of trees

Differentiate between univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. 

Univariate data contains only one variable. The purpose of the univariate analysis is to describe the data and find patterns that exist within it.

Machine Learning Univariate Data

The patterns can be studied by drawing conclusions using mean, median, mode, dispersion or range, minimum, maximum, etc.

Bivariate data involves two different variables. The analysis of this type of data deals with causes and relationships and the analysis is done to determine the relationship between the two variables.

Bivariate data

Here, the relationship is visible from the table that temperature and sales are directly proportional to each other. The hotter the temperature, the better the sales.

Multivariate data involves three or more variables, it is categorized under multivariate. It is similar to a bivariate but contains more than one dependent variable.

Example: data for house price prediction
The patterns can be studied by drawing conclusions using mean, median, and mode, dispersion or range, minimum, maximum, etc. You can start describing the data and using it to guess what the price of the house will be.

What are the feature selection methods used to select the right variables?

There are two main methods for feature selection.
Filter Methods
This involves:
• Linear discrimination analysis
• Chi-Square
The best analogy for selecting features is “bad data in, bad answer out.” When we’re limiting or selecting the features, it’s all about cleaning up the data coming in.

Wrapper Methods
This involves:
• Forward Selection: We test one feature at a time and keep adding them until we get a good fit
• Backward Selection: We test all the features and start removing them to see what works
• Recursive Feature Elimination: Recursively looks through all the different features and how they pair together

Wrapper methods are very labor-intensive, and high-end computers are needed if a lot of data analysis is performed with the wrapper method.

You are given a data set consisting of variables with more than 30 percent missing values. How will you deal with them? 

If the data set is large, we can just simply remove the rows with missing data values. It is the quickest way; we use the rest of the data to predict the values.

For smaller data sets, we can impute missing values with the mean, median, or average of the rest of the data using pandas data frame in python. There are different ways to do so, such as: df.mean(), df.fillna(mean)

Other option of imputation is using KNN for numeric or classification values (as KNN just uses k closest values to impute the missing value).

How will you calculate the Euclidean distance in Python?

plot1 = [1,3]

plot2 = [2,5]

The Euclidean distance can be calculated as follows:

euclidean_distance = sqrt((plot1[0]-plot2[0])**2 + (plot1[1]- plot2[1])**2)

What are dimensionality reduction and its benefits? 

Dimensionality reduction refers to the process of converting a data set with vast dimensions into data with fewer dimensions (fields) to convey similar information concisely.

This reduction helps in compressing data and reducing storage space. It also reduces computation time as fewer dimensions lead to less computing. It removes redundant features; for example, there’s no point in storing a value in two different units (meters and inches).

How should you maintain a deployed model?

The steps to maintain a deployed model are (CREM):

1. Monitor: constant monitoring of all models is needed to determine their performance accuracy.
When you change something, you want to figure out how your changes are going to affect things.
This needs to be monitored to ensure it’s doing what it’s supposed to do.
2. Evaluate: evaluation metrics of the current model are calculated to determine if a new algorithm is needed.
3. Compare: the new models are compared to each other to determine which model performs the best.
4. Rebuild: the best performing model is re-built on the current state of data.

How can a time-series data be declared as stationery?

  1. The mean of the series should not be a function of time.
Machine Learning Stationery Time Series Data: Mean
  1. The variance of the series should not be a function of time. This property is known as homoscedasticity.
Machine Learning Stationery Time Series Data: Variance
  1. The covariance of the i th term and the (i+m) th term should not be a function of time.
Machine Learning Stationery Time Series Data: CoVariance

‘People who bought this also bought…’ recommendations seen on Amazon are a result of which algorithm?

The recommendation engine is accomplished with collaborative filtering. Collaborative filtering explains the behavior of other users and their purchase history in terms of ratings, selection, etc.
The engine makes predictions on what might interest a person based on the preferences of other users. In this algorithm, item features are unknown.
For example, a sales page shows that a certain number of people buy a new phone and also buy tempered glass at the same time. Next time, when a person buys a phone, he or she may see a recommendation to buy tempered glass as well.

What is a Generative Adversarial Network?

Suppose there is a wine shop purchasing wine from dealers, which they resell later. But some dealers sell fake wine. In this case, the shop owner should be able to distinguish between fake and authentic wine. The forger will try different techniques to sell fake wine and make sure specific techniques go past the shop owner’s check. The shop owner would probably get some feedback from wine experts that some of the wine is not original. The owner would have to improve how he determines whether a wine is fake or authentic.
The forger’s goal is to create wines that are indistinguishable from the authentic ones while the shop owner intends to tell if the wine is real or not accurately.

Machine Learning GAN illustration

• There is a noise vector coming into the forger who is generating fake wine.
• Here the forger acts as a Generator.
• The shop owner acts as a Discriminator.
• The Discriminator gets two inputs; one is the fake wine, while the other is the real authentic wine.
The shop owner has to figure out whether it is real or fake.

So, there are two primary components of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) named:
1. Generator
2. Discriminator

The generator is a CNN that keeps keys producing images and is closer in appearance to the real images while the discriminator tries to determine the difference between real and fake images. The ultimate aim is to make the discriminator learn to identify real and fake images.

You are given a dataset on cancer detection. You have built a classification model and achieved an accuracy of 96 percent. Why shouldn’t you be happy with your model performance? What can you do about it?

Cancer detection results in imbalanced data. In an imbalanced dataset, accuracy should not be based as a measure of performance. It is important to focus on the remaining four percent, which represents the patients who were wrongly diagnosed. Early diagnosis is crucial when it comes to cancer detection and can greatly improve a patient’s prognosis.

Hence, to evaluate model performance, we should use Sensitivity (True Positive Rate), Specificity (True Negative Rate), F measure to determine the class wise performance of the classifier.

We want to predict the probability of death from heart disease based on three risk factors: age, gender, and blood cholesterol level. What is the most appropriate algorithm for this case?

The most appropriate algorithm for this case is logistic regression.

After studying the behavior of a population, you have identified four specific individual types that are valuable to your study. You would like to find all users who are most similar to each individual type. Which algorithm is most appropriate for this study? 

As we are looking for grouping people together specifically by four different similarities, it indicates the value of k. Therefore, K-means clustering is the most appropriate algorithm for this study.

You have run the association rules algorithm on your dataset, and the two rules {banana, apple} => {grape} and {apple, orange} => {grape} have been found to be relevant. What else must be true? 

{grape, apple} must be a frequent itemset.

Your organization has a website where visitors randomly receive one of two coupons. It is also possible that visitors to the website will not receive a coupon. You have been asked to determine if offering a coupon to website visitors has any impact on their purchase decisions. Which analysis method should you use?

One-way ANOVA: in statistics, one-way analysis of variance is a technique that can be used to compare means of two or more samples. This technique can be used only for numerical response data, the “Y”, usually one variable, and numerical or categorical input data, the “X”, always one variable, hence “oneway”.
The ANOVA tests the null hypothesis, which states that samples in all groups are drawn from populations with the same mean values. To do this, two estimates are made of the population variance. The ANOVA produces an F-statistic, the ratio of the variance calculated among the means to the variance within the samples. If the group means are drawn from populations with the same mean values, the variance between the group means should be lower than the variance of the samples, following the central limit
theorem. A higher ratio therefore implies that the samples were drawn from populations with different mean values.

What are the feature vectors?

A feature vector is an n-dimensional vector of numerical features that represent an object. In machine learning, feature vectors are used to represent numeric or symbolic characteristics (called features) of an object in a mathematical way that’s easy to analyze.

What is root cause analysis?

Root cause analysis was initially developed to analyze industrial accidents but is now widely used in other areas. It is a problem-solving technique used for isolating the root causes of faults or problems. A factor is called a root cause if its deduction from the problem-fault-sequence averts the final undesirable event from recurring.

Do gradient descent methods always converge to similar points?

They do not, because in some cases, they reach a local minimum or a local optimum point. You would not reach the global optimum point. This is governed by the data and the starting conditions.

 In your choice of language, write a program that prints the numbers ranging from one to 50. But for multiples of three, print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five, print “Buzz.” For numbers which are multiples of both three and five, print “FizzBuzz.”

Python Fibonacci algorithm

What are the different Deep Learning Frameworks?

PyTorch: PyTorch is an open source machine learning library based on the Torch library, used for applications such as computer vision and natural language processing, primarily developed by Facebook’s AI Research lab. It is free and open-source software released under the Modified BSD license.
TensorFlow: TensorFlow is a free and open-source software library for dataflow and differentiable programming across a range of tasks. It is a symbolic math library and is also used for machine learning applications such as neural networks. Licensed by Apache License 2.0. Developed by Google Brain Team.
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit: Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit describes neural networks as a series of computational steps via a directed graph.
Keras: Keras is an open-source neural-network library written in Python. It is capable of running on top of TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, R, Theano, or PlaidML. Designed to enable fast experimentation with deep neural networks, it focuses on being user-friendly, modular, and extensible. Licensed by MIT.

Data Sciences and Data Mining Glossary

Credit: Dr. Matthew North
Antecedent: In an association rules data mining model, the antecedent is the attribute which precedes the consequent in an identified rule. Attribute order makes a difference when calculating the confidence percentage, so identifying which attribute comes first is necessary even if the reciprocal of the association is also a rule.

Archived Data: Data which have been copied out of a live production database and into a data warehouse or other permanent system where they can be accessed and analyzed, but not by primary operational business systems.

Association Rules: A data mining methodology which compares attributes in a data set across all observations to identify areas where two or more attributes are frequently found together. If their frequency of coexistence is high enough throughout the data set, the association of those attributes can be said to be a rule.

Attribute: In columnar data, an attribute is one column. It is named in the data so that it can be referred to by a model and used in data mining. The term attribute is sometimes interchanged with the terms ‘field’, ‘variable’, or ‘column’.

Average: The arithmetic mean, calculated by summing all values and dividing by the count of the values.

Binomial: A data type for any set of values that is limited to one of two numeric options.

Binominal: In RapidMiner, the data type binominal is used instead of binomial, enabling both numerical and character-based sets of values that are limited to one of two options.

Business Understanding: See Organizational Understanding: The first step in the CRISP-DM process, usually referred to as Business Understanding, where the data miner develops an understanding of an organization’s goals, objectives, questions, and anticipated outcomes relative to data mining tasks. The data miner must understand why the data mining task is being undertaken before proceeding to gather and understand data.

Case Sensitive: A situation where a computer program recognizes the uppercase version of a letter or word as being different from the lowercase version of the same letter or word.

Classification: One of the two main goals of conducting data mining activities, with the other being prediction. Classification creates groupings in a data set based on the similarity of the observations’ attributes. Some data mining methodologies, such as decision trees, can predict an observation’s classification.

Code: Code is the result of a computer worker’s work. It is a set of instructions, typed in a specific grammar and syntax, that a computer can understand and execute. According to Lawrence Lessig, it is one of four methods humans can use to set and control boundaries for behavior when interacting with computer systems.

Coefficient: In data mining, a coefficient is a value that is calculated based on the values in a data set that can be used as a multiplier or as an indicator of the relative strength of some attribute or component in a data mining model.

Column: See Attribute. In columnar data, an attribute is one column. It is named in the data so that it can be referred to by a model and used in data mining. The term attribute is sometimes interchanged with the terms ‘field’, ‘variable’, or ‘column’.

Comma Separated Values (CSV): A common text-based format for data sets where the divisions between attributes (columns of data) are indicated by commas. If commas occur naturally in some of the values in the data set, a CSV file will misunderstand these to be attribute separators, leading to misalignment of attributes.

Conclusion: See Consequent: In an association rules data mining model, the consequent is the attribute which results from the antecedent in an identified rule. If an association rule were characterized as “If this, then that”, the consequent would be that—in other words, the outcome.

Confidence (Alpha) Level: A value, usually 5% or 0.05, used to test for statistical significance in some data mining methods. If statistical significance is found, a data miner can say that there is a 95% likelihood that a calculated or predicted value is not a false positive.

Confidence Percent: In predictive data mining, this is the percent of calculated confidence that the model has calculated for one or more possible predicted values. It is a measure for the likelihood of false positives in predictions. Regardless of the number of possible predicted values, their collective confidence percentages will always total to 100%.

Consequent: In an association rules data mining model, the consequent is the attribute which results from the antecedent in an identified rule. If an association rule were characterized as “If this, then that”, the consequent would be that—in other words, the outcome.

Correlation: A statistical measure of the strength of affinity, based on the similarity of observational values, of the attributes in a data set. These can be positive (as one attribute’s values go up or down, so too does the correlated attribute’s values); or negative (correlated attributes’ values move in opposite directions). Correlations are indicated by coefficients which fall on a scale between -1 (complete negative correlation) and 1 (complete positive correlation), with 0 indicating no correlation at all between two attributes.

CRISP-DM: An acronym for Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining. This process was jointly developed by several major multi-national corporations around the turn of the new millennium in order to standardize the approach to mining data. It is comprised of six cyclical steps: Business (Organizational) Understanding, Data Understanding, Data Preparation, Modeling, Evaluation, Deployment.

Cross-validation: A method of statistically evaluating a training data set for its likelihood of producing false positives in a predictive data mining model.

Data: Data are any arrangement and compilation of facts. Data may be structured (e.g. arranged in columns (attributes) and rows (observations)), or unstructured (e.g. paragraphs of text, computer log file).

Data Analysis: The process of examining data in a repeatable and structured way in order to extract meaning, patterns or messages from a set of data.

Data Mart: A location where data are stored for easy access by a broad range of people in an organization. Data in a data mart are generally archived data, enabling analysis in a setting that does not impact live operations.

Data Mining: A computational process of analyzing data sets, usually large in nature, using both statistical and logical methods, in order to uncover hidden, previously unknown, and interesting patterns that can inform organizational decision making.

Data Preparation: The third in the six steps of CRISP-DM. At this stage, the data miner ensures that the data to be mined are clean and ready for mining. This may include handling outliers or other inconsistent data, dealing with missing values, reducing attributes or observations, setting attribute roles for modeling, etc.

Data Set: Any compilation of data that is suitable for analysis.

Data Type: In a data set, each attribute is assigned a data type based on the kind of data stored in the attribute. There are many data types which can be generalized into one of three areas: Character (Text) based; Numeric; and Date/Time. Within these categories, RapidMiner has several data types. For example, in the Character area, RapidMiner has Polynominal, Binominal, etc.; and in the Numeric area it has Real, Integer, etc.

Data Understanding: The second in the six steps of CRISP-DM. At this stage, the data miner seeks out sources of data in the organization, and works to collect, compile, standardize, define and document the data. The data miner develops a comprehension of where the data have come from, how they were collected and what they mean.

Data Warehouse: A large-scale repository for archived data which are available for analysis. Data in a data warehouse are often stored in multiple formats (e.g. by week, month, quarter and year), facilitating large scale analyses at higher speeds. The data warehouse is populated by extracting data from operational systems so that analyses do not interfere with live business operations.

Database: A structured organization of facts that is organized such that the facts can be reliably and repeatedly accessed. The most common type of database is a relational database, in which facts (data) are arranged in tables of columns and rows. The data are then accessed using a query language, usually SQL (Structured Query Language), in order to extract meaning from the tables.

Decision Tree: A data mining methodology where leaves and nodes are generated to construct a predictive tree, whereby a data miner can see the attributes which are most predictive of each possible outcome in a target (label) attribute.

Denormalization: The process of removing relational organization from data, reintroducing redundancy into the data, but simultaneously eliminating the need for joins in a relational database, enabling faster querying.

Dependent Variable (Attribute): The attribute in a data set that is being acted upon by the other attributes. It is the thing we want to predict, the target, or label, attribute in a predictive model.

Deployment: The sixth and final of the six steps of CRISP-DM. At this stage, the data miner takes the results of data mining activities and puts them into practice in the organization. The data miner watches closely and collects data to determine if the deployment is successful and ethical. Deployment can happen in stages, such as through pilot programs before a full-scale roll out.

Descartes’ Rule of Change: An ethical framework set forth by Rene Descartes which states that if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it cannot be ethically taken even once.

Design Perspective: The view in RapidMiner where a data miner adds operators to a data mining stream, sets those operators’ parameters, and runs the model.

Discriminant Analysis: A predictive data mining model which attempts to compare the values of all observations across all attributes and identify where natural breaks occur from one category to another, and then predict which category each observation in the data set will fall into.

Ethics: A set of moral codes or guidelines that an individual develops to guide his or her decision making in order to make fair and respectful decisions and engage in right actions. Ethical standards are higher than legally required minimums.

Evaluation: The fifth of the six steps of CRISP-DM. At this stage, the data miner reviews the results of the data mining model, interprets results and determines how useful they are. He or she may also conduct an investigation into false positives or other potentially misleading results.

False Positive: A predicted value that ends up not being correct.

Field: See Attribute: In columnar data, an attribute is one column. It is named in the data so that it can be referred to by a model and used in data mining. The term attribute is sometimes interchanged with the terms ‘field’, ‘variable’, or ‘column’.

Frequency Pattern: A recurrence of the same, or similar, observations numerous times in a single data set.

Fuzzy Logic: A data mining concept often associated with neural networks where predictions are made using a training data set, even though some uncertainty exists regarding the data and a model’s predictions.

Gain Ratio: One of several algorithms used to construct decision tree models.

Gini Index: An algorithm created by Corrodo Gini that can be used to generate decision tree models.

Heterogeneity: In statistical analysis, this is the amount of variety found in the values of an attribute.

Inconsistent Data: These are values in an attribute in a data set that are out-of-the-ordinary among the whole set of values in that attribute. They can be statistical outliers, or other values that simply don’t make sense in the context of the ‘normal’ range of values for the attribute. They are generally replaced or remove during the Data Preparation phase of CRISP-DM.

Independent Variable (Attribute): These are attributes that act on the dependent attribute (the target, or label). They are used to help predict the label in a predictive model.

Jittering: The process of adding a small, random decimal to discrete values in a data set so that when they are plotted in a scatter plot, they are slightly apart from one another, enabling the analyst to better see clustering and density.

Join: The process of connecting two or more tables in a relational database together so that their attributes can be accessed in a single query, such as in a view.

Kant’s Categorical Imperative: An ethical framework proposed by Immanuel Kant which states that if everyone cannot ethically take some action, then no one can ethically take that action.

k-Means Clustering: A data mining methodology that uses the mean (average) values of the attributes in a data set to group each observation into a cluster of other observations whose values are most similar to the mean for that cluster.

Label: In RapidMiner, this is the role that must be set in order to use an attribute as the dependent, or target, attribute in a predictive model.

Laws: These are regulatory statutes which have associated consequences that are established and enforced by a governmental agency. According to Lawrence Lessig, these are one of the four methods for establishing boundaries to define and regulate social behavior.

Leaf: In a decision tree data mining model, this is the terminal end point of a branch, indicating the predicted outcome for observations whose values follow that branch of the tree.

Linear Regression: A predictive data mining method which uses the algebraic formula for calculating the slope of a line in order to predict where a given observation will likely fall along that line.

Logistic Regression: A predictive data mining method which uses a quadratic formula to predict one of a set of possible outcomes, along with a probability that the prediction will be the actual outcome.

Markets: A socio-economic construct in which peoples’ buying, selling, and exchanging behaviors define the boundaries of acceptable or unacceptable behavior. Lawrence Lessig offers this as one of four methods for defining the parameters of appropriate behavior.

Mean: See Average: The arithmetic mean, calculated by summing all values and dividing by the count of the values. 

Median: With the Mean and Mode, this is one of three generally used Measures of Central Tendency. It is an arithmetic way of defining what ‘normal’ looks like in a numeric attribute. It is calculated by rank ordering the values in an attribute and finding the one in the middle. If there are an even number of observations, the two in the middle are averaged to find the median.

Meta Data: These are facts that describe the observational values in an attribute. Meta data may include who collected the data, when, why, where, how, how often; and usually include some descriptive statistics such as the range, average, standard deviation, etc.

Missing Data: These are instances in an observation where one or more attributes does not have a value. It is not the same as zero, because zero is a value. Missing data are like Null values in a database, they are either unknown or undefined. These are usually replaced or removed during the Data Preparation phase of CRISP-DM.

Mode: With Mean and Median, this is one of three common Measures of Central Tendency. It is the value in an attribute which is the most common. It can be numerical or text. If an attribute contains two or more values that appear an equal number of times and more than any other values, then all are listed as the mode, and the attribute is said to be Bimodal or Multimodal.

Model: A computer-based representation of real-life events or activities, constructed upon the basis of data which represent those events.

Name (Attribute): This is the text descriptor of each attribute in a data set. In RapidMiner, the first row of an imported data set should be designated as the attribute name, so that these are not interpreted as the first observation in the data set.

Neural Network: A predictive data mining methodology which tries to mimic human brain processes by comparing the values of all attributes in a data set to one another through the use of a hidden layer of nodes. The frequencies with which the attribute values match, or are strongly similar, create neurons which become stronger at higher frequencies of similarity.

n-Gram: In text mining, this is a combination of words or word stems that represent a phrase that may have more meaning or significance that would the single word or stem.

Node: A terminal or mid-point in decision trees and neural networks where an attribute branches or forks away from other terminal or branches because the values represented at that point have become significantly different from all other values for that attribute.

Normalization: In a relational database, this is the process of breaking data out into multiple related tables in order to reduce redundancy and eliminate multivalued dependencies.

Null: The absence of a value in a database. The value is unrecorded, unknown, or undefined. See Missing Values.

Observation: A row of data in a data set. It consists of the value assigned to each attribute for one record in the data set. It is sometimes called a tuple in database language.

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): A database concept where data are collected and organized in a way that facilitates analysis, rather than practical, daily operational work. Evaluating data in a data warehouse is an example of OLAP. The underlying structure that collects and holds the data makes analysis faster, but would slow down transactional work.

Online Transaction Processing (OLTP): A database concept where data are collected and organized in a way that facilitates fast and repeated transactions, rather than broader analytical work. Scanning items being purchased at a cash register is an example of OLTP. The underlying structure that collects and holds the data makes transactions faster, but would slow down analysis.

Operational Data: Data which are generated as a result of day-to-day work (e.g. the entry of work orders for an electrical service company).

Operator: In RapidMiner, an operator is any one of more than 100 tools that can be added to a data mining stream in order to perform some function. Functions range from adding a data set, to setting an attribute’s role, to applying a modeling algorithm. Operators are connected into a stream by way of ports connected by splines.

Organizational Data: These are data which are collected by an organization, often in aggregate or summary format, in order to address a specific question, tell a story, or answer a specific question. They may be constructed from Operational Data, or added to through other means such as surveys, questionnaires or tests.

Organizational Understanding: The first step in the CRISP-DM process, usually referred to as Business Understanding, where the data miner develops an understanding of an organization’s goals, objectives, questions, and anticipated outcomes relative to data mining tasks. The data miner must understand why the data mining task is being undertaken before proceeding to gather and understand data.

Parameters: In RapidMiner, these are the settings that control values and thresholds that an operator will use to perform its job. These may be the attribute name and role in a Set Role operator, or the algorithm the data miner desires to use in a model operator.

Port: The input or output required for an operator to perform its function in RapidMiner. These are connected to one another using splines.

Prediction: The target, or label, or dependent attribute that is generated by a predictive model, usually for a scoring data set in a model.

Premise: See Antecedent: In an association rules data mining model, the antecedent is the attribute which precedes the consequent in an identified rule. Attribute order makes a difference when calculating the confidence percentage, so identifying which attribute comes first is necessary even if the reciprocal of the association is also a rule.

Privacy: The concept describing a person’s right to be let alone; to have information about them kept away from those who should not, or do not need to, see it. A data miner must always respect and safeguard the privacy of individuals represented in the data he or she mines.

Professional Code of Conduct: A helpful guide or documented set of parameters by which an individual in a given profession agrees to abide. These are usually written by a board or panel of experts and adopted formally by a professional organization.

Query: A method of structuring a question, usually using code, that can be submitted to, interpreted, and answered by a computer.

Record: See Observation: A row of data in a data set. It consists of the value assigned to each attribute for one record in the data set. It is sometimes called a tuple in database language.

Relational Database: A computerized repository, comprised of entities that relate to one another through keys. The most basic and elemental entity in a relational database is the table, and tables are made up of attributes. One or more of these attributes serves as a key that can be matched (or related) to a corresponding attribute in another table, creating the relational effect which reduces data redundancy and eliminates multivalued dependencies.

Repository: In RapidMiner, this is the place where imported data sets are stored so that they are accessible for modeling.

Results Perspective: The view in RapidMiner that is seen when a model has been run. It is usually comprised of two or more tabs which show meta data, data in a spreadsheet-like view, and predictions and model outcomes (including graphical representations where applicable).

Role (Attribute): In a data mining model, each attribute must be assigned a role. The role is the part the attribute plays in the model. It is usually equated to serving as an independent variable (regular), or dependent variable (label).

Row: See Observation: A row of data in a data set. It consists of the value assigned to each attribute for one record in the data set. It is sometimes called a tuple in database language.

Sample: A subset of an entire data set, selected randomly or in a structured way. This usually reduces a data set down, allowing models to be run faster, especially during development and proof-of-concept work on a model.

Scoring Data: A data set with the same attributes as a training data set in a predictive model, with the exception of the label. The training data set, with the label defined, is used to create a predictive model, and that model is then applied to a scoring data set possessing the same attributes in order to predict the label for each scoring observation.

Social Norms: These are the sets of behaviors and actions that are generally tolerated and found to be acceptable in a society. According to Lawrence Lessig, these are one of four methods of defining and regulating appropriate behavior.

Spline: In RapidMiner, these lines connect the ports between operators, creating the stream of a data mining model.

Standard Deviation: One of the most common statistical measures of how dispersed the values in an attribute are. This measure can help determine whether or not there are outliers (a common type of inconsistent data) in a data set.

Standard Operating Procedures: These are organizational guidelines that are documented and shared with employees which help to define the boundaries for appropriate and acceptable behavior in the business setting. They are usually created and formally adopted by a group of leaders in the organization, with input from key stakeholders in the organization.

Statistical Significance: In statistically-based data mining activities, this is the measure of whether or not the model has yielded any results that are mathematically reliable enough to be used. Any model lacking statistical significance should not be used in operational decision making.

Stemming: In text mining, this is the process of reducing like-terms down into a single, common token (e.g. country, countries, country’s, countryman, etc. → countr).

Stopwords: In text mining, these are small words that are necessary for grammatical correctness, but which carry little meaning or power in the message of the text being mined. These are often articles, prepositions or conjunctions, such as ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘and’, etc., and are usually removed in the Process Document operator’s sub-process.

Stream: This is the string of operators in a data mining model, connected through the operators’ ports via splines, that represents all actions that will be taken on a data set in order to mine it.

Structured Query Language (SQL): The set of codes, reserved keywords and syntax defined by the American National Standards Institute used to create, manage and use relational databases.

Sub-process: In RapidMiner, this is a stream of operators set up to apply a series of actions to all inputs connected to the parent operator.

Support Percent: In an association rule data mining model, this is the percent of the time that when the antecedent is found in an observation, the consequent is also found. Since this is calculated as the number of times the two are found together divided by the total number of they could have been found together, the Support Percent is the same for reciprocal rules.

Table: In data collection, a table is a grid of columns and rows, where in general, the columns are individual attributes in the data set, and the rows are observations across those attributes. Tables are the most elemental entity in relational databases.

Target Attribute: See Label; Dependent Variable: The attribute in a data set that is being acted upon by the other attributes. It is the thing we want to predict, the target, or label, attribute in a predictive model.

Technology: Any tool or process invented by mankind to do or improve work.

Text Mining: The process of data mining unstructured text-based data such as essays, news articles, speech transcripts, etc. to discover patterns of word or phrase usage to reveal deeper or previously unrecognized meaning.

Token (Tokenize): In text mining, this is the process of turning words in the input document(s) into attributes that can be mined.

Training Data: In a predictive model, this data set already has the label, or dependent variable defined, so that it can be used to create a model which can be applied to a scoring data set in order to generate predictions for the latter.

Tuple: See Observation: A row of data in a data set. It consists of the value assigned to each attribute for one record in the data set. It is sometimes called a tuple in database language.

Variable: See Attribute: In columnar data, an attribute is one column. It is named in the data so that it can be referred to by a model and used in data mining. The term attribute is sometimes interchanged with the terms ‘field’, ‘variable’, or ‘column’.

View: A type of pseudo-table in a relational database which is actually a named, stored query. This query runs against one or more tables, retrieving a defined number of attributes that can then be referenced as if they were in a table in the database. Views can limit users’ ability to see attributes to only those that are relevant and/or approved for those users to see. They can also speed up the query process because although they may contain joins, the key columns for the joins can be indexed and cached, making the view’s query run faster than it would if it were not stored as a view. Views can be useful in data mining as data miners can be given read-only access to the view, upon which they can build data mining models, without having to have broader administrative rights on the database itself.

What is the Central Limit Theorem and why is it important?

An Introduction to the Central Limit Theorem

Answer: Suppose that we are interested in estimating the average height among all people. Collecting data for every person in the world is impractical, bordering on impossible. While we can’t obtain a height measurement from everyone in the population, we can still sample some people. The question now becomes, what can we say about the average height of the entire population given a single sample.
The Central Limit Theorem addresses this question exactly. Formally, it states that if we sample from a population using a sufficiently large sample size, the mean of the samples (also known as the sample population) will be normally distributed (assuming true random sampling), the mean tending to the mean of the population and variance equal to the variance of the population divided by the size of the sampling.
What’s especially important is that this will be true regardless of the distribution of the original population.

Central Limit Theorem
Central Limit Theorem: Population Distribution

As we can see, the distribution is pretty ugly. It certainly isn’t normal, uniform, or any other commonly known distribution. In order to sample from the above distribution, we need to define a sample size, referred to as N. This is the number of observations that we will sample at a time. Suppose that we choose
N to be 3. This means that we will sample in groups of 3. So for the above population, we might sample groups such as [5, 20, 41], [60, 17, 82], [8, 13, 61], and so on.
Suppose that we gather 1,000 samples of 3 from the above population. For each sample, we can compute its average. If we do that, we will have 1,000 averages. This set of 1,000 averages is called a sampling distribution, and according to Central Limit Theorem, the sampling distribution will approach a normal distribution as the sample size N used to produce it increases. Here is what our sample distribution looks like for N = 3.

Simple Mean Distribution with N=3
Simple Mean Distribution with N=3

As we can see, it certainly looks uni-modal, though not necessarily normal. If we repeat the same process with a larger sample size, we should see the sampling distribution start to become more normal. Let’s repeat the same process again with N = 10. Here is the sampling distribution for that sample size.

Sample Mean Distribution with N = 10
Sample Mean Distribution with N = 10

Credit: Steve Nouri

What is bias-variance trade-off?

Bias: Bias is an error introduced in the model due to the oversimplification of the algorithm used (does not fit the data properly). It can lead to under-fitting.
Low bias machine learning algorithms — Decision Trees, k-NN and SVM
High bias machine learning algorithms — Linear Regression, Logistic Regression

Variance: Variance is error introduced in the model due to a too complex algorithm, it performs very well in the training set but poorly in the test set. It can lead to high sensitivity and overfitting.
Possible high variance – polynomial regression

Normally, as you increase the complexity of your model, you will see a reduction in error due to lower bias in the model. However, this only happens until a particular point. As you continue to make your model more complex, you end up over-fitting your model and hence your model will start suffering from high variance.

bias-variance trade-off

Bias-Variance trade-off: The goal of any supervised machine learning algorithm is to have low bias and low variance to achieve good prediction performance.

1. The k-nearest neighbor algorithm has low bias and high variance, but the trade-off can be changed by increasing the value of k which increases the number of neighbors that contribute to the prediction and in turn increases the bias of the model.
2. The support vector machine algorithm has low bias and high variance, but the trade-off can be changed by increasing the C parameter that influences the number of violations of the margin allowed in the training data which increases the bias but decreases the variance.
3. The decision tree has low bias and high variance, you can decrease the depth of the tree or use fewer attributes.
4. The linear regression has low variance and high bias, you can increase the number of features or use another regression that better fits the data.

There is no escaping the relationship between bias and variance in machine learning. Increasing the bias will decrease the variance. Increasing the variance will decrease bias.

The Best Medium-Hard Data Analyst SQL Interview Questions

compiled by Google Data Analyst Zachary Thomas!

The Best Medium-Hard Data Analyst SQL Interview Questions

Self-Join Practice Problems: MoM Percent Change

Context: Oftentimes it’s useful to know how much a key metric, such as monthly active users, changes between months.
Say we have a table logins in the form:

SQL Self-Join Practice Mom Percent Change

Task: Find the month-over-month percentage change for monthly active users (MAU).

(This solution, like other solution code blocks you will see in this doc, contains comments about SQL syntax that may differ between flavors of SQL or other comments about the solutions as listed)

SQL MoM Solution2

Tree Structure Labeling with SQL

Context: Say you have a table tree with a column of nodes and a column corresponding parent nodes

Task: Write SQL such that we label each node as a “leaf”, “inner” or “Root” node, such that for the nodes above we get:

A solution which works for the above example will receive full credit, although you can receive extra credit for providing a solution that is generalizable to a tree of any depth (not just depth = 2, as is the case in the example above).

Solution: This solution works for the example above with tree depth = 2, but is not generalizable beyond that.

An alternate solution, that is generalizable to any tree depth:
Acknowledgement: this more generalizable solution was contributed by Fabian Hofmann

An alternate solution, without explicit joins:
Acknowledgement: William Chargin on 5/2/20 noted that WHERE parent IS NOT NULL is needed to make this solution return Leaf instead of NULL.

Retained Users Per Month with SQL

Acknowledgement: this problem is adapted from SiSense’s “Using Self Joins to Calculate Your Retention, Churn, and Reactivation Metrics” blog post

Context: Say we have login data in the table logins:

Task: Write a query that gets the number of retained users per month. In this case, retention for a given month is defined as the number of users who logged in that month who also logged in the immediately previous month.



Task: Now we’ll take retention and turn it on its head: Write a query to find how many users last month did not come back this month. i.e. the number of churned users


Note that there are solutions to this problem that can use LEFT or RIGHT joins.

Context: You now want to see the number of active users this month who have been reactivated — in other words, users who have churned but this month they became active again. Keep in mind a user can reactivate after churning before the previous month. An example of this could be a user active in February (appears in logins), no activity in March and April, but then active again in May (appears in logins), so they count as a reactivated user for May .

Task: Create a table that contains the number of reactivated users per month.


Cumulative Sums with SQL

Acknowledgement: This problem was inspired by Sisense’s “Cash Flow modeling in SQL” blog post
Context: Say we have a table transactions in the form:

Where cash_flow is the revenues minus costs for each day.

Task: Write a query to get cumulative cash flow for each day such that we end up with a table in the form below:

Solution using a window function (more effcient):

Alternative Solution (less efficient):

Rolling Averages with SQL

Acknowledgement: This problem is adapted from Sisense’s “Rolling Averages in MySQL and SQL Server” blog post
Note: there are different ways to compute rolling/moving averages. Here we’ll use a preceding average which means that the metric for the 7th day of the month would be the average of the preceding 6 days and that day itself.
Context: Say we have table signups in the form:

Task: Write a query to get 7-day rolling (preceding) average of daily sign ups


Solution2: (using windows, more efficient)

Multiple Join Conditions in SQL

Acknowledgement: This problem was inspired by Sisense’s “Analyzing Your Email with SQL” blog post
Context: Say we have a table emails that includes emails sent to and from

Task: Write a query to get the response time per email (id) sent to . Do not include ids that did not receive a response from Assume each email thread has a unique subject. Keep in mind a thread may have multiple responses back-and-forth between and another email address.


SQL Window Function Practice Problems

#1: Get the ID with the highest value
Context: Say we have a table salaries with data on employee salary and department in the following format:

Task: Write a query to get the empno with the highest salary. Make sure your solution can handle ties!

#2: Average and rank with a window function (multi-part)

Context: Say we have a table salaries in the format:

Task: Write a query that returns the same table, but with a new column that has average salary per depname. We would expect a table in the form:


Task: Write a query that adds a column with the rank of each employee based on their salary within their department, where the employee with the highest salary gets the rank of 1. We would expect a table in the form:


Predictive Modelling Questions



1-  (Given a Dataset) Analyze this dataset and give me a model that can predict this response variable. 

2-  What could be some issues if the distribution of the test data is significantly different than the distribution of the training data?

3-  What are some ways I can make my model more robust to outliers?

4-  What are some differences you would expect in a model that minimizes squared error, versus a model that minimizes absolute error? In which cases would each error metric be appropriate?

5- What error metric would you use to evaluate how good a binary classifier is? What if the classes are imbalanced? What if there are more than 2 groups?

6-  What are various ways to predict a binary response variable? Can you compare two of them and tell me when one would be more appropriate? What’s the difference between these? (SVM, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, etc.)

7-  What is regularization and where might it be helpful? What is an example of using regularization in a model?

8-  Why might it be preferable to include fewer predictors over many?

9-  Given training data on tweets and their retweets, how would you predict the number of retweets of a given tweet after 7 days after only observing 2 days worth of data?

10-  How could you collect and analyze data to use social media to predict the weather?

11- How would you construct a feed to show relevant content for a site that involves user interactions with items?

12- How would you design the people you may know feature on LinkedIn or Facebook?

13- How would you predict who someone may want to send a Snapchat or Gmail to?

14- How would you suggest to a franchise where to open a new store?

15- In a search engine, given partial data on what the user has typed, how would you predict the user’s eventual search query?

16- Given a database of all previous alumni donations to your university, how would you predict which recent alumni are most likely to donate?

17- You’re Uber and you want to design a heatmap to recommend to drivers where to wait for a passenger. How would you approach this?

18- How would you build a model to predict a March Madness bracket?

19- You want to run a regression to predict the probability of a flight delay, but there are flights with delays of up to 12 hours that are really messing up your model. How can you address this?


Data Analysis Interview Questions


1- (Given a Dataset) Analyze this dataset and tell me what you can learn from it.

2- What is R2? What are some other metrics that could be better than R2 and why?

3- What is the curse of dimensionality?

4- Is more data always better?

5- What are advantages of plotting your data before performing analysis?

6- How can you make sure that you don’t analyze something that ends up meaningless?

7- What is the role of trial and error in data analysis? What is the the role of making a hypothesis before diving in?

8- How can you determine which features are the most important in your model?

9- How do you deal with some of your predictors being missing?

10- You have several variables that are positively correlated with your response, and you think combining all of the variables could give you a good prediction of your response. However, you see that in the multiple linear regression, one of the weights on the predictors is negative. What could be the issue?

11- Let’s say you’re given an unfeasible amount of predictors in a predictive modeling task. What are some ways to make the prediction more feasible?

12- Now you have a feasible amount of predictors, but you’re fairly sure that you don’t need all of them. How would you perform feature selection on the dataset?

13- Your linear regression didn’t run and communicates that there are an infinite number of best estimates for the regression coefficients. What could be wrong?

14- You run your regression on different subsets of your data, and find that in each subset, the beta value for a certain variable varies wildly. What could be the issue here?

15- What is the main idea behind ensemble learning? If I had many different models that predicted the same response variable, what might I want to do to incorporate all of the models? Would you expect this to perform better than an individual model or worse?

16- Given that you have wifi data in your office, how would you determine which rooms and areas are underutilized and overutilized?

17- How could you use GPS data from a car to determine the quality of a driver?

18- Given accelerometer, altitude, and fuel usage data from a car, how would you determine the optimum acceleration pattern to drive over hills?

19- Given position data of NBA players in a season’s games, how would you evaluate a basketball player’s defensive ability?

20- How would you quantify the influence of a Twitter user?

21- Given location data of golf balls in games, how would construct a model that can advise golfers where to aim?

22- You have 100 mathletes and 100 math problems. Each mathlete gets to choose 10 problems to solve. Given data on who got what problem correct, how would you rank the problems in terms of difficulty?

23- You have 5000 people that rank 10 sushis in terms of saltiness. How would you aggregate this data to estimate the true saltiness rank in each sushi?

24-Given data on congressional bills and which congressional representatives co-sponsored the bills, how would you determine which other representatives are most similar to yours in voting behavior? How would you evaluate who is the most liberal? Most republican? Most bipartisan?

25- How would you come up with an algorithm to detect plagiarism in online content?

26- You have data on all purchases of customers at a grocery store. Describe to me how you would program an algorithm that would cluster the customers into groups. How would you determine the appropriate number of clusters to include?

27- Let’s say you’re building the recommended music engine at Spotify to recommend people music based on past listening history. How would you approach this problem?

28- Explain how boosted tree models work in simple language.

29- What sort of data sampling techniques would you use for a low signal temporal classification problem?

30- How would you deal with categorical variables and what considerations would you keep in mind?

31- How would you identify leakage in your machine learning model?

32- How would you apply a machine learning model in a live experiment?

33- What is difference between sensitivity, precision and recall? When would you use these over accuracy, name a few situations

34- What’s the importance of train, val, test splits and how would you split or create your dataset – how would this impact your model metrics?

35- What are some simple ways to optimise your model and how would you know you’ve reached a stable and performant model?

Statistical Inference Interview Questions


1- In an A/B test, how can you check if assignment to the various buckets was truly random?

2- What might be the benefits of running an A/A test, where you have two buckets who are exposed to the exact same product?

3- What would be the hazards of letting users sneak a peek at the other bucket in an A/B test?

4- What would be some issues if blogs decide to cover one of your experimental groups?

5- How would you conduct an A/B test on an opt-in feature?

6- How would you run an A/B test for many variants, say 20 or more?

7- How would you run an A/B test if the observations are extremely right-skewed?

8- I have two different experiments that both change the sign-up button to my website. I want to test them at the same time. What kinds of things should I keep in mind?

9- What is a p-value? What is the difference between type-1 and type-2 error?

10- You are AirBnB and you want to test the hypothesis that a greater number of photographs increases the chances that a buyer selects the listing. How would you test this hypothesis?

11- How would you design an experiment to determine the impact of latency on user engagement?

12- What is maximum likelihood estimation? Could there be any case where it doesn’t exist?

13- What’s the difference between a MAP, MOM, MLE estimator? In which cases would you want to use each?

14- What is a confidence interval and how do you interpret it?

15- What is unbiasedness as a property of an estimator? Is this always a desirable property when performing inference? What about in data analysis or predictive modeling?

Product Metric Interview Questions


1- What would be good metrics of success for an advertising-driven consumer product? (Buzzfeed, YouTube, Google Search, etc.) A service-driven consumer product? (Uber, Flickr, Venmo, etc.)

2- What would be good metrics of success for a productivity tool? (Evernote, Asana, Google Docs, etc.) A MOOC? (edX, Coursera, Udacity, etc.)

3- What would be good metrics of success for an e-commerce product? (Etsy, Groupon, Birchbox, etc.) A subscription product? (Netflix, Birchbox, Hulu, etc.) Premium subscriptions? (OKCupid, LinkedIn, Spotify, etc.)

4- What would be good metrics of success for a consumer product that relies heavily on engagement and interaction? (Snapchat, Pinterest, Facebook, etc.) A messaging product? (GroupMe, Hangouts, Snapchat, etc.)

5- What would be good metrics of success for a product that offered in-app purchases? (Zynga, Angry Birds, other gaming apps)

6- A certain metric is violating your expectations by going down or up more than you expect. How would you try to identify the cause of the change?

7- Growth for total number of tweets sent has been slow this month. What data would you look at to determine the cause of the problem?

8- You’re a restaurant and are approached by Groupon to run a deal. What data would you ask from them in order to determine whether or not to do the deal?

9- You are tasked with improving the efficiency of a subway system. Where would you start?

10- Say you are working on Facebook News Feed. What would be some metrics that you think are important? How would you make the news each person gets more relevant?

11- How would you measure the impact that sponsored stories on Facebook News Feed have on user engagement? How would you determine the optimum balance between sponsored stories and organic content on a user’s News Feed?

12- You are on the data science team at Uber and you are asked to start thinking about surge pricing. What would be the objectives of such a product and how would you start looking into this?

13- Say that you are Netflix. How would you determine what original series you should invest in and create?

14- What kind of services would find churn (metric that tracks how many customers leave the service) helpful? How would you calculate churn?

15- Let’s say that you’re are scheduling content for a content provider on television. How would you determine the best times to schedule content?

Programming Questions


1- Write a function to calculate all possible assignment vectors of 2n users, where n users are assigned to group 0 (control), and n users are assigned to group 1 (treatment).

2- Given a list of tweets, determine the top 10 most used hashtags.

3- Program an algorithm to find the best approximate solution to the knapsack problem1 in a given time.

4- Program an algorithm to find the best approximate solution to the travelling salesman problem2 in a given time.

5- You have a stream of data coming in of size n, but you don’t know what n is ahead of time. Write an algorithm that will take a random sample of k elements. Can you write one that takes O(k) space?

6- Write an algorithm that can calculate the square root of a number.

7- Given a list of numbers, can you return the outliers?

8- When can parallelism make your algorithms run faster? When could it make your algorithms run slower?

9- What are the different types of joins? What are the differences between them?

10- Why might a join on a subquery be slow? How might you speed it up?

11- Describe the difference between primary keys and foreign keys in a SQL database.

12- Given a COURSES table with columns course_id and course_name, a FACULTY table with columns faculty_id and faculty_name, and a COURSE_FACULTY table with columns faculty_id and course_id, how would you return a list of faculty who teach a course given the name of a course?

13- Given a IMPRESSIONS table with ad_id, click (an indicator that the ad was clicked), and date, write a SQL query that will tell me the click-through-rate of each ad by month.

14- Write a query that returns the name of each department and a count of the number of employees in each:
EMPLOYEES containing: Emp_ID (Primary key) and Emp_Name
EMPLOYEE_DEPT containing: Emp_ID (Foreign key) and Dept_ID (Foreign key)
DEPTS containing: Dept_ID (Primary key) and Dept_Name

Probability Questions

1- Bobo the amoeba has a 25%, 25%, and 50% chance of producing 0, 1, or 2 offspring, respectively. Each of Bobo’s descendants also have the same probabilities. What is the probability that Bobo’s lineage dies out?

2- In any 15-minute interval, there is a 20% probability that you will see at least one shooting star. What is the probability that you see at least one shooting star in the period of an hour?

3- How can you generate a random number between 1 – 7 with only a die?

4- How can you get a fair coin toss if someone hands you a coin that is weighted to come up heads more often than tails?

5- You have an 50-50 mixture of two normal distributions with the same standard deviation. How far apart do the means need to be in order for this distribution to be bimodal?

6- Given draws from a normal distribution with known parameters, how can you simulate draws from a uniform distribution?

7- A certain couple tells you that they have two children, at least one of which is a girl. What is the probability that they have two girls?

8- You have a group of couples that decide to have children until they have their first girl, after which they stop having children. What is the expected gender ratio of the children that are born? What is the expected number of children each couple will have?

9- How many ways can you split 12 people into 3 teams of 4?

10- Your hash function assigns each object to a number between 1:10, each with equal probability. With 10 objects, what is the probability of a hash collision? What is the expected number of hash collisions? What is the expected number of hashes that are unused.

11- You call 2 UberX’s and 3 Lyfts. If the time that each takes to reach you is IID, what is the probability that all the Lyfts arrive first? What is the probability that all the UberX’s arrive first?

12- I write a program should print out all the numbers from 1 to 300, but prints out Fizz instead if the number is divisible by 3, Buzz instead if the number is divisible by 5, and FizzBuzz if the number is divisible by 3 and 5. What is the total number of numbers that is either Fizzed, Buzzed, or FizzBuzzed?

13- On a dating site, users can select 5 out of 24 adjectives to describe themselves. A match is declared between two users if they match on at least 4 adjectives. If Alice and Bob randomly pick adjectives, what is the probability that they form a match?

14- A lazy high school senior types up application and envelopes to n different colleges, but puts the applications randomly into the envelopes. What is the expected number of applications that went to the right college

15- Let’s say you have a very tall father. On average, what would you expect the height of his son to be? Taller, equal, or shorter? What if you had a very short father?

16- What’s the expected number of coin flips until you get two heads in a row? What’s the expected number of coin flips until you get two tails in a row?

17- Let’s say we play a game where I keep flipping a coin until I get heads. If the first time I get heads is on the nth coin, then I pay you 2n-1 dollars. How much would you pay me to play this game?

18- You have two coins, one of which is fair and comes up heads with a probability 1/2, and the other which is biased and comes up heads with probability 3/4. You randomly pick coin and flip it twice, and get heads both times. What is the probability that you picked the fair coin?

19- You have a 0.1% chance of picking up a coin with both heads, and a 99.9% chance that you pick up a fair coin. You flip your coin and it comes up heads 10 times. What’s the chance that you picked up the fair coin, given the information that you observed?

Reference: 800 Data Science Questions & Answers doc by


Direct download here

Reference: 164 Data Science Interview Questions and Answers by 365 Data Science

Download it here

DataWarehouse Cheat Sheet

What are Differences between Supervised and Unsupervised Learning?

Supervised UnSupervised
Input data is labelled Input data is unlabeled
Split in training/validation/test No split
Used for prediction Used for analysis
Classification and Regression Clustering, dimension reduction, and density estimation

Python Cheat Sheet

Download it here

Person climbing a staircase. Learn Data Science from Scratch: online program with 21 courses

Data Sciences Cheat Sheet

Download it here

Panda Cheat Sheet

Download it here

Learn SQL with Practical Exercises

SQL is definitely one of the most fundamental skills needed to be a data scientist.

This is a comprehensive handbook that can help you to learn SQL (Structured Query Language), which could be directly downloaded here

Credit: D Armstrong

Data Visualization: A comprehensive VIP Matplotlib Cheat sheet

Credit: Matplotlib

Download it here

Power BI for Intermediates

Download it here

Credit: Soheil Bakhshi and Bruce Anderson

How to get a job in data science – a semi-harsh Q/A guide.

Python Frameworks for Data Science

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the top areas today.

Some of the applications are:

  • Reading printed text and correcting reading errors
  • Find and replace
  • Correction of spelling mistakes
  • Development of aids
  • Text summarization
  • Language translation
  • and many more.

NLP is a great area if you are planning to work in the area of artificial intelligence.

High Level Look of AI/ML Algorithms

Best Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification: Pros and Cons

Business Analytics in one image

Curated papers, articles, and blogs on data science & machine learning in production from companies like Google, LinkedIn, Uber, Facebook Twitter, Airbnb, and …

  1. Data Quality
  2. Data Engineering
  3. Data Discovery
  4. Feature Stores
  5. Classification
  6. Regression
  7. Forecasting
  8. Recommendation
  9. Search & Ranking
  10. Embeddings
  11. Natural Language Processing
  12. Sequence Modelling
  13. Computer Vision
  14. Reinforcement Learning
  15. Anomaly Detection
  16. Graph
  17. Optimization
  18. Information Extraction
  19. Weak Supervision
  20. Generation
  21. Audio
  22. Validation and A/B Testing
  23. Model Management
  24. Efficiency
  25. Ethics
  26. Infra
  27. MLOps Platforms
  28. Practices
  29. Team Structure
  30. Fails

How to get a job in data science – a semi-harsh Q/A guide.


Hey you. Yes you, person asking “how do I get a job in data science/analytics/MLE/AI whatever BS job with data in the title?”. I got news for you. There are two simple rules to getting one of these jobs.

Have experience.

Don’t have no experience.

There are approximately 1000 entry level candidates who think they’re qualified because they did a 24 week bootcamp for every entry level job. I don’t need to be a statistician to tell you your odds of landing one of these aren’t great.


Are you currently employed? If not, get a job. If you are, figure out a way to apply data science in your job, then put it on your resume. Mega bonus points here if you can figure out a way to attribute a dollar value to your contribution. Talk to your supervisor about career aspirations at year-end/mid-year reviews. Maybe you’ll find a way to transfer to a role internally and skip the whole resume ignoring phase. Alternatively, network. Be friends with people who are in the roles you want to be in, maybe they’ll help you find a job at their company.


IDK. Maybe you don’t have the required experience. Maybe there are 500+ other people applying for the same position. Maybe your resume stinks. If you’re getting 1/20 response rate, you’re doing great. Quit whining.


Does your degree involve some sort of non-remedial math higher than college algebra? Does your degree involve taking any sort of programming classes? If yes, congratulations, your degree will pass most base requirements for data science. Is it the best? Probably not, unless you’re CS or some really heavy math degree where half your classes are taught in Greek letters. Don’t come at me with those art history and underwater basket weaving degrees unless you have multiple years experience doing something else.


Do you have experience? No? This ain’t gonna help you as much as you think it might. Are you experienced and want to learn more about how data science works? This could be helpful.


Congratulations, doing a Master’s is usually a good idea and will help make you more competitive as a candidate. Should you shell out 100K for one when you can pay 10K for one online? Probably not. In all likelihood, you’re not gonna get $90K in marginal benefit from the more expensive program. Pick a known school (probably avoid really obscure schools, the name does count for a little) and you’ll be fine. Big bonus here if you can sucker your employer into paying for it.


Does your certificate say “AWS” or “AZURE” on it? If not, no.


Yes. Stop asking. Probably learn probability, be familiar with linear algebra, and understand what the hell a partial derivative is. Learn how to test hypotheses. Ultimately you need to know what the heck is going on math-wise in your predictions otherwise the company is going to go bankrupt and it will be all your fault.


Do some studying or something. MIT opencourseware has a bunch of free recorded math classes. If you want to learn some Linear Algebra, Gilbert Strang is your guy.




Both. Python is more widely used and tends to be more general purpose than R. R is better at statistics and data analysis, but is a bit more niche. Take your pick to start, but ultimately you’re gonna want to learn both you slacker.


Yes. And don’t put some BS housing price regression, iris classification, or titanic survival project on it either. Next question.


IDK what are you interested in? If you say twitter sentiment stock market prediction go sit in the corner and think about what you just said. Every half brained first year student who can pip install sklearn and do has tried unsuccessfully to predict the stock market. The efficient market hypothesis is a thing for a reason. There are literally millions of other free datasets out there you have one of the most powerful search engines at your fingertips to go find them. Pick something you’re interested in, find some data, and analyze it.

DO I NEED TO BE GOOD WITH PEOPLE? (courtesy of /u/bikeskata)

Yes! First, when you’re applying, no one wants to work with a weirdo. You should be able to have a basic conversation with people, and they shouldn’t come away from it thinking you’ll follow them home and wear their skin as a suit. Once you get a job, you’ll be interacting with colleagues, and you’ll need them to care about your analysis. Presumably, there are non-technical people making decisions you’ll need to bring in as well. If you can’t explain to a moderately intelligent person why they should care about the thing that took you 3 days (and cost $$$ in cloud computing costs), you probably won’t have your position for long. You don’t need to be the life of the party, but you should be pleasant to be around.

Credit: u/save_the_panda_bears

Why is columnar storage efficient for analytics workloads?

  • Columnar Storage enables better compression ratios and improves table scans for aggregate and complex queries.
  • Is optimized for scanning large data sets and complex analytics queries
  • Enables a data block to store and compress significantly more values for a column compared to row-based storage
  • Eliminates the need to read redundant data by reading only the columns that you include in your query.
  • Offers overall performance benefits that can help eliminate the need to aggregate data into cubes as in some other OLAP systems.

What are the integrated data sources for Amazon Redshift?

  • Amazon DynamoDB
  • AWS Glue
  • Amazon EMR
  • Amazon Kinesis
  • Amazon S3
  • SSH enabled host

How do you interact with Amazon Redshift?

  • AWS management console
  • AWS SDks
  • Amazon Redshift Query API
  • or SQL Client tools that support JDBC and ODBC protocols

How do you bound a set of data points (fitting, data, Mathematica)?

One of the first things you need to do when fitting a model to data is to ensure that all of your data points are within the range of the model. This is known as “bounding” the data points. There are a few different ways to bound data points, but one of the most commonly used methods is to simply discard any data points that are outside of the range of the model. This can be done manually, but it’s often more convenient to use a tool like Mathematica to automate the process. By bounding your data points, you can be sure that your model will fit the data more accurately.

Any good data scientist knows that fitting a model to data is essential to understanding the underlying patterns in that data. But fitting a model is only half the battle; once you’ve fit a model, you need to determine how well it actually fits the data. This is where bounding comes in.

Bounding allows you to assess how well a given set of data points fits within the range of values predicted by a model. It’s a simple concept, but it can be mathematically complex to actually do. Mathematica makes it easy, though, with its built-in function for fitting and bounding data. Just input your data and let Mathematica do the work for you!

In SQ, What is the Difference between DDL, DCL, and DML?


Data definition language (DDL) refers to the subset of SQL commands that define data structures and objects such as databases, tables, and views. DDL commands include the following:

• CREATE: used to create a new object.

• DROP: used to delete an object.

• ALTER: used to modify an object.

• RENAME: used to rename an object.

• TRUNCATE: used to remove all rows from a table without deleting the table itself.

Data manipulation language (DML) refers to the subset of SQL commands that are used to work with data. DML commands include the following:

• SELECT: used to request records from one or more tables.

• INSERT: used to insert one or more records into a table.

• UPDATE: used to modify the data of one or more records in a table.

• DELETE: used to delete one or more records from a table.

• EXPLAIN: used to analyze and display the expected execution plan of a SQL statement.

• LOCK: used to lock a table from write operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) and prevent concurrent operations from conflicting with one another.

Data control language (DCL) refers to the subset of SQL commands that are used to configure permissions to objects. DCL commands include:

• GRANT: used to grant access and permissions to a database or object in a database, such as a schema or table.

• REVOKE: used to remove access and permissions from a database or objects in a database

What is Big Data?

“Big Data is high-volume, high-velocity, and/or high-variety Information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing that enable enhanced insight, decision making, and process automation.”

What are the 5 Vs of Big Data?

  • Volume
  • Variety: quality of the data
  • Velocity: nature of time in capturing data
  • Variability: measure of consistency in meaning
  • Veracity

What are typical Use Cases of Big Data?

  • Customer segmentation
  • Marketing spend optimization
  • Financial modeling and forecasting
  • Ad targeting and real-time bidding
  • Clickstream analysis
  • Fraud detection

What are example of Data Sources?

  • Relational Databases
  • NoSQL databases
  • Web servers
  • Mobile phones
  • Tablets
  • Data feeds

What are example of Data Formats?

  • Structures, semi-structured, and unstructured
  • Text
  • Binary
  • Streaming and near real-time
  • Batched

Big Data vs Data Warehouses

Big Data is a concept. 

A data warehouse:

  • can be used with both small and large datasets
  • can be used in a Big Data system

How should you split your data up for loading into the data warehouse?

Use the same number of files as you have slices in your cluster, or a multiple of the number of slices.

Why do tables need to be vacuumed?

When values are deleted from a table, Amazon Redshift does not automatically reclaim the space.

Difference Between Amazon Redshift SQl and PostgreSQL

Amzon Redshift SQL is based on PostgreSQl 8.0.2 but has important implementation differences:

  • COPY is highly specialized to enable loading of data from other AWS services and to facilitate automatic compression.
  • VACUUM reclaims disk spce and re-sorts all rows.
  • Some PostgreSQL features, data types, and functions are not supported in Amazon Redshift.

What is the difference between STL tables and STV tables in Redshift?

STL tables contain log data that has been persisted to disk. STV tables contain snapshots of the current system based on transient, in-memory data that is not persisted to disk-based logs or other tables.

How does code compilation affect query performance in Redshift?

The compiled code is cached and available across sessions to speed up subsequent processing of that query.

What is data redistribution in Redshift?

The process of moving data around the cluster to facilitate a join.

What is Dark Data?

Dark data is data that is collected and stored but never used again.

Amazon EMR vs Amazon Redshift

Amazon EMR vs Amazon Redshift
Amazon EMR vs Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift Spectrum is the best of both worlds:

  • Can analyze data directly from Amazon S3, like Amazon EMR does
  • Retains efficient processing of higly complex queries, like Amazon Redhsift does
  • And it’s built-in

Data Analytics Ecosystem on AWS:

Data Analytics Ecosystem on AWS
Data Analytics Ecosystem on AWS

Which tasks must be completed before using Amazon Redshift Spectrum?

  • Define an external schema and create tables.

What can be used as a data store for Amazon Redshift Spectrum?

  • Hive Metastore and AWS Glue.

What is the difference between the audit logging feature in Amazon Redshift and Amazon CloudTrail trails?

Redshift Audit logs contain information about database activities. Amazon CloudTrail trails contain information about service activities.

How can you receive notifications about events in your cluster?

Configure an Amazon SNS topic and choose events to trigger the notification to be sent to topic subscribers.

Where does Amazon Redshift store the snapshots used to backup your cluster?

In Amazon S3 bucket.

Benefits of AWS DAS-C01 and AWS MLS-C01 Certifications:

iOS :

Benefits of AWS DAS-C01 and AWS MLS-C01 Certifications
Benefits of AWS DAS-C01 and AWS MLS-C01 Certifications

AWS Data analytics DAS-C01 Exam Prep
AWS Data analytics DAS-C01 Exam Prep

Cap Theorem:

Cap Theorem
Cap Theorem

Data Warehouse Definition:

Data Warehouse Definitions
Data Warehouse Definitions

Data Warehouse are Subject-Oriented:

Data Warehouse - Subject-area
Data Warehouse – Subject-area

AWS Analytics Services:

Amazon Elastic MapReduce (Amazon EMR) simplifies big data processing by providing a managed Hadoop framework that makes it easy, fast, and cost-effective for you to distribute and process vast amounts of your data across dynamically scalable Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. You can also run other popular distributed frameworks such as Apache Spark and Presto in Amazon EMR, and interact with data in other AWS data stores, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB.

• Amazon Elasticsearch Service is a managed service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale Elasticsearch in the AWS cloud. Elasticsearch is a popular open-source search and analytics engine for use cases such as log analytics, real-time application monitoring, and click stream analytics.

• Amazon Kinesis is a platform for streaming data on AWS, that offers powerful services that make it easy to load and analyze streaming data, and that also provides the ability for you to build custom streaming data applications for specialized needs.

• Amazon Machine Learning provides visualization tools and wizards that guide you through the process of creating machine learning (ML) models without having to learn complex ML algorithms and technology. When your models are ready, Amazon Machine Learning makes it easy to obtain predictions for your application using simple APIs, without having to implement custom prediction generation code or manage any infrastructure.

• Amazon QuickSight is a very fast, cloud-powered business intelligence (BI) service that makes it easy for all employees to build visualizations, perform one-time analysis, and quickly get business insights from their data.

AWS Database Services:

AWS Database Services:
AWS Database Services:

Choosing between NoSQL or SQL Databases:

Amazon SQL vs NoSQL
Amazon SQL vs NoSQL


Can you give an example of a successful implementation of an enterprise wide data warehouse solution?

1- DataWarehouse Implementation at Phillips U.S. based division

2- Financial Times

“Amazon Redshift is the single source of truth for our user data. It stores data on customer usage, customer service, and advertising, and then presents those data back to the business in multiple views.” –John O’Donovan, CTO, Financial Times

What is explained variation and unexplained variation in linear regression analysis?

In statistics, explained variation measures the proportion to which a mathematical model accounts for the variation (dispersion) of a given data set. Often, variation is quantified as variance; then, the more specific term explained variance can be used.

The explained variation is the sum of the squared of the differences between each predicted y-value and the mean of y. The unexplained variation is the sum of the squared of the differences between the y-value of each ordered pair and each corresponding predicted y-value.

Linear regression is a data science technique used to model the relationships between variables. In a linear regression model, the explained variation is the sum of the squared of the differences between each predicted y-value and the mean of y. The unexplained variation is the sum of the squared of the differences between the y-value of each ordered pair and each corresponding predicted y-value. By understanding both the explained and unexplained variation in a linear regression model, data scientists can better understand the data and make more accurate predictions.

In data science, linear regression is a technique used to model the relationships between explanatory variables and a response variable. The goal of linear regression is to find the line of best fit that minimizes the sum of the squared residuals. The residual is the difference between the actual y-value and the predicted y-value. The overall variation in the data can be partitioned into two components: explained variation and unexplained variation. The explained variation is the sum of the squared of the differences between each predicted y-value and the mean of y. The unexplained variation is the sum of the squared of the differences between the y-value of each ordered pair and each corresponding predicted y-value. In other words, explained variation measures how well the line of best fit explains the data, while unexplained variation measures how much error there is in the predictions. In order to create a model that is both predictive and accurate, data scientists must strive to minimize both explained and unexplained variation.

Normalization and Standardization both are rescaling techniques. They make your data unitless

Assume you have 2 feature F1 and F2.

F1 ranges from 0 – 100 , F2 ranges from 0 to 0.10

when you use the algorithm that uses distance as the measure. you encounter a problem.

F1 F2

20 0.2

26 0.2

20 0.9

row 1 – row 2 : (20 -26) + (0.2–0.2) = 6

row1 – row3 : ( 20–20 ) + (0.2 – 0.9) = 0.7

you may conclude row3 is nearest to row1 but its wrong .

right way of calculation is

row1- row2 : (20–26)/100 + (0.2 – .02)/0.10 = 0.06

row1 – row3 : (20–20)/100 + (0.2–0.9)/0.10 = 7

So row2 is the nearest to row1

Normalization brings data between 0- 1

Standardization brings data between 1 standardization

Normalization = ( X – Xmin) / (Xmax – Xmin)

Standardization = (x – µ ) / σ

Regularization is a concent of underfit and overfit

if an error is more in both train data and test data its underfit

if an error is more in test data and less train data it is overfit

Regularization is the way to manage optimal error. Source:  ABC of Data Science


Tensorflow is an open-source machine learning library developed at Google for numerical computation using data flow graphs is arguably one of the best, with Gmail, Uber, Airbnb, Nvidia, and lots of other prominent brands using it. It’s handy for creating and experimenting with deep learning architectures, and its formulation is convenient for data integration such as inputting graphs, SQL tables, and images together.


Deepchecks is a Python package for comprehensively validating your machine learning models and data with minimal effort. This includes checks related to various types of issues, such as model performance, data integrity, distribution mismatches, and more.


Scikit-learn is a very popular open-source machine learning library for the Python programming language. With constant updations in the product for efficiency improvements coupled with the fact that its open-source makes it a go-to framework for machine learning in the industry.


Keras is an open-source neural network library written in Python. It is capable of running on top of other popular lower-level libraries such as Tensorflow, Theano & CNTK. This one might be your new best friend if you have a lot of data and/or you’re after the state-of-the-art in AI: deep learning.


Pandas is yet another open-source software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis. In particular, it offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series. Pandas works well with incomplete, messy, and unlabeled data and provides tools for shaping, merging, reshaping, and slicing datasets.

Spark MLib

Spark MLib is a popular machine learning library. As per survey, almost 6% of the data scientists use this library. This library has support for Java, Scala, Python, and R. Also you can use this library on Hadoop, Apache Mesos, Kubernetes, and other cloud services against multiple data sources.


PyTorch is developed by Facebook’s artificial intelligence research group and it is the primary software tool for deep learning after Tensorflow. Unlike TensorFlow, the PyTorch library operates with a dynamically updated graph. This means that it allows you to make changes to the architecture in the process. By Niklas Steiner

Whenever we fit a machine learning algorithm to a dataset, we typically split the dataset into three parts:

1. Training Set: Used to train the model.

2. Validation Set: Used to optimize model parameters.

3. Test Set: Used to get an unbiased estimate of the final model performance.

The following diagram provides a visual explanation of these three different types of datasets:

One point of confusion for students is the difference between the validation set and the test set.

In simple terms, the validation set is used to optimize the model parameters while the test set is used to provide an unbiased estimate of the final model.

It can be shown that the error rate as measured by k-fold cross validation tends to underestimate the true error rate once the model is applied to an unseen dataset.

Thus, we fit the final model to the test set to get an unbiased estimate of what the true error rate will be in the real world.

If you looking for solid way of testing your ML algorithms then I would recommend this open-source interactive demo

Source: ABC of Dat Science and ML

The general answer to your question is : When our model needs it !

Yeah, That’s it!

In detail:

  1. When we feel like, the model we are going to use can’t read the format of data we have. We need to normalise the data.

e.g. When our data is in ‘text’ . We perform – Lemmatization, Stemming, etc to normalize/transform it.

2. Another case would be that, When the values in certain columns(features) do not scale with other features, this may lead to poor performance of our model. We need to normalise our data here as well. ( better say, Features have different Ranges).

e.g Features: F1, F2, F3

range( F1) – 0 – 100

range( F2) – 50 – 100

range( F3) – 900 – 10,000

In the above situation, ,the model would give more importance to F3 ( bigger numerical values). and thus, our model would be biased; resulting in a bad accuracy. Here, We need to apply Scaling ( such as : StandarScaler() func in python, etc.)

Transformation, Scaling; these are some common Normalisation methods.

Go through these two articles to have a better understading:

  1. Understand Data Normalization in Machine Learning
  2. Why Data Normalization is necessary for Machine Learning models

Source: ABC of Data Science and ML

Is it possible to use linear regression for forecasting on non-stationary data (time series)? If yes, then how can we do that? If no, then why not?


Linear regression is a machine learning algorithm that can be used to predict future values based on past data points. It is typically used on stationary data, which means that the statistical properties of the data do not change over time. However, it is possible to use linear regression on non-stationary data, with some modifications. The first step is to stationarize the data, which can be done by detrending or differencing the data. Once the data is stationarized, linear regression can be used as usual. However, it is important to keep in mind that the predictions may not be as accurate as they would be if the data were stationary.

Linear regression is a machine learning algorithm that is often used for forecasting. However, it is important to note that linear regression can only be used on stationary data. This means that the data must be free of trend and seasonality. If the data is not stationary, then the forecast will be inaccurate. There are various ways to stationarize data, such as differencing or using a moving average. Once the data is stationarized, linear regression can be used to generate forecasts. However, if the data is non-stationary, then another machine learning algorithm, such as an ARIMA model, should be used instead.

Top 75 Data Science Youtube channel

1- Alex The Analyst
2- Tina Huang
3- Abhishek Thakur
4- Michael Galarnyk
5- How to Get an Analytics Job
6- Ken Jee
7- Data Professor
8- Nicholas Renotte
9- KNN Clips
10- Ternary Data: Data Engineering Consulting
11- AI Basics with Mike
12- Matt Brattin
13- Chronic Coder
14- Intersnacktional
15- Jenny Tumay
16- Coding Professor
17- DataTalksClub
18- Ken’s Nearest Neighbors Podcast
19- Karolina Sowinska
20- Lander Analytics
21- Lights OnData
22- CodeEmporium
23- Andreas Mueller
24- Nate at StrataScratch
25- Kaggle
26- Data Interview Pro
27- Jordan Harrod
28- Leo Isikdogan
29- Jacob Amaral
30- Bukola
31- AndrewMoMoney
32- Andreas Kretz
33- Python Programmer
34- Machine Learning with Phil
35- Art of Visualization
36- Machine Learning University
Person climbing a staircase. Learn Data Science from Scratch: online program with 21 courses

Data Science and Data Analytics Breaking News – Top Stories

Person climbing a staircase. Learn Data Science from Scratch: online program with 21 courses
AWS Data analytics DAS-C01 Exam Prep
AWS Data analytics DAS-C01 Exam Prep

AWS Data analytics DAS-C01 on iOS pro

AWS Data analytics DAS-C01 on Android

AWS Data analytics DAS-C01 on Microsoft Windows 10/11:   

Person climbing a staircase. Learn Data Science from Scratch: online program with 21 courses

Machine Learning Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

What are some good datasets for Data Science and Machine Learning?

Machine Learning 101 – Top 200 AWS and Google Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers Dumps

AWS machine Learning Specialty Exam Prep MLS-C01

What are the Top 200 AWS and Google Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers Dumps?

This blog is the best way  is the best way to prepare for your upcoming  AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty and Google Certified Professional Machine Learning Engineer exam. With over 100 questions and answers, this blog provides quizzes similar  that are very similar to the real exam. It also includes  the option to show and hide answers. Additionally, there are machine learning interview questions and detailed answers, as well as cheat sheets and illustrations. This blog is the best way to make sure you are well-prepared for your AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Exam.

2023 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Practice Exams
2023 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Practice Exams

The typical Google Machine Learning Engineer salary is $147,218. Machine Learning Engineer salaries at Google can range from $110,000 – $152,183.

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.

  • By the end of 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be handled without a human (Call Center, Chatbot, etc…)
  • 61% of marketers say artificial intelligence is the most important aspect of their data strategy.
  • 80% of business and tech leaders say AI already boosts productivity (Robotic Process Automation, Power Automate, etc..)
  • Current AI technology can boost business productivity by up to 40%

AWS Machine Learning Certification Specialty Exam Prep for iOs Android Windows10/11

AWS Certified machine Learning Specialty Exam Prep MLS-C01 - Top 200 AWS and Google Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers Dumps
AWS machine Learning Specialty Exam Prep MLS-C01

GCP Professional Machine Learning Engineer for iOs, Android, Windows 10/11

Quizzes, Practice Exams: Framing, Architecting, Designing, Developing ML Problems & Solutions, ML Jobs Interview Q&A

GCP Professional Machine Learning Engineer
GCP Professional Machine Learning Engineer


Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 Exam Prep App for iOS, Android, Windows10/11

Basics and Advanced Machine Learning Quizzes on Azure, Azure Machine Learning Job Interviews Questions and Answer, ML Cheat Sheets

Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 Exam Prep
Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 Exam Prep

Machine Learning For Dummies App for iOs, Android, Windows10/11

Use this App to learn about Machine Learning and Elevate your Brain with Machine Learning Quizzes, Cheat Sheets, Ml Jobs Interview Questions and Answers updated daily.

Machine Learning For Dummies
Machine Learning For Dummies

What does a Professional Machine Learning Engineer do?

Professional Machine Learning Engineer designs, builds, and productionizes ML models to solve business challenges using Google Cloud technologies and knowledge of proven ML models and techniques. The ML Engineer collaborates closely with other job roles to ensure long-term success of models. The ML Engineer should be proficient in all aspects of model architecture, data pipeline interaction, and metrics interpretation. The ML Engineer needs familiarity with application development, infrastructure management, data engineering, and security. Through an understanding of training, retraining, deploying, scheduling, monitoring, and improving models, they design and create scalable solutions for optimal performance.

The AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty certification is intended for individuals who perform a development or data science role. It validates a candidate’s ability to design, implement, deploy, and maintain machine learning (ML) solutions for given business problems.

This blog covers Machine Learning 101, Top 20 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers, Top 20 Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Sample Questions, Machine Learning Quizzes, Machine Learning Q&A, Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms, Machine Learning Latest Hot News, Machine Learning Demos (Ex: Tensorflow Demos)

Below are the Top 100 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers Dumps.



Question1: A machine learning team has several large CSV datasets in Amazon S3. Historically, models built with the Amazon SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm have taken hours to train on similar-sized datasets. The team’s leaders need to accelerate the training process. What can a machine learning specialist do to address this concern?

A) Use Amazon SageMaker Pipe mode.
B) Use Amazon Machine Learning to train the models.
C) Use Amazon Kinesis to stream the data to Amazon SageMaker.
D) Use AWS Glue to transform the CSV dataset to the JSON format.



Amazon SageMaker Pipe mode streams the data directly to the container, which improves the performance of training jobs. (Refer to this link for supporting information.) In Pipe mode, your training job streams data directly from Amazon S3. Streaming can provide faster start times for training jobs and better throughput. With Pipe mode, you also reduce the size of the Amazon EBS volumes for your training instances. B would not apply in this scenario. C is a streaming ingestion solution, but is not applicable in this scenario. D transforms the data structure.

Reference1: Amazon SageMaker

Question 2) A local university wants to track cars in a parking lot to determine which students are parking in the lot. The university is wanting to ingest videos of the cars parking in near-real time, use machine learning to identify license plates, and store that data in an AWS data store. Which solution meets these requirements with the LEAST amount of development effort?

A) Use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to ingest the video in near-real time, use the Kinesis Data Streams consumer integrated with Amazon Rekognition Video to process the license plate information, and then store results in DynamoDB.

B) Use Amazon Kinesis Video Streams to ingest the videos in near-real time, use the Kinesis Video Streams integration with Amazon Rekognition Video to identify the license plate information, and then store the results in DynamoDB.

C) Use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to ingest videos in near-real time, call Amazon Rekognition to identify license plate information, and then store results in DynamoDB.

D) Use Amazon Kinesis Firehose to ingest the video in near-real time and outputs results onto S3. Set up a Lambda function that triggers when a new video is PUT onto S3 to send results to Amazon Rekognition to identify license plate information, and then store results in DynamoDB.

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

Answer 2)



Kinesis Video Streams is used to stream videos in near-real time. Amazon Rekognition Video uses Amazon Kinesis Video Streams to receive and process a video stream. After the videos have been processed by Rekognition we can output the results in DynamoDB.

Reference: Kinesis Video Streams

Question 3) A term frequency–inverse document frequency (tf–idf) matrix using both unigrams and bigrams is built from a text corpus consisting of the following two sentences:

1. Please call the number below.
2. Please do not call us. What are the dimensions of the tf–idf matrix?
A) (2, 16)
B) (2, 8)
C) (2, 10)
D) (8, 10)




There are 2 sentences, 8 unique unigrams, and 8 unique bigrams, so the result would be (2,16). The phrases are “Please call the number below” and “Please do not call us.” Each word individually (unigram) is “Please,” “call,” ”the,” ”number,” “below,” “do,” “not,” and “us.” The unique bigrams are “Please call,” “call the,” ”the number,” “number below,” “Please do,” “do not,” “not call,” and “call us.” The tf–idf vectorizer is described at this link.

Reference3:  tf-idf vertorizer

Question 4: A company is setting up a system to manage all of the datasets it stores in Amazon S3. The company would like to automate running transformation jobs on the data and maintaining a catalog of the metadata concerning the datasets. The solution should require the least amount of setup and maintenance. Which solution will allow the company to achieve its goals? 

A) Create an Amazon EMR cluster with Apache Hive installed. Then, create a Hive metastore and a script to run transformation jobs on a schedule.
B) Create an AWS Glue crawler to populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Then, author an AWS Glue ETL job, and set up a schedule for data transformation jobs.
C) Create an Amazon EMR cluster with Apache Spark installed. Then, create an Apache Hive metastore and a script to run transformation jobs on a schedule. D) Create an AWS Data Pipeline that transforms the data. Then, create an Apache Hive metastore and a script to run transformation jobs on a schedule.




AWS Glue is the correct answer because this option requires the least amount of setup and maintenance since it is serverless, and it does not require management of the infrastructure. Refer to this link for supporting information. A, C, and D are all solutions that can solve the problem, but require more steps for configuration, and require higher operational overhead to run and maintain.
Reference4:  Glue

Question 5) Which service in the Kinesis family allows you to easily load streaming data into data stores and analytics tools?

A) Kinesis Firehose
B) Kinesis Streams
C) Kinesis Data Analytics
D) Kinesis Video Streams




Kinesis Firehose is perfect for streaming data into AWS and sending it directly to its final destination – places like S3, Redshift, Elastisearch, and Splunk Instances.

Reference 5): Kinesis Firehose

Question 6) A data scientist is working on optimizing a model during the training process by varying multiple parameters. The data scientist observes that, during multiple runs with identical parameters, the loss function converges to different, yet stable, values. What should the data scientist do to improve the training process? 
A) Increase the learning rate. Keep the batch size the same.
B) Reduce the batch size. Decrease the learning rate.
C) Keep the batch size the same. Decrease the learning rate.
D) Do not change the learning rate. Increase the batch size.
Answer  6)

Notes 6)

It is most likely that the loss function is very curvy and has multiple local minima where the training is getting stuck. Decreasing the batch size would help the data scientist stochastically get out of the local minima saddles. Decreasing the learning rate would prevent overshooting the global loss function minimum. Refer to the paper at this link for an explanation.
Reference 6) : Here

Question 7) Your organization has a standalone Javascript (Node.js) application that streams data into AWS using Kinesis Data Streams. You notice that they are using the Kinesis API (AWS SDK) over the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL). What might be the reasoning behind this?
A) The Kinesis API (AWS SDK) provides greater functionality over the Kinesis Producer Library.
B) The Kinesis API (AWS SDK) runs faster in Javascript applications over the Kinesis Producer Library.
C) The Kinesis Producer Library must be installed as a Java application to use with Kinesis Data Streams.
D) The Kinesis Producer Library cannot be integrated with a Javascript application because of its asynchronous architecture.
Answer 7)
The KPL must be installed as a Java application before it can be used with your Kinesis Data Streams. There are ways to process KPL serialized data within AWS Lambda, in Java, Node.js, and Python, but not if these answers mentions Lambda.
Reference 7) KPL
Question 8) A data scientist is evaluating different binary classification models. A false positive result is 5 times more expensive (from a business perspective) than a false negative result. The models should be evaluated based on the following criteria: 
1) Must have a recall rate of at least 80%
2) Must have a false positive rate of 10% or less
3) Must minimize business costs After creating each binary classification model, the data scientist generates the corresponding confusion matrix. Which confusion matrix represents the model that satisfies the requirements?
A) TN = 91, FP = 9 FN = 22, TP = 78
 B) TN = 99, FP = 1 FN = 21, TP = 79
C) TN = 96, FP = 4 FN = 10, TP = 90
D) TN = 98, FP = 2 FN = 18, TP = 82
Answer 8): 

Notes/Hint 8)

The following calculations are required: TP = True Positive FP = False Positive FN = False Negative TN = True Negative FN = False Negative Recall = TP / (TP + FN) False Positive Rate (FPR) = FP / (FP + TN) Cost = 5 * FP + FN A B C D Recall 78 / (78 + 22) = 0.78 79 / (79 + 21) = 0.79 90 / (90 + 10) = 0.9 82 / (82 + 18) = 0.82 False Positive Rate 9 / (9 + 91) = 0.09 1 / (1 + 99) = 0.01 4 / (4 + 96) = 0.04 2 / (2 + 98) = 0.02 Costs 5 * 9 + 22 = 67 5 * 1 + 21 = 26 5 * 4 + 10 = 30 5 * 2 + 18 = 28 Options C and D have a recall greater than 80% and an FPR less than 10%, but D is the most cost effective. For supporting information, refer to this link.
Reference 8: Here

Question 9) A data scientist uses logistic regression to build a fraud detection model. While the model accuracy is 99%, 90% of the fraud cases are not detected by the model. What action will definitely help the model detect more than 10% of fraud cases? 
A) Using undersampling to balance the dataset
B) Decreasing the class probability threshold
C) Using regularization to reduce overfitting
D) Using oversampling to balance the dataset

Answer  9)



Notes 9)

Decreasing the class probability threshold makes the model more sensitive and, therefore, marks more cases as the positive class, which is fraud in this case. This will increase the likelihood of fraud detection. However, it comes at the price of lowering precision. This is covered in the Discussion section of the paper at this link
Reference 9: Here


Question 10) A company is interested in building a fraud detection model. Currently, the data scientist does not have a sufficient amount of information due to the low number of fraud cases. Which method is MOST likely to detect the GREATEST number of valid fraud cases?
A) Oversampling using bootstrapping
B) Undersampling
C) Oversampling using SMOTE
D) Class weight adjustment

Answer  10)


Notes 10)

With datasets that are not fully populated, the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) adds new information by adding synthetic data points to the minority class. This technique would be the most effective in this scenario. Refer to Section 4.2 at this link for supporting information.
Reference 10) : Here
Question 11) A machine learning engineer is preparing a data frame for a supervised learning task with the Amazon SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm. The ML engineer notices the target label classes are highly imbalanced and multiple feature columns contain missing values. The proportion of missing values across the entire data frame is less than 5%. What should the ML engineer do to minimize bias due to missing values? 
A) Replace each missing value by the mean or median across non-missing values in same row.
B) Delete observations that contain missing values because these represent less than 5% of the data.
C) Replace each missing value by the mean or median across non-missing values in the same column.
D) For each feature, approximate the missing values using supervised learning based on other features.

Answer  11)



Notes 11)

Use supervised learning to predict missing values based on the values of other features. Different supervised learning approaches might have different performances, but any properly implemented supervised learning approach should provide the same or better approximation than mean or median approximation, as proposed in responses A and C. Supervised learning applied to the imputation of missing values is an active field of research. Refer to this link for an example.
Reference 11): Here

Question 12) A company has collected customer comments on its products, rating them as safe or unsafe, using decision trees. The training dataset has the following features: id, date, full review, full review summary, and a binary safe/unsafe tag. During training, any data sample with missing features was dropped. In a few instances, the test set was found to be missing the full review text field. For this use case, which is the most effective course of action to address test data samples with missing features? 
A) Drop the test samples with missing full review text fields, and then run through the test set.
B) Copy the summary text fields and use them to fill in the missing full review text fields, and then run through the test set.
C) Use an algorithm that handles missing data better than decision trees.
D) Generate synthetic data to fill in the fields that are missing data, and then run through the test set.
Answer  12)
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Notes 12) 

In this case, a full review summary usually contains the most descriptive phrases of the entire review and is a valid stand-in for the missing full review text field. For supporting information, refer to page 1627 at this link, and this link and this link.

Reference 12) Here


Question 13) An insurance company needs to automate claim compliance reviews because human reviews are expensive and error-prone. The company has a large set of claims and a compliance label for each. Each claim consists of a few sentences in English, many of which contain complex related information. Management would like to use Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms to design a machine learning supervised model that can be trained to read each claim and predict if the claim is compliant or not. Which approach should be used to extract features from the claims to be used as inputs for the downstream supervised task? 
A) Derive a dictionary of tokens from claims in the entire dataset. Apply one-hot encoding to tokens found in each claim of the training set. Send the derived features space as inputs to an Amazon SageMaker builtin supervised learning algorithm.
B) Apply Amazon SageMaker BlazingText in Word2Vec mode to claims in the training set. Send the derived features space as inputs for the downstream supervised task.
C) Apply Amazon SageMaker BlazingText in classification mode to labeled claims in the training set to derive features for the claims that correspond to the compliant and non-compliant labels, respectively.
D) Apply Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec to claims in the training set. Send the derived features space as inputs for the downstream supervised task.

Answer  13)



Notes 13)

Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec generalizes the Word2Vec embedding technique for words to more complex objects, such as sentences and paragraphs. Since the supervised learning task is at the level of whole claims, for which there are labels, and no labels are available at the word level, Object2Vec needs be used instead of Word2Vec.

Reference 13)  Amazon SageMaker

Question 14) You have been tasked with capturing two different types of streaming events. The first event type includes mission-critical data that needs to immediately be processed before operations can continue. The second event type includes data of less importance, but operations can continue without immediately processing. What is the most appropriate solution to record these different types of events?

A) Capture both events with the PutRecords API call.
B) Capture both event types using the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL).
C) Capture the mission critical events with the PutRecords API call and the second event type with the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL).
D) Capture the mission critical events with the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) and the second event type with the Putrecords API call.

Answer  14)



Notes 14)

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The question is about sending data to Kinesis synchronously vs. asynchronously. PutRecords is a synchronous send function, so it must be used for the first event type (critical events). The Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) implements an asynchronous send function, so it can be used for the second event type. In this scenario, the reason to use the KPL over the PutRecords API call is because: KPL can incur an additional processing delay of up to RecordMaxBufferedTime within the library (user-configurable). Larger values of RecordMaxBufferedTime results in higher packing efficiencies and better performance. Applications that cannot tolerate this additional delay may need to use the AWS SDK directly. For more information about using the AWS SDK with Kinesis Data Streams, see Developing Producers Using the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams API with the AWS SDK for Java. For more information about RecordMaxBufferedTime and other user-configurable properties of the KPL, see Configuring the Kinesis Producer Library.

Reference 14: KCL vs PutRecords


Question 15) You are collecting clickstream data from an e-commerce website to make near-real time product suggestions for users actively using the site. Which combination of tools can be used to achieve the quickest recommendations and meets all of the requirements?

A) Use Kinesis Data Streams to ingest clickstream data, then use Kinesis Data Analytics to run real time SQL queries to gain actionable insights and trigger real-time recommendations with AWS Lambda functions based on conditions.
B) Use Kinesis Data Firehose to ingest click stream data, then use Kinesis Data Analytics to run real time SQL queries to gain actionable insights and trigger real-time recommendations with AWS Lambda functions based on conditions, then use Lambda to load these results into S3.
C) Use Kinesis Data Streams to ingest clickstream data, then use Lambda to process that data and write it to S3. Once the data is on S3, use Athena to query based on conditions that data and make real time recommendations to users.
D) Use the Kinesis Data Analytics to ingest the clickstream data directly and run real time SQL queries to gain actionable insights and trigger real-time recommendations with AWS Lambda functions based on conditions.

Answer  15)



Notes 15)

Kinesis Data Analytics gets its input streaming data from Kinesis Data Streams or Kinesis Data Firehose. You can use Kinesis Data Analytics to run real-time SQL queries on your data. Once certain conditions are met you can trigger Lambda functions to make real time product suggestions to users. It is not important that we store or persist the clickstream data.

Reference 15: Kinesis Data Analytics

Question 16) Which service built by AWS makes it easy to set up a retry mechanism, aggregate records to improve throughput, and automatically submits CloudWatch metrics?

A) Kinesis API (AWS SDK)
B) Kinesis Producer Library (KPL)
C) Kinesis Consumer Library
D) Kinesis Client Library (KCL)

Answer  16)



Notes 16)

Although the Kinesis API built into the AWS SDK can be used for all of this, the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) makes it easy to integrate all of this into your applications.

Reference 16:  Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) 

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Question 17) You have been tasked with capturing data from an online gaming platform to run analytics on and process through a machine learning pipeline. The data that you are ingesting is players controller inputs every 1 second (up to 10 players in a game) that is in JSON format. The data needs to be ingested through Kinesis Data Streams and the JSON data blob is 100 KB in size. What is the minimum number of shards you can use to successfully ingest this data?

A) 10 shards
B) Greater than 500 shards, so you’ll need to request more shards from AWS
C) 1 shard
D) 100 shards

Answer  17)



Notes 17)

In this scenario, there will be a maximum of 10 records per second with a max payload size of 1000 KB (10 records x 100 KB = 1000KB) written to the shard. A single shard can ingest up to 1 MB of data per second, which is enough to ingest the 1000 KB from the streaming game play. Therefor 1 shard is enough to handle the streaming data.

Reference 17: shards

Question 18) Which services in the Kinesis family allows you to analyze streaming data, gain actionable insights, and respond to your business and customer needs in real time?

A) Kinesis Streams
B) Kinesis Firehose
C) Kinesis Video Streams
D) Kinesis Data Analytics

Answer  18)



Notes 18)

Kinesis Data Analytics allows you to run real-time SQL queries on your data to gain insights and respond to events in real time.

Reference 18: Kinesis Data Analytics


Question 19) You are a ML specialist needing to collect data from Twitter tweets. Your goal is to collect tweets that include only the name of your company and the tweet body, and store it off into a data store in AWS. What set of tools can you use to stream, transform, and load the data into AWS with the LEAST amount of effort?

A) Setup a Kinesis Data Firehose for data ingestion and immediately write that data to S3. Next, setup a Lambda function to trigger when data lands in S3 to transform it and finally write it to DynamoDB.
B) Setup A Kinesis Data Stream for data ingestion, setup EC2 instances as data consumers to poll and transform the data from the stream. Once the data is transformed, make an API call to write the data to DynamoDB.
C) Setup Kinesis Data Streams for data ingestion. Next, setup Kinesis Data Firehouse to load that data into RedShift. Next, setup a Lambda function to query data using RedShift spectrum and store the results onto DynamoDB.
D) Create a Kinesis Data Stream to ingest the data. Next, setup a Kinesis Data Firehose and use Lambda to transform the data from the Kinesis Data Stream, then use Lambda to write the data to DynamoDB. Finally, use S3 as the data destination for Kinesis Data Firehose.

Answer 19)


Notes 19)

All of these could be used to stream, transform, and load the data into an AWS data store. The setup that requires the LEAST amount of effort and moving parts involves setting up a Kinesis Data Firehose to stream the data into S3, have it transformed by Lambda with an S3 trigger, and then written to DynamoDB.

Reference 19: Kinesis Data Firehose to stream the data into S3

Question 20) Which service in the Kinesis family allows you to build custom applications that process or analyze streaming data for specialized needs?

A) Kinesis Firehose
B) Kinesis Streams
C) Kinesis Video Streams
D) Kinesis Data Analytics

Answer 20)


Notes 20)

Kinesis Streams allows you to stream data into AWS and build custom applications around that streaming data.

Reference 20: Kinesis Streams



What are the Top 100 AWS and Google Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers Dumps?

This blog is the best way  is the best way to prepare for your upcoming  AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty and Google Certified Professional Machine Learning Engineer exam. With over 100 questions and answers, this blog provides quizzes similar  that are very similar to the real exam. It also includes  the option to show and hide answers. Additionally, there are machine learning interview questions and detailed answers, as well as cheat sheets and illustrations. This blog is the best way to make sure you are well-prepared for your AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Exam.

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Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.

  • By the end of 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be handled without a human (Call Center, Chatbot, etc…)
  • 61% of marketers say artificial intelligence is the most important aspect of their data strategy.
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What does a Professional Machine Learning Engineer do?

Professional Machine Learning Engineer designs, builds, and productionizes ML models to solve business challenges using Google Cloud technologies and knowledge of proven ML models and techniques. The ML Engineer collaborates closely with other job roles to ensure long-term success of models. The ML Engineer should be proficient in all aspects of model architecture, data pipeline interaction, and metrics interpretation. The ML Engineer needs familiarity with application development, infrastructure management, data engineering, and security. Through an understanding of training, retraining, deploying, scheduling, monitoring, and improving models, they design and create scalable solutions for optimal performance.

The AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty certification is intended for individuals who perform a development or data science role. It validates a candidate’s ability to design, implement, deploy, and maintain machine learning (ML) solutions for given business problems.

This blog covers Machine Learning 101, Top 20 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers, Top 20 Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Sample Questions, Machine Learning Quizzes, Machine Learning Q&A, Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms, Machine Learning Latest Hot News, Machine Learning Demos (Ex: Tensorflow Demos)

Below are the Top 100 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers Dumps.



Question1: A machine learning team has several large CSV datasets in Amazon S3. Historically, models built with the Amazon SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm have taken hours to train on similar-sized datasets. The team’s leaders need to accelerate the training process. What can a machine learning specialist do to address this concern?

A) Use Amazon SageMaker Pipe mode.
B) Use Amazon Machine Learning to train the models.
C) Use Amazon Kinesis to stream the data to Amazon SageMaker.
D) Use AWS Glue to transform the CSV dataset to the JSON format.



Amazon SageMaker Pipe mode streams the data directly to the container, which improves the performance of training jobs. (Refer to this link for supporting information.) In Pipe mode, your training job streams data directly from Amazon S3. Streaming can provide faster start times for training jobs and better throughput. With Pipe mode, you also reduce the size of the Amazon EBS volumes for your training instances. B would not apply in this scenario. C is a streaming ingestion solution, but is not applicable in this scenario. D transforms the data structure.

Reference1: Amazon SageMaker

Question 2) A local university wants to track cars in a parking lot to determine which students are parking in the lot. The university is wanting to ingest videos of the cars parking in near-real time, use machine learning to identify license plates, and store that data in an AWS data store. Which solution meets these requirements with the LEAST amount of development effort?

A) Use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to ingest the video in near-real time, use the Kinesis Data Streams consumer integrated with Amazon Rekognition Video to process the license plate information, and then store results in DynamoDB.

B) Use Amazon Kinesis Video Streams to ingest the videos in near-real time, use the Kinesis Video Streams integration with Amazon Rekognition Video to identify the license plate information, and then store the results in DynamoDB.

C) Use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to ingest videos in near-real time, call Amazon Rekognition to identify license plate information, and then store results in DynamoDB.

D) Use Amazon Kinesis Firehose to ingest the video in near-real time and outputs results onto S3. Set up a Lambda function that triggers when a new video is PUT onto S3 to send results to Amazon Rekognition to identify license plate information, and then store results in DynamoDB.

Answer 2)



Kinesis Video Streams is used to stream videos in near-real time. Amazon Rekognition Video uses Amazon Kinesis Video Streams to receive and process a video stream. After the videos have been processed by Rekognition we can output the results in DynamoDB.

Reference: Kinesis Video Streams

Question 3) A term frequency–inverse document frequency (tf–idf) matrix using both unigrams and bigrams is built from a text corpus consisting of the following two sentences:

1. Please call the number below.
2. Please do not call us. What are the dimensions of the tf–idf matrix?
A) (2, 16)
B) (2, 8)
C) (2, 10)
D) (8, 10)




There are 2 sentences, 8 unique unigrams, and 8 unique bigrams, so the result would be (2,16). The phrases are “Please call the number below” and “Please do not call us.” Each word individually (unigram) is “Please,” “call,” ”the,” ”number,” “below,” “do,” “not,” and “us.” The unique bigrams are “Please call,” “call the,” ”the number,” “number below,” “Please do,” “do not,” “not call,” and “call us.” The tf–idf vectorizer is described at this link.

Reference3:  tf-idf vertorizer

Question 4: A company is setting up a system to manage all of the datasets it stores in Amazon S3. The company would like to automate running transformation jobs on the data and maintaining a catalog of the metadata concerning the datasets. The solution should require the least amount of setup and maintenance. Which solution will allow the company to achieve its goals? 

A) Create an Amazon EMR cluster with Apache Hive installed. Then, create a Hive metastore and a script to run transformation jobs on a schedule.
B) Create an AWS Glue crawler to populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Then, author an AWS Glue ETL job, and set up a schedule for data transformation jobs.
C) Create an Amazon EMR cluster with Apache Spark installed. Then, create an Apache Hive metastore and a script to run transformation jobs on a schedule. D) Create an AWS Data Pipeline that transforms the data. Then, create an Apache Hive metastore and a script to run transformation jobs on a schedule.




AWS Glue is the correct answer because this option requires the least amount of setup and maintenance since it is serverless, and it does not require management of the infrastructure. Refer to this link for supporting information. A, C, and D are all solutions that can solve the problem, but require more steps for configuration, and require higher operational overhead to run and maintain.
Reference4:  Glue

Question 5) Which service in the Kinesis family allows you to easily load streaming data into data stores and analytics tools?

A) Kinesis Firehose
B) Kinesis Streams
C) Kinesis Data Analytics
D) Kinesis Video Streams




Kinesis Firehose is perfect for streaming data into AWS and sending it directly to its final destination – places like S3, Redshift, Elastisearch, and Splunk Instances.

Reference 5): Kinesis Firehose

Question 6) A data scientist is working on optimizing a model during the training process by varying multiple parameters. The data scientist observes that, during multiple runs with identical parameters, the loss function converges to different, yet stable, values. What should the data scientist do to improve the training process? 
A) Increase the learning rate. Keep the batch size the same.
B) Reduce the batch size. Decrease the learning rate.
C) Keep the batch size the same. Decrease the learning rate.
D) Do not change the learning rate. Increase the batch size.
Answer  6)

Notes 6)

It is most likely that the loss function is very curvy and has multiple local minima where the training is getting stuck. Decreasing the batch size would help the data scientist stochastically get out of the local minima saddles. Decreasing the learning rate would prevent overshooting the global loss function minimum. Refer to the paper at this link for an explanation.
Reference 6) : Here

Question 7) Your organization has a standalone Javascript (Node.js) application that streams data into AWS using Kinesis Data Streams. You notice that they are using the Kinesis API (AWS SDK) over the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL). What might be the reasoning behind this?
A) The Kinesis API (AWS SDK) provides greater functionality over the Kinesis Producer Library.
B) The Kinesis API (AWS SDK) runs faster in Javascript applications over the Kinesis Producer Library.
C) The Kinesis Producer Library must be installed as a Java application to use with Kinesis Data Streams.
D) The Kinesis Producer Library cannot be integrated with a Javascript application because of its asynchronous architecture.
Answer 7)
The KPL must be installed as a Java application before it can be used with your Kinesis Data Streams. There are ways to process KPL serialized data within AWS Lambda, in Java, Node.js, and Python, but not if these answers mentions Lambda.
Reference 7) KPL
Question 8) A data scientist is evaluating different binary classification models. A false positive result is 5 times more expensive (from a business perspective) than a false negative result. The models should be evaluated based on the following criteria: 
1) Must have a recall rate of at least 80%
2) Must have a false positive rate of 10% or less
3) Must minimize business costs After creating each binary classification model, the data scientist generates the corresponding confusion matrix. Which confusion matrix represents the model that satisfies the requirements?
A) TN = 91, FP = 9 FN = 22, TP = 78
 B) TN = 99, FP = 1 FN = 21, TP = 79
C) TN = 96, FP = 4 FN = 10, TP = 90
D) TN = 98, FP = 2 FN = 18, TP = 82
Answer 8): 

Notes/Hint 8)

The following calculations are required: TP = True Positive FP = False Positive FN = False Negative TN = True Negative FN = False Negative Recall = TP / (TP + FN) False Positive Rate (FPR) = FP / (FP + TN) Cost = 5 * FP + FN A B C D Recall 78 / (78 + 22) = 0.78 79 / (79 + 21) = 0.79 90 / (90 + 10) = 0.9 82 / (82 + 18) = 0.82 False Positive Rate 9 / (9 + 91) = 0.09 1 / (1 + 99) = 0.01 4 / (4 + 96) = 0.04 2 / (2 + 98) = 0.02 Costs 5 * 9 + 22 = 67 5 * 1 + 21 = 26 5 * 4 + 10 = 30 5 * 2 + 18 = 28 Options C and D have a recall greater than 80% and an FPR less than 10%, but D is the most cost effective. For supporting information, refer to this link.
Reference 8: Here

Question 9) A data scientist uses logistic regression to build a fraud detection model. While the model accuracy is 99%, 90% of the fraud cases are not detected by the model. What action will definitely help the model detect more than 10% of fraud cases? 
A) Using undersampling to balance the dataset
B) Decreasing the class probability threshold
C) Using regularization to reduce overfitting
D) Using oversampling to balance the dataset

Answer  9)



Notes 9)

Decreasing the class probability threshold makes the model more sensitive and, therefore, marks more cases as the positive class, which is fraud in this case. This will increase the likelihood of fraud detection. However, it comes at the price of lowering precision. This is covered in the Discussion section of the paper at this link
Reference 9: Here

Question 10) A company is interested in building a fraud detection model. Currently, the data scientist does not have a sufficient amount of information due to the low number of fraud cases. Which method is MOST likely to detect the GREATEST number of valid fraud cases?
A) Oversampling using bootstrapping
B) Undersampling
C) Oversampling using SMOTE
D) Class weight adjustment

Answer  10)


Notes 10)

With datasets that are not fully populated, the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) adds new information by adding synthetic data points to the minority class. This technique would be the most effective in this scenario. Refer to Section 4.2 at this link for supporting information.
Reference 10) : Here
Question 11) A machine learning engineer is preparing a data frame for a supervised learning task with the Amazon SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm. The ML engineer notices the target label classes are highly imbalanced and multiple feature columns contain missing values. The proportion of missing values across the entire data frame is less than 5%. What should the ML engineer do to minimize bias due to missing values? 
A) Replace each missing value by the mean or median across non-missing values in same row.
B) Delete observations that contain missing values because these represent less than 5% of the data.
C) Replace each missing value by the mean or median across non-missing values in the same column.
D) For each feature, approximate the missing values using supervised learning based on other features.

Answer  11)



Notes 11)

Use supervised learning to predict missing values based on the values of other features. Different supervised learning approaches might have different performances, but any properly implemented supervised learning approach should provide the same or better approximation than mean or median approximation, as proposed in responses A and C. Supervised learning applied to the imputation of missing values is an active field of research. Refer to this link for an example.
Reference 11): Here

Question 12) A company has collected customer comments on its products, rating them as safe or unsafe, using decision trees. The training dataset has the following features: id, date, full review, full review summary, and a binary safe/unsafe tag. During training, any data sample with missing features was dropped. In a few instances, the test set was found to be missing the full review text field. For this use case, which is the most effective course of action to address test data samples with missing features? 
A) Drop the test samples with missing full review text fields, and then run through the test set.
B) Copy the summary text fields and use them to fill in the missing full review text fields, and then run through the test set.
C) Use an algorithm that handles missing data better than decision trees.
D) Generate synthetic data to fill in the fields that are missing data, and then run through the test set.
Answer  12)



Notes 12) 

In this case, a full review summary usually contains the most descriptive phrases of the entire review and is a valid stand-in for the missing full review text field. For supporting information, refer to page 1627 at this link, and this link and this link.

Reference 12) Here


Question 13) An insurance company needs to automate claim compliance reviews because human reviews are expensive and error-prone. The company has a large set of claims and a compliance label for each. Each claim consists of a few sentences in English, many of which contain complex related information. Management would like to use Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms to design a machine learning supervised model that can be trained to read each claim and predict if the claim is compliant or not. Which approach should be used to extract features from the claims to be used as inputs for the downstream supervised task? 
A) Derive a dictionary of tokens from claims in the entire dataset. Apply one-hot encoding to tokens found in each claim of the training set. Send the derived features space as inputs to an Amazon SageMaker builtin supervised learning algorithm.
B) Apply Amazon SageMaker BlazingText in Word2Vec mode to claims in the training set. Send the derived features space as inputs for the downstream supervised task.
C) Apply Amazon SageMaker BlazingText in classification mode to labeled claims in the training set to derive features for the claims that correspond to the compliant and non-compliant labels, respectively.
D) Apply Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec to claims in the training set. Send the derived features space as inputs for the downstream supervised task.

Answer  13)



Notes 13)

Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec generalizes the Word2Vec embedding technique for words to more complex objects, such as sentences and paragraphs. Since the supervised learning task is at the level of whole claims, for which there are labels, and no labels are available at the word level, Object2Vec needs be used instead of Word2Vec.

Reference 13)  Amazon SageMaker

Question 14) You have been tasked with capturing two different types of streaming events. The first event type includes mission-critical data that needs to immediately be processed before operations can continue. The second event type includes data of less importance, but operations can continue without immediately processing. What is the most appropriate solution to record these different types of events?

A) Capture both events with the PutRecords API call.
B) Capture both event types using the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL).
C) Capture the mission critical events with the PutRecords API call and the second event type with the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL).
D) Capture the mission critical events with the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) and the second event type with the Putrecords API call.

Answer  14)



Notes 14)

The question is about sending data to Kinesis synchronously vs. asynchronously. PutRecords is a synchronous send function, so it must be used for the first event type (critical events). The Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) implements an asynchronous send function, so it can be used for the second event type. In this scenario, the reason to use the KPL over the PutRecords API call is because: KPL can incur an additional processing delay of up to RecordMaxBufferedTime within the library (user-configurable). Larger values of RecordMaxBufferedTime results in higher packing efficiencies and better performance. Applications that cannot tolerate this additional delay may need to use the AWS SDK directly. For more information about using the AWS SDK with Kinesis Data Streams, see Developing Producers Using the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams API with the AWS SDK for Java. For more information about RecordMaxBufferedTime and other user-configurable properties of the KPL, see Configuring the Kinesis Producer Library.

Reference 14: KCL vs PutRecords


Question 15) You are collecting clickstream data from an e-commerce website to make near-real time product suggestions for users actively using the site. Which combination of tools can be used to achieve the quickest recommendations and meets all of the requirements?

A) Use Kinesis Data Streams to ingest clickstream data, then use Kinesis Data Analytics to run real time SQL queries to gain actionable insights and trigger real-time recommendations with AWS Lambda functions based on conditions.
B) Use Kinesis Data Firehose to ingest click stream data, then use Kinesis Data Analytics to run real time SQL queries to gain actionable insights and trigger real-time recommendations with AWS Lambda functions based on conditions, then use Lambda to load these results into S3.
C) Use Kinesis Data Streams to ingest clickstream data, then use Lambda to process that data and write it to S3. Once the data is on S3, use Athena to query based on conditions that data and make real time recommendations to users.
D) Use the Kinesis Data Analytics to ingest the clickstream data directly and run real time SQL queries to gain actionable insights and trigger real-time recommendations with AWS Lambda functions based on conditions.

Answer  15)



Notes 15)

Kinesis Data Analytics gets its input streaming data from Kinesis Data Streams or Kinesis Data Firehose. You can use Kinesis Data Analytics to run real-time SQL queries on your data. Once certain conditions are met you can trigger Lambda functions to make real time product suggestions to users. It is not important that we store or persist the clickstream data.

Reference 15: Kinesis Data Analytics

Question 16) Which service built by AWS makes it easy to set up a retry mechanism, aggregate records to improve throughput, and automatically submits CloudWatch metrics?

A) Kinesis API (AWS SDK)
B) Kinesis Producer Library (KPL)
C) Kinesis Consumer Library
D) Kinesis Client Library (KCL)

Answer  16)



Notes 16)

Although the Kinesis API built into the AWS SDK can be used for all of this, the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) makes it easy to integrate all of this into your applications.

Reference 16:  Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) 

[appbox appstore 1611045854-iphone screenshots]

[appbox microsoftstore  9n8rl80hvm4t-mobile screenshots]

Question 17) You have been tasked with capturing data from an online gaming platform to run analytics on and process through a machine learning pipeline. The data that you are ingesting is players controller inputs every 1 second (up to 10 players in a game) that is in JSON format. The data needs to be ingested through Kinesis Data Streams and the JSON data blob is 100 KB in size. What is the minimum number of shards you can use to successfully ingest this data?

A) 10 shards
B) Greater than 500 shards, so you’ll need to request more shards from AWS
C) 1 shard
D) 100 shards

Answer  17)



Notes 17)

In this scenario, there will be a maximum of 10 records per second with a max payload size of 1000 KB (10 records x 100 KB = 1000KB) written to the shard. A single shard can ingest up to 1 MB of data per second, which is enough to ingest the 1000 KB from the streaming game play. Therefor 1 shard is enough to handle the streaming data.

Reference 17: shards

Question 18) Which services in the Kinesis family allows you to analyze streaming data, gain actionable insights, and respond to your business and customer needs in real time?

A) Kinesis Streams
B) Kinesis Firehose
C) Kinesis Video Streams
D) Kinesis Data Analytics

Answer  18)



Notes 18)

Kinesis Data Analytics allows you to run real-time SQL queries on your data to gain insights and respond to events in real time.

Reference 18: Kinesis Data Analytics


Question 19) You are a ML specialist needing to collect data from Twitter tweets. Your goal is to collect tweets that include only the name of your company and the tweet body, and store it off into a data store in AWS. What set of tools can you use to stream, transform, and load the data into AWS with the LEAST amount of effort?

A) Setup a Kinesis Data Firehose for data ingestion and immediately write that data to S3. Next, setup a Lambda function to trigger when data lands in S3 to transform it and finally write it to DynamoDB.
B) Setup A Kinesis Data Stream for data ingestion, setup EC2 instances as data consumers to poll and transform the data from the stream. Once the data is transformed, make an API call to write the data to DynamoDB.
C) Setup Kinesis Data Streams for data ingestion. Next, setup Kinesis Data Firehouse to load that data into RedShift. Next, setup a Lambda function to query data using RedShift spectrum and store the results onto DynamoDB.
D) Create a Kinesis Data Stream to ingest the data. Next, setup a Kinesis Data Firehose and use Lambda to transform the data from the Kinesis Data Stream, then use Lambda to write the data to DynamoDB. Finally, use S3 as the data destination for Kinesis Data Firehose.

Answer 19)


Notes 19)

All of these could be used to stream, transform, and load the data into an AWS data store. The setup that requires the LEAST amount of effort and moving parts involves setting up a Kinesis Data Firehose to stream the data into S3, have it transformed by Lambda with an S3 trigger, and then written to DynamoDB.

Reference 19: Kinesis Data Firehose to stream the data into S3

Question 20) Which service in the Kinesis family allows you to build custom applications that process or analyze streaming data for specialized needs?

A) Kinesis Firehose
B) Kinesis Streams
C) Kinesis Video Streams
D) Kinesis Data Analytics

Answer 20)


Notes 20)

Kinesis Streams allows you to stream data into AWS and build custom applications around that streaming data.

Reference 20: Kinesis Streams




Notes 21: 




Notes 22: 




Notes 23: 




Notes 24: 

What are the Top 100 AWS and Google Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers Dumps?

This blog is the best way  is the best way to prepare for your upcoming  AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty and Google Certified Professional Machine Learning Engineer exam. With over 100 questions and answers, this blog provides quizzes similar  that are very similar to the real exam. It also includes  the option to show and hide answers. Additionally, there are machine learning interview questions and detailed answers, as well as cheat sheets and illustrations. This blog is the best way to make sure you are well-prepared for your AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Exam.

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Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.

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What does a Professional Machine Learning Engineer do?

Professional Machine Learning Engineer designs, builds, and productionizes ML models to solve business challenges using Google Cloud technologies and knowledge of proven ML models and techniques. The ML Engineer collaborates closely with other job roles to ensure long-term success of models. The ML Engineer should be proficient in all aspects of model architecture, data pipeline interaction, and metrics interpretation. The ML Engineer needs familiarity with application development, infrastructure management, data engineering, and security. Through an understanding of training, retraining, deploying, scheduling, monitoring, and improving models, they design and create scalable solutions for optimal performance.

The AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty certification is intended for individuals who perform a development or data science role. It validates a candidate’s ability to design, implement, deploy, and maintain machine learning (ML) solutions for given business problems.

This blog covers Machine Learning 101, Top 20 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers, Top 20 Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Sample Questions, Machine Learning Quizzes, Machine Learning Q&A, Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms, Machine Learning Latest Hot News, Machine Learning Demos (Ex: Tensorflow Demos)

Below are the Top 100 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers Dumps.



Question1: A machine learning team has several large CSV datasets in Amazon S3. Historically, models built with the Amazon SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm have taken hours to train on similar-sized datasets. The team’s leaders need to accelerate the training process. What can a machine learning specialist do to address this concern?

A) Use Amazon SageMaker Pipe mode.
B) Use Amazon Machine Learning to train the models.
C) Use Amazon Kinesis to stream the data to Amazon SageMaker.
D) Use AWS Glue to transform the CSV dataset to the JSON format.



Amazon SageMaker Pipe mode streams the data directly to the container, which improves the performance of training jobs. (Refer to this link for supporting information.) In Pipe mode, your training job streams data directly from Amazon S3. Streaming can provide faster start times for training jobs and better throughput. With Pipe mode, you also reduce the size of the Amazon EBS volumes for your training instances. B would not apply in this scenario. C is a streaming ingestion solution, but is not applicable in this scenario. D transforms the data structure.

Reference1: Amazon SageMaker

Question 2) A local university wants to track cars in a parking lot to determine which students are parking in the lot. The university is wanting to ingest videos of the cars parking in near-real time, use machine learning to identify license plates, and store that data in an AWS data store. Which solution meets these requirements with the LEAST amount of development effort?

A) Use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to ingest the video in near-real time, use the Kinesis Data Streams consumer integrated with Amazon Rekognition Video to process the license plate information, and then store results in DynamoDB.

B) Use Amazon Kinesis Video Streams to ingest the videos in near-real time, use the Kinesis Video Streams integration with Amazon Rekognition Video to identify the license plate information, and then store the results in DynamoDB.

C) Use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to ingest videos in near-real time, call Amazon Rekognition to identify license plate information, and then store results in DynamoDB.

D) Use Amazon Kinesis Firehose to ingest the video in near-real time and outputs results onto S3. Set up a Lambda function that triggers when a new video is PUT onto S3 to send results to Amazon Rekognition to identify license plate information, and then store results in DynamoDB.

Answer 2)



Kinesis Video Streams is used to stream videos in near-real time. Amazon Rekognition Video uses Amazon Kinesis Video Streams to receive and process a video stream. After the videos have been processed by Rekognition we can output the results in DynamoDB.

Reference: Kinesis Video Streams

Question 3) A term frequency–inverse document frequency (tf–idf) matrix using both unigrams and bigrams is built from a text corpus consisting of the following two sentences:

1. Please call the number below.
2. Please do not call us. What are the dimensions of the tf–idf matrix?
A) (2, 16)
B) (2, 8)
C) (2, 10)
D) (8, 10)




There are 2 sentences, 8 unique unigrams, and 8 unique bigrams, so the result would be (2,16). The phrases are “Please call the number below” and “Please do not call us.” Each word individually (unigram) is “Please,” “call,” ”the,” ”number,” “below,” “do,” “not,” and “us.” The unique bigrams are “Please call,” “call the,” ”the number,” “number below,” “Please do,” “do not,” “not call,” and “call us.” The tf–idf vectorizer is described at this link.

Reference3:  tf-idf vertorizer

Question 4: A company is setting up a system to manage all of the datasets it stores in Amazon S3. The company would like to automate running transformation jobs on the data and maintaining a catalog of the metadata concerning the datasets. The solution should require the least amount of setup and maintenance. Which solution will allow the company to achieve its goals? 

A) Create an Amazon EMR cluster with Apache Hive installed. Then, create a Hive metastore and a script to run transformation jobs on a schedule.
B) Create an AWS Glue crawler to populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Then, author an AWS Glue ETL job, and set up a schedule for data transformation jobs.
C) Create an Amazon EMR cluster with Apache Spark installed. Then, create an Apache Hive metastore and a script to run transformation jobs on a schedule. D) Create an AWS Data Pipeline that transforms the data. Then, create an Apache Hive metastore and a script to run transformation jobs on a schedule.




AWS Glue is the correct answer because this option requires the least amount of setup and maintenance since it is serverless, and it does not require management of the infrastructure. Refer to this link for supporting information. A, C, and D are all solutions that can solve the problem, but require more steps for configuration, and require higher operational overhead to run and maintain.
Reference4:  Glue

Question 5) Which service in the Kinesis family allows you to easily load streaming data into data stores and analytics tools?

A) Kinesis Firehose
B) Kinesis Streams
C) Kinesis Data Analytics
D) Kinesis Video Streams




Kinesis Firehose is perfect for streaming data into AWS and sending it directly to its final destination – places like S3, Redshift, Elastisearch, and Splunk Instances.

Reference 5): Kinesis Firehose

Question 6) A data scientist is working on optimizing a model during the training process by varying multiple parameters. The data scientist observes that, during multiple runs with identical parameters, the loss function converges to different, yet stable, values. What should the data scientist do to improve the training process? 
A) Increase the learning rate. Keep the batch size the same.
B) Reduce the batch size. Decrease the learning rate.
C) Keep the batch size the same. Decrease the learning rate.
D) Do not change the learning rate. Increase the batch size.
Answer  6)

Notes 6)

It is most likely that the loss function is very curvy and has multiple local minima where the training is getting stuck. Decreasing the batch size would help the data scientist stochastically get out of the local minima saddles. Decreasing the learning rate would prevent overshooting the global loss function minimum. Refer to the paper at this link for an explanation.
Reference 6) : Here

Question 7) Your organization has a standalone Javascript (Node.js) application that streams data into AWS using Kinesis Data Streams. You notice that they are using the Kinesis API (AWS SDK) over the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL). What might be the reasoning behind this?
A) The Kinesis API (AWS SDK) provides greater functionality over the Kinesis Producer Library.
B) The Kinesis API (AWS SDK) runs faster in Javascript applications over the Kinesis Producer Library.
C) The Kinesis Producer Library must be installed as a Java application to use with Kinesis Data Streams.
D) The Kinesis Producer Library cannot be integrated with a Javascript application because of its asynchronous architecture.
Answer 7)
The KPL must be installed as a Java application before it can be used with your Kinesis Data Streams. There are ways to process KPL serialized data within AWS Lambda, in Java, Node.js, and Python, but not if these answers mentions Lambda.
Reference 7) KPL
Question 8) A data scientist is evaluating different binary classification models. A false positive result is 5 times more expensive (from a business perspective) than a false negative result. The models should be evaluated based on the following criteria: 
1) Must have a recall rate of at least 80%
2) Must have a false positive rate of 10% or less
3) Must minimize business costs After creating each binary classification model, the data scientist generates the corresponding confusion matrix. Which confusion matrix represents the model that satisfies the requirements?
A) TN = 91, FP = 9 FN = 22, TP = 78
 B) TN = 99, FP = 1 FN = 21, TP = 79
C) TN = 96, FP = 4 FN = 10, TP = 90
D) TN = 98, FP = 2 FN = 18, TP = 82
Answer 8): 

Notes/Hint 8)

The following calculations are required: TP = True Positive FP = False Positive FN = False Negative TN = True Negative FN = False Negative Recall = TP / (TP + FN) False Positive Rate (FPR) = FP / (FP + TN) Cost = 5 * FP + FN A B C D Recall 78 / (78 + 22) = 0.78 79 / (79 + 21) = 0.79 90 / (90 + 10) = 0.9 82 / (82 + 18) = 0.82 False Positive Rate 9 / (9 + 91) = 0.09 1 / (1 + 99) = 0.01 4 / (4 + 96) = 0.04 2 / (2 + 98) = 0.02 Costs 5 * 9 + 22 = 67 5 * 1 + 21 = 26 5 * 4 + 10 = 30 5 * 2 + 18 = 28 Options C and D have a recall greater than 80% and an FPR less than 10%, but D is the most cost effective. For supporting information, refer to this link.
Reference 8: Here

Question 9) A data scientist uses logistic regression to build a fraud detection model. While the model accuracy is 99%, 90% of the fraud cases are not detected by the model. What action will definitely help the model detect more than 10% of fraud cases? 
A) Using undersampling to balance the dataset
B) Decreasing the class probability threshold
C) Using regularization to reduce overfitting
D) Using oversampling to balance the dataset

Answer  9)



Notes 9)

Decreasing the class probability threshold makes the model more sensitive and, therefore, marks more cases as the positive class, which is fraud in this case. This will increase the likelihood of fraud detection. However, it comes at the price of lowering precision. This is covered in the Discussion section of the paper at this link
Reference 9: Here

Question 10) A company is interested in building a fraud detection model. Currently, the data scientist does not have a sufficient amount of information due to the low number of fraud cases. Which method is MOST likely to detect the GREATEST number of valid fraud cases?
A) Oversampling using bootstrapping
B) Undersampling
C) Oversampling using SMOTE
D) Class weight adjustment

Answer  10)


Notes 10)

With datasets that are not fully populated, the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) adds new information by adding synthetic data points to the minority class. This technique would be the most effective in this scenario. Refer to Section 4.2 at this link for supporting information.
Reference 10) : Here
Question 11) A machine learning engineer is preparing a data frame for a supervised learning task with the Amazon SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm. The ML engineer notices the target label classes are highly imbalanced and multiple feature columns contain missing values. The proportion of missing values across the entire data frame is less than 5%. What should the ML engineer do to minimize bias due to missing values? 
A) Replace each missing value by the mean or median across non-missing values in same row.
B) Delete observations that contain missing values because these represent less than 5% of the data.
C) Replace each missing value by the mean or median across non-missing values in the same column.
D) For each feature, approximate the missing values using supervised learning based on other features.

Answer  11)



Notes 11)

Use supervised learning to predict missing values based on the values of other features. Different supervised learning approaches might have different performances, but any properly implemented supervised learning approach should provide the same or better approximation than mean or median approximation, as proposed in responses A and C. Supervised learning applied to the imputation of missing values is an active field of research. Refer to this link for an example.
Reference 11): Here

Question 12) A company has collected customer comments on its products, rating them as safe or unsafe, using decision trees. The training dataset has the following features: id, date, full review, full review summary, and a binary safe/unsafe tag. During training, any data sample with missing features was dropped. In a few instances, the test set was found to be missing the full review text field. For this use case, which is the most effective course of action to address test data samples with missing features? 
A) Drop the test samples with missing full review text fields, and then run through the test set.
B) Copy the summary text fields and use them to fill in the missing full review text fields, and then run through the test set.
C) Use an algorithm that handles missing data better than decision trees.
D) Generate synthetic data to fill in the fields that are missing data, and then run through the test set.
Answer  12)



Notes 12) 

In this case, a full review summary usually contains the most descriptive phrases of the entire review and is a valid stand-in for the missing full review text field. For supporting information, refer to page 1627 at this link, and this link and this link.

Reference 12) Here


Question 13) An insurance company needs to automate claim compliance reviews because human reviews are expensive and error-prone. The company has a large set of claims and a compliance label for each. Each claim consists of a few sentences in English, many of which contain complex related information. Management would like to use Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms to design a machine learning supervised model that can be trained to read each claim and predict if the claim is compliant or not. Which approach should be used to extract features from the claims to be used as inputs for the downstream supervised task? 
A) Derive a dictionary of tokens from claims in the entire dataset. Apply one-hot encoding to tokens found in each claim of the training set. Send the derived features space as inputs to an Amazon SageMaker builtin supervised learning algorithm.
B) Apply Amazon SageMaker BlazingText in Word2Vec mode to claims in the training set. Send the derived features space as inputs for the downstream supervised task.
C) Apply Amazon SageMaker BlazingText in classification mode to labeled claims in the training set to derive features for the claims that correspond to the compliant and non-compliant labels, respectively.
D) Apply Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec to claims in the training set. Send the derived features space as inputs for the downstream supervised task.

Answer  13)



Notes 13)

Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec generalizes the Word2Vec embedding technique for words to more complex objects, such as sentences and paragraphs. Since the supervised learning task is at the level of whole claims, for which there are labels, and no labels are available at the word level, Object2Vec needs be used instead of Word2Vec.

Reference 13)  Amazon SageMaker

Question 14) You have been tasked with capturing two different types of streaming events. The first event type includes mission-critical data that needs to immediately be processed before operations can continue. The second event type includes data of less importance, but operations can continue without immediately processing. What is the most appropriate solution to record these different types of events?

A) Capture both events with the PutRecords API call.
B) Capture both event types using the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL).
C) Capture the mission critical events with the PutRecords API call and the second event type with the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL).
D) Capture the mission critical events with the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) and the second event type with the Putrecords API call.

Answer  14)



Notes 14)

The question is about sending data to Kinesis synchronously vs. asynchronously. PutRecords is a synchronous send function, so it must be used for the first event type (critical events). The Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) implements an asynchronous send function, so it can be used for the second event type. In this scenario, the reason to use the KPL over the PutRecords API call is because: KPL can incur an additional processing delay of up to RecordMaxBufferedTime within the library (user-configurable). Larger values of RecordMaxBufferedTime results in higher packing efficiencies and better performance. Applications that cannot tolerate this additional delay may need to use the AWS SDK directly. For more information about using the AWS SDK with Kinesis Data Streams, see Developing Producers Using the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams API with the AWS SDK for Java. For more information about RecordMaxBufferedTime and other user-configurable properties of the KPL, see Configuring the Kinesis Producer Library.

Reference 14: KCL vs PutRecords


Question 15) You are collecting clickstream data from an e-commerce website to make near-real time product suggestions for users actively using the site. Which combination of tools can be used to achieve the quickest recommendations and meets all of the requirements?

A) Use Kinesis Data Streams to ingest clickstream data, then use Kinesis Data Analytics to run real time SQL queries to gain actionable insights and trigger real-time recommendations with AWS Lambda functions based on conditions.
B) Use Kinesis Data Firehose to ingest click stream data, then use Kinesis Data Analytics to run real time SQL queries to gain actionable insights and trigger real-time recommendations with AWS Lambda functions based on conditions, then use Lambda to load these results into S3.
C) Use Kinesis Data Streams to ingest clickstream data, then use Lambda to process that data and write it to S3. Once the data is on S3, use Athena to query based on conditions that data and make real time recommendations to users.
D) Use the Kinesis Data Analytics to ingest the clickstream data directly and run real time SQL queries to gain actionable insights and trigger real-time recommendations with AWS Lambda functions based on conditions.

Answer  15)



Notes 15)

Kinesis Data Analytics gets its input streaming data from Kinesis Data Streams or Kinesis Data Firehose. You can use Kinesis Data Analytics to run real-time SQL queries on your data. Once certain conditions are met you can trigger Lambda functions to make real time product suggestions to users. It is not important that we store or persist the clickstream data.

Reference 15: Kinesis Data Analytics

Question 16) Which service built by AWS makes it easy to set up a retry mechanism, aggregate records to improve throughput, and automatically submits CloudWatch metrics?

A) Kinesis API (AWS SDK)
B) Kinesis Producer Library (KPL)
C) Kinesis Consumer Library
D) Kinesis Client Library (KCL)

Answer  16)



Notes 16)

Although the Kinesis API built into the AWS SDK can be used for all of this, the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) makes it easy to integrate all of this into your applications.

Reference 16:  Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) 

[appbox appstore 1611045854-iphone screenshots]

[appbox microsoftstore  9n8rl80hvm4t-mobile screenshots]

Question 17) You have been tasked with capturing data from an online gaming platform to run analytics on and process through a machine learning pipeline. The data that you are ingesting is players controller inputs every 1 second (up to 10 players in a game) that is in JSON format. The data needs to be ingested through Kinesis Data Streams and the JSON data blob is 100 KB in size. What is the minimum number of shards you can use to successfully ingest this data?

A) 10 shards
B) Greater than 500 shards, so you’ll need to request more shards from AWS
C) 1 shard
D) 100 shards

Answer  17)



Notes 17)

In this scenario, there will be a maximum of 10 records per second with a max payload size of 1000 KB (10 records x 100 KB = 1000KB) written to the shard. A single shard can ingest up to 1 MB of data per second, which is enough to ingest the 1000 KB from the streaming game play. Therefor 1 shard is enough to handle the streaming data.

Reference 17: shards

Question 18) Which services in the Kinesis family allows you to analyze streaming data, gain actionable insights, and respond to your business and customer needs in real time?

A) Kinesis Streams
B) Kinesis Firehose
C) Kinesis Video Streams
D) Kinesis Data Analytics

Answer  18)



Notes 18)

Kinesis Data Analytics allows you to run real-time SQL queries on your data to gain insights and respond to events in real time.

Reference 18: Kinesis Data Analytics


Question 19) You are a ML specialist needing to collect data from Twitter tweets. Your goal is to collect tweets that include only the name of your company and the tweet body, and store it off into a data store in AWS. What set of tools can you use to stream, transform, and load the data into AWS with the LEAST amount of effort?

A) Setup a Kinesis Data Firehose for data ingestion and immediately write that data to S3. Next, setup a Lambda function to trigger when data lands in S3 to transform it and finally write it to DynamoDB.
B) Setup A Kinesis Data Stream for data ingestion, setup EC2 instances as data consumers to poll and transform the data from the stream. Once the data is transformed, make an API call to write the data to DynamoDB.
C) Setup Kinesis Data Streams for data ingestion. Next, setup Kinesis Data Firehouse to load that data into RedShift. Next, setup a Lambda function to query data using RedShift spectrum and store the results onto DynamoDB.
D) Create a Kinesis Data Stream to ingest the data. Next, setup a Kinesis Data Firehose and use Lambda to transform the data from the Kinesis Data Stream, then use Lambda to write the data to DynamoDB. Finally, use S3 as the data destination for Kinesis Data Firehose.

Answer 19)


Notes 19)

All of these could be used to stream, transform, and load the data into an AWS data store. The setup that requires the LEAST amount of effort and moving parts involves setting up a Kinesis Data Firehose to stream the data into S3, have it transformed by Lambda with an S3 trigger, and then written to DynamoDB.

Reference 19: Kinesis Data Firehose to stream the data into S3

Question 20) Which service in the Kinesis family allows you to build custom applications that process or analyze streaming data for specialized needs?

A) Kinesis Firehose
B) Kinesis Streams
C) Kinesis Video Streams
D) Kinesis Data Analytics

Answer 20)


Notes 20)

Kinesis Streams allows you to stream data into AWS and build custom applications around that streaming data.

Reference 20: Kinesis Streams



What are the Top 100 AWS and Google Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers Dumps?

This blog is the best way  is the best way to prepare for your upcoming  AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty and Google Certified Professional Machine Learning Engineer exam. With over 100 questions and answers, this blog provides quizzes similar  that are very similar to the real exam. It also includes  the option to show and hide answers. Additionally, there are machine learning interview questions and detailed answers, as well as cheat sheets and illustrations. This blog is the best way to make sure you are well-prepared for your AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Exam.

The typical Google Machine Learning Engineer salary is $147,218. Machine Learning Engineer salaries at Google can range from $110,000 – $152,183.

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.

  • By the end of 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be handled without a human (Call Center, Chatbot, etc…)
  • 61% of marketers say artificial intelligence is the most important aspect of their data strategy.
  • 80% of business and tech leaders say AI already boosts productivity (Robotic Process Automation, Power Automate, etc..)
  • Current AI technology can boost business productivity by up to 40%

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AWS machine Learning Specialty Exam Prep MLS-C01

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GCP Professional Machine Learning Engineer
GCP Professional Machine Learning Engineer


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Basics and Advanced Machine Learning Quizzes on Azure, Azure Machine Learning Job Interviews Questions and Answer, ML Cheat Sheets

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Azure AI Fundamentals AI-900 Exam Prep

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Machine Learning For Dummies
Machine Learning For Dummies

What does a Professional Machine Learning Engineer do?

Professional Machine Learning Engineer designs, builds, and productionizes ML models to solve business challenges using Google Cloud technologies and knowledge of proven ML models and techniques. The ML Engineer collaborates closely with other job roles to ensure long-term success of models. The ML Engineer should be proficient in all aspects of model architecture, data pipeline interaction, and metrics interpretation. The ML Engineer needs familiarity with application development, infrastructure management, data engineering, and security. Through an understanding of training, retraining, deploying, scheduling, monitoring, and improving models, they design and create scalable solutions for optimal performance.

The AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty certification is intended for individuals who perform a development or data science role. It validates a candidate’s ability to design, implement, deploy, and maintain machine learning (ML) solutions for given business problems.

This blog covers Machine Learning 101, Top 20 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers, Top 20 Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Sample Questions, Machine Learning Quizzes, Machine Learning Q&A, Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms, Machine Learning Latest Hot News, Machine Learning Demos (Ex: Tensorflow Demos)

Below are the Top 100 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Questions and Answers Dumps.



Question1: A machine learning team has several large CSV datasets in Amazon S3. Historically, models built with the Amazon SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm have taken hours to train on similar-sized datasets. The team’s leaders need to accelerate the training process. What can a machine learning specialist do to address this concern?

A) Use Amazon SageMaker Pipe mode.
B) Use Amazon Machine Learning to train the models.
C) Use Amazon Kinesis to stream the data to Amazon SageMaker.
D) Use AWS Glue to transform the CSV dataset to the JSON format.



Amazon SageMaker Pipe mode streams the data directly to the container, which improves the performance of training jobs. (Refer to this link for supporting information.) In Pipe mode, your training job streams data directly from Amazon S3. Streaming can provide faster start times for training jobs and better throughput. With Pipe mode, you also reduce the size of the Amazon EBS volumes for your training instances. B would not apply in this scenario. C is a streaming ingestion solution, but is not applicable in this scenario. D transforms the data structure.

Reference1: Amazon SageMaker

Question 2) A local university wants to track cars in a parking lot to determine which students are parking in the lot. The university is wanting to ingest videos of the cars parking in near-real time, use machine learning to identify license plates, and store that data in an AWS data store. Which solution meets these requirements with the LEAST amount of development effort?

A) Use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to ingest the video in near-real time, use the Kinesis Data Streams consumer integrated with Amazon Rekognition Video to process the license plate information, and then store results in DynamoDB.

B) Use Amazon Kinesis Video Streams to ingest the videos in near-real time, use the Kinesis Video Streams integration with Amazon Rekognition Video to identify the license plate information, and then store the results in DynamoDB.

C) Use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to ingest videos in near-real time, call Amazon Rekognition to identify license plate information, and then store results in DynamoDB.

D) Use Amazon Kinesis Firehose to ingest the video in near-real time and outputs results onto S3. Set up a Lambda function that triggers when a new video is PUT onto S3 to send results to Amazon Rekognition to identify license plate information, and then store results in DynamoDB.

Answer 2)



Kinesis Video Streams is used to stream videos in near-real time. Amazon Rekognition Video uses Amazon Kinesis Video Streams to receive and process a video stream. After the videos have been processed by Rekognition we can output the results in DynamoDB.

Reference: Kinesis Video Streams

Question 3) A term frequency–inverse document frequency (tf–idf) matrix using both unigrams and bigrams is built from a text corpus consisting of the following two sentences:

1. Please call the number below.
2. Please do not call us. What are the dimensions of the tf–idf matrix?
A) (2, 16)
B) (2, 8)
C) (2, 10)
D) (8, 10)




There are 2 sentences, 8 unique unigrams, and 8 unique bigrams, so the result would be (2,16). The phrases are “Please call the number below” and “Please do not call us.” Each word individually (unigram) is “Please,” “call,” ”the,” ”number,” “below,” “do,” “not,” and “us.” The unique bigrams are “Please call,” “call the,” ”the number,” “number below,” “Please do,” “do not,” “not call,” and “call us.” The tf–idf vectorizer is described at this link.

Reference3:  tf-idf vertorizer

Question 4: A company is setting up a system to manage all of the datasets it stores in Amazon S3. The company would like to automate running transformation jobs on the data and maintaining a catalog of the metadata concerning the datasets. The solution should require the least amount of setup and maintenance. Which solution will allow the company to achieve its goals? 

A) Create an Amazon EMR cluster with Apache Hive installed. Then, create a Hive metastore and a script to run transformation jobs on a schedule.
B) Create an AWS Glue crawler to populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog. Then, author an AWS Glue ETL job, and set up a schedule for data transformation jobs.
C) Create an Amazon EMR cluster with Apache Spark installed. Then, create an Apache Hive metastore and a script to run transformation jobs on a schedule. D) Create an AWS Data Pipeline that transforms the data. Then, create an Apache Hive metastore and a script to run transformation jobs on a schedule.




AWS Glue is the correct answer because this option requires the least amount of setup and maintenance since it is serverless, and it does not require management of the infrastructure. Refer to this link for supporting information. A, C, and D are all solutions that can solve the problem, but require more steps for configuration, and require higher operational overhead to run and maintain.
Reference4:  Glue

Question 5) Which service in the Kinesis family allows you to easily load streaming data into data stores and analytics tools?

A) Kinesis Firehose
B) Kinesis Streams
C) Kinesis Data Analytics
D) Kinesis Video Streams




Kinesis Firehose is perfect for streaming data into AWS and sending it directly to its final destination – places like S3, Redshift, Elastisearch, and Splunk Instances.

Reference 5): Kinesis Firehose

Question 6) A data scientist is working on optimizing a model during the training process by varying multiple parameters. The data scientist observes that, during multiple runs with identical parameters, the loss function converges to different, yet stable, values. What should the data scientist do to improve the training process? 

A) Increase the learning rate. Keep the batch size the same.
B) Reduce the batch size. Decrease the learning rate.
C) Keep the batch size the same. Decrease the learning rate.
D) Do not change the learning rate. Increase the batch size.
Answer  6)

Notes 6)

It is most likely that the loss function is very curvy and has multiple local minima where the training is getting stuck. Decreasing the batch size would help the data scientist stochastically get out of the local minima saddles. Decreasing the learning rate would prevent overshooting the global loss function minimum. Refer to the paper at this link for an explanation.
Reference 6) : Here

Question 7) Your organization has a standalone Javascript (Node.js) application that streams data into AWS using Kinesis Data Streams. You notice that they are using the Kinesis API (AWS SDK) over the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL). What might be the reasoning behind this?

A) The Kinesis API (AWS SDK) provides greater functionality over the Kinesis Producer Library.
B) The Kinesis API (AWS SDK) runs faster in Javascript applications over the Kinesis Producer Library.
C) The Kinesis Producer Library must be installed as a Java application to use with Kinesis Data Streams.
D) The Kinesis Producer Library cannot be integrated with a Javascript application because of its asynchronous architecture.
Answer 7)
The KPL must be installed as a Java application before it can be used with your Kinesis Data Streams. There are ways to process KPL serialized data within AWS Lambda, in Java, Node.js, and Python, but not if these answers mentions Lambda.
Reference 7) KPL

Question 8) A data scientist is evaluating different binary classification models. A false positive result is 5 times more expensive (from a business perspective) than a false negative result. The models should be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

1) Must have a recall rate of at least 80%
2) Must have a false positive rate of 10% or less
3) Must minimize business costs After creating each binary classification model, the data scientist generates the corresponding confusion matrix. Which confusion matrix represents the model that satisfies the requirements?
A) TN = 91, FP = 9 FN = 22, TP = 78
 B) TN = 99, FP = 1 FN = 21, TP = 79
C) TN = 96, FP = 4 FN = 10, TP = 90
D) TN = 98, FP = 2 FN = 18, TP = 82
Answer 8): 

Notes/Hint 8)

The following calculations are required: TP = True Positive FP = False Positive FN = False Negative TN = True Negative FN = False Negative Recall = TP / (TP + FN) False Positive Rate (FPR) = FP / (FP + TN) Cost = 5 * FP + FN A B C D Recall 78 / (78 + 22) = 0.78 79 / (79 + 21) = 0.79 90 / (90 + 10) = 0.9 82 / (82 + 18) = 0.82 False Positive Rate 9 / (9 + 91) = 0.09 1 / (1 + 99) = 0.01 4 / (4 + 96) = 0.04 2 / (2 + 98) = 0.02 Costs 5 * 9 + 22 = 67 5 * 1 + 21 = 26 5 * 4 + 10 = 30 5 * 2 + 18 = 28 Options C and D have a recall greater than 80% and an FPR less than 10%, but D is the most cost effective. For supporting information, refer to this link.
Reference 8: Here


Question 9) A data scientist uses logistic regression to build a fraud detection model. While the model accuracy is 99%, 90% of the fraud cases are not detected by the model. What action will definitely help the model detect more than 10% of fraud cases? 

A) Using undersampling to balance the dataset
B) Decreasing the class probability threshold
C) Using regularization to reduce overfitting
D) Using oversampling to balance the dataset

Answer  9)



Notes 9)

Decreasing the class probability threshold makes the model more sensitive and, therefore, marks more cases as the positive class, which is fraud in this case. This will increase the likelihood of fraud detection. However, it comes at the price of lowering precision. This is covered in the Discussion section of the paper at this link
Reference 9: Here


Question 10) A company is interested in building a fraud detection model. Currently, the data scientist does not have a sufficient amount of information due to the low number of fraud cases. Which method is MOST likely to detect the GREATEST number of valid fraud cases?

A) Oversampling using bootstrapping
B) Undersampling
C) Oversampling using SMOTE
D) Class weight adjustment

Answer  10)


Notes 10)

With datasets that are not fully populated, the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) adds new information by adding synthetic data points to the minority class. This technique would be the most effective in this scenario. Refer to Section 4.2 at this link for supporting information.
Reference 10) : Here

Question 11) A machine learning engineer is preparing a data frame for a supervised learning task with the Amazon SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm. The ML engineer notices the target label classes are highly imbalanced and multiple feature columns contain missing values. The proportion of missing values across the entire data frame is less than 5%. What should the ML engineer do to minimize bias due to missing values? 

A) Replace each missing value by the mean or median across non-missing values in same row.
B) Delete observations that contain missing values because these represent less than 5% of the data.
C) Replace each missing value by the mean or median across non-missing values in the same column.
D) For each feature, approximate the missing values using supervised learning based on other features.

Answer  11)



Notes 11)

Use supervised learning to predict missing values based on the values of other features. Different supervised learning approaches might have different performances, but any properly implemented supervised learning approach should provide the same or better approximation than mean or median approximation, as proposed in responses A and C. Supervised learning applied to the imputation of missing values is an active field of research. Refer to this link for an example.
Reference 11): Here


Question 12) A company has collected customer comments on its products, rating them as safe or unsafe, using decision trees. The training dataset has the following features: id, date, full review, full review summary, and a binary safe/unsafe tag. During training, any data sample with missing features was dropped. In a few instances, the test set was found to be missing the full review text field. For this use case, which is the most effective course of action to address test data samples with missing features? 

A) Drop the test samples with missing full review text fields, and then run through the test set.
B) Copy the summary text fields and use them to fill in the missing full review text fields, and then run through the test set.
C) Use an algorithm that handles missing data better than decision trees.
D) Generate synthetic data to fill in the fields that are missing data, and then run through the test set.
Answer  12)



Notes 12) 

In this case, a full review summary usually contains the most descriptive phrases of the entire review and is a valid stand-in for the missing full review text field. For supporting information, refer to page 1627 at this link, and this link and this link.

Reference 12) Here



Question 13) An insurance company needs to automate claim compliance reviews because human reviews are expensive and error-prone. The company has a large set of claims and a compliance label for each. Each claim consists of a few sentences in English, many of which contain complex related information. Management would like to use Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms to design a machine learning supervised model that can be trained to read each claim and predict if the claim is compliant or not. Which approach should be used to extract features from the claims to be used as inputs for the downstream supervised task? 

A) Derive a dictionary of tokens from claims in the entire dataset. Apply one-hot encoding to tokens found in each claim of the training set. Send the derived features space as inputs to an Amazon SageMaker builtin supervised learning algorithm.
B) Apply Amazon SageMaker BlazingText in Word2Vec mode to claims in the training set. Send the derived features space as inputs for the downstream supervised task.
C) Apply Amazon SageMaker BlazingText in classification mode to labeled claims in the training set to derive features for the claims that correspond to the compliant and non-compliant labels, respectively.
D) Apply Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec to claims in the training set. Send the derived features space as inputs for the downstream supervised task.

Answer  13)



Notes 13)

Amazon SageMaker Object2Vec generalizes the Word2Vec embedding technique for words to more complex objects, such as sentences and paragraphs. Since the supervised learning task is at the level of whole claims, for which there are labels, and no labels are available at the word level, Object2Vec needs be used instead of Word2Vec.

Reference 13)  Amazon SageMaker

Question 14) You have been tasked with capturing two different types of streaming events. The first event type includes mission-critical data that needs to immediately be processed before operations can continue. The second event type includes data of less importance, but operations can continue without immediately processing. What is the most appropriate solution to record these different types of events?

A) Capture both events with the PutRecords API call.
B) Capture both event types using the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL).
C) Capture the mission critical events with the PutRecords API call and the second event type with the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL).
D) Capture the mission critical events with the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) and the second event type with the Putrecords API call.

Answer  14)



Notes 14)

The question is about sending data to Kinesis synchronously vs. asynchronously. PutRecords is a synchronous send function, so it must be used for the first event type (critical events). The Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) implements an asynchronous send function, so it can be used for the second event type. In this scenario, the reason to use the KPL over the PutRecords API call is because: KPL can incur an additional processing delay of up to RecordMaxBufferedTime within the library (user-configurable). Larger values of RecordMaxBufferedTime results in higher packing efficiencies and better performance. Applications that cannot tolerate this additional delay may need to use the AWS SDK directly. For more information about using the AWS SDK with Kinesis Data Streams, see Developing Producers Using the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams API with the AWS SDK for Java. For more information about RecordMaxBufferedTime and other user-configurable properties of the KPL, see Configuring the Kinesis Producer Library.

Reference 14: KCL vs PutRecords


Question 15) You are collecting clickstream data from an e-commerce website to make near-real time product suggestions for users actively using the site. Which combination of tools can be used to achieve the quickest recommendations and meets all of the requirements?

A) Use Kinesis Data Streams to ingest clickstream data, then use Kinesis Data Analytics to run real time SQL queries to gain actionable insights and trigger real-time recommendations with AWS Lambda functions based on conditions.
B) Use Kinesis Data Firehose to ingest click stream data, then use Kinesis Data Analytics to run real time SQL queries to gain actionable insights and trigger real-time recommendations with AWS Lambda functions based on conditions, then use Lambda to load these results into S3.
C) Use Kinesis Data Streams to ingest clickstream data, then use Lambda to process that data and write it to S3. Once the data is on S3, use Athena to query based on conditions that data and make real time recommendations to users.
D) Use the Kinesis Data Analytics to ingest the clickstream data directly and run real time SQL queries to gain actionable insights and trigger real-time recommendations with AWS Lambda functions based on conditions.

Answer  15)



Notes 15)

Kinesis Data Analytics gets its input streaming data from Kinesis Data Streams or Kinesis Data Firehose. You can use Kinesis Data Analytics to run real-time SQL queries on your data. Once certain conditions are met you can trigger Lambda functions to make real time product suggestions to users. It is not important that we store or persist the clickstream data.

Reference 15: Kinesis Data Analytics

Question 16) Which service built by AWS makes it easy to set up a retry mechanism, aggregate records to improve throughput, and automatically submits CloudWatch metrics?

A) Kinesis API (AWS SDK)
B) Kinesis Producer Library (KPL)
C) Kinesis Consumer Library
D) Kinesis Client Library (KCL)

Answer  16)



Notes 16)

Although the Kinesis API built into the AWS SDK can be used for all of this, the Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) makes it easy to integrate all of this into your applications.

Reference 16:  Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) 

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Question 17) You have been tasked with capturing data from an online gaming platform to run analytics on and process through a machine learning pipeline. The data that you are ingesting is players controller inputs every 1 second (up to 10 players in a game) that is in JSON format. The data needs to be ingested through Kinesis Data Streams and the JSON data blob is 100 KB in size. What is the minimum number of shards you can use to successfully ingest this data?

A) 10 shards
B) Greater than 500 shards, so you’ll need to request more shards from AWS
C) 1 shard
D) 100 shards

Answer  17)



Notes 17)

In this scenario, there will be a maximum of 10 records per second with a max payload size of 1000 KB (10 records x 100 KB = 1000KB) written to the shard. A single shard can ingest up to 1 MB of data per second, which is enough to ingest the 1000 KB from the streaming game play. Therefor 1 shard is enough to handle the streaming data.

Reference 17: shards

Question 18) Which services in the Kinesis family allows you to analyze streaming data, gain actionable insights, and respond to your business and customer needs in real time?

A) Kinesis Streams
B) Kinesis Firehose
C) Kinesis Video Streams
D) Kinesis Data Analytics

Answer  18)



Notes 18)

Kinesis Data Analytics allows you to run real-time SQL queries on your data to gain insights and respond to events in real time.

Reference 18: Kinesis Data Analytics


Question 19) You are a ML specialist needing to collect data from Twitter tweets. Your goal is to collect tweets that include only the name of your company and the tweet body, and store it off into a data store in AWS. What set of tools can you use to stream, transform, and load the data into AWS with the LEAST amount of effort?

A) Setup a Kinesis Data Firehose for data ingestion and immediately write that data to S3. Next, setup a Lambda function to trigger when data lands in S3 to transform it and finally write it to DynamoDB.
B) Setup A Kinesis Data Stream for data ingestion, setup EC2 instances as data consumers to poll and transform the data from the stream. Once the data is transformed, make an API call to write the data to DynamoDB.
C) Setup Kinesis Data Streams for data ingestion. Next, setup Kinesis Data Firehouse to load that data into RedShift. Next, setup a Lambda function to query data using RedShift spectrum and store the results onto DynamoDB.
D) Create a Kinesis Data Stream to ingest the data. Next, setup a Kinesis Data Firehose and use Lambda to transform the data from the Kinesis Data Stream, then use Lambda to write the data to DynamoDB. Finally, use S3 as the data destination for Kinesis Data Firehose.

Answer 19)


Notes 19)

All of these could be used to stream, transform, and load the data into an AWS data store. The setup that requires the LEAST amount of effort and moving parts involves setting up a Kinesis Data Firehose to stream the data into S3, have it transformed by Lambda with an S3 trigger, and then written to DynamoDB.

Reference 19: Kinesis Data Firehose to stream the data into S3

Question 20) Which service in the Kinesis family allows you to build custom applications that process or analyze streaming data for specialized needs?

A) Kinesis Firehose
B) Kinesis Streams
C) Kinesis Video Streams
D) Kinesis Data Analytics

Answer 20)


Notes 20)

Kinesis Streams allows you to stream data into AWS and build custom applications around that streaming data.

Reference 20: Kinesis Streams

Question21: Of the following, which is an example of machine learning? (Select TWO.)

A) Calculating the shortest route from current location to the destination

B) Optimizing product pricing based on real-time sales data

C) Sentiment analysis of text on product reviews

D) A loan approval system that classifies applicants entirely based on credit score


B and C

Notes 21: 

Optimizing product pricing based on real-time sales data and Sentiment analysis of text on product reviews.

Question22:Which of the following is an appropriate use case for unsupervised learning?

A) Partitioning an image of a street scene into multiple segments

B) Finding an optimal path out of a maze

C) Identifying clusters of housing sales based on related data points

D) Analyzing sentiment of social media posts



Notes 22: 

Identifying clusters of housing sales based on related data points




Notes 23: 

Question24: A Djamgatech retail company wants to deploy a machine learning model to predict the demand for a product using sales data from the past 5 years. What is the MOST efficient solution that the company should implement first?

A) Regression

B) Multi-class classification

C) Binary class classification

D) N/A



Notes 24: 

Question25: In which phase of the ML pipeline do you analyze the business requirements and re-frame that information into a machine learning context.

A) Problem formulation

B) Model training

C) Deployment


Data preprocessing



Notes 25:

AWS machine Learning Specialty Exam Prep MLS-C01




AWS MLS-C01 Machine Learning Exam Prep

Quizzes, Practice Exams: Modeling, Data Engineering, Vision, Exploratory Data Analysis, ML Ops, Cheat Sheets, ML Jobs Interview Q&A

Use this App to learn about Machine Learning on AWS and prepare for the AWS Machine Learning Specialty Certification MLS-C01.

Earning AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty validates expertise in building, training, tuning, and deploying machine learning (ML) models on AWS.

The App provides hundreds of quizzes and practice exam about:

– Machine Learning Operation on AWS

– Modelling

– Data Engineering

– Computer Vision,

– Exploratory Data Analysis,

– ML implementation & Operations

– Machine Learning Basics Questions and Answers

– Machine Learning Advanced Questions and Answers

– Scorecard

– Countdown timer

– Machine Learning Cheat Sheets

– Machine Learning Interview Questions and Answers

– Machine Learning Latest News

The App covers Machine Learning Basics and Advanced topics including: NLP, Computer Vision, Python, linear regression, logistic regression, Sampling, dataset, statistical interaction, selection bias, non-Gaussian distribution, bias-variance trade-off, Normal Distribution, correlation and covariance, Point Estimates and Confidence Interval, A/B Testing, p-value, statistical power of sensitivity, over-fitting and under-fitting, regularization, Law of Large Numbers, Confounding Variables, Survivorship Bias, univariate, bivariate and multivariate, Resampling, ROC curve, TF/IDF vectorization, Cluster Sampling, etc.

Domain 1: Data Engineering

Create data repositories for machine learning.

Identify data sources (e.g., content and location, primary sources such as user data)

Determine storage mediums (e.g., DB, Data Lake, S3, EFS, EBS)

Identify and implement a data ingestion solution.

Data job styles/types (batch load, streaming)

Data ingestion pipelines (Batch-based ML workloads and streaming-based ML workloads), etc.

Domain 2: Exploratory Data Analysis

Sanitize and prepare data for modeling.

Perform feature engineering.

Analyze and visualize data for machine learning.

Domain 3: Modeling

Frame business problems as machine learning problems.

Select the appropriate model(s) for a given machine learning problem.

Train machine learning models.

Perform hyperparameter optimization.

Evaluate machine learning models.

Domain 4: Machine Learning Implementation and Operations

Build machine learning solutions for performance, availability, scalability, resiliency, and fault tolerance.

Recommend and implement the appropriate machine learning services and features for a given problem.

Apply basic AWS security practices to machine learning solutions.

Deploy and operationalize machine learning solutions.

Machine Learning Services covered:

Amazon Comprehend

AWS Deep Learning AMIs (DLAMI)

AWS DeepLens

Amazon Forecast

Amazon Fraud Detector

Amazon Lex

Amazon Polly

Amazon Rekognition

Amazon SageMaker

Amazon Textract

Amazon Transcribe

Amazon Translate

Other Services and topics covered are:



Data analysis/visualization

Model training

Model deployment/inference


AWS ML application services

Language relevant to ML (for example, Python, Java, Scala, R, SQL)

Notebooks and integrated development environments (IDEs),

S3, SageMaker, Kinesis, Lake Formation, Athena, Kibana, Redshift, Textract, EMR, Glue, SageMaker, CSV, JSON, IMG, parquet or databases, Amazon Athena

Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service , Amazon Redshift

Sagemaker API Explained:

SageMaker API

AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer Specialty Questions and Answers:

Question1: An advertising and analytics company uses machine learning to predict user response to online advertisements using a custom XGBoost model. The company wants to improve its ML pipeline by porting its training and inference code, written in R, to Amazon SageMaker, and do so with minimal changes to the existing code.

Answer1: Use the Build Your Own Container (BYOC) Amazon Sagemaker option.
Create a new docker container with the existing code. Register the container in Amazon Elastic Container registry. with the existing code. Register the container in Amazon Elastic Container Registry. Finally run the training and inference jobs using this container.

Question2: Which feature of Amazon SageMaker can you use for preprocessing the data?


Answer2: Amazon Sagemaker Notebook instances

Amazon SageMaker enables developers and data scientists to build, train, tune, and deploy machine learning (ML) models at scale. You can deploy trained ML models for real-time or batch predictions on unseen data, a process known as inference. However, in most cases, the raw input data must be preprocessed and can’t be used directly for making predictions. This is because most ML models expect the data in a predefined format, so the raw data needs to be first cleaned and formatted in order for the ML model to process the data.  You can use the Amazon SageMaker built-in Scikit-learn library for preprocessing input data and then use the Amazon SageMaker built-in Linear Learner algorithm for predictions.

Question3: What setting, when creating an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance, can you use to install libraries and import data?

Answer3: LifeCycle Configuration

Question4: How to Choose the right Sagemaker built-in algorithm?

How to chose the right built in algorithm in SageMaker?
How to chose the right built in algorithm in SageMaker?
Guide to choosing the right unsupervised learning algorithm
Guide to choosing the right unsupervised learning algorithm


Choosing the right  ML algorithm based on Data Type
Choosing the right ML algorithm based on Data Type


Choosing the right ML algo based on data type
Choosing the right ML algo based on data type

This is a general guide for choosing which algorithm to use depending on what business problem you have and what data you have. 



Top 10 Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Sample Questions

Question 1: You work for a textile manufacturer and have been asked to build a model to detect and classify fabric defects. You trained a machine learning model with high recall based on high resolution images taken at the end of the production line. You want quality control inspectors to gain trust in your model. Which technique should you use to understand the rationale of your classifier?

A. Use K-fold cross validation to understand how the model performs on different test datasets.

B. Use the Integrated Gradients method to efficiently compute feature attributions for each predicted image.

C. Use PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to reduce the original feature set to a smaller set of easily understood features.

D. Use k-means clustering to group similar images together, and calculate the Davies-Bouldin index to evaluate the separation between clusters.

Answer 1)


Notes 1)

B is correct because it identifies the pixel of the input image that leads to the classification of the image itself.

Question 2: You need to write a generic test to verify whether Dense Neural Network (DNN) models automatically released by your team have a sufficient number of parameters to learn the task for which they were built. What should you do?

A. Train the model for a few iterations, and check for NaN values.
B. Train the model for a few iterations, and verify that the loss is constant.
C. Train a simple linear model, and determine if the DNN model outperforms it.
D. Train the model with no regularization, and verify that the loss function is close to zero.

Answer 2)


Notes 2)

D is correct because the test can check that the model has enough parameters to memorize the task.

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[appbox googleplay]

Question 3: Your team is using a TensorFlow Inception-v3 CNN model pretrained on ImageNet for an image classification prediction challenge on 10,000 images. You will use AI Platform to perform the model training. What TensorFlow distribution strategy and AI Platform training job configuration should you use to train the model and optimize for wall-clock time?


A. Default Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and four v100 GPUs.
B. One Device Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and four v100 GPUs.
C. One Device Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and eight v100 GPUs.
D. Central Storage Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and four v100 GPUs.

Answer 3)


Notes 3)

D is correct because this is the only strategy that can perform distributed training; albeit there is only a single copy of the variables on the CPU host.

Question 4: You work on a team where the process for deploying a model into production starts with data scientists training different versions of models in a Kubeflow pipeline. The workflow then stores the new model artifact into the corresponding Cloud Storage bucket. You need to build the next steps of the pipeline after the submitted model is ready to be tested and deployed in production on AI Platform. How should you configure the architecture before deploying the model to production?

A. Deploy model in test environment -> Validate model -> Create a new AI Platform model version
B. Validate model -> Deploy model in test environment -> Create a new AI Platform model version
C. Create a new AI Platform model version -> Validate model -> Deploy model in test environment
D. Create a new AI Platform model version – > Deploy model in test environment -> Validate model
Answer 4)
Notes 4)
A is correct because the model can be validated after it is deployed to the test environment, and the release version is established before the model is deployed in production.
Question 5: You work for a maintenance company and have built and trained a deep learning model that identifies defects based on thermal images of underground electric cables. Your dataset contains 10,000 images, 100 of which contain visible defects. How should you evaluate the performance of the model on a test dataset?
A. Calculate the Area Under the Curve (AUC) value.
B. Calculate the number of true positive results predicted by the model.
C. Calculate the fraction of images predicted by the model to have a visible defect.
D. Calculate the Cosine Similarity to compare the model’s performance on the test dataset to the model’s performance on the training dataset.
Answer 5)
Notes 5)
A is correct because it is scale-invariant. AUC measures how well predictions are ranked, rather than their absolute values. AUC is also classification-threshold invariant. It measures the quality of the model’s predictions irrespective of what classification threshold is chosen.
Question 6: You work for a manufacturing company that owns a high-value machine which has several machine settings and multiple sensors. A history of the machine’s hourly sensor readings and known failure event data are stored in BigQuery. You need to predict if the machine will fail within the next 3 days in order to schedule maintenance before the machine fails. Which data preparation and model training steps should you take?


A. Data preparation: Daily max value feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: AutoML classification with BQML
B. Data preparation: Daily min value feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: Logistic regression with BQML and AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS set to True
C. Data preparation: Rolling average feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: Logistic regression with BQML and AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS set to False
D. Data preparation: Rolling average feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: Logistic regression with BQML and AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS set to True
Answer 6)
Notes 6)
D is correct because it uses the rolling average of the sensor data and balances the weights using the BQML auto class weight balance parameter.
Question 7: You are an ML engineer at a media company. You need to build an ML model to analyze video content frame-by-frame, identify objects, and alert users if there is inappropriate content. Which Google Cloud products should you use to build this project?


A. Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, Cloud Vision API
B. Pub/Sub, Cloud IoT, Dataflow, Cloud Vision API, Cloud Logging
C. Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, Video Intelligence API, Cloud Logging
D. Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, AutoML Video Intelligence, Cloud Logging
Answer 7)
Notes 7)
C is correct as Video Intelligence API can find inappropriate components and other components satisfy the requirements of real-time processing and notification.
Question 8: You work for a large retailer. You want to use ML to forecast future sales leveraging 10 years of historical sales data. The historical data is stored in Cloud Storage in Avro format. You want to rapidly experiment with all the available data. How should you build and train your model for the sales forecast?
A. Load data into BigQuery and use the ARIMA model type on BigQuery ML.
B. Convert the data into CSV format and create a regression model on AutoML Tables.
C. Convert the data into TFRecords and create an RNN model on TensorFlow on AI Platform Notebooks.
D. Convert and refactor the data into CSV format and use the built-in XGBoost algorithm on AI Platform Training.
Answer 8)
Notes 8)
A is correct because BigQuery ML is designed for fast and rapid experimentation and it is possible to use federated queries to read data directly from Cloud Storage. Moreover, ARIMA is considered one of the best in class for time series forecasting.
Question 9) You need to build an object detection model for a small startup company to identify if and where the company’s logo appears in an image. You were given a large repository of images, some with logos and some without. These images are not yet labelled. You need to label these pictures, and then train and deploy the model. What should you do?


A. Use Google Cloud’s Data Labelling Service to label your data. Use AutoML Object Detection to train and deploy the model.
B. Use Vision API to detect and identify logos in pictures and use it as a label. Use AI Platform to build and train a convolutional neural network.
C. Create two folders: one where the logo appears and one where it doesn’t. Manually place images in each folder. Use AI Platform to build and train a convolutional neural network.
D. Create two folders: one where the logo appears and one where it doesn’t. Manually place images in each folder. Use AI Platform to build and train a real time object detection model.
Answer 9)
Notes 9)
A is correct as this will allow you to easily create a request for a labelling task and deploy a high-performance model.

Question 10) You work for a large financial institution that is planning to use Dialogflow to create a chatbot for the company’s mobile app. You have reviewed old chat logs and tagged each conversation for intent based on each customer’s stated intention for contacting customer service. About 70% of customer inquiries are simple requests that are solved within 10 intents. The remaining 30% of inquiries require much longer and more complicated requests. Which intents should you automate first?

A. Automate a blend of the shortest and longest intents to be representative of all intents.
B. Automate the more complicated requests first because those require more of the agents’ time.
C. Automate the 10 intents that cover 70% of the requests so that live agents can handle the more complicated requests.
D. Automate intents in places where common words such as “payment” only appear once to avoid confusing the software.
Answer 10)
Notes 10)

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Machine Learning Q&A Part I:


Azure and AWS are second class citizens in this area.

Sure, AWS has 70% of the market.

Sure, Azure is the easiest turn key and super user friendly.

But, the king of machine learning in the cloud is GCP.

GCP = Google Cloud Platform

Google has the largest data science team in the world, not mention they have Hinton.

Let’s forgot for a minute they created TensorFlow and give it away.

Let’s just talk about building a real world model with data that doesn’t fit into a excel spreadsheet.

The vast majority of applied machine learning is supervised and that means we need data.

Not just normal data, we need very clean highly structured data.

Where’s the easiest place in the world to upload and model a Petabyte of structured dataBigQuery of course.

Why BigQuery? I don’t have to do anything but upload my data. No spinning up RedShit clusters or whatever I have to do in Azure, just upload and massage data with my familiar SQL. If I do have to wrangle my data it won’t take my six months to update 5 rows here, minutes usually.

Then, you’ll need a front end. Cloud datalab is a Jupyter notebook, which is good because I don’t want nor do I need anything else.

Then, with a single line of code I connect by datalab (Jupyter) notebook to my data in BigQuery and build away.

I’ve worked in all three and the only thing I care about is getting to my job the fastest and right now that means I build my models in GCP.

If you’re new to machine learning don’t start in GCP or any cloud vendor for that matter. Start learning Python from the comfort of your laptop.

The course below is free to the first 20.

The Complete Python Course for Machine Learning Engineers

Here, I want to share the best research paper on Machine Learning classification methods, titled ‘Do we Need Hundreds of Classifiers to Solve Real World Classification Problems?’, published in the ‘Journal of Machine Learning Research’.

This paper nicely explained 179 classification techniques and applied them on 121 data sets thus sharing small summary of the paper:

Do we Need Hundreds of Classifiers to Solve Real World Classification Problems?


The paper evaluated 179 classifiers arising from 17 ML families (discriminant analysis, Bayesian, neural networks, support vector machines, decision trees, rule-based classifiers, boosting, bagging, stacking, random forests and other ensembles, generalized linear models, nearest neighbours, partial least squares and principal component regression, logistic and multinomial regression, multiple adaptive regression splines and other methods), implemented in Weka, R ( with and without the caret package), C and Matlab, including all the relevant classifiers available today.

Experiments used total 121 data sets , which represent the whole UCI data base (excluding the large-scale problems) and other own real problems, in order to achieve significant conclusions about the classifier behaviour, not dependent on the data set collection.

The whole data set and partitions are available from:

The classifiers most likely to be the bests are the random forest (RF) versions, the best of which (implemented in R and accessed via caret) achieves 94.1% of the maximum accuracy overcoming 90% in the 84.3% of the data sets. However, the difference is not statistically significant with the second best, the SVM with Gaussian kernel implemented in C using LibSVM, which achieves 92.3% of the maximum accuracy. A few models are clearly better than the remaining ones: random forest, SVM with Gaussian and polynomial kernels, extreme learning machine with Gaussian kernel, C5.0 and avNNet (a committee of multi-layer perceptrons implemented in R with the caret package).

The random forest is clearly the best family of classifiers (3 out of 5 bests classifiers are RF), followed by SVM (4 classifiers in the top-10), neural networks and boosting ensembles (5 and 3 members in the top-20, respectively).

You can see the table with the complete results:

I hope it will be helpful for Statistic and Machine Leaning aspirants!

Thank you!


At a high level, these skills are a combination of software and data engineering.

The persons that are more appropriate to do this job are a data engineer and/or a machine learning engineer.

That being said, if you work at a startup or happen to be in a small company and need to put the models into production yourself, here are the top skills you need to get:

  • Well structured code: it doesn’t need to be perfect but at least can be understood and updated by other team members. Avoid spaghetti code[1] as the plague.
  • Add logs: if you are a Python user, the logging[2] module is your friend. Avoid print statements at any cost.
  • Model versioning: add a hash key to your different models. You will thank me later.
  • Metadata everywhere: save as much data about your models and ML experiments as you can (running time, hyperparameters, used features, CV scores, and so on). You will thank me later, again.
  • Monitor performances: execution time and statistical scores of your models.
  • Data and models management: store the necessary data and models somewhere that is available to everyone (S3[3] for example). Avoid uploading these to your VCS[4] system. Don’t share them using Slack or Drive. I won’t judge you though, I do it sometimes (read often). Read more here …..

Some of the mistakes that might involve during building a machine learning model (I can think of) are listed here:

  1. Not understanding the structure of the dataset
  2. Not giving proper care during features selection
  3. Leaving out categorical features and considering just numerical variables
  4. Falling into dummy variable trap
  5. Selection of inefficient machine learning algorithm
  6. Not trying out various ML algorithms for building the model based on structure of data.
  7. Improper tuning of model parameters
  8. Most importantly: Building an idiotstic imperfect model i.e. suppose we have a classification problem with 99% chances of falling into class1 and remaining to class2. The built model may develop a mapping function which all the time for all data inputs, may predict the result to be class1. Well, one might say his/her model has 99% accuracy. But in reality the 1% class2 case hasn’t been included in the model. So this must be taken into consideration.
  9. Read more here…

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[appbox googleplay]

Basically, data mining is a key aspect of data analytics. Some even consider the former as essential to execute before the latter. While data analytics is the complete package and involves most components needed to examine a data set and extract valuable information, data mining focuses specifically on identifying hidden patterns.

That’s just the surface-level comparison though. The image above gives an overview of how the two differ.

One such difference is the presence of a hypothesis. Data analytics usually requires coming up with one, as it aims to find specific answers. Data mining, on the other hand, generally doesn’t need one to test or prove. The expected output are patterns or trends, which doesn’t require coming up with a statement or fact to test.

However, that doesn’t mean you mine data blindly. You still have a goal, whether it’s to come up with a recommender system or identify predictors of a certain dimension. Ultimately though, you strive to come up with data patterns or trends. For data analysis on the other hand, you’re expected to come up with valuable and actionable insights, usually in relation to a predetermined hypothesis. Read more here ….

The data science life cycle is not something well-defined like the software development life-cycle, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for data science projects. Every step in the life-cycle of a data science project depends on various data scientist skills and data science tools. The typical life-cycle of a data science project involves jumping back and forth among various interdependent science tasks using a variety of tools, techniques, programming, etc.

Thus, the data science life-cycle can include the following steps:

  1. Business requirement understanding.
  2. Data collection.
  3. Data cleaning.
  4. Data analysis.
  5. Modeling.
  6. Performance evaluation.
  7. Communicating with stakeholders.
  8. Deployment.
  9. Real-world testing.
  10. Business buy-in.
  11. Support and maintenance.

Looks neat, but here is the scheme to visualize how it is happening in reality:

Agile development processes, especially continuous delivery lends itself well to the data science project life-cycle. The early comparison helps the data science team to change approaches, refine hypotheses and even discard the project if the business case is nonviable or the benefits from the predictive models are not worth the effort to build it.

Read more here….



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Machine Learning Q&A -Part II:


At a high level, these skills are a combination of software and data engineering.

The persons that are more appropriate to do this job are a data engineer and/or a machine learning engineer.

That being said, if you work at a startup or happen to be in a small company and need to put the models into production yourself, here are the top skills you need to get:

  • Well structured code: it doesn’t need to be perfect but at least can be understood and updated by other team members. Avoid spaghetti code[1] as the plague.
  • Add logs: if you are a Python user, the logging[2] module is your friend. Avoid print statements at any cost.
  • Model versioning: add a hash key to your different models. You will thank me later.
  • Metadata everywhere: save as much data about your models and ML experiments as you can (running time, hyperparameters, used features, CV scores, and so on). You will thank me later, again.
  • Monitor performances: execution time and statistical scores of your models.
  • Data and models management: store the necessary data and models somewhere that is available to everyone (S3[3] for example). Avoid uploading these to your VCS[4] system. Don’t share them using Slack or Drive. I won’t judge you though, I do it sometimes (read often). Read more here …..

Some of the mistakes that might involve during building a machine learning model (I can think of) are listed here:

  1. Not understanding the structure of the dataset
  2. Not giving proper care during features selection
  3. Leaving out categorical features and considering just numerical variables
  4. Falling into dummy variable trap
  5. Selection of inefficient machine learning algorithm
  6. Not trying out various ML algorithms for building the model based on structure of data.
  7. Improper tuning of model parameters
  8. Most importantly: Building an idiotstic imperfect model i.e. suppose we have a classification problem with 99% chances of falling into class1 and remaining to class2. The built model may develop a mapping function which all the time for all data inputs, may predict the result to be class1. Well, one might say his/her model has 99% accuracy. But in reality the 1% class2 case hasn’t been included in the model. So this must be taken into consideration.
  9. Read more here…

Basically, data mining is a key aspect of data analytics. Some even consider the former as essential to execute before the latter. While data analytics is the complete package and involves most components needed to examine a data set and extract valuable information, data mining focuses specifically on identifying hidden patterns.

That’s just the surface-level comparison though. The image above gives an overview of how the two differ.

One such difference is the presence of a hypothesis. Data analytics usually requires coming up with one, as it aims to find specific answers. Data mining, on the other hand, generally doesn’t need one to test or prove. The expected output are patterns or trends, which doesn’t require coming up with a statement or fact to test.

However, that doesn’t mean you mine data blindly. You still have a goal, whether it’s to come up with a recommender system or identify predictors of a certain dimension. Ultimately though, you strive to come up with data patterns or trends. For data analysis on the other hand, you’re expected to come up with valuable and actionable insights, usually in relation to a predetermined hypothesis. Read more here ….

The data science life cycle is not something well-defined like the software development life-cycle, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for data science projects. Every step in the life-cycle of a data science project depends on various data scientist skills and data science tools. The typical life-cycle of a data science project involves jumping back and forth among various interdependent science tasks using a variety of tools, techniques, programming, etc.

Thus, the data science life-cycle can include the following steps:

  1. Business requirement understanding.
  2. Data collection.
  3. Data cleaning.
  4. Data analysis.
  5. Modeling.
  6. Performance evaluation.
  7. Communicating with stakeholders.
  8. Deployment.
  9. Real-world testing.
  10. Business buy-in.
  11. Support and maintenance.

Looks neat, but here is the scheme to visualize how it is happening in reality:

Agile development processes, especially continuous delivery lends itself well to the data science project life-cycle. The early comparison helps the data science team to change approaches, refine hypotheses and even discard the project if the business case is nonviable or the benefits from the predictive models are not worth the effort to build it.

Read more here….




AWS machine Learning Specialty Exam Prep MLS-C01




AWS MLS-C01 Machine Learning Exam Prep

Quizzes, Practice Exams: Modeling, Data Engineering, Vision, Exploratory Data Analysis, ML Ops, Cheat Sheets, ML Jobs Interview Q&A

Use this App to learn about Machine Learning on AWS and prepare for the AWS Machine Learning Specialty Certification MLS-C01.

Earning AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty validates expertise in building, training, tuning, and deploying machine learning (ML) models on AWS.

The App provides hundreds of quizzes and practice exam about:

– Machine Learning Operation on AWS

– Modelling

– Data Engineering

– Computer Vision,

– Exploratory Data Analysis,

– ML implementation & Operations

– Machine Learning Basics Questions and Answers

– Machine Learning Advanced Questions and Answers

– Scorecard

– Countdown timer

– Machine Learning Cheat Sheets

– Machine Learning Interview Questions and Answers

– Machine Learning Latest News

The App covers Machine Learning Basics and Advanced topics including: NLP, Computer Vision, Python, linear regression, logistic regression, Sampling, dataset, statistical interaction, selection bias, non-Gaussian distribution, bias-variance trade-off, Normal Distribution, correlation and covariance, Point Estimates and Confidence Interval, A/B Testing, p-value, statistical power of sensitivity, over-fitting and under-fitting, regularization, Law of Large Numbers, Confounding Variables, Survivorship Bias, univariate, bivariate and multivariate, Resampling, ROC curve, TF/IDF vectorization, Cluster Sampling, etc.

Domain 1: Data Engineering

Create data repositories for machine learning.

Identify data sources (e.g., content and location, primary sources such as user data)

Determine storage mediums (e.g., DB, Data Lake, S3, EFS, EBS)

Identify and implement a data ingestion solution.

Data job styles/types (batch load, streaming)

Data ingestion pipelines (Batch-based ML workloads and streaming-based ML workloads), etc.

Domain 2: Exploratory Data Analysis

Sanitize and prepare data for modeling.

Perform feature engineering.

Analyze and visualize data for machine learning.

Domain 3: Modeling

Frame business problems as machine learning problems.

Select the appropriate model(s) for a given machine learning problem.

Train machine learning models.

Perform hyperparameter optimization.

Evaluate machine learning models.

Domain 4: Machine Learning Implementation and Operations

Build machine learning solutions for performance, availability, scalability, resiliency, and fault tolerance.

Recommend and implement the appropriate machine learning services and features for a given problem.

Apply basic AWS security practices to machine learning solutions.

Deploy and operationalize machine learning solutions.

Machine Learning Services covered:

Amazon Comprehend

AWS Deep Learning AMIs (DLAMI)

AWS DeepLens

Amazon Forecast

Amazon Fraud Detector

Amazon Lex

Amazon Polly

Amazon Rekognition

Amazon SageMaker

Amazon Textract

Amazon Transcribe

Amazon Translate

Other Services and topics covered are:



Data analysis/visualization

Model training

Model deployment/inference


AWS ML application services

Language relevant to ML (for example, Python, Java, Scala, R, SQL)

Notebooks and integrated development environments (IDEs),

S3, SageMaker, Kinesis, Lake Formation, Athena, Kibana, Redshift, Textract, EMR, Glue, SageMaker, CSV, JSON, IMG, parquet or databases, Amazon Athena

Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service , Amazon Redshift

Sagemaker API Explained:

SageMaker API

AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer Specialty Questions and Answers:

Question1: An advertising and analytics company uses machine learning to predict user response to online advertisements using a custom XGBoost model. The company wants to improve its ML pipeline by porting its training and inference code, written in R, to Amazon SageMaker, and do so with minimal changes to the existing code.

Answer1: Use the Build Your Own Container (BYOC) Amazon Sagemaker option.
Create a new docker container with the existing code. Register the container in Amazon Elastic Container registry. with the existing code. Register the container in Amazon Elastic Container Registry. Finally run the training and inference jobs using this container.

Question2: Which feature of Amazon SageMaker can you use for preprocessing the data?


Answer2: Amazon Sagemaker Notebook instances

Amazon SageMaker enables developers and data scientists to build, train, tune, and deploy machine learning (ML) models at scale. You can deploy trained ML models for real-time or batch predictions on unseen data, a process known as inference. However, in most cases, the raw input data must be preprocessed and can’t be used directly for making predictions. This is because most ML models expect the data in a predefined format, so the raw data needs to be first cleaned and formatted in order for the ML model to process the data.  You can use the Amazon SageMaker built-in Scikit-learn library for preprocessing input data and then use the Amazon SageMaker built-in Linear Learner algorithm for predictions.

Question3: What setting, when creating an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance, can you use to install libraries and import data?

Answer3: LifeCycle Configuration

Question4: How to Choose the right Sagemaker built-in algorithm?

How to chose the right built in algorithm in SageMaker?
How to chose the right built in algorithm in SageMaker?
Guide to choosing the right unsupervised learning algorithm
Guide to choosing the right unsupervised learning algorithm


Choosing the right  ML algorithm based on Data Type
Choosing the right ML algorithm based on Data Type


Choosing the right ML algo based on data type
Choosing the right ML algo based on data type

This is a general guide for choosing which algorithm to use depending on what business problem you have and what data you have. 



Top 10 Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Sample Questions

Question 1: You work for a textile manufacturer and have been asked to build a model to detect and classify fabric defects. You trained a machine learning model with high recall based on high resolution images taken at the end of the production line. You want quality control inspectors to gain trust in your model. Which technique should you use to understand the rationale of your classifier?

A. Use K-fold cross validation to understand how the model performs on different test datasets.

B. Use the Integrated Gradients method to efficiently compute feature attributions for each predicted image.

C. Use PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to reduce the original feature set to a smaller set of easily understood features.

D. Use k-means clustering to group similar images together, and calculate the Davies-Bouldin index to evaluate the separation between clusters.

Answer 1)


Notes 1)

B is correct because it identifies the pixel of the input image that leads to the classification of the image itself.

Question 2: You need to write a generic test to verify whether Dense Neural Network (DNN) models automatically released by your team have a sufficient number of parameters to learn the task for which they were built. What should you do?

A. Train the model for a few iterations, and check for NaN values.
B. Train the model for a few iterations, and verify that the loss is constant.
C. Train a simple linear model, and determine if the DNN model outperforms it.
D. Train the model with no regularization, and verify that the loss function is close to zero.

Answer 2)


Notes 2)

D is correct because the test can check that the model has enough parameters to memorize the task.

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Question 3: Your team is using a TensorFlow Inception-v3 CNN model pretrained on ImageNet for an image classification prediction challenge on 10,000 images. You will use AI Platform to perform the model training. What TensorFlow distribution strategy and AI Platform training job configuration should you use to train the model and optimize for wall-clock time?


A. Default Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and four v100 GPUs.
B. One Device Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and four v100 GPUs.
C. One Device Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and eight v100 GPUs.
D. Central Storage Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and four v100 GPUs.

Answer 3)


Notes 3)

D is correct because this is the only strategy that can perform distributed training; albeit there is only a single copy of the variables on the CPU host.

Question 4: You work on a team where the process for deploying a model into production starts with data scientists training different versions of models in a Kubeflow pipeline. The workflow then stores the new model artifact into the corresponding Cloud Storage bucket. You need to build the next steps of the pipeline after the submitted model is ready to be tested and deployed in production on AI Platform. How should you configure the architecture before deploying the model to production?

A. Deploy model in test environment -> Validate model -> Create a new AI Platform model version
B. Validate model -> Deploy model in test environment -> Create a new AI Platform model version
C. Create a new AI Platform model version -> Validate model -> Deploy model in test environment
D. Create a new AI Platform model version – > Deploy model in test environment -> Validate model
Answer 4)
Notes 4)
A is correct because the model can be validated after it is deployed to the test environment, and the release version is established before the model is deployed in production.
Question 5: You work for a maintenance company and have built and trained a deep learning model that identifies defects based on thermal images of underground electric cables. Your dataset contains 10,000 images, 100 of which contain visible defects. How should you evaluate the performance of the model on a test dataset?
A. Calculate the Area Under the Curve (AUC) value.
B. Calculate the number of true positive results predicted by the model.
C. Calculate the fraction of images predicted by the model to have a visible defect.
D. Calculate the Cosine Similarity to compare the model’s performance on the test dataset to the model’s performance on the training dataset.
Answer 5)
Notes 5)
A is correct because it is scale-invariant. AUC measures how well predictions are ranked, rather than their absolute values. AUC is also classification-threshold invariant. It measures the quality of the model’s predictions irrespective of what classification threshold is chosen.
Question 6: You work for a manufacturing company that owns a high-value machine which has several machine settings and multiple sensors. A history of the machine’s hourly sensor readings and known failure event data are stored in BigQuery. You need to predict if the machine will fail within the next 3 days in order to schedule maintenance before the machine fails. Which data preparation and model training steps should you take?


A. Data preparation: Daily max value feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: AutoML classification with BQML
B. Data preparation: Daily min value feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: Logistic regression with BQML and AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS set to True
C. Data preparation: Rolling average feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: Logistic regression with BQML and AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS set to False
D. Data preparation: Rolling average feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: Logistic regression with BQML and AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS set to True
Answer 6)
Notes 6)
D is correct because it uses the rolling average of the sensor data and balances the weights using the BQML auto class weight balance parameter.
Question 7: You are an ML engineer at a media company. You need to build an ML model to analyze video content frame-by-frame, identify objects, and alert users if there is inappropriate content. Which Google Cloud products should you use to build this project?


A. Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, Cloud Vision API
B. Pub/Sub, Cloud IoT, Dataflow, Cloud Vision API, Cloud Logging
C. Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, Video Intelligence API, Cloud Logging
D. Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, AutoML Video Intelligence, Cloud Logging
Answer 7)
Notes 7)
C is correct as Video Intelligence API can find inappropriate components and other components satisfy the requirements of real-time processing and notification.
Question 8: You work for a large retailer. You want to use ML to forecast future sales leveraging 10 years of historical sales data. The historical data is stored in Cloud Storage in Avro format. You want to rapidly experiment with all the available data. How should you build and train your model for the sales forecast?
A. Load data into BigQuery and use the ARIMA model type on BigQuery ML.
B. Convert the data into CSV format and create a regression model on AutoML Tables.
C. Convert the data into TFRecords and create an RNN model on TensorFlow on AI Platform Notebooks.
D. Convert and refactor the data into CSV format and use the built-in XGBoost algorithm on AI Platform Training.
Answer 8)
Notes 8)
A is correct because BigQuery ML is designed for fast and rapid experimentation and it is possible to use federated queries to read data directly from Cloud Storage. Moreover, ARIMA is considered one of the best in class for time series forecasting.
Question 9) You need to build an object detection model for a small startup company to identify if and where the company’s logo appears in an image. You were given a large repository of images, some with logos and some without. These images are not yet labelled. You need to label these pictures, and then train and deploy the model. What should you do?


A. Use Google Cloud’s Data Labelling Service to label your data. Use AutoML Object Detection to train and deploy the model.
B. Use Vision API to detect and identify logos in pictures and use it as a label. Use AI Platform to build and train a convolutional neural network.
C. Create two folders: one where the logo appears and one where it doesn’t. Manually place images in each folder. Use AI Platform to build and train a convolutional neural network.
D. Create two folders: one where the logo appears and one where it doesn’t. Manually place images in each folder. Use AI Platform to build and train a real time object detection model.
Answer 9)
Notes 9)
A is correct as this will allow you to easily create a request for a labelling task and deploy a high-performance model.

Question 10) You work for a large financial institution that is planning to use Dialogflow to create a chatbot for the company’s mobile app. You have reviewed old chat logs and tagged each conversation for intent based on each customer’s stated intention for contacting customer service. About 70% of customer inquiries are simple requests that are solved within 10 intents. The remaining 30% of inquiries require much longer and more complicated requests. Which intents should you automate first?

A. Automate a blend of the shortest and longest intents to be representative of all intents.
B. Automate the more complicated requests first because those require more of the agents’ time.
C. Automate the 10 intents that cover 70% of the requests so that live agents can handle the more complicated requests.
D. Automate intents in places where common words such as “payment” only appear once to avoid confusing the software.
Answer 10)
Notes 10)

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Machine Learning Q&A Part I:


Azure and AWS are second class citizens in this area.

Sure, AWS has 70% of the market.

Sure, Azure is the easiest turn key and super user friendly.

But, the king of machine learning in the cloud is GCP.

GCP = Google Cloud Platform

Google has the largest data science team in the world, not mention they have Hinton.

Let’s forgot for a minute they created TensorFlow and give it away.

Let’s just talk about building a real world model with data that doesn’t fit into a excel spreadsheet.

The vast majority of applied machine learning is supervised and that means we need data.

Not just normal data, we need very clean highly structured data.

Where’s the easiest place in the world to upload and model a Petabyte of structured dataBigQuery of course.

Why BigQuery? I don’t have to do anything but upload my data. No spinning up RedShit clusters or whatever I have to do in Azure, just upload and massage data with my familiar SQL. If I do have to wrangle my data it won’t take my six months to update 5 rows here, minutes usually.

Then, you’ll need a front end. Cloud datalab is a Jupyter notebook, which is good because I don’t want nor do I need anything else.

Then, with a single line of code I connect by datalab (Jupyter) notebook to my data in BigQuery and build away.

I’ve worked in all three and the only thing I care about is getting to my job the fastest and right now that means I build my models in GCP.

If you’re new to machine learning don’t start in GCP or any cloud vendor for that matter. Start learning Python from the comfort of your laptop.

The course below is free to the first 20.

The Complete Python Course for Machine Learning Engineers

Here, I want to share the best research paper on Machine Learning classification methods, titled ‘Do we Need Hundreds of Classifiers to Solve Real World Classification Problems?’, published in the ‘Journal of Machine Learning Research’.

This paper nicely explained 179 classification techniques and applied them on 121 data sets thus sharing small summary of the paper:

Do we Need Hundreds of Classifiers to Solve Real World Classification Problems?


The paper evaluated 179 classifiers arising from 17 ML families (discriminant analysis, Bayesian, neural networks, support vector machines, decision trees, rule-based classifiers, boosting, bagging, stacking, random forests and other ensembles, generalized linear models, nearest neighbours, partial least squares and principal component regression, logistic and multinomial regression, multiple adaptive regression splines and other methods), implemented in Weka, R ( with and without the caret package), C and Matlab, including all the relevant classifiers available today.

Experiments used total 121 data sets , which represent the whole UCI data base (excluding the large-scale problems) and other own real problems, in order to achieve significant conclusions about the classifier behaviour, not dependent on the data set collection.

The whole data set and partitions are available from:

The classifiers most likely to be the bests are the random forest (RF) versions, the best of which (implemented in R and accessed via caret) achieves 94.1% of the maximum accuracy overcoming 90% in the 84.3% of the data sets. However, the difference is not statistically significant with the second best, the SVM with Gaussian kernel implemented in C using LibSVM, which achieves 92.3% of the maximum accuracy. A few models are clearly better than the remaining ones: random forest, SVM with Gaussian and polynomial kernels, extreme learning machine with Gaussian kernel, C5.0 and avNNet (a committee of multi-layer perceptrons implemented in R with the caret package).

The random forest is clearly the best family of classifiers (3 out of 5 bests classifiers are RF), followed by SVM (4 classifiers in the top-10), neural networks and boosting ensembles (5 and 3 members in the top-20, respectively).

You can see the table with the complete results:

I hope it will be helpful for Statistic and Machine Leaning aspirants!

Thank you!


At a high level, these skills are a combination of software and data engineering.

The persons that are more appropriate to do this job are a data engineer and/or a machine learning engineer.

That being said, if you work at a startup or happen to be in a small company and need to put the models into production yourself, here are the top skills you need to get:

  • Well structured code: it doesn’t need to be perfect but at least can be understood and updated by other team members. Avoid spaghetti code[1] as the plague.
  • Add logs: if you are a Python user, the logging[2] module is your friend. Avoid print statements at any cost.
  • Model versioning: add a hash key to your different models. You will thank me later.
  • Metadata everywhere: save as much data about your models and ML experiments as you can (running time, hyperparameters, used features, CV scores, and so on). You will thank me later, again.
  • Monitor performances: execution time and statistical scores of your models.
  • Data and models management: store the necessary data and models somewhere that is available to everyone (S3[3] for example). Avoid uploading these to your VCS[4] system. Don’t share them using Slack or Drive. I won’t judge you though, I do it sometimes (read often). Read more here …..

Some of the mistakes that might involve during building a machine learning model (I can think of) are listed here:

  1. Not understanding the structure of the dataset
  2. Not giving proper care during features selection
  3. Leaving out categorical features and considering just numerical variables
  4. Falling into dummy variable trap
  5. Selection of inefficient machine learning algorithm
  6. Not trying out various ML algorithms for building the model based on structure of data.
  7. Improper tuning of model parameters
  8. Most importantly: Building an idiotstic imperfect model i.e. suppose we have a classification problem with 99% chances of falling into class1 and remaining to class2. The built model may develop a mapping function which all the time for all data inputs, may predict the result to be class1. Well, one might say his/her model has 99% accuracy. But in reality the 1% class2 case hasn’t been included in the model. So this must be taken into consideration.
  9. Read more here…

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[appbox googleplay]

Basically, data mining is a key aspect of data analytics. Some even consider the former as essential to execute before the latter. While data analytics is the complete package and involves most components needed to examine a data set and extract valuable information, data mining focuses specifically on identifying hidden patterns.

That’s just the surface-level comparison though. The image above gives an overview of how the two differ.

One such difference is the presence of a hypothesis. Data analytics usually requires coming up with one, as it aims to find specific answers. Data mining, on the other hand, generally doesn’t need one to test or prove. The expected output are patterns or trends, which doesn’t require coming up with a statement or fact to test.

However, that doesn’t mean you mine data blindly. You still have a goal, whether it’s to come up with a recommender system or identify predictors of a certain dimension. Ultimately though, you strive to come up with data patterns or trends. For data analysis on the other hand, you’re expected to come up with valuable and actionable insights, usually in relation to a predetermined hypothesis. Read more here ….

The data science life cycle is not something well-defined like the software development life-cycle, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for data science projects. Every step in the life-cycle of a data science project depends on various data scientist skills and data science tools. The typical life-cycle of a data science project involves jumping back and forth among various interdependent science tasks using a variety of tools, techniques, programming, etc.

Thus, the data science life-cycle can include the following steps:

  1. Business requirement understanding.
  2. Data collection.
  3. Data cleaning.
  4. Data analysis.
  5. Modeling.
  6. Performance evaluation.
  7. Communicating with stakeholders.
  8. Deployment.
  9. Real-world testing.
  10. Business buy-in.
  11. Support and maintenance.

Looks neat, but here is the scheme to visualize how it is happening in reality:

Agile development processes, especially continuous delivery lends itself well to the data science project life-cycle. The early comparison helps the data science team to change approaches, refine hypotheses and even discard the project if the business case is nonviable or the benefits from the predictive models are not worth the effort to build it.

Read more here….



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Machine Learning Q&A -Part II:


At a high level, these skills are a combination of software and data engineering.

The persons that are more appropriate to do this job are a data engineer and/or a machine learning engineer.

That being said, if you work at a startup or happen to be in a small company and need to put the models into production yourself, here are the top skills you need to get:

  • Well structured code: it doesn’t need to be perfect but at least can be understood and updated by other team members. Avoid spaghetti code[1] as the plague.
  • Add logs: if you are a Python user, the logging[2] module is your friend. Avoid print statements at any cost.
  • Model versioning: add a hash key to your different models. You will thank me later.
  • Metadata everywhere: save as much data about your models and ML experiments as you can (running time, hyperparameters, used features, CV scores, and so on). You will thank me later, again.
  • Monitor performances: execution time and statistical scores of your models.
  • Data and models management: store the necessary data and models somewhere that is available to everyone (S3[3] for example). Avoid uploading these to your VCS[4] system. Don’t share them using Slack or Drive. I won’t judge you though, I do it sometimes (read often). Read more here …..

Some of the mistakes that might involve during building a machine learning model (I can think of) are listed here:

  1. Not understanding the structure of the dataset
  2. Not giving proper care during features selection
  3. Leaving out categorical features and considering just numerical variables
  4. Falling into dummy variable trap
  5. Selection of inefficient machine learning algorithm
  6. Not trying out various ML algorithms for building the model based on structure of data.
  7. Improper tuning of model parameters
  8. Most importantly: Building an idiotstic imperfect model i.e. suppose we have a classification problem with 99% chances of falling into class1 and remaining to class2. The built model may develop a mapping function which all the time for all data inputs, may predict the result to be class1. Well, one might say his/her model has 99% accuracy. But in reality the 1% class2 case hasn’t been included in the model. So this must be taken into consideration.
  9. Read more here…

Basically, data mining is a key aspect of data analytics. Some even consider the former as essential to execute before the latter. While data analytics is the complete package and involves most components needed to examine a data set and extract valuable information, data mining focuses specifically on identifying hidden patterns.

That’s just the surface-level comparison though. The image above gives an overview of how the two differ.

One such difference is the presence of a hypothesis. Data analytics usually requires coming up with one, as it aims to find specific answers. Data mining, on the other hand, generally doesn’t need one to test or prove. The expected output are patterns or trends, which doesn’t require coming up with a statement or fact to test.

However, that doesn’t mean you mine data blindly. You still have a goal, whether it’s to come up with a recommender system or identify predictors of a certain dimension. Ultimately though, you strive to come up with data patterns or trends. For data analysis on the other hand, you’re expected to come up with valuable and actionable insights, usually in relation to a predetermined hypothesis. Read more here ….

The data science life cycle is not something well-defined like the software development life-cycle, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for data science projects. Every step in the life-cycle of a data science project depends on various data scientist skills and data science tools. The typical life-cycle of a data science project involves jumping back and forth among various interdependent science tasks using a variety of tools, techniques, programming, etc.

Thus, the data science life-cycle can include the following steps:

  1. Business requirement understanding.
  2. Data collection.
  3. Data cleaning.
  4. Data analysis.
  5. Modeling.
  6. Performance evaluation.
  7. Communicating with stakeholders.
  8. Deployment.
  9. Real-world testing.
  10. Business buy-in.
  11. Support and maintenance.

Looks neat, but here is the scheme to visualize how it is happening in reality:

Agile development processes, especially continuous delivery lends itself well to the data science project life-cycle. The early comparison helps the data science team to change approaches, refine hypotheses and even discard the project if the business case is nonviable or the benefits from the predictive models are not worth the effort to build it.

Read more here….



AWS machine Learning Specialty Exam Prep MLS-C01




AWS MLS-C01 Machine Learning Exam Prep

Quizzes, Practice Exams: Modeling, Data Engineering, Vision, Exploratory Data Analysis, ML Ops, Cheat Sheets, ML Jobs Interview Q&A

Use this App to learn about Machine Learning on AWS and prepare for the AWS Machine Learning Specialty Certification MLS-C01.

Earning AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty validates expertise in building, training, tuning, and deploying machine learning (ML) models on AWS.

The App provides hundreds of quizzes and practice exam about:

– Machine Learning Operation on AWS

– Modelling

– Data Engineering

– Computer Vision,

– Exploratory Data Analysis,

– ML implementation & Operations

– Machine Learning Basics Questions and Answers

– Machine Learning Advanced Questions and Answers

– Scorecard

– Countdown timer

– Machine Learning Cheat Sheets

– Machine Learning Interview Questions and Answers

– Machine Learning Latest News

The App covers Machine Learning Basics and Advanced topics including: NLP, Computer Vision, Python, linear regression, logistic regression, Sampling, dataset, statistical interaction, selection bias, non-Gaussian distribution, bias-variance trade-off, Normal Distribution, correlation and covariance, Point Estimates and Confidence Interval, A/B Testing, p-value, statistical power of sensitivity, over-fitting and under-fitting, regularization, Law of Large Numbers, Confounding Variables, Survivorship Bias, univariate, bivariate and multivariate, Resampling, ROC curve, TF/IDF vectorization, Cluster Sampling, etc.

Domain 1: Data Engineering

Create data repositories for machine learning.

Identify data sources (e.g., content and location, primary sources such as user data)

Determine storage mediums (e.g., DB, Data Lake, S3, EFS, EBS)

Identify and implement a data ingestion solution.

Data job styles/types (batch load, streaming)

Data ingestion pipelines (Batch-based ML workloads and streaming-based ML workloads), etc.

Domain 2: Exploratory Data Analysis

Sanitize and prepare data for modeling.

Perform feature engineering.

Analyze and visualize data for machine learning.

Domain 3: Modeling

Frame business problems as machine learning problems.

Select the appropriate model(s) for a given machine learning problem.

Train machine learning models.

Perform hyperparameter optimization.

Evaluate machine learning models.

Domain 4: Machine Learning Implementation and Operations

Build machine learning solutions for performance, availability, scalability, resiliency, and fault tolerance.

Recommend and implement the appropriate machine learning services and features for a given problem.

Apply basic AWS security practices to machine learning solutions.

Deploy and operationalize machine learning solutions.

Machine Learning Services covered:

Amazon Comprehend

AWS Deep Learning AMIs (DLAMI)

AWS DeepLens

Amazon Forecast

Amazon Fraud Detector

Amazon Lex

Amazon Polly

Amazon Rekognition

Amazon SageMaker

Amazon Textract

Amazon Transcribe

Amazon Translate

Other Services and topics covered are:



Data analysis/visualization

Model training

Model deployment/inference


AWS ML application services

Language relevant to ML (for example, Python, Java, Scala, R, SQL)

Notebooks and integrated development environments (IDEs),

S3, SageMaker, Kinesis, Lake Formation, Athena, Kibana, Redshift, Textract, EMR, Glue, SageMaker, CSV, JSON, IMG, parquet or databases, Amazon Athena

Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service , Amazon Redshift

Sagemaker API Explained:

SageMaker API

AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer Specialty Questions and Answers:

Question1: An advertising and analytics company uses machine learning to predict user response to online advertisements using a custom XGBoost model. The company wants to improve its ML pipeline by porting its training and inference code, written in R, to Amazon SageMaker, and do so with minimal changes to the existing code.

Answer1: Use the Build Your Own Container (BYOC) Amazon Sagemaker option.
Create a new docker container with the existing code. Register the container in Amazon Elastic Container registry. with the existing code. Register the container in Amazon Elastic Container Registry. Finally run the training and inference jobs using this container.

Question2: Which feature of Amazon SageMaker can you use for preprocessing the data?


Answer2: Amazon Sagemaker Notebook instances

Amazon SageMaker enables developers and data scientists to build, train, tune, and deploy machine learning (ML) models at scale. You can deploy trained ML models for real-time or batch predictions on unseen data, a process known as inference. However, in most cases, the raw input data must be preprocessed and can’t be used directly for making predictions. This is because most ML models expect the data in a predefined format, so the raw data needs to be first cleaned and formatted in order for the ML model to process the data.  You can use the Amazon SageMaker built-in Scikit-learn library for preprocessing input data and then use the Amazon SageMaker built-in Linear Learner algorithm for predictions.

Question3: What setting, when creating an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance, can you use to install libraries and import data?

Answer3: LifeCycle Configuration

Question4: How to Choose the right Sagemaker built-in algorithm?

How to chose the right built in algorithm in SageMaker?
How to chose the right built in algorithm in SageMaker?
Guide to choosing the right unsupervised learning algorithm
Guide to choosing the right unsupervised learning algorithm


Choosing the right  ML algorithm based on Data Type
Choosing the right ML algorithm based on Data Type


Choosing the right ML algo based on data type
Choosing the right ML algo based on data type

This is a general guide for choosing which algorithm to use depending on what business problem you have and what data you have. 



Top 10 Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Sample Questions

Question 1: You work for a textile manufacturer and have been asked to build a model to detect and classify fabric defects. You trained a machine learning model with high recall based on high resolution images taken at the end of the production line. You want quality control inspectors to gain trust in your model. Which technique should you use to understand the rationale of your classifier?

A. Use K-fold cross validation to understand how the model performs on different test datasets.

B. Use the Integrated Gradients method to efficiently compute feature attributions for each predicted image.

C. Use PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to reduce the original feature set to a smaller set of easily understood features.

D. Use k-means clustering to group similar images together, and calculate the Davies-Bouldin index to evaluate the separation between clusters.

Answer 1)


Notes 1)

B is correct because it identifies the pixel of the input image that leads to the classification of the image itself.

Question 2: You need to write a generic test to verify whether Dense Neural Network (DNN) models automatically released by your team have a sufficient number of parameters to learn the task for which they were built. What should you do?

A. Train the model for a few iterations, and check for NaN values.
B. Train the model for a few iterations, and verify that the loss is constant.
C. Train a simple linear model, and determine if the DNN model outperforms it.
D. Train the model with no regularization, and verify that the loss function is close to zero.

Answer 2)


Notes 2)

D is correct because the test can check that the model has enough parameters to memorize the task.

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Question 3: Your team is using a TensorFlow Inception-v3 CNN model pretrained on ImageNet for an image classification prediction challenge on 10,000 images. You will use AI Platform to perform the model training. What TensorFlow distribution strategy and AI Platform training job configuration should you use to train the model and optimize for wall-clock time?


A. Default Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and four v100 GPUs.
B. One Device Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and four v100 GPUs.
C. One Device Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and eight v100 GPUs.
D. Central Storage Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and four v100 GPUs.

Answer 3)


Notes 3)

D is correct because this is the only strategy that can perform distributed training; albeit there is only a single copy of the variables on the CPU host.

Question 4: You work on a team where the process for deploying a model into production starts with data scientists training different versions of models in a Kubeflow pipeline. The workflow then stores the new model artifact into the corresponding Cloud Storage bucket. You need to build the next steps of the pipeline after the submitted model is ready to be tested and deployed in production on AI Platform. How should you configure the architecture before deploying the model to production?

A. Deploy model in test environment -> Validate model -> Create a new AI Platform model version
B. Validate model -> Deploy model in test environment -> Create a new AI Platform model version
C. Create a new AI Platform model version -> Validate model -> Deploy model in test environment
D. Create a new AI Platform model version – > Deploy model in test environment -> Validate model
Answer 4)
Notes 4)
A is correct because the model can be validated after it is deployed to the test environment, and the release version is established before the model is deployed in production.
Question 5: You work for a maintenance company and have built and trained a deep learning model that identifies defects based on thermal images of underground electric cables. Your dataset contains 10,000 images, 100 of which contain visible defects. How should you evaluate the performance of the model on a test dataset?
A. Calculate the Area Under the Curve (AUC) value.
B. Calculate the number of true positive results predicted by the model.
C. Calculate the fraction of images predicted by the model to have a visible defect.
D. Calculate the Cosine Similarity to compare the model’s performance on the test dataset to the model’s performance on the training dataset.
Answer 5)
Notes 5)
A is correct because it is scale-invariant. AUC measures how well predictions are ranked, rather than their absolute values. AUC is also classification-threshold invariant. It measures the quality of the model’s predictions irrespective of what classification threshold is chosen.
Question 6: You work for a manufacturing company that owns a high-value machine which has several machine settings and multiple sensors. A history of the machine’s hourly sensor readings and known failure event data are stored in BigQuery. You need to predict if the machine will fail within the next 3 days in order to schedule maintenance before the machine fails. Which data preparation and model training steps should you take?


A. Data preparation: Daily max value feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: AutoML classification with BQML
B. Data preparation: Daily min value feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: Logistic regression with BQML and AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS set to True
C. Data preparation: Rolling average feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: Logistic regression with BQML and AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS set to False
D. Data preparation: Rolling average feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: Logistic regression with BQML and AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS set to True
Answer 6)
Notes 6)
D is correct because it uses the rolling average of the sensor data and balances the weights using the BQML auto class weight balance parameter.
Question 7: You are an ML engineer at a media company. You need to build an ML model to analyze video content frame-by-frame, identify objects, and alert users if there is inappropriate content. Which Google Cloud products should you use to build this project?


A. Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, Cloud Vision API
B. Pub/Sub, Cloud IoT, Dataflow, Cloud Vision API, Cloud Logging
C. Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, Video Intelligence API, Cloud Logging
D. Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, AutoML Video Intelligence, Cloud Logging
Answer 7)
Notes 7)
C is correct as Video Intelligence API can find inappropriate components and other components satisfy the requirements of real-time processing and notification.
Question 8: You work for a large retailer. You want to use ML to forecast future sales leveraging 10 years of historical sales data. The historical data is stored in Cloud Storage in Avro format. You want to rapidly experiment with all the available data. How should you build and train your model for the sales forecast?
A. Load data into BigQuery and use the ARIMA model type on BigQuery ML.
B. Convert the data into CSV format and create a regression model on AutoML Tables.
C. Convert the data into TFRecords and create an RNN model on TensorFlow on AI Platform Notebooks.
D. Convert and refactor the data into CSV format and use the built-in XGBoost algorithm on AI Platform Training.
Answer 8)
Notes 8)
A is correct because BigQuery ML is designed for fast and rapid experimentation and it is possible to use federated queries to read data directly from Cloud Storage. Moreover, ARIMA is considered one of the best in class for time series forecasting.
Question 9) You need to build an object detection model for a small startup company to identify if and where the company’s logo appears in an image. You were given a large repository of images, some with logos and some without. These images are not yet labelled. You need to label these pictures, and then train and deploy the model. What should you do?


A. Use Google Cloud’s Data Labelling Service to label your data. Use AutoML Object Detection to train and deploy the model.
B. Use Vision API to detect and identify logos in pictures and use it as a label. Use AI Platform to build and train a convolutional neural network.
C. Create two folders: one where the logo appears and one where it doesn’t. Manually place images in each folder. Use AI Platform to build and train a convolutional neural network.
D. Create two folders: one where the logo appears and one where it doesn’t. Manually place images in each folder. Use AI Platform to build and train a real time object detection model.
Answer 9)
Notes 9)
A is correct as this will allow you to easily create a request for a labelling task and deploy a high-performance model.

Question 10) You work for a large financial institution that is planning to use Dialogflow to create a chatbot for the company’s mobile app. You have reviewed old chat logs and tagged each conversation for intent based on each customer’s stated intention for contacting customer service. About 70% of customer inquiries are simple requests that are solved within 10 intents. The remaining 30% of inquiries require much longer and more complicated requests. Which intents should you automate first?

A. Automate a blend of the shortest and longest intents to be representative of all intents.
B. Automate the more complicated requests first because those require more of the agents’ time.
C. Automate the 10 intents that cover 70% of the requests so that live agents can handle the more complicated requests.
D. Automate intents in places where common words such as “payment” only appear once to avoid confusing the software.
Answer 10)
Notes 10)

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Machine Learning Q&A Part I:


Azure and AWS are second class citizens in this area.

Sure, AWS has 70% of the market.

Sure, Azure is the easiest turn key and super user friendly.

But, the king of machine learning in the cloud is GCP.

GCP = Google Cloud Platform

Google has the largest data science team in the world, not mention they have Hinton.

Let’s forgot for a minute they created TensorFlow and give it away.

Let’s just talk about building a real world model with data that doesn’t fit into a excel spreadsheet.

The vast majority of applied machine learning is supervised and that means we need data.

Not just normal data, we need very clean highly structured data.

Where’s the easiest place in the world to upload and model a Petabyte of structured dataBigQuery of course.

Why BigQuery? I don’t have to do anything but upload my data. No spinning up RedShit clusters or whatever I have to do in Azure, just upload and massage data with my familiar SQL. If I do have to wrangle my data it won’t take my six months to update 5 rows here, minutes usually.

Then, you’ll need a front end. Cloud datalab is a Jupyter notebook, which is good because I don’t want nor do I need anything else.

Then, with a single line of code I connect by datalab (Jupyter) notebook to my data in BigQuery and build away.

I’ve worked in all three and the only thing I care about is getting to my job the fastest and right now that means I build my models in GCP.

If you’re new to machine learning don’t start in GCP or any cloud vendor for that matter. Start learning Python from the comfort of your laptop.

The course below is free to the first 20.

The Complete Python Course for Machine Learning Engineers

Here, I want to share the best research paper on Machine Learning classification methods, titled ‘Do we Need Hundreds of Classifiers to Solve Real World Classification Problems?’, published in the ‘Journal of Machine Learning Research’.

This paper nicely explained 179 classification techniques and applied them on 121 data sets thus sharing small summary of the paper:

Do we Need Hundreds of Classifiers to Solve Real World Classification Problems?


The paper evaluated 179 classifiers arising from 17 ML families (discriminant analysis, Bayesian, neural networks, support vector machines, decision trees, rule-based classifiers, boosting, bagging, stacking, random forests and other ensembles, generalized linear models, nearest neighbours, partial least squares and principal component regression, logistic and multinomial regression, multiple adaptive regression splines and other methods), implemented in Weka, R ( with and without the caret package), C and Matlab, including all the relevant classifiers available today.

Experiments used total 121 data sets , which represent the whole UCI data base (excluding the large-scale problems) and other own real problems, in order to achieve significant conclusions about the classifier behaviour, not dependent on the data set collection.

The whole data set and partitions are available from:

The classifiers most likely to be the bests are the random forest (RF) versions, the best of which (implemented in R and accessed via caret) achieves 94.1% of the maximum accuracy overcoming 90% in the 84.3% of the data sets. However, the difference is not statistically significant with the second best, the SVM with Gaussian kernel implemented in C using LibSVM, which achieves 92.3% of the maximum accuracy. A few models are clearly better than the remaining ones: random forest, SVM with Gaussian and polynomial kernels, extreme learning machine with Gaussian kernel, C5.0 and avNNet (a committee of multi-layer perceptrons implemented in R with the caret package).

The random forest is clearly the best family of classifiers (3 out of 5 bests classifiers are RF), followed by SVM (4 classifiers in the top-10), neural networks and boosting ensembles (5 and 3 members in the top-20, respectively).

You can see the table with the complete results:

I hope it will be helpful for Statistic and Machine Leaning aspirants!

Thank you!


At a high level, these skills are a combination of software and data engineering.

The persons that are more appropriate to do this job are a data engineer and/or a machine learning engineer.

That being said, if you work at a startup or happen to be in a small company and need to put the models into production yourself, here are the top skills you need to get:

  • Well structured code: it doesn’t need to be perfect but at least can be understood and updated by other team members. Avoid spaghetti code[1] as the plague.
  • Add logs: if you are a Python user, the logging[2] module is your friend. Avoid print statements at any cost.
  • Model versioning: add a hash key to your different models. You will thank me later.
  • Metadata everywhere: save as much data about your models and ML experiments as you can (running time, hyperparameters, used features, CV scores, and so on). You will thank me later, again.
  • Monitor performances: execution time and statistical scores of your models.
  • Data and models management: store the necessary data and models somewhere that is available to everyone (S3[3] for example). Avoid uploading these to your VCS[4] system. Don’t share them using Slack or Drive. I won’t judge you though, I do it sometimes (read often). Read more here …..

Some of the mistakes that might involve during building a machine learning model (I can think of) are listed here:

  1. Not understanding the structure of the dataset
  2. Not giving proper care during features selection
  3. Leaving out categorical features and considering just numerical variables
  4. Falling into dummy variable trap
  5. Selection of inefficient machine learning algorithm
  6. Not trying out various ML algorithms for building the model based on structure of data.
  7. Improper tuning of model parameters
  8. Most importantly: Building an idiotstic imperfect model i.e. suppose we have a classification problem with 99% chances of falling into class1 and remaining to class2. The built model may develop a mapping function which all the time for all data inputs, may predict the result to be class1. Well, one might say his/her model has 99% accuracy. But in reality the 1% class2 case hasn’t been included in the model. So this must be taken into consideration.
  9. Read more here…

[appbox appstore 1560083470-iphone screenshots]
[appbox googleplay]

Basically, data mining is a key aspect of data analytics. Some even consider the former as essential to execute before the latter. While data analytics is the complete package and involves most components needed to examine a data set and extract valuable information, data mining focuses specifically on identifying hidden patterns.

That’s just the surface-level comparison though. The image above gives an overview of how the two differ.

One such difference is the presence of a hypothesis. Data analytics usually requires coming up with one, as it aims to find specific answers. Data mining, on the other hand, generally doesn’t need one to test or prove. The expected output are patterns or trends, which doesn’t require coming up with a statement or fact to test.

However, that doesn’t mean you mine data blindly. You still have a goal, whether it’s to come up with a recommender system or identify predictors of a certain dimension. Ultimately though, you strive to come up with data patterns or trends. For data analysis on the other hand, you’re expected to come up with valuable and actionable insights, usually in relation to a predetermined hypothesis. Read more here ….

The data science life cycle is not something well-defined like the software development life-cycle, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for data science projects. Every step in the life-cycle of a data science project depends on various data scientist skills and data science tools. The typical life-cycle of a data science project involves jumping back and forth among various interdependent science tasks using a variety of tools, techniques, programming, etc.

Thus, the data science life-cycle can include the following steps:

  1. Business requirement understanding.
  2. Data collection.
  3. Data cleaning.
  4. Data analysis.
  5. Modeling.
  6. Performance evaluation.
  7. Communicating with stakeholders.
  8. Deployment.
  9. Real-world testing.
  10. Business buy-in.
  11. Support and maintenance.

Looks neat, but here is the scheme to visualize how it is happening in reality:

Agile development processes, especially continuous delivery lends itself well to the data science project life-cycle. The early comparison helps the data science team to change approaches, refine hypotheses and even discard the project if the business case is nonviable or the benefits from the predictive models are not worth the effort to build it.

Read more here….



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Machine Learning Q&A -Part II:


At a high level, these skills are a combination of software and data engineering.

The persons that are more appropriate to do this job are a data engineer and/or a machine learning engineer.

That being said, if you work at a startup or happen to be in a small company and need to put the models into production yourself, here are the top skills you need to get:

  • Well structured code: it doesn’t need to be perfect but at least can be understood and updated by other team members. Avoid spaghetti code[1] as the plague.
  • Add logs: if you are a Python user, the logging[2] module is your friend. Avoid print statements at any cost.
  • Model versioning: add a hash key to your different models. You will thank me later.
  • Metadata everywhere: save as much data about your models and ML experiments as you can (running time, hyperparameters, used features, CV scores, and so on). You will thank me later, again.
  • Monitor performances: execution time and statistical scores of your models.
  • Data and models management: store the necessary data and models somewhere that is available to everyone (S3[3] for example). Avoid uploading these to your VCS[4] system. Don’t share them using Slack or Drive. I won’t judge you though, I do it sometimes (read often). Read more here …..

Some of the mistakes that might involve during building a machine learning model (I can think of) are listed here:

  1. Not understanding the structure of the dataset
  2. Not giving proper care during features selection
  3. Leaving out categorical features and considering just numerical variables
  4. Falling into dummy variable trap
  5. Selection of inefficient machine learning algorithm
  6. Not trying out various ML algorithms for building the model based on structure of data.
  7. Improper tuning of model parameters
  8. Most importantly: Building an idiotstic imperfect model i.e. suppose we have a classification problem with 99% chances of falling into class1 and remaining to class2. The built model may develop a mapping function which all the time for all data inputs, may predict the result to be class1. Well, one might say his/her model has 99% accuracy. But in reality the 1% class2 case hasn’t been included in the model. So this must be taken into consideration.
  9. Read more here…

Basically, data mining is a key aspect of data analytics. Some even consider the former as essential to execute before the latter. While data analytics is the complete package and involves most components needed to examine a data set and extract valuable information, data mining focuses specifically on identifying hidden patterns.

That’s just the surface-level comparison though. The image above gives an overview of how the two differ.

One such difference is the presence of a hypothesis. Data analytics usually requires coming up with one, as it aims to find specific answers. Data mining, on the other hand, generally doesn’t need one to test or prove. The expected output are patterns or trends, which doesn’t require coming up with a statement or fact to test.

However, that doesn’t mean you mine data blindly. You still have a goal, whether it’s to come up with a recommender system or identify predictors of a certain dimension. Ultimately though, you strive to come up with data patterns or trends. For data analysis on the other hand, you’re expected to come up with valuable and actionable insights, usually in relation to a predetermined hypothesis. Read more here ….

The data science life cycle is not something well-defined like the software development life-cycle, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for data science projects. Every step in the life-cycle of a data science project depends on various data scientist skills and data science tools. The typical life-cycle of a data science project involves jumping back and forth among various interdependent science tasks using a variety of tools, techniques, programming, etc.

Thus, the data science life-cycle can include the following steps:

  1. Business requirement understanding.
  2. Data collection.
  3. Data cleaning.
  4. Data analysis.
  5. Modeling.
  6. Performance evaluation.
  7. Communicating with stakeholders.
  8. Deployment.
  9. Real-world testing.
  10. Business buy-in.
  11. Support and maintenance.

Looks neat, but here is the scheme to visualize how it is happening in reality:

Agile development processes, especially continuous delivery lends itself well to the data science project life-cycle. The early comparison helps the data science team to change approaches, refine hypotheses and even discard the project if the business case is nonviable or the benefits from the predictive models are not worth the effort to build it.

Read more here….




AWS machine Learning Specialty Exam Prep MLS-C01




AWS MLS-C01 Machine Learning Exam Prep

Quizzes, Practice Exams: Modeling, Data Engineering, Vision, Exploratory Data Analysis, ML Ops, Cheat Sheets, ML Jobs Interview Q&A

Use this App to learn about Machine Learning on AWS and prepare for the AWS Machine Learning Specialty Certification MLS-C01.

Earning AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty validates expertise in building, training, tuning, and deploying machine learning (ML) models on AWS.

The App provides hundreds of quizzes and practice exam about:

– Machine Learning Operation on AWS

– Modelling

– Data Engineering

– Computer Vision,

– Exploratory Data Analysis,

– ML implementation & Operations

– Machine Learning Basics Questions and Answers

– Machine Learning Advanced Questions and Answers

– Scorecard

– Countdown timer

– Machine Learning Cheat Sheets

– Machine Learning Interview Questions and Answers

– Machine Learning Latest News

The App covers Machine Learning Basics and Advanced topics including: NLP, Computer Vision, Python, linear regression, logistic regression, Sampling, dataset, statistical interaction, selection bias, non-Gaussian distribution, bias-variance trade-off, Normal Distribution, correlation and covariance, Point Estimates and Confidence Interval, A/B Testing, p-value, statistical power of sensitivity, over-fitting and under-fitting, regularization, Law of Large Numbers, Confounding Variables, Survivorship Bias, univariate, bivariate and multivariate, Resampling, ROC curve, TF/IDF vectorization, Cluster Sampling, etc.

Domain 1: Data Engineering

Create data repositories for machine learning.

Identify data sources (e.g., content and location, primary sources such as user data)

Determine storage mediums (e.g., DB, Data Lake, S3, EFS, EBS)

Identify and implement a data ingestion solution.

Data job styles/types (batch load, streaming)

Data ingestion pipelines (Batch-based ML workloads and streaming-based ML workloads), etc.

Domain 2: Exploratory Data Analysis

Sanitize and prepare data for modeling.

Perform feature engineering.

Analyze and visualize data for machine learning.

Domain 3: Modeling

Frame business problems as machine learning problems.

Select the appropriate model(s) for a given machine learning problem.

Train machine learning models.

Perform hyperparameter optimization.

Evaluate machine learning models.

Domain 4: Machine Learning Implementation and Operations

Build machine learning solutions for performance, availability, scalability, resiliency, and fault tolerance.

Recommend and implement the appropriate machine learning services and features for a given problem.

Apply basic AWS security practices to machine learning solutions.

Deploy and operationalize machine learning solutions.

Machine Learning Services covered:

Amazon Comprehend

AWS Deep Learning AMIs (DLAMI)

AWS DeepLens

Amazon Forecast

Amazon Fraud Detector

Amazon Lex

Amazon Polly

Amazon Rekognition

Amazon SageMaker

Amazon Textract

Amazon Transcribe

Amazon Translate

Other Services and topics covered are:



Data analysis/visualization

Model training

Model deployment/inference


AWS ML application services

Language relevant to ML (for example, Python, Java, Scala, R, SQL)

Notebooks and integrated development environments (IDEs),

S3, SageMaker, Kinesis, Lake Formation, Athena, Kibana, Redshift, Textract, EMR, Glue, SageMaker, CSV, JSON, IMG, parquet or databases, Amazon Athena

Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service , Amazon Redshift

Sagemaker API Explained:

SageMaker API

AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer Specialty Questions and Answers:

Question1: An advertising and analytics company uses machine learning to predict user response to online advertisements using a custom XGBoost model. The company wants to improve its ML pipeline by porting its training and inference code, written in R, to Amazon SageMaker, and do so with minimal changes to the existing code.

Answer1: Use the Build Your Own Container (BYOC) Amazon Sagemaker option.
Create a new docker container with the existing code. Register the container in Amazon Elastic Container registry. with the existing code. Register the container in Amazon Elastic Container Registry. Finally run the training and inference jobs using this container.

Question2: Which feature of Amazon SageMaker can you use for preprocessing the data?


Answer2: Amazon Sagemaker Notebook instances

Amazon SageMaker enables developers and data scientists to build, train, tune, and deploy machine learning (ML) models at scale. You can deploy trained ML models for real-time or batch predictions on unseen data, a process known as inference. However, in most cases, the raw input data must be preprocessed and can’t be used directly for making predictions. This is because most ML models expect the data in a predefined format, so the raw data needs to be first cleaned and formatted in order for the ML model to process the data.  You can use the Amazon SageMaker built-in Scikit-learn library for preprocessing input data and then use the Amazon SageMaker built-in Linear Learner algorithm for predictions.

Question3: What setting, when creating an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance, can you use to install libraries and import data?

Answer3: LifeCycle Configuration

Question4: How to Choose the right Sagemaker built-in algorithm?

How to chose the right built in algorithm in SageMaker?
How to chose the right built in algorithm in SageMaker?
Guide to choosing the right unsupervised learning algorithm
Guide to choosing the right unsupervised learning algorithm


Choosing the right  ML algorithm based on Data Type
Choosing the right ML algorithm based on Data Type


Choosing the right ML algo based on data type
Choosing the right ML algo based on data type

This is a general guide for choosing which algorithm to use depending on what business problem you have and what data you have. 



Top 10 Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Sample Questions

Question 1: You work for a textile manufacturer and have been asked to build a model to detect and classify fabric defects. You trained a machine learning model with high recall based on high resolution images taken at the end of the production line. You want quality control inspectors to gain trust in your model. Which technique should you use to understand the rationale of your classifier?

A. Use K-fold cross validation to understand how the model performs on different test datasets.

B. Use the Integrated Gradients method to efficiently compute feature attributions for each predicted image.

C. Use PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to reduce the original feature set to a smaller set of easily understood features.

D. Use k-means clustering to group similar images together, and calculate the Davies-Bouldin index to evaluate the separation between clusters.

Answer 1)


Notes 1)

B is correct because it identifies the pixel of the input image that leads to the classification of the image itself.

Question 2: You need to write a generic test to verify whether Dense Neural Network (DNN) models automatically released by your team have a sufficient number of parameters to learn the task for which they were built. What should you do?

A. Train the model for a few iterations, and check for NaN values.
B. Train the model for a few iterations, and verify that the loss is constant.
C. Train a simple linear model, and determine if the DNN model outperforms it.
D. Train the model with no regularization, and verify that the loss function is close to zero.

Answer 2)


Notes 2)

D is correct because the test can check that the model has enough parameters to memorize the task.

[appbox appstore 1560083470-iphone screenshots]
[appbox googleplay]

Question 3: Your team is using a TensorFlow Inception-v3 CNN model pretrained on ImageNet for an image classification prediction challenge on 10,000 images. You will use AI Platform to perform the model training. What TensorFlow distribution strategy and AI Platform training job configuration should you use to train the model and optimize for wall-clock time?


A. Default Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and four v100 GPUs.
B. One Device Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and four v100 GPUs.
C. One Device Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and eight v100 GPUs.
D. Central Storage Strategy; Custom tier with a single master node and four v100 GPUs.

Answer 3)


Notes 3)

D is correct because this is the only strategy that can perform distributed training; albeit there is only a single copy of the variables on the CPU host.

Question 4: You work on a team where the process for deploying a model into production starts with data scientists training different versions of models in a Kubeflow pipeline. The workflow then stores the new model artifact into the corresponding Cloud Storage bucket. You need to build the next steps of the pipeline after the submitted model is ready to be tested and deployed in production on AI Platform. How should you configure the architecture before deploying the model to production?

A. Deploy model in test environment -> Validate model -> Create a new AI Platform model version
B. Validate model -> Deploy model in test environment -> Create a new AI Platform model version
C. Create a new AI Platform model version -> Validate model -> Deploy model in test environment
D. Create a new AI Platform model version – > Deploy model in test environment -> Validate model
Answer 4)
Notes 4)
A is correct because the model can be validated after it is deployed to the test environment, and the release version is established before the model is deployed in production.
Question 5: You work for a maintenance company and have built and trained a deep learning model that identifies defects based on thermal images of underground electric cables. Your dataset contains 10,000 images, 100 of which contain visible defects. How should you evaluate the performance of the model on a test dataset?
A. Calculate the Area Under the Curve (AUC) value.
B. Calculate the number of true positive results predicted by the model.
C. Calculate the fraction of images predicted by the model to have a visible defect.
D. Calculate the Cosine Similarity to compare the model’s performance on the test dataset to the model’s performance on the training dataset.
Answer 5)
Notes 5)
A is correct because it is scale-invariant. AUC measures how well predictions are ranked, rather than their absolute values. AUC is also classification-threshold invariant. It measures the quality of the model’s predictions irrespective of what classification threshold is chosen.
Question 6: You work for a manufacturing company that owns a high-value machine which has several machine settings and multiple sensors. A history of the machine’s hourly sensor readings and known failure event data are stored in BigQuery. You need to predict if the machine will fail within the next 3 days in order to schedule maintenance before the machine fails. Which data preparation and model training steps should you take?


A. Data preparation: Daily max value feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: AutoML classification with BQML
B. Data preparation: Daily min value feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: Logistic regression with BQML and AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS set to True
C. Data preparation: Rolling average feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: Logistic regression with BQML and AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS set to False
D. Data preparation: Rolling average feature engineering with DataPrep; Model training: Logistic regression with BQML and AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS set to True
Answer 6)
Notes 6)
D is correct because it uses the rolling average of the sensor data and balances the weights using the BQML auto class weight balance parameter.
Question 7: You are an ML engineer at a media company. You need to build an ML model to analyze video content frame-by-frame, identify objects, and alert users if there is inappropriate content. Which Google Cloud products should you use to build this project?


A. Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, Cloud Vision API
B. Pub/Sub, Cloud IoT, Dataflow, Cloud Vision API, Cloud Logging
C. Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, Video Intelligence API, Cloud Logging
D. Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, AutoML Video Intelligence, Cloud Logging
Answer 7)
Notes 7)
C is correct as Video Intelligence API can find inappropriate components and other components satisfy the requirements of real-time processing and notification.
Question 8: You work for a large retailer. You want to use ML to forecast future sales leveraging 10 years of historical sales data. The historical data is stored in Cloud Storage in Avro format. You want to rapidly experiment with all the available data. How should you build and train your model for the sales forecast?
A. Load data into BigQuery and use the ARIMA model type on BigQuery ML.
B. Convert the data into CSV format and create a regression model on AutoML Tables.
C. Convert the data into TFRecords and create an RNN model on TensorFlow on AI Platform Notebooks.
D. Convert and refactor the data into CSV format and use the built-in XGBoost algorithm on AI Platform Training.
Answer 8)
Notes 8)
A is correct because BigQuery ML is designed for fast and rapid experimentation and it is possible to use federated queries to read data directly from Cloud Storage. Moreover, ARIMA is considered one of the best in class for time series forecasting.
Question 9) You need to build an object detection model for a small startup company to identify if and where the company’s logo appears in an image. You were given a large repository of images, some with logos and some without. These images are not yet labelled. You need to label these pictures, and then train and deploy the model. What should you do?


A. Use Google Cloud’s Data Labelling Service to label your data. Use AutoML Object Detection to train and deploy the model.
B. Use Vision API to detect and identify logos in pictures and use it as a label. Use AI Platform to build and train a convolutional neural network.
C. Create two folders: one where the logo appears and one where it doesn’t. Manually place images in each folder. Use AI Platform to build and train a convolutional neural network.
D. Create two folders: one where the logo appears and one where it doesn’t. Manually place images in each folder. Use AI Platform to build and train a real time object detection model.
Answer 9)
Notes 9)
A is correct as this will allow you to easily create a request for a labelling task and deploy a high-performance model.

Question 10) You work for a large financial institution that is planning to use Dialogflow to create a chatbot for the company’s mobile app. You have reviewed old chat logs and tagged each conversation for intent based on each customer’s stated intention for contacting customer service. About 70% of customer inquiries are simple requests that are solved within 10 intents. The remaining 30% of inquiries require much longer and more complicated requests. Which intents should you automate first?

A. Automate a blend of the shortest and longest intents to be representative of all intents.
B. Automate the more complicated requests first because those require more of the agents’ time.
C. Automate the 10 intents that cover 70% of the requests so that live agents can handle the more complicated requests.
D. Automate intents in places where common words such as “payment” only appear once to avoid confusing the software.
Answer 10)
Notes 10)

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Machine Learning Q&A Part I:


Azure and AWS are second class citizens in this area.

Sure, AWS has 70% of the market.

Sure, Azure is the easiest turn key and super user friendly.

But, the king of machine learning in the cloud is GCP.

GCP = Google Cloud Platform

Google has the largest data science team in the world, not mention they have Hinton.

Let’s forgot for a minute they created TensorFlow and give it away.

Let’s just talk about building a real world model with data that doesn’t fit into a excel spreadsheet.

The vast majority of applied machine learning is supervised and that means we need data.

Not just normal data, we need very clean highly structured data.

Where’s the easiest place in the world to upload and model a Petabyte of structured dataBigQuery of course.

Why BigQuery? I don’t have to do anything but upload my data. No spinning up RedShit clusters or whatever I have to do in Azure, just upload and massage data with my familiar SQL. If I do have to wrangle my data it won’t take my six months to update 5 rows here, minutes usually.

Then, you’ll need a front end. Cloud datalab is a Jupyter notebook, which is good because I don’t want nor do I need anything else.

Then, with a single line of code I connect by datalab (Jupyter) notebook to my data in BigQuery and build away.

I’ve worked in all three and the only thing I care about is getting to my job the fastest and right now that means I build my models in GCP.

If you’re new to machine learning don’t start in GCP or any cloud vendor for that matter. Start learning Python from the comfort of your laptop.

The course below is free to the first 20.

The Complete Python Course for Machine Learning Engineers

Here, I want to share the best research paper on Machine Learning classification methods, titled ‘Do we Need Hundreds of Classifiers to Solve Real World Classification Problems?’, published in the ‘Journal of Machine Learning Research’.

This paper nicely explained 179 classification techniques and applied them on 121 data sets thus sharing small summary of the paper:

Do we Need Hundreds of Classifiers to Solve Real World Classification Problems?


The paper evaluated 179 classifiers arising from 17 ML families (discriminant analysis, Bayesian, neural networks, support vector machines, decision trees, rule-based classifiers, boosting, bagging, stacking, random forests and other ensembles, generalized linear models, nearest neighbours, partial least squares and principal component regression, logistic and multinomial regression, multiple adaptive regression splines and other methods), implemented in Weka, R ( with and without the caret package), C and Matlab, including all the relevant classifiers available today.

Experiments used total 121 data sets , which represent the whole UCI data base (excluding the large-scale problems) and other own real problems, in order to achieve significant conclusions about the classifier behaviour, not dependent on the data set collection.

The whole data set and partitions are available from:

The classifiers most likely to be the bests are the random forest (RF) versions, the best of which (implemented in R and accessed via caret) achieves 94.1% of the maximum accuracy overcoming 90% in the 84.3% of the data sets. However, the difference is not statistically significant with the second best, the SVM with Gaussian kernel implemented in C using LibSVM, which achieves 92.3% of the maximum accuracy. A few models are clearly better than the remaining ones: random forest, SVM with Gaussian and polynomial kernels, extreme learning machine with Gaussian kernel, C5.0 and avNNet (a committee of multi-layer perceptrons implemented in R with the caret package).

The random forest is clearly the best family of classifiers (3 out of 5 bests classifiers are RF), followed by SVM (4 classifiers in the top-10), neural networks and boosting ensembles (5 and 3 members in the top-20, respectively).

You can see the table with the complete results:

I hope it will be helpful for Statistic and Machine Leaning aspirants!

Thank you!


At a high level, these skills are a combination of software and data engineering.

The persons that are more appropriate to do this job are a data engineer and/or a machine learning engineer.

That being said, if you work at a startup or happen to be in a small company and need to put the models into production yourself, here are the top skills you need to get:

  • Well structured code: it doesn’t need to be perfect but at least can be understood and updated by other team members. Avoid spaghetti code[1] as the plague.
  • Add logs: if you are a Python user, the logging[2] module is your friend. Avoid print statements at any cost.
  • Model versioning: add a hash key to your different models. You will thank me later.
  • Metadata everywhere: save as much data about your models and ML experiments as you can (running time, hyperparameters, used features, CV scores, and so on). You will thank me later, again.
  • Monitor performances: execution time and statistical scores of your models.
  • Data and models management: store the necessary data and models somewhere that is available to everyone (S3[3] for example). Avoid uploading these to your VCS[4] system. Don’t share them using Slack or Drive. I won’t judge you though, I do it sometimes (read often). Read more here …..

Some of the mistakes that might involve during building a machine learning model (I can think of) are listed here:

  1. Not understanding the structure of the dataset
  2. Not giving proper care during features selection
  3. Leaving out categorical features and considering just numerical variables
  4. Falling into dummy variable trap
  5. Selection of inefficient machine learning algorithm
  6. Not trying out various ML algorithms for building the model based on structure of data.
  7. Improper tuning of model parameters
  8. Most importantly: Building an idiotstic imperfect model i.e. suppose we have a classification problem with 99% chances of falling into class1 and remaining to class2. The built model may develop a mapping function which all the time for all data inputs, may predict the result to be class1. Well, one might say his/her model has 99% accuracy. But in reality the 1% class2 case hasn’t been included in the model. So this must be taken into consideration.
  9. Read more here…

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Basically, data mining is a key aspect of data analytics. Some even consider the former as essential to execute before the latter. While data analytics is the complete package and involves most components needed to examine a data set and extract valuable information, data mining focuses specifically on identifying hidden patterns.

That’s just the surface-level comparison though. The image above gives an overview of how the two differ.

One such difference is the presence of a hypothesis. Data analytics usually requires coming up with one, as it aims to find specific answers. Data mining, on the other hand, generally doesn’t need one to test or prove. The expected output are patterns or trends, which doesn’t require coming up with a statement or fact to test.

However, that doesn’t mean you mine data blindly. You still have a goal, whether it’s to come up with a recommender system or identify predictors of a certain dimension. Ultimately though, you strive to come up with data patterns or trends. For data analysis on the other hand, you’re expected to come up with valuable and actionable insights, usually in relation to a predetermined hypothesis. Read more here ….

The data science life cycle is not something well-defined like the software development life-cycle, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for data science projects. Every step in the life-cycle of a data science project depends on various data scientist skills and data science tools. The typical life-cycle of a data science project involves jumping back and forth among various interdependent science tasks using a variety of tools, techniques, programming, etc.

Thus, the data science life-cycle can include the following steps:

  1. Business requirement understanding.
  2. Data collection.
  3. Data cleaning.
  4. Data analysis.
  5. Modeling.
  6. Performance evaluation.
  7. Communicating with stakeholders.
  8. Deployment.
  9. Real-world testing.
  10. Business buy-in.
  11. Support and maintenance.

Looks neat, but here is the scheme to visualize how it is happening in reality:

Agile development processes, especially continuous delivery lends itself well to the data science project life-cycle. The early comparison helps the data science team to change approaches, refine hypotheses and even discard the project if the business case is nonviable or the benefits from the predictive models are not worth the effort to build it.

Read more here….



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Machine Learning Q&A -Part II:


At a high level, these skills are a combination of software and data engineering.

The persons that are more appropriate to do this job are a data engineer and/or a machine learning engineer.

That being said, if you work at a startup or happen to be in a small company and need to put the models into production yourself, here are the top skills you need to get:

  • Well structured code: it doesn’t need to be perfect but at least can be understood and updated by other team members. Avoid spaghetti code[1] as the plague.
  • Add logs: if you are a Python user, the logging[2] module is your friend. Avoid print statements at any cost.
  • Model versioning: add a hash key to your different models. You will thank me later.
  • Metadata everywhere: save as much data about your models and ML experiments as you can (running time, hyperparameters, used features, CV scores, and so on). You will thank me later, again.
  • Monitor performances: execution time and statistical scores of your models.
  • Data and models management: store the necessary data and models somewhere that is available to everyone (S3[3] for example). Avoid uploading these to your VCS[4] system. Don’t share them using Slack or Drive. I won’t judge you though, I do it sometimes (read often). Read more here …..

Some of the mistakes that might involve during building a machine learning model (I can think of) are listed here:

  1. Not understanding the structure of the dataset
  2. Not giving proper care during features selection
  3. Leaving out categorical features and considering just numerical variables
  4. Falling into dummy variable trap
  5. Selection of inefficient machine learning algorithm
  6. Not trying out various ML algorithms for building the model based on structure of data.
  7. Improper tuning of model parameters
  8. Most importantly: Building an idiotstic imperfect model i.e. suppose we have a classification problem with 99% chances of falling into class1 and remaining to class2. The built model may develop a mapping function which all the time for all data inputs, may predict the result to be class1. Well, one might say his/her model has 99% accuracy. But in reality the 1% class2 case hasn’t been included in the model. So this must be taken into consideration.
  9. Read more here…

Basically, data mining is a key aspect of data analytics. Some even consider the former as essential to execute before the latter. While data analytics is the complete package and involves most components needed to examine a data set and extract valuable information, data mining focuses specifically on identifying hidden patterns.

That’s just the surface-level comparison though. The image above gives an overview of how the two differ.

One such difference is the presence of a hypothesis. Data analytics usually requires coming up with one, as it aims to find specific answers. Data mining, on the other hand, generally doesn’t need one to test or prove. The expected output are patterns or trends, which doesn’t require coming up with a statement or fact to test.

However, that doesn’t mean you mine data blindly. You still have a goal, whether it’s to come up with a recommender system or identify predictors of a certain dimension. Ultimately though, you strive to come up with data patterns or trends. For data analysis on the other hand, you’re expected to come up with valuable and actionable insights, usually in relation to a predetermined hypothesis. Read more here ….

The data science life cycle is not something well-defined like the software development life-cycle, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for data science projects. Every step in the life-cycle of a data science project depends on various data scientist skills and data science tools. The typical life-cycle of a data science project involves jumping back and forth among various interdependent science tasks using a variety of tools, techniques, programming, etc.

Thus, the data science life-cycle can include the following steps:

  1. Business requirement understanding.
  2. Data collection.
  3. Data cleaning.
  4. Data analysis.
  5. Modeling.
  6. Performance evaluation.
  7. Communicating with stakeholders.
  8. Deployment.
  9. Real-world testing.
  10. Business buy-in.
  11. Support and maintenance.

Looks neat, but here is the scheme to visualize how it is happening in reality:

Agile development processes, especially continuous delivery lends itself well to the data science project life-cycle. The early comparison helps the data science team to change approaches, refine hypotheses and even discard the project if the business case is nonviable or the benefits from the predictive models are not worth the effort to build it.

Read more here….



Machine Learning Latest News


Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms

Source: Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms for Data Scientist

In machine learning, there’s something called the “No Free Lunch” theorem. In a nutshell, it states that no one algorithm works best for every problem. It’s especially relevant for supervised learning. For example, you can’t say that neural networks are always better than decision trees or vice-versa. Furthermore, there are many factors at play, such as the size and structure of your dataset. As a result, you should try many different algorithms for your problem!

Top ML Algorithms

1. Linear Regression

Regression is a technique for numerical prediction. Additionally, regression is a statistical measure that attempts to determine the strength of the relationship between two variables. One is a dependent variable. Other is from a series of other changing variables which are our independent variables. Moreover, just like Classification is for predicting categorical labels, Regression is for predicting a continuous value. For example, we may wish to predict the salary of university graduates with 5 years of work experience. We use regression to determine how much specific factors or sectors influence the dependent variable.

Linear regression attempts to model the relationship between a scalar variable and explanatory variables by fitting a linear equation. For example, one might want to relate the weights of individuals to their heights using a linear regression model.

Additionally, this operator calculates a linear regression model. It uses the Akaike criterion for model selection. Furthermore, the Akaike information criterion is a measure of the relative goodness of a fit of a statistical model.

2. Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a classification model. It uses input variables to predict a categorical outcome variable. The variable can take on one of a limited set of class values. A binomial logistic regression relates to two binary output categories. A multinomial logistic regression allows for more than two classes. Examples of logistic regression include classifying a binary condition as “healthy” / “not healthy”. Logistic regression applies the logistic sigmoid function to weighted input values to generate a prediction of the data class.

A logistic regression model estimates the probability of a dependent variable as a function of independent variables. The dependent variable is the output that we are trying to predict. The independent variables or explanatory variables are the factors that we feel could influence the output. Multiple regression refers to regression analysis with two or more independent variables. Multivariate regression, on the other hand, refers to regression analysis with two or more dependent variables.

3. Linear Discriminant Analysis

Logistic Regression is a classification algorithm traditionally for two-class classification problems. If you have more than two classes then the Linear Discriminant Analysis algorithm is the preferred linear classification technique.

The representation of LDA is pretty straight forward. It consists of statistical properties of your data, calculated for each class. For a single input variable this includes:

  1. The mean value for each class.
  2. The variance calculated across all classes.

We make predictions by calculating a discriminate value for each class. After that we make a prediction for the class with the largest value. The technique assumes that the data has a Gaussian distribution. Hence, it is a good idea to remove outliers from your data beforehand. It’s a simple and powerful method for classification predictive modelling problems.

4. Classification and Regression Trees

Prediction Trees are for predicting response or class YY from input X1, X2,…,XnX1,X2,…,Xn. If it is a continuous response it is a regression tree, if it is categorical, it is a classification tree. At each node of the tree, we check the value of one the input XiXi. Depending on the (binary) answer we continue to the left or to the right subbranch. When we reach a leaf we will find the prediction.

Contrary to linear or polynomial regression which are global models, trees try to partition the data space into small enough parts where we can apply a simple different model on each part. The non-leaf part of the tree is just the procedure to determine for each data xx what is the model we will use to classify it.

5. Naive Bayes

A Naive Bayes Classifier is a supervised machine-learning algorithm that uses the Bayes’ Theorem, which assumes that features are statistically independent. The theorem relies on the naive assumption that input variables are independent of each other, i.e. there is no way to know anything about other variables when given an additional variable. Regardless of this assumption, it has proven itself to be a classifier with good results.

Naive Bayes Classifiers rely on the Bayes’ Theorem, which is based on conditional probability or in simple terms, the likelihood that an event (A) will happen given that another event (B) has already happened. Essentially, the theorem allows a hypothesis to be updated each time new evidence is introduced. The equation below expresses Bayes’ Theorem in the language of probability:

Let’s explain what each of these terms means.

  • “P” is the symbol to denote probability.
  • P(A | B) = The probability of event A (hypothesis) occurring given that B (evidence) has occurred.
  • P(B | A) = The probability of the event B (evidence) occurring given that A (hypothesis) has occurred.
  • P(A) = The probability of event B (hypothesis) occurring.
  • P(B) = The probability of event A (evidence) occurring.

6. K-Nearest Neighbors

k-nearest neighbours (or k-NN for short) is a simple machine learning algorithm that categorizes an input by using its k nearest neighbours.

For example, suppose a k-NN algorithm has an input of data points of specific men and women’s weight and height, as plotted below. To determine the gender of an unknown input (green point), k-NN can look at the nearest k neighbours (suppose ) and will determine that the input’s gender is male. This method is a very simple and logical way of marking unknown inputs, with a high rate of success.

Also, we can k-NN in a variety of machine learning tasks; for example, in computer vision, k-NN can help identify handwritten letters and in gene expression analysis, the algorithm can determine which genes contribute to a certain characteristic. Overall, k-nearest neighbours provide a combination of simplicity and effectiveness that makes it an attractive algorithm to use for many machine learning tasks.

7. Learning Vector Quantization

A downside of K-Nearest Neighbors is that you need to hang on to your entire training dataset. The Learning Vector Quantization algorithm (or LVQ for short) is an artificial neural network algorithm that allows you to choose how many training instances to hang onto and learns exactly what those instances should look like.

Additionally, the representation for LVQ is a collection of codebook vectors. We select them randomly in the beginning and adapted to best summarize the training dataset over a number of iterations of the learning algorithm. After learned, the codebook vectors can make predictions just like K-Nearest Neighbors. Also, we find the most similar neighbour (best matching codebook vector) by calculating the distance between each codebook vector and the new data instance. The class value or (real value in the case of regression) for the best matching unit is then returned as the prediction. Moreover, you can get the best results if you rescale your data to have the same range, such as between 0 and 1.

If you discover that KNN gives good results on your dataset try using LVQ to reduce the memory requirements of storing the entire training dataset.

8. Bagging and Random Forest

A Random Forest consists of a collection or ensemble of simple tree predictors, each capable of producing a response when presented with a set of predictor values. For classification problems, this response takes the form of a class membership, which associates, or classifies, a set of independent predictor values with one of the categories present in the dependent variable. Alternatively, for regression problems, the tree response is an estimate of the dependent variable given the predictors.e

A Random Forest consists of an arbitrary number of simple trees, which determine the final outcome. For classification problems, the ensemble of simple trees votes for the most popular class. In the regression problem, we average responses to obtain an estimate of the dependent variable. Using tree ensembles can lead to significant improvement in prediction accuracy (i.e., better ability to predict new data cases).

9. SVM

A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised machine learning algorithm that can be employed for both classification and regression purposes. Also, SVMs have more common usage in classification problems and as such, this is what we will focus on in this post.

SVMs are based on the idea of finding a hyperplane that best divides a dataset into two classes, as shown in the image below.

Also, you can think of a hyperplane as a line that linearly separates and classifies a set of data.

Intuitively, the further from the hyperplane our data points lie, the more confident we are that they have been correctly classified. We, therefore, want our data points to be as far away from the hyperplane as possible, while still being on the correct side of it.

So when we add a new testing data , whatever side of the hyperplane it lands will decide the class that we assign to it.

The distance between the hyperplane and the nearest data point from either set is the margin. Furthermore, the goal is to choose a hyperplane with the greatest possible margin between the hyperplane and any point within the training set, giving a greater chance of correct classification of data.

But the data is rarely ever as clean as our simple example above. A dataset will often look more like the jumbled balls below which represent a linearly non-separable dataset.

10. Boosting and AdaBoost

Boosting is an ensemble technique that attempts to create a strong classifier from a number of weak classifiers. We do this by building a model from the training data, then creating a second model that attempts to correct the errors from the first model. We can add models until the training set is predicted perfectly or a maximum number of models are added.

AdaBoost was the first really successful boosting algorithm developed for binary classification. It is the best starting point for understanding boosting. Modern boosting methods build on AdaBoost, most notably stochastic gradient boosting machines.

AdaBoost is used with short decision trees. After the first tree is created, the performance of the tree on each training instance is used to weight how much attention the next tree that is created should pay attention to each training instance. Training data that is hard to predict is given more weight, whereas easy to predict instances are given less weight. Models are created sequentially one after the other, each updating the weights on the training instances that affect the learning performed by the next tree in the sequence. After all the trees are built, predictions are made for new data, and the performance of each tree is weighted by how accurate it was on training data.

Because so much attention is put on correcting mistakes by the algorithm it is important that you have clean data with outliers removed.


A typical question asked by a beginner, when facing a wide variety of machine learning algorithms, is “which algorithm should I use?” The answer to the question varies depending on many factors, including: (1) The size, quality, and nature of data; (2) The available computational time; (3) The urgency of the task; and (4) What you want to do with the data.

Even an experienced data scientist cannot tell which algorithm will perform the best before trying different algorithms. Although there are many other Machine Learning algorithms, these are the most popular ones. If you’re a newbie to Machine Learning, these would be a good starting point to learn.

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Furthermore, if you want to read more about data science, read this Data Science blogs


The foundations of most algorithms lie in linear algebra, multivariable calculus, and optimization methods. Most algorithms use a sequence of combinations to estimate an objective function given a set of data, and the sequence order and included methods distinguish one algorithm from another. It’s helpful to learn enough math to read the development papers associated with key algorithms in the field, as many other methods (or one’s own innovations) include pieces of those algorithms. It’s like learning the language of machine learning. Once you are fluent in it, it’s pretty easy to modify algorithms as needed and create new ones likely to improve on a problem in a short period of time.

Matrix factorization: a simple, beautiful way to do dimensionality reduction —and dimensionality reduction is the essence of cognition. Recommender systems would be a big application of matrix factorization. Another application I’ve been using over the years (starting in 2010 with video data) is factorizing a matrix of pairwise mutual information (or pointwise mutual information, which is more common) between features, which can be used for feature extraction, computing word embeddings, computing label embeddings (that was the topic of a recent paper of mine [1]), etc.

Used in a convolutional settings, this acts as an excellent unsupervised feature extractor for images and videos. There’s one big issue though: it is fundamentally a shallow algorithm. Deep neural networks will quickly outperform it if any kind of supervision labels are available.

[1] [1607.05691] Information-theoretical label embeddings for large-scale image classification

Machine Learning Demos:

1- TensorFlow Demos

LipSync by YouTube

See how well you synchronize to the lyrics of the popular hit “Dance Monkey.” This in-browser experience uses the Facemesh model for estimating key points around the lips to score lip-syncing accuracy.Explore demo  View code  

Emoji Scavenger Hunt

Use your phone’s camera to identify emojis in the real world. Can you find all the emojis before time expires?Explore demo  View code  

Webcam Controller

Play Pac-Man using images trained in your browser.Explore demo  View code  

Teachable Machine

No coding required! Teach a machine to recognize images and play sounds.Explore demo  View code  

Move Mirror

Explore pictures in a fun new way, just by moving around.Explore demo  View code  

Performance RNN

Enjoy a real-time piano performance by a neural network.Explore demo  View code  

Node.js Pitch Prediction

Train a server-side model to classify baseball pitch types using Node.js.View code  

Visualize Model Training

See how to visualize in-browser training and model behaviour and training using tfjs-vis.Explore demo  View code  

Community demos

Get started with official templates and explore top picks from the community for inspiration.Glitch 

Check out community Glitches and make your own TensorFlow.js-powered projects.Explore Glitch  Codepen 

Fork boilerplate templates and check out working examples from the community.Explore CodePen  GitHub Community Projects 

See what the community has created and submitted to the TensorFlow.js gallery page.Explore GitHub in Editor

Real time body segmentation using TensorFlow.js

Load in a pre-trained Body-Pix model from the TensorFlow.js team so that you can locate all pixels in an image that are part of a body, and what part of the body they belong to. Clone this to make your own TensorFlow.js powered projects to recognize body parts in images from your webcam and more!

New Pen from Template in Editor

Multiple object detection using pre trained model in TensorFlow.js

This demo shows how we can use a pre made machine learning solution to recognize objects (yes, more than one at a time!) on any image you wish to present to it. Even better, not only do we know that the image contains an object, but we can also get the co-ordinates of the bounding box for each object it finds, which allows you to highlight the found object in the image.

For this demo we are loading a model using the ImageNet-SSD architecture, to recognize 90 common objects it has already been taught to find from the COCO dataset.

If what you want to recognize is in that list of things it knows about (for example a cat, dog, etc), this may be useful to you as is in your own projects, or just to experiment with Machine Learning in the browser and get familiar with the possibilities of machine learning.

If you are feeling particularly confident you can check out our GitHub documentation ( which goes into much more detail for customizing various parameters to tailor performance to your needs.

New Pen from Template in Editor

Classifying images using a pre trained model in TensorFlow.js

This demo shows how we can use a pre made machine learning solution to classify images (aka a binary image classifier). It should be noted that this model works best when a single item is in the image at a time. Busy images may not work so well. You may want to try our demo for Multiple Object Detection ( for that.

For this demo we are loading a model using the MobileNet architecture, to recognize 1000 common objects it has already been taught to find from the ImageNet data set (

If what you want to recognize is in that list of things it knows about (for example a cat, dog, etc), this may be useful to you as is in your own projects, or just to experiment with Machine Learning in the browser and get familiar with the possibilities of machine learning.

Please note: This demo loads an easy to use JavaScript class made by the TensorFlow.js team to do the hardwork for you so no machine learning knowledge is needed to use it.

If you were looking to learn how to load in a TensorFlow.js saved model directly yourself then please see our tutorial on loading TensorFlow.js models directly.

If you want to train a system to recognize your own objects, using your own data, then check out our tutorials on “transfer learning”.

New Pen from TemplateOpen in Editor

Tensorflow.js Boilerplate

The hello world for TensorFlow.js 🙂 Absolute minimum needed to import into your website and simply prints the loaded TensorFlow.js version. From here we can do great things. Clone this to make your own TensorFlow.js powered projects or if you are following a tutorial that needs TensorFlow.js to work.

New Pen from Template


tfjs-examples provides small code examples that implement various ML tasks using TensorFlow.js.MNIST Digit Recognizer

Train a model to recognize handwritten digits from the MNIST database.Explore example  View code  Addition RNN

Train a model to learn addition from text examples.Explore example  View code  

TensorFlow.js Layers: Iris Demo

More TensorFlow examples

Top-paying Cloud certifications:

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  1. Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect — $175,761/year
  2. AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate — $149,446/year
  3. Azure/Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect – $141,748/yr
  4. Google Cloud Associate Engineer – $145,769/yr
  5. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner — $131,465/year
  6. Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals — $126,653/year
  7. Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate — $125,993/year

Complete overview of machine learning concepts seen in 27 data science and machine learning interviews:

Supervised Learning

Linear Regression

Logistic Regression

Naive Bayes

Support Vector Machines

Decision Trees

K-Nearest Neighbors

Test your knowledge

Machine Learning in Practice

Bias-Variance Tradeoff

How to Select a Model

How to Select Features

Regularizing Your Model

Ensembling: How to Combine Your Models

Evaluation Metrics

Unsupervised Learning

Market Basket Analysis

K-Means Clustering

Principal Components Analysis

Deep Learning

Feedforward Neural Networks

Grab Bag of Neural Network Practices

Convolutional Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Networks

Test Your Knowledge

Feature Extraction

Best Subset Features Feature

Selection Examples

Adding Features Example
Activation Practice I
Activation Practice II
Activation Practice III
Weight Initialization
Batch vs. Stochastic

Recurrent Network Advantages

Alternatives Recurrent Units

Convolutional Application
Convolutional Layer Advantages

Are you interested in becoming an AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialist? If so, then this exam preparation blog is for you! The blog contains over 100 quiz and practice exam questions, as well as detailed answers. The questions are very similar to those you will encounter on the actual exam, so this is a great way to prepare. In addition, the blog also includes cheat sheets and illustrations to help you understand the concepts better.

Bring your own algorithm to an MLOps Pipeline: Architecture

AWS Certified machine Learning Specialty Exam Prep MLS-C01: AWS architecture diagram showing all services used and how they are connected
AWS Certified machine Learning Specialty Exam Prep MLS-C01
Bring your own algorithm to an MLOps Pipeline: Architecture
Bring your own algorithm to an MLOps Pipeline: Architecture
Bring your own algorithm to an MLOps Pipeline: Architecture

Code and Serve Your ML Model with AWS CodeBuild

What are some ways we can use machine learning and artificial intelligence for algorithmic trading in the stock market?

How do we know that the Top 3 Voice Recognition Devices like Siri Alexa and Ok Google are not spying on us?

What are some good datasets for Data Science and Machine Learning?

Machine Learning Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

  • Minimum tenure at a company
    by /u/ergodym (Data Science) on July 26, 2024 at 5:51 pm

    What do you consider a minimum tenure to be at a company before deciding it's time to move on? When is too early as opposed to still try hard to change opinion. Specifically related to DS rols. submitted by /u/ergodym [link] [comments]

  • How do you find use cases for data science in an organization?
    by /u/cptsanderzz (Data Science) on July 26, 2024 at 3:15 pm

    I know most people say “find a problem then use data science to solve it” but my question is how do people find these problems? Throughout my minimal career of 3 years as a data scientist the vast majority of problems can be solved using data analysis, how do you find opportunities to utilize more sophisticated data science techniques? submitted by /u/cptsanderzz [link] [comments]

  • DS in product analytics, what are your low hanging fruits when entering a new job or project that brought the most impact
    by /u/LibiSC (Data Science) on July 26, 2024 at 3:13 pm

    If you are no in product analytics more industry agnostic recommendations are welcome submitted by /u/LibiSC [link] [comments]

  • [D] Every annotator has a guidebook, but the reviewers don't
    by /u/Spico197 (Machine Learning) on July 26, 2024 at 1:20 pm

    I submitted to the ACL rolling review in June and found the reviewers' evaluation scores very subjective. Although the ACL committee has an instruction on some basic reviewing guidelines, there lacks of a preliminary test for the reviewers to explicitly show the evaluation standards. Maybe we should provide some paper-score examples to prompt the reviewers for more objective reviews? Or build a test before they make reviews to make sure they fully understand the meaning of soundness and overall assessment, rather than giving some random scores based on their personal interests. submitted by /u/Spico197 [link] [comments]

  • [D] How OpenAI JSON mode implemented?
    by /u/Financial_Air5256 (Machine Learning) on July 26, 2024 at 11:15 am

    I assume that all the training data is in JSON format, but higher temperature or other randomness during generation doesn’t guarantee that the outputs will always be in JSON. What other methods do you think could ensure that the outputs are consistently in JSON? Perhaps some rule-based methods during decoding could help? submitted by /u/Financial_Air5256 [link] [comments]

  • [D] Do only some hardware support int4 quantization? If so why?
    by /u/Abs0lute_Jeer0 (Machine Learning) on July 26, 2024 at 7:56 am

    I tried quantizing my finetuned mT5 model using the optimum’s openvino wrapper to int8 and int4. There was very little difference in the inference time, close to 5%. This makes me wonder if it’s an issue with hardware. I’m using intel sapphire rapids and it has an avx512_vnni instruction set. How did I figure out if it supports int4? And why and why not? submitted by /u/Abs0lute_Jeer0 [link] [comments]

  • [D] Normalization in transformers
    by /u/lostn4d (Machine Learning) on July 26, 2024 at 7:44 am

    After the first theoretical issue with my transformer, I now see another. The original paper uses normalization after residual addition (Post-LN), which led to training difficulties and later got replaced by normalization at the beginning of each attention or mlp block/branch (Pre-LN). This is known to work better in practice (trainable without warmup, restores highway effect), but it still doesn't seem completely ok theoretically. First consider things without normalization. Assuming attention and mlp blocks are properly set up and mostly keep norms, each residual addition would sum two similar norm signals, potentially scaling up by something like 1.4 (depending on correlation, but it starts at sqrt(2) after random init). So the norms after the blocks could look like this: [1(main)+1(residual)=1.4] -> [1.4+1.4=2] -> [2+2=2.8] etc. This would cause various problems (like changing the softmax temp in later attention blocks), so adjustment is needed. Pre-LN ensures each block works on normalized values (thus with constant - if slightly arbitrary - softmax temperature). But since it doesn't affect the norm of the main signal (as forwarded by the skip connection) but only the residual, the norms can still grow, albeit slower. The expectation is now roughly: [1+1=1.4] -> [1.4+1=1.7] -> [1.7+1=2] -> [2+1=2.2] etc - with a final normalization correcting the signal near output (Pre-LN paper). One possible issue with this is that later attention blocks may have reduced effect, as they add unit norm residuals to a potentially larger and larger main signal. What is the usual take on this problem? Can it be ignored in practice? Does Pre-LN work acceptably despite it, even for deep models (where the main norm discrepancy can grow larger)? There are lots of alternative normalization papers, but what is the practical consensus? Btw attention is extremely norm-sensitive (or, equivalently, the hidden temperature of softmax is critical). This is a sharp contrast to fc or convolution which are mostly scale-oblivious. For anybody interested: consider what happens when most raw attention dot products come out 0 (= query and key is orthogonal, no info from this context slot) with only one slot giving 1 (= positive affinity, after downscaled by sqrt(qk_siz) ). I for one got surprised by this during debug. submitted by /u/lostn4d [link] [comments]

  • What's the most interesting Data Science interview question you've encountered?
    by /u/NickSinghTechCareers (Data Science) on July 26, 2024 at 12:42 am

    What's the most interesting Data Science Interview question you've been asked? Bonus points if it: appears to be hard, but is actually easy appears to be simple, but is actually nuanced I'll go first – at a geospatial analytics startup, I was asked about how we could use location data to help McDonalds open up their next store location in an optimal spot. It was fun to riff about what features I'd use in my analysis, and potential downsides off each feature. I also got to show off my domain knowledge by mentioning some interesting retail analytics / credit-card spend datasets I'd also incorporate. This impressed the interviewer since the companies I mentioned were all potential customers/partners/competitors (it's a complicated ecosystem!). How about you – what's the most interesting Data Science interview question you've encountered? submitted by /u/NickSinghTechCareers [link] [comments]

  • [R] How do you search for implementations of Mixture of Expert models that can be trained locally in a laptop or desktop without ultra-high end GPUs?
    by /u/Furiousguy79 (Machine Learning) on July 25, 2024 at 11:12 pm

    Hi, I am a 2nd year PhD student in CS. My supervisor just got this idea about MoEs and fairness and asked me to implement it ( work on a toy classification problem on tabular data and NOT language data). However as it is not their area of expertise, they did not give any guidelines on how to approach it. My main question is: How do I search for or proceed with implementing a mixture of expert models? The ones that I find are for chatting and such but I mainly work with tabular EHR data. This is my first foray into this area (LLMs and MoEs) and I am kind of lost with all these Mixtral, openMoE, etc. As we do not have access to Google Collab or have powerful GPUs I have to rely on local training (My lab PC has 2080ti and my laptop has 4070). Any guideline or starting point on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. submitted by /u/Furiousguy79 [link] [comments]

  • Seeking ML Solutions for Analyzing Player Movement in Field Sports
    by /u/vaalenz (Data Science) on July 25, 2024 at 10:40 pm

    Hi everyone! I'm working on a project where I have detailed information on player movements in field sports such as Soccer, Rugby, and Field Hockey. The dataset includes second-by-second data on player positions (latitude and longitude), speed, and heart rate. I’m looking for help with two specific objectives using machine learning: Detecting and Classifying Game Phases: I want to develop a system that can identify and classify different game phases like attacking, defending, counter-attacks, rest periods, etc. Automatically Splitting the Game into Quarters or Halves: Additionally, I need to automatically segment the game into quarters or halves, and determine the exact times these segments occur. I’d appreciate any suggestions on how to approach these problems. What algorithms or models would be best suited for these tasks? Are there any existing frameworks or tools that could be particularly useful?Thanks for your help!! submitted by /u/vaalenz [link] [comments]

  • What is it with jobs requiring a master’s AND a PhD?
    by /u/Rare_Art_9541 (Data Science) on July 25, 2024 at 8:11 pm

    I was looking through some postings On indeed. And I noticed that there are several data science postings that require both a master’s and a PhD. You’re telling me if you decide to skip a master’s and go straight for the PhD, you’re not considered qualified? submitted by /u/Rare_Art_9541 [link] [comments]

  • [P] How to make "Out-of-sample" Predictions
    by /u/Individual_Ad_1214 (Machine Learning) on July 25, 2024 at 7:47 pm

    My data is a bit complicated to describe so I'm going try to describe something analogous. Each example is randomly generated, but you can group them based on a specific but latent (by latent I mean this isn't added into the features used to develop a model, but I have access to it) feature (in this example we'll call this number of bedrooms). Feature x1 Feature x2 Feature x3 ... Output (Rent) Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 2 Row 8 1 Row 9 0 So I can group Row 1, Row 2, and Row 3 based on a latent feature called number of bedrooms (which in this case is 0 bedroom). Similarly, Row 4, Row 5, & Row 6 have 2 Bedrooms, and Row 7, Row 8, & Row 9 have 4 Bedrooms. Furthermore, these groups also have an optimum price which is used to create output classes (output here is Rent; increase, keep constant, or decrease). So say the optimum price for the 4 bedrooms group is $3mil, and row 7 has a price of $4mil (=> 3 - 4 = -1 mil, i.e a -ve value so convert this to class 2, or above optimum or increase rent), row 8 has a price of $3mil (=> 3 - 3 = 0, convert this to class 1, or at optimum), and row 9 has a price of $2mil (3 - 2 = 1, i.e +ve value, so convert this to class 0, or below optimum, or decrease rent). I use this method to create an output class for each example in the dataset (essentially, if example x has y number of bedrooms, I get the known optimum price for that number of bedrooms and I subtract the example's price from the optimum price). Say I have 10 features (e.g. square footage, number of bathrooms, parking spaces etc.) in the dataset, these 10 features provide the model with enough information to figure out the "number of bedrooms". So when I am evaluating the model, feature x1 feature x2 feature x3 ... Row 10 e.g. I pass into the model a test example (Row 10) which I know has 4 bedrooms and is priced at $6mil, the model can accurately predict class 2 (i.e increase rent) for this example. Because the model was developed using data with a representative number of bedrooms in my dataset. Features.... Output (Rent) Row 1 0 Row 2 0 Row 3 0 However, my problem arises at examples with a low number of bedrooms (i.e. 0 bedrooms). The input features doesn't have enough information to determine the number of bedrooms for examples with a low number of bedrooms (which is fine because we assume that within this group, we will always decrease the rent, so we set the optimum price to say $2000. So row 1 price could be $8000, (8000 - 2000 = 6000, +ve value thus convert to class 0 or below optimum/decrease rent). And within this group we rely on the class balance to help the model learn to make predictions because the proportion is heavily skewed towards class 0 (say 95% = class 0 or decrease rent, and 5 % = class 1 or class 2). We do this based the domain knowledge of the data (so in this case, we would always decrease the rent because no one wants to live in a house with 0 bedrooms). MAIN QUESTION: We now want to predict (or undertake inference) for examples with number of bedrooms in between 0 bedrooms and 2 bedrooms (e.g 1 bedroom NOTE: our training data has no example with 1 bedroom). What I notice is that the model's predictions on examples with 1 bedroom act as if these examples had 0 bedrooms and it mostly predicts class 0. My question is, apart from specifically including examples with 1 bedroom in my input data, is there any other way (more statistics or ML related way) for me to improve the ability of my model to generalise on unseen data? submitted by /u/Individual_Ad_1214 [link] [comments]

  • Does every new data science job get boring after a couple years?
    by /u/Lamp_Shade_Head (Data Science) on July 25, 2024 at 7:26 pm

    I am in my second job after grad school and am noticing a pattern in how I feel about my job as time goes on. In my first job, I felt bored and restless around the 1.5-year mark and eventually left. Now, after 2.5 years at my current job, I find myself feeling bored and disinterested again. I fulfill my responsibilities and do them well, but I no longer go above and beyond as I did in the first year. Is it unusual to feel this way, or is it normal? submitted by /u/Lamp_Shade_Head [link] [comments]

  • [R] EMNLP Paper review scores
    by /u/Immediate-Hour-8466 (Machine Learning) on July 25, 2024 at 7:06 pm

    EMNLP paper review scores Overall assessment for my paper is 2, 2.5 and 3. Is there any chance that it may still be selected? The confidence is 2, 2.5 and 3. The soundness is 2, 2.5, 3.5. I am not sure how soundness and confidence may affect my paper's selection. Pls explain how this works. Which metrics should I consider important. Thank you! submitted by /u/Immediate-Hour-8466 [link] [comments]

  • Using Kriging interpolation on 2D slices of 3D data
    by /u/RandomFactChecker_ (Data Science) on July 25, 2024 at 6:52 pm

    Edit: Added image of the dataset I am working on which can be seen on the top left where the kriging perdiction is on the top right. I'm working on interpolating 2D data slices from a 3D grid at a specific point. If I take slices around that point in various directions, can I average the kriging values from these different slices to obtain a single overall 3D kriging value for that point? Would doing this ruin the values outputted by the Kinging interpolation and make them have greater error? If I can take this approach what would be the best approach to ensure accuracy in this interpolation process? The dataset I am working on which can be seen on the top left where the kriging prediction is on the top right. To be more specific the database I am using is one I created myself which is filled with wind speed, direction and variance at each lat lon point at 0.25 resolution. I am doing this for alts 15 000 - 30 000 meters however as seen there is gaps in the data. I am trying to use kriging to fill in these gaps. In the photo below I am only doing one slice of data at lon = -179 so I can use 2D kriging but I am wondering if I can do the averaging around each point to something closer to a 3D kring. I am also doing this because I have a working 2D kriging add on for MATLAB that has good documentation but cant find a good one for 3D. The submitted by /u/RandomFactChecker_ [link] [comments]

  • [N] OpenAI announces SearchGPT
    by /u/we_are_mammals (Machine Learning) on July 25, 2024 at 6:41 pm We’re testing SearchGPT, a temporary prototype of new AI search features that give you fast and timely answers with clear and relevant sources. submitted by /u/we_are_mammals [link] [comments]

  • [P] Local Llama 3.1 and Marqo Retrieval Augmented Generation
    by /u/elliesleight (Machine Learning) on July 25, 2024 at 4:45 pm

    I built a simple starter demo of a Knowledge Question and Answering System using Llama 3.1 (8B GGUF) and Marqo. Feel free to experiment and build on top of this yourselves! GitHub: submitted by /u/elliesleight [link] [comments]

  • [N] AI achieves silver-medal standard solving International Mathematical Olympiad problems
    by /u/we_are_mammals (Machine Learning) on July 25, 2024 at 4:16 pm They solved 4 of the 6 IMO problems (although it took days to solve some of them). This would have gotten them a score of 28/42, just one point below the gold-medal level. submitted by /u/we_are_mammals [link] [comments]

  • [R] Explainability of HuggingFace Models (LLMs) for Text Summarization/Generation Tasks
    by /u/PhoenixHeadshot25 (Machine Learning) on July 25, 2024 at 3:19 pm

    Hi community, I am exploring the Responsible AI domain where I have started reading about methods and tools to make Deep Learning Models explainable. I have already used SHAP and LIMe for ML model explainability. However, I am unsure about their use in explaining LLMs. I know that these methods are model agnostic but can we use these methods for Text Generation or Summarization tasks? I got reference docs from Shap explaining GPT2 for text generation tasks, but I am unsure about using it for other newer LLMs. Additionally, I would like to know, are there any better ways for Explainable AI for LLMs? submitted by /u/PhoenixHeadshot25 [link] [comments]

  • Worth it to take a pay cut for the data scientist title?
    by /u/son_of_tv_c (Data Science) on July 25, 2024 at 3:17 pm

    I have an MS in stats and 7 years as an analyst under my belt. I've been looking for a data scientist jb ever since I got the MS 4 years ago (got it part time while I started as an analyst) and have been having a hell of a time at it. I get plenty of interest in analyst positoins, but little interest in data scientist positoins. As I'm sure you all know, there is considerable overlap between the titles but HR drones and ATS doesn't necessarily know this. All they care about is key words. I've been offered a data scientist positoin at a company that I am ready to accept. The positoin is a little underpaid for a DS but about enough for me right now, but I'm thinking it could be a great stepping stone. I work that for 2-3 years then I'm competitive for higher compensated DS positoins. However I just got off the phone with a recriuter for a DA positoin that would pay between 25-40k more than the DS positoin (it's just a band at this point). The responsibilities are similar, it's just that this place has more money and is located in a HCOL are (both are remote though so COL and relocating are not a factor for me). More money now would be great, but I don't really know if this is going to leave me in a better position in a few years. Obviously, we're talking an offer vs just one phone screen, the higher DA positoin isn't a sure thing right now. But I'm just wondering if you guys would even keep pursing the DA positoin or just take the DS positoin and make up the difference in a few years with a higher paid DS positoin? Also I hate that this is a factor but I've done 12 interveiws just this month, I really REALLY don't want to do anymore, so it's a huge factor in me wanting to just drop out of the DA interveiw process and take the DS. submitted by /u/son_of_tv_c [link] [comments]

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