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What is the tech stack behind Google Search Engine?
Google Search is one of the most popular search engines on the web, handling over 3.5 billion searches per day. But what is the tech stack that powers Google Search?
The PageRank algorithm is at the heart of Google Search. This algorithm was developed by Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin and patented in 1998. It ranks web pages based on their quality and importance, taking into account things like incoming links from other websites. The PageRank algorithm has been constantly evolving over the years, and it continues to be a key part of Google Search today.
However, the PageRank algorithm is just one part of the story. The Google Search Engine also relies on a sophisticated infrastructure of servers and data centers spread around the world. This infrastructure enables Google to crawl and index billions of web pages quickly and efficiently. Additionally, Google has developed a number of proprietary technologies to further improve the quality of its search results. These include technologies like Spell Check, SafeSearch, and Knowledge Graph.
The technology stack that powers the Google Search Engine is immensely complex, and includes a number of sophisticated algorithms, technologies, and infrastructure components. At the heart of the system is the PageRank algorithm, which ranks pages based on a number of factors, including the number and quality of links to the page. The algorithm is constantly being refined and updated, in order to deliver more relevant and accurate results. In addition to the PageRank algorithm, Google also uses a number of other algorithms, including the Latent Semantic Indexing algorithm, which helps to index and retrieve documents based on their meaning. The search engine also makes use of a massive infrastructure, which includes hundreds of thousands of servers around the world. While google is the dominant player in the search engine market, there are a number of other well-established competitors, such as Microsoft’s Bing search engine and Duck Duck Go.
The original Google algorithm was called PageRank, named after inventor Larry Page (though, fittingly, the algorithm does rank web pages).
After 17 years of work by many software engineers, researchers, and statisticians, Google search uses algorithms upon algorithms upon algorithms.
- The various components used by Google Search are all proprietary, but most of the code is written in C++.
- Google Search has a number of technical explications on how search works and this is also the limit as to what can be shared publicly.
- and GogleTest are the main open source Google C++ libraries, those are extensively used for Search.
- is an other open source framework which is heavily used all across Google including for Search.
- Google has general information on you, the kinds of things you might like, the sites you frequent, etc. When it fetches search results, they get ranked, and this personal info is used to adjust the rankings, resulting in different search results for each user.
How does Google’s indexing algorithm (so it can do things like fuzzy string matching) technically structure its index?
- There is no single technique that works.
- At a basic level, all search engines have something like an inverted index, so you can look up words and associated documents. There may also be a forward index.
- One way of constructing such an index is by stemming words. Stemming is done with an algorithm than boils down words to their basic root. The most famous stemming algorithm is the Porter stemmer.
- However, there are other approaches. One is to build n-grams, sequences of n letters, so that you can do partial matching. You often would choose multiple n’s, and thus have multiple indexes, since some n-letter combinations are common (e.g., “th”) for small n’s, but larger values of n undermine the intent.
- don’t know that we can say “nothing absolute is known”. Look at misspellings. Google can resolve a lot of them. This isn’t surprising; we’ve had spellcheckers for at least 40 years. However, the less common a misspelling, the harder it is for Google to catch.
- One cool thing about Google is that they have been studying and collecting data on searches for more than 20 years. I don’t mean that they have been studying searching or search engines (although they have been), but that they have been studying how people search. They process several billion search queries each day. They have developed models of what people really want, which often isn’t what they say they want. That’s why they track every click you make on search results… well, that and the fact that they want to build effective models for ad placement.
Each year, Google changes its search algorithm around 500–600 times. While most of these changes are minor, Google occasionally rolls out a “major” algorithmic update (such as Google Panda and Google Penguin) that affects search results in significant ways.
For search marketers, knowing the dates of these Google updates can help explain changes in rankings and organic website traffic and ultimately improve search engine optimization. Below, we’ve listed the major algorithmic changes that have had the biggest impact on search.
Originally, Google’s indexing algorithm was fairly simple.
It took a starting page and added all the unique (if the word occurred more than once on the page, it was only counted once) words on the page to the index or incremented the index count if it was already in the index.
The page was indexed by the number of references the algorithm found to the specific page. So each time the system found a link to the page on a newly discovered page, the page count was incremented.
When you did a search, the system would identify all the pages with those words on it and show you the ones that had the most links to them.
As people searched and visited pages from the search results, Google would also track the pages that people would click to from the search page. Those that people clicked would also be identified as a better quality match for that set of search terms. If the person quickly came back to the search page and clicked another link, the match quality would be reduced.
Now, Google is using natural language processing, a method of trying to guess what the user really wants. From that it it finds similar words that might give a better set of results based on searches done by millions of other people like you. It might assume that you really meant this other word instead of the word you used in your search terms. It might just give you matches in the list with those other words as well as the words you provided.
It really all boils down to the fact that Google has been monitoring a lot of people doing searches for a very long time. It has a huge list of websites and search terms that have done the job for a lot of people.
There are a lot of proprietary algorithms, but the real magic is that they’ve been watching you and everyone else for a very long time.
What programming language powers Google’s search engine core?
C++, mostly. There are little bits in other languages, but the core of both the indexing system and the serving system is C++.
How does Google handle the technical aspect of fuzzy matching? How is the index implemented for that?
- With n-grams and word stemming. And correcting bad written words. N-grams for partial matching anything.
Use a ping service. Ping services can speed up your indexing process.
- Search Google for “pingmylinks”
- Click on the “add url” in the upper left corner.
- Submit your website and make sure to use all the submission tools and your site should be indexed within hours.
Our ranking algorithm simply doesn’t rank highly for the query “search engine.” There is not a single, simple reason why this is the case. If I had to guess, I would say that people who type “search engine” into Google are usually looking for general information about search engines or about alternative search engines, and neither query is well-answered by listing
To be clear, we have never manually altered the search results for this (or any other) specific query.
When I tried the query “search engine” on Bing, the results were similar; was #5 and was #6.
What is the search algorithm used by the Google search engine? What is its complexity?
The basic idea is using an inverted index. This means for each word keeping a list of documents on the web that contain it.
Responding to a query corresponds to retrieval of the matching documents (This is basically done by intersecting the lists for the corresponding query words), processing the documents (extracting quality signals corresponding to the doc, query pair), ranking the documents (using document quality signals like Page Rank and query signals and query/doc signals) then returning the top 10 documents.
Here are some tricks for doing the retrieval part efficiently:
– distribute the whole thing over thousands and thousands of machines
– do it in memory
– caching
– looking first at the query word with the shortest document list
– keeping the documents in the list in reverse PageRank order so that we can stop early once we find enough good quality matches
– keep lists for pairs of words that occur frequently together
– shard by document id, this way the load is somewhat evenly distributed and the intersection is done in parallel
– compress messages that are sent across the network
Jeff Dean in this great talk explains quite a few bits of the internal Google infrastructure. He mentions a few of the previous ideas in the talk.
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He goes through the evolution of the Google Search Serving Design and through MapReduce while giving general advice about building large scale systems.
As for complexity, it’s pretty hard to analyze because of all the moving parts, but Jeff mentions that the the latency per query is about 0.2 s and that each query touches on average 1000 computers.
Is Google’s LaMDA conscious? A philosopher’s view (
LaMDA is Google’s latest artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot. Blake Lemoine, a Google AI engineer, has claimed it is sentient. He’s been put on leave after publishing his conversations with LaMDA.
If Lemoine’s claims are true, it would be a milestone in the history of humankind and technological development.
Google strongly denies LaMDA has any sentient capacity.
Fun facts about Google Search Engine Competitors
Data Source: statcounterGS
Tools Used: Excel & PowerPoint
Edit: Note that the data for Baidu/China is likely higher. How statcounterGS collects the data might understate # users from China.
Baidu is popular in China, Yandex is popular in Russia.
Yandex is great for reverse image searches, google just can’t compete with yandex in that category.
Normal Google reverse search is a joke (except for finding a bigger version of a pic, it’s good for that), but Google Lens can be as good or sometimes better at finding similar images or locations than Yandex depending on the image type. Always good to try both, and also Bing can be decent sometimes.
Bing has been profitable since 2015 even with less than 3% of the market share. So just imagine how much money Google is taking in.
Firstly: Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, etc. all use Bing to get their search results. Which means Bing’s usage is more than the 3% indicated.
Secondly: This graph shows overall market share (phones and PCs). But, search engines make most of their money on desktop searches due to more screen space for ads. And Bing’s market share on desktop is WAY bigger, its market share on phones is ~0%. It’s American desktop market share is 10-15%. That is where the money is.
What you are saying is in fact true though. We make trillions of web searches – which means even three percent market-share equals billions of hits and a ton of money.
I like duck duck go. And they have good privacy features. I just wish their maps were better because if I’m searching a local restaurant nothing is easier than google to transition from the search to the map to the webpage for the company. But for informative searches I think it gives a more objective, less curated return.
Use Ecosia and profits go to reforestation efforts!
Turns out people don’t care about their privacy, especially if it gets them results.
I recently switched to using brave browser and duck duck go and I basically can’t tell the difference in using Google and chrome.
The only times I’ve needed to use Google are for really specific searches where duck duck go doesn’t always seem to give the expected results. But for daily browsing it’s absolutely fine and far far better for privacy.
Does Google Search have the most complex functionality hiding behind a simple looking UI?
There is a lot that happens between the moment a user types something in the input field and when they get their results.
Google Search has a high-level overview, but the gist of it is that there are dozens of sub systems involved and they all work extremely fast. The general idea is that search is going to process the query, try to understand what the user wants to know/accomplish, rank these possibilities, prepare a results page that reflects this and render it on the user’s device.
I would not qualify the UI of simple. Yes, the initial state looks like a single input field on an otherwise empty page. But there is already a lot going on in that input field and how it’s presented to the user. And then, as soon as the user interacts with the field, for instance as they start typing, there’s a ton of other things that happen – Search is able to pre-populate suggested queries really fast. Plus there’s a whole “syntax” to search with operators and what not, there’s many different modes (image, news, etc…).
One recent iteration of Google search is Google Lens: Google Lens interface is even simpler than the single input field: just take a picture with your phone! But under the hood a lot is going on. Source.
The Google search engine is a remarkable feat of engineering, and its capabilities are only made possible by the use of cutting-edge technology. At the heart of the Google search engine is the PageRank algorithm, which is used to rank web pages in order of importance. This algorithm takes into account a variety of factors, including the number and quality of links to a given page. In order to effectively crawl and index the billions of web pages on the internet, Google has developed a sophisticated infrastructure that includes tens of thousands of servers located around the world. This infrastructure enables Google to rapidly process search queries and deliver relevant results to users in a matter of seconds. While Google is the dominant player in the search engine market, there are a number of other search engines that compete for users, including Bing and Duck Duck Go. However, none of these competitors have been able to replicate the success of Google, due in large part to the company’s unrivaled technological capabilities.
- Help me change this color thingyby /u/irid123 (Google) on September 13, 2024 at 11:35 pm
I went on Google to see this poop green color, does anyone know how to change it back to black? submitted by /u/irid123 [link] [comments]
- Just...please...ok? thank youby /u/anthr_alxndr (Google) on September 13, 2024 at 10:45 pm submitted by /u/anthr_alxndr [link] [comments]
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I been using Google meet for years on my android phone Just yesterday notice my background is blurred and I can't remove it. I go to effecta,select no effect and nothing happens. I can cha ge it to other birds but can't make it less blur or more or what i want, for it to go away I cleared the cache. Not sure what else is going on Really hate blur bkgd as my kids do t show up in the bkgd when talking to wife or see the game they are playing submitted by /u/DodoDozer [link] [comments]
- Ayúdenmeby /u/BillyButcherGod (Google) on September 13, 2024 at 9:54 pm
They know that when they press and hold the home button, the Google Assistant opens, which has the functions of searching with voice, searching the screen and translating, well when I do it and I hit it, it doesn't search or translate, it closes, does anyone know it's there? happening, what should I do or what options to activate (I already tried to clear cache in applications and restart the cell phone). This is the first time this has happened to me and I don't know why. submitted by /u/BillyButcherGod [link] [comments]
- Oh no Gemini is out of controlby /u/Creative_Walrus5359 (Google) on September 13, 2024 at 8:54 pm
submitted by /u/Creative_Walrus5359 [link] [comments]
- Urgently, recovering deleted videosby /u/killero24 (Google) on September 13, 2024 at 8:43 pm
Hello, I deleted some videos from google drive permanently, as well as from the PC, I tried with Windows file recovery but I can't find them. What other solutions do you know please? Thank you submitted by /u/killero24 [link] [comments]
- Free $30 Google Store Voucher if anyone wants it (simply enter at checkout)by /u/wesdemez1990 (Google) on September 13, 2024 at 8:25 pm
submitted by /u/wesdemez1990 [link] [comments]
- Google Assistant Translate Screen stopped working !by /u/Death-White-666 (Google) on September 13, 2024 at 7:00 pm
"Search Screen" and "Translate" button in the Google Assistant prompt stopped working recently. Clicking them does nothing but close the prompt. I usually use it to search for image sources or translate images but recently it has stopped working, has anyone encountered the same error? If I use Google Lens or Google Trans alone it still works but when I use Assistant it does not respond. submitted by /u/Death-White-666 [link] [comments]
- Creating a Google Business Profiles listing without an exact physical address?by /u/HauntingAsparagus2 (Google) on September 13, 2024 at 6:57 pm
Hello everyone, I'm curious, is it still possible to open a listing without specifying an exact address/location? I'm doing SEO for a travel company without an office in the US, however it's part of the target market. Is it doable? If not, any suggestion or workaround? Thanks submitted by /u/HauntingAsparagus2 [link] [comments]
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submitted by /u/OkNothing8871 [link] [comments]
- The Documentary about Kotlin - an official language of Android /u/iamitbeard (Google) on September 13, 2024 at 5:13 pm
Hello folks, My name is Lex and since around December 2023, I’ve been working with an amazing team of content creators on a documentary about the Kotlin programming language. This was something totally new for us, since we’d never done anything like it before. It was bold, ambitious, and honestly, a bit risky for us to try out the documentary format, but we really wanted to, and here we are 😁 We spent weeks filming, travelling all across Europe (and beyond!) to hear the story of Kotlin’s creation firsthand — from the people who grew the language, the tools, and the community around it themselves. Months of work went into questionnaires, planning, scriptwriting, editing, hundreds of calls, and what felt like a million adjustments. We had over forty hours of footage that we needed to turn into a captivating story that lasted just an hour and a half. Every week brought new challenges, and honestly, it was insanely difficult but incredibly exciting! Along the way, we faced a bunch of obstacles, conflicts, and issues, but we made it through all of it. Now, after almost ten months of hard work, I’m super excited to share with you our documentary film "Beyond The Success Of Kotlin": We poured so much time, effort, and a piece of our souls into this film, so it means the world to us that as many people as possible see it. I’d be super grateful to anyone who shares it on social media — it deserves it, I think 😊 submitted by /u/iamitbeard [link] [comments]
- Why is homogeneous censored on /u/Positive_Slip_4052 (Google) on September 13, 2024 at 4:04 pm
Btw if you find these questions dumb. I am in 7 grade and I am trying to make my chemistry notes. submitted by /u/Positive_Slip_4052 [link] [comments]
- Whats the best way to backup/archive your entire Gmail inbox? (not deleting account or leaving, just backup)by /u/IntellectualBurger (Google) on September 13, 2024 at 2:29 pm
Description pretty much sums it up. Is it google takeout? i read somewhere that google takeout is not good for backup, only good for leaving or moving to new account. but i am not, i just want to backup submitted by /u/IntellectualBurger [link] [comments]
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Today I was making a same day reservation at a restaurant that doesn't have a website to reserve tables on. I saw that Google Maps had a reservation request system, I believe using Google Duplex, and give it a shot. Within 2 minutes I got a reservation confirmation, super cool that Google can do this! submitted by /u/stormcynk [link] [comments]
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submitted by /u/AirNext4334 [link] [comments]
- TIP - Use Google Web Verbatim search as defaultby /u/SentientUniverses (Google) on September 12, 2024 at 6:22 pm
Improve Google Search by setting the default search engine to Google Web Verbatim. No AI garbage at the top and results are for what you actually typed automatically. Firefox: ≡ (top right), Settings, Search, Search Shortcuts, Add Search engine name: Google Web Verbatim Engine URL: Add Engine Default Search Engine (At top): Google Web Verbatim Chrome: ⋮ (top right), Settings, ≡ (top left), Search engine, Manage search engines and site search, Site search, Add Name: Google Web Verbatim Shortcut: Google Web Verbatim URL: ⋮ next to Google Web Verbatim: Make Default Hide the Few Matches warning: AdGuard: Extensions (puzzle piece), Adguard AdBlocker, Cog, User Rules Add to a new line: > div.ULSxyf:first-child,important Save uBlock Origin: Extensions (puzzle piece), uBlock Origin, Cogs, My Filters Add to a new line:,important Apply Changes To revert temporarily: On your search page change Verbatim (under Tools) to All results, and click the All tab instead of Web. submitted by /u/SentientUniverses [link] [comments]
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submitted by /u/webbs3 [link] [comments]
- Multi-Step Reasoning in Google Search with Generative AIby LIVENserv (Google Search on Medium) on September 12, 2024 at 10:29 am
As the digital landscape evolves, Google continues to innovate, enhancing the way we interact with information online. The introduction of…Continue reading on Medium »
- Do not! sign up for the gemini advanced "trial" if you like your storage /u/Endle55s (Google) on September 12, 2024 at 8:29 am
I have a year Google drive plan, paid for from May. I was asked if I'd like to try gemini advanced for a month while I was messing with it. So I agreed to a monthly payment with a month free trial . I looked up what would happen if I continued after the trial (it said it will add the 2tb to my storage plan) I tried it for less than an hour, realized that advanced does not even come close to its competitors for my use cases and canceled the whole thing. Now my storage plan has several months shaved off and will include gemini advanced till the end of this period. So they merged it with my current plan even though I clearly signed up for a trial period. Apparently I "updated" . After spending 15 minutes with Hell(p), explaining and constantly being met with "we understand your concern but this update cannot be reversed", I was told to leave feedback on the Google one page. I asked for a transcript of the conversation and was told I will get it, but so far that also didn't happen. I know this is not done on purpuse to screw people for 40 euros or whatever, but at the same time it's made infuriatingly unclear (if at all) that this would happen and I find it baffling they cannot reverse this in good faith. I'm dissapointed, being one of the people that had the early invites to Gmail in 2005 and having used their products since, I am actually surprised they hold their foot down like some shady mobile provider. I truly expected better. Net result: I am now stuck with gemini advanced till December and they shaved 5 months of my storage plan. submitted by /u/Endle55s [link] [comments]
- Google‘s website shortly after the attacks on September, 11, 2001by /u/themariocrafter (Google) on September 12, 2024 at 4:19 am
submitted by /u/themariocrafter [link] [comments]
- Google Jam Board is shutting down in december, and will be view only on october 1st. I created one last jamboard and gave everyone with the link editing access. Get on there and jamboard before you can't jamboard /u/thebe_stone (Google) on September 11, 2024 at 11:21 pm
submitted by /u/thebe_stone [link] [comments]
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- Support Megathread - November 2023by /u/AutoModerator (Google) on November 1, 2023 at 12:01 am
Have a question you need answered? A new Google product you want to talk about? Ask away here! Recently, we at /r/Google have noticed a large number of support questions being asked. For a long time, we’ve removed these posts and directed the users to other subreddits, like /r/techsupport. However, we feel that users should be able to ask their Google-related questions here. These monthly threads serve as a hub for all of the support you need, as well as discussion about any Google products. Please note! Top level comments must be related to the topics discussed above. Any comments made off-topic will be removed at the discretion of the Moderator team. Discord Server We have made a Discord Server for more in-depth discussions relating to Google and for quicker response to tech support questions. submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments]
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Health Health, a science-based community to discuss health news and the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
- Congress targets Chinese influence in health tech. It could come with tradeoffsby /u/newzee1 on September 13, 2024 at 11:44 am
submitted by /u/newzee1 [link] [comments]
- Cancer Risk Calculator - I posted a few years ago about a free mobile app I developed to allow people to calculate their personal risk of various types of cancer. We've now published the model and included 211 other published, validated models. Feel free to check it out!by /u/Charyion on September 13, 2024 at 7:49 am
submitted by /u/Charyion [link] [comments]
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Today I Learned (TIL) You learn something new every day; what did you learn today? Submit interesting and specific facts about something that you just found out here.
- TIL: In addition to his iconic role as Spock, Leonard Nimoy was also a director, and directed 80s hit "Three men and a baby".by /u/THcB on September 13, 2024 at 11:10 am
submitted by /u/THcB [link] [comments]
- TIL of Robinson Risner, who, during the Korean war, has used his own plane to intercept a friendly running out of fuel & hydraulic oil after taking damage and used the plane through a careful collission to push/lift his comrade's into safetyby /u/Hoihe on September 13, 2024 at 9:36 am
submitted by /u/Hoihe [link] [comments]
- TIL In a 2014 report it was found that the mortality rate for professional wrestlers was significantly higher than that of athletes in other /u/P_a_s_g_i_t_24 on September 13, 2024 at 9:15 am
submitted by /u/P_a_s_g_i_t_24 [link] [comments]
- Today I learned that the USS Samuel B Roberts is the deepest shipwreck in the /u/AussieDior on September 13, 2024 at 9:12 am
submitted by /u/AussieDior [link] [comments]
- TIL that Frank Eugene Corder, while severely intoxicated, crashed a Cessna 150 on the grounds surrounding the White House on September 12, 1994. He was killed on /u/jenesuispashariselon on September 13, 2024 at 8:12 am
submitted by /u/jenesuispashariselon [link] [comments]
Reddit Science This community is a place to share and discuss new scientific research. Read about the latest advances in astronomy, biology, medicine, physics, social science, and more. Find and submit new publications and popular science coverage of current research.
- Antidepressants prescribed for pain in older adults despite weak evidence of effectiveness | The study found that in the last 40 years there have been only 15 trials globally focusing on the benefit of antidepressants for pain in older /u/chrisdh79 on September 13, 2024 at 10:56 am
submitted by /u/chrisdh79 [link] [comments]
- Parental burnout is most prevalent in Western countries characterized by high individualism. The gap between parenting ideals and realities and children socialised to put own desires first are key burnout drivers. In the past, children were more independent in public and less demanding at /u/mvea on September 13, 2024 at 10:12 am
submitted by /u/mvea [link] [comments]
- Choking under pressure: Brain neurons misfire when the stakes are highest | Scientists have uncovered a set of neurons misfire when the stakes are at their highest, sending poorer signals to the body that affects our actions in high-stakes situations in Rhesus /u/chrisdh79 on September 13, 2024 at 9:46 am
submitted by /u/chrisdh79 [link] [comments]
- Martian ‘Spiders’ Re-Created in Lab for First Time - small, dark, spider-shaped features up to 1 km across. They supposedly form when spring sunshine falls on layers of carbon dioxide deposited over the dark winter months. A NASA team recreated these in simulated Martian conditions here on /u/ChiefLeef22 on September 13, 2024 at 9:26 am
submitted by /u/ChiefLeef22 [link] [comments]
- Winner of the 2024 Ig Nobel prize for Medicine goes to a Swiss, German and Belgian group for demonstrating that fake medicine that causes painful side-effects can be more effective in patients than fake medicine that does not cause painful side-effects (full-text link in comment).by /u/mvea on September 13, 2024 at 8:34 am
submitted by /u/mvea [link] [comments]
Reddit Sports Sports News and Highlights from the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, MLS, and leagues around the world.
- Live Infoby /u/Mysterious-Elk-1519 on September 13, 2024 at 11:50 am
I was wondering if anyone’s knows a website where it has live updates during matches when people are sent off or injured submitted by /u/Mysterious-Elk-1519 [link] [comments]
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- This was funny RF tennisby /u/Yolo0o on September 13, 2024 at 10:34 am
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- South Alabama trounces Northwestern State 87-10, scores most points in a game by FBS team since 1991by /u/itsmrben on September 13, 2024 at 3:55 am
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