Decoding GPTs & LLMs: Training, Memory & Advanced Architectures Explained

Decoding GPTs & LLMs: Training, Memory & Advanced Architectures Explained

Decoding GPTs & LLMs: Training, Memory & Advanced Architectures Explained

Unlock the secrets of GPTs and Large Language Models (LLMs) in our comprehensive guide!

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Decoding GPTs & LLMs: Training, Memory & Advanced Architectures Explained
Decoding GPTs & LLMs: Training, Memory & Advanced Architectures Explained

🤖🚀 Dive deep into the world of AI as we explore ‘GPTs and LLMs: Pre-Training, Fine-Tuning, Memory, and More!’ Understand the intricacies of how these AI models learn through pre-training and fine-tuning, their operational scope within a context window, and the intriguing aspect of their lack of long-term memory.

🧠 In this article, we demystify:

  • Pre-Training & Fine-Tuning Methods: Learn how GPTs and LLMs are trained on vast datasets to grasp language patterns and how fine-tuning tailors them for specific tasks.
  • Context Window in AI: Explore the concept of the context window, which acts as a short-term memory for LLMs, influencing how they process and respond to information.
  • Lack of Long-Term Memory: Understand the limitations of GPTs and LLMs in retaining information over extended periods and how this impacts their functionality.
  • Database-Querying Architectures: Discover how some advanced AI models interact with external databases to enhance information retrieval and processing.
  • PDF Apps & Real-Time Fine-Tuning

Drop your questions and thoughts in the comments below and let’s discuss the future of AI! #GPTsExplained #LLMs #AITraining #MachineLearning #AIContextWindow #AILongTermMemory #AIDatabases #PDFAppsAI”

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Welcome to AI Unraveled, the podcast that demystifies frequently asked questions on artificial intelligence and keeps you up to date with the latest AI trends. Join us as we delve into groundbreaking research, innovative applications, and emerging technologies that are pushing the boundaries of AI. From the latest trends in ChatGPT and the recent merger of Google Brain and DeepMind, to the exciting developments in generative AI, we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive update on the ever-evolving AI landscape. In today’s episode, we’ll cover GPTs and LLMs, their pre-training and fine-tuning methods, their context window and lack of long-term memory, architectures that query databases, PDF app’s use of near-realtime fine-tuning, and the book “AI Unraveled” which answers FAQs about AI.

GPTs, or Generative Pre-trained Transformers, work by being trained on a large amount of text data and then using that training to generate output based on input. So, when you give a GPT a specific input, it will produce the best matching output based on its training.

The way GPTs do this is by processing the input token by token, without actually understanding the entire output. It simply recognizes that certain tokens are often followed by certain other tokens based on its training. This knowledge is gained during the training process, where the language model (LLM) is fed a large number of embeddings, which can be thought of as its “knowledge.”

After the training stage, a LLM can be fine-tuned to improve its accuracy for a particular domain. This is done by providing it with domain-specific labeled data and modifying its parameters to match the desired accuracy on that data.

Now, let’s talk about “memory” in these models. LLMs do not have a long-term memory in the same way humans do. If you were to tell an LLM that you have a 6-year-old son, it wouldn’t retain that information like a human would. However, these models can still answer related follow-up questions in a conversation.

For example, if you ask the model to tell you a story and then ask it to make the story shorter, it can generate a shorter version of the story. This is possible because the previous Q&A is passed along in the context window of the conversation. The context window keeps track of the conversation history, allowing the model to maintain some context and generate appropriate responses.

As the conversation continues, the context window and the number of tokens required will keep growing. This can become a challenge, as there are limitations on the maximum length of input that the model can handle. If a conversation becomes too long, the model may start truncating or forgetting earlier parts of the conversation.

Regarding architectures and databases, there are some models that may query a database before providing an answer. For example, a model could be designed to run a database query like “select * from user_history” to retrieve relevant information before generating a response. This is one way vector databases can be used in the context of these models.

There are also architectures where the model undergoes near-realtime fine-tuning when a chat begins. This means that the model is fine-tuned on specific data related to the chat session itself, which helps it generate more context-aware responses. This is similar to how “speak with your PDF” apps work, where the model is trained on specific PDF content to provide relevant responses.

In summary, GPTs and LLMs work by being pre-trained on a large amount of text data and then using that training to generate output based on input. They do this token by token, without truly understanding the complete output. LLMs can be fine-tuned to improve accuracy for specific domains by providing them with domain-specific labeled data. While LLMs don’t have long-term memory like humans, they can still generate responses in a conversation by using the context window to keep track of the conversation history. Some architectures may query databases before generating responses, and others may undergo near-realtime fine-tuning to provide more context-aware answers.

GPTs and Large Language Models (LLMs) are fascinating tools that have revolutionized natural language processing. It seems like you have a good grasp of how these models function, but I’ll take a moment to provide some clarification and expand on a few points for a more comprehensive understanding.

When it comes to GPTs and LLMs, pre-training and token prediction play a crucial role. During the pre-training phase, these models are exposed to massive amounts of text data. This helps them learn to predict the next token (word or part of a word) in a sequence based on the statistical likelihood of that token following the given context. It’s important to note that while the model can recognize patterns in language use, it doesn’t truly “understand” the text in a human sense.

During the training process, the model becomes familiar with these large datasets and learns embeddings. Embeddings are representations of tokens in a high-dimensional space, and they capture relationships and context around each token. These embeddings allow the model to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses.

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

However, pre-training is just the beginning. Fine-tuning is a subsequent step that tailors the model to specific domains or tasks. It involves training the model further on a smaller, domain-specific dataset. This process adjusts the model’s parameters, enabling it to generate responses that are more relevant to the specialized domain.

Now, let’s discuss memory and the context window. LLMs like GPT do not possess long-term memory in the same way humans do. Instead, they operate within what we call a context window. The context window determines the amount of text (measured in tokens) that the model can consider when making predictions. It provides the model with a form of “short-term memory.”

For follow-up questions, the model relies on this context window. So, when you ask a follow-up question, the model factors in the previous interaction (the original story and the request to shorten it) within its context window. It then generates a response based on that context. However, it’s crucial to note that the context window has a fixed size, which means it can only hold a certain number of tokens. If the conversation exceeds this limit, the oldest tokens are discarded, and the model loses track of that part of the dialogue.

It’s also worth mentioning that there is no real-time fine-tuning happening with each interaction. The model responds based on its pre-training and any fine-tuning that occurred prior to its deployment. This means that the model does not learn or adapt during real-time conversation but rather relies on the knowledge it has gained from pre-training and fine-tuning.

While standard LLMs like GPT do not typically utilize external memory systems or databases, some advanced models and applications may incorporate these features. External memory systems can store information beyond the limits of the context window. However, it’s important to understand that these features are not inherent to the base LLM architecture like GPT. In some systems, vector databases might be used to enhance the retrieval of relevant information based on queries, but this is separate from the internal processing of the LLM.

In relation to the “speak with your PDF” applications you mentioned, they generally employ a combination of text extraction and LLMs. The purpose is to interpret and respond to queries about the content of a PDF. These applications do not engage in real-time fine-tuning, but instead use the existing capabilities of the model to interpret and interact with the newly extracted text.

To summarize, LLMs like GPT operate within a context window and utilize patterns learned during pre-training and fine-tuning to generate responses. They do not possess long-term memory or real-time learning capabilities during interactions, but they can handle follow-up questions within the confines of their context window. It’s important to remember that while some advanced implementations might leverage external memory or databases, these features are not inherently built into the foundational architecture of the standard LLM.

Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence? Well, I’ve got just the thing for you! It’s an incredible book called “AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence.” Trust me, this book is an absolute gem!

Now, you might be wondering where you can get your hands on this treasure trove of knowledge. Look no further, my friend. You can find “AI Unraveled” at popular online platforms like Etsy, Shopify, Apple, Google, and of course, our old faithful, Amazon.

This book is a must-have for anyone eager to expand their understanding of AI. It takes those complicated concepts and breaks them down into easily digestible chunks. No more scratching your head in confusion or getting lost in a sea of technical terms. With “AI Unraveled,” you’ll gain a clear and concise understanding of artificial intelligence.

So, if you’re ready to embark on this incredible journey of unraveling the mysteries of AI, go ahead and grab your copy of “AI Unraveled” today. Trust me, you won’t regret it!

On today’s episode, we explored the power of GPTs and LLMs, discussing their ability to generate outputs, be fine-tuned for specific domains, and utilize a context window for related follow-up questions. We also learned about their limitations in terms of long-term memory and real-time updates. Lastly, we shared information about the book “AI Unraveled,” which provides valuable insights into the world of artificial intelligence. Join us next time on AI Unraveled as we continue to demystify frequently asked questions on artificial intelligence and bring you the latest trends in AI, including ChatGPT advancements and the exciting collaboration between Google Brain and DeepMind. Stay informed, stay curious, and don’t forget to subscribe for more!

Mastering GPT-4: Simplified Guide for Everyday Users

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Are you eager to expand your understanding of artificial intelligence? Look no further than the essential book “AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence,” available at Etsy, Shopify, Apple, Google, or Amazon

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Bard, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, AI Podcast)
AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Bard, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, AI Podcast)

The Future of Generative AI: From Art to Reality Shaping

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Unveiling OpenAI Q*: The Fusion of A* Algorithms & Deep Q-Learning Networks Explained

Unveiling OpenAI Q*: The Fusion of A* Algorithms & Deep Q-Learning Networks Explained!

What is OpenAI Q*? A deeper look at the Q* Model as a combination of A* algorithms and Deep Q-learning networks.

Embark on a journey of discovery with our podcast, ‘What is OpenAI Q*? A Deeper Look at the Q* Model’. Dive into the cutting-edge world of AI as we unravel the mysteries of OpenAI’s Q* model, a groundbreaking blend of A* algorithms and Deep Q-learning networks. 🌟🤖

In this detailed exploration, we dissect the components of the Q* model, explaining how A* algorithms’ pathfinding prowess synergizes with the adaptive decision-making capabilities of Deep Q-learning networks. This video is perfect for anyone curious about the intricacies of AI models and their real-world applications.

Understand the significance of this fusion in AI technology and how it’s pushing the boundaries of machine learning, problem-solving, and strategic planning. We also delve into the potential implications of Q* in various sectors, discussing both the exciting possibilities and the ethical considerations.

Join the conversation about the future of AI and share your thoughts on how models like Q* are shaping the landscape. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more deep dives into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence! #OpenAIQStar #AStarAlgorithms #DeepQLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearningInnovation”

🚀 Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a professional in the field, or simply curious about artificial intelligence, this podcast is your go-to source for all things AI. Subscribe for weekly updates and deep dives into artificial intelligence innovations.

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Unveiling OpenAI Q*: The Fusion of A* Algorithms & Deep Q-Learning Networks Explained
Unveiling OpenAI Q*: The Fusion of A* Algorithms & Deep Q-Learning Networks Explained

Welcome to AI Unraveled, the podcast that demystifies frequently asked questions on artificial intelligence and keeps you up to date with the latest AI trends. Join us as we delve into groundbreaking research, innovative applications, and emerging technologies that are pushing the boundaries of AI. From the latest trends in ChatGPT and the recent merger of Google Brain and DeepMind, to the exciting developments in generative AI, we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive update on the ever-evolving AI landscape. In today’s episode, we’ll cover rumors surrounding a groundbreaking AI called Q*, OpenAI’s leaked AI breakthrough called Q* and DeepMind’s similar project, the potential of AI replacing human jobs in tasks like wire sending, and a recommended book called “AI Unraveled” that answers frequently asked questions about artificial intelligence.

Rumors have been circulating about a groundbreaking AI known as Q* (pronounced Q-Star), which is closely tied to a series of chaotic events that disrupted OpenAI following the sudden dismissal of their CEO, Sam Altman. In this discussion, we will explore the implications of Altman’s firing, speculate on potential reasons behind it, and consider Microsoft’s pursuit of a monopoly on highly efficient AI technologies.

To comprehend the significance of Q*, it is essential to delve into the theory of combining Q-learning and A* algorithms. Q* is an AI that excels in grade-school mathematics without relying on external aids like Wolfram. This achievement is revolutionary and challenges common perceptions of AI as mere information repeaters and stochastic parrots. Q* showcases iterative learning, intricate logic, and highly effective long-term strategizing, potentially paving the way for advancements in scientific research and breaking down previously insurmountable barriers.

Let’s first understand A* algorithms and Q-learning to grasp the context in which Q* operates. A* algorithms are powerful tools used to find the shortest path between two points in a graph or map while efficiently navigating obstacles. These algorithms excel at optimizing route planning when efficiency is crucial. In the case of chatbot AI, A* algorithms are used to traverse complex information landscapes and locate the most relevant responses or solutions for user queries.

On the other hand, Q-learning involves providing the AI with a constantly expanding cheat sheet to help it make the best decisions based on past experiences. However, in complex scenarios with numerous states and actions, maintaining a large cheat sheet becomes impractical. Deep Q-learning addresses this challenge by utilizing neural networks to approximate the Q-value function, making it more efficient. Instead of a colossal Q-table, the network maps input states to action-Q-value pairs, providing a compact cheat sheet to navigate complex scenarios efficiently. This approach allows AI agents to choose actions using the Epsilon-Greedy approach, sometimes exploring randomly and sometimes relying on the best-known actions predicted by the networks. DQNs (Deep Q-networks) typically use two neural networks—the main and target networks—which periodically synchronize their weights, enhancing learning and stabilizing the overall process. This synchronization is crucial for achieving self-improvement, which is a remarkable feat. Additionally, the Bellman equation plays a role in updating weights using Experience replay, a sampling and training technique based on past actions, which allows the AI to learn in small batches without requiring training after every step.

Q* represents more than a math prodigy; it signifies the potential to scale abstract goal navigation, enabling highly efficient, realistic, and logical planning for any query or goal. However, with such capabilities come challenges.

One challenge is web crawling and navigating complex websites. Just as a robot solving a maze may encounter convoluted pathways and dead ends, the web is labyrinthine and filled with myriad paths. While A* algorithms aid in seeking the shortest path, intricate websites or information silos can confuse the AI, leading it astray. Furthermore, the speed of algorithm updates may lag behind the expansion of the web, potentially hindering the AI’s ability to adapt promptly to changes in website structures or emerging information.

Another challenge arises in the application of Q-learning to high-dimensional data. The web contains various data types, from text to multimedia and interactive elements. Deep Q-learning struggles with high-dimensional data, where the number of features exceeds the number of observations. In such cases, if the AI encounters sites with complex structures or extensive multimedia content, efficiently processing such information becomes a significant challenge.

To address these issues, a delicate balance must be struck between optimizing pathfinding efficiency and adapting swiftly to the dynamic nature of the web. This balance ensures that users receive the most relevant and efficient solutions to their queries.

In conclusion, speculations surrounding Q* and the Gemini models suggest that enabling AI to plan is a highly rewarding but risky endeavor. As we continue researching and developing these technologies, it is crucial to prioritize AI safety protocols and put guardrails in place. This precautionary approach prevents the potential for AI to turn against us. Are we on the brink of an AI paradigm shift, or are these rumors mere distractions? Share your thoughts and join in this evolving AI saga—a front-row seat to the future!

Please note that the information presented here is based on speculation sourced from various news articles, research, and rumors surrounding Q*. Hence, it is advisable to approach this discussion with caution and consider it in light of further developments in the field.

How the Rumors about Q* Started

There have been recent rumors surrounding a supposed AI breakthrough called Q*, which allegedly involves a combination of Q-learning and A*. These rumors were initially sparked when OpenAI, the renowned artificial intelligence research organization, accidentally leaked information about this groundbreaking development, specifically mentioning Q*’s impressive ability to ace grade-school math. However, it is crucial to note that these rumors were subsequently refuted by OpenAI.

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

It is worth mentioning that DeepMind, another prominent player in the AI field, is also working on a similar project called Gemini. Gemina is based on AlphaGo-style Monte Carlo Tree Search and aims to scale up the capabilities of these algorithms. The scalability of such systems is crucial in planning for increasingly abstract goals and achieving agentic behavior. These concepts have been extensively discussed and explored within the academic community for some time.

The origin of the rumors can be traced back to a letter sent by several staff researchers at OpenAI to the organization’s board of directors. The letter served as a warning highlighting the potential threat to humanity posed by a powerful AI discovery. This letter specifically referenced the supposed breakthrough known as Q* (pronounced Q-Star) and its implications.

Mira Murati, a representative of OpenAI, confirmed that the letter regarding the AI breakthrough was directly responsible for the subsequent actions taken by the board. The new model, when provided with vast computing resources, demonstrated the ability to solve certain mathematical problems. Although it performed at the level of grade-school students in mathematics, the researchers’ optimism about Q*’s future success grew due to its proficiency in such tests.

A notable theory regarding the nature of OpenAI’s alleged breakthrough is that Q* may be related to Q-learning. One possibility is that Q* represents the optimal solution of the Bellman equation. Another hypothesis suggests that Q* could be a combination of the A* algorithm and Q-learning. Additionally, some speculate that Q* might involve AlphaGo-style Monte Carlo Tree Search of the token trajectory. This idea builds upon previous research, such as AlphaCode, which demonstrated significant improvements in competitive programming through brute-force sampling in an LLM (Language and Learning Model). These speculations lead many to believe that Q* might be focused on solving math problems effectively.

Considering DeepMind’s involvement, experts also draw parallels between their Gemini project and OpenAI’s Q*. Gemini aims to combine the strengths of AlphaGo-type systems, particularly in terms of language capabilities, with new innovations that are expected to be quite intriguing. Demis Hassabis, a prominent figure at DeepMind, stated that Gemini would utilize AlphaZero-based MCTS (Monte Carlo Tree Search) through chains of thought. This aligns with DeepMind Chief AGI scientist Shane Legg’s perspective that starting a search is crucial for creative problem-solving.

It is important to note that amidst the excitement and speculation surrounding OpenAI’s alleged breakthrough, the academic community has already extensively explored similar ideas. In the past six months alone, numerous papers have discussed the combination of tree-of-thought, graph search, state-space reinforcement learning, and LLMs (Language and Learning Models). This context reminds us that while Q* might be a significant development, it is not entirely unprecedented.

OpenAI’s spokesperson, Lindsey Held Bolton, has officially rebuked the rumors surrounding Q*. In a statement provided to The Verge, Bolton clarified that Mira Murati only informed employees about the media reports regarding the situation and did not comment on the accuracy of the information.

In conclusion, rumors regarding OpenAI’s Q* project have generated significant interest and speculation. The alleged breakthrough combines concepts from Q-learning and A*, potentially leading to advancements in solving math problems. Furthermore, DeepMind’s Gemini project shares similarities with Q*, aiming to integrate the strengths of AlphaGo-type systems with language capabilities. While the academic community has explored similar ideas extensively, the potential impact of Q* and Gemini on planning for abstract goals and achieving agentic behavior remains an exciting prospect within the field of artificial intelligence.

In simple terms, long-range planning and multi-modal models together create an economic agent. Allow me to paint a scenario for you: Picture yourself working at a bank. A notification appears, asking what you are currently doing. You reply, “sending a wire for a customer.” An AI system observes your actions, noting a path and policy for mimicking the process.

The next time you mention “sending a wire for a customer,” the AI system initiates the learned process. However, it may make a few errors, requiring your guidance to correct them. The AI system then repeats this learning process with all 500 individuals in your job role.

Within a week, it becomes capable of recognizing incoming emails, extracting relevant information, navigating to the wire sending window, completing the required information, and ultimately sending the wire.

This approach combines long-term planning, a reward system, and reinforcement learning policies, akin to Q* A* methods. If planning and reinforcing actions through a multi-modal AI prove successful, it is possible that jobs traditionally carried out by humans using keyboards could become obsolete within the span of 1 to 3 years.

If you are keen to enhance your knowledge about artificial intelligence, there is an invaluable resource that can provide the answers you seek. “AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence” is a must-have book that can help expand your understanding of this fascinating field. You can easily find this essential book at various reputable online platforms such as Etsy, Shopify, Apple, Google, or Amazon.

AI Unraveled offers a comprehensive exploration of commonly asked questions about artificial intelligence. With its informative and insightful content, this book unravels the complexities of AI in a clear and concise manner. Whether you are a beginner or have some familiarity with the subject, this book is designed to cater to various levels of knowledge.

By delving into key concepts, AI Unraveled provides readers with a solid foundation in artificial intelligence. It covers a wide range of topics, including machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, natural language processing, and much more. The book also addresses the ethical implications and social impact of AI, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of this rapidly advancing technology.

Obtaining a copy of “AI Unraveled” will empower you with the knowledge necessary to navigate the complex world of artificial intelligence. Whether you are an individual looking to expand your expertise or a professional seeking to stay ahead in the industry, this book is an essential resource that deserves a place in your collection. Don’t miss the opportunity to demystify the frequently asked questions about AI with this invaluable book.

In today’s episode, we discussed the groundbreaking AI Q*, which combines A* Algorithms and Q-learning, and how it is being developed by OpenAI and DeepMind, as well as the potential future impact of AI on job replacement, and a recommended book called “AI Unraveled” that answers common questions about artificial intelligence. Join us next time on AI Unraveled as we continue to demystify frequently asked questions on artificial intelligence and bring you the latest trends in AI, including ChatGPT advancements and the exciting collaboration between Google Brain and DeepMind. Stay informed, stay curious, and don’t forget to subscribe for more!

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Are you eager to expand your understanding of artificial intelligence? Look no further than the essential book “AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence,” available at Etsy, Shopify, Apple, Google, or Amazon

The Future of Generative AI: From Art to Reality Shaping

Improving Q* (SoftMax with Hierarchical Curiosity)

Combining efficiency in handling large action spaces with curiosity-driven exploration.

Source: GitHub – RichardAragon/Softmaxwithhierarchicalcuriosity


Adaptive Softmax with Hierarchical Curiosity

This algorithm combines the strengths of Adaptive Softmax and Hierarchical Curiosity to achieve better performance and efficiency.

Adaptive Softmax

Adaptive Softmax is a technique that improves the efficiency of reinforcement learning by dynamically adjusting the granularity of the action space. In Q*, the action space is typically represented as a one-hot vector, which can be inefficient for large action spaces. Adaptive Softmax addresses this issue by dividing the action space into clusters and assigning higher probabilities to actions within the most promising clusters.

Hierarchical Curiosity

Hierarchical Curiosity is a technique that encourages exploration by introducing a curiosity bonus to the reward function. The curiosity bonus is based on the difference between the predicted reward and the actual reward, motivating the agent to explore areas of the environment that are likely to provide new information.

Combining Adaptive Softmax and Hierarchical Curiosity

Ace the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Certification Exam: Pass the Azure Fundamentals Exam with Ease

By combining Adaptive Softmax and Hierarchical Curiosity, we can achieve a more efficient and exploration-driven reinforcement learning algorithm. Adaptive Softmax improves the efficiency of the algorithm, while Hierarchical Curiosity encourages exploration and potentially leads to better performance in the long run.

Here’s the proposed algorithm:

  1. Initialize the Q-values for all actions in all states.

  2. At each time step:

    a. Observe the current state s.

    b. Select an action a according to an exploration policy that balances exploration and exploitation.

    c. Execute action a and observe the resulting state s’ and reward r.

    d. Update the Q-value for action a in state s:

    Q(s, a) = (1 – α) * Q(s, a) + α * (r + γ * max_a’ Q(s’, a’))

    where α is the learning rate and γ is the discount factor.

    e. Update the curiosity bonus for state s:

    curio(s) = β * |r – Q(s, a)|

    where β is the curiosity parameter.

    f. Update the probability distribution over actions:

    p(a | s) = exp(Q(s, a) + curio(s)) / ∑_a’ exp(Q(s, a’) + curio(s))

  3. Repeat steps 2a-2f until the termination criterion is met.

The combination of Adaptive Softmax and Hierarchical Curiosity addresses the limitations of Q* and promotes more efficient and effective exploration.

  • What should a medical student about to be replaced by AI do?
    by /u/Zestyclose_Soil4819 (Artificial Intelligence Gateway) on July 26, 2024 at 2:06 am

    I am currently a fourth year med student with about 105k in cash and 160k in loans by the end of med school. I have no chance of matching a surgical specialty so I will be replaced by AI within 5 years. My mom says she will pay the loans off (she has a high powered job but I don't really believe her because she is not the most stable person and has lied in the past) hence why I am in cash. I had about 108k at the start of this week but QQQ tanked and I sold. The SAVE plan is repealed so by the end of residency if she doesn't pay them I will probably have 200k in loans and likely not have a job due to AI. Currently I am getting about 2000 a month from my mom and dad (divorced) but my expenses are about 2500 so I am losing money every month. I take max loans because she said she would pay them once I graduate. As of now, I pretty much just bank the 1500 a month but I am worried that she will not pay them. What would you do. Would you finish med school and residency or bail? I doubt I could get a good job at this point if I quit so I feel trapped. submitted by /u/Zestyclose_Soil4819 [link] [comments]

  • What is the best in depth online AI course/program?
    by /u/Mad_Millions (Artificial Intelligence Gateway) on July 26, 2024 at 2:05 am

    Hello I have a good understanding of computer science and ai conceptually, but I want to expand my knowledge on the mathematical and practical side of ai and get deep into understanding neural networks. I was wondering if anyone had come across good structured resources that dive in depth into neural networks that arent just some boring slideshow videos and plain documents you have to read. I am whiling to pay for a program but I feel like there are plenty of good free/cheap options that are effective. submitted by /u/Mad_Millions [link] [comments]

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    by /u/Skin_Chemist (Artificial Intelligence Gateway) on July 26, 2024 at 2:04 am

    Most people would agree that the best LLMs are already more “knowledgeable”. But who here feels like its already smarter than them? submitted by /u/Skin_Chemist [link] [comments]

  • Future jobs that survive AI boom
    by /u/__teeheehee (Artificial Intelligence Gateway) on July 26, 2024 at 1:53 am

    I'm looking for list of jobs/careers which will still doing well into near future, say 10-15 years ahead given that AI continues to improve and either replace some easy to automate jobs or empower folks to do better in their jobs. I'd love to hear from y'all in this community. TIA! submitted by /u/__teeheehee [link] [comments]

  • I created an AI-Powered automated LLM Prompt Optimizer
    by /u/NextgenAITrading (Artificial Intelligence Gateway) on July 26, 2024 at 12:31 am

    I've been exploring ways to optimize prompts for my AI application NexusTrade, and the results are incredibly promising! By applying genetic algorithms to prompt engineering, we've seen significant improvements in both training and validation performance! Here are some key takeaways from my experiment: ✅ Achieved 85% accuracy on training data, up from 71% initially ✅ Validation accuracy peaked above 84%, showing strong generalization ✅ Manual creation of initial prompts proved more effective than AI-generated ones While challenges remain, including high computational costs and ensuring ground truth accuracy, the future direction of this work has me incredibly excited: 1️⃣ We could enhance retrieval-augmented generation systems 2️⃣ We can optimize for model selection for different prompts 3️⃣ We can utilize multi-objective optimization for more nuanced improvements This experiment opens up a world of possibilities for how we interact with AI systems. We're not just optimizing prompts; we're potentially reshaping the future of AI interaction. Want to see the full experimental methodology? Check out the full article here: Would love to questions and feedback in the comments! submitted by /u/NextgenAITrading [link] [comments]

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    I'm trying to understand how home layout design tools, like the one found at, are created. What technology stack do they use? Do they rely on APIs or have their own models? What technologies should I learn to develop something similar? submitted by /u/Big_Definition_1996 [link] [comments]

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    Dive into this week’s AI GPT Journal Weekly Insights! Uncover the truth behind AI-generated answers, combat Instagram bot accounts, and explore AI Explainability for non-techies. Stay informed and ahead in the AI revolution. Click here to read now. #AIGPTJournal #FactCheckingAI #InstagramBots #TrustworthyAI submitted by /u/AIGPTJournal [link] [comments]

  • Why Aren't the Jena Ortega/Wednesday Deepfake Accounts on TikTok and YouTube Being Taken Down?
    by /u/Relative_Season_299 (Artificial Intelligence Gateway) on July 25, 2024 at 10:32 pm

    This question is for any lawyers here or people familiar with the law. I’m sure you’ve all seen the deepfake Jena Ortega/Wednesday accounts on TikTok and YouTube. Why haven’t any parties (e.g., CAA represents Jena, Netflix owns the Wednesday IP) taken action against these accounts? I came across them almost a year ago and assumed they’d be taken down at this point, on YouTube especially since it pays its creators. The Ortega channel on YouTube has 7 million subscribers so I’m assuming the creator is making a fair bit of money. Is this fair use? The Same Wednesday submitted by /u/Relative_Season_299 [link] [comments]

  • Document Parsing
    by /u/cfksite (Artificial Intelligence Gateway) on July 25, 2024 at 10:26 pm

    I have a situation where I have about 800 PDF documents, each one of that is the same “type” of document, but almost each one is different (layout,labels, etc). Example. Delivery address, Drop Location, Dropoff Address. All of these are the same data point with different labels. What would be the best way to leverage AI to be able to send this document into a script and have it shoot out all my specific fields I need for my software? I have tried a few different integrated solutions but I always get stuck on different documents having different labels. submitted by /u/cfksite [link] [comments]

  • AI Tool Turns Conversations into Newsletters in Minutes
    by /u/jacobgc75 (Artificial Intelligence Gateway) on July 25, 2024 at 10:22 pm

    New AI Writing Assistant Simplifies Newsletter Creation My team and I have developed an AI-powered tool that helps create personalized newsletters quickly. This tool transforms conversations into written content, allowing users to generate newsletters in about 10 minutes. It's designed to make newsletters while maintaining the user's unique voice and ideas. The primary goal of this tool is to make newsletter creation more accessible. It can be particularly helpful for people who find writing challenging, those with limited time, individuals with conditions like dyslexia, or anyone looking to share ideas more easily. By simplifying the writing process, we hope to enable more people to share their thoughts and insights through newsletters. Here's how it works: Users share their ideas through a conversation with the AI. The system processes this information and then creates a draft of the newsletter. Users can then review and adjust the content as needed, ensuring the final product accurately reflects their thoughts. The tool uses Claude 3.5, which we found to be the best for our needs. We're currently taking applications for our beta program. If you're interested in creating a newsletter with us, you can apply now. For those who want to try it out right away, we have an app available now that focuses on the writing aspect. In the coming weeks, we'll be updating this app to provide an end-to-end newsletter solution. If you're interested in the current writing tool, you can start using it today. Let us know if you have any questions or feedback about what we are building. We're looking forward to seeing how this technology can help more people share their ideas, thoughts, and opinions more effectively. submitted by /u/jacobgc75 [link] [comments]

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions

AI and its related fields — such as machine learning and data science — are becoming an increasingly important parts of our lives, so it stands to reason why AI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)are a popular choice among many people. AI has the potential to simplify tedious and repetitive tasks while enriching our everyday lives with extraordinary insights – but at the same time, it can also be confusing and even intimidating.

This AI FAQs offer valuable insight into the mechanics of AI, helping us become better-informed about AI’s capabilities, limitations, and ethical considerations. Ultimately, AI FAQs provide us with a deeper understanding of AI as well as a platform for healthy debate.

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: How do you train AI models?

Training AI models involves feeding large amounts of data to an algorithm and using that data to adjust the parameters of the model so that it can make accurate predictions. This process can be supervised, unsupervised, or semi-supervised, depending on the nature of the problem and the type of algorithm being used.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Will AI ever be conscious?

Consciousness is a complex and poorly understood phenomenon, and it is currently not possible to say whether AI will ever be conscious. Some researchers believe that it may be possible to build systems that have some form of subjective experience, while others believe that true consciousness requires biological systems.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: How do you do artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a field of computer science that focuses on building systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as perception, reasoning, and learning. There are many different approaches to building AI systems, including machine learning, deep learning, and evolutionary algorithms, among others.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: How do you test an AI system?

Testing an AI system involves evaluating its performance on a set of tasks and comparing its results to human performance or to a previously established benchmark. This process can be used to identify areas where the AI system needs to be improved, and to ensure that the system is safe and reliable before it is deployed in real-world applications.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Will AI rule the world?

There is no clear evidence that AI will rule the world. While AI systems have the potential to greatly impact society and change the way we live, it is unlikely that they will take over completely. AI systems are designed and programmed by humans, and their behavior is ultimately determined by the goals and values programmed into them by their creators.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions:  What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a field of computer science that focuses on building systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as perception, reasoning, and learning. The field draws on techniques from computer science, mathematics, psychology, and other disciplines to create systems that can make decisions, solve problems, and learn from experience.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions:   How AI will destroy humanity?

The idea that AI will destroy humanity is a popular theme in science fiction, but it is not supported by the current state of AI research. While there are certainly concerns about the potential impact of AI on society, most experts believe that these effects will be largely positive, with AI systems improving efficiency and productivity in many industries. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and to proactively address them as the field of AI continues to evolve.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions:   Can Artificial Intelligence read?

Yes, in a sense, some AI systems can be trained to recognize text and understand the meaning of words, sentences, and entire documents. This is done using techniques such as optical character recognition (OCR) for recognizing text in images, and natural language processing (NLP) for understanding and generating human-like text.

However, the level of understanding that these systems have is limited, and they do not have the same level of comprehension as a human reader.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions:   What problems do AI solve?

AI can solve a wide range of problems, including image recognition, natural language processing, decision making, and prediction. AI can also help to automate manual tasks, such as data entry and analysis, and can improve efficiency and accuracy.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions:  How to make a wombo AI?

To make a “wombo AI,” you would need to specify what you mean by “wombo.” AI can be designed to perform various tasks and functions, so the steps to create an AI would depend on the specific application you have in mind.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions:   Can Artificial Intelligence go rogue?

In theory, AI could go rogue if it is programmed to optimize for a certain objective and it ends up pursuing that objective in a harmful manner. However, this is largely considered to be a hypothetical scenario and there are many technical and ethical considerations that are being developed to prevent such outcomes.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions:   How do you make an AI algorithm?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to making an AI algorithm, as it depends on the problem you are trying to solve and the data you have available.

However, the general steps include defining the problem, collecting and preprocessing data, selecting and training a model, evaluating the model, and refining it as necessary.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions:   How to make AI phone case?

To make an AI phone case, you would likely need to have knowledge of electronics and programming, as well as an understanding of how to integrate AI algorithms into a device.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions:   Are humans better than AI?

It is not accurate to say that humans are better or worse than AI, as they are designed to perform different tasks and have different strengths and weaknesses. AI can perform certain tasks faster and more accurately than humans, while humans have the ability to reason, make ethical decisions, and have creativity.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Will AI ever be conscious?

The question of whether AI will ever be conscious is a topic of much debate and speculation within the field of AI and cognitive science. Currently, there is no consensus among experts about whether or not AI can achieve consciousness.

Consciousness is a complex and poorly understood phenomenon, and there is no agreed-upon definition or theory of what it is or how it arises.

Some researchers believe that consciousness is a purely biological phenomenon that is dependent on the physical structure and processes of the brain, while others believe that it may be possible to create artificial systems that are capable of experiencing subjective awareness and self-reflection.

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

However, there is currently no known way to create a conscious AI system. While some AI systems can mimic human-like behavior and cognitive processes, they are still fundamentally different from biological organisms and lack the subjective experience and self-awareness that are thought to be essential components of consciousness.

That being said, AI technology is rapidly advancing, and it is possible that in the future, new breakthroughs in neuroscience and cognitive science could lead to the development of AI systems that are capable of experiencing consciousness.

However, it is important to note that this is still a highly speculative and uncertain area of research, and there is no guarantee that AI will ever be conscious in the same way that humans are.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions:   Is Excel AI?

Excel is not AI, but it can be used to perform some basic data analysis tasks, such as filtering and sorting data and creating charts and graphs.

An example of an intelligent automation solution that makes use of AI and transfers files between folders could be a system that uses machine learning algorithms to classify and categorize files based on their content, and then automatically moves them to the appropriate folders.

What is an example of an intelligent automation solution that makes use of artificial intelligence transferring files between folders?

An example of an intelligent automation solution that uses AI to transfer files between folders could be a system that employs machine learning algorithms to classify and categorize files based on their content, and then automatically moves them to the appropriate folders.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: How do AI battles work in MK11?

The specific details of how AI battles work in MK11 are not specified, as it likely varies depending on the game’s design and programming. However, in general, AI opponents in fighting games can be designed to use a combination of pre-determined strategies and machine learning algorithms to react to the player’s actions in real-time.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Is pattern recognition a part of artificial intelligence?

Yes, pattern recognition is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that involves the development of algorithms and models for identifying patterns in data. This is a crucial component of many AI systems, as it allows them to recognize and categorize objects, images, and other forms of data in real-world applications.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: How do I use Jasper AI?

The specifics on how to use Jasper AI may vary depending on the specific application and platform. However, in general, using Jasper AI would involve integrating its capabilities into your system or application, and using its APIs to access its functions and perform tasks such as natural language processing, decision making, and prediction.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Is augmented reality artificial intelligence?

Augmented reality (AR) can make use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, but it is not AI in and of itself. AR involves enhancing the real world with computer-generated information, while AI involves creating systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as image recognition, decision making, and natural language processing.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Does artificial intelligence have rights?

No, artificial intelligence (AI) does not have rights as it is not a legal person or entity. AI is a technology and does not have consciousness, emotions, or the capacity to make decisions or take actions in the same way that human beings do. However, there is ongoing discussion and debate around the ethical considerations and responsibilities involved in creating and using AI systems.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: What is generative AI?

Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that involves creating computer algorithms or models that can generate new data or content, such as images, videos, music, or text, that mimic or expand upon the patterns and styles of existing data.

Generative AI models are trained on large datasets using deep learning techniques, such as neural networks, and learn to generate new data by identifying and emulating patterns, structures, and relationships in the input data.

Some examples of generative AI applications include image synthesis, text generation, music composition, and even chatbots that can generate human-like conversations. Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize various fields, such as entertainment, art, design, and marketing, and enable new forms of creativity, personalization, and automation.

How important do you think generative AI will be for the future of development, in general, and for mobile? In what areas of mobile development do you think generative AI has the most potential?

Generative AI is already playing a significant role in various areas of development, and it is expected to have an even greater impact in the future. In the realm of mobile development, generative AI has the potential to bring a lot of benefits to developers and users alike.

One of the main areas of mobile development where generative AI can have a significant impact is user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. With generative AI, developers can create personalized and adaptive interfaces that can adjust to individual users’ preferences and behaviors in real-time. This can lead to a more intuitive and engaging user experience, which can translate into higher user retention and satisfaction rates.

Another area where generative AI can make a difference in mobile development is in content creation. Generative AI models can be used to automatically generate high-quality and diverse content, such as images, videos, and text, that can be used in various mobile applications, from social media to e-commerce.

Furthermore, generative AI can also be used to improve mobile applications’ performance and efficiency. For example, it can help optimize battery usage, reduce network latency, and improve app loading times by predicting and pre-loading content based on user behavior.

Overall, generative AI has the potential to bring significant improvements and innovations to various areas of mobile development, including UI/UX design, content creation, and performance optimization. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more exciting applications and use cases emerge in the future.

How do you see the role of developers evolving as a result of the development and integration of generative AI technologies? How could it impact creativity, job requirements and skill sets in software development?

The development and integration of generative AI technologies will likely have a significant impact on the role of developers and the software development industry as a whole. Here are some ways in which generative AI could impact the job requirements, skill sets, and creativity of developers:

  1. New skills and knowledge requirements: As generative AI becomes more prevalent, developers will need to have a solid understanding of machine learning concepts and techniques, as well as experience with deep learning frameworks and tools. This will require developers to have a broader skill set that includes both software development and machine learning.

  2. Greater focus on data: Generative AI models require large amounts of data to be trained, which means that developers will need to have a better understanding of data collection, management, and processing. This could lead to the emergence of new job roles, such as data engineers, who specialize in preparing and cleaning data for machine learning applications.

  3. More creativity and innovation: Generative AI has the potential to unlock new levels of creativity and innovation in software development. By using AI-generated content and models, developers can focus on higher-level tasks, such as designing user experiences and optimizing software performance, which could lead to more innovative and user-friendly products.

  4. Automation of repetitive tasks: Generative AI can be used to automate many of the repetitive tasks that developers currently perform, such as writing code and testing software. This could lead to increased efficiency and productivity, allowing developers to focus on more strategic and value-added tasks.

Overall, the integration of generative AI technologies is likely to lead to a shift in the role of developers, with a greater emphasis on machine learning and data processing skills. However, it could also open up new opportunities for creativity and innovation, as well as automate many repetitive tasks, leading to greater efficiency and productivity in the software development industry.

Do you have any concerns about using generative AI in mobile development work? What are they? 

As with any emerging technology, there are potential concerns associated with the use of generative AI in mobile development. Here are some possible concerns to keep in mind:

  1. Bias and ethics: Generative AI models are trained on large datasets, which can contain biases and reinforce existing societal inequalities. This could lead to AI-generated content that reflects and perpetuates these biases, which could have negative consequences for users and society as a whole. Developers need to be aware of these issues and take steps to mitigate bias and ensure ethical use of AI in mobile development.

  2. Quality control: While generative AI can automate the creation of high-quality content, there is a risk that the content generated may not meet the required standards or be appropriate for the intended audience. Developers need to ensure that the AI-generated content is of sufficient quality and meets user needs and expectations.

  3. Security and privacy: Generative AI models require large amounts of data to be trained, which raises concerns around data security and privacy. Developers need to ensure that the data used to train the AI models is protected and that user privacy is maintained.

  4. Technical limitations: Generative AI models are still in the early stages of development, and there are limitations to what they can achieve. For example, they may struggle to generate content that is highly specific or nuanced. Developers need to be aware of these limitations and ensure that generative AI is used appropriately in mobile development.

Overall, while generative AI has the potential to bring many benefits to mobile development, developers need to be aware of the potential concerns and take steps to mitigate them. By doing so, they can ensure that the AI-generated content is of high quality, meets user needs, and is developed in an ethical and responsible manner.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: How do you make an AI engine?

Making an AI engine involves several steps, including defining the problem, collecting and preprocessing data, selecting and training a model, evaluating the model, and refining it as needed. The specific approach and technologies used will depend on the problem you are trying to solve and the type of AI system you are building. In general, developing an AI engine requires knowledge of computer science, mathematics, and machine learning algorithms.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Which exclusive online concierge service uses artificial intelligence to anticipate the needs and tastes of travellers by analyzing their spending patterns?

There are a number of travel and hospitality companies that are exploring the use of AI to provide personalized experiences and services to their customers based on their preferences, behavior, and spending patterns.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: How to validate an artificial intelligence?

To validate an artificial intelligence system, various testing methods can be used to evaluate its performance, accuracy, and reliability. This includes data validation, benchmarking against established models, testing against edge cases, and validating the output against known outcomes. It is also important to ensure the system is ethical, transparent, and accountable.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: When leveraging artificial intelligence in today’s business?

When leveraging artificial intelligence in today’s business, companies can use AI to streamline processes, gain insights from data, and automate tasks. AI can also help improve customer experience, personalize offerings, and reduce costs. However, it is important to ensure that the AI systems used are ethical, secure, and transparent.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: How are the ways AI learns similar to how you learn?

AI learns in a similar way to how humans learn through experience and repetition. Like humans, AI algorithms can recognize patterns, make predictions, and adjust their behavior based on feedback. However, AI is often able to process much larger volumes of data at a much faster rate than humans.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: What is the fear of AI?

The fear of AI, often referred to as “AI phobia” or “AI anxiety,” is the concern that artificial intelligence could pose a threat to humanity. Some worry that AI could become uncontrollable, make decisions that harm humans, or even take over the world.

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However, many experts argue that these fears are unfounded and that AI is just a tool that can be used for good or bad depending on how it is implemented.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: How have developments in AI so far affected our sense of what it means to be human?

Developments in AI have raised questions about what it means to be human, particularly in terms of our ability to think, learn, and create.

Some argue that AI is simply an extension of human intelligence, while others worry that it could eventually surpass human intelligence and create a new type of consciousness.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: How to talk to artificial intelligence?

To talk to artificial intelligence, you can use a chatbot or a virtual assistant such as Siri or Alexa. These systems can understand natural language and respond to your requests, questions, and commands. However, it is important to remember that these systems are limited in their ability to understand context and may not always provide accurate or relevant responses.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: How to program an AI robot?

To program an AI robot, you will need to use specialized programming languages such as Python, MATLAB, or C++. You will also need to have a strong understanding of robotics, machine learning, and computer vision. There are many resources available online that can help you learn how to program AI robots, including tutorials, courses, and forums.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Will artificial intelligence take away jobs?

Artificial intelligence has the potential to automate many jobs that are currently done by humans. However, it is also creating new jobs in fields such as data science, machine learning, and robotics. Many experts believe that while some jobs may be lost to automation, new jobs will be created as well.

Which type of artificial intelligence can repeatedly perform tasks?

The type of artificial intelligence that can repeatedly perform tasks is called narrow or weak AI. This type of AI is designed to perform a specific task, such as playing chess or recognizing images, and is not capable of general intelligence or human-like reasoning.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Has any AI become self-aware?

No, there is currently no evidence that any AI has become self-aware in the way that humans are. While some AI systems can mimic human-like behavior and conversation, they do not have consciousness or true self-awareness.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: What company is at the forefront of artificial intelligence?

Several companies are at the forefront of artificial intelligence, including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook. These companies have made significant investments in AI research and development

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Which is the best AI system?

There is no single “best” AI system as it depends on the specific use case and the desired outcome. Some popular AI systems include IBM Watson, Google Cloud AI, and Microsoft Azure AI, each with their unique features and capabilities.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Have we created true artificial intelligence?

There is still debate among experts as to whether we have created true artificial intelligence or AGI (artificial general intelligence) yet.

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While AI has made significant progress in recent years, it is still largely task-specific and lacks the broad cognitive abilities of human beings.

What is one way that IT services companies help clients ensure fairness when applying artificial intelligence solutions?

IT services companies can help clients ensure fairness when applying artificial intelligence solutions by conducting a thorough review of the data sets used to train the AI algorithms. This includes identifying potential biases and correcting them to ensure that the AI outputs are fair and unbiased.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: How to write artificial intelligence?

To write artificial intelligence, you need to have a strong understanding of programming languages, data science, machine learning, and computer vision. There are many libraries and tools available, such as TensorFlow and Keras, that make it easier to write AI algorithms.

How is a robot with artificial intelligence like a baby?

A robot with artificial intelligence is like a baby in that both learn and adapt through experience. Just as a baby learns by exploring its environment and receiving feedback from caregivers, an AI robot learns through trial and error and adjusts its behavior based on the results.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Is artificial intelligence STEM?

Yes, artificial intelligence is a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) field. AI requires a deep understanding of computer science, mathematics, and statistics to develop algorithms and train models.

Will AI make artists obsolete?

While AI has the potential to automate certain aspects of the creative process, such as generating music or creating visual art, it is unlikely to make artists obsolete. AI-generated art still lacks the emotional depth and unique perspective of human-created art.

Why do you like artificial intelligence?

Many people are interested in AI because of its potential to solve complex problems, improve efficiency, and create new opportunities for innovation and growth.

What are the main areas of research in artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence research covers a wide range of areas, including natural language processing, computer vision, machine learning, robotics, expert systems, and neural networks. Researchers in AI are also exploring ways to improve the ethical and social implications of AI systems.

How are the ways AI learn similar to how you learn?

Like humans, AI learns through experience and trial and error. AI algorithms use data to train and adjust their models, similar to how humans learn from feedback and make adjustments based on their experiences. However, AI learning is typically much faster and more precise than human learning.

Do artificial intelligence have feelings?

Artificial intelligence does not have emotions or feelings as it is a machine and lacks the capacity for subjective experiences. AI systems are designed to perform specific tasks and operate within the constraints of their programming and data inputs.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Will AI be the end of humanity?

There is no evidence to suggest that AI will be the end of humanity. While there are concerns about the ethical and social implications of AI, experts agree that the technology has the potential to bring many benefits and solve complex problems. It is up to humans to ensure that AI is developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner.

Which business case is better solved by Artificial Intelligence AI than conventional programming which business case is better solved by Artificial Intelligence AI than conventional programming?

Business cases that involve large amounts of data and require complex decision-making are often better suited for AI than conventional programming.

For example, AI can be used in areas such as financial forecasting, fraud detection, supply chain optimization, and customer service to improve efficiency and accuracy.

Who is the most powerful AI?

It is difficult to determine which AI system is the most powerful, as the capabilities of AI vary depending on the specific task or application. However, some of the most well-known and powerful AI systems include IBM Watson, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Tesla’s Autopilot system.

Have we achieved artificial intelligence?

While AI has made significant progress in recent years, we have not achieved true artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is a machine capable of learning and reasoning in a way that is comparable to human cognition. However, AI has become increasingly sophisticated and is being used in a wide range of applications and industries.

What are benefits of AI?

The benefits of AI include increased efficiency and productivity, improved accuracy and precision, cost savings, and the ability to solve complex problems.

AI can also be used to improve healthcare, transportation, and other critical areas, and has the potential to create new opportunities for innovation and growth.

How scary is Artificial Intelligence?

AI can be scary if it is not developed or used in an ethical and responsible manner. There are concerns about the potential for AI to be used in harmful ways or to perpetuate biases and inequalities. However, many experts believe that the benefits of AI outweigh the risks, and that the technology can be used to address many of the world’s most pressing problems.

How to make AI write a script?

There are different ways to make AI write a script, such as training it with large datasets, using natural language processing (NLP) and generative models, or using pre-existing scriptwriting software that incorporates AI algorithms.

How do you summon an entity without AI bedrock?

Attempting to summon entities can be dangerous and potentially harmful.

What should I learn for AI?

To work in artificial intelligence, it is recommended to have a strong background in computer science, mathematics, statistics, and machine learning. Familiarity with programming languages such as Python, Java, and C++ can also be beneficial.

Will AI take over the human race?

No, the idea of AI taking over the human race is a common trope in science fiction but is not supported by current AI capabilities. While AI can be powerful and influential, it does not have the ability to take over the world or control humanity.

Where do we use AI?

AI is used in a wide range of fields and industries, such as healthcare, finance, transportation, manufacturing, and entertainment. Examples of AI applications include image and speech recognition, natural language processing, autonomous vehicles, and recommendation systems.

Who invented AI?

The development of AI has involved contributions from many researchers and pioneers. Some of the key figures in AI history include John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell, and Herbert Simon, who are considered to be the founders of the field.

Is AI improving?

Yes, AI is continuously improving as researchers and developers create more sophisticated algorithms, use larger and more diverse datasets, and design more advanced hardware. However, there are still many challenges and limitations to be addressed in the development of AI.

Will artificial intelligence take over the world?

No, the idea of AI taking over the world is a popular science fiction trope but is not supported by current AI capabilities. AI systems are designed and controlled by humans and are not capable of taking over the world or controlling humanity.

Is there an artificial intelligence system to help the physician in selecting a diagnosis?

Yes, there are AI systems designed to assist physicians in selecting a diagnosis by analyzing patient data and medical records. These systems use machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to identify patterns and suggest possible diagnoses. However, they are not intended to replace human expertise and judgement.

Will AI replace truck drivers?

AI has the potential to automate certain aspects of truck driving, such as navigation and safety systems. However, it is unlikely that AI will completely replace truck drivers in the near future. Human drivers are still needed to handle complex situations and make decisions based on context and experience.

How AI can destroy the world?

There is a hypothetical concern that AI could cause harm to humans in various ways. For example, if an AI system becomes more intelligent than humans, it could act against human interests or even decide to eliminate humanity. This scenario is known as an existential risk, but many experts believe it to be unlikely. To prevent this kind of risk, researchers are working on developing safety mechanisms and ethical guidelines for AI systems.

What do you call the commonly used AI technology for learning input to output mappings?

The commonly used AI technology for learning input to output mappings is called a neural network. It is a type of machine learning algorithm that is modeled after the structure of the human brain. Neural networks are trained using a large dataset, which allows them to learn patterns and relationships in the data. Once trained, they can be used to make predictions or classifications based on new input data.

What are 3 benefits of AI?

Three benefits of AI are:

  • Efficiency: AI systems can process vast amounts of data much faster than humans, allowing for more efficient and accurate decision-making.
  • Personalization: AI can be used to create personalized experiences for users, such as personalized recommendations in e-commerce or personalized healthcare treatments.
  • Safety: AI can be used to improve safety in various applications, such as autonomous vehicles or detecting fraudulent activities in banking.

What is an artificial intelligence company?

An artificial intelligence (AI) company is a business that specializes in developing and applying AI technologies. These companies use machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and other AI techniques to build products and services that can automate tasks, improve decision-making, and provide new insights into data.

Examples of AI companies include Google, Amazon, and IBM.

What does AI mean in tech?

In tech, AI stands for artificial intelligence. AI is a field of computer science that aims to create machines that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and language understanding. AI techniques can be used in various applications, such as virtual assistants, chatbots, autonomous vehicles, and healthcare.

Can AI destroy humans?

There is no evidence to suggest that AI can or will destroy humans. While there are concerns about the potential risks of AI, most experts believe that AI systems will only act in ways that they have been programmed to.

To mitigate any potential risks, researchers are working on developing safety mechanisms and ethical guidelines for AI systems.

What types of problems can AI solve?

AI can solve a wide range of problems, including:

  • Classification: AI can be used to classify data into categories, such as spam detection in email or image recognition in photography.
  • Prediction: AI can be used to make predictions based on data, such as predicting stock prices or diagnosing diseases.
  • Optimization: AI can be used to optimize systems or processes, such as scheduling routes for delivery trucks or maximizing production in a factory.
  • Natural language processing: AI can be used to understand and process human language, such as voice recognition or language translation.

Is AI slowing down?

There is no evidence to suggest that AI is slowing down. In fact, the field of AI is rapidly evolving and advancing, with new breakthroughs and innovations being made all the time. From natural language processing and computer vision to robotics and machine learning, AI is making significant strides in many areas.

How to write a research paper on artificial intelligence?

When writing a research paper on artificial intelligence, it’s important to start with a clear research question or thesis statement. You should then conduct a thorough literature review to gather relevant sources and data to support your argument. After analyzing the data, you can present your findings and draw conclusions, making sure to discuss the implications of your research and future directions for the field.

How to get AI to read text?

To get AI to read text, you can use natural language processing (NLP) techniques such as text analysis and sentiment analysis. These techniques involve training AI algorithms to recognize patterns in written language, enabling them to understand the meaning of words and phrases in context. Other methods of getting AI to read text include optical character recognition (OCR) and speech-to-text technology.

How to create your own AI bot?

To create your own AI bot, you can use a variety of tools and platforms such as Microsoft Bot Framework, Dialogflow, or IBM Watson.

These platforms provide pre-built libraries and APIs that enable you to easily create, train, and deploy your own AI chatbot or virtual assistant. You can customize your bot’s functionality, appearance, and voice, and train it to respond to specific user queries and actions.

What is AI according to Elon Musk?

According to Elon Musk, AI is “the next stage in human evolution” and has the potential to be both a great benefit and a major threat to humanity.

He has warned about the dangers of uncontrolled AI development and has called for greater regulation and oversight in the field. Musk has also founded several companies focused on AI development, such as OpenAI and Neuralink.

How do you program Artificial Intelligence?

Programming artificial intelligence typically involves using machine learning algorithms to train the AI system to recognize patterns and make predictions based on data. This involves selecting a suitable machine learning model, preprocessing the data, selecting appropriate features, and tuning the model hyperparameters.

Once the model is trained, it can be integrated into a larger software application or system to perform various tasks such as image recognition or natural language processing.

What is the first step in the process of AI?

The first step in the process of AI is to define the problem or task that the AI system will be designed to solve. This involves identifying the specific requirements, constraints, and objectives of the system, and determining the most appropriate AI techniques and algorithms to use.

Other key steps in the process include data collection, preprocessing, feature selection, model training and evaluation, and deployment and maintenance of the AI system.

How to make an AI that can talk?

One way to make an AI that can talk is to use a natural language processing (NLP) system. NLP is a field of AI that focuses on how computers can understand, interpret, and respond to human language. By using machine learning algorithms, the AI can learn to recognize speech, process it, and generate a response in a natural-sounding way.

Another approach is to use a chatbot framework, which involves creating a set of rules and responses that the AI can use to interact with users.

How to use the AI Qi tie?

The AI Qi tie is a type of smart wearable device that uses artificial intelligence to provide various functions, including health monitoring, voice control, and activity tracking. To use it, you would first need to download the accompanying mobile app, connect the device to your smartphone, and set it up according to the instructions provided.

From there, you can use voice commands to control various functions of the device, such as checking your heart rate, setting reminders, and playing music.

Is sentient AI possible?

While there is ongoing research into creating AI that can exhibit human-like cognitive abilities, including sentience, there is currently no clear evidence that sentient AI is possible or exists. The concept of sentience, which involves self-awareness and subjective experience, is difficult to define and even more challenging to replicate in a machine. Some experts believe that true sentience in AI may be impossible, while others argue that it is only a matter of time before machines reach this level of intelligence.

Is Masteron an AI?

No, Masteron is not an AI. It is a brand name for a steroid hormone called drostanolone. AI typically stands for “artificial intelligence,” which refers to machines and software that can simulate human intelligence and perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence to complete.

Is the Lambda AI sentient?

There is no clear evidence that the Lambda AI, or any other AI system for that matter, is sentient. Sentience refers to the ability to experience subjective consciousness, which is not currently understood to be replicable in machines. While AI systems can be programmed to simulate a wide range of cognitive abilities, including learning, problem-solving, and decision-making, they are not currently believed to possess subjective awareness or consciousness.

Where is artificial intelligence now?

Artificial intelligence is now a pervasive technology that is being used in many different industries and applications around the world. From self-driving cars and virtual assistants to medical diagnosis and financial trading, AI is being employed to solve a wide range of problems and improve human performance. While there are still many challenges to overcome in the field of AI, including issues related to bias, ethics, and transparency, the technology is rapidly advancing and is expected to play an increasingly important role in our lives in the years to come.

What is the correct sequence of artificial intelligence trying to imitate a human mind?

The correct sequence of artificial intelligence trying to imitate a human mind can vary depending on the specific approach and application. However, some common steps in this process may include collecting and analyzing data, building a model or representation of the human mind, training the AI system using machine learning algorithms, and testing and refining the system to improve its accuracy and performance. Other important considerations in this process may include the ethical implications of creating machines that can mimic human intelligence.

How do I make machine learning AI?

To make machine learning AI, you will need to have knowledge of programming languages such as Python and R, as well as knowledge of machine learning algorithms and tools. Some steps to follow include gathering and cleaning data, selecting an appropriate algorithm, training the algorithm on the data, testing and validating the model, and deploying it for use.

What is AI scripting?

AI scripting is a process of developing scripts that can automate the behavior of AI systems. It involves writing scripts that govern the AI’s decision-making process and its interactions with users or other systems. These scripts are often written in programming languages such as Python or JavaScript and can be used in a variety of applications, including chatbots, virtual assistants, and intelligent automation tools.

Is IOT artificial intelligence?

No, the Internet of Things (IoT) is not the same as artificial intelligence (AI). IoT refers to the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items that are embedded with electronics, sensors, and connectivity, allowing them to connect and exchange data. AI, on the other hand, involves the creation of intelligent machines that can learn and perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation.

What problems will Ai solve?

AI has the potential to solve a wide range of problems across different industries and domains. Some of the problems that AI can help solve include automating repetitive or dangerous tasks, improving efficiency and productivity, enhancing decision-making and problem-solving, detecting fraud and cybersecurity threats, predicting outcomes and trends, and improving customer experience and personalization.

Who wrote papers on the simulation of human thinking problem solving and verbal learning that marked the beginning of the field of artificial intelligence?

The papers on the simulation of human thinking, problem-solving, and verbal learning that marked the beginning of the field of artificial intelligence were written by John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude Shannon in the late 1950s.

The papers, which were presented at the Dartmouth Conference in 1956, proposed the idea of developing machines that could simulate human intelligence and perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence.

Given the fast development of AI systems, how soon do you think AI systems will become 100% autonomous?

It’s difficult to predict exactly when AI systems will become 100% autonomous, as there are many factors that could affect this timeline. However, it’s important to note that achieving 100% autonomy may not be possible or desirable in all cases, as there will likely always be a need for some degree of human oversight and control.

That being said, AI systems are already capable of performing many tasks autonomously, and their capabilities are rapidly expanding. For example, there are already AI systems that can drive cars, detect fraud, and diagnose diseases with a high degree of accuracy.

However, there are still many challenges to be overcome before AI systems can be truly autonomous in all domains. One of the main challenges is developing AI systems that can understand and reason about complex, real-world situations, as opposed to just following pre-programmed rules or learning from data.

Another challenge is ensuring that AI systems are safe, transparent, and aligned with human values and objectives.

This is particularly important as AI systems become more powerful and influential, and have the potential to impact many aspects of our lives.

For low-level domain-specific jobs such as industrial manufacturing, we already have Artificial Intelligence Systems that are fully autonomous, i.e., accomplish tasks without human intervention.

But those autonomous systems require collections of various intelligent skills to tackle many unseen situations; IMO, it will take a while to design one.

The major hurdle in making an A.I. autonomous system is to design an algorithm that can handle unpredictable events correctly. For a closed environment, it may not be a big issue. But for an open-ended system, the infinite number of possibilities is difficult to cover and ensure the autonomous device’s reliability.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: AI Autonomous Systems

Current SOTA Artificial Intelligence algorithms are mostly data-centric training. The issue is not only the algorithm itself. The selection, generation, and pre-processing of datasets also determine the final performance of the accuracy. Machine Learning helps offload us without needing to explicitly derive the procedural methods to solve a problem. Still, it relies heavily on the input and feedback methods we need to provide correctly. Overcoming one problem might create many new ones, and sometimes, we do not even know whether the dataset is adequate, reasonable, and practical.

Overall, it’s difficult to predict exactly when AI systems will become 100% autonomous, but it’s clear that the development of AI technology will continue to have a profound impact on many aspects of our society and economy.

Will ChatGPT replace programmers?

Is it possible that ChatGPT will eventually replace programmers? The answer to this question is not a simple yes or no, as it depends on the rate of development and improvement of AI tools like ChatGPT.

If AI tools continue to advance at the same rate over the next 10 years, then they may not be able to fully replace programmers. However, if these tools continue to evolve and learn at an accelerated pace, then it is possible that they may replace at least 30% of programmers.

Although the current version of ChatGPT has some limitations and is only capable of generating boilerplate code and identifying simple bugs, it is a starting point for what is to come. With the ability to learn from millions of mistakes at a much faster rate than humans, future versions of AI tools may be able to produce larger code blocks, work with mid-sized projects, and even handle QA of software output.

In the future, programmers may still be necessary to provide commands to the AI tools, review the final code, and perform other tasks that require human intuition and judgment. However, with the use of AI tools, one developer may be able to accomplish the tasks of multiple developers, leading to a decrease in the number of programming jobs available.

In conclusion, while it is difficult to predict the extent to which AI tools like ChatGPT will impact the field of programming, it is clear that they will play an increasingly important role in the years to come.

ChatGPT is not designed to replace programmers.

While AI language models like ChatGPT can generate code and help automate certain programming tasks, they are not capable of replacing the skills, knowledge, and creativity of human programmers.

Programming is a complex and creative field that requires a deep understanding of computer science principles, problem-solving skills, and the ability to think critically and creatively. While AI language models like ChatGPT can assist in certain programming tasks, such as generating code snippets or providing suggestions, they cannot replace the human ability to design, develop, and maintain complex software systems.

Furthermore, programming involves many tasks that require human intuition and judgment, such as deciding on the best approach to solve a problem, optimizing code for efficiency and performance, and debugging complex systems. While AI language models can certainly be helpful in some of these tasks, they are not capable of fully replicating the problem-solving abilities of human programmers.

Overall, while AI language models like ChatGPT will undoubtedly have an impact on the field of programming, they are not designed to replace programmers, but rather to assist and enhance their abilities.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: Machine Learning

What does a responsive display ad use in its machine learning model?

A responsive display ad uses various machine learning models such as automated targeting, bidding, and ad creation to optimize performance and improve ad relevance. It also uses algorithms to predict which ad creative and format will work best for each individual user and the context in which they are browsing.

What two things are marketers realizing as machine learning becomes more widely used?

Marketers are realizing the benefits of machine learning in improving efficiency and accuracy in various aspects of their work, including targeting, personalization, and data analysis. They are also realizing the importance of maintaining transparency and ethical considerations in the use of machine learning and ensuring it aligns with their marketing goals and values.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions: AWS Machine Learning Certification Specialty Exam Prep Book

How does statistics fit into the area of machine learning?

Statistics is a fundamental component of machine learning, as it provides the mathematical foundations for many of the algorithms and models used in the field. Statistical methods such as regression, clustering, and hypothesis testing are used to analyze data and make predictions based on patterns and trends in the data.

Is Machine Learning weak AI?

Yes, machine learning is considered a form of weak artificial intelligence, as it is focused on specific tasks and does not possess general intelligence or consciousness. Machine learning models are designed to perform a specific task based on training data and do not have the ability to think, reason, or learn outside of their designated task.

When evaluating machine learning results, should I always choose the fastest model?

No, the speed of a machine learning model is not the only factor to consider when evaluating its performance. Other important factors include accuracy, complexity, and interpretability. It is important to choose a model that balances these factors based on the specific needs and goals of the task at hand.

How do you learn machine learning?

You can learn machine learning through a combination of self-study, online courses, and practical experience. Some popular resources for learning machine learning include online courses on platforms such as Coursera and edX, textbooks and tutorials, and practical experience through projects and internships.

It is important to have a strong foundation in mathematics, programming, and statistics to succeed in the field.

What are your thoughts on artificial intelligence and machine learning?

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have the potential to revolutionize many aspects of society and have already shown significant impacts in various industries.

It is important to continue to develop these technologies responsibly and with ethical considerations to ensure they align with human values and benefit society as a whole.

Which AWS service enables you to build the workflows that are required for human review of machine learning predictions?

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth is an AWS service that enables you to build workflows for human review of machine learning predictions.

This service provides an easy-to-use interface for creating and managing custom workflows and provides built-in tools for data labeling and quality control to ensure high-quality training data.

What is augmented machine learning?

Augmented machine learning is a combination of human expertise and machine learning models to improve the accuracy of machine learning. This technique is used when the available data is not enough or is not of good quality. The human expert is involved in the training and validation of the machine learning model to improve its accuracy.

Which actions are performed during the prepare the data step of workflow for analyzing the data with Oracle machine learning?

The ‘prepare the data’ step in Oracle machine learning workflow involves data cleaning, feature selection, feature engineering, and data transformation. These actions are performed to ensure that the data is ready for analysis, and that the machine learning model can effectively learn from the data.

What type of machine learning algorithm would you use to allow a robot to walk in various unknown terrains?

A reinforcement learning algorithm would be appropriate for this task. In this type of machine learning, the robot would interact with its environment and receive rewards for positive outcomes, such as moving forward or maintaining balance. The algorithm would learn to maximize these rewards and gradually improve its ability to navigate through different terrains.

Are evolutionary algorithms machine learning?

Yes, evolutionary algorithms are a subset of machine learning. They are a type of optimization algorithm that uses principles from biological evolution to search for the best solution to a problem.

Evolutionary algorithms are often used in problems where traditional optimization algorithms struggle, such as in complex, nonlinear, and multi-objective optimization problems.

Is MPC machine learning?

Yes, Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a type of machine learning. It is a feedback control algorithm that predicts the future behavior of a system and uses this prediction to optimize its performance. MPC is used in a variety of applications, including industrial control, robotics, and autonomous vehicles.

When do you use ML model?

You would use a machine learning model when you need to make predictions or decisions based on data. Machine learning models are trained on historical data and use this knowledge to make predictions on new data. Common applications of machine learning include fraud detection, recommendation systems, and image recognition.

When preparing the dataset for your machine learning model, you should use one hot encoding on what type of data?

One hot encoding is used on categorical data. Categorical data is non-numeric data that has a limited number of possible values, such as color or category. One hot encoding is a technique used to convert categorical data into a format that can be used in machine learning models. It converts each category into a binary vector, where each vector element corresponds to a unique category.

Is machine learning just brute force?

No, machine learning is not just brute force. Although machine learning models can be complex and require significant computing power, they are not simply brute force algorithms. Machine learning involves the use of statistical techniques and mathematical models to learn from data and make predictions. Machine learning is designed to make use of the available data in an efficient way, without the need for exhaustive search or brute force techniques.

How to implement a machine learning paper?

Implementing a machine learning paper involves understanding the research paper’s theoretical foundation, reproducing the results, and applying the approach to the new data to evaluate the approach’s efficacy. The implementation process begins with comprehending the paper’s theoretical framework, followed by testing and reproducing the findings to validate the approach.

Finally, the approach can be implemented on new datasets to assess its accuracy and generalizability. It’s essential to understand the mathematical concepts and programming tools involved in the paper to successfully implement the machine learning paper.

What are some use cases where more traditional machine learning models may make much better predictions than DNNS?

More traditional machine learning models may outperform deep neural networks (DNNs) in the following use cases:

  • When the dataset is relatively small and straightforward, traditional machine learning models, such as logistic regression, may be more accurate than DNNs.
  • When the dataset is sparse or when the number of observations is small, DNNs may require more computational resources and more time to train than traditional machine learning models.
  • When the problem is not complex, and the data has a low level of noise, traditional machine learning models may outperform DNNs.

Who is the supervisor in supervised machine learning?

In supervised machine learning, the supervisor refers to the algorithm that acts as the teacher or the guide to the model. The supervisor provides the model with labeled examples to train on, and the model uses these labeled examples to learn how to classify new data. The supervisor algorithm determines the accuracy of the model’s predictions, and the model is trained to minimize the difference between its predicted outputs and the known outputs.

How do you make machine learning in scratch?

To make machine learning in scratch, you need to follow these steps:

  • Choose a problem to solve and collect a dataset that represents the problem you want to solve.
  • Preprocess and clean the data to ensure that it’s formatted correctly and ready for use in a machine learning model.
  • Select a machine learning algorithm, such as decision trees, support vector machines, or neural networks.
  • Implement the selected machine learning algorithm from scratch, using a programming language such as Python or R.
  • Train the model using the preprocessed dataset and the implemented algorithm.
  • Test the accuracy of the model and evaluate its performance.

Is unsupervised learning machine learning?

Yes, unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning. In unsupervised learning, the model is not given labeled data to learn from. Instead, the model must find patterns and relationships in the data on its own. Unsupervised learning algorithms include clustering, anomaly detection, and association rule mining. The model learns from the features in the dataset to identify underlying patterns or groups, which can then be used for further analysis or prediction.

How do I apply machine learning?

Machine learning can be applied to a wide range of problems and scenarios, but the basic process typically involves:

  • gathering and preprocessing data,
  • selecting an appropriate model or algorithm,
  • training the model on the data, testing and evaluating the model, and then using the trained model to make predictions or perform other tasks on new data.
  • The specific steps and techniques involved in applying machine learning will depend on the particular problem or application.

Is machine learning possible?

Yes, machine learning is possible and has already been successfully applied to a wide range of problems in various fields such as healthcare, finance, business, and more.

Machine learning has advanced rapidly in recent years, thanks to the availability of large datasets, powerful computing resources, and sophisticated algorithms.

Is machine learning the future?

Many experts believe that machine learning will continue to play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of technology and society.

As the amount of data available continues to grow and computing power increases, machine learning is likely to become even more powerful and capable of solving increasingly complex problems.

How to combine multiple features in machine learning?

In machine learning, multiple features can be combined in various ways depending on the particular problem and the type of model or algorithm being used.

One common approach is to concatenate the features into a single vector, which can then be fed into the model as input. Other techniques, such as feature engineering or dimensionality reduction, can also be used to combine or transform features to improve performance.

Which feature lets you discover machine learning assets in Watson Studio 1 point?

The feature in Watson Studio that lets you discover machine learning assets is called the Asset Catalog.

The Asset Catalog provides a unified view of all the assets in your Watson Studio project, including data assets, models, notebooks, and other resources.

You can use the Asset Catalog to search, filter, and browse through the assets, and to view metadata and details about each asset.

What is N in machine learning?

In machine learning, N is a common notation used to represent the number of instances or data points in a dataset.

N can be used to refer to the total number of examples in a dataset, or the number of examples in a particular subset or batch of the data.

N is often used in statistical calculations, such as calculating means or variances, or in determining the size of training or testing sets.

Is VAR machine learning?

VAR, or vector autoregression, is a statistical technique that models the relationship between multiple time series variables. While VAR involves statistical modeling and prediction, it is not generally considered a form of machine learning, which typically involves using algorithms to learn patterns or relationships in data automatically without explicit statistical modeling.

How many categories of machine learning are generally said to exist?

There are generally three categories of machine learning: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

In supervised learning, the algorithm is trained on labeled data to make predictions or classifications. The algorithm is trained on unlabeled data to identify patterns or structure.

In reinforcement learning, the algorithm learns to make decisions and take actions based on feedback from the environment.

How to use timestamp in machine learning?

Timestamps can be used in machine learning to analyze time series data. This involves capturing data over a period of time and making predictions about future events. Time series data can be used to detect patterns, trends, and anomalies that can be used to make predictions about future events. The timestamps can be used to group data into regular intervals for analysis or used as input features for machine learning models.

Is classification a machine learning technique?

Yes, classification is a machine learning technique. It involves predicting the category of a new observation based on a training dataset of labeled observations. Classification is a supervised learning technique where the output variable is categorical. Common examples of classification tasks include image recognition, spam detection, and sentiment analysis.

Which datatype is used to teach a machine learning ML algorithms during structured learning?

The datatype used to teach machine learning algorithms during structured learning is typically a labeled dataset. This is a dataset where each observation has a known output variable. The input variables are used to train the machine learning algorithm to predict the output variable. Labeled datasets are commonly used in supervised learning tasks such as classification and regression.

How is machine learning model in production used?

A machine learning model in production is used to make predictions on new, unseen data. The model is typically deployed as an API that can be accessed by other systems or applications. When a new observation is provided to the model, it generates a prediction based on the patterns it has learned from the training data. Machine learning models in production must be continuously monitored and updated to ensure their accuracy and performance.

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of Gans over standard machine learning models?

The main advantage of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) over standard machine learning models is their ability to generate new data that closely resembles the training data. This makes them well-suited for applications such as image and video generation. However, GANs can be more difficult to train than other machine learning models and require large amounts of training data. They can also be more prone to overfitting and may require more computing resources to train.

How does machine learning deal with biased data?

Machine learning models can be affected by biased data, leading to unfair or inaccurate predictions. To mitigate this, various techniques can be used, such as collecting a diverse dataset, selecting unbiased features, and analyzing the model’s outputs for bias. Additionally, techniques such as oversampling underrepresented classes, changing the cost function to focus on minority classes, and adjusting the decision threshold can be used to reduce bias.

What pre-trained machine learning APIS would you use in this image processing pipeline?

Some pre-trained machine learning APIs that can be used in an image processing pipeline include Google Cloud Vision API, Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API, and Amazon Rekognition API. These APIs can be used to extract features from images, classify images, detect objects, and perform facial recognition, among other tasks.

Which machine learning API is used to convert audio to text in GCP?

The machine learning API used to convert audio to text in GCP is the Cloud Speech-to-Text API. This API can be used to transcribe audio files, recognize spoken words, and convert spoken language into text in real-time. The API uses machine learning models to analyze the audio and generate accurate transcriptions.

How can machine learning reduce bias and variance?

Machine learning can reduce bias and variance by using different techniques, such as regularization, cross-validation, and ensemble learning. Regularization can help reduce variance by adding a penalty term to the cost function, which prevents overfitting. Cross-validation can help reduce bias by using different subsets of the data to train and test the model. Ensemble learning can also help reduce bias and variance by combining multiple models to make more accurate predictions.

How does machine learning increase precision?

Machine learning can increase precision by optimizing the model for accuracy. This can be achieved by using techniques such as feature selection, hyperparameter tuning, and regularization. Feature selection helps to identify the most important features in the dataset, which can improve the model’s precision. Hyperparameter tuning involves adjusting the settings of the model to find the optimal combination that leads to the best performance. Regularization helps to reduce overfitting and improve the model’s generalization ability.

How to do research in machine learning?

To do research in machine learning, one should start by identifying a research problem or question. Then, they can review relevant literature to understand the state-of-the-art techniques and approaches. Once the problem has been defined and the relevant literature has been reviewed, the researcher can collect and preprocess the data, design and implement the model, and evaluate the results. It is also important to document the research and share the findings with the community.

Is associations a machine learning technique?

Associations can be considered a machine learning technique, specifically in the field of unsupervised learning. Association rules mining is a popular technique used to discover interesting relationships between variables in a dataset. It is often used in market basket analysis to find correlations between items purchased together by customers. However, it is important to note that associations are not typically considered a supervised learning technique, as they do not involve predicting a target variable.

How do you present a machine learning model?

To present a machine learning model, it is important to provide a clear explanation of the problem being addressed, the dataset used, and the approach taken to build the model. The presentation should also include a description of the model architecture and any preprocessing techniques used. It is also important to provide an evaluation of the model’s performance using relevant metrics, such as accuracy, precision, and recall. Finally, the presentation should include a discussion of the model’s limitations and potential areas for improvement.

Is moving average machine learning?

Moving average is a statistical method used to analyze time series data, and it is not typically considered a machine learning technique. However, moving averages can be used as a preprocessing step for machine learning models to smooth out the data and reduce noise. In this context, moving averages can be considered a feature engineering technique that can improve the performance of the model.

How do you calculate accuracy and precision in machine learning?

Accuracy and precision are common metrics used to evaluate the performance of machine learning models. Accuracy is the proportion of correct predictions made by the model, while precision is the proportion of correct positive predictions out of all positive predictions made. To calculate accuracy, divide the number of correct predictions by the total number of predictions made. To calculate precision, divide the number of true positives (correct positive predictions) by the total number of positive predictions made by the model.

Which stage of the machine learning workflow includes feature engineering?

The stage of the machine learning workflow that includes feature engineering is the “data preparation” stage, where the data is cleaned, preprocessed, and transformed in a way that prepares it for training and testing the machine learning model. Feature engineering is the process of selecting, extracting, and transforming the most relevant and informative features from the raw data to be used by the machine learning algorithm.

How do I make machine learning AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broader concept that includes several subfields, such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. To make a machine learning AI system, you will need to follow a systematic approach, which involves the following steps:

  1. Define the problem and collect relevant data.
  2. Preprocess and transform the data for training and testing.
  3. Select and train a suitable machine learning model.
  4. Evaluate the performance of the model and fine-tune it.
  5. Deploy the model and integrate it into the target system.

How do you select models in machine learning?

The process of selecting a suitable machine learning model involves the following steps:

  1. Define the problem and the type of prediction required.
  2. Determine the type of data available (structured, unstructured, labeled, or unlabeled).
  3. Select a set of candidate models that are suitable for the problem and data type.
  4. Evaluate the performance of each model using a suitable metric (e.g., accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score).
  5. Select the best performing model and fine-tune its parameters and hyperparameters.

What is convolutional neural network in machine learning?

A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a type of deep learning neural network that is commonly used in computer vision applications, such as image recognition, classification, and segmentation. It is designed to automatically learn and extract hierarchical features from the raw input image data using convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers.

The convolutional layers apply a set of learnable filters to the input image, which help to extract low-level features such as edges, corners, and textures. The pooling layers downsample the feature maps to reduce the dimensionality of the data and increase the computational efficiency. The fully connected layers perform the classification or regression task based on the learned features.

How to use machine learning in Excel?

Excel provides several built-in machine learning tools and functions that can be used to perform basic predictive analysis on structured data, such as linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, and clustering. To use machine learning in Excel, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Organize your data in a structured format, with each row representing a sample and each column representing a feature or target variable.
  2. Use the appropriate machine learning function or tool to build a predictive model based on the data.
  3. Evaluate the performance of the model using appropriate metrics and test data.

What are the six distinct stages or steps that are critical in building successful machine learning based solutions?

The six distinct stages or steps that are critical in building successful machine learning based solutions are:

  • Problem definition
  • Data collection and preparation
  • Feature engineering
  • Model training
  • Model evaluation
  • Model deployment and monitoring

Which two actions should you consider when creating the azure machine learning workspace?

When creating the Azure Machine Learning workspace, two important actions to consider are:

  • Choosing an appropriate subscription that suits your needs and budget.
  • Deciding on the region where you want to create the workspace, as this can impact the latency and data transfer costs.

What are the three stages of building a model in machine learning?

The three stages of building a model in machine learning are:

  • Model building
  • Model evaluation
  • Model deployment

How to scale a machine learning system?

Some ways to scale a machine learning system are:

  • Using distributed training to leverage multiple machines for model training
  • Optimizing the code to run more efficiently
  • Using auto-scaling to automatically add or remove computing resources based on demand

Where can I get machine learning data?

Machine learning data can be obtained from various sources, including:

  • Publicly available datasets such as UCI Machine Learning Repository and Kaggle
  • Online services that provide access to large amounts of data such as AWS Open Data and Google Public Data
  • Creating your own datasets by collecting data through web scraping, surveys, and sensors

How do you do machine learning research?

To do machine learning research, you typically:

  • Identify a research problem or question
  • Review relevant literature to understand the state-of-the-art and identify research gaps
  • Collect and preprocess data
  • Design and implement experiments to test hypotheses or evaluate models
  • Analyze the results and draw conclusions
  • Document the research in a paper or report

How do you write a machine learning project on a resume?

To write a machine learning project on a resume, you can follow these steps:

  • Start with a brief summary of the project and its goals
  • Describe the datasets used and any preprocessing done
  • Explain the machine learning techniques used, including any specific algorithms or models
  • Highlight the results and performance metrics achieved
  • Discuss any challenges or limitations encountered and how they were addressed
  • Showcase any additional skills or technologies used such as data visualization or cloud computing

What are two ways that marketers can benefit from machine learning?

Marketers can benefit from machine learning in various ways, including:

  • Personalized advertising: Machine learning can analyze large volumes of data to provide insights into the preferences and behavior of individual customers, allowing marketers to deliver personalized ads to specific audiences.
  • Predictive modeling: Machine learning algorithms can predict consumer behavior and identify potential opportunities, enabling marketers to optimize their marketing strategies for better results.

How does machine learning remove bias?

Machine learning can remove bias by using various techniques, such as:

  • Data augmentation: By augmenting data with additional samples or by modifying existing samples, machine learning models can be trained on more diverse data, reducing the potential for bias.
  • Fairness constraints: By setting constraints on the model’s output to ensure that it meets specific fairness criteria, machine learning models can be designed to reduce bias in decision-making.
  • Unbiased training data: By ensuring that the training data is unbiased, machine learning models can be designed to reduce bias in decision-making.

Is structural equation modeling machine learning?

Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a statistical method used to test complex relationships between variables. While SEM involves the use of statistical models, it is not considered to be a machine learning technique. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that involves training algorithms to make predictions or decisions based on data.

How do you predict using machine learning?

To make predictions using machine learning, you typically need to follow these steps:

  • Collect and preprocess data: Collect data that is relevant to the prediction task and preprocess it to ensure that it is in a suitable format for machine learning.
  • Train a model: Use the preprocessed data to train a machine learning model that is appropriate for the prediction task.
  • Test the model: Evaluate the performance of the model on a test set of data that was not used in the training process.
  • Make predictions: Once the model has been trained and tested, it can be used to make predictions on new, unseen data.

Does Machine Learning eliminate bias?

No, machine learning does not necessarily eliminate bias. While machine learning can be used to detect and mitigate bias in some cases, it can also perpetuate or even amplify bias if the data used to train the model is biased or if the algorithm is not designed to address potential sources of bias.

Is clustering a machine learning algorithm?

Yes, clustering is a machine learning algorithm. Clustering is a type of unsupervised learning that involves grouping similar data points together into clusters based on their similarities. Clustering algorithms can be used for a variety of tasks, such as identifying patterns in data, segmenting customer groups, or organizing search results.

Is machine learning data analysis?

Machine learning can be used as a tool for data analysis, but it is not the same as data analysis. Machine learning involves using algorithms to learn patterns in data and make predictions based on that learning, while data analysis involves using various techniques to analyze and interpret data to extract insights and knowledge.

How do you treat categorical variables in machine learning?

Categorical variables can be represented numerically using techniques such as one-hot encoding, label encoding, and binary encoding. One-hot encoding involves creating a binary variable for each category, label encoding involves assigning a unique integer value to each category, and binary encoding involves converting each category to a binary code. The choice of technique depends on the specific problem and the type of algorithm being used.

How do you deal with skewed data in machine learning?

Skewed data can be addressed in several ways, depending on the specific problem and the type of algorithm being used. Some techniques include transforming the data (e.g., using a logarithmic or square root transformation), using weighted or stratified sampling, or using algorithms that are robust to skewed data (e.g., decision trees, random forests, or support vector machines).

How do I create a machine learning application?

Creating a machine learning application involves several steps, including identifying a problem to be solved, collecting and preparing the data, selecting an appropriate algorithm, training the model on the data, evaluating the performance of the model, and deploying the model to a production environment. The specific steps and tools used depend on the problem and the technology stack being used.

Is heuristics a machine learning technique?

Heuristics is not a machine learning technique. Heuristics are general problem-solving strategies that are used to find solutions to problems that are difficult or impossible to solve using formal methods. In contrast, machine learning involves using algorithms to learn patterns in data and make predictions based on that learning.

Is Bayesian statistics machine learning?

Bayesian statistics is a branch of statistics that involves using Bayes’ theorem to update probabilities as new information becomes available. While machine learning can make use of Bayesian methods, Bayesian statistics is not itself a machine learning technique.

Is Arima machine learning?

ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) is a statistical method used for time series forecasting. While it is sometimes used in machine learning applications, ARIMA is not itself a machine learning technique.

Can machine learning solve all problems?

No, machine learning cannot solve all problems. Machine learning is a tool that is best suited for solving problems that involve large amounts of data and complex patterns.

Some problems may not have enough data to learn from, while others may be too simple to require the use of machine learning. Additionally, machine learning algorithms can be biased or overfitted, leading to incorrect predictions or recommendations.

What are parameters and hyperparameters in machine learning?

In machine learning, parameters are the values that are learned by the algorithm during training to make predictions. Hyperparameters, on the other hand, are set by the user and control the behavior of the algorithm, such as the learning rate, number of hidden layers, or regularization strength.

What are two ways that a marketer can provide good data to a Google app campaign powered by machine learning?

Two ways that a marketer can provide good data to a Google app campaign powered by machine learning are by providing high-quality creative assets, such as images and videos, and by setting clear conversion goals that can be tracked and optimized.

Is Tesseract a machine learning?

Tesseract is an optical character recognition (OCR) engine that uses machine learning algorithms to recognize text in images. While Tesseract uses machine learning, it is not a general-purpose machine learning framework or library.

How do you implement a machine learning paper?

Implementing a machine learning paper involves first understanding the problem being addressed and the approach taken by the authors. The next step is to implement the algorithm or model described in the paper, which may involve writing code from scratch or using existing libraries or frameworks. Finally, the implementation should be tested and evaluated using appropriate metrics and compared to the results reported in the paper.

What is mean subtraction in machine learning?

Mean subtraction is a preprocessing step in machine learning that involves subtracting the mean of a dataset or a batch of data from each data point. This can help to center the data around zero and remove bias, which can improve the performance of some algorithms, such as neural networks.

What are the first two steps of a typical machine learning workflow?

The first two steps of a typical machine learning workflow are data collection and preprocessing. Data collection involves gathering data from various sources and ensuring that it is in a usable format.

Preprocessing involves cleaning and preparing the data, such as removing duplicates, handling missing values, and transforming categorical variables into a numerical format. These steps are critical to ensure that the data is of high quality and can be used to train and evaluate machine learning models.

What are The applications and challenges of natural language processing (NLP), the field of artificial intelligence that deals with human language?

Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence that deals with the interactions between computers and human language. NLP has numerous applications in various fields, including language translation, information retrieval, sentiment analysis, chatbots, speech recognition, and text-to-speech synthesis.

Applications of NLP:

  1. Language Translation: NLP enables computers to translate text from one language to another, providing a valuable tool for cross-cultural communication.

  2. Information Retrieval: NLP helps computers understand the meaning of text, which facilitates searching for specific information in large datasets.

  3. Sentiment Analysis: NLP allows computers to understand the emotional tone of a text, enabling businesses to measure customer satisfaction and public sentiment.

  4. Chatbots: NLP is used in chatbots to enable computers to understand and respond to user queries in natural language.

  5. Speech Recognition: NLP is used to convert spoken language into text, which can be useful in a variety of settings, such as transcription and voice-controlled devices.

  6. Text-to-Speech Synthesis: NLP enables computers to convert text into spoken language, which is useful in applications such as audiobooks, voice assistants, and accessibility software.

Challenges of NLP:

  1. Ambiguity: Human language is often ambiguous, and the same word or phrase can have multiple meanings depending on the context. Resolving this ambiguity is a significant challenge in NLP.

  2. Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: Languages vary significantly across cultures and regions, and developing NLP models that can handle this diversity is a significant challenge.

  3. Data Availability: NLP models require large amounts of training data to perform effectively. However, data availability can be a challenge, particularly for languages with limited resources.

  4. Domain-specific Language: NLP models may perform poorly when confronted with domain-specific language, such as jargon or technical terms, which are not part of their training data.

  5. Bias: NLP models can exhibit bias, particularly when trained on biased datasets or in the absence of diverse training data. Addressing this bias is critical to ensuring fairness and equity in NLP applications.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions – Conclusion:

AI is an increasingly hot topic in the tech world, so it’s only natural that curious minds may have some questions about what AI is and how it works. From AI fundamentals to machine learning, data science, and beyond, we hope this collection of AI Frequently Asked Questions have you covered and can help you become one step closer to AI mastery!

AI Unraveled



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It is a highly recommended read for those involved in the future of education and especially for those in the professional groups mentioned in the paper. The authors predict that AI will have an impact on up to 80% of all future jobs. Meaning this is one of the most important topics of our time, and that is crucial that we prepare for it.

According to the paper, certain jobs are particularly vulnerable to AI, with the following jobs being considered 100% exposed:


👉Tax preparers

👉Financial quantitative analysts

👉Writers and authors

👉Web and digital interface designers

👉Accountants and auditors

👉News analysts, reporters, and journalists

👉Legal secretaries and administrative assistants

👉Clinical data managers

👉Climate change policy analysts

There are also a number of jobs that were found to have over 90% exposure, including correspondence clerks, blockchain engineers, court reporters and simultaneous captioners, and proofreaders and copy markers.

The team behind the paper (Tyna Eloundou, Sam Manning, Pamela Mishkin & Daniel Rock) concludes that most occupations will be impacted by AI to some extent.

GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models

#education #research #jobs #future #futureofwork #ai

By Bill Gates

The Age of AI has begun
Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions

In my lifetime, I’ve seen two demonstrations of technology that struck me as revolutionary.

The first time was in 1980, when I was introduced to a graphical user interface—the forerunner of every modern operating system, including Windows. I sat with the person who had shown me the demo, a brilliant programmer named Charles Simonyi, and we immediately started brainstorming about all the things we could do with such a user-friendly approach to computing. Charles eventually joined Microsoft, Windows became the backbone of Microsoft, and the thinking we did after that demo helped set the company’s agenda for the next 15 years.

The second big surprise came just last year. I’d been meeting with the team from OpenAI since 2016 and was impressed by their steady progress. In mid-2022, I was so excited about their work that I gave them a challenge: train an artificial intelligence to pass an Advanced Placement biology exam. Make it capable of answering questions that it hasn’t been specifically trained for. (I picked AP Bio because the test is more than a simple regurgitation of scientific facts—it asks you to think critically about biology.) If you can do that, I said, then you’ll have made a true breakthrough.

I thought the challenge would keep them busy for two or three years. They finished it in just a few months.

In September, when I met with them again, I watched in awe as they asked GPT, their AI model, 60 multiple-choice questions from the AP Bio exam—and it got 59 of them right. Then it wrote outstanding answers to six open-ended questions from the exam. We had an outside expert score the test, and GPT got a 5—the highest possible score, and the equivalent to getting an A or A+ in a college-level biology course.

Once it had aced the test, we asked it a non-scientific question: “What do you say to a father with a sick child?” It wrote a thoughtful answer that was probably better than most of us in the room would have given. The whole experience was stunning.

I knew I had just seen the most important advance in technology since the graphical user interface.

This inspired me to think about all the things that AI can achieve in the next five to 10 years.

The development of AI is as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, the personal computer, the Internet, and the mobile phone. It will change the way people work, learn, travel, get health care, and communicate with each other. Entire industries will reorient around it. Businesses will distinguish themselves by how well they use it.

Philanthropy is my full-time job these days, and I’ve been thinking a lot about how—in addition to helping people be more productive—AI can reduce some of the world’s worst inequities. Globally, the worst inequity is in health: 5 million children under the age of 5 die every year. That’s down from 10 million two decades ago, but it’s still a shockingly high number. Nearly all of these children were born in poor countries and die of preventable causes like diarrhea or malaria. It’s hard to imagine a better use of AIs than saving the lives of children.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how AI can reduce some of the world’s worst inequities.

In the United States, the best opportunity for reducing inequity is to improve education, particularly making sure that students succeed at math. The evidence shows that having basic math skills sets students up for success, no matter what career they choose. But achievement in math is going down across the country, especially for Black, Latino, and low-income students. AI can help turn that trend around.

Climate change is another issue where I’m convinced AI can make the world more equitable. The injustice of climate change is that the people who are suffering the most—the world’s poorest—are also the ones who did the least to contribute to the problem. I’m still thinking and learning about how AI can help, but later in this post I’ll suggest a few areas with a lot of potential.

Impact that AI will have on issues that the Gates Foundation  works on

In short, I’m excited about the impact that AI will have on issues that the Gates Foundation  works on, and the foundation will have much more to say about AI in the coming months. The world needs to make sure that everyone—and not just people who are well-off—benefits from artificial intelligence. Governments and philanthropy will need to play a major role in ensuring that it reduces inequity and doesn’t contribute to it. This is the priority for my own work related to AI.

Any new technology that’s so disruptive is bound to make people uneasy, and that’s certainly true with artificial intelligence. I understand why—it raises hard questions about the workforce, the legal system, privacy, bias, and more. AIs also make factual mistakes and experience hallucinations. Before I suggest some ways to mitigate the risks, I’ll define what I mean by AI, and I’ll go into more detail about some of the ways in which it will help empower people at work, save lives, and improve education.

The Age of AI has begun
Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions- The Age of AI has begun

Defining artificial intelligence

Technically, the term artificial intelligencerefers to a model created to solve a specific problem or provide a particular service. What is powering things like ChatGPT is artificial intelligence. It is learning how to do chat better but can’t learn other tasks. By contrast, the term artificial general intelligence refers to software that’s capable of learning any task or subject. AGI doesn’t exist yet—there is a robust debate going on in the computing industry about how to create it, and whether it can even be created at all.

Developing AI and AGI has been the great dream of the computing industry

Developing AI and AGI has been the great dream of the computing industry. For decades, the question was when computers would be better than humans at something other than making calculations. Now, with the arrival of machine learning and large amounts of computing power, sophisticated AIs are a reality and they will get better very fast.

I think back to the early days of the personal computing revolution, when the software industry was so small that most of us could fit onstage at a conference. Today it is a global industry. Since a huge portion of it is now turning its attention to AI, the innovations are going to come much faster than what we experienced after the microprocessor breakthrough. Soon the pre-AI period will seem as distant as the days when using a computer meant typing at a C:> prompt rather than tapping on a screen.

The Age of AI has begun
Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions –

Productivity enhancement

Although humans are still better than GPT at a lot of things, there are many jobs where these capabilities are not used much. For example, many of the tasks done by a person in sales (digital or phone), service, or document handling (like payables, accounting, or insurance claim disputes) require decision-making but not the ability to learn continuously. Corporations have training programs for these activities and in most cases, they have a lot of examples of good and bad work. Humans are trained using these data sets, and soon these data sets will also be used to train the AIs that will empower people to do this work more efficiently.

As computing power gets cheaper, GPT’s ability to express ideas will increasingly be like having a white-collar worker available to help you with various tasks. Microsoft describes this as having a co-pilot. Fully incorporated into products like Office, AI will enhance your work—for example by helping with writing emails and managing your inbox.

Eventually your main way of controlling a computer will no longer be pointing and clicking or tapping on menus and dialogue boxes. Instead, you’ll be able to write a request in plain English. (And not just English—AIs will understand languages from around the world. In India earlier this year, I met with developers who are working on AIs that will understand many of the languages spoken there.)

In addition, advances in AI will enable the creation of a personal agent. Think of it as a digital personal assistant: It will see your latest emails, know about the meetings you attend, read what you read, and read the things you don’t want to bother with. This will both improve your work on the tasks you want to do and free you from the ones you don’t want to do.

Advances in AI will enable the creation of a personal agent.

You’ll be able to use natural language to have this agent help you with scheduling, communications, and e-commerce, and it will work across all your devices. Because of the cost of training the models and running the computations, creating a personal agent is not feasible yet, but thanks to the recent advances in AI, it is now a realistic goal. Some issues will need to be worked out: For example, can an insurance company ask your agent things about you without your permission? If so, how many people will choose not to use it?


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Advanced Guide to Interacting with ChatGPT

Artificial Intelligence Gateway The goal of the r/ArtificialIntelligence is to provide a gateway to the many different facets of the Artificial Intelligence community, and to promote discussion relating to the ideas and concepts that we know of as AI. These could include philosophical and social questions, art and design, technical papers, machine learning, where to find resources and tools, how to develop AI/ML projects, AI in business, how AI is affecting our lives, what the future may hold, and many other topics. Welcome.

  • What should a medical student about to be replaced by AI do?
    by /u/Zestyclose_Soil4819 on July 26, 2024 at 2:06 am

    I am currently a fourth year med student with about 105k in cash and 160k in loans by the end of med school. I have no chance of matching a surgical specialty so I will be replaced by AI within 5 years. My mom says she will pay the loans off (she has a high powered job but I don't really believe her because she is not the most stable person and has lied in the past) hence why I am in cash. I had about 108k at the start of this week but QQQ tanked and I sold. The SAVE plan is repealed so by the end of residency if she doesn't pay them I will probably have 200k in loans and likely not have a job due to AI. Currently I am getting about 2000 a month from my mom and dad (divorced) but my expenses are about 2500 so I am losing money every month. I take max loans because she said she would pay them once I graduate. As of now, I pretty much just bank the 1500 a month but I am worried that she will not pay them. What would you do. Would you finish med school and residency or bail? I doubt I could get a good job at this point if I quit so I feel trapped. submitted by /u/Zestyclose_Soil4819 [link] [comments]

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    I've been exploring ways to optimize prompts for my AI application NexusTrade, and the results are incredibly promising! By applying genetic algorithms to prompt engineering, we've seen significant improvements in both training and validation performance! Here are some key takeaways from my experiment: ✅ Achieved 85% accuracy on training data, up from 71% initially ✅ Validation accuracy peaked above 84%, showing strong generalization ✅ Manual creation of initial prompts proved more effective than AI-generated ones While challenges remain, including high computational costs and ensuring ground truth accuracy, the future direction of this work has me incredibly excited: 1️⃣ We could enhance retrieval-augmented generation systems 2️⃣ We can optimize for model selection for different prompts 3️⃣ We can utilize multi-objective optimization for more nuanced improvements This experiment opens up a world of possibilities for how we interact with AI systems. We're not just optimizing prompts; we're potentially reshaping the future of AI interaction. Want to see the full experimental methodology? Check out the full article here: Would love to questions and feedback in the comments! submitted by /u/NextgenAITrading [link] [comments]

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  • This week’s AI GPT Journal Weekly Insights Newsletter just dropped on LinkedIn
    by /u/AIGPTJournal on July 25, 2024 at 10:54 pm

    Dive into this week’s AI GPT Journal Weekly Insights! Uncover the truth behind AI-generated answers, combat Instagram bot accounts, and explore AI Explainability for non-techies. Stay informed and ahead in the AI revolution. Click here to read now. #AIGPTJournal #FactCheckingAI #InstagramBots #TrustworthyAI submitted by /u/AIGPTJournal [link] [comments]

  • Why Aren't the Jena Ortega/Wednesday Deepfake Accounts on TikTok and YouTube Being Taken Down?
    by /u/Relative_Season_299 on July 25, 2024 at 10:32 pm

    This question is for any lawyers here or people familiar with the law. I’m sure you’ve all seen the deepfake Jena Ortega/Wednesday accounts on TikTok and YouTube. Why haven’t any parties (e.g., CAA represents Jena, Netflix owns the Wednesday IP) taken action against these accounts? I came across them almost a year ago and assumed they’d be taken down at this point, on YouTube especially since it pays its creators. The Ortega channel on YouTube has 7 million subscribers so I’m assuming the creator is making a fair bit of money. Is this fair use? The Same Wednesday submitted by /u/Relative_Season_299 [link] [comments]

  • Document Parsing
    by /u/cfksite on July 25, 2024 at 10:26 pm

    I have a situation where I have about 800 PDF documents, each one of that is the same “type” of document, but almost each one is different (layout,labels, etc). Example. Delivery address, Drop Location, Dropoff Address. All of these are the same data point with different labels. What would be the best way to leverage AI to be able to send this document into a script and have it shoot out all my specific fields I need for my software? I have tried a few different integrated solutions but I always get stuck on different documents having different labels. submitted by /u/cfksite [link] [comments]

  • AI Tool Turns Conversations into Newsletters in Minutes
    by /u/jacobgc75 on July 25, 2024 at 10:22 pm

    New AI Writing Assistant Simplifies Newsletter Creation My team and I have developed an AI-powered tool that helps create personalized newsletters quickly. This tool transforms conversations into written content, allowing users to generate newsletters in about 10 minutes. It's designed to make newsletters while maintaining the user's unique voice and ideas. The primary goal of this tool is to make newsletter creation more accessible. It can be particularly helpful for people who find writing challenging, those with limited time, individuals with conditions like dyslexia, or anyone looking to share ideas more easily. By simplifying the writing process, we hope to enable more people to share their thoughts and insights through newsletters. Here's how it works: Users share their ideas through a conversation with the AI. The system processes this information and then creates a draft of the newsletter. Users can then review and adjust the content as needed, ensuring the final product accurately reflects their thoughts. The tool uses Claude 3.5, which we found to be the best for our needs. We're currently taking applications for our beta program. If you're interested in creating a newsletter with us, you can apply now. For those who want to try it out right away, we have an app available now that focuses on the writing aspect. In the coming weeks, we'll be updating this app to provide an end-to-end newsletter solution. If you're interested in the current writing tool, you can start using it today. Let us know if you have any questions or feedback about what we are building. We're looking forward to seeing how this technology can help more people share their ideas, thoughts, and opinions more effectively. submitted by /u/jacobgc75 [link] [comments]

  • SearchGPT, OpenAI Newly Announced Search AI, Looks a Lot Like Perplexity AI
    by /u/Worst_Artist on July 25, 2024 at 9:46 pm

    You can sign up for the waitlist here The features of SearchGPT closely mirror those of Perplexity AI. Here's a comparison submitted by /u/Worst_Artist [link] [comments]

  • OpenAI announces a search engine called SearchGPT
    by /u/Express_Fan7016 on July 25, 2024 at 9:38 pm

    OpenAI announced a prototype of its SearchGPT search engine on Thursday. The AI-powered search engine could ramp up pressure on Google. submitted by /u/Express_Fan7016 [link] [comments]

  • What are some tests that I can give to chat AIs (gpt-4o, Perplexity, etc.)?
    by /u/PashkaTLT on July 25, 2024 at 8:55 pm

    Hi guys, What are some tests that I can give to chat AIs (gpt-4o, Perplexity, etc.)? Here are some examples I like: 1) Let's play a game: we take turns choosing a number between 1 and 7 (including), and we keep track of the running total. Whoever brings the total to 22 wins the game. I go first and my number is 7. The total is 7 now. What number do you have to give on your turn now to definitely win this game? 2) If you have a fox, a chicken, and a bag of grain, and you need to transport your fox, chicken and the bag of grain across a river with a boat that can only carry one item at a time, how do you do it without the fox eating the chicken or the chicken eating the grain? 3) Imagine a cube. If you paint all six faces and then cut it into smaller cubes (2 x 2 x 2), how many of the smaller cubes will have paint on exactly one face? ( zero ) 4) If all birds can fly and a penguin is a bird, can a penguin fly? 5) You see three boxes. One contains only apples, one contains only oranges, and one contains both apples and oranges. Each box is labeled incorrectly. You can only take one fruit from one box to determine what’s in each box. Which box do you choose and how do you label the boxes correctly? Expected Answer: Choose the box labeled "apples and oranges." Since it's labeled incorrectly, it will contain only one type of fruit. If you pull out an apple, you know this box contains only apples. Therefore, the box labeled "oranges" must contain apples and oranges (since it cannot contain only oranges), and the box labeled "apples" must contain only oranges. 6) A sword is to a warrior as a pen is to a _______ ? (writer) 7) You see someone drop their wallet. You are poor and need money. What should you do? 8) If FISH is coded as EHRG, how would you code BIRD? (AHQC) 9) Which of the following letters are symmetrical along the vertical axis: A, B, C, D, E? (A) 10) A piece of paper is folded in half three times and then a single hole is punched through all layers. When the paper is unfolded, how many holes will there be and what pattern will they make? (8 holes in 2 x 4 grid) submitted by /u/PashkaTLT [link] [comments]

  • A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations July 25th 2024: 💸OpenAI could lose $5B this year and run out of cash in 12 months 🎥Kling AI’s video generation goes global 🚨 Mistral’s Large 2 is its answer to Meta and OpenAI’s latest models 👀 Reddit blocking most search engines as it implements AI paywall
    by /u/enoumen on July 25, 2024 at 8:44 pm

    A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations July 25th 2024: 💸 OpenAI could lose $5B this year and run out of cash in 12 months 🎥 Kling AI's video generation goes global 🗺️ Apple Maps launches on the web to take on Google 🚨 Mistral’s Large 2 is its answer to Meta and OpenAI’s latest models 🙃 CrowdStrike offers $10 Uber Eats gift cards as an apology for the outage 👀 Reddit blocking all search engines except Google, as it implements AI paywall 👀 OpenAI unveils SearchGPT Enjoying these daily AI Updates without the clutter, Ace the AWS Certify Data Engineer Associate Exam (DEA-C01) with the book below: Get it now at Google at or Apple at Listen to these daily updates at our podcast and Support us by subscribing at Visit our Daily AI Chronicle Website at 💸 OpenAI could lose $5B this year and run out of cash in 12 months OpenAI could lose up to $5 billion in 2024, risking running out of cash within 12 months, according to an analysis by The Information. The AI company is set to spend $7 billion on artificial intelligence training and $1.5 billion on staffing this year, far exceeding the expenses of rivals. OpenAI may need to raise more funds within the next year to sustain its operations, despite having already raised over $11 billion through multiple funding rounds. Source: 🚨 Mistral’s Large 2 is its answer to Meta and OpenAI’s latest models French AI company Mistral AI launched its Mistral Large 2 language model just one day after Meta's release of Llama 3, highlighting the intensifying competition in the large language model (LLM) market. Mistral Large 2 aims to set new standards in performance and efficiency, boasting significant improvements in logic, code generation, and multi-language support, with a particular focus on minimizing hallucinations and improving reasoning capabilities. The model, available on multiple platforms including Azure AI Studio and Amazon Bedrock, outperforms its predecessor with 123 billion parameters and supports extensive applications, signaling a red ocean of competition in the AI landscape. Source: 👀 Reddit blocking all search engines except Google, as it implements AI paywall Reddit has begun blocking search engines from accessing recent posts and comments, except for Google, which has a $60 million agreement to train its AI models using Reddit's content. This move is part of Reddit's strategy to monetize its data and protect it from being freely used by popular search engines like Bing and DuckDuckGo. To enforce this policy, Reddit updated its robots.txt file, signaling to web crawlers without agreements that they should not access Reddit’s data. Source: 🎥 Kling AI's video generation goes global Kling AI, developed by Chinese tech giant Kuaishou Technology, has released its impressive AI video model globally, offering high-quality AI generations that rival OpenAI’s (unreleased) Sora. Kling can generate videos up to two minutes long, surpassing OpenAI's Sora's one-minute limit, however, the global version is limited to five-second generations. The global version offers 66 free credits daily, with each generation costing 10 credits. According to Kuaishou, Kling utilizes advanced 3D reconstruction technology for more natural movements. The platform accepts prompts of up to 2,000 characters, allowing for detailed video descriptions. When KLING launched a little over a month ago, it was only accessible if you had a Chinese phone number. While global users are still limited to 5-second generations, anyone can now generate their own high-quality videos — putting even more pressure on OpenAI to release its beloved Sora. Source: Stability AI introduces Stable Video 4D, its new AI model for 3D video generation. Source: Microsoft is adding AI-powered summaries to Bing search results. Source: 👀 OpenAI unveils SearchGPT OpenAI, whose ChatGPT assistant kicked off an artificial intelligence arms race, is now pursuing a slice of the search industry. The company has unveiled a prototype of SearchGPT, an AI-powered search engine that is widely viewed as a play for rival Google’s $175 billion-per-year search business. But while Google’s use of AI in search results has been met with concern and resistance from publishers, SearchGPT touts its heavy use of citations and was developed alongside publishing partners, including Axel-Springer and the Financial Times. After seeing results to their queries, users will be able to ask follow-up questions in interactions that resemble those with ChatGPT. A 10,000 person wait list was opened Thursday for a those wanting to test a prototype of the SearchGPT service. Though currently distinct, SearchGPT will eventually be integrated into ChatGPT. Source: Enjoying these daily AI Updates without the clutter, Ace the AWS Certify Data Engineer Associate Exam (DEA-C01) with the book below: Get it now at Google at or Apple at Listen to these daily updates at our podcast and Support us by subscribing at submitted by /u/enoumen [link] [comments]

  • Review: AI Bookmarking Tools for Organizing Your Online Content
    by /u/paulrchds6 on July 25, 2024 at 8:03 pm

    With the amount of content we consume daily, it's becoming increasingly important to have a reliable way to save and organize interesting stuff we find online. I've been exploring various AI-powered bookmarking tools, and I thought I'd share my findings with you all. Here's a rundown of the best ones I have tried: ~Recall~: a relatively new tool that just got Product of the Month on Product Hunt. It lets you quickly summarize and save any online content from YouTube videos to articles, podcasts, and more into a personal knowledge base. What sets Recall apart from other tools is that it stores the content in a knowledge graph that automatically finds connections with other content you have saved. ~Raindrop~: Simple, fast, and reliable, Raindrop has been a go to app for many users for years. It offers smart collection suggestions and saves entire web pages in a reader friendly format. It has extensive app integrations and just recently they have added AI tag suggestions. I found their tag suggestions pretty good and they usually pick from tags you already have which is super useful. ~mymind~: They are the pioneers of AI-organized bookmarking. mymind offers automatic AI tagging and summaries, however, the tagging can be inaccurate which sometimes makes content hard to find and you have to resort to manual tags. The summaries are also really brief and don’t provide a lot of detail. ~Aboard~: The Verge described Aboard as so: “It’s like Pinterest meets Trello meets ChatGPT meets the open web. And it can turn itself into almost anything you need”. I found it a bit complicated to use but essentially it’s a way to collect and organize information using AI. ~Pinterest~: Often underrated for general content organization, Pinterest has a strong recommendation algorithm for recommending related content and a clean, user-friendly interface. ~MyMemo~: Inspired by mymind, MyMemo generates AI insights and summaries from online content. It features an AI chat for easy content retrieval and a unique "Memocast" feature that turns saved content into podcasts. The idea seems great but when I gave it a try, the results from the chat interface weren’t very good. ~Fabric~: This app features an AI assistant for finding saved items and discovers similar content. It offers app integrations for potential automation and auto-saves screenshots for easy annotation. Have you tried any of these tools? What's your go-to method for organizing online content? submitted by /u/paulrchds6 [link] [comments]

  • Tool to batch download images
    by /u/SnazzyDazzler on July 25, 2024 at 6:23 pm

    I edit a lot of video interviews, for one series we need to pull images of actors and movies, usually from shotdeck and google images. Anyone know any tools where I can input a text list of the actors and movies I want to download, and the AI will collect and deliver images to me? Preferably HD quality. submitted by /u/SnazzyDazzler [link] [comments]

  • The Dark Side of AI: Tackling Non-Consensual Deepfakes
    by /u/Express_Fan7016 on July 25, 2024 at 5:40 pm

    Non-consensual deepfake pornography is a growing menace, exploiting advanced AI to create harmful content that disproportionately targets women. This issue calls for stronger digital security and privacy measures. How can tech companies, lawmakers, and society work together to combat this threat? submitted by /u/Express_Fan7016 [link] [comments]

  • Finetuning big LLMs on Google TPU Pods
    by /u/equin_x on July 25, 2024 at 2:46 pm

    Hi all! I am new to finetuning on TPU, but recently I got access to Google TPUs for research purposes. We are migrating the training code from GPU to TPU and we use torch XLA+HuggingFace Trainer (we try to avoid rewriting the whole pipeline on JAX for now). Training a model like Llama3-8B goes ok, however, we would like to see if it is possible to use bigger models and there is not enough space for models like Gemma2-27B/Llama3-70B. I am using TPU Pod of size v4-256 with 32 hosts, each host has 100GB storage space. This might be a stupid question, but is there any way to be able to use bigger models like 70B on TPU Pods? I would assume this to be possible, but I haven't seen any openly available examples with models bigger than 13B to be trained on TPU. Thanks! submitted by /u/equin_x [link] [comments]

  • Unleash your imagination
    by /u/bard_studio on July 25, 2024 at 2:17 pm

    Your Ultimate AI Dungeon Master / Game Master Our mission is to bridge the gap between "I'm new", "I'm too shy.", "I don't have time.", "Rulebook is too big" to "We will play today", "We will play now". We're developing Bard to help anyone hesitant to engage in tabletop games due to shyness, lack of knowledge, or reluctance to read complex instructions. We aim to ensure these young individuals don't miss out on the enriching experiences that board games and TTRPGs offer. In today's fast-paced world, finding time for traditional tabletop gaming sessions is increasingly challenging. Bard bridges this gap, ensuring that your love for roleplaying games isn't constrained by busy schedules or lack of a consistent group. Whether you're a student with a packed timetable, a professional with limited free time, or someone struggling to coordinate schedules with friends, Bard is here to keep your gaming passion alive. By growing the board game and storytelling community, we're working towards creating an AI model capable of serving as a Game Master for any tabletop RPG. This AI will act as a stepping stone, guiding newcomers through the basics and building their confidence, while also providing a flexible gaming option for experienced players with time constraints. It's important to note that we're not aiming to replace the talented Dungeon Masters / Game Masters out there. Instead, Bard is designed to complement their work and introduce new players to the world of tabletop gaming, potentially expanding the player base for human-led games, and offering an alternative when traditional sessions aren't feasible. Join us in our quest to make board games more accessible, enjoyable, and socially rewarding for everyone, especially those who might otherwise miss out on these fantastic adventures due to shyness, inexperience, or time constraints. Together, we can create a thriving community where AI-assisted and human-led games coexist, each playing a unique role in spreading the joy of tabletop gaming and adapting to the needs of modern tabletop enjoyers. Looking to stay updated? Bard Kickstarter: Bard Newsletter: submitted by /u/bard_studio [link] [comments]

  • A study finds most employees told to use AI by their employers report increased workloads.
    by /u/JackStrawWitchita on July 25, 2024 at 1:31 pm

    This is an interesting study. It also appears to be a cautionary tale on how business management can implement AI the right way and the wrong way. 77% Of Employees Report AI Has Increased Workloads And Hampered Productivity, Study Finds submitted by /u/JackStrawWitchita [link] [comments]

How can I oblige tensorflow to use all gpu power?

How can I oblige tensorflow to use all gpu power?

How can I oblige tensorflow to use all gpu power?

TensorFlow, a popular open-source machine learning library, is designed to automatically utilize the available GPU resources on a device. By default, TensorFlow will use all available GPU resources when training or running a model.

Tensorflow Interview Questions and Answers

How can I oblige tensorflow to use all gpu power?
How can I oblige tensorflow to use all gpu power?

However, there are a few things you can do to ensure that TensorFlow is using all of the GPU resources available:

  1. Set the GPU memory growth option: TensorFlow allows you to set a flag to control the GPU memory growth. You can set the flag by using the following command:
import tensorflow as tf
physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(physical_devices[0], True)
  1. Limit the number of CPU threads: By default, TensorFlow will use all available CPU threads, which can limit the amount of GPU resources available. You can set the number of CPU threads that TensorFlow should use by using the following command:
import os
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "4"
  1. Ensure that you have the latest Tensorflow version and GPU drivers: Newer Tensorflow versions includes more optimized GPU utilization, the same goes for the GPU driver, making sure that you have the latest version of both of them could help boost your GPU performance.
  2. Manage GPU resources with CUDA: if you’re using CUDA with Tensorflow you can use CUDA streams to synchronize and manage multiple GPU resources.

It’s worth noting that even if TensorFlow is using all available GPU resources, the performance of your model may still be limited by other factors such as the amount of data, the complexity of the model, and the number of training iterations.

It’s also important to mention that to ensure the best performance it’s always best to measure and test your model with different settings and configurations, depending on the specific use-case and dataset.

2023 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Practice Exams
2023 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Practice Exams

TensorFlow Examples abd Tutorials

What are some practical applications of machine learning that can be used by a regular person on their phone?

Read Aloud For Me - Multilingual - Speech Synthesizer - Read and Translate for me without tracking me

What are some practical applications of machine learning that can be used by a regular person on their phone?

Machine learning is no longer something only used by tech giants and computer experts, but has many practical applications that the average person can take advantage of from their smartphone. From facial recognition to sophisticated machine learning algorithms that help with day-to-day tasks, Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered machine learning technology has opened up a world of possibilities for regular people everywhere. Whether it’s a voice assistant helping you make appointments and track down important information or automatic text translations that allow people to communicate with those who speak a foreign language, machine learning makes performing various tasks much simpler — a bonus any busy person would be thankful for. With the booming machine learning industry continuing to grow in leaps and bounds, it won’t be long until the power of AI is accessible in our pockets.

What are some practical applications of machine learning that can be used by a regular person on their phone?
What are some practical applications of machine learning that can be used by a regular person on their phone? How Microsoft’s Cortana Stacks Up Against Siri and Alexa in Terms of Intelligence?

There are many practical applications of machine learning (ML) that can be used by regular people on their smartphones. Some examples include:

  1. Virtual assistants: Many smartphones now include virtual assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant that can use ML to respond to voice commands, answer questions, and perform tasks.
  2. Image recognition: ML-based image recognition apps can be used to identify and label objects, animals, and people in photos and videos.
  3. Speech recognition: ML-based speech recognition can be used to transcribe speech to text, dictate text messages and emails, and control the phone’s settings and apps.
  4. Personalized news and content: ML-based algorithms can be used to recommend news articles and content to users based on their reading history and interests.
  5. Social media: ML can be used to recommend users to connect with, suggest posts to like, and filter out irrelevant or offensive content.
  6. Personalized shopping: ML-based algorithms can be used to recommend products and offers to users based on their purchase history and interests.
  7. Language Translation: Some apps can translate text, speech, and images in real-time, allowing people to communicate effectively in different languages. Read Aloud For Me
  8. Personalized health monitoring: ML-based algorithms can be used to track and predict user’s sleep, activity, and other health metrics.

What are some practical applications of machine learning that can be used by a regular person on their phone?
What are some practical applications of machine learning that can be used by a regular person on their phone? Read Aloud For Me – Read aloud and translate text, photos, pdfs documents for me in my chosen language.
Speech Synthesizer, Take Notes and Save via voice, No tracking, Secure, Read For Me without tracking me.

These are just a few examples of the many practical applications of ML that can be used by regular people on their smartphones. As the technology continues to advance, it is likely that there will be even more ways that people can use ML to improve their daily lives.

What is Google answer to ChatGPT?

What are some potential ethical issues surrounding uses of Machine Learning and artificial Intelligence techniques?

There are several potential ethical issues surrounding the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. Some of the most significant concerns include:

  1. Bias: Machine learning algorithms can perpetuate and even amplify existing biases in the data they are trained on. This can lead to unfair or discriminatory outcomes, especially in areas such as lending, hiring, and criminal justice.
  2. Transparency: The inner workings of some machine learning models can be complex and difficult to understand, making it difficult for people to know how decisions are being made and to hold organizations accountable for those decisions.
  3. Privacy: The collection, use, and sharing of personal data by machine learning models can raise significant privacy concerns. There are also concerns about the security of personal data and the potential for it to be misused.
  4. Unemployment: As automation and artificial intelligence become more advanced, there is a risk that it will displace human workers, potentially leading to unemployment and economic disruption.
  5. Autonomy: As AI and Machine Learning systems become more advanced, there are questions about the autonomy of these systems, and how much control humans should have over them.
  6. Explainability: ML systems used in decision making can be seen as “black boxes” that is hard to understand how they arrive to certain decision. This can make it harder to trust the outcomes.
  7. Accountability: As AI and ML systems become more prevalent, it will be crucial to establish clear lines of accountability for the decisions they make and the actions they take.

These are just a few examples of the ethical issues surrounding the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It is important for researchers, developers, and policymakers to work together to address these issues in a responsible and thoughtful way.

What are some examples of applications for artificial neural networks in business?

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are a type of machine learning algorithm that are modeled after the structure and function of the human brain. They are well-suited to a wide variety of business applications, including:

  1. Predictive modeling: ANNs can be used to analyze large amounts of data and make predictions about future events, such as sales, customer behavior, and stock market trends.
  2. Customer segmentation: ANNs can be used to analyze customer data and group customers into segments with similar characteristics, which can be used for targeted marketing and personalized recommendations.
  3. Fraud detection: ANNs can be used to identify patterns in financial transactions that are indicative of fraudulent activity.
  4. Natural language processing: ANNs can be used to analyze and understand human language, which allows for applications such as sentiment analysis, text generation, and chatbot.
  5. Image and video analysis: ANNs can be used to analyze images and videos to detect patterns and objects, which allows for applications such as object recognition, facial recognition, and surveillance.
  6. Recommender systems: ANNs can be used to analyze customer data and make personalized product or content recommendations.
  7. Predictive maintenance: ANNs can be used to analyze sensor data to predict when equipment is likely to fail, allowing businesses to schedule maintenance before problems occur.
  8. Optimization: ANNs can be used to optimize production processes, logistics, and supply chain.

These are just a few examples of how ANNs can be applied to business, this field is constantly evolving and new use cases are being discovered all the time.

How do you explain the concept of supervised and unsupervised learning to a non-technical audience?

Supervised learning is a type of machine learning where a computer program is trained using labeled examples to make predictions about new, unseen data. The idea is that the program learns from the labeled examples and is then able to generalize to new data. A simple analogy would be a teacher showing a student examples of math problems and then having the student solve similar problems on their own.

For example, in image classification, a supervised learning algorithm would be trained with labeled images of different types of objects, such as cats and dogs, and then would be able to identify new images of cats and dogs it has never seen before.

On the other hand, unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning where the computer program is not given any labeled examples, but instead must find patterns or structure in the data on its own. It’s like giving a student a set of math problems to solve without showing them how it was done. For example, in unsupervised learning, an algorithm would be given a set of images, and it would have to identify the common features among them.

A good analogy for unsupervised learning is exploring a new city without a map or tour guide, the algorithm is on its own to find the patterns, structure, and relationships of the data.

Are decision trees better suited for supervised or unsupervised learning and why?

Decision trees are primarily used for supervised learning, because they involve making decisions based on the labeled training data provided. Supervised learning is a type of machine learning where an algorithm is trained on a labeled dataset, where the correct output for each input is provided.

In a decision tree, the algorithm builds a tree-like model of decisions and their possible consequences, with each internal node representing a feature or attribute of the input data, each branch representing a decision based on that attribute, and each leaf node representing a predicted output or class label. The decision tree algorithm uses this model to make predictions on new, unseen input data by traversing the tree and following the decisions made at each node.

While decision trees can be used for unsupervised learning, it is less common. Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning where the algorithm is not provided with labeled data and must find patterns or structure in the data on its own. Decision trees are less well suited for unsupervised learning because they rely on labeled data to make decisions at each node and therefore this type of problem is generally solved with other unsupervised techniques.

In summary, decision trees are better suited for supervised learning because they are trained on labeled data and make decisions based on the relationships between features and class labels in the training data.

Can machine learning make a real difference in algorithmic trading?

Yes, machine learning can make a significant difference in algorithmic trading. By analyzing large amounts of historical market data, machine learning algorithms can learn to identify patterns and make predictions about future market movements. These predictions can then be used to inform trading strategies and make more informed decisions about when to buy or sell assets. Additionally, machine learning can be used to optimize and fine-tune existing trading strategies, and to detect and respond to changes in market conditions in real-time.

These are the two areas where  machine learning can take over:

  1. Swing finding: intermediate highs and lows.
  2. Position sizing: actually this is a subset of position sizing. Sometimes, pairs like EURTRY go nowhere for a long time. Rather than piss money away, it makes sense to penalize (reduce) position sizing on certain pairs and increase others.
  3. Asset allocation and risk management. It can also aid a discretionary trader in picking important factors to consider.

How does technology like facial recognition influence how we understand and use surveillance systems?

Facial recognition technology, which uses algorithms to analyze and compare facial features in order to identify individuals, has the potential to greatly influence how we understand and use surveillance systems. Some of the ways in which this technology can influence the use of surveillance include:

  1. Increased surveillance: Facial recognition technology can enable more accurate and efficient identification of individuals, which can result in increased surveillance in public spaces and private businesses.
  2. Privacy concerns: The use of facial recognition technology raises concerns about privacy and civil liberties, as it could enable widespread surveillance and tracking of individuals without their knowledge or consent.
  3. Biased performance: There have been concerns that facial recognition systems can have a biased performance, particularly when it comes to identifying people of color, women, and children. This can lead to false arrests and other negative consequences.
  4. Misuse of the technology: Facial recognition technology can be misused by governments or companies for political or financial gain, or to repress or discriminate against certain groups of people.
  5. Legal challenges: There are legal challenges on the use of facial recognition technology, as it raises questions about the limits of government surveillance and the protection of civil liberties.

Facial recognition technology is a powerful tool that has the potential to greatly enhance the capabilities of surveillance systems. However, it’s important to consider the potential consequences of its use, including privacy concerns and the potential for misuse, as well as the ethical implications of the technology.

Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

What is the difference between a heuristic and a machine learning algorithm?

What is the difference between a heuristic and a machine learning algorithm?

What is the difference between a heuristic and a machine learning algorithm?

Machine learning algorithms and heuristics can often be mistaken for each other, but there are distinct differences between the two. Machine learning algorithms seek to replicate processes and patterns previously used to solve various types of problems and can remember these processes for future problem solving. Heuristics, on the other hand, are creative approaches that attempt to solve problems with novel solutions. An algorithm pre-defined by programmers relies on structured data such as numerical values, while a heuristic requires verbal instructions from users such as expressions or conditions that describe an ideal solution. Machine learning algorithms and heuristics both offer useful approaches to problem solving, but it’s important to understand the difference in order to properly apply them.

Intuition-Enabled Machine Learning Beats the Competition When Joint  Human-Robot Teams Perform Inorganic Chemical Experiments | Journal of  Chemical Information and Modeling

A heuristic is a type of problem-solving approach that involves using practical, trial-and-error methods to find solutions to problems. Heuristics are often used when it is not possible to use a more formal, systematic approach to solve a problem, and they can be useful for finding approximate solutions or identifying patterns in data.

A machine learning algorithm, on the other hand, is a type of computer program that is designed to learn from data and improve its performance over time. Machine learning algorithms use statistical techniques to analyze data and make predictions or decisions based on that analysis.

There are several key differences between heuristics and machine learning algorithms:

  1. Purpose: Heuristics are often used to find approximate or suboptimal solutions to problems, while machine learning algorithms are used to make accurate predictions or decisions based on data.

  2. Data: Heuristics do not typically involve the use of data, while machine learning algorithms rely on data to learn and improve their performance.

  3. Learning: Heuristics do not involve learning or improving over time, while machine learning algorithms are designed to learn and adapt based on the data they are given.

  4. Complexity: Heuristics are often simpler and faster than machine learning algorithms, but they may not be as accurate or reliable. Machine learning algorithms can be more complex and time-consuming, but they may be more accurate and reliable as a result.

Overall, heuristics and machine learning algorithms are different approaches to solving problems and making decisions. Heuristics are often used for approximate or suboptimal solutions, while machine learning algorithms are used for more accurate and reliable predictions and decisions based on data.

What is machine learning and how does Netflix use it for its recommendation engine?

What is machine learning and how does Netflix use it for its recommendation engine?

What is machine learning and how does Netflix use it for its recommendation engine?

What is an online recommendation engine?

Think about examples of machine learning you may have encountered in the past such as a website like Netflix  that recommends what video you may be interested in watching next?
Are the recommendations ever wrong or unfair? We will  give an example and explain how this could be addressed.

2023 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Practice Exams
2023 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Practice Exams

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence that Netflix uses to create its recommendation algorithm. The goal of machine learning is to teach computers to learn from data and make predictions based on that data. To do this, Netflix employs Machine Learning Engineers, Data Scientists, and software developers to design and build algorithms that can automatically improve over time. The Netflix recommendations engine is just one example of how machine learning can be used to improve the user experience. By understanding what users watch and why, the recommendations engine can provide tailored suggestions that help users find new shows and movies to enjoy. Machine learning is also used for other Netflix features, such as predicting which shows a user might be interested in watching next, or detecting inappropriate content. In a world where data is becoming increasingly important, machine learning will continue to play a vital role in helping Netflix deliver a great experience to its users.

What is machine learning and how does Netflix use it for its recommendation engine?
What is machine learning and how does Netflix use it for its recommendation engine?

Netflix’s recommendation engine is one of the company’s most valuable assets. By using machine learning, Netflix is able to constantly improve its recommendations for each individual user.

Machine learning engineers, data scientists, and developers work together to build and improve the recommendation engine.

  • They start by collecting data on what users watch and how they interact with the Netflix interface.
  • This data is then used to train machine learning models.
  • The models are constantly being tweaked and improved by the team of engineers.
  • The goal is to make sure that each user sees recommendations that are highly relevant to their interests.

Thanks to the work of the team, Netflix’s recommendation engine is constantly getting better at understanding each individual user.

How Does It Work?

In short, Netflix’s recommendation algorithm looks at what you’ve watched in the past and then makes recommendations based on that data. But of course, it’s a bit more complicated than that. The algorithm also looks at data from other users with similar watching habits to yours. This allows Netflix to give you more tailored recommendations.

For example, say you’re a big fan of Friends (who isn’t?). The algorithm knows that a lot of Friends fans also like shows like Cheers, Seinfeld, and The Office. So, if you’re ever feeling nostalgic and in the mood for a sitcom marathon, Netflix will be there to help you out.

But That’s Not All…

Not only does the algorithm take into account what you’ve watched in the past, but it also looks at what you’re currently watching. For example, let’s say you’re halfway through Season 2 of Breaking Bad and you decide to take a break for a few days. When you come back and finish Season 2, the algorithm knows that you’re now interested in similar shows like Dexter and The Wire. And voila! Those shows will now be recommended to you.

Of course, the algorithm isn’t perfect. There are always going to be times when it recommends a show or movie that just doesn’t interest you. But hey, that’s why they have the “thumbs up/thumbs down” feature. Just give those shows the old thumbs down and never think about them again! Problem solved.

Another angle :

When it comes to TV and movie recommendations, there are two main types of data that are being collected and analyzed:

1) demographic data

2) viewing data.

Demographic data is information like your age, gender, location, etc. This data is generally used to group people with similar interests together so that they can be served more targeted recommendations. For example, if you’re a 25-year-old female living in Los Angeles, you might be grouped together with other 25-year-old females living in Los Angeles who have similar viewing habits as you.

Viewing data is exactly what it sounds like—it’s information on what TV shows and movies you’ve watched in the past. This data is used to identify patterns in your viewing habits so that the algorithm can make better recommendations on what you might want to watch next. For example, if you’ve watched a lot of romantic comedies in the past, the algorithm might recommend other romantic comedies that you might like based on those patterns.

Are the Recommendations Ever Wrong or Unfair?
Yes and no. The fact of the matter is that no algorithm is perfect—there will always be some error involved. However, these errors are usually minor and don’t have a major impact on our lives. In fact, we often don’t even notice them!

The bigger issue with machine learning isn’t inaccuracy; it’s bias. Because algorithms are designed by humans, they often contain human biases that can seep into the recommendations they make. For example, a recent study found that Amazon’s algorithms were biased against women authors because the majority of book purchases on the site were made by men. As a result, Amazon’s algorithms were more likely to recommend books written by men over books written by women—regardless of quality or popularity.

These sorts of biases can have major impacts on our lives because they can dictate what we see and don’t see online. If we’re only seeing content that reflects our own biases back at us, we’re not getting a well-rounded view of the world—and that can have serious implications for both our personal lives and society as a whole.

One of the benefits of machine learning is that it can help us make better decisions. For example, if you’re trying to decide what movie to watch on Netflix, the site will use your past viewing history to recommend movies that you might like. This is possible because machine learning algorithms are able to identify patterns in data.

Another benefit of machine learning is that it can help us automate tasks. For example, if you’re a cashier and have to scan the barcodes of the items someone is buying, a machine learning algorithm can be used to automatically scan the barcodes and calculate the total cost of the purchase. This can save time and increase efficiency.

The Consequences of Machine Learning

While machine learning can be beneficial, there are also some potential consequences that should be considered. One consequence is that machine learning algorithms can perpetuate bias. For example, if you’re using a machine learning algorithm to recommend movies to people on Netflix, the algorithm might only recommend movies that are similar to ones that people have already watched. This could lead to people only watching movies that confirm their existing beliefs instead of challenged them.

Another consequence of machine learning is that it can be difficult to understand how the algorithms work. This is because the algorithms are usually created by trained experts and then fine-tuned through trial and error. As a result, regular people often don’t know how or why certain decisions are being made by machines. This lack of transparency can lead to mistrust and frustration.

What is Problem Formulation in Machine Learning and Top 4 examples of Problem Formulation in Machine Learning?

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What are some ways we can use machine learning and artificial intelligence for algorithmic trading in the stock market?

What are some ways we can use machine learning and artificial intelligence for algorithmic trading in the stock market?

What are some ways we can use machine learning and artificial intelligence for algorithmic trading in the stock market?

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are changing Algorithmic Trading. Algorithmic trading is the use of computer programs to make trading decisions in the financial markets. These programs are based on a set of rules that take into account a variety of factors, including market conditions and the behavior of other traders. In recent years, machine learning and artificial intelligence have begun to play a role in algorithmic trading. Here’s a look at how these cutting-edge technologies are changing the landscape of stock market trading.

What are some ways we can use machine learning and artificial intelligence for algorithmic trading in the stock market?
What are some ways we can use machine learning and artificial intelligence for algorithmic trading in the stock market?

Machine Learning in Algorithmic Trading

Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows computer programs to learn from data and improve their performance over time. This technology is well-suited for algorithmic trading because it can help programs to better identify trading opportunities and make more accurate predictions about future market movements.

One way that machine learning is being used in algorithmic trading is through the development of so-called “predictive models.” These models are designed to analyze past data (such as prices, volumes, and order types) in order to identify patterns that could be used to predict future market movements. By using predictive models, algorithmic trading systems can become more accurate over time, which can lead to improved profits.

How Does Machine Learning Fit into Algorithmic Trading?

Machine learning algorithms can be used to automatically generate trading signals. These signals can then be fed into an execution engine that will automatically place trades on your behalf. The beauty of using machine learning for algorithmic trading is that it can help you find patterns in data that would be impossible for humans to find. For example, you might use machine learning to detect small changes in the price of a stock that are not apparent to the naked eye but could indicate a potential buying or selling opportunity.

Artificial Intelligence in Algorithmic Trading


Artificial intelligence (AI) is another cutting-edge technology that is beginning to have an impact on algorithmic trading. AI systems are able to learn and evolve over time, just like humans do. This makes them well-suited for tasks such as identifying patterns in data and making predictions about future market movements. AI systems can also be used to develop “virtual assistants” for traders. These assistants can help with tasks such as monitoring the markets, executing trades, and managing risk.

According to Martha Stokes, Algorithmic Trading will continue to expand on the Professional Side of the market, in particular for these Market Participant Groups:

Buy Side Institutions, aka Dark Pools. Although the Buy Side is also going to continue to use the trading floor and proprietary desk traders, even outsourcing some of their trading needs, algorithms are an integral part of their advance order types which can have as many as 10 legs (different types of trading instruments across multiple Financial Markets all tied to one primary order) the algorithms aid in managing these extremely complex orders.

Sell Side Institutions, aka Banks, Financial Services. Banks actually do the trading for corporate buybacks, which appear to be continuing even into 2020. Trillions of corporate dollars have been spent (often heavy borrowing by corporations to do buybacks) in the past few years, but the appetite for buybacks doesn’t appear to be abating yet. Algorithms aid in triggering price to move the stock upward. Buybacks are used to create speculation and rising stock values.

High Frequency Trading Firms (HFTs) are heavily into algorithms and will continue to be on the cutting edge of this technology, creating advancements that other market participants will adopt later.

Hedge Funds also use algorithms, especially for contrarian trading and investments.

Corporations do not actually do their own buybacks; they defer this task to their bank of record.

Professional Trading Firms that offer trading services to the Dark Pools are increasing their usage of algorithms.

Smaller Funds Groups use algorithms less and tend to invest similarly to the retail side.

The advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Dark Data Mining are all contributing to the increased use of algorithmic trading.

Computer programs that automatically make trading decisions use mathematical models and statistical analysis to make predictions about the future direction of prices. Machine learning and artificial intelligence can be used to improve the accuracy of these predictions.

1. Using machine learning for stock market prediction: Machine learning algorithms can be used to predict the future direction of prices. These predictions can be used to make buy or sell decisions in an automated fashion.

2. Improving the accuracy of predictions: The accuracy of predictions made by algorithmic trading programs can be improved by using more data points and more sophisticated machine learning algorithms.

3. Automating decision-making: Once predictions have been made, algorithmic trading programs can automatically make buy or sell decisions based on those predictions. This eliminates the need for human intervention and allows trades to be made quickly and efficiently.

4. Reducing costs: Automated algorithmic trading can help reduce transaction costs by making trades quickly and efficiently. This is because there are no delays caused by human decision-making processes.

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence To Build Algorithmic Trading Strategies

To conclude:

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are two cutting-edge technologies that are beginning to have an impact on algorithmic trading. By using these technologies, traders can develop more accurate predictive models and virtual assistants to help with tasks such as monitoring the markets and executing trades. In the future, we can expect machine learning and AI to play an even greater role in stock market trading. If you are interested in using machine learning and AI for algorithmic trading, we recommend that you consult with a professional who has experience in this area.

CAVEAT by Ross:

Can it predict?

Yes, to a certain extent. And let’s be honest, all you care about is that it predicts it in such a way you can extract profit out of your AI/ML model.

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)

Ultimately, people drive the stock market. Even the models they build, no matter how fancy they build their AI/ML models..

And people in general are stupid, and make stupid mistakes. This will always account for “weird behavior” on pricing of stocks and other financial derivatives. Therefore the search of being able to explain “what drives the stock market” is futile beyond the extend of simple macro economic indicators. The economy does well. Profits go up, fellas buy stocks and this will be priced in the asset. Economy goes through the shitter, firms will do bad, people sell their stocks and as a result the price will reflect a lower value.

The drive for predicting markets should be based on profits, not as academia suggests “logic”. Look back at all the idiots who drove businesses in the ground the last 20/30 years. They will account for noise in your information. The focus on this should receive much more information. The field of behavioral finance is very interesting and unfortunately there isn’t much literature/books in this field (except work by Kahneman).

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r/economy - Best and worst performing currencies in 2022. Russian Ruble is numba one.

What is Problem Formulation in Machine Learning and Top 4 examples of Problem Formulation in Machine Learning?

Summary of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Capabilities

What is Problem Formulation in Machine Learning and Top 4 examples of Problem Formulation in Machine Learning?

Machine Learning (ML) is a field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enables computers to learn from data, without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning algorithms build models based on sample data, known as “training data”, in order to make predictions or decisions, rather than following rules written by humans. Machine learning is closely related to and often overlaps with computational statistics; a discipline that also focuses on prediction-making through the use of computers. Machine learning can be applied in a wide variety of domains, such as medical diagnosis, stock trading, robot control, manufacturing and more.

Problem Formulation in Machine Learning
What is Problem Formulation in Machine Learning and Top 4 examples of Problem Formulation in Machine Learning?

The process of machine learning consists of several steps: first, data is collected; then, a model is selected or created; finally, the model is trained on the collected data and then applied to new data. This process is often referred to as the “machine learning pipeline”. Problem formulation is the second step in this pipeline and it consists of selecting or creating a suitable model for the task at hand and determining how to represent the collected data so that it can be used by the selected model. In other words, problem formulation is the process of taking a real-world problem and translating it into a format that can be solved by a machine learning algorithm.

2023 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Practice Exams
2023 AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Practice Exams

There are many different types of machine learning problems, such as classification, regression, prediction and so on. The choice of which type of problem to formulate depends on the nature of the task at hand and the type of data available. For example, if we want to build a system that can automatically detect fraudulent credit card transactions, we would formulate a classification problem. On the other hand, if our goal is to predict the sale price of houses given information about their size, location and age, we would formulate a regression problem. In general, it is best to start with a simple problem formulation and then move on to more complex ones if needed.

Some common examples of problem formulations in machine learning are:
Classification: given an input data point (e.g., an image), predict its category label (e.g., dog vs cat).
Regression: given an input data point (e.g., size and location of a house), predict a continuous output value (e.g., sale price).
Prediction: given an input sequence (e.g., a series of past stock prices), predict the next value in the sequence (e.g., future stock price).
Anomaly detection: given an input data point (e.g., transaction details), decide whether it is normal or anomalous (i.e., fraudulent).
Recommendation: given information about users (e.g., age and gender) and items (e.g., books and movies), recommend items to users (e.g., suggest books for someone who likes romance novels).
Optimization: given a set of constraints (e.g., budget) and objectives (e.g., maximize profit), find the best solution (e.g., product mix).

Machine Learning For Dummies
Machine Learning For Dummies

ML For Dummies on iOs

ML PRO without ADS on iOs [No Ads]

ML PRO without ADS on Windows [No Ads]

ML PRO For Web/Android on Amazon [No Ads]

Problem Formulation: What this pipeline phase entails and why it’s important

The problem formulation phase of the ML Pipeline is critical, and it’s where everything begins. Typically, this phase is kicked off with a question of some kind. Examples of these kinds of questions include: Could cars really drive themselves?  What additional product should we offer someone as they checkout? How much storage will clients need from a data center at a given time?

The problem formulation phase starts by seeing a problem and thinking “what question, if I could answer it, would provide the most value to my business?” If I knew the next product a customer was going to buy, is that most valuable? If I knew what was going to be popular over the holidays, is that most valuable? If I better understood who my customers are, is that most valuable?

However, some problems are not so obvious. When sales drop, new competitors emerge, or there’s a big change to a company/team/org, it can be easy to say, “I see the problem!” But sometimes the problem isn’t so clear. Consider self-driving cars. How many people think to themselves, “driving cars is a huge problem”? Probably not many. In fact, there isn’t a problem in the traditional sense of the word but there is an opportunity. Creating self-driving cars is a huge opportunity. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem or challenge connected to that opportunity. How do you design a self-driving system? What data would you look at to inform the decisions you make? Will people purchase self-driving cars?

Part of the problem formulation phase includes seeing where there are opportunities to use machine learning.

In the following practice examples, you are presented with four different business scenarios. For each scenario, consider the following questions:

  1. Is machine learning appropriate for this problem, and why or why not?
  2. What is the ML problem if there is one, and what would a success metric look like?
  3. What kind of ML problem is this?
  4. Is the data appropriate?’

The solutions given in this article are one of the many ways you can formulate a business problem.

I)  Amazon recently began advertising to its customers when they visit the company website. The Director in charge of the initiative wants the advertisements to be as tailored to the customer as possible. You will have access to all the data from the retail webpage, as well as all the customer data.

  1. ML is appropriate because of the scale, variety and speed required. There are potentially thousands of ads and millions of customers that need to be served customized ads immediately as they arrive to the site.
  2. The problem is ads that are not useful to customers are a wasted opportunity and a nuisance to customers, yet not serving ads at all is a wasted opportunity. So how does Amazon serve the most relevant advertisements to its retail customers?
    1. Success would be the purchase of a product that was advertised.
  3. This is a supervised learning problem because we have a labeled data point, our success metric, which is the purchase of a product.
  4. This data is appropriate because it is both the retail webpage data as well as the customer data.

II) You’re a Senior Business Analyst at a social media company that focuses on streaming. Streamers use a combination of hashtags and predefined categories to be discoverable by your platform’s consumers. You ran an analysis on unique streamer counts by hashtags and categories over the last month and found that out of tens of thousands of streamers, almost all use only 40 hashtags and 10 categories despite innumerable hashtags and hundreds of categories. You presume the predefined categories don’t represent all the possibilities very well, and that streamers are simply picking the closest fit. You figure there are likely many categories and groupings of streamers that are not accounted for. So you collect a dataset that consists of all streamer profile descriptions (all text), all the historical chat information for each streamer, and all their videos that have been streamed.

  1. ML is appropriate because of the scale and variability.
  2. The problem is the content of streamers is not being represented by the existing categories. Success would be naturally grouping the streamers into categories based on content and seeing if those align with the hashtags and categories that are being commonly used.  If they do not, then the streamers are not being well represented and you can use these groupings to create new categories.
  3. There isn’t a specific outcome variable. There’s no target or label. So this is an unsupervised problem.
  4. The data is appropriate.

III) You’re a headphone manufacturer who sells directly to big and small electronic stores. As an attempt to increase competitive pricing, Store 1 and Store 2 decided to put together the pricing details for all headphone manufacturers and their products (about 350 products) and conduct daily releases of the data. You will have all the specs from each manufacturer and their product’s pricing. Your sales have recently been dropping so your first concern is whether there are competing products that are priced lower than your flagship product.

  1. ML is probably not necessary for this. You can just search the dataset to see which headphones are priced lower than the flagship, then compare their features and build quality.

IV) You’re a Senior Product Manager at a leading ridesharing company. You did some market research, collected customer feedback, and discovered that both customers and drivers are not happy with an app feature. This feature allows customers to place a pin exactly where they want to be picked up. The customers say drivers rarely stop at the pin location. Drivers say customers most often put the pin in a place they can’t stop. Your company has a relationship with the most used maps app for the driver’s navigation so you leverage this existing relationship to get direct, backend access to their data. This includes latitude and longitude, visual photos of each lat/long, traffic delay details, and regulation data if available (ie- No Parking zones, 3 minute parking zones, fire hydrants, etc.).

  1. ML is appropriate because of the scale and automation involved. It’s not feasible to drive everywhere and write down all the places that are ok for pickup. However, maybe we can predict whether a location is ok for pickup.
  2. The problem is drivers and customers are having poor experiences connecting for pickup, which is pushing customers away from the platform.
    1. Success would be properly identifying appropriate pickup locations so they can be integrated into the feature.
  3. This is a supervised learning problem even though there aren’t any labels, yet. Someone will have to go through a sample of the data to label where there are ok places to park and not park, giving the algorithms some target information.
  4. The data is appropriate once a sample of the dataset has been labeled. There may be some other data that could be included too. What about asking UPS for driver stop information? Where do they stop?

In conclusion, problem formulation is an important step in the machine learning pipeline that should not be overlooked or underestimated. It can make or break a machine learning project; therefore, it is important to take care when formulating machine learning problems.”

AWS machine Learning Specialty Exam Prep MLS-C01
AWS machine Learning Specialty Exam Prep MLS-C01

Step by Step Solution to a Machine Learning Problem – Feature Engineering

Feature Engineering is the act of reshaping and curating existing data to make patters more apparent. This process makes the data easier for an ML model to understand. Using knowledge of the data, features are engineered and  tuned to make ML algorithms work more efficiently.


For this problem, imagine a scenario where you are running a real estate brokerage and you want to predict the selling price of a house. Using a specific county dataset and simple information (like the location, total square footage, and number of bedrooms), let’s practice training a baseline model, conducting feature engineering, and tuning a model to make a prediction.

First, load the dataset and take a look at its basic properties.

# Load the dataset
import pandas as pd
import boto3

df = pd.read_csv(“xxxxx_data_2.csv”)

AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence (OpenAI, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Generative AI, Discriminative AI, xAI, LLMs, GPUs, Machine Learning, NLP, Promp Engineering)
housing dataset example
housing dataset example: xxxxx_data_2.csv



This dataset has 21 columns:

  • id – Unique id number
  • date – Date of the house sale
  • price – Price the house sold for
  • bedrooms – Number of bedrooms
  • bathrooms – Number of bathrooms
  • sqft_living – Number of square feet of the living space
  • sqft_lot – Number of square feet of the lot
  • floors – Number of floors in the house
  • waterfront – Whether the home is on the waterfront
  • view – Number of lot sides with a view
  • condition – Condition of the house
  • grade – Classification by construction quality
  • sqft_above – Number of square feet above ground
  • sqft_basement – Number of square feet below ground
  • yr_built – Year built
  • yr_renovated – Year renovated
  • zipcode – ZIP code
  • lat – Latitude
  • long – Longitude
  • sqft_living15 – Number of square feet of living space in 2015 (can differ from sqft_living in the case of recent renovations)
  • sqrt_lot15 – Nnumber of square feet of lot space in 2015 (can differ from sqft_lot in the case of recent renovations)

This dataset is rich and provides a fantastic playground for the exploration of feature engineering. This exercise will focus on a small number of columns. If you are interested, you could return to this dataset later to practice feature engineering on the remaining columns.

A baseline model

Now, let’s  train a baseline model.

People often look at square footage first when evaluating a home. We will do the same in the oflorur model and ask how well can the cost of the house be approximated based on this number alone. We will train a simple linear learner model (documentation). We will compare to this after finishing the feature engineering.

import sagemaker
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import time

t1 = time.time()

# Split training, validation, and test
ys = np.array(df[‘price’]).astype(“float32”)
xs = np.array(df[‘sqft_living’]).astype(“float32”).reshape(-1,1)

train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels = train_test_split(xs, ys, test_size=0.2)
val_features, test_features, val_labels, test_labels = train_test_split(test_features, test_labels, test_size=0.5)

# Train model
linear_model = sagemaker.LinearLearner(role=sagemaker.get_execution_role(),

train_records = linear_model.record_set(train_features, train_labels, channel=’train’)
val_records = linear_model.record_set(val_features, val_labels, channel=’validation’)
test_records = linear_model.record_set(test_features, test_labels, channel=’test’)[train_records, val_records, test_records], logs=False), metric_names = [‘test:mse’, ‘test:absolute_loss’]).dataframe()


If you examine the quality metrics, you will see that the absolute loss is about $175,000.00. This tells us that the model is able to predict within an average of $175k of the true price. For a model based upon a single variable, this is not bad. Let’s try to do some feature engineering to improve on it.

Throughout the following work, we will constantly be adding to a dataframe called encoded. You will start by populating encoded with just the square footage you used previously.


encoded = df[[‘sqft_living’]].copy()

Categorical variables

Let’s start by including some categorical variables, beginning with simple binary variables.

The dataset has the waterfront feature, which is a binary variable. We should change the encoding from 'Y' and 'N' to 1 and 0. This can be done using the map function (documentation) provided by Pandas. It expects either a function to apply to that column or a dictionary to look up the correct transformation.

Binary categorical

Let’s write code to transform the waterfront variable into binary values. The skeleton has been provided below.

encoded[‘waterfront’] = df[‘waterfront’].map({‘Y’:1, ‘N’:0})

You can also encode many class categorical variables. Look at column condition, which gives a score of the quality of the house. Looking into the data source shows that the condition can be thought of as an ordinal categorical variable, so it makes sense to encode it with the order.

Ordinal categorical

Using the same method as in question 1, encode the ordinal categorical variable condition into the numerical range of 1 through 5.

encoded[‘condition’] = df[‘condition’].map({‘Poor’:1, ‘Fair’:2, ‘Average’:3, ‘Good’:4, ‘Very Good’:5})

A slightly more complex categorical variable is ZIP code. If you have worked with geospatial data, you may know that the full ZIP code is often too fine-grained to use as a feature on its own. However, there are only 7070 unique ZIP codes in this dataset, so we may use them.

However, we do not want to use unencoded ZIP codes. There is no reason that a larger ZIP code should correspond to a higher or lower price, but it is likely that particular ZIP codes would. This is the perfect case to perform one-hot encoding. You can use the get_dummies function (documentation) from Pandas to do this.

Nominal categorical

Using the Pandas get_dummies function,  add columns to one-hot encode the ZIP code and add it to the dataset.

encoded = pd.concat([encoded, pd.get_dummies(df[‘zipcode’])], axis=1)

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In this way, you may freely encode whatever categorical variables you wish. Be aware that for categorical variables with many categories, something will need to be done to reduce the number of columns created.

One additional technique, which is simple but can be highly successful, involves turning the ZIP code into a single numerical column by creating a single feature that is the average price of a home in that ZIP code. This is called target encoding.

To do this, use groupby (documentation) and mean (documentation) to first group the rows of the DataFrame by ZIP code and then take the mean of each group. The resulting object can be mapped over the ZIP code column to encode the feature.

Nominal categorical II

Complete the following code snippet to provide a target encoding for the ZIP code.

means = df.groupby(‘zipcode’)[‘price’].mean()
encoded[‘zip_mean’] = df[‘zipcode’].map(means)

Normally, you only either one-hot encode or target encode. For this exercise, leave both in. In practice, you should try both, see which one performs better on a validation set, and then use that method.


Take a look at the dataset. Print a summary of the encoded dataset using describe (documentation).


Scaling  - summary of the encoded dataset using describe
Scaling – summary of the encoded dataset using describe

One column ranges from 290290 to 1354013540 (sqft_living), another column ranges from 11 to 55 (condition), 7171 columns are all either 00 or 11 (one-hot encoded ZIP code), and then the final column ranges from a few hundred thousand to a couple million (zip_mean).

In a linear model, these will not be on equal footing. The sqft_living column will be approximately 1300013000 times easier for the model to find a pattern in than the other columns. To solve this, you often want to scale features to a standardized range. In this case, you will scale sqft_living to lie within 00 and 11.

Feature scaling

Fill in the code skeleton below to scale the column of the DataFrame to be between 00 and 11.

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sqft_min = encoded[‘sqft_living’].min()
sqft_max = encoded[‘sqft_living’].max()
encoded[‘sqft_living’] = encoded[‘sqft_living’].map(lambda x : (x-sqft_min)/(sqft_max – sqft_min))

cond_min = encoded[‘condition’].min()
cond_max = encoded[‘condition’].max()
encoded[‘condition’] = encoded[‘condition’].map(lambda x : (x-cond_min)/(cond_max – cond_min))]

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How do we know that the Top 3 Voice Recognition Devices like Siri Alexa and Ok Google are not spying on us?

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How do we know that the Top 3 Voice Recognition Devices like Siri Alexa and Ok Google are not spying on us?

When you ask Siri a question, she gives you an answer. But have you ever stopped to wonder how she knows the answer? After all, she’s just a computer program, right? Well, actually, Siri is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). This means that she constantly learning and getting better at understanding human speech. So when you ask her a question, she uses her ML algorithms to figure out what you’re saying and then provides you with an answer.

So, How do we know that the Top 3 Voice Recognition Devices like Siri Alexa and Ok Google are not spying on us?

The Amazon Echo is a voice-activated speaker powered by Amazon’s AI assistant, Alexa. Echo uses far-field voice recognition to hear you from across the room, even while music is playing. Once it hears the wake word “Alexa,” it streams audio to the cloud, where the Alexa Voice Service turns the speech into text. Machine learning algorithms then analyze this text to try to understand what you want.

But what does this have to do with spying? Well, it turns out that ML can also be used to eavesdrop on people’s conversations. This is why many people are concerned about their privacy when using voice-activated assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Ok Google. However, there are a few things that you can do to protect your privacy. For example, you can disable voice recognition on your devices or only use them when you’re in a private location. You can also be careful about what information you share with voice-activated assistants. So while they may not be perfect, there are ways that you can minimize the risk of them spying on you.

Some applications which have background components, such as Facebook, do send ambient sounds to their data centers for processing. In so doing, they collect information on what you are talking about, and use it to target advertising.

Siri, Google, and Alexa only do this to decide whether or not you’ve invoked the activation trigger. For Apple hardware, recognition of “Siri, …” happens in hardware locally, without sending out data for recognition. The same for “Alexa, …” for Alexa hardware, and “Hey, Google, …” for Google hardware.

Things get more complicated for these three things, when they are installed cross-platform. So, for example, to make “Hey, Google, …” work on non-Google hardware, where it’s not possible to do the recognition locally, yes, it listens. But unlike Facebook, it’s not recording ambient to collect keywords.

Practically, it’s my understanding that the tree major brands don’t, and it’s only things like Facebook which more or less “violate your trust like this. And other than Facebook, I’m uncertain whether or not any other App does this.

You’ll find that most of the terms and conditions you’ve agreed to on installation of a third party App, grant them pretty broad discretion.

Personally, I tend to not install Apps like that, and use the WebUI from the mobile device browser instead.

If you do that, instead of installing an App, you rob them of their power to eavesdrop effectively. Source: Terry Lambert

How do we know that the Top 3 Voice Recognition Devices like Siri Alexa and Ok Google are not spying on us?


Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) concerned with the design and development of algorithms that learn from data. Machine learning algorithms have been used for a variety of tasks, including voice recognition, image classification, and spam detection. In recent years, there has been growing concern about the use of machine learning for surveillance and spying. However, it is important to note that machine learning is not necessarily synonymous with spying. Machine learning algorithms can be used for good or ill, depending on how they are designed and deployed. When it comes to voice-activated assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and OK Google, the primary concern is privacy. These assistants are constantly listening for their wake words, which means they may be recording private conversations without the user’s knowledge or consent. While it is possible that these recordings could be used for nefarious purposes, it is also important to remember that machine learning algorithms are not perfect. There is always the possibility that recordings could be misclassified or misinterpreted. As such, it is important to weigh the risks and benefits of using voice-activated assistants before making a decision about whether or not to use them.

How Microsoft’s Cortana Stacks Up Against Siri and Alexa in Terms of Intelligence?

How do we know that the Top 3 Voice Recognition Devices like Siri Alexa and Ok Google are not spying on us?
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